Clear Cut Bias of the Zionist Press in Canada: Case In Point, The Hamilton Spectator

Boycotting the Hamilton Spectator for its contempt for Palestinian life 

While the Middle East coverage by the Hamilton Spectator has never been good, two incidents in recent weeks demonstrate that it is truly hateful toward Palestinians:

  1. On Thursday, Nov. 23 , the Spec REJECTED an ad listing the names of the 5600+ Palestinian children who had been killed by Israel and calling for a ceasefire.  The ad was sponsored by CJPME and the Muslim Council of Greater Hamilton.
  2. Yet less than two weeks ago, on Nov. 11, the Spec PUBLISHED a full-page ad about the Israeli hostages held by Hamas, showing each of their pictures and calling for their release.

That the Spec would refusing an ad expressing sympathy for Palestinian victims, yet publish another ad expressing sympathy for Israeli victims shows that the Hamilton Spectator is NO LONGER WORTHY OF OUR BUSINESS.

Tell the Hamilton Spectator that you’re done with it!  Please take 30 seconds to tell the owners and leadership at the Hamilton Spectator that you will henceforth 1) refuse to ever buy any issues of the Spec, 2) refuse to ever buy or place ads in the Spec, and 3) instruct your friends and family to do the same.

Organizer’s Tribute to Paul Fromm & Malcolm Ross, Speakers at CAFE Meeting in Nova Scotia, November 23

Organizer’s Tribute to Paul Fromm & Malcolm Ross, Speakers at CAFE Meeting in Nova Scotia, November 23

Maritimes AC hosted a private event and dinner with Paul Fromm and Malcolm Ross. Two men that have fought for our people for decades as warriors for truth, advocates for our people and political activism. These two gentlemen talked about their own place within the movement and our shared history, but what was truly impressive is how well kept up they were on current events and the struggles of our People today. They showed an energy and vitality that was still very much alive with the fires of truth showing that the grinding, thankless task of politically fighting for our People for decades has not slowed them down. Members discussed plans for the future, history, lineage, fatherhood, Christianity, Race, geopolitics and more. 
It was equally important for Paul and Malcolm to see that there will be future torchbearers and because of men like them who laid the foundations of WN 1.0 that our struggle here today will continue. It was a hopeful evening filled with bold bright predictions for the future. As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. In both mind and body when our People come together we are made stronger.

Justice Critic Gordon Watson Demands Action By BC Attorney General for September 20 Anti-Freedom Riot

Following is my 3rd letter to Peter Juk, after the riot at the Legislature which ruined the parental rights rally

Back in 1982, I met the Battling Barrister, Doug Christie, one of the noblest of them all.  He taught me : Freedom of speech  IS the issue.

I see the Trans-in-sanity thing as a passing fad.  Disastrous to those entranced by it, yet,   this too, shall pass. I am doing what I can to see the enemies of Freedom made accountable.

Gordon S Watson……………………

November  21st   2023

Peter Juk,  Deputy Attorney General
                   Criminal Justice Branch

01         This is my 3rd letter in expectation that the BC Prosecution Service will deal appropriately with the outrage which went on at the Legislature grounds on September 20th 2023.  Yet no reply?   Strikes me that two months is more than enough for a Branch of the government, to, at the very least , acknowledge concerns that I and many citizens have, regarding criminality we suffered at that riot.

02    Enclosed find a copy of the newspaper  DRUTHERS  which I was handing out that day.  The articles entitled “I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids – Now I’m blowing the Whistle” &  “From Transgender to Transhuman”are important for all-concerned to grasp the enormity of the problem of which the riot was a symptom.  See also the article ‘A medical atrocity’.    The classic treatise “Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of Crowds” by Charles Mackay is required reading in order for you to understand what is going on.    And what will continue to go on and get worse unless the Criminal Justice Branch does its duty to put the thugs in their place.   Meaning, the engine of the crimes committed by the mob that day, is  = hatred generated by profound mental illness.  Recent articles in the newsmedia ought to educate you that decent people no longer forebear criminals large and small, ‘getting away with murder’, by playing the mental illness card.    Ordinary people have the right to quiet enjoyment of public places.

03           What we saw on September 20th 2023 was the outworking of what Professor Marshal McLuhan observed : “When someone feels his self image is threatened he has a mandate for war”.  The A-pot-em-no-phil-iacs gained control of government apparatus by subterfuge.  The BC Civil Rights Code was amended by three readings in the House in one day while the public gallery was packed with supporters of Trans-gender-ism. Meanwhile ordinary British Columbians heard not a peep about it and were never consulted about reversal of the right to Freedom of Expression on this particular topic.    The self-image of those suffering ‘gender dysphoria’ aka A-pot-em-no-philia, is so fragile that, when their theology is criticized, they –   having nothing intelligent to say –  retaliate as experienced on the lawn of the Leg.    Demons moving individual meat puppets in mindless rage to a criminal extent.

04     My Grade 3 teacher taught us : ‘When people run out of intelligent things to say, they resort to profanity”.   Read through the transcript of the conference call of those who organized the riot, which I sent you in my last letter.   Writ large is tacit admission that they know they have no comeback in polite dialogue.    So they revile their political enemies as ‘bigots / fascists / haters’. This is dehumanization — stoking-up union members to go out and “overwhelm / displace by sheer numbers”  citizens assembled peacefully in the public square practising democracy.
Well, video recordings of the rallies in Victoria and Vancouver, show who the real haters are.      

05     Enclosed find a copy of a summary composed hours after the Event, by someone who was there.  Notice the slogans she reports as being chanted.  “fascist” “bigot”.  Especially ominous is  “Black Lives Matter”.  In order for your Branch to realize the potential for much worse to come, your homework is you must view video footage of mobs howling the same slogans, marauding through cities in the united States of America, not very long ago.     If you say ‘that can’t happen here’ I remind you that it already did happen here. As the mob broke down the statue of Captain Cook,  VPD officers were right there on the spot yet did nothing. Your branch then did nothing.   Studied evasion of your duty to enforce the law told the perps coddled by the NDP’s farm team at City Hall, i.e. ‘civil rights poverty pimps’ they are ‘untouchable’ in this present political climate.   The riot by Trans-idiots was an indicator how bad it is. They set out to and did impose by force,  their doctrine of sexual perversion on anyone who disagrees. Unless you get serious about the crimes they committed at the Legislature, the sickness will get  much  worse.

06     Lately we see people wringing their hands and whimpering about “law-less’ness’ on the downtown streets.  That didn’t happen overnight.  There is no other, more logical explanation for how bad things are now, but that the degradation of the physical plant of the city, and the outrageous attacks – even murders – on innocent people, is directly consequent from the communist strategy of emasculating leadership of law enforcement.  From what I’ve seen so far, those who promote SOGI123 are aiding and abetting what we used to call  “child molesters”.       The people shown on the video recording of the conference call were part of that longterm agenda; that is, engaged in a criminal conspiracy to commit indictable offences. It doesn’t get much more serious than that.   What are you going to do about it?

07   My letter of November 8th 2023  included a photograph of a man carrying the flag of the BCGEU at the riot.  It occurred to me that you may be a member of the BC Government Employees Union.  If so, that would explain why no response to my allegations.      So, “yes”  or  “no”?

Freedom fighter Gordon Watson.

Mr Juk.  Are you a member of the BC Government employees union?   Similarly :  Are members of the staff of the BC Prosecution Service members of the BC Government Employees Union?

Gordon S Watson

#4   5177 William Head Road    Metchosin  British Columbia   V9C 4H5

Anarcho-Tyranny In Canada: Lying Press, Montreal Antifa, Law Enforcement Suppress Young U.S. Female Musicians

Anarcho-Tyranny In Canada: Lying Press, Montreal Antifa, Law Enforcement Suppress Young U.S. Female Musicians’ Concert

Noah Arnold11/16/2023A+|a-

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Back in August of 2023, American female musicians Gezebelle Gaburgably [Instagram/SoundCloud], 19, and Brynn Miche [Instagram], 23, scheduled a concert in Montreal, the largest city in Canada’s French-speaking province of Quebec, at a small bar venue called the Brasserie Beaubien. They have a small but enthusiastic fanbase in Montreal and 42 tickets were sold before the scheduled performance on November 11th, 2023. Montreal was to be Gaburgably’s first stop in a two-show tour in Canada, the second at Lee’s Palace in Toronto. In a classic case of Anarcho-Tyranny, her Montreal event was suppressed by the Lying Press and Antifa, in tacit alliance with law enforcement authorities. I was there.

Gaburgably, whose songs have been listened to millions of times online, is a self-described “e-punk” artist. Her unique library of music touches on a variety of themes, reflecting on online culture, frustration with modern dating, and the feeling of being a social outcast.

One day before the Montreal concert, Dan Collen (born Daniel Cohen-Collier) [email him], a journalist with the communist Canadian  Anti-Hate Network, published a hit piece that sought to paint the girls as right-wing extremists.

Citing a song by Gaburgably entitled “Christ Church Bible Study Club,” which is written from the perspective of New Zealand mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant, Collen falsely suggested that Gaburgably celebrates the killing of innocent civilians:

Gurney’s “Christ Church Bible Study Club” portrays an upbeat, melancholic point of view of the Christchurch Mosque shootings: “I check behind the corners, Then I happily proceed. I provide all my tendencies with everything they need.”

“Incelcore” Artists Whose Music Celebrates Mass Shootings On Canadian Tour, by Dan Collen, Canadian Anti-Hate Network, November 10, 2023

Collen could not be more intellectually dishonest. The punk genre is no stranger to songs written about man-made horrors. For example, Foster The People’s very popular “Pumped Up Kicks” is written from the perspective of a disaffected teenager who enacts revenge on his classmates by committing a school shooting.

Pumped Up Kicks” is about a kid that basically is losing his mind

and is plotting revenge. He’s an outcast. I feel like the youth in our culture are becoming more and more isolated. It’s kind of an epidemic. Instead of writing about victims and some tragedy, I wanted to get into the killer’s mind, like Truman Capote did in In Cold Blood. I love to write about characters. That’s my style. I really like to get inside the heads of other people and try to walk in their shoes.

– Mark Foster, Spinner UK

Where were Collen and his “Anti-Hate Network” when Foster The People toured Canada?

The overall message of Gaburgably’s song is up to the interpretation of the listener. But of course Collen purposefully left out a key line of the song:

Here is the church, here is the steeple
Only satisfied killing innocent people [emphasis added]

Collen went on to attack Brynn Miche, whom he accused of being “connected to” White Nationalists because her boyfriend, Jimbo Zoomer, 22), is a prominent live-streamer on, a platform developed by the anathematized Nick Fuentes.

Jimbo, like many young people on the Dissident Right, has made his fair share of unwise statements in live-streams and on social media. But of course these statements were always made either ironically or purely for shock value. The vast majority of Jimbo’s live streams consist of him playing video games while making jokes about pop culture—a far cry from the White Nationalist bogeyman that Collen attempts to portray.

Regardless, Brynn Miche, like Gezebelle, is a young musician—not a political commentator. Her catalog features no political messaging. Instead it explores experiences with depression, failed relationships, and being bullied.

These are themes that are commonly explored in punk music and far more palatable than the majority of what is played on the radio nowadays.

I traveled to Montreal with Brynn Miche and her bandmates as a friend, hoping to capture and support their show. As I was packing cameras into my car, I received the news that, because of Collen’s hit-piece, the Brasserie Beaubien had cravenly cancelled the show, and that the performance would be moved to a karaoke bar, Bar Au P’tit Buck, just down the street.

We arrived for sound check at the new venue at 6pm. The musicians scrambled to set up their equipment as I began to unpack my camera gear. That’s when around 25 masked Antifa—French-speaking, apparently the virus has at least to some extent jumped the language barrier—filed into the bar and began making threats against the young performers.

The Bar Au P’tit Buck was apparently unbothered by the mob of Black Bloc communists who had come to harass their artists and paying customers. I walked up to the bar and ordered a drink as I watched the Antifa demand everyone pack their instruments and leave. Noticing the bartender was on the phone, I asked her “Are you calling the police?”

“No,” she said.

(Generally, I was struck by the anti-Americanism I encountered in Montreal.)

Eventually,  police were called—by a band member. The Antifa rushed out the back door as the police unhurriedly walked into the venue. A couple of police began to chase them but, when subsequently asked, they confirmed that no arrests were made.

With the language barrier making communication with both the venue and police frustrating and difficult, little could be done to ameliorate the situation. The owner of the bar eventually declared that the show was cancelled and everyone was ordered out of the venue.

Standing outside with their instruments, the musicians now wondered where to go.

This is where Anarcho-Tyranny became apparent. The remaining police in the area threatened that they would arrest us if we stayed to wait for paying fans—who were of course not aware that the event had been cancelled—or attempted to play in another bar.

(Police order all musicians out of the Bar Au P’tit Buck in Montreal, Quebec after Antifa disrupt sound check.)

A suggestion was made to simply take instruments to the Metro Station (Montreal’s subway, like Paris’, is called Le Métro) and let the show go on acoustically.

(Devoted fans follow band members to a nearby metro station.)

Two performances saved for posterity:

Brynn Miche sings an acoustic rendition of ”I Killed Myself In January.”

Gezebelle Gaburgably performing an acoustic rendition of ”I Can Fix Him” in the Montreal subway

But there too, a couple of Société de Transport de Montréal security officials (both apparently immigrants) rushed in and ordered everyone back out into the cold.

(Montreal STM Authorities order musicians to leave the area.)

(Oh, and Lee’s Palace in Toronto thereafter also cancelled.)

For these young American girls who simply wanted to put on a show for their fanbase in Montreal, this was an emotional night.

The goal of Anarcho-Tyranny is ultimately demoralization and capitulation. But the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (which John Derbyshire has called Canada’s SPLC knock-off), along with their masked paramilitaries and government enablers, failed in this attack.

There may never be another Gezebelle Gaburgably show at one of Montreal’s many dive bars. But as censorship and deplatforming of artists escalates, they will continue to grow their audiences online, and eventually be replatformed by venues that don’t capitulate to communist threats.

If only I knew of a place

Noah Arnold [email him] is a full-time video producer working with deplatformed personalities across the dissident right.

CAFE Held A Great Meeting In Nova Scotia This Weekend

CAFE Held A Great Meeting In Nova Scotia This Weekend

For the first time since before COVID, CAFE held a meeting in Atlantic Canada. Our Nova Scotia gathering attracted many new supporters.

CAFE Director Paul Fromm opened the meeting: “We meet this afternoon on land our European ancestors — Scots, French, English, then many others — built from the wilderness. They built the farms, the fisheries, the industry, the roads and infrastructure in this great province. This land is ours. No more guilt.” The largely young audience broke into loud applause. Mr. Fromm’s topic was “My Issues: Free Speech & Immigration: Not Enough Free Speech but Too Much Immigration.”

Mr. Fromm was joined my Moncton’s Malcolm Ross, a Christian author and longtime free speech advocate. Both Mr. Ross and Mr. Fromm were fired in the 1990s from their positions as school teachers, after extensive Jewish lobbying pressure, for their political views expressed on their own time off school property. Both won the 1994 George Orwell Free Speech Award.

Mr. Ross spoke on the importance of family in this age of mind-bending attacks on children through the LGBTQ and Woke agenda being inflicted on them in many schools.

The False Climate Religion

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The False Climate Religion

Through science, technology, and industry we have achieved a very high standard of living, measured in terms of material prosperity, in Western Civilization since the beginning of the Modern Age and especially the last two centuries.    Prosperity in itself is not a bad thing.   We have a tendency, however, in our fallen sinfulness to respond to prosperity inappropriately.   The inappropriate way to respond to prosperity is to look at it with self-satisfaction, thinking that it is due entirely and only to our own effort and ingenuity, and to forget God, from Whom all blessings flow, as the doxology says.  There is a lot of sin in this attitude, especially the sin of ingratitude.   This sin is an invitation to God to take away His blessings and curse us instead.     It is a sin of which we have been most guilty as a civilization.   That we have been so guilty and have forgotten our God is evident in how we now refer to ourselves as Western Civilization rather than Christendom – Christian Civilization.

The appropriate thing for us to do would be to repent.   These familiar words were spoken by the Lord to King Solomon on the occasion of the completion and consecration of the Temple but the message contained within them is one that we would do well to apply to ourselves today:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chron. 7:14)

Now, imagine a man who in his prosperity becomes self-satisfied and forgets God.   His conscience keeps nagging at him but unwilling to humble himself, pray, seek God, and repent, he misinterprets his guilty feelings and concludes that his prosperity is the problem and not his ingratitude and his having forgotten God.   In an attempt to assuage this misdirected guilt, he decides to sacrifice his prosperity to an idol.   He does so, however, in such a way, that it is his children more than himself who end up suffering.

What ought we to think of such a man?   Does he deserve commendation for trying to make things right, albeit in an ill-informed and ineffective way?   Or does he deserve rebuke for piling further errors and sins upon his initial sin of forgetting God?

“Thou art the man” as the prophet Nathan said to King David in 2 Samuel 12:7 after telling a story that prompted the king to unknowingly condemn himself in the affair of Bathsheba.   Or rather, we all “art the man”.   For this is precisely what we as a civilization have done or are in the process of doing.

For centuries, ever since the start of the Modern Age, Western Civilization has been turning its back on its heritage from Christendom.   Indeed, the conversion of the Christian civilization of Christendom into the secular civilization of the West could be said to have been the ultimate goal of liberalism, the spirit that drove the Modern Age, all along.   The liberal project and the Modern Age were more or less complete with the end of the Second World War and since that time Westerners have been abandoning the Church and her God in droves.    In the same post-World War II era we have reaped the harvest in material prosperity sown through centuries of scientific discoveries.   These were made possible because at the dawn of Modern science people still believed in the God Who created the world and that therefore there is order in the world He created to be discovered.   This is the basis of all true scientific discovery.

Collectively, we feel guilty for abandoning God, but we have not been willing, at least not yet, to return to Him on a civilizational scale.   Sensing that we have incurred divine displeasure, but not willing to admit to ourselves that our apostasy from Christianity and forgetting the True and Living God is the problem, we have instead blamed our material prosperity and the means by which we attained it.   By means, I don’t mean science, which we have been so far unwilling to blame because we have transferred our faith in God onto it and turned it into an idol, but rather our industry, aided and enhanced by science.    

Just as we have transferred our guilt for having forgotten God in our material prosperity onto the industry that we put into attaining that prosperity, which so laden with transferred guilt we usually call capitalism after the name godless left-wing philosophers and economists gave to human industry when they bogeyfied it in their efforts to promote their Satanic alternative, socialism, the institutionalization of the Deadly Sin of Envy, so we have transferred the sense of impending judgement from God for abandoning Him, onto industry.   We have done this by inventing the crackpot idea that such things as burning fuels to heat our homes in winter, cook our food and get about from place to place, and even raising livestock to feed ourselves, are releasing too much carbon dioxide, methane, etc. into the atmosphere and that this is leading to an impending man-made climate apocalypse in which temperatures rise (or plummet depending on which false prophet of doom is talking), polar ice caps melt, the coasts are inundated from rising sea levels, and extreme weather events increase in frequency and intensity. 

To prevent this climactic apocalypse, we have convinced ourselves, we must appease the pagan nature deities we have offended with sacrifice.   We must sacrifice our efficient gasoline-powered vehicles and agree to drive ridiculously expensive electric vehicles, even when travelling long distance in Canada in the dead of winter.   We must sacrifice heating our homes in winter and grow accustomed to wearing enough layers to make Eskimoes look like Hawaiian hula girls in comparison indoors all winter long.   We must sacrifice the hope of affordable living and watch the cost of everything go up and up and up.   We must sacrifice the future of the generations who will come after us

Those of us who express skepticism towards all this are mocked as “science deniers” even though this new false religion is not scientific in the slightest.   Carbon dioxide, which is to plant life what oxygen is to ours, treated as a pollutant?   The seas rising from all that floating ice melting?   You would have to have failed elementary school science to accept this nonsense.   It is certainly incredible to anyone with a basic knowledge of history and who grasps the concept of cause and effect.   The Little Ice Age ended in the middle of the nineteenth century.   When an Ice Age ends a warming period begins.   This is one of the causes of the boom in human industry at the end of the Modern Age, not its effect.   It is a good thing too, for humans, animals, plants and basically all life on earth, because live thrives more in warmer periods than colder ones.  Anyone who isn’t a total airhead knows this.

Speaking of total airheads, Captain Airhead, whose premiership here in the Dominion of Canada was already too old in the afternoon of his first day in office, has been using that office as a pulpit to preach this false climate religion for the duration of the time he has been in it.   Recently, in response to his popularity having plunged lower than the Judecca, he granted a three year exemption on his carbon tax for those who heat their homes with oil, which, as it turns out, benefits Liberal voters in Atlantic Canada and hardly anyone else.   Faced with demands from across Canada that he grant further exemptions, he has so far resisted, and with the help of the Lower Canadian separatists, defeated the Conservative motion in the House, backed by the socialists, for a general home heating exemption.   Hopefully this will speed his departure and the day we can find a better Prime Minister to lead His Majesty’s government in Ottawa.  The point, of course, is that by granting even that partial exemption, for nakedly political purposes, Captain Airhead by his actions admitted what he still denies with his words, that the world is not facing imminent destruction because of too much carbon dioxide.

Captain Airhead’s climate religion and its doomsday scenario have been proven false let us turn to the words of St. Peter and hearing what the true religion has to say about the coming judgement:

But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.  Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?  Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.  Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.  (2 Peter 3:7-14)

It may be today, it may be a thousand years from now, we don’t know, but when God has appointed it to happen, it will happen, and there is nothing we can do that will prevent it.   Instead of trying to do the impossible, prevent it, we should rather prepare ourselves for it, by doing what the Apostle recommends in the above passage, the avoidance of which is as we have seen, the source of this false climate religion.   For if we turn back in repentance to the God we have forgotten, we can look forward to His coming again in fiery judgement with faith and hope and peace and sing, in the words of gospel songwriter Jim Hill:

What a day that will be
When my Jesus I shall see
And I look upon his face
The one who saved me by his grace
When he takes me by the hand
And leads me through the Promised Land
What a day, glorious day that will be!
Gerry T. Neal

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, November 11-18

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, November 11-118

Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

Jam-Packed Edition!


–      Rallies and local events

–      Sat. Nov. 11, 2023, Kelowna New Rally

–      Mon, Nov 13, 2023, at 4:30 pm PT/ 7:30 pm ET The Threat to Homeopathy in Canada Zoom

–      Nov 18-19. International Covid Summit 4, Bucharest and Romania

–      Nov 29 – SD67 Board Meeting – Local action to support freedom-fighter presentation

–      WITHDRAW FROM THE U.N. (& the WHO) – Petition

–      Postcards for Freedom – Bill 36, Natural Products

–      Successful delivery of 5,000 postcards – doctors presenting at the BC Legislature building

–      The Big Picture complete video series is available for $25.

–      BC 15-Minute/Smart City Coalition – LOCAL

–      Action-Packed Freedom Rising Newsletter Issue 59

–      Druthers November Issue


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FREEDOM RALLIES – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

 at NE Corner of 2020 Main Street and Warren Avenue, Penticton

 In case you missed last week: James Southern provided an inspiring and humorous recap of the Summerland Million March 4 Children event in October. Where it started for James and Murielle: Real experience with their teenage son in his BC high school, resisting gender identity programs.

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1.  Update on Alberta’s United Conservative Party AGM which broke all attendance records for any political party across Canada, and where 30 resolutions were passed, all of which the freedom movement has been advocating for.

2.  Focus on local action: what one person can do in 15 minutes a day, to push back against the globalist agenda through local action. Bring your stories. Open Mic. Good news from across Canada: Wins of the week.

Miss a week and you miss a lot! Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Bring your signs or borrow one of ours. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us. ——————————————- o0o————————————————- Sat. Nov. 11, 2023 Kelowna New Rally Date Join us this coming Nov. 11, 2023, at noon for our street protest at the corner of Hwy 97 (Harvey Ave.) and Cooper St. in Kelowna. We will be there for 60-90 minutes. There is plenty of parking in the parking lot, but it is suggested to park a fair bit away from the corner to avoid any complaints. Our rallies will continue at Stuart Park on the 1st Saturday of each month!  image.png

——————————————————- November 29 – Penticton School Board Action   Join a delegation opposing “myblueprint” program in schools!   1.  Link for board meeting process and meeting calendar:   2.   Send an email with questions for the November 29 agenda here:   3.   Show up in support of Amie Jeffrey’s presentation to the Board. Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. Address – 425 Jermyn Avenue. Arrive by 6 and gather in the parking area, so trustees can see us as they enter the building.   4. Looks innocent, but it is used to profile children without parental consent. The company that owns the product is DoubleThink Inc. That tells you what you need to know. Amie only learned about it after her child was already in their system and has done deep research for the meeting. ——————————- o0o————————————- OTHER EVENTS   Mon, Nov 13, 2023, at 4:30 pm PT/ 7:30 pm ET The Threat to Homeopathy in Canada: Ananda More and Shawn Buckley in Conversation   Two leading natural health advocates, Ananda More (homoeopath and filmmaker) and Shawn Buckley (lawyer and president of the Natural Health Products Protection Association) will come together in conversation to discuss a new threat to homoeopathy in Canada. Homoeopathy has often faced opposition, but now Health Canada is implementing fees and regulations that will have far-reaching consequences for practitioners, manufacturers and consumers of homoeopathic medicines. Join us to learn more and find out what you can do to help protect homoeopathy. Registration Link on Zoom.    Nov 18-19. The International Covid Summit 4, Bucharest and Romania  – Canadians who will be speaking in the Romanian Parliament include Dr Byram Bridle, Jason Christoff, Dr Stephen Malthouse, Dr Denis Rancourt, Dr Jessica Rose, Dr Chris Shoemaker, Dr Mark Trozzi & Rain Trozzi. For more information, to read the program or to access the full two days of live stream go to the ICS website:
—————–o0o————————     ACTIONS OF THE WEEK Exit the WHO and U.N. Petition. Keep those signatures coming and pass it on to others. We gained over 2000 new signatures over this past week.   To reach 1 MILLION signatures, we need to reach 11,000 per day!  TO REACH OUR OBJECTIVE, WE MUST SHARE THIS WITH ‘NEW’ PEOPLE WITHDRAW FROM THE U.N. (& the WHO) – SIGN HERE     Five Thousand Bill 36 Postcards Delivered in the BC Legislature November 9, 2023   John Rustad and Bruce Banman presented MLAs with 5,000 signed postcards protesting Bill 36, in the BC Legislature yesterday, with 60 Doctors and other medical professionals in their white coats, filling the gallery. The proceedings were live-streamed, and a Press Conference followed.   Here is the link to the Press Conference that followed. KEEP THOSE POSTCARDS COMING TO KEEP THE PRESSURE ON   Sign online and a postcard will be sent to your MLA  ———-o0o————–   Save our Natural Health Products Industry Download and print, write letters and/or sign a postcard and pick up extras at your local Natural Foods Store.   ——————————- o0o————————————-
WORTH A LOOK   image.png

‘The Big Picture’ complete video series is available for $25. This includes 5 and one-half hours of video content as well as unlimited lifetime access. SIGN UP HERE

NEW! BC 15-Minute/Smart City Coalition


Click Subscribe Now to receive our
NEW weekly newsletter which includes Zoom mtg links, latest news & local actions
Don’t Miss Out On The Next BC -Wide 15-Minute/Smart City Coalition Online Meeting,  Open our newsletter to get the latest on BC Fires and 15 Min. Cites: If you have difficulty opening the newsletter link, pause your VPN and try again. Prepare for the meetings by watching 3 pre-requisite informational videos on 15-minute cities. 15-Minute Smart Cities – The Pig Problem –Watch Investigating Smart Cities –Part 1 Investigating Smart Cities –Part 2
——————————- o0o————————————-   Action-Packed Freedom Rising Newsletter Issue 59  HERE
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Read The November Issue Online or it will be available at our Sunday Rally Pick up print copies at our Penticton4Freedom rallies Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t. Every Month for over a year, Penticton4Freedom supporters have donated enough money to Druthers to cover the cost of the 1,200 copies we distribute every month, plus some left over to support other distributors. Thank you for being an everyday hero by donating, reading, sharing and distributing Druthers copies in your area. Mary Lou Gutscher   The November issue is a biggie!! BOMBSHELL: There’s DNA In The Vaccines: Confirmed by Health Canada   Available online now and coming to P4F Rallies soon. (Maybe even this Sunday)   Read DRUTHERS

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Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


“Anti-racist consultant” Laith Marouf suspended from social media again following antisemitic outbursts

[While CAFE has no use for this ungrateful, anti-White, parasite off taxpayers’ grants we oppose Internet censorship. See his comments. It’s clear that anti-racism is a code word for anti-White.]

“Anti-racist consultant” Laith Marouf suspended from social media again following anti-semitic outbursts

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa – November 17, 2023 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedin

Laith Marouf, a former anti-racism contractor for the Canadian government, returned to social media following Hamas’ attack on Israel to attack Jewish people online and has since left a trail of deranged hatred in his wake. 

Marouf, the son of a Syrian diplomat, has a long and storied past making dehumanizing statements about Jews and Israel. 

The former disgraced “anti-racist consultant” had previously been embroiled in controversy for receiving more than $600,000 in government grants despite a history of hate speech and extremist views.

Marouf’s latest suspension on X follows a string of troubling posts in which he launched explicit antisemitic attacks against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Jewish community. 

Posting from his home in Lebanon, Marouf wrote, “Go drink the sea of Gaza, you little Zionist b—h,” Marouf posted.

“Zionism is Nazism, and Apartheid Canada was a model for both of them. As soon as we liberate Palestine, we will be aiding our Indigenous relatives to liberate theirs. We will bring you to trial for your crimes.

Laith Marouf post

He also made threats against University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist and former chief of staff to Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Norm Spector, suggesting the formation of “Zionist-Hunter squads” and calling for trials in an imagined Hamas-occupied Jerusalem. 

“Shut up little Jewish White Supremacist turd. We will crush your Jewsader Colony … after, we will be hunting down all Zionists and bring them to stand trial in liberated Palestine,” said Marouf.

The antisemitic posts come more than a year after Marouf’s government-funded role as an anti-racism contractor was exposed.

The Canadian federal government, under Trudeau, granted him $133,000 to lead an “anti-racism strategy for Canadian broadcasting,” a decision that sparked widespread criticism once past X posts surfaced. .

At the time, Marouf expressed vile viewpoints comparing the Palestinian offer of peace to Zionists to Saladin’s offer to Crusaders. Marouf further made inflammatory remarks, stating that life is too short to entertain “Jewish White Supremacists” and suggesting violence, including a reference to a “bullet to the head.”

“You know all those loud mouthed bags of human feces, aka the Jewish White Supremacists; when we liberate Palestine and they have to go back to where they came from, they will return to being low voiced bitches of their Christian/Secular White Supremacist Masters,” posted Marouf.

Additionally, he claimed that once Palestine is liberated, the Jewish population would be expelled to “go back to where they came from,” accompanied by derogatory language against Jewish individuals.

Despite being severed from government-funded initiatives, Marouf has continued to make headlines for his extremist views and recently resurfaced online to harass his critics

Although his latest X account, KingofLionKings, has been suspended, he still managed to deliver a stream of taunts and violent threats against Canadian commentators before once again being blocked by the platform.

The Trudeau government’s handling of the Marouf scandal has also faced scrutiny, with conflicting statements from officials about their awareness of Marouf’s background. Former Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez claimed he was not informed about funding an antisemite, a statement contradicted by reports suggesting otherwise.

The Anti-White British Courts: James Costello Sentenced to Five Years for Posting Pro-White Material While Pakistani Rapist of a 13 Year Old English Girl Gets Only Four

The Anti-White British Courts: James Costello Sentenced to Five Years for Posting Pro-White Material While Pakistani Rapist of a 13 Year Old English

From Patriotic Alternative:Statement about James Costello
In 2021, James Costello was arrested for a public order offence for “distributing material with the intention to stir up racial hatred”. In 2022, James became an activist with Patriotic Alternative.
An investigation kicked off which resulted in James being charged with 21 offences. These offences are public order offences and relate to him distributing books and recording audio books for the Creativity Movement. To clarify, James was not charged for his own words, but for distributing and publishing the words of the Creativity Movement, which is the religion that James ascribes to.

The Creativity Movement is a religion that was founded in America approximately 60 years ago and it often uses racial slurs in its teachings.

Unfortunately this week James was found guilty by jury trial for these offences. He is currently awaiting sentencing and has been advised that he could potentially be looking at 5-6 years, although we are hopeful that he doesn’t get that long.

With regards to attached photos: UK: —British court sentenced a Pakistani rapist to four years for raping English girl (13)
The same court sentenced an Englishman to five years for criticizing migrants and jews on his web.
Courts exist to punish White people for speaking out against crimes being done to us.

Here is the judge that just sentenced James Costello to five years in prison for “racist words”.
Judge Andrew Menary gave a paedophile who had Category A child p*rn images on his computer a suspended sentence!
***Trigger warning***
“The category A images he was in possession of included videos of the upmost depravity, including children as young as six months being forced into penetrative sexual activity with adults,” Mr Cockrell said, adding: “These were images at Girl Gets Only Fourthe highest end of seriousness.”


  1. [Statement from the Merseyside Thought Police.]

Man from Kirkby jailed for creating white supremacist website


A man who was a leading figure in a white supremacist movement and created a website full of racist material has been jailed.

James Costello, aged 38 of Old Rough Lane in Kirkby has been sentenced for five years for 19 offences of stirring up racial hatred.

In July 2021 several members of the public reported stickers found on a lampposts across Merseyside advertising a website called  The website was full of racist material.  Consequently Merseyside Police launched a criminal investigation to identify the persons responsible for the website.  This culminated in detectives and uniformed police officers executing search warrants and arresting Costello on suspicion of running the website.  During the search officers recovered vast amounts of racist material linked to the website.

Merseyside Police lawfully seized the website and replaced it a splash screen indicating that it had been seized by the police. A Twitter account also used to promote the site was closed down whilst the investigation continued.

The racist material found that Costello was a leading figure in the “Creativity Movement” which are a white supremacist racist movement who pay homage to the Nazi 3rd Reich.

Costello was arrested in August 2021 and again in September 2021 as part of the same investigation.  He was later charged on Monday 9 January with multiple counts of stirring up racial hatred.

Speaking after the sentencing Detective Chief Inspector Andy Milligan said: “Costello placed stickers across public sites in Merseyside with the intention of advertising this racist abhorrent website in the hope that he would recruit and radicalise people who lived in the area to the Creativity Movement.

“I would like to thank members of the public for reporting this racist website to us so that we could launch a criminal investigation. 

“I would also like to thank the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division for working with us on this investigation so we could achieve this result.

“Our detectives worked hard to identify and seize the material whilst also identifying Costello as the main contributor to the site.  Specialist Merseyside Police cyber crime officers took control of the website and closed it, significantly undermining and impacting upon the global reach of the racist white supremacist organisation, Creativity Movement.

“The racist and offensive material uncovered by our officers was deplorable and could have caused serious tensions, anguish and violence in our community. 

“I hope this result show that online hate will not be tolerated and online offenders are not anonymous.  Merseyside Police take all such reports seriously and we will continue to work hard to unmask and prosecute online offenders.  This hate material will destroyed by our officers and anyone who creates it will be prosecuted and jailed for their crimes.”

If you have any information about any racist material in your area, websites or social media accounts please contact police @MerPolCC, or call 101. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their online form at: Give information anonymously | Crimestoppers (