January 27 — Honouring Revisionists Who Have Suffered Beatings, Imprisonment, Job Loss & Poverty for their Dissent


Greetings and welcome from the Jan27.org committee. We are made up of scientists, engineers, literary text experts, historical researchers, free-speech advocates, skeptics, and the just plain intellectually curious. We invite you to join us!

We chose January 27 for our day of commemoration because of the ceremonies taking place on this date at the United Nations in New York City and at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Museum in Poland. That commemoration is named the “International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust.”

We thought it would be a good idea to add our voices to the many that are being heard in those places, telling their stories of gas chambers, torture, starvation, and genocide. Our stories are about science, the laws of physics, technical possibilities and impossibilities, common sense and the constant lowering of the death tolls. We bring Good News! For example:

Right at the very spot that the story of 6 million murdered Jews is being told today and every day, these plaques tell the real story. Up until 1990, the plaque on the left was in place, in several languages, in front of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Monument at the Poland memorial, claiming that four million people were killed here “by nazi murderers” in the five years between 1940 and 1945.

But in 1990 (corresponding with the fall of the Soviet Union) the number was reduced to 1.5 million, with no explanation, and the plaque on the right replaced the original plaque. That’s 2.5 million less murdered humans! How could the historians and managers of the memorial site have been so wrong for 45 years? What made them “re-check” and suddenly “discover” (rather admit) their error? Only the growing body of critical, scholarly and scientific writings that demonstrated the impossibility of four million people being murdered in “gas chambers” and then cremated to ashes at Birkenau.

The answer to why the 4 million figure was used in the first place is that it was deemed necessary at the 1946 Nuremberg Tribunal as a support and justification for the fantastic 6 million total number of Jews “murdered.” Who demanded the 6 million number? You should be able to answer that yourself.

But more, the official Auschwitz-Birkenau death number now stands even lower at 1.1 million. There are holocaust historians in good standing who have reduced it to 900,000 and even 700,000. How much lower will it go?

This is just one example of the many changes in the holocaust story that the official establishment has been forced to make due to the critical scrutiny and investigation (at great risk to their own life and liberty) of those we call Revisionists. The work of Revisionism is ongoing; the resistance to it is deeply entrenched. Therefore our commemoration honors the brave Revisionists who have introduced sanity to what began as a wildly improbable account based entirely on wartime atrocity propaganda. With this annual commemoration we are …


* * *

Our first order of business is to honor those holocaust revisionists who are now deceased, among them many of the very first pioneers who blazed the trail for those who followed. We list them here in order of the appearance of their first revisionist work, and we include the persecution they suffered at the hands of the entrenched “Holocaust” forces. Our esteemed honorees are:

Maurice Bardèche, France, Nuremberg or the Promised Land (1948); book seized and banned in France, author sentenced to a year in prison. Paul Rassinier, France, Crossing the Line (1949), second book The Lie of Ulysses (1950); denounced in the French Natl. Assembly, taken to trial but acquitted, expelled from the French Socialist Party, the SFIO.
Louis Marshalko, Hungary, The World Conquerors: The Real War Criminals (1958); lived in exile from Soviet-ruled Hungary from 1945 on; was refused entry into the United States.
François Duprat, France. The Mystery of the Gas Chambers(1967 article); distributed French edition of Richard Verrall’s Did Six Million Really Die? (1974), Murdered by an automobile bomb blast that left his wife crippled; a “Jewish Remembrance Commando” claimed responsibility.
Louis Fitzgibbon, Britain, Katyn (1971) plus 6 other books on Katyn through 1979. Thies Christophersen, Germany, Die Auschwitz-Lüge /The Auschwitz Lie  (1973); served a year in prison, expelled from his homeland, forced to live in exile in Denmark (where his home and business were repeatedly attacked), Belgium, Switzerland and finally Spain until his death in 1997. Friedrich Paul Berg, USA, Diesel Gas Chambers: Myth within a Myth (1983). In 1978, led a public demonstration against NBC’s television mini-series “Holocaust”. Lost his job as an engineer; devoted himself to the Revisionist cause, writing and speaking mainly on technical topics related to gassings.  
William David McCalden, USA, Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials (1978), pen name Richard Harwood; first director of the Institute for Historical Review; attacked and beaten by Irv Rubin and the Jewish Defense League. Dr. Wilhelm Stäglich, Germany, The Auschwitz Mythos (1979); dismissed from his position as a Judge with a reduced pension; University of Göttingen withdrew his Doctoral degree.
Robert Faurisson, France, letter published in Le Monde titled “The Problem of the Gas Chambers,”  1978. Key advisor and expert witness in 1985 and 1988 Ernst Zundel “Fake News Trials” in Toronto, Canada; arranged for Fred Leuchter to personally examine crematorium II at Birkenau resulting in the ground-breaking Leuchter Report. Wrote detailed critical analysis of Anne Frank Diary. Continually persecuted by Jewish organizations with numerous court cases, large fines, ten physical assaults including beaten nearly to death in 1989. Bradley R. Smith, USA, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist (1987), Break his Bones: Private life of a Holocaust Revisionist (2002), and two other books; founded Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) in 1987; published Smith’s Report monthly newsletter from 1995 until his death in 2016; appeared on numerous national television and radio programs to defend his views. Threats and financial pressures forced him to move the CODOH operation and his family from Southern California to Baja Mexico.
Ernst Zündel, Canada/Germany, published and distributed Did Six Million Really Die?, prosecuted in 1985 and 1988 in the famous Canadian “False News” trials, his ’88 conviction overturned in 1992. In 1995, his home/business was firebombed by Jewish terrorists. Two years solitary confinement in Canadian high-security prison on German warrant, then 5 years imprisonment in Germany after a trial there. Released March 1, 2010, not allowed to return to his wife in the USA. Authored Setting the Record Straight: Letters from Cell #7 (2004). Serge Thion, France, Vérité historique ou Vérité politique?/Historical Truth or Political Truth? (The question of the gas chambers)(1980). Une Allumette sur la banquise /A Matchstick on an Ice Flow (1993). Dismissed from his position as researcher at the National Centre for Scientific Research, condemned and fined by French Court of Appeal in 2002. Henri Roques, France, The Confessions of Kurt Gerstein (1985), first man in the nearly eight-century history of French universities to have his doctorate “revoked” by government order.
Gerd Honsik, Austria, Freispruch für Hitler?/Acquittal for Hitler? (1988), writer and poet, given numerous fines and jail sentences in Austria, fled to Spain until extradited back to Austria on EU-wide arrest warrants in 2007. In 2009 sentenced to 5 years prison; paroled in 2011 due to age, moved to Hungary until his death in 2018. Arthur Vogt, Switzerland, fined 6000DM for lecture on Sept. 1991 in Nuremberg. In May 1997 fined Sfr20,000 for editing and distributing the “holocaust-denial” journal Aurora.
Carl O. Nordling, Finland/Sweden, “How Many Jews Died in the German Concentration Camps?” (1991) Roger Garaudy, France, The Founding Myths of Modern Israel (1996); fined $50,000 in France.  
Dariusz Ratajczak, Poland, “Tematy niebezpieczne/Dangerous Themes” (1999); book seized; dismissed from teaching at Opele University; banned from all Polish universities for three years; forced into menial, odd jobs. Discovered dead in his car in 2010. Dr. Robert H. Countess, USA, articles and reviews (2002-2004)  Special appreciation to: Jürgen Rieger, Germany. Lawyer who successfully defended Ernst Zündel in 1981 and later – for this he was attacked and beaten unconscious, left near dead, his car blown up, his reputation and career ruined. Doug Christie, Canada. Lawyer who defended Ernst Zundel in Canada for 20 years (1985-2005) – for this he was threatened by judges and law societies for “contempt” and “unprofessional conduct.”

To these men we owe our gratitude and our commitment to carry on so that their sacrifices, and those of others still living, will not have been made in vain. It’s a sad fact that in our societies, it is not acknowledged that


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How and Why the UN Resolution Came About

The UN Decides a Universal Ban on Revisionism

By Robert Faurisson, 17 November 2005

On November 1st, unanimously and without a vote, the representatives of the 191 nations making up the UN adopted—or let be adopted—an Israeli-drafted resolution proclaiming January 27th “International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust”.

Moreover, the resolution “Rejects any denial of the Holocaust as an historical event, either in full or part”.

Historical revisionism thus sees its existence acknowledged by the whole world, a fact proving that it has some life in it, but, at the same time, this decision means that the revisionists find themselves struck with the reprobation of all the countries of the world.

As for the “State” of the Vatican, which has no seat at the UN, it had, as early as in 1992, declared:

There is no historical revisionism that can call into question the inhuman abyss of the Holocaust” («Non c’è revisionismo storico che possa rimettere in discussione l’abisso disumano dell’Olocausto») ( L’Osservatore Romano, 7 November 1992).

The history of human societies and religions is rich in prohibitions, bannings, excommunications but, whereas, up to a recent past, the victims could, at least in principle, hope to find a refuge outside of their land or group of origin, here the condemnation is, for the first time ever, of universal character. It is thus confirmed that historical revisionism is a phenomenon of exceptional nature and also that the Jews, yet once more, have been able to obtain exorbitant privileges.

A sleight of hand by the Jews

It was through a sleight of hand that the Israeli delegation succeeded in getting this resolution passed. It proceeded in a manner like that of certain associations which, in France, under cover of a campaign against paedophilia, have obtained a law prohibiting, on the Internet, communication relating to paedophilia and … to revisionism!

To begin, they asked: “Is paedophilia not a horror in itself?” The response was “yes”. Their second step was to add: “Is paedophilia on the Internet not to be banned by a specific law?” The response, there again, was “yes”. As a third step the associations concluded: “Let’s fight, accordingly, to obtain a law against paedophilia and … revisionism [which they called ‘negationism’]”.

For his part, the President of the General Assembly, the Swede Jan Ellasion, had the deftness on November 1st to ask orally whether anyone was opposed to the resolution aimed at commemorating the “Holocaust”. No hands being raised, he declared, without prior recourse to a vote of any kind, that the resolution was thereby adopted, the text of which contained in one of its provisions the condemnation of any form of “Holocaust” revisionism. The draft was approved by the United States in utter disregard of the guarantees of freedom of opinion provided by the first amendment to its constitution. And, most remarkably, this Israeli text was accepted by the Arabo-Moslem countries, including Iran. All those present approved, or let pass with soft verbal restrictions, a resolution originating from the Jews that goes so far as to condemn the right of free research on a historical subject.

The UN act assumes only a political and not a juridical character. Still, since it provides that the Secretary General will have to report on the measures subsequently taken within the framework of the resolution, the revisionists will have reason to fear consequences for themselves of a judicial or administrative nature, for instance, as regards border and airport police, authorisation to enter and stay in certain countries or the issuing of visas. The resolution will serve morally to justify and facilitate extradition measures taken against revisionists. 

* * *

“What we have come to understand is that the holocaust is the
secret weapon of psychological warfare of the Powers That Be,
which they use to expand and maintain their militaristic empire,
to justify wars and subjugation, to foist their financial, economic
and cultural system upon others against their will.”

From the Editors ofAuschwitz: The Case for Sanity,” 2010, page 12

French Intellectual Sentenced to 2 Months in Prison For Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion”

French Intellectual Sentenced to 2 Months in Prison For Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion”

[Free speech in France? Forget about it! The “liberte”, part of the slogan of the French Revolution has been replaced by state censorship and laws promoted by anti-White and anti-free speech minorities. France’s current “hate law”, the Fabius-Gayssot Law of 1990, was named after its two sponsors, Laurent Fabius, a socialist Jew and member of the National Assembly, and Jean-Claude Gayssot, a Communist Party deputy.]

Forced to pay 1800 euros to anti-racism organizations for his crime of opinion.

Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com – January 21, 2020 76 Comments

French Intellectual Sentenced to 2 Months in Prison For Calling Mass Immigration an "Invasion"

French intellectual Renaud Camus has been given a 2 month suspended prison sentence for saying that mass immigration into Europe represents an “invasion.”

Camus will only avoid jail by paying 1800 euros to two “anti-racist” organizations, SOS Racisme and the LICRA (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism).

The writer, who is the author of Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), was charged with “public incitement to hate or violence on the basis of origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion.”

The conviction stems from a November 2017 speech in Colombey-les-deux Eglises to the National Council of European Resistance in which Camus declared, “Immigration has become an invasion.”

“The irreversible colonization is demographic colonization, by the replacement of the population,” said the author, adding, “The ethnic substitution, the great replacement, is the most important event in the history of our nation since it has existed; as with other people, if the story continues, it will not be that of France.”

Camus also called for a “national consensus of resistance” to oppose Islamization in “the struggle for the salvation of our common civilization, Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, Greek-Latin, Judeo-Christian.”

The part of Camus’ speech that specifically garnered the attention of judges was when he talked about European people being replaced.

Camus said mass immigration “is the substitution, the tendency to substitute everything with its emulator, normalized, standardized, interchangeable: The original with its copy, the authentic with its imitation, the true with the false, the mothers with surrogate mothers, the culture with free time and entertainment.”

France suffers Islamic terror attacks on such a routine basis that it’s barely even an important news story anymore. Many of those terrorists are radicalized by mosques that escape any police scrutiny, but Camus must be punished for his crime of opinion.

And there you have it. Free speech is now a crime in France.

Open Letter to Canadian Government RE: CBSA Modern-day Book Burning

Open Letter to Canadian Government RE: CBSA Modern-day Book Burning

17FridayJan 2020

Posted by Monika in CanadaCBSAFree SpeechjewsSchaefer – MonikaUncategorized


I spent a few hours putting together a comprehensive list of all 338 Canadian Members of Parliament E-mail addresses, as well as over 100 Senators (the house of sober second thought), and sent them the following open letter on 2020 January 16. For background to this story, please see my last article from September 2019 here, and within that article are links to earlier articles about this Orwellian saga.


RE: Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) theft of privately owned books at Calgary Airport


On 24 April 2019 upon my return from the USA to Calgary airport, five books were seized / stolen from me by the Canada Border Services Agency. I had been flagged, and was harassed and detained for three hours.

I wrote three letters, May 3rd, July 2nd, August 12th, 2019 plus an appeal October 18, 2019 to the CBSA, in an effort to get my books back.

Two out of five books were returned to me, and the others were deemed to constitute “hate propaganda”, prohibited under Customs tariff item 9899.00.00 pursuant to section 58 of the Customs Act.

The 3 books which are still in the possession of the CBSA are:

  • The Commission   by Richard Barrett
  • The Great Impersonation – The Mask of Edom   by Pastor Eli James
  • Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled Vol. 1  by Eli James and Clay Douglas

The explanatory form that was sent to me had the following boxes checked off, indicating what the so-called “offence” was:

Alleging that an identifiable group:

  • is to blame for serious economic or social problems
  • manipulates media/trade/finance/politics/government to the detriment of society
  • is inferior/superior
  • weakens or threatens society

There was no indication that it mattered or not whether these forbidden allegations were grounded in truth. Truth is not relevant here. It only matters that certain things (the Truth?) are not allowed to be said or read.

Ultimately I was supposed to PROVE that the stolen books were NOT “hate” by providing evidence that they were not hate. The absurdity of the entire debacle reached a level not possible in a sane society. Allow me to quote from my third letter to the CBSA dated August 12, 2019.

First, the deadline for rebuttal is impossible to meet. Your letter, dated July 16, 2019, took 9 days to reach me.[…] Your letter stipulated that you must receive, by mail, my evidence and arguments within 14 days of the date on your letter[…]. If my letter took as long to reach you as yours to reach me, it would already have been too late, and would have allowed a negative amount of time for me to, in your words, ‘submit evidence, regarding the admissibility of the material […]’.

The more serious matter is that the onus of proof is reversed. You say I should provide evidence that these books do not constitute “hate propaganda”. If something does not exist, it is a moot point to prove it does not exist. If it does exist, then the person alleging that it exists should prove that it exists. The onus MUST be on the accuser to prove their accusation. Your logic is false.

The next flaw in your case against me is that you have stolen the evidence! You have taken away […] the books that you deemed offensive. How am I supposed to gather and submit evidence regarding the “admissibility of the material” when you have taken the allegedly-offensive books away from me???

I have not read the books. I do not have copies of these books in my possession. You seized them. Explain to me how I am to gather evidence about an object that you have stolen from me.  Would these books not be the very source of “evidence” with which I am supposed to prove that they are NOT something that you allege they are?

As any logical-thinking man or woman can see, it is an impossible situation. It is as sensible as breaking both legs of a runner and then telling him to go win that race. Would that be a fair race? Or is the outcome pre-determined.

I could avail myself of what appears to be the only option remaining, that of litigation against the CBSA. However, it is not worth my time and resources to participate in this game, a totally rigged system, to get my books back. I do not wish to feed the proverbial beast.

It would of course only be done on principle, as the books are worth far less money than the time and resources it would cost to litigate. As for winning, truth and righteousness are on my side, but the entire so-called justice system is so corrupted that my chances of success are about as good as the runner with the two broken legs winning his race.

The Canada Border Services Agency is de facto an arm of the government. It is at best a sign of moral and ethical bankruptcy and at worst it is treachery and treason for you, as so-called government representatives, to engage in such tyranny against the people who you are supposed to be serving. The government no longer serves the people, but is serving an enemy within.

It is interesting to note that the Talmud has not been stipulated as “hate propaganda”, yet this Jewish holy book calls the Gentiles cattle and calls for our total enslavement. This double standard on which books are “permitted”, demonstrates who you are really serving. Your “Act” which prohibits certain books (and thoughts and spoken words) is a modern day book burning.

I challenge every and any one of you government representatives to rectify this situation. Get rid of the “thought and speech laws”. Have my stolen books returned to me.

In the meantime, I can and have replaced the books through other channels. I am sovereign of my domain and can decide what I can and want to read or not.

I am compelled to publicize widely, this Orwellian act of treachery by an agency which represents Canada at our borders. We truly are living in interesting times.

Monika Schaefer

Free Speech is Not Very Safe Even in the Land of the Free


Charge West Virginia’s governor Jim Justice with illegal interference with our “White Self-hatred is Sick” billboard

The office of West Virginia’s governor Jim Justice responded to a complaint against our billboard “White self-hatred is sick” by persuading the billboard’s owner to remove the message. (goo.gl/8pUz6o, goo.gl/bkVLTC).

We bring this discriminatory act to the attention of President Trump since the president has decried political correctness that denies free speech.

We respectfully request these actions:

1. Urge Governor Justice to restore our billboard or provide one similarly located.

2. If Governor Justice fails to do the above in a timely manner, bring Federal charges against him for having violated the civil rights of the renter(s) of the billboard by interfering with their free speech.

Thank you very much,

Coalition for Propagation of the Message “White Self-Hatred is Sick”

Trump passes the word to Gov. Justice: “White self-hatred is SICK!!!”

Happy Birthday, Ian

Ian Verner MacDonald is one of the few remaining RCAF vets from WW II. A former diplomat, writer, publisher, businessman & lifelong historical Truth Seeker, Ian turns 95 January 19. He is an immigration critic and ferocious friend of freedom of speech. CAFE honored him in 2010 with its first “Free Speech Award.”

Hear Paul Fromm & Kenn Gividen on “the Ethnostate”: Transman & Other Weirdness

Hear Paul Fromm & Kenn Gividen on “the Ethnostate”: Transman & Other Weirdness

​Far-left doubles down on gender confusion
Leftists lose it after Nugent says shoot rabid coyotes on sight
Brimelow sues NY Times over apparent racial slur
Student avoids jail after shouting n word
Glaciers will be gone by 2020 signs remain in 2020
Brazil: 2 million signed petition protesting gay Jesus show on Netflix

So, You Think Norway is Part of the “Free World”: Moslems Invade but “Security” Police Arrest & Deport White Nationalist Author

So, You Think Norway is Part of the “Free World”: Moslems Invade but “Security” Police Arrest & Deport White Nationalist Author


The American pro-white nationalist Greg Johnson has been arrested in Oslo, where he was presenting at a conference organized by the network Scandza forum.


The American All Right profile Greg Johnson.

The American nationalist and alt-right profile Greg Johnson has been arrested by the Norwegian security police PST with reference to the Aliens Act.

Johnson was in Oslo to lecture at the international conference Scandza forum when he was arrested.

PST’s press spokesman Martin Bernsen tells NRK that Johnson has been arrested and expelled because of the political opinions he expressed.

– He can play an obvious radicalization role. He will be dispatched from Norway as soon as possible, says Bernsen.

PST accuses Johnson of supporting political violence and of defending Anders Behring Breivik’s terrorist act in 2011.

Johnson himself denies this in a written statement and says that PST has taken what he has written about Breivik out of context.

The conference organizer Frode Midjord also distances himself from violence.

– Right-wing extremism means violence as a method, and we are far from that. We want a political debate, Midjord tells NRK.

Outside the conference room where Scandza’s forum was held in Oslo, a large number of left-wing counter-protesters had gathered.

The situation turned violent when the left-wing extremists broke the police’s barricades to try to get into the conference room. 25 counter-protesters were arrested for disorderly order.

Greg Johnson describes himself as a racially conscious nationalist and advocates a white ethnostat. He opposes immigration and multiculturalism and is often accused of being anti-Semitic.

Johnson is a Ph.D. in philosophy, he has published over 40 books and since 2010 has been editor-in-chief of the nationalist publisher Counter-Currents Publishing.

Some time ago it was revealed that the gay Greg Johnson is part of a gay network within the alt-right sphere in the United States.


No Much Free Speech in Swedish Multicultural School

Interview: Life at a multicultural Swedish school

By Editorial Staff – January 13, 2020

INTERVIEW. A refugee centre next to the school. Teachers fired for standing up for freedom of opinion. A majority of foreign pupils. What is life like at a Swedish high school? Nordfront interviews Filip from Gothenburg to find out.

Stock photo. Photo: Holger.Ellgaard (CC BY 4.0.)

In the middle of the Christmas festivities, a friendly high school pupil from Gothenburg takes time out of his holidays to meet for an interview.

“I’m a completely normal guy who likes books about subjects that aren’t always on the curriculum,” says Filip when he is asked to describe himself.

Filip is passionate about justice, the truth and morality. This becomes clear when he explains why he took a liking to these books. How did you develop this interest?

Social studies and history class started it all. Feminism and WWII sped up my interest in forming my own opinion about things because the lessons felt very left-wing-orientated. School left out a lot of information they didn’t want us knowing about.

Opinions cause complications

This interest has led to certain complications. Filip began his high school education at a school in Gothenburg where he was one of a dozen Swedes among 500 pupils. It was impossible to study in peace so he changed schools. Today he attends a school south of Gothenburg. He studies social and behavioural sciences.

“Originally I wanted to be a policeman, but I’ve changed my mind after having seen how the police treat dissidents like me and my friends.”

It’s clear pupils can’t hold whatever opinions they want to, especially not when they contradict the school’s core values. That’s when it gets complicated. What are your political views?

“I am openly National Socialist,” answers Filip proudly and says that he almost exclusively socialises with nationalists and preferably National Socialists. “There have been some discussions with the head teacher and SÄPO [the Swedish secret police] on account of my views.”

Thinking what you want in school is not allowed, not even for teachers.

“There was a teacher who was good, but he was fired for standing up for freedom of opinion.”

A majority of foreigners

Filip thinks the school he goes to today is somewhat better than his last one, but Swedes are still in a minority. How are things with the foreign pupils at the school?

“There are loads of f–king foreigners. The majority are foreigners. Grown men pretending to be children. There is a refugee centre right next to the school.

“My class is one of those with the most Swedes, but the foreigners create loads of problems.”

The environment in the classroom seems to be chaotic, to say the least. It isn’t surprising that school performance is plummeting. What’s it like during breaks?

“It’s very noisy and loud. There are hardly any places where you can have a quiet moment. The feminists and foreigners shout and scream. The feminists are probably the worst. They are always discussing sexuality and gender issues. They scream, ‘Rapist!’ at all the Swedish boys who aren’t feminists, but they’re also careful to avoid being called racists.”

The knifeman

Filip describes his school as generally similar to most other schools.

“The schools vary a little depending on where you live, and the topics of conversation can become more sensitive depending on the school’s demography.”

Filip comes across as mature for his age and expresses himself very well, using words that are quite uncommon at high school. But one or two expletives still slip through. Have there been any notable incidents worth mentioning?

“There was a dispute during a lunch break when foreigners called one of my friends a whore and threatened to f–k her mother. They were asked to leave the area, but they came back a few hours later with an older, very big immigrant who was armed with knuckledusters and a knife. His intention was clear: he wanted to kill us. By chance, a teacher managed to avert the incident and call the police.”

The incident happened in the school’s corridors. The teacher who fortunately came to the rescue escaped with just a couple of violent shoves. What are the teachers like at the school?

“They are good at teaching the system’s programme. Most of them are wimps and do everything they can to avoid being called racists. When it’s noisy during class, they say, ‘Stoppp it’,” Filip says in a wimpy voice, mimicking his teachers.

He says sometimes extra teachers are brought in, but that rarely helps. Do the teachers have any apparent political affiliation?

“Definitely!” he answers quickly. “Several teachers say things like, ‘The Sweden Democrats are real Nazis. I’m voting for Feminist Initiative!’”

And if they’re questioned, how do they react?

“They go into defence mode. They can’t justify it, but they still express their personal opinions in school.”

Gang rape

What are things like for the girls at school?

“Swedish girls are continually harassed and even groped. But the head teacher doesn’t care. They are called all the usual things like whore, c–t and bitch, but also sharmota and other Arabic names.”

He doesn’t know if anyone has been raped at the school yet but says he has a relative who was gang raped. Have you helped anyone who has been assaulted?

“Yes! Me and my friends have helped girls in the town who were harassed by immigrants.”

How did you become interested in politics?

“When I was younger, I was probably more of an ordinary racist, but after understanding the Jewish question, I became NS. I realised that immigration and immigrants are a symptom of a bigger problem.”

Strike back!

To conclude this interview, is there anything you’d like to say to young people in schools around Sweden?

“We Swedes have kept silent for far too long, and that is why we have the problems we do. A fitting message might be: Swedish youth, strike back!

Nordfront thanks Filip for his participation in this interview and hopes his words can inspire more people to start doing something to improve the situation for our schoolchildren.

Whatcott hate crime trial update

Whatcott hate crime trial update


by Bill Whatcott » Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:46 pm



(Picture left) The “hate crime” for which I am now slated to go on trial for this coming June 2020. Handing out 3500 zombie safe sex packages AKA known as life saving Gospel literature to naked sodomites and others at the 2016 Toronto homosexual pride parade. (Picture right) Bill Whatcott poses with two Toronto police officers while taking a break from handing out zombie safe sex packages at the unGodly pride parade.

Dear Friends,

Yesterday was my last day of court before my trial,

The Crown Prosecutor tried to argue quite forcefully that I had a “deep and complex hatred of homosexuals.” Multiple times during the hearing the prosecutor reiterated “Whatcott hates homosexuals” and at least once the Prosecutor asserted I have an “intense and ongoing hatred of homosexuals.”

For proof of this alleged intense (apparently selectively criminalized) emotion that I am carrying with me the Prosecutor wants to introduce social media posts and flyers that I have penned over the decades into evidence where they can pull words like “sodomite,” “freak,” and “homofascist” out of the paragraphs to establish my alleged hatred of homosexuals.


The Crown Prosecutor pulled the word “freak” out of a January 2019 post on this site where I referred to this guy walking around with a pride flag stuck out of his bum as a “freak.” Here is the post the Prosecutor cited as evidence of my “hatred of homosexuals:” viewtopic.php?f=16&t=10744&p=26366&hilit=pride+flag+bum#p26366

When you engage in behaviour worthy of ridicule what am I supposed to call you? In my world if you run around naked with a pride flag sticking out of your bum you are a freak…… For a Prosecutor to use my reality based assessment of a homosexual’s highly public behaviour as evidence of criminal intent worthy of 18 months incarceration is highly disturbing and I wonder when Canadians will wake up and forcefully demand their God given right to speak sanely once again?


While the word “sodomite” is a behaviour based word that is pejorative in the Bible, so are the words “adulturer,” “thieves,” and “sorcerers” pejorative in the Bible. In my circle of friends I have people who have stolen, who have committed adultery, and who have engaged in homosexual acts. In Canadian law we can quite correctly seperate acts of adultery and stealing from a person’s innate genetic make up. We know people may experience seemingly irresistable urges to steal or sleep with someone’s spouse, but we also know that people are morally responsible when they commit this behaviour and that people who engage in this behaviour will often change, especially when they seek moral guidance and desire to change these unhealthy behaviours in their lives. Sadly, with homosexual behaviour there is a huge disconnect with reality and it seems time tested rules that apply to other sexual behaviours are hysterically attacked and in some cases even criminalized when they are applied to homosexual behaviour. Truthfully critiquing homosexual behaviour and pointing out its harm is now simply called “hate” and is banned.

Of course Christians condemn stealing, but don’t hate people who steal and we will always condemn sodomy (even though the Prosecutor doesn’t like me saying it, sodomy does have significant economic and social costs that are being born by all Canadians) but that does not mean we hate sodomites. In fact we know thieves and sodomites (and all other sinners) can change.

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11

But heck now Bill S202 has passed first reading and it seems to me the homosexual activist media is pushing this bill with complete garbage stories of multitudes of homosexuals committing suicide after being told by some evil and crazy Christian therapist that they can change their sexual behaviour if they are motivated to do so, and now our homosexual activist Prime Minister is supporting the bill which will make such Christian counselling an indictable offense punishable by up to five years in prison.

And yet the Prosecutor pulled the word “homofascist” out of my writings and acted like this particular word is a made up delusion and more evidence of my “intense and ongoing hatred of homosexuals.”

Is it possible that this word might actually apply when referring to Canadian politicians and LGBT activists who want to see Christian counsellors put in prison for 5 years or Christian activists jailed for 18 months who hand out “zombie safe sex” packages on the streets of Toronto during “Pride” month?

Please pray for truth and true justice to prevail in this hate crime case.

It looks like my trial is definitely going forward for June 2019. The trial will last a month and I will need to be in Toronto for two weeks before the trial begins to work with my lawyer.

No money is needed for legal expenses as that is covered by legal aid now, but I will need some donations to survive for the 6 weeks that I will be forced to reside in Toronto for my trial.

At this point in time there is no news on my appeal in Whatcott vs Oger where I (as predicted) lost in the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) the case that Mr. Ronan Oger prosecuted me for saying he was a man and that God did not want Vancouver-False Creek residents to vote for him during the last provincial election. The penalty for refusing to call him a woman during my hearing and for participating in the provincial election by advancing a reality based perspective, based on an orthodox Christian perspective, was a whopping $55,000 fine.

No news yet on when my trial date is coming in the Jonathan Yaniv vs Whatcott case either. In this case Mr. Yaniv is seeking over $35,000 in compensation from me because I refered to him as a man and criticized his prosecution of 16 female estheticians who he dragged to the BCHRT for refusing to wax his balls.

As Canada moves further away from the God who created us and who desires Lordship over our lives, it seems we are inventing ever stranger notions of what justice and human rights looks like. Please pray for God to deliver Canada from this darkness that is gripping our land and that He will have mercy and heal this land so that we can have leaders capable of discerning real justice and pray the Canadian people will see their need to repent and turn to the Living God so they can be reconciled with their Lord and the Saviour of their souls once again.

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Jim and Diane Present
by Horst Mahler
Other Political Prisoners  Sylvia Stolz, Ursula Haverbeck, Alfred Schaefer
Dec 7, 2019  
Jim and Diane Present
by Horst Mahler
Other Political Prisoners  Sylvia Stolz, Ursula Haverbeck, Alfred Schaefer
Dec 7, 2019  

It occurs to me that while both Horst Mahler and Sylvia Stolz are currently in prison, this old film I made called “Jailing the Lawyers” has ongoing currency and evermore pressing relevance for public awareness of the plight of attorneys and even judges who must ignore normal courtroom practice or face long jail terms.  Horst describes the situation for attorneys and the little known legal achievement of Attorney Stolz.  

This unique interview with Horst took place in Sylvia’s home during the period of her earlier three years of incarceration for defending Ernst Zündel “too well”.  Since then, she has been returned to jail for her speech in Switzerland which concerned only a recounting of her prison sentences; while Horst who has severe diabetes has had both legs amputated yet must remain behind bars possibly for the remainder of his life for the “crime” of expressing his peaceful philosophical opinions and for defending his clients “too well”:


There are two other films I have made concerning Horst Mahler:

1. About the demonstration against Horst’s imprisonment in Brandenburg where Ursula Haverbeck and the attorney Wolfram Nahrath address the March.
2. The other is a further interview in a Munich restaurant during the brief period when Horst was not behind bars.  He speaks about spirituality.

I am uploading these on Bitchute and will send you the urls in case you might like to release all three.  Rather important that these two veteran attorneys and their grotesque plights are brought to the attention of the public.

I believe you both will enjoy, as well, his opinions on National Socialism!

Cheers, Michèle

Sylvia Stolz
Münchener Str. 33
86551 Aichach


Write to Ursula Haverbeck at the following address:

JVA Bielefeld-Brackwede
z. Hd. Ursula Haverbeck
Umlostraße 100
33649 Bielefeld

Write to Alfred Schaefer:

Alfred Erhard Schaefer
Stadelheimer Str. 12
81549 Munich


Justivollzugsanstalt Brandenburg A.D. Havel,
Inhaftierter: Horst Mahler,
Anton-Saefkow-Allee 22,
14772 Brandenburg,