Help Druthers!

We really need your help and there is little more than 24 hours remaining… Druthers issue #38 is about to go to print and we are short on our fundraising goal. I know, the holidays are a busy and expensive time of year for most people, but please, if you can, consider making a donation to Druthers. We’re still $10k shy of printing 250,000 copies for January and there are only a few hours left to raise what’s needed. It is yet another superb issue that will help more Canadians see the bigger picture and begin to question things more deeply, and your kindness in helping that happen is greatly appreciated.

Your support is vital to the continued success & reach of Druthers.
Etransfers are welcomed:
Donate with credit card or paypal here >>
May the new year bring a tidal wave of TRUTH, LOVE & FREEDOM for all Canadians, and for all of humanity. Stay strong & keep going!!! See you next year 🙂 Shawn Jason

Freedom Events in the Okanagan: New Year’s Eve Fundraiser; Penticton, December 31, Kelowna, January 6, 2024

Freedom Events in the Okanagan: New Year’s Eve Fundraiser; Penticton, December 31, Kelowna, January 6, 2024

Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter


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Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.             

NE Corner of 2020 Main St. and Warren Ave., Penticton

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We took a break for Christmas Eve and are eager to get back to our regular schedule. We hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends over the Christmas weekend.


·       A review of 2023 for the Freedom Movement in Canada and for Penticton4Freedom as an integral part of that movement. What’s next for P4F in 2024? Open Mic.


o   If you wish to attend the party later that evening, there’s still time to order your ticket. See poster below. If you can’t make it to the event, you can still show your support in other ways:

§  1. Send a donation by cheque or cash in a sealed envelope, for special delivery by Mary Lou and Deborah, both of whom will be attending the fundraiser in person. And/or

§  2. Provide a silent auction item to raise money at the event.

·       This is an opportunity for re-gifting or for clearing out some of those items you once thought you would use, but didn’t.  

·        Make sure you include a tag describing the item and with you name on it (if you wish acknowledgement for your gift), and with a minimum starting bid and/or approximate retail value.

New Year’s Eve tickets

Miss a week and you miss a lot! Surprise speakers are a common occurrence.
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Bring your signs or borrow one of ours. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll gladly find someone to share their knowledge with us. ——————————————- o0o———————————————— Kelowna   NEXT C.L.E.A.R. RALLY Saturday, January 6, 2024 – Noon to 2 p.m. Stuart Park by the Bear, opposite city hall, Kelowna   Kelowna Court Sessions Bruce’s trial continues on Jan. 17 also in Kelowna courthouse at 9:30.   Please show your continued support for those on the front lines who have risked their freedom, to support everyone’s freedom! ——————————————- o0o———————————————— image.png

Save the date!!

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Thank you for your support throughout 2023.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and the best for 2024.

Gina and Mary Lou, your P4F Newsletter team

P.S.We still have a lot to do, and it’s way more fun with like-minded friends like you.

  Mary Lou 

Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter


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Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.             

NE Corner of 2020 Main St. and Warren Ave., Penticton

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We took a break for Christmas Eve and are eager to get back to our regular schedule. We hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends over the Christmas weekend.


·       A review of 2023 for the Freedom Movement in Canada and for Penticton4Freedom as an integral part of that movement. What’s next for P4F in 2024? Open Mic.


o   If you wish to attend the party later that evening, there’s still time to order your ticket. See poster below. If you can’t make it to the event, you can still show your support in other ways:

§  1. Send a donation by cheque or cash in a sealed envelope, for special delivery by Mary Lou and Deborah, both of whom will be attending the fundraiser in person. And/or

§  2. Provide a silent auction item to raise money at the event.

·       This is an opportunity for re-gifting or for clearing out some of those items you once thought you would use, but didn’t.  

·        Make sure you include a tag describing the item and with you name on it (if you wish acknowledgement for your gift), and with a minimum starting bid and/or approximate retail value.

New Year’s Eve tickets

Miss a week and you miss a lot! Surprise speakers are a common occurrence.
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Bring your signs or borrow one of ours. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll gladly find someone to share their knowledge with us. ——————————————- o0o———————————————— Kelowna   NEXT C.L.E.A.R. RALLY Saturday, January 6, 2024 – Noon to 2 p.m. Stuart Park by the Bear, opposite city hall, Kelowna   Kelowna Court Sessions Bruce’s trial continues on Jan. 17 also in Kelowna courthouse at 9:30.   Please show your continued support for those on the front lines who have risked their freedom, to support everyone’s freedom! ——————————————- o0o———————————————— image.png

Save the date!!

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Thank you for your support throughout 2023.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and the best for 2024.

Gina and Mary Lou, your P4F Newsletter team

P.S.We still have a lot to do, and it’s way more fun with like-minded friends like you.

  Mary Lou 


Before “vax passes” and the Canadian Truckers’ convoy, there was Adamson’s BBQ.

Before “vax passes”, and  before the Canadian Truckers’ convoy, there was Adamson’s BBQ. One Canadian man, Adam Skelly, stood against the tyranny. He said “No!” and took on the fight for all of our rights.

Currently the WHO and their accomplices are plotting more viruses, lockdowns, and forced injections. Meanwhile, Skelly and his team are fighting in the Canadian courts to defend our fundamental rights and freedoms.

I’ll be attending and speaking at the Adam Skelly BBQ Rebellion New Year’s Eve Fundraiser in Toronto. Please join us if you can. There is a simultaneous event in Windsor Ontario.

To purchase tickets for New Years Eve please call or text Jody Ledgerwood at 905-269-7653 for Toronto tickets; and call or text Sharon Peters at 519-816-8972 for Windsor tickets.

If you cannot make it to the New Years event, please considering donating any amount directly by e-transfer, to:   

Or to the GiveSendGo hosted by the Concerned Constituents of Canada at: 

Concerned Constituents of Canada is a nonprofit corporation and official sponsor of the Adamson Barbeque vs. Ontario challenge        

More Information

Here is a message directly from The Adam Skelly New Year’s Event Organizers

To Our Freedom Family & Friends,

Before you is an OFFICIAL UPDATE and an invitation to celebrate.  After almost 3 years of fundraising, roadblocks and legal proceedings, the only case the government tried to delay and make disappear, will FINALLY HAVE ITS DAY IN COURT!  The Adamson Barbecue Challenge is scheduled to be heard on October 1st, 2nd, and 7th of 2024!  If you are reading this, it’s because you contributed to and/or supported the cause – OUR CAUSE – to call out the Great Lie and hold this government to account.

This challenge would have long been dead in the water, had it not been for the incredible determination and conviction of our legal team, the CCOC and the generosity of our Donors, who understood that no other challenge like this – WITH THE EVIDENCE – exists ANYWHERE in North America, possibly the world.  The end of 2022 saw the combined efforts of Windsor/Essex and our friends in the Greater Toronto Area, raising just enough funds to satisfy the court demands and secure a hearing date.     

While we wait for Adam’s case to be heard, the government and the media have ramped up reports of a “new mysterious illness” affecting China and the state of Ohio, and have recently resurrected news of the “swine flu”.  The implication, of course, is that “masks, lockdowns, and new vaccines” are imminent.  We’ve heard this before with Delta, Omicron, Monkeypox etc
  The only way to stop them from completely destroying small businesses, and eventually our sovereignty, is to legally challenge their lies in a court of law WITH THE EVIDENCE.  We have some of the world’s best PhD experts – and they have brought the evidence.  The government cannot touch the evidence.  October 2024 can’t come fast enough. (for more details and updates on the Challenge please visit )

There is much reason to celebrate, my friends!  With New Year’s Eve just around the corner, what better opportunity than to celebrate 2024 together, breaking bread, dancing, and toasting one another on history in the making!   

Join us for our New Year’s Eve Bash and Fundraiser!  It’s going to be a great night with a delicious meal, music, dancing, games, 50/50 draws, midnight snacks, midnight toast etc.    

Tickets must be reserved by December 15th for Windsor and December 20th for Toronto.  Only 200 tickets will be sold for each event. The deadline is fast approaching, so do not delay, order yours today! RSVP to this email or call/text Jody at 905-269-7653 to help fund the ONLY legal challenge calling out The Great Lie that was Covid-19 and the ruinous “pandemic measures” that bankrupted so many businesses and destroyed so many lives.

Stand up now because many other businesses will sadly follow when their government loans (given out during the pandemic) come due.  Adam Skelly and Adamson Barbecue, with the help of the Concerned Constituents of Canada, will fight to the end and hold the government to account with this challenge.

We look forward to being heard in court in 2024.  We hope to see you for New Year’s Eve to celebrate! Please share this with your family and friends.

***All profits from this event will go directly to the Concerned Constituents of Canada – A federally incorporated, non-for-profit corporation, volunteer run and official sponsor of the Adamson Barbecue Challenge – ensuring ALL monies are paid towards having this challenge heard in 11 months***

The Province is fighting hard to break us financially and have the challenge dismissed due to a lack of funding.  We NEED to raise, at a minimum $32,000 for the security of costs motion the Province just won against us and $15,000 for legal fees currently owing to our lawyer, the incredible Ian Perry (who has a proven track record for winning cases in the courts for “pandemic” victims) before January 10th, 2024.

If you cannot make it, please considering donating any amount directly by e-transfer, to:  

Or donate any amount to the GiveSendGo hosted by the Concerned Constituents of Canada at:

Please consider sharing this message with your sphere of influence.  Let’s get the word out and remind people there is still hope and people still care enough to stand up for them and their children! You are not alone!

Please check out or website for updates and ways you can help donate to the legal challenge.

God bless you and thank you.

Sharon Peters

John Azzopardi

Chris Weisdorf

Jody Ledgerwood

Concerned Constituents of Canada

A federally incorporated, non-for-profit corporation under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act.

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, December 16-January 17


Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter


 A quick scan of the index will save you time and bring you up to date. Each index item will appear in order in the email with pertinent details. Please pay special attention to those with dates to remember and any action items (petitions, etc.) that can be handled within a very few minutes.

·        Rallies and local events

o   P4F weekly rally details – Sundays

o   CLEAR Kelowna rally –December 16

o   Kelowna court date for Bruce –January 17

o   Christmas Special Zoom Get-together – this Sunday, Dec. 17, 3-5 p.m.

·        Please Sign the Petitions and forward to friends and social media

o   “We the citizens of Canada have lost confidence in Justin Trudeau and the Liberal/NDP coalition.”

·        Worth a Look

o   An Uplifting Message for This Time of the Year by Neil Oliver – “…this year, of all years, it matters to defy the darkness in every way you can.” (16:18)

o   Top 12 Videos to Watch For viewing over the holidays – Jason Christoff has identified the top 12 videos in 2023 proving COVID vaccine fraud.

·        Druthers November Issue – link and update


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FREEDOM RALLIES â€“ Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

                   at NE Corner of 2020 Main Street and Warren Avenue, Penticton

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·       How prepared are we as individuals, for the takeover of our financial systems by a global Central Bank Digital Currency? Some key points included:

§  The importance of holding some alternative currencies was stressed – at least enough to carry you through the first six months so you can refuse to participate in any CBDC: Gold & Silver, CASH, other digital currencies, and community-based forms of currency gaining momentum out there. At least one has been in existence on the West Coast for 7 or 8 years.

§  Currency exchanges will pop up to accommodate a variety of currencies. The main point is to have some form of currency set aside for the emergency and to identify suppliers of your needs who will continue to serve you outside of the government networks.

§  With a CBDC takeover, banks, as we know them, will cease to exist. What does that mean for us?

§  The difference between national central banks, such as the Bank of Canada, or the US Federal Reserve, and a CBDG was also explained. One is a financial clearing house, and the other is a data bank for enslaving you through your Social Credit score.


·       More on preparedness: How do we communicate more privately? Plus
Wins of the week here and around the world. Action updates. And More

·       Share your own research and pose your own questions for discussion. Open Mic.

Miss a week and you miss a lot! Surprise speakers are a common occurrence.
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Bring your signs or borrow one of ours. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll gladly find someone to share their knowledge with us.   ——————————————- o0o———————————————— Kelowna   December 16th Noon Rally Join us Saturday, December 16th at 12:00 noon for our street protest on the corner of Hwy 97 and Cooper in Kelowna. Last week was wonderful with lots of support!


Kelowna Court Success

Bruce’s trial continues on Jan. 17 also in Kelowna at 9:30.

Please show your continued support for those on the front lines who have risked their freedom, for everyone’s freedom!

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Leaders in Dialogue: A Christmas Special

Join some of your favourite freedom heroes for a festive 2-hour party on Zoom.

Special guests include Ted Kuntz, Stephen Malthouse, Charles Hoffe, Sean Taylor, Chris Shaw, and many others.

Come and be surprised with the gifts of their presence.

It’s like sitting down to dinner and a chat with all these heroes, including you and your fellow freedom activists.

 Hosted by Lindsay Gabelhouse.

Zoom Link


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LAST WEEK to Pick up NEW YEARS EVE Party Tickets! – Dr. Hoffe Fundraiser!


——————————————- o0o————————————————   ACTION OF THE WEEK Sign the Petition We the citizens of Canada have lost confidence in Justin Trudeau and the Liberal/NDP coalition. We call on the house for a vote of no confidence. We ask for an election 45 days after the vote if won.   As of December 15, 2023 – 10:30 a.m. there were 324,000 signatures. Are you one of them? Pass the word along. Canadians, including millions of others who took the jab and bought the line, are ready to toss Trudeau to the wolves. The issues are not only freedom-related. They are about paying their mortgages, putting food on the table, and children being taught nonsense instead of the 3Rs. And they are tired of staying quiet. This can be the beginning of the silent revolution.

WORTH A LOOK   An Uplifting Message For
This Time of the Year
ï»żNeil Oliver – “…this year, of all years, it matters to defy the darkness in every way you can.” (16:18) WATCH    ——————————- o0o————————————-  Top 12 Videos to Watch  For viewing over the holidays – Jason Christoff has identified top 12 videos in 2023 proving COVID vaccine fraud.  WATCH   ——————————- o0o————————————-    image.png

So many of you kept asking for it… and I’m super stoked to announce that the new Druthers website is ready! What does that mean? I’ll tell you, but first, I need to promote our Neighbourhood Mail service as we still have about 40,000 newspapers ready to be delivered to your local community via Canada Post… and it’s a really good one!!   ORDER IT FOR YOUR NEIGHBOURS 3 easy steps: I’m sure you are very busy, it’s that time of year, so I will make this as quick and easy as possible for us to get this important topic into the minds and discussions of the people in your community.   1. Choose the postal code area you would like Druthers delivered to.   2. Select how many homes in that area you would like to receive a copy of this month’s Druthers.   3. Send an etransfer for the appropriate amount to and we will manually enter the order for you. You don’t even need to order on the website to make this happen. (Please include the postal code of the area you would like done in the etransfer notes)   THE NEW WEBSITE IS READY!!  

As many of you know, this Druthers project was started by regular folks from the lockdown protests back in 2020 as a way to bypass all the insane amounts of censorship on the internet on important topics, news & information. We are not professional writers, publishers or web developers. We are just people who care and we decided to figure out how to make a difference.   Also, as you are likely aware, online censorship has continued to increase dramatically over the last 3 years, making Druthers more important than ever! We have now printed and distributed over 9.5 MILLION physical newspapers since this project began and it is entirely funded, written, promoted & distributed by concerned Canadians like you.   What’s great about the new website?   First, every single article we’ve published in the 3 years of papers (about 600 articles) are now online as stand alone posts. That means you can share your favorite articles in Druthers much more easily.   Another great thing about this new website?   Facebook and Instagram blocked druthers .net from being shared on their platforms since they deemed us as news and Canadian news isn’t allowed on their platforms now. But now with the new domain being, anything on that website can now be shared on FB & IG. I don’t imagine this will last long as they are likely to flag this domain eventually too, but in the meantime, let’s milk it and share the new Druthers website and its articles everywhere you can, as quickly as you can.   Easier account changes.   We have over 2,100 postal subscribers and if you are one of those good follks, you can now more easily make edits to your subscription. Increase or decrease the number of papers you receive each month, change your mailing address, pause your subscription temporarily if needed, and more.   Read DRUTHERS

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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

Better yet, show up at our rallies, meet some fellow freedom lovers, and pitch in where your interests lead you.

Lots of ((( FREEDOM HUGS! ))) available (if you want them).

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Neil Oliver: ‘
this year, of all years, it matters to defy the darkness in every way you can’

Ex-Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott’s Christmas Update

Whatcott Christmas Update

Dear Friends,

May all of you enjoy a blessed and very merry Christmas as well as a prosperous upcoming New Year.

If I remember correctly from my days at the Toronto Baptist Seminary, the Book of Isaiah has reliably been dated to have been written around 700 years before the coming of Christ. And the Prophet Isaiah spoke these words:

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14

While we do not know for sure the day Christ was born, the western Church decided December 25th was a fine day to celebrate the birth of Christ our Saviour and to this end we rejoice as we reflect on this writing 700 years later from Luke the physician, one of the earliest Greek Christians, who is the author of the Gospel of Luke and of Acts, and who is an eyewitness of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

“And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.“ Luke 2:8-12

I note the birth of Christ is the fulfillment of numerous Old Testament prophecies, and this fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14 came about perfectly seven hundred years after Isaiah gave his Messianic prophecy.

In my mind these Messianic prophecies and their fulfullment by a King who came as a baby wrapped in a swaddling cloth, who was born in a manger; born miraculously to a common woman who was still a virgin, known by the name of Mary is worth reflecting on during the Christmas season.

I would also like to remind my friends that for many Canadians, Christmas this year will be tough. Inflation and the cost of energy is impoverishing many of us. In my neighbourhood, we are trying to minister to a couple seniors who are literally experiencing food insecurity and in one case lost her phone service as her pension is no longer sufficient to pay for a phone, food, and rent, in the trailer park where she is living. This level of poverty was almost unheard of in Alberta ten years ago, but now seniors and others are falling through the cracks. Advertisement

I would encourage my friends to look around for low income seniors in their neighbouhood, or those on disability or who are doing minimum wage jobs, especially if they have a dependant or are renting. These folks might be frugal in their budgeting, but still not be making it. Maybe consider purchasing and setting aside a small practical gift (a little food, an article of warm clothing, hygeine product) for them this Christmas and leave it at their door. God gave us His Son, we can celebrate Christmas in a small way by sharing a little with someone in need, who can’t pay us back.

“We must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: â€˜It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35

I don’t think this level of poverty has to be inevitable. Canada is blessed with natural resources and manufacturing potential. Getting rid of Trudeau and his to hench people, Freeland and Guibeault could help matters in this regard. I think Christmas is also a good time to remind people of the need for a Saviour and repentance.

Unfortunately, even Christians in my own circles are looking at Pierre Pollievre as Canada’s “salvation. ” On a practical level, Pollievre fits all the boxes of a fake conservative, not unlike Doug Ford. The guy’s voting record in Parliament is red. Pollievre publicly supports abortion on demand and has voted in favour of gender selective abortion.

On the free speech front the guy came late to the support of the freedom convoy. Pollievre did not follow the footsteps of more principled conservatives such as Randy Hillier or Derek Sloan who opposed the Covid tyranny early on and were expelled from the Conservative party for their principled and public stands. More tellingly, Pollievre voted with Trudeau to criminalize so-called “conversion therapy,” AKA a responsible adult telling Junior it’s a bad idea to stick his pee pee up the poop shoot of another guy. In actual fact you aren’t “born that way,” and you can choose to avoid that type of sexual behaviour and all the harms that go with it. Pollievre believes giving sensible, truthful, advice of this nature to Junior, whether you are a dad, a teacher, or a Christian counsellor is worthy of up to 5 years in a federal penitentary.

No, Pollievre will not be Canada’s “saviour.” We need Jesus, and there is an Old Testament Scripture worth reflecting on when it comes to the state Canadians are finding themselves in:

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14                                        As for my own so-called “hate crime” charge, related to my Gospel ministry at the 2016 Toronto homosexual shame parade? I have no new news to report yet on my application to the Supreme Court of Canada. We are hoping to overturn the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision ordering me to stand trial again for this charge after I was already acquitted by the Ontario Superior Court in December 2021.

As, I looked more into the Ontario Court of Appeal ruling, I am realizing just how outrageous this ruling is. Notwithstanding my obvious bias in the case, it seems to me the Supreme Court of Canada should overturn the Ontario Court of Appeal ruling and deliver a strongly worded rebuke the Appeal Court Judges. They actually ignored an explicit Charter right and allowed their pro-homosexual biases to get in the way of their responsibility rule impartially and in accordance with so-called fundamental Charter rights, such as the right of accused persons to not be retried for the same offence once they are acquitted after already undergoing a trial.

I didn’t realize it, but the right to not have to stand trial for the same offense again, once being found “not guilty,” is actually enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights:

11. Any person charged with an offence has the right:

h. if finally acquitted of the offence, not to be tried for it again and, if finally found guilty and punished for the offence, not to be tried or punished for it again

I could see this Charter right being set aside and a new trial being ordered, if it came to light after my acquittal that I bribed the judge and as a result of that bribery the judge deliberately ignored or skewed evidence of my guilt and granted me an acquittal.

But in my case, nothing of this sort happened. Rather a Liberal, Trudeau appointee, Ontario Appeals Court judge by the name of Lorne Sossin (he/him), (Lorne is woke and even though he is a 100% biological male he is concerned you won’t know if he is a man, or a woman, or a gender queer, so he helps you out with his pronouns) decided not hearing the testimony of a York University homosexual activist academic was such a serious error in law that the Charter protection not to be tried again for the same offense could be ignored and ordered that a I go through a second trial for a charge I was already acquitted of.

Lorne Sossin (he/him) puts his pronouns after his name, so you don’t make a mistake and think he is a she/her/they/zir or something else. Advertisements Report this ad

Sossin writes in paragraph 82: ”In my view, the trial judge’s exclusion of Professor Mulé’s evidence constituted a legal error which affected the record on which he based his acquittal.
Given the contextual dynamics of the test for hate speech, with the assistance of
that expert evidence, the verdict could well have been different. On this basis, a
new trial on a complete record is required.”

Click to access 2023-08-11-Ontario-Court-of-Appeal-Whatcott-decision.pdf

Here is Nick Mule’s curriculem vitae. As you can see for yourself Mule’s “expertise” is queering social work, queer liberation, male on male kink, etc
; Mule’ sits on a group called “Queer Ontario” and strangely he sits as a member for another group known as “No Pride in Policing.” This leads me to ask why would Nick even want to show up at my trial to give “expert” evidence to get me convicted of a hate crime for handing out flyers of any sort at the Toronto homosexual pride parade, as he belongs to a group that opposes to the presence of police in homosexual pride parades?

Anyways, it is no surprise that Nick, notwithstanding his own tendencies towards anarchy and tearing down the social order, especially when it comes to illegal drug use and public sex, would opine that my flyer is criminal hate speech. Indeed, his taxpayer funded paper accusing me of using “tropes” of various nasty sorts and having ulterior motives as I put together my flyer, and having made an argument that my flyer caused “minority stress” and this leads to bad health outcomes for sodomites; it is no surprise Nick’s opinion is that my flyer is a crime that should land me in jail. It’s also clear Nick’s opinion on my flyer should be as weighty as that of someone who advocates for furries, or diaper fetishes, or drag queen story hours at libraries. Nick has no legal training and his “expertise” is advocating for sexually deviant behaviours in quite a variety of manifestations, but not much else.

The fact Justice Sossin used Justice Goldstein’s decision to not admit Nick Mule’s “expert” paper or testimony as evidence in my trial as a reason to ignore a Charter right and overturn my acquittal and order a new trial, really shows the Charter for all the lofty homage lawyers and judges pay to it, is not actually worth anything. If the Charter Right is at variance with the personal preferences of a Liberal, pro-homosexual, judge, the Charter right get ignored. Of course we are to believe Nick Mule’s opinion is so integral to a hate crime trial that an acquittal needs to be overturned if a judge elects to make up his mind after reviewing the evidence and decides to not entertain him! What weighty wisdom does a guy have who writes academic treatises about kink and creating safe spaces in public parks so sodomites can have sex in the park without worrying about getting busted by the police? According to Justice Sossin (he/him) Mule’s kind of knowledge is a must have for a judge who is reading a Bill Whatcott flyer and trying to figure out if it is illegal hate speech or free speech.

To see the flyer that was declared not hate speech by Superior Court Justice Goldstein but which Nick Mule’s said caused “minority stress” to homosexual parade attendees and contains “tropes” that are hateful, and whose opinion is so vital according to Ontario Court of Appeal Justice Sossin (he/him) as to set aside a Superior Court Justice’s acquittal, ignore a Charter Right to not be tried twice for the same offence, and to go on trial again, go here:

Sorry I can’t show you the flyer as my bail conditions order me not to reproduce links to the flyer anymore. ☹️

Anyways, since the last appeal for funds I made a couple month ago, I think I raised $300 or so. If we go to the Supreme Supreme Court of Canada this money will go to John Rosen, a lawyer who has worked hard and has done me well. If the Supreme Court refuses to hear my case (they decline to hear 95% or so of cases that come their way) then I will use the money to drive to Ontario to conduct my own defense in my next trial.

Either way, I definitely would like to give Mr. Rosen more than $300 if we go to the Supreme Court. If I conduct my own defense, I will need more than $300 to even make the gas needed to drive to Ontario, never mind food and other necessities for what will likely be months of being forced to reside and conduct my own defence in the city of Toronto.

If God puts it on your heart to contribute, you can do so here: Advertisements Report this ad

Until next time, Merry Christmas! And remember Jesus is the reason for the Season!

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.“ Isaiah 9:6



EDMONTON, December 3, 2023. “I arrived back here at the Edmonton Remand Centre (EDC), Friday, December 1. I was so dishevelled and unshaven that some did not recognize me. No shave, comb, mirror or hot beverages for 14 days. 

Still, I beat 8 out of 11 charges against me fighting nine cops, 14 witnesses, one grumpy 70 year old Greek feminist Crown, a school marm judge.

As for myself, fellow inmates said that they’d never allow a self represented yahoo like me embarrass the Court and actually beat all the charges! Not going to happen.

So,I must return to Fort McMurray on Friday December 15 for a sentence hearing on the 19th, for what? An hour. [Because there’s only one prison van a week], then I return here on the bus on the following Friday, December 22. So, one more week in Fort McMurray police cells.

And after zero EVIDENCE of any actual damage to tires entered in Court, they convict me on flat tires. Where was the unbiased Crown?

Mr. G. Smith my “amicus” sat behind me in Court and I would pass him written questions, many of which he would say ‘no’ to, so as not to give those testifying any more information about the case, as they already seemed not too informed to begin with. Makes sense.

The Crown was a race hustler, although I frequently stood up to proclaim that neither race nor pamphlet writing were the issues before the Court.

Gout in my right hand since last week makes writing painful.

So, at the sentencing hearing, several  witness “victims” will soon read three year old statements related to the alleged trauma they suffered. I can’t quiz them on their comments. Nor are they under oath during such a throw down.
I, on the other hand, play the “we’re appealing” stance and say zip during such a farce.

Still, it looks like Christmas in here for me. We’ll see how December 19 pans out and whether G. Smith can get me out on bail thereafter.

“Anti-Racist” Free Speech Haters Cancel A Venue for a Christine Anderson Talk in Ottawa

German MEP Christine Anderson Forced To Find New Venue For Ottawa Stop

The event is scheduled to take place tonight at a new venue. Management has not responded to requests for comment. Posted on November 29, 2023

Peter Smith
Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Christine Anderson and Eva Vlaardingerbroek pictured together on the promotional poster for the Make It Your Business North American Tour. Source: Trinity Productions

A member of the European Parliament for a far-right political party is attempting to move ahead with a speaking date in Ottawa tonight after one capital city venue cancelled the booking following pressure from local activists.

Christine Anderson, an MEP with Alternative fĂŒr Deutschland (Alternative For Germany – AfD), has already appeared in Vancouver and Winnipeg. The final planned Canadian stop on the tour is in Ottawa on Wednesday. 

According to a social media post by the organizers, the event is now taking place at the Preston Event Centre, in Ottawa’s Little Italy neighbourhood. 

Anderson has brought Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a far-right political pundit, with her for each Canadian appearance, as well as a number of local speakers for each stop.

The locations of Anderson’s events are not revealed to ticket holders until two days before they are scheduled. 

Initially planned to take place at the Ottawa Conference and Event Centre, an email shared by Tammy Peterson on Twitter — the wife of Jordan Peterson — purports to show an email from the venue cancelling the event. The post was reshared by two of the founders of Trinity Productions, the organizer of this and previous talks by Anderson. 

“At the time of your booking, there was no disclosure to OCEC of the nature of the event Trinity Productions intended to hold at our conference centre,” the email read. “Today it has been brought to our attention that your event features two speakers, Christine Anderson and Eva Vlaardingerbroek commonly associated with hate speech and beliefs that are antithetical and completely unwelcome to OCEC, its management, employees and others who use our conference and event centre.”

OCEC did not respond immediately to a request for comment. 

A post by Ottawa antifascist activist Joe Morin shows an email he received from the venue thanking the Ottawa community for informing the venue about the people involved and that they were unaware when the event was scheduled.

“This booking has been cancelled,” the response reads.

Dubbed Christine Anderson’s Make It Your Business North American Tour, it does include a single stop in New Jersey, the only US date scheduled. 

“I think in one way it’s a victory in terms of making them scramble to find something last minute,” Sam Hersh, a member of the advocacy group Community Solidarity Ottawa told the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. “Of course, it’s disappointing to know that, especially where we live, there’s a business that is willing to take this [event] on. I think the fact that this particular place, Preston Event Centre, agreed to take this on so last minute, says a lot about what I think their values and principles are.”

Before leaving the capital, Anderson will also be appearing on Parliament Hill at 10 pm on Thursday to speak and participate in a march to Confederation Park. 

Hersh adds that he would like to see local politicians raise the issue of events like the one featuring Anderson and Vlaardingerbroek.

“It would be great to see them take leadership,” he said. “We need to start seeing these folks materially support efforts to stop these types of things from happening.”

A follow-up to February’s What Would Christine Anderson Do tour and a shorter spate of speaking engagements in Southern Ontario in June, her previous visits included meeting with Conservative MPs Colin Carrie, Dean Allison and Leslyn Lewis. In response, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre issued a statement calling Anderson’s views “vile” and do not have a place in Canadian politics. 

“Frankly, it would be better if Anderson never visited Canada in the first place. She and her racist, hateful views are not welcome here,” the statement said, according to the CBC.

The Ottawa stop will be the largest lineup on the tour with six speakers besides Anderson and Vlaardingerbroek. Among those scheduled to appear is Josh Alexander, who appeared on Anderson’s last tour. During his previous appearance, she not only endorsed the young activist but literally embraced him. Alexander has organized a series of anti-2SLGBTQ+ protests, some of them in front of schools, after being suspended from a school in an Ontario Catholic board for what he says are his religious beliefs.

A parent of a transgender student at the school told City News that Alexander had been suspended for harassing her child. 

“You know what guys, this is what we need,” Anderson said from the stage before hugging the 17-year-old. “Young people standing up for what they believe in.”

Update on Druthers

So many of you kept asking for it… and I’m super stoked to announce that the new Druthers website is ready! What does that mean? I’ll tell you, but first, I need to promote our Neighbourhood Mail service as we still have about 40,000 newspapers ready to be delivered to your local community via Canada Post… and it’s a really good one!!ORDER IT FOR YOUR NEIGHBOURS 

3 easy steps: I’m sure you are very busy, it’s that time of year, so I will make this as quick and easy as possible for us to get this important topic into the minds and discussions of the people in your community. 1. Choose the postal code area you would like Druthers delivered to. 2. Select how many homes in that area you would like to receive a copy of this month’s Druthers. 400 neighbours ($196)
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3. Send an etransfer for the appropriate amount to and we will manually enter the order for you. You don’t even need to order on the website to make this happen. (Please include the postal code of the area you would like done in the etransfer notes) That’s it! Order now and the newspapers will be delivered before Christmas by Canada Post. That ought to help inspire some interesting, much needed conversations around the dinner table this year.THE NEW WEBSITE IS READY!! As many of you know, this Druthers project was started by regular folks from the lockdown protests back in 2020 as a way to bypass all the insane amounts of censorship on the internet on important topics, news & information. We are not professional writers, publishers or web developers. We are just people who care and we decided to figure out how to make a difference. Also, as you are likely aware, online censorship has continued to increase dramatically over the last 3 years, making Druthers more important than ever! We have now printed and distributed over 9.5 MILLION physical newspapers since this project began and it is entirely funded, written, promoted & distributed by concerned Canadians like you.

What’s great about the new website? First, every single article we’ve published in the 3 years of papers (about 600 articles) are now online as stand alone posts. That means you can share your favorite articles in Druthers much more easily. Another great thing about this new website? Facebook and Instagram blocked druthers .net from being shared on their platforms since they deemed us as news and Canadian news isn’t allowed on their platforms now. But now with the new domain being, anything on that website can now be shared on FB & IG. I don’t imagine this will last long as they are likely to flag this domain eventually too, but in the meantime, let’s milk it and share the new Druthers website and its articles everywhere you can, as quickly as you can. Easier account changes. We have over 2,100 postal subscribers and if you are one of those good follks, you can now more easily make edits to your subscription. Increase or decrease the number of papers you receive each month, change your mailing address, pause your subscription temporarily if needed, and more.   We are still going strong, because of you! As this year wraps up, I would like to send my deepest heart-felt gratitude to the 10’s of thousands of Druthers lovers all across Canada (and beyond). While there is still a lot of work ahead of us to correct this tyrannical system we are currently living under, but we are making a tremendous difference. I can only imagine what the state of this country would be right now if there were not nearly 10 MILLION Druthers in circulation, planting important seeds of though into the minds of Canadians and helping more people see the bigger picture of the evil agendas at play. It starts with awareness, for if people do not recognize there is a problem, they will not step up to change things. That’s where Druthers is playing such and important role in this Great Awakening that is happening right now. People are waking up faster than ever… I know… I have been consciously watching for nearly 20 years and I see we ARE waking up faster than ever before. That is highly exciting to me and I thank you all so much for seeing the bigger picture and caring enough to do something about it. Without all of you, Canada would have fallen much further & harder by now. YOU are literally helping save this country and I am honoured to be able to provide Druthers to help you all in your mission. Big thanks & lots of love to you all <3

Shawn Jason
& the entire Druthers Crew

Dr. Robert MrCorkill, An Honourable Man

Some of the attendees in late November at the National Alliance invitation-only event honoring Dr. Robert McCorkill. His memorial is permanently located on National Alliance property; the new warehouse for the William Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center can be seen up the hill in the background.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 9 December, 2023

by Kevin Alfred Strom

LET ME TELL you a story about an honorable man. A man whose last wishes were disrespected after his death, when he could do nothing about it. A man whose legacy was reviled and hated by the Jewish power structure — so reviled and so hated that they forced him, quite an eminent man during his lifetime, to lie in an unmarked grave. And it is also a story about this man — Dr. Robert McCorkill — finally getting his due mead of glory, his life-memorial, and a fitting remembrance ceremony at the National Alliance community two weeks ago.

The memorial stone

The memorial stands on a wooded hill in the mountains of Upper East Tennessee, on National Alliance property, just down the hill from the site of the William Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center, and overlooking another grassy knoll on which the future Cosmotheist Chapel will be built. Along with the Life Rune with oak leaves symbol designed by Dr. William Pierce, on its stone face are engraved the words: “Robert McCorkill, 1935-2004, His Loyalty Was His Honor.” Next to his dates of birth and death are the life rune and death rune, symbols long used by many of our European ancestors for that same purpose. (I can even remember finding late-19th-century Norwegian-language newspapers in my grandparents’ attic in northern Minnesota, where birth and death notices were accompanied by these runes.)

Back in 2016, I wrote a summary of Dr. McCorkill’s life and career and his work for the Alliance, and the insanely unjust treatment he received after his death at the hands of organized Jewry. Let me quote some passages from that account, along with my commentary I’ll add today.

* * *

Dr. Robert McCorkill was a soft-spoken retired chemistry professor from St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. He was something of a Renaissance man — becoming a writer in addition to receiving his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Manitoba, carrying out geo- and cosmo-chemical research at MIT and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and teaching at several universities, including Harvard.

He was also a dedicated, hard-working member of the National Alliance.

[After his retirement, he not only worked as an editor and researcher for the National Alliance, but he uprooted himself from a comfortable situation and relocated to the National Alliance West Virginia campus, where he helped Dr. Pierce in numerous practical ways in addition to his primary duties — and let me add, that to anyone who knew Dr. Pierce, you know for sure that those “practical ways” included a lot of hard work. Dr. McCorkill didn’t have to make that decision. With his achievements and qualifications, he could have had endless lucrative opportunities at research institutes, private industry, NGOs, or government service. But he chose to live in a spartan cabin and work for the continued existence of his race by helping the National Alliance. He was even by our National Alliance founder’s side, every day, during William Pierce’s final battle with cancer in a West Virginia hospital. That is an honorable man.]

[Dr. McCorkill died two years after Dr. Pierce, in 2004. Then began a story so unbelievable that it’s hard to conceptualize without a deep insight into the hate-crazed soul of the racial enemy.]

Robert McCorkill’s will was invalidated by the Canadian government in collusion with well-funded Jewish groups — invalidated because he left his estate — valued at between $250,000 (in 2004 dollars) to $1,000,000 — to the National Alliance.

Both concurrent with and after his work at several Canadian universities and the Canadian Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, Dr. McCorkill was able to pursue his lifelong interest in history and prehistory, and became a collector of antiquities from ancient civilizations. It was his collection of these artifacts, some of which were exceedingly rare coins that was to go to the Alliance, along with the rest of his estate.

I first met Robert McCorkill in the early 2000s. He had joined the National Alliance in 1998. He and I both worked on projects for Dr. Pierce, and sometimes we collaborated. He moved to the Alliance’s West Virginia campus to do that work while Dr. Pierce was still alive, voluntarily accepting a rather spartan existence to do so. He was an intelligent, determined, and generous man. He was selflessly dedicated to the ideals and mission of the National Alliance — the survival and advancement of the European race. Dr. McCorkill willed not only his valuable collection of ancient coins, weapons, and other artifacts, but also some valuable investments, to the National Alliance — his entire estate. Dr. Pierce’s trusted associate, Fred Streed, was named executor of Dr. McCorkill’s will.

The estate went through all the necessary legal procedures, paperwork, et cetera — and was ready for final probate in 2013. Suddenly, Dr. McCorkill’s estranged sister, Isabelle McCorkell — so estranged that she usually didn’t even use the same spelling for her last name — appeared on the scene, objecting to the will. She was also so estranged that she had not spoken to or had any contact with her brother since 1991 â€” 22 years before her sudden reappearance. If she was aware of her brother’s will and its bequest to the National Alliance before 2013, or had any real objection to it, she gave no indication of it — saying and doing precisely nothing, making no legal claims of any kind, for nine long years since Robert McCorkill’s death. [Evidence also shows that, until she was contacted by Jewish groups, she wasn’t even aware her brother had died nine years earlier!]

At the very last possible moment, when the bequest was soon slated to be disbursed — Isabelle McCorkell materialized, brandishing legal papers calling for the will to be overturned. Strangely, these legal papers had been prepared by one of the priciest law firms in New Brunswick, despite the fact that Miss McCorkell claimed to be in “straitened circumstances.” And, even more strangely, this obscure and previously totally uninvolved woman was accompanied by a veritable army of hand-holders, “advisors,” “spokesmen,” and handlers — people she didn’t know and hadn’t met until almost that very moment — including the Attorney General of New Brunswick, and several Jewish groups including the “League of Human Rights” of B’nai B’rith, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, and, leading the charge even though it is not a Canadian organization, Alabama’s so-called Southern Poverty Law Center.

Now, what do you think the chances are that poor little Isabelle arranged this coalition of force and money on her own? (The SPLC alone has a war chest of hundreds of millions.) Or is it more likely that Isabelle was a paid-off pawn in a dirty game of politics and payoffs designed to prevent the National Alliance from receiving what it is due and what Dr. McCorkill wanted it to have?

Neither the SPLC’s high-priced lawyers nor the Jewish fixers made any claim that Dr. McCorkill’s will was not properly drawn. They did not allege that Dr. McCorkill was not of sound mind when he made his will. They made not the slightest suggestion that there was any irregularity of any kind in the will itself or in the probate procedures. They even made no claim that Isabelle had any familial right to even one cent’s worth of the estate.

Instead, they did what has never been done before: These Jews, using long-estranged Isabelle as a patsy, nakedly and shamelessly demanded that Robert McCorkill’s dying wish — that his wealth be used as he chose and as he believed after his death — be disregarded and ignored because of the political and philosophical views of the National Alliance. They demanded that Dr. McCorkill’s sacred right to dispose of his property as he sees fit, enjoyed (up until today) by every free man under the Anglo-Saxon common law for centuries — be disregarded and ignored because of the political and philosophical views of the National Alliance. They demanded that all the products of Dr. McCorkill’s lifetime of work and thought and experience be brazenly stolen and awarded to a sister that he actively disliked and to other family members which he had purposely omitted from his will — and, further, they demanded that thousands of dollars from the estate also go to pay the alleged “legal expenses” of the Jewish groups who staged these fraudulent proceedings in the first place — groups whose purposes were abhorred by Dr. McCorkill, groups complicit in the ongoing genocide of our race.

And the courts of New Brunswick, including the appeals court and the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa, agreed with these outrageously immoral and blatantly illegal Jewish demands. The estate of Dr. McCorkill was stolen.

Defending against this anti-freedom, illegitimate coalition were the executor of the McCorkill estate, Fred Streed, and the Canadian Association for Free Expression led by stalwart patriot Paul Fromm, and lawyers for the National Alliance.

The man who made the initial decision to accede to these Jewish demands is Judge William Grant of the New Brunswick Court of Queen’s Bench. Judge Grant ruled that the will could be voided because, he said, the National Alliance’s published positions — that Whites, like any other race on planet Earth, require exclusive living space in order to survive and are morally justified in achieving that prerequisite for life — were “disgusting, repugnant and revolting.” Judge Grant ruled that Whites seeking to change society so as to achieve White living space would be by definition violating Canadian “hate speech” laws and acting contrary to Canadian “public policy.” The judge stated that, just by existing and advocating for White survival and identifying those who are committing genocide against Whites, the National Alliance was in violation of the Canadian Criminal Code, section 319(2), prohibiting the public promotion of “hatred against any identifiable group.”

Judge Grant is a despicable liar. Even if you accept these pretended laws limiting White Canadians’ freedom of speech as valid — which I do not and nor should any moral, upstanding man — there still is zero evidence justifying his decision. National Alliance literature is freely distributed in Canada and there have been no prosecutions on such a basis. This National Alliance radio program has been heard in Canada (initially via shortwave station WRNO and clear channel AM station KXEL, and now via the Internet and the National Alliance Radio Network) since 1991 and is still heard there today. Neither the National Alliance, nor its American members or Canadian members, are banned in Canada. Neither the National Alliance nor its members have been convicted or even charged with violating any such laws in Canada. As Paul Fromm put it: “Has a New Brunswick court taken us into Alice in Wonderland and the Court of the Red Queen? — The verdict is ‘guilty’; no need for a trial; now on to the sentence!”

Plenty of Canadians of many different political persuasions were outraged by this decision, as they should be. A few comments which have gotten through the censorship are these: “This decision means your legal will now means nothing. You simply cannot leave your estate to people ‘the public’ decides it doesn’t like. I think for this reason the decision is outrageous, and will come back to haunt people.” 
 “The [Jewish] ancestry of many of the big-name law firms was a factor in this decision, to be sure”
 “So, if the guy sold his collection before he died and gave the money to the group it would have been allowed, but after he dies his wishes don’t matter.” 
 “Watch out — soon we won’t be able to make donations or give gifts without government approval” 
 “You can’t receive bequests if you have acted illegally? What about when you chase school children to UN shelters and murder them [as Israel has done]? Attack a rescue ship in international waters, kill a dozen and wound dozens of rescuers? There is only one race that can do that in front of the whole world and get away with it and I don’t have to tell you who.” 
 “The National Alliance has never been convicted of a single crime in Canada, yet cannot be a beneficiary in your will. Yet our major political parties and their leaders are regularly convicted of crimes, including serious felonies, and they can and do receive bequests and not a word is said about it. I guess whether or not you have rights in Canada all depends on what B’nai B’rith thinks about you.”

* * *

Perhaps even more outrageous than the theft of Dr. McCorkill’s fortune is the fact that, after all the screaming in the controlled media about the estate and the National Alliance — and Dr. McCorkill’s devotion to it — Jews got together and successfully prevented any marker whatsoever from appearing over his grave — because, supposedly, “some Jews are buried in same cemetery,” and they would feel fearful or afraid or offended by a stone even bearing the name of this ferocious “hater.”

Now I’ve seen it all. Dead Jews in fear of (or in fear of being offended by) a dead National Alliance member — but their fear can be allayed just by denying him a grave marker. So, for many years, Dr. Robert McCorkill, that honorable man, that very honorable man, was denied a memorial.

Now he has his memorial. Now he has had his service of remembrance. Now his community — the National Alliance intentional White community — will remember him always. And I am proud to have been a part of that.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.