Shocking Arrest of Rebel News Reporter David Menzies Reveals How Far Canada Has Fallen

29217041Shocking Engagement Reveals How Far Canada Has Fallen

How bad is it in Canada?

Rebel News reporter David Menzies was “arrested for assault” for asking Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland questions.

You can clearly see David did not “assault” Freeland. It’s arguable that he never even made physical contact.

Worse yet, Justin Trudeau has effectively suppressed Canadians’ access to independent media, compelling them to otherwise go to the CBC, what Elon Musk would call “government-funded media.”

Trudeau has admitted, “There’s a level of admiration I have for China.” Is it too late to save Canada?

Leave a commentKeane Bexte of Countersignal comments: “:

Not only has David been arrested several times for simply doing his job, so have I and many of our peers in independent media.

Police are used as a weapon by those in power to restrict our access, and through us, you, from powerful people. Justin Trudeau, Guilbeault, Freeland, and even Rachel Notley are all guilty of harnessing the justice system to protect their political power.

It is one of the hallmarks of tyranny.

That is why I am so pleased to report today that I have received word from the Conservative Party that they are calling for an official Parliamentary investigation into the events of yesterday.

But just looking into yesterday is not enough – they must investigate the the cause and not just the symptom of our media landscape in this country.

Would you like to know why David Menzies was asking Freeland questions on a sidewalk in the way that he was? It is because Independent journalists are barred from the Parliamentary Press Gallery by the CBC/CTV/Global News/Radio-Canada media cartel.

Because it is the only way for non-paid off journalists in Canada to speak to officials.

When I reached out to Freeland’s office about her speeding ticket, they ignored me and sent a memo out the back door to the CBC to help frame the story in a friendly way. When I applied to the Parliamentary Press Gallery, I was denied. When I attended an event with Trudeau in Meadow Lake, his Media Enforcer, Terry Gullion body checked me to keep me away.

My friends and I are put in dangerous situations, where we risk our safety and freedom all because we are barred from the halls of Parliament.

If ALL media was allowed access in professional and secure settings, we would not have journalists resorting to sidewalk scrums. It is only required because the government makes it so.

If Liberals truly hate how we manage to find them on the street, time and time again and ask them those stinging questions when they are embarrassingly unprepared, they could put a stop to it by allowing us within the halls of Parliament alongside our corporate opponents.

Invitation to a private video viewing featuring David Parker, chief organizer of the ongoing success in Alberta


I have come to agree with many others in BC who see the BC Conservative Party as our best opportunity to turn our province around. Regardless of whatever other freedom activities I engage in, recruiting for the Party will be a major focus.

This video was recorded December 6, 2023 during a BC Rising meeting with special guest David Parker, the driving force behind the Conservative victories in Alberta who is offering his help so long as we follow the plan he is still implementing in Alberta. That plan starts with the recruitment of thousands of volunteers, which is exactly what was done to replace a majority of political decision-makers in Alberta with freedom fighters.

I acknowledge Wayne, Derrick, Shar, Laureen, Roger, Shawn, Naomi and I apologize if I’m missed anyone’s name, for stepping up and building two BC Conservative Party riding associations as a strategic building block for taking back BC from the scoundrels currently making policy.

At the CLEAR rally on Saturday, I met another brave soul who is actively recruiting people to watch and share this video, and after watching it, have decided to follow suit.

I am inviting 20 individuals to attend a viewing of the film and to discuss plans for Penticton4Freedom supporters to actively recruit soldiers for the BC Conservative Party. The time and place:
Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 9 at 2:30 p.m. Location: 803 Fairview Road, Penticton (right across from the library where parking is available) Buzzer 208

This will be the first of many, and I will encourage participants to do the same in their homes.

I have already signed up as a member of the BC Conservative Party, and will be encouraging each participant to do the same, if not already members. Some of us hope to attend the Riding Association meeting at 4:30 p.m. following our discussion of the film. if that is acceptable to the leadership of the Penticton-Summerland Conservative Riding Association. 

Our intention is to become actively engaged in recruiting others, and in directing them to the riding association for further action plans.

Meanwhile, I will continue to run recruiting meetings in my home, showing this video, and will provide whatever tools are also available through the RA.

I’d also like to invite Roger Harrington, or a delegate from the Party to speak at one or more of our rallies, and if possible, to make him/herself available for this and other recruiting meetings in people’s homes.
Here is the link to the video, for those who cannot make it to the group meeting. Very inspiring!

~ Mary Lou

Mary Lou Gutscher


Adam Skelly Heads to Court, CHALLENGING THE GREAT LIE


As many of you know, the City of Toronto and Province of Ontario came down on Adam Skelly like ten tonnes of bricks.  The government brought six, separate legal proceedings against him for daring to dissent.

Why? To single him out. To make an example of him. To punish him for just saying NO. Adam was the first person in North America to be arrested for disobeying public health orders. In the age of COVID-19 tyranny and totalitarianism, dissent and debate are no longer permitted.

The government hit. And we hit back.  Last year, CCOC helped Adam retain new counsel. We are determined to be heard – and will be heard. 

We are challenging the Reopening Ontario Act, its lockdown regulation 82/20, and Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health authority on legal and            constitutional grounds.   Here is a link to our Notice of Application:

We retained six PhD experts to submit evidence that strongly challenges the Great Lie. This evidence has yet to be heard in court.  It is irrefutable.  All the legal documents, including the expert evidence, are as follows:

Skelly vs. ROA Case Documents and Information

We are looking to raise $50,000 in total to see this challenge through, and to counter and prevail against the Great Lie.

This consists of the following:

  • Costs ordered of $15,000 on the original injunction
  • Costs ordered of $15,000 on the failure to be heard on June 28th, 2021
  • Security for costs of $15,000 to proceed with this challenge
  • $5000 for our experts to submit their replies

Freedom isn’t free. Privacy isn’t free. The truth isn’t free.  And justice isn’t free.  We must fight to defend it.  We must fight to the end


As long as the Great Lie remains, these measures can easily be resurrected. They have become a precedent and backed strongly by governments worldwide. Strong, new legal challenges have been brought against the remaining measures; but unfortunately, none of them take aim at the narrative. None of them challenge the Great Lie. It must not and cannot be allowed to stand. The only way to guarantee NEVER AGAIN is to challenge the Great Lie officially in court. That will be the only way to NEVER FORGET.

Do not consent. Do not comply. Do not obey. NEVER GIVE IN.

Thank you for your defiance and Godspeed,
Concerned Constituents of Canada

LeRoy St. Germaine (November 4, 1941-December 18,2023) — R.I.P.

LeRoy St. Germaine (November 4, 1941-December 18,2023) –_R.I.P.

A free speech martyr and former political prisoner, LeRoy St.
Germaine, passed away in hospice in Toronto, December 18, at
the age of 82. The founder and publisher of Your Ward News,
he was convicted in 2019, along with editor Dr. James Sears,
under Canada’s notorious “hate law” (Sec. 319 of the Criminal
Code) for “wilful promotion of hate” against two privileged
groups, Jews and radical feminists. Being a proud Metis, Mr. St.
Germaine was entitled to a reduced sentence because of his
aboriginal background. Judge Richard Blouin urged him to
consider some form of dialogue and apology with Jews and
feminists the paper had allegedly offended. When asked Mr. St.
Germaine’s decision, his lawyer told the judge in a low voice:
“My client said ‘They can go fuck themselves!’” He was
sentenced to a year’s house arrest; editor Dr. Sears got a year in
jail, the maximum under summary conviction for this offence.
Canada’s premier censorship group, the League for Human
Rights of B’nai Brith rejoiced: “This strong sentence was
necessary to send a clear message — that repeated and
remorseless attempts to spread hate in Canadian society will not
be tolerated,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of
B’nai Brith Canada. “The punishment fits the crime, and should
help to deter similar hateful publications today and in the future.”

LeRoy St. Germaine was born in Manitoba. He held many jobs,
including working in circuses in the U.S. He was a tireless
promoter of musicians and music festivals. He was a fixture for
many years in the East End of Toronto and always promoted
local musicians. In 2011, he founded Your Ward News as a
tabloid in East End Toronto. His longtime friend and
Canadians’ Choice Party leader Bahman Yazdanfer
remembers: “The paper took strong stands on local issues and
went after certain politicians quite fiercely. LeRoy was always
cool and calm, even after antifa thugs had vandalized the Main
Street offices of Your Ward News. LeRoy was very sociable and
very generous with his friends,” Mr. Yazdanfer recalls. In 2014,
he teamed up with Dr. James Sears who took the paper in a new
direction, with wildly satirical cartoons and writing. The paper
often criticized radical feminists and the Jewish lobby in
brilliantly satirical writing reminiscent of the National
Lampoon. At its peak, YWN was distributing 350,000 copies
across Ontario and its fame was spreading. The organized
censorship lobby freaked out. Richard Warman, scribbler
Warren Kinsella and various Jewish groups complained and got
YWN’s mailing rights taken away. Shortly afterward, Mr. St.
Germaine and Dr. Sears were charged with “hate”. Mr. St.
Germaine was deeply loyal. Although in poor health, at age 79
he joined a regular CAFÉ protest outside the south Toronto jail
where Dr. Sears was imprisoned.

On his business card, he dubbed himself “Grey Wolf.”

Michelle Erstikaitis, whom he hired as a reporter, remembers: “LeRoy St. Germaine

was a man who was full of ideas. He was always planning an activity or a Blues\

Festival.. He had a musical stage production company called Infinity Productions. In

the last few months of his life he was looking forward to working with Truckers’

Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich, hoping to collaborate on a project together 

he referred to mischievously as their ‘coupling’ as ‘Fellow troublemakers conspiring


Leroy’s ambition will be missed. He was certainly not a man who welcomed retirement.

Right up to the month prior to his hospitalization, he was working on organizing a ‘celebration of

life’ for his brother with whom he had been very close. who had just passed away.”

LeRoy’s wide circle of friends will miss him dearly. A celebration of his life will be held in the

New Year.

LeRoy Supporint Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears & CAFE Director Paul Fromm
LeRoy with rock thrown through window of YOUR WARD NEWS by antifa goons

Hier Stehe Ich! (“Here I Stand (I Can Do No Other”) — Martin Luther

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Monday, January 1, 2024

Hier Stehe Ich! (“Here I Stand (I Can Do No Other”) — Martin Luther

 Every year since I started Throne, Altar, Liberty I have, on the kalends of January which is the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ on the Church Kalendar and New Year’s Day on the civil calendar, posted an essay summarizing where I stand on matters political, religious and cultural, the subjects on which I write.  It is a custom I adopted from one of my own favourite writers, the late Charley Reese of the Orlando Sentinel.   I have often used Dr. Luther’s famous “Here I Stand” as the title in one language or another.   This year it is the German original.  Each year it is a challenge to write this anew because, while I hope my views have matured they have remained basically the same.   Each year I have to resist  the temptation to  just point to T. S Eliot’s “Anglo-Catholic in religion, royalist in politics, classicist in literature” and say ditto.   I usually do make reference to Eliot’s famous self-description, which I read as a twentieth-century update of the definition of Tory that Dr. Johnson wrote for his dictionary, because it provides a handy frame on which to organize my thoughts.

Before getting into my views I will provide as usual some basic background information about myself.  I am a patriotic citizen of Commonwealth Realm that is the Dominion of Canada and a loyal subject of His Majesty King Charles III as I was all my life prior to his accession of his mother of Blessed Memory, our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth II. I love my country’s traditional institutions, Loyalist history, and basically everything about Canada that the sniveling twit who currently occupies the Prime Minister’s Office either wishes we would forget or is endlessly apologizing for.  I have lived all my life in the province of Manitoba, where I was raised on a farm near the village of Oak River and the town of Rivers, where I studied theology for five years at what is now Providence University College – at the time it was Providence College and Theological Seminary – in Otterbourne which is a small college town south of the provincial capital, Winnipeg, where I have lived for the almost quarter of a century since.

Am I, like T. S. Eliot an “Anglo-Catholic in religion”?  If by Anglo-Catholic you mean holding the theology expressed in the Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology, the admirable collection published by John Henry Parker in the nineteenth century of the writings of the classical Anglican divines of the centuries previous including Lancelot Andrewes, the martyred King Charles I’s martyred Archbishop William  Laud and the other Caroline Divines, the scholarly apologist for Trinitarian orthodoxy Bishop George Bull and the Non-Juror George Hickes, I would say yes.     If you mean embracing the views of the Oxford Movement I would be more hesitant.   I think that the most important thing Keble, Newman, Pusey et al.  got right was that the truest and most important establishment of the Church was that by Christ through His Apostles rather than establishment by the state.   I have far less sympathy for the tendency that  manifested itself in some, not all, of them to look Romeward, to regret the Reformation for reasons other than that all schism that harms the visible unity of the Church is regrettable, and to regard the Anglican formularies with a “this will have to do for now” type attitude.   

The Vincentian Canon, “that which is believed everywhere, at all times, and by all”, and its tests of antiquity (does it go back to the Apostles), universality (is it held throughout the Church in all regions and ages rather than particular to one time and place), and consent (was it affirmed by the Church’s leadership in a way that was subsequently received as authoritative throughout the Church) is in my view the right way of determining what is truly Catholic, not whether it has been declared dogma by the Patriarch of Rome or one of the Councils that his adherents have held since the Great Schism between East and West.   I come from a family in which most of my relatives were either United Church (Presbyterian/Methodist) or Anglican, became a believer with an evangelical conversion when I was 15, was baptized by immersion in a Baptist church while a teenager and confirmed in the Anglican Church as an adult.  As my theology matured I came to realize and respect the Symbols handed down from the ancient Church – the Apostles’ and Nicene (Constantinopolitan) Creeds and the Athanasian Symbol – as the basic definitions of Scriptural orthodoxy, to recognize that episcopalian Church government is not adiaphora but clearly established in the New Testament (the Apostles governed the whole Church, while it was localized in Jerusalem they exercised the authority Christ gave them to establish the order of deacons, after the Church was scattered they appointed presbyters or elders over the local Churches which seems to be something they borrowed from the synagogues, and as their ministries closed they passed on to others, Scriptural examples of which include SS Timothy and Titus  their government over the Church including the power to ordain the lower  orders), and that the ministers of the Church are priests (St. Paul explicitly states this of himself in the Greek of Romans 15:15) charged not with offering new sacrifices but with feeding the people of God with Christ’s One Sacrifice through the Sacramental medium of bread and wine. 

Thus I am basically a High Anglican of the pre-Oxford type, with a  Lutheran soteriology, and a fundamentalist-minus-the-separatism approach to basic orthodoxy who regards every article of the ancient Symbols taken literally as fundamental and the Bible as God’s written Word, by verbal, plenary inspiration, infallible and inerrant, which we are to believe and obey rather than to subject to “criticism” based on the false notion that because God used human writers to write the book of which He is the Author that it is a human book rather than a divine book.   Criticism based on that false notion makes fools out of those who engage in it, whether it be the higher critics who think that the fact that Moses varied which name for God he used means that his books were slapped together by some editor after the Babylonian Captivity from previously separate sources despite the total lack of anything such as examples of these “sources” in a pre-“redaction” state of the type that would logically constitute actual evidence or the lower or textual critics who think that the most authentic text of the New Testament is not to be found in that that has been handed down in the Church as evidenced by the thousands of manuscripts she has used (these are of the Byzantine text type) but either in small handful of old manuscripts that were not in general use and were particular to one region (the Alexandrian text) or in something slapped together by text critics in the last century which can be found in no manuscript whatsoever (the eclectic text).  Someone who makes the false idea that the Bible is a human book rather than God’s book the basis of his study of it will end up drawing unsubstantiated conclusions about it that no competent scholar would similarly draw about actual human books and will end up sounding like a blithering idiot.  So expect me to thump the Authorized (1611) Bible as I tell you that salvation is a free gift that God has given to all us sinners in Jesus Christ, that the only means whereby we can receive it is faith,  that faith is formed in us by the Holy Ghost through the Gospel brought to us in the Word and Sacrament ministered to us by the Church whose Scripturally established governors under her Head, Jesus Christ, are the bishops in whose order the ordinary governing office of the Apostles has continued to this day.

That I am a “royalist in politics” should already be evident from the second paragraph if it is not sufficiently evident from the title of my website.   I will add here that I am also a monarchist.   For some that will be a redundancy, the two terms being for them interchangeable.   It is for the sake of others who distinguish between the two that I add that I am both.   I am a much stronger monarchist than those Canadian conservatives are who are basically liberal democrats but who defend our monarchy because it is our tradition and make its non-interference with their real political ideal the sole basis of their argument.   I have been instinctually a monarchist all my life.   While C. S. Lewis famously said that monarchy is an idea easily debunked but those who debunk it impoverish and bring misery upon themselves (I am paraphrasing from  memory, Lewis said it better than that) I have found as I have studied the matter over the years that monarchy is rationally defensible.   Plato and Aristotle argued that the rule of true kings is the best of simple constitutions and I think their arguments still stand, just as I think that in our age the divisiveness, partisanship, and other evils that attend upon democratically elected government make an ironclad case for hereditary monarchy that makes the unifying figure at the head of the state one who does not owe his office to partisan politics.  Thus I would say that we should be arguing that our monarchy is essential not that it is merely acceptable.   The Canadian Tory classic by John Farthing, Freedom Wears a Crown, makes a strong case for monarchy’s essential role in our constitution similar to that frequently made by Eugene Forsey. 

I am grateful to Ron Dart for drawing my attention to these men and their books years ago.   I find little to admire in the Modern ideal of democracy and defend instead the institution of Parliament for while Parliament is, of course, a democratic institution it is also a traditional one, a concrete institution that predates the Modern Age and has long proven its worth, which to me outweighs all the flimsy arguments Moderns make for democracy.   Ultimately, I have found a sure and certain foundation for monarchism in orthodox Christianity.   God is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the absolute Sovereign Ruler of His Creation, i.e., all other than Himself that exists.  In the governance of the universe, we find the ideal form – think Plato here – of government, of which temporal earthly governments are imperfect representations and to which, the greater their conformity, the more their perfection will be.   This is why the most orthodox forms of Christianity – traditional Anglicanism, Eastern Orthodoxy, traditional Roman Catholicism, and the better kind of Lutheranism – saw Christian monarchy as the highest form of earthly civilization, and the least orthodox forms that can still be seen as  Christian in some recognizable sense, Puritanism and Anabaptism, are the ones that contradicted the obvious implication of the title “King of Kings” by saying “no king but King Jesus”.   

It is in the sense of someone who holds the views expressed in the previous two paragraphs and not in the common partisan sense of the word that I call myself a Tory.   The words “conservative” and “right-wing” as they are used today, even by most who self-apply them, have had their meaning defined for them by the very liberalism and the Left they purport to oppose.   Liberalism is the spirit of the Modern Age.   It consists of the demand for ever increasing liberty (in the sense of individual autonomy) and equality, despite the fact obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that these two cannot be maximized at the same time.   The universal homogeneity that it demands would if actualized be the ultimate form of totalitarian tyranny in which freedom, the real human good and not liberalism’s false ideal of liberty/individual autonomy, would be eliminated entirely.   The Left also worships liberalism’s false gods and historically has differed from liberalism primarily in its notion of how to achieve their goal.   A century ago the Left was identified primarily with socialism, the idea that all of man’s problems can be traced to economic equality arising out of the private ownership of property and are solvable by eliminating private ownership and replacing it with public ownership.   From the standpoint of orthodox Christianity this is utterly repugnant because it misdiagnoses the human condition (the correct diagnosis is sin), prescribes the wrong medicine (the right medicine is the grace of God freely given to man in Jesus Christ), and is basically the second worst of the Seven Deadly Sins, Envy, disguising itself with the mask of the highest of the Christian virtues, charitable love.   

Today, the Left is identified primarily with an expression  arising out of American racial grievance politics, “wokeness”.   “Wokeness” is like socialism in that it claims (generally falsely) to be the mouthpiece for the oppressed, but differs from socialism in that it it does not divide people into oppressor/oppressed by economic status (Marx’s “haves” and “have nots”) but by a legion of personal identities based on such things as race, sex, gender, etc.   Some, such as Dr. Paul Gottfried, have argued on the basis of specific content that today’s Left is something totally different from the Left of a century ago, from the standpoint of orthodox Christianity there is a discernable continuity in the Left.   Whether it speaks in terms of economics or in the terms of race and sex, the Left is an entirely destructive movement, driven by hatred of civilization as it historically has existed for not living up to the false and self-contradictory ideals of liberalism, that, whenever it has succeeded in tearing something down, has never been able to build anything good let alone better on the ashes of the good if not perfect that it destroyed.   The orthodox Christian must condemn this utterly because it clearly displays the spirit of Satan who operates out of the same hatred directed towards God.   Therefore I describe my orthodox Christian monarchist views as Tory and reactionary (in John Lukacs’ sense of the term, basically someone willing to think outside the Modern box, not by embracing the nihilism of post-Modernism but rather the good in the pre-Modern), preferring these terms over conservative which for the most part denotes a false opposition to liberalism and Left defined entirely by liberalism and the Left.

As for being a “classicist in literature” I think that if we take this to  mean someone who seeks to learn from Matthew Arnold’s “the best that has been thought and said” this is a goal that someone with the views expressed above can recognize as most worthy to pursue with regards not just to literature and reading, but to the other elements of culture such as music and the visual arts as well.   It is also a difficult one to consistently follow as many are the enticements, more so today than ever before, to distract one from the classical heights of the Great Books and the Great Tradition into the murky swamps of corporate, mass-manufactured, pop culture.   I have striven to follow this goal on and off again – it makes an excellent resolution for those who do that sort of thing today – with varying degrees of success at resisting the distractions.   Perversely, I have found stubborn contrariness has often been a great motivator in this regards. 

 I read Mark Twain’s remark that a “classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read” years ago and thought to myself “Sez you, Sam Clemens” and set out to read nothing but classics, persisting in this for several months.   Similarly, Thomas Fleming, the former editor of Chronicles Magazine several times enriched my reading habits with remarks about about books nobody was familiar with today prompting a “Sez you, Tom Fleming” response.   Today, as the Left in its “woke” form as described in the previous paragraph has laid siege to the Great Books and the Great Tradition it is more important than ever to reacquaint ourselves with “the best that has been thought and said”.   This is a far better and ultimately more effective way of resisting wokeness than generating and posting any number of anti-woke internet memes could ever be.   So I resolve today once again to seek to elevate my reading, listening and viewing habits in 2024 and  encourage you to do the same.

Happy New Year!

God Save the King! — Gerry T. Neal

Rally tomorrow in Penticton. Join us on a crisp Sunday, January 7, for smiles and fun!!


Rally tomorrow in Penticton. Join us on a crisp Sunday, January 7, for smiles and fun!!

Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

A quick email to remind you about the rally tomorrow.

We will send out an events email next week.

Hugs and stay warm


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Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.             

NE Corner of 2020 Main St. and Warren Ave., Penticton

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Mary Lou Gutscher


Freedom Fighter David Lindsay to Appeal Assault Conviction

Individual (him/his/he) goes into a public building and was informed that his presence was not allowed. Someone presses up against him for a split second. He gets charged with assault. Copied below is his account of the incident and what shamefully occurred in court.

This individual, a private self-taught citizen, has successfully argued on behalf of himself, others,”the law”, and ultimately us, in courts across Canada. He deserves our respect & support  [the Kelowna court, arguing over an assault charge against him proven false by video recording requires him to obtain transcripts at outrageous costs].

If deciding to forward this email – please delete my email address.  Thanks.

Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

So, Dec. 13, 2021 was D-day. Judgments in the falsified assault charges against me, were to be rendered by Judge Heinrichs on the following issues:

  1. The merits of the case of whether the Crown proved beyond a reasonable doubt that I assaulted two security guards;
  1. My RCMP Challenge – claiming that the RCMP Act was unconstitutional because only the Provinces can pass legislation in relation to policing in the Province, and,
  1. The Crown’s application to have me cited for contempt.

I anticipated #1 would go first, for if I won on the merits of the assault charge (ie: not guilty) the RCMP Challenge would not require a hearing, and if I lost (ie: guilty) only then it would have to be dealt with. This procedure was not to be. The alleged offence date was August. 19, 2021.

First – brief history. We were having a series of protests at the Interior Health building at 505 Doyle Ave. in Kelowna in 2021 as a result of new mask orders from the health officer Sue Pollock located in that building. This brought huge publicity in the public eye of what they were doing and our opposition to mask requirements. I was trying to talk to reception on Aug. 11, 2021 to arrange for an official to talk to us. I had been told on August 4, 2021 that an official would come out and talk to us but never did. Security manager Greg Smith (the Professional Liar) assaulted our video reporter Leo and physically forced him out of the building while I talked to reception. Then they forced me out. All of this is on video and we were peaceful at all times; the only violence was Greg Smith’s assault on Leo. Despite this, Greg Smith purported to issue a no trespass order to me for one month.

We came back on Aug. 19, 2021. The Professional Liar and two Paladin security officials were there to block my right of entry into the Interior Health reception area. Police later arrived and Greg Smith the Professional Liar lied to the police and told them that I had been banned from the building for a month because I was causing a disturbance inside the building that morning. As said, the videos confirm that no such disturbance was ever caused by me or anyone else. Another lie from the Professional Liar.

I tried to exercise my right to enter the building and security officials used their upper torso to physically block me from entering. We touched briefly for about 1.5 seconds. Make no mistake…the video clearly shows THEM pushing into ME to block my right of entry.

Notwithstanding their assault on me, one has to look at this video to see just how trivial this incident was – lasting as it did about 1.5 seconds, with no injuries. 8:20-8:48. Admittedly now, Interior Health may not be a Crown corporation, but they are a government body and subject to the Charter. Thank you for posting this Marcel!! Jason Davis is in the middle and Taj Smith on the end, from Paladin as well. Davis no longer works there.

See also 4:43-5:54 where Raymond Bacolod, a private security official, stomps on Leo’s hands as he attempts to plug the extension cords back into the generator that Bacolod unplugged to shut down Linda’s freedom of speech. We charged Bacolod with assault. The Crown told us directly that we had a very good case yet then stayed the charge!! This assault was much more violent than any alleged 1.5 second touching in my case, and with a lot more people around as well. Marcel follows up with other assaults that were allowed to go unpunished by the Crown.

Charges were laid of assault on Dec. 8, 2021. Mr. Grabavac for the Crown, wanted an endorsed warrant to bring me before a judge. He only got an unendorsed warrant, meaning the police could release me – and they did a couple of weeks later, because of an alleged communications error between himself and the Informant.

Here are Mr. Grabavac’s only words, when he applies to the Court to try and get this reversed two days later on Dec. 10, 2021:

So, it’s not the Crown’s intention to have Mr. Lindsay detained, however the Crown wants specific conditions put on, and specifically with respect to prohibiting his conduct at – potentially at these – there was a rally going on when the assaults occurred, so we would like an opportunity to make the submission to a judge on that.

That’s – yes, and the Crown is also seeking other no-go conditions that have no – that are less related to Interior Health than this. We’d also be asking for a condition that he not attend to any school district location – School District 23 property in Kelowna, and also not to attend any parks. So that’s the concern that really – that’s a little bit extensive…

Read what Grabavac is saying just two days after the charges were laid. As a condition of my release, he wants me banned from all schools and parks in Kelowna, even though he admits that they have nothing to do with the alleged (unproven) offences at an Interior Health (IH) building downtown!!!!

Why would a prosecutor ask for such draconian relief if not for improper purposes? Because they wanted me banned from all parks to prevent me from conducting the rallies, as Grabavac admits, which as the RCMP admit have all been peaceful. So, the fix was in from the beginning on what Grabavac’s true ulterior intentions and motives were. He knew there was no real assault, but it was the perfect opportunity to try and ban me from the rallies, falsely thinking they would stop without my presence. What does a park in Mission or by the airport in Kelowna have to do with the IH building in downtown Kelowna? Nothing.

There is your background to these falsified charges. And it gets worse when you realize the professional liars on the witness stand.

On Dec. 13, 2023, Judge Heinrichs first denied my application that she was biased. Can you imagine the consequences of a judge ruling him/her self to be biased? It is self-incrimination – an admission that you were breaking the law…no judge is going to do this.

Judge Heinrichs then began her next judgment by dismissing my RCMP challenge. Admittedly there was an error in my Challenge, asking the Judge to strike the legislation that she has no power to do. What she can do, is simply not apply it. So, by not applying the RCMP Act and agreements, the RCMP officers had no power to investigate and obtain evidence. This is an irregularity and is permitted to be amended at any time. Judge Heinrichs refused this simple amendment, on the following flawed and defective basis below.

Judge Heinrichs claimed the Challenge was manifestly frivolous as it would have no effect on the case, because the Informant could still lay the charge as a regular person (“any one”) under s. 504 of the Code.  That may be so, but “any one” did not lay a charge, an RCMP officer did, in that capacity. If the RCMP did not have the jurisdiction to exist, an RCMP officer could not use that capacity to lay charges. The charges would have to be re-sworn by him personally and by now they are well out of time to so do.

When asking me for my response after her decision, I told her she completely omitted the primary factor that I told her in my submissions, that if the RCMP have no jurisdiction to exist, they have no power to investigate criminal complaints and obtain the evidence in this case.  Once all evidence is struck for want of jurisdiction, the case fails, whether or not the Informant could still lay a charge as a private citizen or not. Further, absent evidence under s. 507 of the Criminal Code, the JP would have had no power to even issue a summons or warrant.

Judge Heinrichs’s analogy was that if someone is charged under the Criminal Code and applies to strike the Motor Vehicle Act, that it would not have any relevance. That may be, but not where it goes to the jurisdiction of the person or police force laying the charges, or if evidence was obtained illegally as it was here.

She looked at me after my comments about her omission for a few silent seconds, ignored me and said she was going to move to her next judgment.  This issue was intentionally omitted to get this BS judgment. The only place the RCMP should be is above the Arctic Circle – Constitutionally speaking.

This is similar to what the Court has done to me on several occasions, where there is incriminating evidence or arguments. The judges simply ignore them and says, “move on,” thus perpetuating an injustice and from exposing their errors or corruption.

Judge Heinrichs then moved on to the merits of the assault charge. I have maintained throughout the trial that the Crown and witnesses controlled the Judge, not the reverse and one had to be there to see it. Grabavac for the Crown answering my questions to the Judge, the Judge depending on the Crown for the law instead of knowing it herself, witnesses who refused to answer my direct questions, or would answer with circular, non-responsive answers and the Judge would refuse to compel them to answer. Virtually every discretionary decision was made in favour of the Crown, unless the Judge admitted that she would allow it because it made no difference anyway.

From the initial bail hearing two years ago, Grabavac for the Crown has tried to have me banned from all city parks and schools. This of course, was to prevent me from having our protest rallies.

During the initial bail hearing, and throughout disclosure and the trial, Grabavac insisted on advancing the evidence from all his witnesses that on Aug. 11, 2021 one week prior to the Aug. 19 alleged offence date, I was banned from entering Interior Health (IH) by Greg Smith the Professional Liar, security manager for IH. One witness, Taj Smith from Paladin Security, admitted without that no trespass order, they had no power to physically stop me from entering and would have had to allow me in.

Despite this, Judge Heinrichs repeatedly denied me the right to cross examine them on this issue and introduce video evidence to show that the no trespass order was unlawful and Greg Smith lied to the police, and sustaining Grabavac’s ongoing opposition that it had no relevance to whether an assault was committed. If that is so, why was he allowed to lead evidence of this from all witnesses on this point? And if it is relevant evidence to committing the assault, it is relevant for me to prove it was unlawful. Anything raised in evidence is entitled by law to be cross examined upon…including this, and Judge Heinrichs denied this to me, denying me full answer and defence in the process.

Judge Heinrichs allowed evidence from the Crown of being banned as a basis for the charges, but refused to allow me to cross examine and prove the no trespass order was unlawful, and to show my video to prove that Greg Smith was lying on the witness stand, when he told the police on Aug. 11, 2021 that I was banned for causing a disturbance. Just showing Greg Smith was a liar would have been beneficial just for credibility purposes. The video clearly shows that Greg Smith was a professional liar. When Greg Smith says on the stand:

I have about 30 years experience doing this…I know how to answer questions.”,

you know he means that he is saying he knows how to lie on the stand and get away with it.

On May 25, 2023, I filed a Charter Challenge that the no trespass order was a violation of my s. 2 Charter freedoms. Greg Smith was a gov’t official. Judge Heinrichs subsequently dismissed it without a hearing saying I should have filed this earlier in the year, without saying when of course. How can I file this earlier when I only just heard the evidence in court over the previous few days? Grabavac argued that is the standard for lawyers, and they applied this to me, claiming Charter challenges are usually filed at the beginning of case. But that certainly is not always true – many challenges are brought on during the middle or end of a trial depending on when the evidence gets on the record. It is not a hard rule and there is no law that says all Charter applications must be brought at the beginning of a case. Just read s. 24 of the Charter – it refers to evidence obtained illegally – in many cases this is unknown until a gov’t witness takes the witness stand.

Grabavac repeatedly told Judge Heinrichs, who repeatedly parroted his comments, that there were only four defences to a charge of assault – self defence, automatism, intoxication and accident. This limited my questions of course to only these issues. But there are other defences, and I was lied to by Grabavac and the Judge was ignorant enough to follow him.

Judge Heinrichs dealt with the duties of the Crown to prove its case and how he proved that my moving forward to enter the building was the assault, but failed to address the fact that I was denied full answer and defence because I could not cross-examine on this issue.

Section 265, 266 of the Criminal Code applies where there is an intentional application of force to someone else, without their consent. There is no requirement to prove harm. Legally, this section criminalizes every intentional touching including on buses, subways etc.

Judge Heinrichs relied upon the Crown’s mischaracterization of the incident as being me intentionally touching the security guards. In fact, as I showed in slow motion on the videos, when I attempted to exercise my right of access, they used their upper body torsos to push me back, including Greg Smith’s left arm.

The Judge relies in her decision that the Crown proved that I was not welcome, I knew I was not welcome and that whether this banning was lawful or not, was not part of her decision and she would not rule upon it. Of course not, as it would show THEY assaulted me.

Then she addressed my defence of di minimus which was unknown to me during the trial and which Grabavac lied to the Court by saying there were only four defences. This was the fifth. I provided dozens and dozens of case law that I spent over 100 hours researching, showing that if an assault is so minimal, or trivial, the court will not address it and will find people not guilty. I had case law of a husband assaulting his wife in the home, of people actually getting injuries, and many others that the court all claimed were pretty trivial and dismissed, and yet were much worse than this case.

As you can see in the video I linked to above, there is no violence, no hostility, and everyone including myself, is peaceful. A bit of sound from someone’s boom box and that is all. Police are present, but only because it is standard for these dumb-ass, wimpy security guards to call the police whenever they want. Police have shown up to dozens of our protests, without any problems. They show up at many other protests such as BLM and the LGBTQ protests as well. There is nothing unusual about their presence.

In fact, on Aug. 11, RCMP Corp. Lobb, after talking with Greg Smith, admitted in her evidence that she told me I had this right of access and I could use any time I wanted to talk to reception. I exercised my right of access in part because this senior cop told me I had a right of entry, after she discussed with Smith the Professional Liar. Then they charge me!!

Judge Heinrichs would not apply di mimimus because she claimed it would be a risk to the public interest – without defining that that actually is – as it would sanction an act of defiance to authority, and I could be a catalyst for others. Really?

Judge Heinrichs claimed that a police officer told me he would arrest me if I tried to enter, only because he believed that Greg Smith lawfully told him I was banned. Smith of course never verified this or that it was lawfully done. I am under no obligation to obey any police officer’s threats of arrest if I had not broken the law. Besides, he told me I would be arrested for entering the building (ie: trespass), not for an assault.

Think about this – the Crown’s entire case is based on the Crown’s evidence that Greg Smith the Professional Liar issued a no trespass warning a week earlier to support their actions to block my right of entry and lied to the police, I am prohibited from attacking and cross-examining on this, and Judge Heinrichs then rules that I am defying authority on this unlawful no trespass order as the basis for refusing to apply this applicable defence??? No judge can be this dumb. It can only be pure, 100% bias or compromise.

50+ middle aged peaceful protestors, most of whom were not even in this area, with a peaceful history of protesting for three years and somehow my action of exercising my right of access is going to be a catalyst for others to defy authority? This is a fiction – it is deeming. There was no evidence put to the court that anyone else was going to defy authority, or of any history of so doing. And who is authority? Greg Smith? He had no power to arbitrarily ban me for no reason at all, and the cops never did either.

Judge Heinrichs claims by analogy that this is not like jostling on a bus – where there is no intent. This is wrong – many people on buses and subways, intentionally push people out of the way in a rush to get on the transportation, or to get off. This happens every day. This really is a stupid and inapplicable analogy. But not surprisingly.

Judge Heinrichs ignored the defence of officially induced error in her judgment, by Corp. Lobb telling me on Aug. 11, that I had a right of entry and could do so even at the Aug. 19 protest. She told me this after she talked to witness Greg Smith, so he knew she would be telling me this too and never told me Smith, the Professional Liar, opposed it.

Importantly, Judge Heinrichs completely left out the fact that there was no evidence of any animus, or hostility on my part – another element of the offence that Grabavac intentionally left off the court record. I provided case law to the Judge that the Crown must provide evidence of some form of hostility or anger on my part to assault someone to get a conviction. The Judge admits that me and the security guards were having a calm discussion at this time. The videos all confirm that there was no evidence of hostility which is why Judge Heinrichs intentionally did not address this in her judgment. The Crown failed to prove this requirement – and even refused to bring it to the attention to the Judge during the trial. Grabavac thought I would not discover this, but I did.

Everything that could be done to convict, was done. The fix was in from the very beginning.

Mr. Grabavac repeatedly lied to the Judge and me, by claiming in court that there were only four defences to an assault charge. He lied by failing to let the Judge know he had to prove hostility as well. The Judge sanctioned this, sending the message to all prosecutors that lying in Court is acceptable by refusing to even hear my application to have Grabavac cited for contempt, and even refusing to read my Affidavit evidence to support this. I spent a lot of time preparing this, not for her to just dismiss it without even considering my evidence.

Sadly, it gets worse. In Jordan, the SCC ruled 18 months to judgment for a hearing on a summary conviction matter. Charges were laid Dec. 8, 2021, and 18 months ended June 8, 2023. The judgment was issued Dec. 13, 2023 or over 24 months later. Judge Heinrichs denied my Jordan s. 11(b) Charter delay application because she wanted me to pay almost $5 000.00 in transcripts, to the monopolistic J.C. Word Assist transcribers, who have an exclusive contract with the Province that only they can produce criminal transcripts. I have a friend who is a court accepted, certified transcriber and I could have done this for a tiny fraction of this cost and was denied this ability to so do. This is pure theft and selling justice, contrary to our common law and Constitution.

When I advised Judge Heinrichs I could not afford them, she wanted me to provide proof of my private and confidential, financial situation. That is not going to happen. This right to justice then becomes a qualified privilege and further then becomes part of the public record, open for all the world to see. Think about this in your life how you would feel if anyone, anyone, knew of your personal financial situation, especially people you didn’t know. Or other government agencies. This can haunt you for decades even if there is nothing to hide, so to speak.

So, she allowed the Crown to break the law because I won’t give up my privacy rights for the possibility (she could still refuse my request to order the Crown to pay for them anyway) of her ordering the Crown to pay for them, and agree that they can sell justice.

The judge are in on this too. The Supreme Court judges do not want to hear myriads of appeals from minor traffic tickets, or summary conviction Provincial offences matters. So, they rely upon these super high, thieving transcripts fees to deter people from appeal them to they don’t have to hear this minor stuff – but which of course is incredibly important to the accused. Who can afford to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars for a lawyer on a traffic ticket, then more thousands for an appeal if they are screwed in trial court, plus thousands of dollars in transcripts, where the fine may only be less than $1000, but may have serious repercussions in others areas of one’s life? Judges bank on these transcripts fees (as does the Crown) to keep us out of the court system as much as possible.

The Crown got caught further lying here, by telling the Judge that a large part of the delay was my fault for refusing to be available for a June 22, 2022 trial date that was proposed in May, 2022. What Grabavac intentionally failed to mention, as I have the documents to prove and he admits he has a copy, was that on May 18, 2022, Judge MacParland ordered us to set trial dates, yes, but they had to be at least one month ahead of the hearing of my disclosure request to be set (see a copy of this below). So, we could not legally set a trial date for June 22, 2022 because another Judge ordered one month earlier that we could not do so. That was the true reason and Grabavac again got caught lying to the Judge and was allowed to get away with it. It was not possible on May 18 to set a disclosure review hearing to be heard within four days by May 22, to allow for a June 22 two day trial.

Grabavac tried to file new materials on Monday December 11, 2023, which the Judge did not allow because she had her ruling done in his favour anyway. But these submissions contained further lies that I have more documents to prove were false. There is no low that Grabavac will not stoop to, in order to convict and jail me. Because the Judge would not allow him to provide his written submissions, I was unable to show how and where Grabavac was lying to the Judge again.

The allegation of contempt of court, is being remedied by permitting me to purge the contempt by a written apology. I have done this. This is a catch-22 set up. If I don’t agree, they will sentence me to further time in jail. If I provide this apology, which must include comments that I will obey court orders in the future, then when the Crown applies at sentencing for a DNA sample and I refuse to provide one, they will lay further charges of failing to comply with a court order and possibly reinstitute the contempt charge again too. The trap is being set yet again.

Sentencing hearing will be April 12, 2024 at 9:30 at the Kelowna Law Courts. Sentencing may be that day or on a future date, but all submissions will be on this day. Crown wants an unspecified jail term, unspecified probation order (likely to ban me from all parks and schools so I can’t appear at the rallies), a no weapons order, and a DNA sample. Grabavac is seriously abusing his power and breaching the duties of his office for this non-offence which is completely, politically motivated.

We will see what happens in this new year. I simply join the ranks of Pastor Art, Tamara Lich, the Coutts boys, and many others who have been falsely attacked in the “just-us” system, for opposing the corruption in our governments. (George Carlin: “It’s a big club, and YOU ain’t in it!”) But if jailed, I will get out and continue in our quest for freedom against the tyrannical governments and just-us system participants.

An appeal is being filed this week to this conviction. Unsure about a sentencing appeal until the sentence is actually delivered.

Legal assistance

Despite my efforts, they are still demanding now $16 000.00 in transcripts fees for this appeal. Some of these fees are up to $1 800.00/day!!! I am fortunate that I do not have any lawyers involved and am able to do all this work on my own. Having lawyers on this stupid, falsified charge, for eight (8) days of trial and more appearances prior to trial, would have easily run another $20 000.00+. It does not appear yet that I can have these transcripts paid for by the Court/Government. Unfortunately, as a result, I will have no choice but to begin seeking assistance to help pay for these transcripts over the next few months. I am grateful we already have some gifts provided to assist with this. I will let everyone know once this is all set up. Believe me, no one hates paying for these transcripts to these glorified extortionists more than I do and I have fought them for 20+ years on this monopolistic, obstruction of justice tactic. However, I (we) must get justice and it can now only be done on appeal. The implications are astounding where in the future the Crown will charge everyone for merely touching someone, even if they are in the wrong.

They should have a law that upon any successful appeal, the Crown and Judge must bear all the costs. I suspect that there would not be as many appeals and more justice would happen in the court of first instance, as is our right.

We will also now begin to have some transcript production costs in response to the Petition to ban our rallies. So far we have kept costs to a bare minimum, again thanks to not having legal fees, but there will some associated costs in the new few months to begin to have our opposition heard.

Political Prisoner Leslie Bory May Face Another Year of Detention Without Bail

Political Prisoner Leslie Bory May Face Another Year of Detention Without Bail

Shoot somebody, knife somebody, sell off vital RCMP secrets and you can walk free on bail. In a non-violent manner express unpopular political views or criticize privileged minorities and you won’t get bail. Political prisoner Leslie Bory has been held without bail, since February 14, at the Maplehurst Detention Centre in Milton for “uttering threats”on a podcast February 11. Mr. Bory writes from prison: “When I was showing signs of physical injuries, I was made to wait in a provincial court holding cell, instead of appearing in Superior Court in person that day. When we rolled into the provincial court garage early in the morning before Court began,  the guards were heard saying that “Bory’s case was remanded” BEFORE any court official made that decision. I was to appear in Court by video on November 23, but no one came to get me and I heard from a third party that  the next date to appear for trial scheduling would be in September of 2024 and the next date for a trial will be, at the earliest, January of 2025!. My lawyer has not spoken to me directly to tell me anything for two months despite there being a judicial pre-trial where I heard that information like what they want to do to me was discussed. When my lawyer schedules lawyer calls on a special phone, he doesn’t answer the calls.”

Yet, Mr. Bory remains positive: “So far, I have done what a good politician should do and I told the truth and acted to raise awareness. I had some spectacular radio broadcasts and I made some very good videos. I have stood up to the enemiesd of our people and I have written five booklets so far. I have enlightened hundreds of guys in jail as they tell one another what I have told them.”

You can write to political prisoner Leslie Bory thus:

Leslie Bory,

661 Martin St,

Milton, ON.,

 L9T 2Y3

The Grinch Judge Stole Brad’s Love’s Christmas & Half of His New Year: 15 Months for 3 Slashed Tires

The Grinch Judge Stole Brad’s Love’s Christmas & Half of His New Year: 15 Months for 3 Slashed Tires

December 19. Political prisoner Brad Love had been acquitted of mischief charges in his November 30 trial, but was still found guilty of slashing three tires, although no photographic evidence was presented nor any evidence connecting the 65 year old oil worker to the alleged crime. Today, however, a scolding judge gave him 15 months for three slashed tires. He’s spent four months in remand. So, his remaining sentence, with a third off for good behaviour, will end in June.

The sentencing, says, Mr. Love, was a farce. The judge denounced him for the stickers he allegedly posted and for which she’s acquitted him. “You’re harming the multicultural fabric of our society,” she said. CAFÉ has argued all along that Mr. Love’s problems have been political. Mr. Love must also pay $3,000 in restitution or face four more days in jail. Piteous “victim impact statements” were presented. One snowflake asked for $300 compensation for mental counselling. The request was denied.

Mr. Love was wheeled into court in a wheel chair so painful was his gout flareup.

So, a big lump of coal and six more months in jail in the New Year from Canada’s highly politicized “justice” system.