End The Lockdown Mass Rally in Vancouver, September 12 — A Report & Weekly Protest in Kelowna, September 19

Below material is also attached as a PDF.  We urge everyone to distribute the attached information brochures on COVID and masks issues, personally and on line. Our flyer is also attached which we urge everyone to place on all Facebook and other social media sites as well.


The constitution of Canada does not belong either to Parliament, or to the Legislatures; it belongs to the country and it is there that the citizens of the country will find the protection of the rights to which they are entitled.”

Nova Scotia (A.G.) v. Canada (A.G.)
[1951] S.C.R. 31

What is the first thing you notice about this principle from the Supreme Court of Canada?       See answer at the end.


See everyone on Saturday, September 19, 2020  12:00 noon at

Stuart Park in Kelowna!

We need as many people as possible

for these rallies!

If you have been unable to make it out to previous rallies, NOW is the time to come out!!!!

 The Real New Normal from now on, is:

Live normally and just say NO!


Join us on September 19, 2020, 12:00 – 2:30 at Stuart

Park in Kelowna, B.C., and every Saturday until this lockdown and all social re-engineering comes to an end, to voice your concerns and our demands upon Premier Horgan, the Public Health Officer Bonnie Henry, and Communist P.M. Trudeau.

Bring at least two friends!

Send this email to all your lists  – and distribute the Fact Sheet and Masks Brochure far and wide.

Constitutional rights and freedoms exist and protect us exactly for these types of situations we are in today.

They are not rescindable at will by corrupt or dishonest opportunist Gov’ts.  Our rights and liberties are Non-Negotiable. We will never accept these rights and freedoms deprivations – now or in the future.

If you don’t realize the gov’t is using a virus with a 99% + survival rate to control the country, you’re not paying attention.

Something much bigger is happening.

And thanks so much to all our volunteers at our weekly rallies – who help with signs, organization, water, and a host of other work that is simply invaluable to our efforts!!! 

Vancouver Victory!

Thanks so much to Ryan and all his supporting volunteers for all the incredible work they have put into organizing this event. 

Over 1 200 freedomites converged in downtown Vancouver for an awesome precedent setting march and rally this past Sunday. This was by far the most effective rally against the COVID Gov’t sponsored lies to date.

Congratulations to all our group members who sacrificed their time, energy and money to attend and promote this event.  And a special thank you for all our group members who helped promote this even, especially Toby whose ongoing support and promotion over several weeks resulted in many people attending who likely would not otherwise have gone. As well as Fran, Henry and others who attended the Kelowna mall to promote this event.

Thank than you to Jane for her efforts to secure a bus and drive almost 20 people to this event.

There are far too many names to mention, but everyone attending had a positive impact on this rally.

The entire event was initiated by the incredible Christy Derksen singing our national anthem, with the original lyrics and over 1000 people singing along – good for her!

Well known internet reporter Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson opened up the proceedings thereafter with excellent advice to all – “Fear is the virus” – and introduced Ryan Kulbaba, who immediately got the crowd chanting and screaming for freedom. Excitement was high at this rally, exceeding all expectations right from the beginning.

Ted Kuntz opened up the event with a presentation that left the crowd in an ongoing state of cheers for all his efforts against mandatory vaccination.

In a surprise announcement, Tanya Gaw of Action4Canada announced that a challenge is now being launched here in B.C. against Bill C-19, which was rushed through the legislature permitting the Gov’t to bypass certain legislation in relation to the COVID scam, and with full civil immunity for so doing, notwithstanding how much harm or death they cause in the process.  Over $15 000.00 has already been raised in one day!!!!! 


This was followed by Donna Roth, myself and Ross Anderson, all of our local group. I was so happy to have the entire crowd so energetically screaming to “Lock them up!” as I pointed out the fact that Dix, Henry and Farnworth have all lied to us and are criminals who should be jailed and locked up for what they have done. I found this extremely inspiring to know that so many others know in their hearts I am correct when I say these people are true criminals. This cannot be sugar coated in any way.

How often do we get 1 200 people screaming in public to have politicians locked up and thrown in jail!!!! 

Here are some of the many, many sites available out there to see glimpses of this event, and actual videos of our speakers.

NOTE:    CBC and other media portray our event as having only a few hundred people.  Yet compare this picture above, with similar pictures from a BLM rally below, where CTV headlines claims that “Thousands join anti-racism protest at Vancouver Art Gallery” earlier this year on May 31, 2020. Why with pictures showing virtually the same number of people do they have 1000’s and we only have a few hundred? We know…    https://bc.ctvnews.ca/thousands-join-anti-racism-protest-at-vancouver-art-gallery-1.4962940


Hundreds of people also turned up in Calgary for their Walk for Freedom this past weekend.  Check out this link, for actual drone video coverage of their event – amazing footage.  Congrats go out to Brad and his awesome group of volunteers for all their incredible efforts for these ongoing rallies in Calgary as well.

Here is more info on their upcoming event on Sunday Sept. 27 at 1:00 p.m.  I urge everyone, if you know anyone in Alberta, to pass this along to them and encourage them to all attend and support Brad and their freedom walk.  Support for these events is critical and does not end at the B.C. borders.


I strongly urge everyone to read the small book, The Politics of Obedience by Etienne de la Boetie, written hundreds of years ago.  Boetie so correctly confirmed that all positive change takes place by just saying no and refusing to comply. Change does not take place by complaining and doing nothing.

Civil disobedience to unconstitutional laws and orders, or the unconstitutional re-engineering of our society, is a Constitutional right and freedom.  Indeed, it is such a duty.


Interesting thought:

COVID-19 quarantine restrictions are for 14 days.  They check on you regularly and you can’t leave the home.

House arrest has long been recognized as a form of incarceration.  People who are put on house arrest, must first have a period of jail time imposed upon them – then the Court will decide where the jail is to be served – gov’t facilities or at home.

The Supreme Court of Canada recently ruled that no prisoner can remain in solitary confinement for more than 15 days.

The home is the equivalent of a jail cell – bathroom, sink, commode, TV, etc.

Hmmm, 14 days max for quarantine, and 15 days for solitary confinement.

That is a little too close of a coincidence for my liking.


The Constitution being referred to by the SCC does not include the Constitution Act nor the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as they were not passed until 1982! 

So, what were our primary Constitutional documents in 1950-51?  Inter alia:

BNA Act 1867

Statute of Westminster 1931

Act of Settlement 1701

English Bill of Rights 1689

Coronation Oath Act 1688

Habeas Corpus Act 1640, 1679

Magna Charta 1215 forward


The common law!

 See everyone on Saturday, September 19, 2020 12:00 noon at Stuart Park

Resistance is NOT Futile!


The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative

Best Regards

David Lindsay

Best Regards

David Lindsay

Vice Chairman


The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative

Sent from ProtonMail, Swiss-based encrypted email.

Why Would Anyone Want to Serve in Canada’s Politically Correct Anti-Free Speech Military?

Why Would  Anyone Want to Serve in Canada’s Politically Correct Anti-Free Speech Military?

Canada’s politically correct military leadership has been dancing to the censorship tune of Jewish groups demanding a purge of the ranks of “right wingers”. The Friends of the Simon Weisenthal Centre “is urging Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan to turn all suspected acts of racism, white supremacy and hateful conduct within the Canadian Armed Forces over to a specialized task force of military police officers or the RCMP for investigation. … The centre also wants to see the military adopt a policy of immediately sending all cases of alleged white supremacist activity to military police or the RCMP for investigation.” (CBC, September 4, 2020) [What, exactly, is “White supremacy”? Opposition to massive Third World immigration is sometimes labelled White supremacy. So is White pride. But Zionism or Jewish pride are alright?] “We need to end this culture of tolerance for neo-Nazis and neo-Nazi activities within our Armed Forces and it needs to be done now,”  Jaime Kirzner-Roberts of the Wiesenthal Centre demanded.

“The commander of the Canadian army says he plans to issue a special order that will give individual army units across the country “explicit direction” on how to deal with soldiers suspected of hateful conduct and extremism.

Lt.-Gen. Wayne Eyre told CBC News he also will reinforce the message personally by convening a meeting of all commanding officers and regimental sergeants major — 450 mid-level leaders — to discuss the problem of far-right infiltration of the military. “There is absolutely no place in the Canadian Army for those who hold hateful beliefs and express these beliefs through hateful behaviour. If you have those types of beliefs — get out. We don’t want you. You bring discredit and dishonour upon our organization.” (CBC, September 15, 2020)

So, as a member of the present military, you’re asked to risk your life to defend freedoms in other countries (say, Afghanistan), which the same military denies to you? Let the wankers, and soy boys and snowflakes go and fight, if they don’t go scuttling to the nearest “safe space” first.

So cadaver guy has no use for political diversity in the Canadian Armed Forces. Who’d want to fight for other’s freedoms in an army that has no room for political diversity. Let the wankers, soy boys and snowflakes fight for “diversity”.

The leaderless movement (documentary)

The leaderless movement (documentary)

The leaderless movement (documentary)

Ten days ago I swapped my writer’s pen for a video camera and drove off to Ottawa to document a rally on Parliament Hill that brought 7000 people together to challenge the Covid narrative and other issues involving government deception, overreach, and tyranny.

This is being called a ‘leaderless’ movement due to the awareness on the part of the organizers that humanity as a whole needs to be deprogrammed out of blindly trusting and following ANY leaders, and individuals need to step up and establish their own personal sovereignty.

All around the world different groups of people who have been divided for decades and even centuries are standing proudly side by side fighting for a common cause. Ottawa provides a microcosm of this as the rally represented a true coming together and mutual respect between the English, French, and First Nations.

Meeting with the brave and wonderful people who worked together to organize this event confirmed my belief that we are starting to see the great awakening of humanity unfolding before our eyes.

Patron Banned From Library After Petitioning To Discontinue LGBT Promotions

Patron Banned From Library After Petitioning To Discontinue LGBT Promotions

Decision follows shortly after Patron began campaigning to discontinue publicly promoting homosexuality.

Sep 2020 Patron Banned From Library After Petitioning To Discontinue LGBT Promotions Decision follows shortly after Patron began campaigning to discontinue publicly promoting homosexuality. Canadian Nationalist Party Activism, News

Canadian Nationalist Party Leader Travis Patron has been banned from his local library after he began forming a petition to discontinue publicly promoting LGBT.

On Saturday, August 30th, a video emerged on social media of Patron advocating against “drag queen storytime at the library“. Video Player00:0007:21

In response, the local librarian has stated that they are “intrigued at the idea” of having a “queen scheduled to show up at the library”.

The local authorities have informed Patron that he is not to visit the local library and that he is now effectively banned. Local authorities have restricted his access to the Redvers library (Tuesday, September 1st, 2020): Audio Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.

Patron has inquired with the regional headquarters as to why he is banned from Redvers library (Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020): Audio Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.

Upon receiving the news, Canadian Nationalist Party Leader Travis Patron had this to say:

Libraries should be a place of learning and inclusion, not used to endorse LGBT or exclude those who may campaign to discontinue the public promotion of transgenderism and homosexuality. It is fundamentally against the nature of academic honesty to exclude those who do not share the same beliefs as those in a position of authority. It is also entirely hypocritical to advocate for “inclusion” while excluding those who share different views from accessing public utilities. Most Canadians are not interested in living in a LGBT dictatorship. This development within our community demonstrates that LGBT advocates sometimes resort to bullying and intimidation in order to silence the opinions of others.

– Travis Patron, Canadian Nationalist Party Leader

As We Warned, the Medico-Stalinist Police State May Soon Start Interning COVID Dissenters


As We Warned, the Medico-Stalinist Police State May Soon Start Interning COVID Dissenters

Quebec City Says it Will Isolate “Uncooperative” Citizens in Secret Corona Facility

Health officials also visiting homes to take away people who violate quarantine.

Paul Joseph Watson

Anthony Devlin/Getty Images

Authorities in Quebec City, Canada have announced they will isolate “uncooperative” citizens in a coronavirus facility, the location of which remains a secret.

During a press conference, Dr. Jacques Girard, who heads the Quebec City public health authority, drew attention to a case where patrons at a bar were ordered to wait until their COVID-19 tests came back, but disregarded the command and left the premises before the results came back positive.

This led to them being deemed “uncooperative” and forcibly interned in a quarantine facility.

“[W]e may isolate someone for 14 days,” Girard said during the press conference. “And it is what we did this morning…forced a person to cooperate with the investigation…and police cooperation was exceptional.”

The health official then outlined how the state is also tracking down people for violating their home quarantine and forcibly removing them to the secret facility.

“Because we have had people isolated at home. And then, we saw the person was not at home. So, we went to their home, and then told them, we are isolating you where we want you to be,” said Girard.

“Six other Quebec City bars “known to have been frequented by Kirouac regulars” are now being examined by public health officials,” reports the RAIR Foundation.

“It should be noted that it is not being claimed that anyone is actually sick from the coronavirus. But the state has the power to force a citizen into isolation anyway.”

As we previously highlighted, the government of New Zealand announced similar measures, saying that they will put all new coronavirus infectees and their close family members in “quarantine facilities.”

POLICE STATE: Canadian journalist arrested on the street for breaking story on crooked mayor

POLICE STATE: Canadian journalist arrested on the street for breaking story on crooked mayor https://youtu.be/-seF45od5C0

I was arrested on Wednesday.

Five police cars plus three private security vehicles were sent to apprehend me. It was a massive, coordinated police raid.

Only two days earlier, there had been a terrible gangland shooting in the same city of Brampton, Ontario — in broad daylight. Seven shooters were still at large.

But police felt that I was a bigger threat, and they sent a huge squad to take me down.

Had I shot anyone?

Was I a drug dealer?

No. I had done something much worse.

I had done journalism.

They literally arrested me and stuffed me in the back of a car. Take a look. Watch the whole thing.

I had caught the local mayor, a disgraced politician named Patrick Brown, sneaking into a hockey arena that he had closed to the public. He had slipped in for a private game with his buddies, while telling Brampton kids they were banned.

It was an international embarrassment for Brown. Sneaking into a hockey rink he had closed to everyone else. Lying about it. But he’s still doing it. Because he thinks he’s untouchable.

And ever since, I’ve been harassed by local police, who have literally told me my journalism is now illegal — and says our entire media is banned from Brampton property for a year!

That’s wrong. That’s unconstitutional. And that’s the problem.

It’s not just Patrick Brown breaking his own rules. It’s now the Peel Regional Police who are acting as Brown’s personal enforcers.

What an outrage. And complete silence from left-wing civil liberties groups, opposition politicians and — worst of all — the entire Media Party. Not a peep from the CBC, the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail and certainly not the Canadian Association of Journalists. Only my friend Joe Warmington of the Toronto Sun mentioned my arrest, and Marc Patrone of a radio station in Mississauga.

Everyone else thinks this is just fine.

But it’s not. Imagine: a politician ordering his personal enemies list banned from public property. I’m not even his enemy — I’m just a reporter who happened to catch him breaking his own pandemic rules.

In Canada, we believe in the rule of law, not the rule of man — especially corrupt, small-town mayors like Brown. He may treat the city as his private fiefdom, but the Charter of Rights says differently.

In the end, the police had nothing to charge me with. I was literally standing by myself, on a public sidewalk, not even talking to anyone. It must have been embarrassing to try to come up with a criminal charge for that. The best they could come up with was a $65 ticket for not leaving the property when asked.

A ticket. Like a parking ticket. But for all that, they sent five police cars, three security cars, and arrested me and jammed me in the back of a car like a gangland murderer.

As Ezra says, we’ll spend $65,000 if we have to, appealing this ticket all the way to the Supreme Court — and making every one of those police officers testify why I was treated like a greater menace than a gangland shootout that day.

Medico-Stalinist Police State in Victoria State Australia: Pregnant Woman Handcuffed & Arrested for Posting Notice of Protest Against Lockdown

Medico-Stalinist Police State in Victoria State Australia: Pregnant Woman Handcuffed & Arrested for Posting Notice of Protest Against Lockdown [Yes, That’s Australia NOT North Korea!]

Pregnant woman handcuffed in front of her children for posting protest ad to Facebook

The triumph of the mask wearers

 “I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to protest”

Pregnant woman handcuffed in front of her children for posting protest ad to Facebook.

This really happened.

Telegraph Lifts Website Paywall In Response To Extinction Rebellion ‘Assault On The Free Press’

Police officers wearing face masks and gloves due to the COVID-19 pandemic, detain an activist from the climate protest group Extinction Rebellion as they demonstrate in Parliament Square in London on September 2, 2020, on the second day of their new season of mass rebellions.

Telegraph Lifts Website Paywall In Response To Extinction Rebellion ‘Assault On The Free Press’

© AFP 2020 / TOLGA AKMENUK19:01 GMT 05.09.2020Get short URLby James Tweedie451Subscribe

On Friday, environmentalist group Extinction Rebellion blockaded three printworks used by the Times, The Sun, The Telegraph and the Daily Mail who they accused of failing to report on climate change issues ‘accurately’. Home Secretary Priti Patel condemned it as an attack on the free press and democracy.

British newspaper The Telegraph has lifted its paywall for the weekend after an Extinction Rebellion (XR) blockade it dubbed a bid to “stifle our free press.”

Telegraph editor Chris Evans tweeted: “It’s free until Monday morning. Do enjoy – and feel free to agree or disagree. That’s democracy…”

​Friday’s actions by the environmentalist group at three print works in England and Scotland blocked deliveries of The Times, The Sun, The Scottish Sun, The Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail, all conservative-leaning titles which have a combined daily circulation of some 3 million copies. ©

Wikipedia / Kaihsu Tai / The Co-operative TilehurstSpectator Chairman Bans Adverts From The Co-Op After Supermarket Chain Seeks To ‘Influence Content’The group claimed it was “using disruption to expose the failure of these corporations to accurately report on the climate and ecological emergency,” as protesters chained themselves to delivery vehicles.

In a message on the Telegraph website, which referred to XR as “extremists,” Evans said: “I’m very concerned by the attack on free speech.”

“Whatever your politics, you should be worried by this,” he added. “There are also questions for the police who perhaps placed the right of these few people to protest above the right of the rest of the people to read a free press.”

Daily Mail political commentator Dan Hedges blamed the “liberal establishment” for encouraging XR to act illegally.

​Home Secretary Priti Patel also condemned the XR protest, tweeting: “This attack on our free press, society and democracy is completely unacceptable.”

​Evans prodded opposition Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer on his reticence to comment on the incident.

​But former Labour MP for Vauxhall hailed the “excellent decision.”

​In a piece for the Telegraph, another former Labour MP Ian Austin called the response of the Hertfordshire Police Force to the protest in Broxbourne “pathetic.”

“Don’t we have the right to read what we want and to go to work?” he asked. “You can’t have protesters or politicians deciding what people can or can’t read. And you can’t prevent newspapers being published and distributed because you disagree with their editorial line.”

In September 2019, Heathrow Pause, a splinter group led by XR co-founder Roger Hallam, put tens of thousands of passengers’ lives at risk when they attempted to fly remote-controlled drones over London’s biggest airport. At least 19 people including Hallam were arrested.