Letter To The Legion
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By Canadian Nationalist Party Post date

Canadian Nationalist Party Leader Travis Patron has wrote a letter to the Royal Canadian Legion following their decision to exclude his party from their branches leading up to the most recent 43rd Federal Election last year.
Read the letter Patron wrote today addressed to the Royal Canadian Legion:
Royal Canadian Legion – Saskatchewan Provincial Command,
I write you in response of your letter served to our organization last year leading up to the most recent 43rd Federal Election in which you communicated your decision to exclude us from using any of your branches. You also used the letter to condemn our speech and actions as well as falsely-accusing us of promoting hate “based on nationality, religion, and sexual orientation”.
I will have you know, dear Legion, that perhaps more than anything our political constituency hates cowardice and, unfortunately for you, your organization’s affiliation with us thus far reeks of this.
As a federally-sanctioned political constituency, and the only one headquartered within the province, your decision to exclude us from your branches is inherently against democratic association your bylaws claim to represent!
Your rash actions come in response to our event held at the Redvers Legion Branch #293 on June 14th, 2019 when we communicated our electoral policies to voters. If the purpose and objectives of the Royal Canadian Legion are to support democracy, as your bylaws seem to suggest, than this decision is counter-intuitive by its very nature!
I will have you note, dear Legion, that this address to the community on June 14th, 2019 at your branch seems to have been well-received despite your apparent reluctance to defend the national sovereignty our veterans fought so valiantly to defend!Due to these poor decisions, not to allow federal political parties to speak at your venues, among other reasons, many of your branches are now lying desolate, on the brink of insolvency, and collecting dust. This is a disgrace to many of those who served and continue to serve in upholding our national identity and ideology, the very thing our political constituency espouses!
You dishonour us with your words and ill-conceived condemnations. Your cancellation procedures are abrupt and given on extremely short notice. We speak not only of your provincial command here in Saskatchewan, but nationally, in other areas of the country as well/ Kindly pass this letter onto your National Headquarters as well so that they may be informed of our displeasure in how the once respectable Royal Canadian Legion is being run today!Many of us, myself included, have ancestors who fought in the Great Wars so that their descendents may enjoy basic freedoms such as the ability to express and advocate for oneself – values your contemporary command seems to run afoul of!
You disappoint us, dear Legion, as your branches no longer support the ability for people to express themselves, but censor an conceal themselves in a false veneer of patriotism! You cower under the pressure from the mainstream media narrative and nameless hooligans to cancel events which take time, money, and patience to organize. How exactly do you expect to gain in popularity from such a thing? You will quite likely not!
I will have you know, dear Legion, that if you continue to surrender the sacrifices our nation has made, and which are imbued in the history of your very branches, than some other organization will step in, with our without your consent, to defend their sacrifices and carry forward the torch for generations yet to come!
Mr. Travis Patron
Canadian Nationalist Party Leader
The decision to exclude the party came shortly after Patron hosted an event at the Redvers Legion Branch #293 on June 14th, 2019, which can be viewed below:
We thank those who attended and those who continue to support our organization.
If the Royal Canadian Legion continues to softly surrender the sacrifices our nation has made in times past, which are imbued in the historical legacy of these very branches, than some other organization will step in, with or without their consent, to carry forward the torch for generations yet to come!
- Tags
- 43rd Federal Election, Canadian Armed Forces, Redvers, Royal Canadian Legion, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Travis Patron, Veteran Affairs