Trudeau defends the right to protest in India as Canadians are arrested and fined for doing the same

Trudeau defends the right to protest in India as Canadians are arrested and fined for doing the same

He’s sucking up to another privileged minority — the Sikhs. In his first Cabinet, there were 4 Sikhs or 16%, but the constitute less than one per cent of Canada’s population. These farmers are mostly Sikhs.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released a statement Tuesday morning expressing support for striking farmers in India.

Hundreds of thousands of farmers in India have taken to the streets to protest proposed agricultural laws which they argue will destroy their livelihoods. The laws seek to deregulate crop pricing, which the government says will break up monopolies, but opponents suggest will leave farmers at the mercy of large corporations.

“Canada will always be there to defend the right of peaceful protest,” Trudeau said in his statement. He described the situation as “very concerning,” further noting that he has “reached out to Indian authorities to highlight” Canada’s concerns.

Meanwhile, Canadians who protest against the government have frequently been subject to fines for breaking coronavirus-related lockdown restrictions. An Independent MPP in Ontario was recently handed a fine for organizing a protest at Queen’s Park, the province’s legislature, while the organizer of an anti-lockdown protest in Chatham-Kent, Ontario was fined for organizing to oppose government lockdown restrictions.

A man in Etobicoke, Ontario who attempted to open his barbeque business was handed criminal charges for refusing to comply with lockdown orders, an event which gained significant media traction.

Measures have been taken outside of Ontario to restrict freedom of assembly as well. A man was fined in Saskatoon earlier this month for protesting against mask mandates, while the Manitoba government has promised to do the same to protesters in their province.

Also in Manitoba, RCMP were sent to physically block the highway entrance to a church which was attempting to host a Sunday prayer service. Churchgoers were even prevented from listening to the service from their own cars in the parking lot due to the possibility of spreading coronavirus. According to Manitoba’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Brent Roussin, gatherings of cars are dangerous for the spread of coronavirus because some people might need to use the bathroom, and more than one household may be present in a single vehicle.

The lockdown measures restricting the freedom of assembly guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are meant to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Yet despite having more than 9.4 million confirmed cases of the virus, Trudeau has encouraged protests in India while remaining silent as protesters are fined and arrested in Canada.

A spokesman from the Indian Ministry of External Affairs condemned Trudeau’s comments, describing them as “ill-informed” and “unwarranted.”

Bonnie Henry’s Church Hating Medico-Stalinist Regime — B.C. Church Fined $2,300 for Indoor Service: Costco In; Churches, Out!

  Every day, it seems like COVID-19 laws get more and more bizarre. From mask mandates to arbitrary business closures, it has become next to impossible to keep up with the rule changes and their logic. And now, they’re targeting churches!  Under B.C.’s new province-wide COVID-19 restrictions, churches and other places of worship have been forced to close in what our un-elected health officials claim is an attempt to curb the spread of the virus.  Yet restaurants, bars, and gyms remain relatively unaffected. How does any of this make sense? 

That’s what brought me to Riverside Calvary Chapel this past Sunday, where worshippers chose to attend an indoor church service in defiance of the new rules.   A bylaw officer had been there all day to monitor the morning service before police arrived to issue the church a $2,300 fine! Not only that, but they also threatened to give out more fines if the church remained open. 

Watch this video to see my interaction with the bylaw officer and police who came to issue the COVID fine. 

Let’s get this straight: people can go to Costco with no issues, but they can’t attend a church service to worship God?  What’s worse, the police weren’t even sure what order they were there to enforce! So, where did they get the authority to issue this fine? 

Can Canada still be referred to as “the true north strong and free” if we continue to head down this path?  Freedom of movement, freedom of association, and freedom of religion have all fallen to the wayside because of these emergency measures, which are in direct contravention of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  

We don’t think Riverside Calvary Chapel should have to pay this fine. Do you?  If we learned anything from our “Fight the Fines” civil liberties project, it’s that these fines won’t easily stand up in court. And if you help us, we’ll make sure they never will.  Yours truly,  Drea Humphrey 

Update from the Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund

CAFE Director Paul Fromm pledges support for Adam’s fight to run his business and resist the Medico-Stalinist COVID tyrants.

Update from the Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund

Barry McNamar, OrganizerGood morning.

So I spoke to Adam last night while I was at the airport on my way home. He wanted me to thank all of you for your very generous support.

And, while he cannot post on social media, his lovely wife Allison can.

On that connection, we will be adding her name to the Fundraising Team so that she may take over the daily updates to all of you going forward.

It is important that you hear the day-to-day activities straight from the family.

A few lawyers have also estimated what it would take to bring this case to the Supreme Court and ensure that it didn’t bankrupt Adam in the process.

We have therefore set the final goal of this GoFundMe to $350,000. With your ongoing support, there is little doubt we will reach this goal.

Once the Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund hits that magic number, we will close the campaign down.

It is hoped that the family can continue to keep you informed after that happens.

This campaign has never been about the existence of COVID measures but the asymmetric way they treat big business and the little guy.

In short, governments have been frozen into inaction and have ceded control of this country’s greatest crisis to unelected, unaccountable health care bureaucrats.

These are folks who don’t have to face the voter, have no skin in the game and, with the loosening of federal and provincial fiscal checks and balances, unlimited funds.

Hand anyone with no skin in the game the lever of power, an unlimited budget and no concrete strategy and where is the incentive for all of this to end?

In public policy we call this a perverse incentive. They create a mish-mash of conflicting policy responses that serve no real purpose other than to prolong the crisis and hurt everyday Canadians.

Why? Because small business and the everyday worker can’t afford the expensive lobbyists that the big-box stores can. And the government’s policy response reflects that.

Big corporations have the resources to reach government and get these silly policies tweaked.

Thus we have Walmarts open while the family owned small business down the street is forced to pivot to pick-up or deliveries without the regular income available to scale it up to affordable levels.

Is that fair and equal treatment under the law?
Is it constitutional? Does some junior public servant at the municipal level have the right to lock a landowner or businessman out of his own property? Or force them to make their body and private health care records available with no evidence of a serious crime?

That’s where the Adamson BBQ Legal Defense Fund can play a meaningful role.

By putting these key legal questions before the courts, they can create order out of chaos and a sense of empowerment for the little guy.

And, ideally, they force a more reasoned and balanced approach to policies intended to keep people safe.

Anyway, that is what this effort hopes to change.

Political leaders have to lead, not just hand some poor public servant the file, an unlimited budget and hide behind them until the storm passes.

Because when this house of cards comes crashing down- and it will, who’s going to lose their job? It won’t be the elected fellas.

Thank you again. And thank you also to my young daughter for making me sound more eloquent than I really am. She’s been tacking away here for me from the beginning, making me sound intelligent.

Let’s get this effort over the top and change this country for the better!

Peterborough Farmers’ Market Bans People With Medical Mask Exemptions — Time to Boycott & Strike Back Against the Corporate Bullies & Mask Fanatics

Peterborough Farmers’ Market Bans People With Medical Mask Exemptions — Time to Boycott & Strike Back Against the Corporate Bullies & Mask Fanatics
Recently, the Peterborough Regional Farmers’ Market opted to begin strictly enforcing Ontario’s mask mandate. The enforcement is so strict that even those with exemptions are barred from entering the building housing the market.

The new rules aren’t sitting well with some people who reached out to me about this seemingly discriminatory policy. They claim that these mask mandates are dividing the community and destroying businesses.

Yet, many of the vendors continue to support the measures. According to them, they’re just following the rules and doing what they have to do to protect others. So I went to the market to talk to people about what they thought about these rules. Here’s what they had to say:

As one protester succinctly stated, “the government doesn’t decide if I should fear or not.” But that is precisely what’s happening. While covering this protest, the police were actually called to enforce the mandate. Strangely enough, they did this under the guise of enforcing the Trespass to Property Act —

you can watch that video here. When did a medical exemption become a reason to issue a trespassing ticket? And who’s actually responsible for enforcing these regulations?

Yours truly,

Tamara Ugolini

Fight Back Against the Medico-Stalinist Tyrants in Ontario — Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund

$288,714 raised of $350,000 goal

Fight Back Against the Medico-Stalinist Tyrants in Ontario — Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund

$288,714 raised of $350,000 goal

Barry McNamar is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Adam Skelly.

Amidst the slough of politicians, media and citizen fear mongers supporting irrational COVID  “public health orders” that shut down small businesses while allowing corporate big-box stores to remain open… one small business is standing up for the rights of the “little guys” like you and me to get out and earn a living too.

Ontario’s Adamson BBQ has been opening every day to serve people lunch. And owner Adam Skelly is paying a high price for carrying that cudgel of liberty. Over the past 24 hours he’s been hit with numerous fines totalling tens of thousands of dollars for violating unconstitutional and draconian COVID “public health orders.”

All because he refuses to let your politicians—who are out there enjoying their fat salaries that we all pay for, wag their fingers at us and tell us we don’t have a right to earn a living too. After all, “we’re all in this together” right?

I don’t know him but I do know that guys like Adam are in short supply during this overblown COVID nonsense. And he deserves our support. 

So c’mon.

If we’re not going to be out there leading by example, let’s at least kick in $100, $75, $50 or whatever you can afford to help Adam fight this fight for us. 

If we’re not willing to kick in a few bucks to help Adam fight for our freedoms, then maybe we don’t deserve them. 

Don’t put this aside for later. Every fine, every police visit, every daily scolding by some fat cat politician is chipping away at Adam’s courage. Show him that he’s not alone.

Donate now.

Reality vs. CBC: was this Manitoba hospital OVERWHELMED with COVID-19 patients?

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Reality vs. CBC: was this Manitoba hospital OVERWHELMED with COVID-19 patients?
A recent report by the CBC sent shockwaves across the country. But was any of it true? CBC published that the Bethesda Regional Health Centre in Steinbach, Manitoba, had been so overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients that nurses were forced to triage people in their cars in the parking lot!

But we’re well aware of the blatant lies and mistruths regularly peddled by our state-broadcaster, so I decided to go and see for myself. What I found will surprise you:

According to Manitoba’s official numbers, the day we showed up at the hospital there were just 300 COVID patients across all 58 Manitoba hospitals. That’s five people per hospital! Even less when you consider that only 52 of those people are in ICU.   Is that all it takes to overwhelm Manitoba’s healthcare system? Of course not.  

But it hasn’t stopped Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister from inflating the perceived risk of this virus to give himself more authority over the lives of Manitobans.   Why does the mainstream media continue to push this narrative and support this tyrant?  This isn’t a crisis. It never was. The only crisis is that people continue to fall for CBC’s hysterical reporting. 

Yours truly, 

Keean Bexte