Lockdown is Deadlier than COVID!

Please indulge me for a few minutes, I want to tell you what happened.

In March 2020 we didn’t know much about the virus. But in May 2020 everything changed, or should have changed. We learned that more than 80% of deaths were in long term care homes, meaning we should have focused protection on the vulnerable.  We also obtained multiple serology studies (level of Covid antibodies) which showed that the infection rate was much higher than we thought. That was great news because it meant that mortality and hospitalization rates were much lower than we thought. 

Of course it was also clear that there was a collateral harm to lockdown, but no one had the courage to say it. As we went into the fall months, I tried to convince my former government to focus on long term care homes, that the virus was too transmissible to stop and thankfully, not as risky as previously thought, especially to children and youth. Toward the end of 2020, I started hearing of deadly catastrophes in my community and all around our country. I was told of overdoses, attempted suicides, surgeries missed, late cancer diagnosis and in particular, the significant harm inflicted on our children because of school closures.

In early January 2021, I decided I wasn’t going to have it anymore and went public with my opposition to the lockdown. The goal was to spark a conversation and give courage to others in leadership positions to express opposition to the lockdown. The premise of my argument was that we needed to factor in the collateral harm of the lockdown into our public health response. Lockdown is deadlier than Covid. I was removed from the Ontario PC Caucus and subjected to vicious attacks by the media and on social media.

See for example the cartoon below from the Hamilton Spectator, although I think it’s entertaining.  I wish I was wrong, but every day that went by I was proven right. The Canadian Medical Association estimated in November 2021 that more than 5,000 Canadians already died because of surgeries delayed. Ontario alone missed more than a million cancer screenings just during the first year of lockdown. Notably, children could have been saved if their cancer was defected earlier. Hospitalizations from suicide attempts have skyrocketed

The rate of deaths from overdose has almost doubled. There was no question as time went on that lockdowns are deadlier than Covid, especially for young people. I am not looking for vindication or reward. The only thing I seek is conversation or the ability to have a conversation about whatever the issue of the day is. A conversation is not just a democratic right, it’s good public policy. Submission to mainstream narrative, coupled by silence, gives rise to groupthink. In the last two years, groupthink led to deadly consequences.
. Yours very truly, Roman Baber