Top Tech Foundation: Deplatforming Not Enough, Entire Internet Needs to Change After Capitol Incursion

Supporters loyal to President Donald Trump clash with authorities before successfully breaching the Capitol building during a riot on the grounds Wednesday.John Minchillo / APSupporters loyal to President Donald Trump clash with authorities before successfully breaching the Capitol building during a riot on the grounds Wednesday. (John Minchillo / AP) By Kipp Jones
Published January 9, 2021 at 1:36pm Share on Facebook Tweet Share Email Print

Mozilla, the foundation and developer of the popular free web browser Firefox, published a blog post on Friday arguing that silencing and de-platforming President Donald Trump is not enough and that the entire internet needs to be re-tooled to stifle political dissent.

“There is no question that social media played a role in the siege and take-over of the US Capitol on January 6,” Mozilla said in a blog post. “Since then there has been significant focus on the deplatforming of President Donald Trump. By all means the question of when to deplatform a head of state is a critical one, among many that must be addressed. When should platforms make these decisions? Is that decision-making power theirs alone?”

“But as reprehensible as the actions of Donald Trump are, the rampant use of the internet to foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy is about more than any one personality,” the company said. “Donald Trump is certainly not the first politician to exploit the architecture of the internet in this way, and he won’t be the last. We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage has been done.”

Mozilla essentially called everyone who didn’t vote for Democrats in the last election racist. Then, it advocated for more censorship and more voter disenfranchisement for conservatives who already face so much discrimination in their daily lives.

The company said it is time to unmask “who is paying for advertisements, how much they are paying and who is being targeted,” which sounds an awful lot like an advocation for doxing people. Surely, that won’t be misused and unevenly applied.

TRENDING: Twitter’s Ban of Trump Just Opened an Entire New Line of Criticism

“Commit to meaningful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is being amplified, to whom, and the associated impact. Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation,” Mozilla added.

Finally, the Mozilla said the tech must “Work with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms’ impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve things.”

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“These are actions the platforms can and should commit to today. The answer is not to do away with the internet, but to build a better one that can withstand and gird against these types of challenges. This is how we can begin to do that,” concluded Mozilla.

Mozilla also took to Twitter to share its message:

Top Tech Foundation: Deplatforming Not Enough, Entire Internet Needs to Change After Capitol Incursion

Supporters loyal to President Donald Trump clash with authorities before successfully breaching the Capitol building during a riot on the grounds Wednesday.John Minchillo / APSupporters loyal to President Donald Trump clash with authorities before successfully breaching the Capitol building during a riot on the grounds Wednesday. (John Minchillo / AP) By Kipp Jones
Published January 9, 2021 at 1:36pm Share on Facebook Tweet Share Email Print

Mozilla, the foundation and developer of the popular free web browser Firefox, published a blog post on Friday arguing that silencing and de-platforming President Donald Trump is not enough and that the entire internet needs to be re-tooled to stifle political dissent.

“There is no question that social media played a role in the siege and take-over of the US Capitol on January 6,” Mozilla said in a blog post. “Since then there has been significant focus on the deplatforming of President Donald Trump. By all means the question of when to deplatform a head of state is a critical one, among many that must be addressed. When should platforms make these decisions? Is that decision-making power theirs alone?”

“But as reprehensible as the actions of Donald Trump are, the rampant use of the internet to foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy is about more than any one personality,” the company said. “Donald Trump is certainly not the first politician to exploit the architecture of the internet in this way, and he won’t be the last. We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage has been done.”

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Mozilla essentially called everyone who didn’t vote for Democrats in the last election racist. Then, it advocated for more censorship and more voter disenfranchisement for conservatives who already face so much discrimination in their daily lives.

The company said it is time to unmask “who is paying for advertisements, how much they are paying and who is being targeted,” which sounds an awful lot like an advocation for doxing people. Surely, that won’t be misused and unevenly applied.

TRENDING: Twitter’s Ban of Trump Just Opened an Entire New Line of Criticism

“Commit to meaningful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is being amplified, to whom, and the associated impact. Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation,” Mozilla added.

Finally, the Mozilla said the tech must “Work with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms’ impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve things.”

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“These are actions the platforms can and should commit to today. The answer is not to do away with the internet, but to build a better one that can withstand and gird against these types of challenges. This is how we can begin to do that,” concluded Mozilla.

Mozilla also took to Twitter to share its message:

Former Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer, President of Truth & Justice for Germans, Defends Florida Principal

High School Principal Fired over noncommittal answer about holocaust – open letter

What follows is an open letter from the Truth and Justice for Germans Society to board and staff members of Spanish River High, a school in Boca Raton, Florida which serves a large Jewish population. William Latson was the principal of that school before he was fired, re-instated but fired again because he replied to a parent in 2018 that he could not confirm whether the Holocaust really happened.

Here is a link to an article in the South Florida Sun Sentinal, for background on the story.

The Letter

2021, January 5

To School Board and Faculty, Spanish River High, Florida,

They say that TRUTH is the first casualty in war. Wars have often been triggered and fought on the basis of deceptions. It is, therefore, not unreasonable to expect that the history books about those wars also contain some truths, some half-truths and some lies and deceptions. Victors write the history books. Even the grade school teachers talk about that from time to time. When they tell us that the victors write the history books, they are not just talking about the choice of font with which they write the story.

We, at the Truth and Justice for Germans Society, are appalled about the case of William Latson having been terminated from his job as school principal, simply because he could not confirm the holocaust story. It must be noted that he did not deny it either. Apparently, for the Jewish community, this neutral stance is a serious enough crime to have this school principal fired.

What other event in history is so untouchable, that even a neutral stance on it will have a teacher dismissed for saying they cannot confirm that it happened? There is none. Why is this holocaust story so sacrosanct that there cannot be any discussion, debate, questioning, and now there cannot even be a noncommittal answer to the question?

For your edification, let us just examine one aspect of the official story, to put this story into perspective.

The 6 million number.

At Auschwitz, the main “extermination” camp according to the official narrative, there was a plaque which said 4 million died at the hands of the “NAZI MURDERERS” between 1940 and 1945.

That plaque was later replaced with this one, which lowered the number significantly.

Just as the 4 million figure was made up, the 1.5 million figure was also made up. According to the records the approximate number that died was 100,000, more Roman Catholics than Jews. Contrary to the popular story that the “Nazis” destroyed written records, that is not true. The Soviets seized the “Death Books” from Auschwitz at the end of the war, and these were released 45 years later following glasnost. Detailed records were kept for every prisoner that died, including Doctor-signed death certificates.

Let us look at the records for another of the “notorious” concentration camps. Here are the numbers, down-graded over time, for Majdanek.

Despite the changes to the official numbers killed at Auschwitz and Majdanek, amounting to a reduction of 2.5 + 1.9 = 4.4 million, the 6 million figure for the number of Jewish victims has not budged.


The changing numbers and mathematical impossibilities constitutes just one aspect of the problematic nature of the holocaust story. The official narrative is also not backed up by the physical, chemical, topographical, architectural and documentary evidence. I encourage you to visit or for more information.

Even if none of you individually wish to further educate yourselves on this topic, please consider the fact that when a teacher or principal of a school says that they cannot confirm a historical narrative, that leaves space for the student to think for themselves, to pursue information and seek answers on their own.

Here are some ideas for the curriculum: they could be taught that the “holocaust” is a controversial topic, and that many people have gone to jail for questioning the official narrative. They could be taught that evidence is illegal [see this article for example] in some “holocaust trials”. They could be taught that the numbers of “holocaust survivors” keep going up instead of down as might be expected over time. They could be taught about methods of social control, such as Ritual Defamation, which is applied to anyone who does not go along with “political correctness”, on this topic and many other topics too.

We should be encouraging students to engage in the thoughtful pursuit of knowledge, instead of spoon-feeding or force-feeding them one single narrative – no discussion and no debate allowed – forever more.

Do not bow to the pressure of lobby groups. Please do the right thing and reinstate William Latson into his position, with full backpay and compensation for damages.


Monika Schaefer
President of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society

Justice Centre to defend numerous individuals and faith communities issued $2300 tickets under BC public health orders

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News Release Justice Centre to defend numerous individuals and faith communities issued $2300 tickets under BC public health orders
Photo: Dawson Creek Mirror VANCOUVER: The Justice Centre of Constitutional Freedoms announced today that it will be challenging more than a dozen $2300 tickets given to different British Columbia individuals and faith communities, all for allegedly violating COVID public health orders.
The Justice Centre represents the following individuals and faith communities from across the province of British Columbia:

Alain Beaudoin
Brent Smith
Free Grace Baptist Church
Free Reformed Church of Chilliwack
Grant Reich
Heather Lucier
Immanuel Covenant Reformed Church
Jack Schoeman
James Butler
John Koopman
Jonah Zryd
Kelowna Harvest Fellowship
Riverside Calvary Chapel
Timothy Champ
Valley Heights Community Church
100 Mile House Baptist Church

The Province of B.C., specifically Chief Medical Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, has made orders prohibiting people from organizing or attending “events” “except as provided for” in her Orders
This has resulted in individuals being ticketed while exercising their Charter rights to peacefully protest because they did not comply with various requirements in the Orders, such as collecting the first and last names and contact information of fellow protestors. 
Further, in-person worship services have been completely prohibited, regardless of the extra safety measures implemented by the faith community. Pastors and faith communities have been issued whopping fines for holding religious services despite having gone to extraordinary lengths to comply with health guidelines, including limiting attendance to no more than 50 persons, pre-registering attendees, rearranging seating to ensure physical distancing, providing hand sanitizer and masks and enhancing cleaning and sanitizing procedures. 
Many members of faith communities cannot access online services. For these individuals, gathering in-person is essential to their spiritual and emotional well-being, especially to cope with the negative effects of lockdowns. Support groups have been allowed to remain open, yet the government of BC has warned: “Do not attend a service at a church, synagogue, mosque, gurdwara, temple, or other places of worship”. These severe measures are being imposed on BC residents, while the BC government allows hundreds of people to gather at any given time in a Walmart or Costco. The government allows residents to gather and seat six at a table at bars and restaurants. 
On January 7, 2021, the Justice Centre filed a Petition challenging the BC governments’ lockdown Orders on the basis that they unjustifiably violate the rights and freedoms of BC residents protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, including freedom of conscience and religion; freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression; freedom of peaceful assembly; freedom of association; and the rights to life, liberty and security of the person as well as equality rights.
The Petition also challenges the Orders on the basis that they are unreasonable and exceed Dr. Bonnie Henry’s authority as Provincial Health Officer.
“The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects the right of citizens to protest and to gather for religious worship and puts the onus on government to show that any infringement of Charter freedoms is justified in the circumstances,” notes Marty Moore, Justice Centre staff lawyer.
“Individuals across the province of BC have been issued significant fines for responsibly exercising their fundamental Charter rights and freedoms,” states Mr. Moore. “The Justice Centre’s legal team will be challenging each of these tickets in court. COVID-19 does not cancel Canadians’ constitutional rights.”

For media interviews please contact:
Marty Moore, Staff Lawyer, Justice Centre
Phone : (587) 998-1806

Further Gagging of Canadian Dissident & Political Prisoner: Arthur Topham Forbidden from Mentioning Jews for Three Years

Arthur Topham forbidden from mentioning Jews

28 Saturday Nov 2020

Posted by Monika in Arthur Topham, Canada, Free Speech, Germany, Psychological Warfare, Uncategorized


“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?” ~ Kevin Alfred Strom, 1993

Arthur Topham

In the case of Arthur Topham, it matters not if he would be criticizing or praising, he is not permitted to publicly utter the word “Jew”.

The CBC reports:

For the next three years, Topham is forbidden from publishing or printing publicly any reference to or information about  the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, and  the Jewish religion, ethnicity or people.

Topham is also forbidden from publicly posting the names of people he knows to be of Jewish origin. 

According to court documents, he will still be allowed to publicly name his wife and her family, but not to mention their ethnicity or origin. During his original trial, Topham told the court his wife is Jewish.

These are some of the probationary rules inflicted on Arthur Topham, for allegedly breaching sentencing conditions after the 2015 trial in which Topham was found guilty and not guilty for two counts of the exact same charge under Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada, “… did… wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group…”

Arthur Topham’s satirical treatment of the book “Germany Must Perish” by the Jew Theodore Kaufman was one of the focal points of that trial. Topham simply replaced “Germany” with “Israel” and “Germans” with “Jews”, replicating the book word for word. It was clearly a satire and was identified as such, and was intended to shine light on the horrific 1941 book in which Kaufman advocates for and describes the method (mass sterilization) by which the German people should be annihilated out of existence, forever.

Fantastic News: The Radical Press is back up and running!   Update: See next paragraph.

[I have removed the link as Arthur tells me there are concerns of a possible legal nature. He no longer has control over the domain name and whoever has it is also using it to advertise Rolex watches and who knows what else and could post inflammatory articles which would be attributed to him. ~ MS. Updated December 1, 2020]

Some of my previous articles will help to give background to Arthur Topham’s work over the years.

Please see my 2017 “Dear Arthur” letter/article, in which I said the world owed him an apology and a great big thank-you. 

Following that, I published this article in response to a genuine inquiry by a friend who wished to understand how and why I was defending Arthur Topham. It is called “The Lies They Tell about Arthur Topham: a Thinking Person’s Query”

One more article which explains to friends and family about the state of the world, the deceptions, Arthur Topham’s case regarding the Kaufman book and how the media twists everything.

Please see this excellent article on the Christians for Truth website covering the latest Orwellian development in this saga that has dragged Mr. Topham through the corrupt court system for many years

More from Pyongyang on the Prairies: Cops crash teen’s 18th birthday, issue $1,300 fine over 10-person gathering

Cops crash teen’s 18th birthday, issue $1,300 fine over 10-person gathering

Manitoba is in full coronavirus lockdown mode. In person church services are cancelled. Non-essential items are roped off in retail stores. Restaurants are closed. Nothing is normal anymore, not even birthdays.

In today’s video, you’ll meet Matthew Loewen. He is a young man from Manitoba who just got a whopper of a birthday present from the province.

Loewen was handed a nearly $1,300 fine for having an unauthorized party. He and a handful of friends gathered in his dad’s trucking shop to celebrate his quiet, socially distant coming of age. Some anonymous tipster called the cops to the Loewen family business at which point young Matt was ushered into adulthood with an enormous ticket.

Matthew is a good kid. He’s never been in trouble before, and he shouldn’t be in trouble now, for doing something completely normal. I think it’s ridiculous.

That’s why I’m helping Matthew fight that fine. Matthew sent his ticket to me at and I’m putting Matthew in touch with a top criminal lawyer to help him fight back. He isn’t paying that fine. He’s pleading not guilty and we are taking this thing to court.

If you’d like to help cover the legal costs for Matthew and the hundreds of other people we are helping fight their COVID-19 restriction violation tickets, you can donate at the same website, the Fines

Reporting on and fighting the pandemic fines.

The Latest from Pyongyang on the Prairies & The Mask Enforcers: Seniors ARRESTED while filling medical prescription at Manitoba grocery store

Seniors ARRESTED while filling medical prescription at Manitoba grocery store

Manitoba’s COVID-19 restrictions are some of the most overreaching and draconian in the entire country.

Rebel News is helping a steady stream of normal, otherwise law-abiding Manitobans who are now facing fines for doing completely ordinary things that were suddenly rendered illegal at a stroke of the pen by some politician or health bureaucrat — things like carolling and celebrating birthdays.

Jake Klassen was fined for singing Christmas carols in a park with members of his faith community after the government closed his church. Matthew Loewen was fined after someone snitched on him for having a socially distant 18th birthday get-together in his dad’s trucking shop. And today, you’ll meet Mary-Ann Roy and her husband, George, whose trip to the grocery store ended in handcuffs.

Mary-Ann and George are a soft spoken married couple who are both medically exempt from wearing masks. They went together in the evening — to avoid the crowds — to their local Superstore, to fill a prescription for the very condition that makes Mary-Ann mask exempt. In the end, the cops were called and they were both detained and threatened with criminal charges, before being released with $1,300 coronavirus tickets.

The Roys’ story and their treatment by the police are infuriating. That’s why Rebel News is helping Mary-Ann and George fight their fines. They are pleading not guilty and Rebel News is crowdfunding a criminal lawyer to help them. If you’d like to help with their legal expenses, please visit

If you have received a ticket, don’t pay it. Fight it. Plead not guilty and submit it to Rebel News at for help.