Dave Lindsay, C.L.E.A.R. Kelowna END THE LOCKDOWN Rally Leader Fined $9,000

Kelowna man fined $9,000 for COVID charges says goal is to “make an example” of him


Good move David—you have been fighting for all of us for such a long time—’tis time to take a moment to be helped!!!!—& these are the folks that will!!!

Freedom Fighter Michael Chessman of the Euro Coalition Blasts Press Reports Labelling Paul Fromm a “Neo-Nazi)

Freedom Fighter Michael Chessman of the Euro Coalition Blasts Press Reports Labelling Paul Fromm a “Neo-Nazi)


(January 19th 2012 Front page news/story)

I wish to state for the record that as a proud supporter of British culture

and related concerns of preserving the core of this foundation of what

has made this a great nation and the envy of the entire planet,

I have had the privilege of personally being friend of and to Mr.

Paul Fromm who I know to share in such sentiments in the best possible


To refer to him as a “neo Nazi” (as that term is used – and as

someone who has long condemned any such injustices from that

quarter) I can only say that such name calling is slander of the

very worst sort. Paul is a gentleman and a scholar in the best

sense of how that phrase is used and I stand by these words

to the very end.

I thank God for Paul and for his spirit lest we be alone

on the planet who have his warmth and kind views on our cultural

and societal concerns to be free of so-called (but reverse minded)

political correctness in favour of much better choices if if only in music

and theater along with better articulation standards involving better

usage of the English language with the best possible outcome in mind.

Michael Chessman

[Michael Rizzo Chessman is of Iranian, Italian and Irish descent and is a fierce supporter of British and European culture, art and people.]

Warning to Social Conservatives from Derek Sloan, MP About PC HQ Tricks

Warning to Social Conservatives from Derek Sloan, MP About PC HQ Tricks

Paul, It has been brought to my attention that CPC HQ may be calling social conservatives and blue conservatives to ask them if they would like to cancel their membership in the aftermath of my caucus ejection.

It is of utmost importance that you REJECT any such offer.   DO NOT cancel your CPC membership. DO NOT give up your delegate spot.

DO NOT accept any refund from CPC HQ.
You are needed – more than ever –  right alongside other good Conservative Party members.

Please stand with me and stay the course. Even if the party should happen to write or call, DO NOT cancel your CPC membership. DO NOT give up your delegate spot. I will be in touch again very soon with next steps.

Be encouraged, this is only the beginning…

Sincerely,  Derek Sloan's signature Derek Sloan Member of Parliament www.DerekSloan.ca

P.S: I will not give up fighting for conservative values and policy. I need your help and I hope I can count on you to stand with me, starting today and running through the March 2021 CPC convention.

Sask Nurse Appeals Fine by College of Nurses for Criticizing Shoddy Health Care in a Facebook Post

Good faith or unfair attack? Saskatchewan appeal court to rule on nurse’s Facebook posts

Social Sharing

Judges will decide whether she had the right to comment on grandfather’s health care

CBC News · Posted: Sep 17, 2019 5:00 AM CT | Last Updated: September 18, 2019

Carolyn Strom arrives at the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal in Regina on Tuesday. Strom was found guilty of professional misconduct by the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association in 2016 and handed a $26,000 penalty. (Michael Bell/The Canadian Press)

The nurse who was found guilty of professional misconduct over a Facebook post will soon learn whether she had the right to make those comments.

Three judges of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal reserved their decision Tuesday on the matter until a later date.

The court heard the Facebook post was made in good faith and was an exercise of her free speech. 

Court also heard that the post may constitute fake news, although that wasn’t discussed at a lower court hearing, and that there are no charter rights that protect unprofessional conduct.

Post violated social media policy

In 2015, Carolyn Strom wrote a post on Facebook criticizing the health care her grandfather received while in palliative care. 

In the post, Strom said staff at St. Joseph’s Integrated Health Centre in the town of Macklin, about 225 kilometres west of Saskatoon, needed to do a better job of looking after elderly patients.

“It is evident that not everyone is ‘up to speed’ on how to approach end-of-life care … or how to help maintain an aging senior’s dignity (among other things!),” read part of the Facebook post.

Some of the nurses in the hospital felt Strom’s post was a personal attack and complained. The Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association ruled the post brought the nursing profession into disrepute and violated its social media policy.

Strom was found guilty of professional misconduct and given a $1,000 fine by the association and was ordered to pay $25,000 in tribunal costs. 

She appealed the ruling but her appeal was dismissed because the judge could find no reason to interfere with the association’s decision, setting the stage for Tuesday’s appeal hearing.

‘Made in good faith’

On Tuesday, Strom’s lawyer Marcus Davies argued her comments never mentioned nurses — just staff.

He said there were roughly 40 staff at the health centre, and it’s hard to know specifically who Strom was referring to. 

Davies also argued the comments were made in good faith, and that she exercised her right to free speech.

“In the discipline committee, it says, ‘It is accepted that Ms. Strom was not driven by malice,'” Davies said. “Well, that means her comments were made in good faith, if she was not driven by malice, then she was driven by good faith.”

The nurses association argued Strom should have gone through the correct channels and lodged an official complaint. 

‘Fake news’

Roger Lepage represented the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association at Tuesday’s hearing.

He took the position that there is no charter right protecting unprofessional conduct and that there is no right for individuals to harm the reputation of other individuals.

Lepage argued that Canadians would be harmed if nurses would be able to say whatever they wanted about the health-care system. 

He argued Strom’s post qualifies “fake news,” but the judges presiding stated the previous hearing never found Strom’s comments to be untrue, and said Lepage himself shut down that argument then.

Lepage argued Strom’s post amounted to venting on social media and that other staff members “had their hands tied” by professional ethics.

Lepage also argued that Strom’s post was not free speech or part of the public discourse, but rather an attack on an individualized group.

“If you read her post, it’s very personal, she’s zeroing in on St. Joseph’s, she’s zeroing in on Macklin, she’s zeroing in on identifiable people who work there, the staff,” Lepage said. 

“That’s what takes this out of the protection that Ms. Strom would ask of this court and was asking of the discipline committee.”

Lepage said that Strom should have filed a formal complaint with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, but didn’t.

‘I wish it didn’t have to be this hard’

Strom spoke with reporters outside court on Tuesday, after the judges decided to reserve their decision.

When asked if she regretted making the posts on Facebook, Strom said she will always stand up for her family and she had no regrets about it. 

Three judges of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal reserved their decision Tuesday on Strom’s case until a later date. (Chanss Lagaden/CBC)

“What I don’t think is fair is … what this has turned into,” Strom said. “I didn’t expect this… I wish it didn’t have to be this hard.”

She said she was shocked to hear Lepage comment Canadians would be hurt if nurses were able to say what they want, when they want. 

Strom responded to accusations that she was a liar and didn’t have her facts right, made by the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association’s legal representation, and said they were false.

“I just cannot believe that, that was low, that was false, and I just don’t understand how people get away with that,” Strom said. “There was absolutely no reason for that to have been said.”

Strom, who is working as a nurse part time in Prince Albert, Sask., said the court case has led her to question whether she wants to be a nurse. 

Strom said she couldn’t decide today whether she would carry on the case if the judges don’t rule in her favour.

“It will depend; every step is different and it gets harder every time, with respect to the toll that it takes to recover from all of this,” she said. “It’s just so hard to stay composed when you’re so involved.”

3 groups intervene

Three groups have applied for intervener status in the case, including the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses and the Canadian Constitution Foundation.

The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN), represented by Ronni Nordal, was the first group to speak on behalf of the interveners.

SUN argued the post was directed specifically at the St. Joseph’s Integrated Health Centre, not at the nurses generally. 

SUN argued there was no factual basis for which a finding of professional misconduct could be found.

SUN also argued that one of Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association’s statutory mandates is to promote the standing of the registered nurse professionally, not to defend or protect individual nurses, and the organization’s argument was not rationally connected to its mandate.

The B.C. Civil Liberties Association, represented by Greg Fingas, argued the informal nature of social media meant that speech should not be compared to a letter from a judge.

The Canadian Constitution Foundation argued citizens should be allowed to express opinions and criticize health care and services without punishment and noted that because public health care dominates public policy, people should be allowed to speak about it. 

The federation also asked the court to consider what kind of precedent this decision sets for all professionals who want to share their opinions or concerns.

Ezra Levant Fined $3,000 by Elections Canada for Publishing The Libranos: What the Media Won’t Tell you About Justin Trudeau’s Corruption. http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=5629

Ezra Levant Fined $3,000 by Elections Canada for Publishing The Libranos: What the Media Won’t Tell you About Justin Trudeau’s Corruption.

  I just received a priority mail letter from Justin Trudeau’s Elections Commissioner: I’ve been convicted of two counts of breaking the law and I’ve been fined a whopping $3,000 — specifically for writing a book comparing Justin Trudeau to Tony Soprano, and for the drawing on the book’s cover that compares them. It’s my best-selling book, “The Libranos: What the Media Won’t Tell you About Justin Trudeau’s Corruption.”  They convicted me under sections 352 and 353 of the Elections Act.

The conviction letters say I’m guilty because “the book title’s reference to “Libranos”, which was clearly designed to create an association between the name of a registered party and The Sopranos, a mafia-themed television show, and to link the party to corruption.”

They also say the book’s cover is an illegal election activity. It’s based on the original poster for the TV show, The Sopranos. Trudeau’s staff says that’s illegal because it’s too mean: “drawings of the show’s characters were replaced with drawings of the leader and other public figures of the party”. Click here, to see a short video about this shocking attack on free speech:

I know you’ll find this hard to believe, so I’ve put a copy of the two convictions online, at SaveRebelNews.com. Go there and read the letters for yourself.

These convictions and fines came as a surprise to me. The trial was done in secret. I was not invited to the trial, I did not know about it, I was not allowed to attend or to send a lawyer.

I knew they were hunting me, because they interrogated me a year ago, but I really assumed they had dropped the thing, because it was so absurd.  There were 24 books published about Trudeau in the 2019 election. Mine was the only one that criticized Trudeau. And mine is the only one that was investigated, prosecuted — and now convicted and punished. Just so you know, this is all illegal. The Elections Act says books and the promotion of books — that means ads selling the book — are exempt from election censorship. And of course the Charter of Rights guarantees my freedom of speech and the press. So this is just Trudeau attacking anyone who embarrasses him.

I’m not going to pay the $3,000 in fines. I’m sorry, I’m just not. I do not accept a punishment fine for writing a book criticizing Justin Trudeau.  I’m going to appeal these convictions, because obviously it’s a political set-up. And it’s a sign of Trudeau’s censorship plans to come. Just last week, Trudeau’s government told the Globe and Mail they intend to set up an entire new government bureaucracy in charge of censorship. And obviously, their top target is Rebel News. They aren’t hiding it.  I’m going to appeal these illegal convictions. And I’m going to help other journalists and authors, even though most of them these days are fine with censoring conservatives and cancel culture. I’m going to challenge the constitutionality of this entire law, so that no other Canadian will ever be interrogated by police and convicted in a secret trial and fined $3,000 again, for criticizing a politician. That constitutional challenge is going to cost me much more than $3,000 — there’s no way it could cost less than $100,000. But I’ll never bow down to a bully.

If you can help me, please click here or go to SaveRebelNews.com. Read the conviction letters for yourself  — and please chip in to our legal defence fund. I hope we win. And if we lose, I have to tell you now: I simply won’t pay. I just won’t. The law gives Trudeau the power to seize our assets — to take our computers, or to raid our bank account or even to take our books, in satisfaction of their fine. Do you doubt Trudeau would do that? I mean, what would Tony Soprano do?

Censorship isn’t coming. It’s already here. We are the canary in the coal mine. If we don’t fight back now, you could be next. Please go to SaveRebelNews.com to read the convictions — and to help us crowdfund our legal appeal and constitutional challenge.  Thank you. Yours truly, Ezra Levant P.S. Is there a particular reason Rebel News is being picked on so much? I think it’s because we’re one of the few truly independent sources of news. We don’t take money from Trudeau’s media bail-out, and we are loyal only to our viewers — not to any politician. So they’re trying to control us through censorship. P.P.S. I believe 2021 is going to be the year when governments (and social media companies) make their big moves to strangle independent speech, especially conservative speech. That’s why I think we must fight this conviction — and file an expensive constitutional challenge, too.

Regina Canada Post employee refuses to deliver Epoch Times, “since COVID started exploding, everything’s been anti-China” http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=5621

Regina Canada Post employee refuses to deliver Epoch Times, “since COVID started exploding, everything’s been anti-China”

[The left found a new censorship toy in the thought control attack on the satirical tabloid YOUR WARD NEWS. A few leftist posties in Toronto claimed they just couldn’t handle it emotionally to deliver the paper because they hated its contents. Actually, their contract called on them to deliver the paper, not read it.

Along comes Ramiro Sepulveda son of Chilean refugees who won’t deliver the anti-communist, highly informative Epoch Times. Epoch Times ruination has been a key goal of the Red Chinese Embassy. Their newspaper boxes were repeatedly destroyed. Epoch Times is now available by mail.

Many of the Chileans who took off from Chile after the 1973 anti-communist regime change were communists.

The following is from Sepulveda’s Facebook. He sounds like a chronic sore head, complainer and Social Justice preacher.

Sepulvda is either terminally ignorant or a strong communist sympathizer. He writes: Epoch Times is”published by a group of individuals that are anti-Chinese, and anti-communist.” Well, anti-communist, yes. But anti-Chinese? The owners (Falun Gong) and most of the writers are Chinese! It’s the brutal system of Chinese communism they oppose.

To Whom It May Concern:

Hello,My name is Ramiro Sepulveda. I’m writing this letter to a number of organizations and individuals that may be able to assist me in my dilemma. I work currently for Canada Post and have been a Canada Post employee going on my 4th year.

I have been a target of bullying, garnished wages under the assumption that I have faked injuries, also an illegal firing for not delivering enough flyers to a portion of my route even though I did not have enough flyers. These facts are relevant to the situation which I have found myself in for the second time in less than a year.

There is a piece of propaganda that is currently being delivered as a “flyer,” which it is not. The name of this publication is the Epoch Times. This hateful propaganda is published by a group of individuals that are anti-Chinese, and anti-communist. Now the headlines of the articles printed in this newspaper, not actually a flyer, have a very hateful content towards Chinese people without any facts or evidence. I recently refused to deliver these pieces of hate mail that would have a negative and divisive effect on whoever should read it.

I have experienced racism and many forms of hate because I am first generation Canadian born to socialist refugees from Chile. I don’t know the objective of printing this document based on lies that to me have no purpose but to fuel hate.

Please consider bringing this to light and helping me in my cause. These forms of propaganda have been used before in history and have always fuelled verbal and physical hostility toward marginalized people.  Publications like this put the safety of the target groups at risk.Please know that my managers have threatened my job and livelihood because delivering these newspapers goes against my work ethics.Thank you for listening.

Without prejudice,Ramiro Sepulveda

flacopito@gmail.com(306) 501 4324PS, I got suspended until further notice along with another woman. Other people wanted to stand but were scared.]

A Canada Post employee from Regina has refused to deliver the anti-Chinese Communist Party newspaper The Epoch Times, CTV News reports.

“There’s already been violence and hatred towards Asian communities in North American. Since [President Donald] Trump got into office and since COVID started exploding, everything’s been anti-China” said Canada Post courier Ramiro Sepulveda.

The newspaper was founded by Chinese-Americans who were part of the Falun Gong, a controversial religious movement which, like many religious groups, has faced persecution at the hands of the Communist Party of China. In recent years, The Epoch Times has been one of the only outlets to consistently take a hard look at China’s authoritarian practices and policies.

Sepulveda said that the paper’s anti-China stance “can rub people the wrong way,” asserting that some “people that don’t know how to filter information” would be especially prone.

“It’s a published newspaper that spits lies,” he continued, referring to a number of allegations that the paper spreads misinformation.

Responding to Sepulveda’s concerns, Canada Post says that it is not within their right to filter what type of news gets delivered.

“Canada Post is obligated to deliver any mail that is properly prepared and paid for, unless it is considered non-mailable matter. The Courts have told Canada Post that its role is not to act as the censor of mail or to determine the extent of freedom of expression in Canada,” the public mail courier said.

The controversy is not the first time that The Epoch Times has faced trouble from arms of the Canadian government. The CBC had previously been forced to issue a correction after referring to the paper as “racist and inflammatory” and falsely stating that the paper concluded that coronavirus was created in a Wuhan lab.

Sepulveda said that he hopes for Canada Post to create a board which would decide what content would be considered inappropriate for delivery.

Police State: Toronto Cops Lock Down Protestors – Clash at Yonge/Dundas Square

Police State: Toronto Cops Lock Down Protestors – Clash at Yonge/Dundas Square

by David Menzies, Rebel News – January 19, 2021 Duration of video is 30 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzT0Pzc7bc0&feature=youtu.be The Lockdown Lords (namely, Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Toronto Mayor John Tory) set their sights on Yahoo Nation this past Saturday. And things got ugly — assuming you’re a fan of silly little civil liberties such as freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.

The anti-lockdown protesters who comprise the rank and file of Yahoo Nation have been protesting the economic lockdowns since last April. And they’ve rightfully been allowed to do so. Until Saturday, that is.

Indeed, one could feel the chill in the air on social media on Saturday morning. For example, Mayor Tory tweeted: “Stay home. Full stop.” Odd, given how His Honour had nothing but excuses and even platitudes for his buddy, ex-Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phillips, when Roddo buggered off to St. Barts at Christmastime…

The Toronto Police Service also tweeted out the following: “Participating in large gatherings, including protests, is not just in contravention of these (emergency) orders, but also puts attendees and the broader community at risk. When these events happen, police will be present and prepared to respond appropriately.” (Odd how Toronto police didn’t break up Black Lives Matter protests last summer, but rather, took part in these events by bending the knee!)

In any event, the police made good on their warning by arbitrarily arresting and ticketing individuals for protesting, and then forcibly removing people from Yonge-Dundas Square. It was bizarre. And disturbing.

Bottom line: much like the infamous G20 summit protests back in 2010, the crackdown on the anti-lockdown protesters will serve as a dark and troubling chapter in Hogtown’s history.

Good For Alicia Hirter Who Found A Way Around Ford’s Business-Killing, Job Killing Lockdown: Her barbershop reopens despite provincial lockdown using loophole

Ontario barbershop reopens despite provincial lockdown using loophole

Sean Davidson Multi-Platform Writer, CTV News Toronto

@SeanDavidson_ Contact Published Thursday, January 21, 2021 2:08PM EST Crome Artistic Barber

Owner of Crome Artistic Barber Alicia Hirter is seen cutting a client’s hair on Jan. 21. (Supplied)


TORONTO — An Ontario barbershop has reopened during the provincial lockdown using a loophole that the owner claims allows them to operate legally.

Chrome Artistic Barber in St. Catharines is cutting hair again after they said they revamped their salon to become a production and film studio. 

Owner Alicia Hirter set up cameras, lights and microphones in her shop and said people who come in for haircuts are now auditioning for a part in a future TV show or podcast. 

COVID-19: Toronto Coverage

Under Ontario’s provincial lockdown laws, which came into effect on Dec. 26, film and television productions are allowed to continue operating.

“We’re not offering haircut appointments, we’re offering full auditions,” Hirter told CTV News Toronto on Thursday. 

According to their website, clients can book adult auditions or child auditions. The booking details say the guests will receive a “complete haircut, neck shave, blow-dry and style all while candidly discussing life, its ups and downs and all in between.”

“Auditions will be recorded for intent (if chosen) to later use in a podcast and/or documentary format.”

Hirter said when guests arrive for their appointment, they must sign a talent release form and undergo a COVID-19 screening test. Guests are also required to wash their hands when arriving. 


She said that clients are not required to wear masks while receiving their haircut because the government rules say performers are exempt.

Hirter said she needed to keep her business, which she has operated for 18 years, open because she could not survive another extended closure.

“I’m a single mom, I’m not about to move into low income property with my son,” she said. “As a business owner and a mother, I had to make my own call … I’m not a criminal.” 

She said she’s also furious that big-box stores in the province are allowed to continue operating when her business should have closed.

“You’re telling me Walmart can sell bananas that 17 people have touched but I’m not allowed to operate? It’s morally wrong. You can’t expect us to shut down.”


She said she doesn’t consider the move to stay open a “dirty loophole” and added it “took a lot of preparation and money to get this started.”

In an e-mail to CTV News Toronto, Director of Planning and Building Services for St. Catharine’s Tami Kitay said an investigation has been launched into Chrome Artistic Barbering. 

“We appreciate that these are challenging times; however, businesses that do not comply with the Provincial Orders and Regulations will be investigated and can anticipate consequences,” Kitay said in a statement. 

Niagara Region Public Health told CTV News Toronto they are also aware of the situation and opened an investigation. 

“Our staff are working in close collaboration with our counterparts at the City of St. Catharines and other agencies to ensure we continue to enforce the Provincial Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and the Reopening Ontario Act in a consistent and fair manner.”

Hirter said that while her business has not been shut down, city officials have told her she could soon face charges.

“I will continue to operate,” she said. “I will take the fines.”