Regina Canada Post employee refuses to deliver Epoch Times, “since COVID started exploding, everything’s been anti-China”
[The left found a new censorship toy in the thought control attack on the satirical tabloid YOUR WARD NEWS. A few leftist posties in Toronto claimed they just couldn’t handle it emotionally to deliver the paper because they hated its contents. Actually, their contract called on them to deliver the paper, not read it.
Along comes Ramiro Sepulveda son of Chilean refugees who won’t deliver the anti-communist, highly informative Epoch Times. Epoch Times ruination has been a key goal of the Red Chinese Embassy. Their newspaper boxes were repeatedly destroyed. Epoch Times is now available by mail.
Many of the Chileans who took off from Chile after the 1973 anti-communist regime change were communists.
The following is from Sepulveda’s Facebook. He sounds like a chronic sore head, complainer and Social Justice preacher.
Sepulvda is either terminally ignorant or a strong communist sympathizer. He writes: Epoch Times is”published by a group of individuals that are anti-Chinese, and anti-communist.” Well, anti-communist, yes. But anti-Chinese? The owners (Falun Gong) and most of the writers are Chinese! It’s the brutal system of Chinese communism they oppose.
To Whom It May Concern:
Hello,My name is Ramiro Sepulveda. I’m writing this letter to a number of organizations and individuals that may be able to assist me in my dilemma. I work currently for Canada Post and have been a Canada Post employee going on my 4th year.
I have been a target of bullying, garnished wages under the assumption that I have faked injuries, also an illegal firing for not delivering enough flyers to a portion of my route even though I did not have enough flyers. These facts are relevant to the situation which I have found myself in for the second time in less than a year.
There is a piece of propaganda that is currently being delivered as a “flyer,” which it is not. The name of this publication is the Epoch Times. This hateful propaganda is published by a group of individuals that are anti-Chinese, and anti-communist. Now the headlines of the articles printed in this newspaper, not actually a flyer, have a very hateful content towards Chinese people without any facts or evidence. I recently refused to deliver these pieces of hate mail that would have a negative and divisive effect on whoever should read it.
I have experienced racism and many forms of hate because I am first generation Canadian born to socialist refugees from Chile. I don’t know the objective of printing this document based on lies that to me have no purpose but to fuel hate.
Please consider bringing this to light and helping me in my cause. These forms of propaganda have been used before in history and have always fuelled verbal and physical hostility toward marginalized people. Publications like this put the safety of the target groups at risk.Please know that my managers have threatened my job and livelihood because delivering these newspapers goes against my work ethics.Thank you for listening.
Without prejudice,Ramiro Sepulveda 501 4324PS, I got suspended until further notice along with another woman. Other people wanted to stand but were scared.]
A Canada Post employee from Regina has refused to deliver the anti-Chinese Communist Party newspaper The Epoch Times, CTV News reports.
“There’s already been violence and hatred towards Asian communities in North American. Since [President Donald] Trump got into office and since COVID started exploding, everything’s been anti-China” said Canada Post courier Ramiro Sepulveda.
The newspaper was founded by Chinese-Americans who were part of the Falun Gong, a controversial religious movement which, like many religious groups, has faced persecution at the hands of the Communist Party of China. In recent years, The Epoch Times has been one of the only outlets to consistently take a hard look at China’s authoritarian practices and policies.
Sepulveda said that the paper’s anti-China stance “can rub people the wrong way,” asserting that some “people that don’t know how to filter information” would be especially prone.
“It’s a published newspaper that spits lies,” he continued, referring to a number of allegations that the paper spreads misinformation.
Responding to Sepulveda’s concerns, Canada Post says that it is not within their right to filter what type of news gets delivered.
“Canada Post is obligated to deliver any mail that is properly prepared and paid for, unless it is considered non-mailable matter. The Courts have told Canada Post that its role is not to act as the censor of mail or to determine the extent of freedom of expression in Canada,” the public mail courier said.
The controversy is not the first time that The Epoch Times has faced trouble from arms of the Canadian government. The CBC had previously been forced to issue a correction after referring to the paper as “racist and inflammatory” and falsely stating that the paper concluded that coronavirus was created in a Wuhan lab.
Sepulveda said that he hopes for Canada Post to create a board which would decide what content would be considered inappropriate for delivery.