Spirited Weekly END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Brantford

Spirited Weekly END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Brantford

Every Saturday since the fall, there has been a spirited END THE LOWDOWN Rally complete with music and megaphones to inform motorists as they stop at the busy Colborne and Clarence Street light in downtown Brantford. Some dedicated freedom fighters even man the corner for a few hours daily during the week.

Lots of copies of the very informative tabloid DRUTHERS are given out to motorists.

Of course, there is some opposition. On May 16. some brave masked motorist in a late model car burled a rock at protesters. It missed. On May 23, an angry motorist, stopped his car and wanted to fight and then thought better of it.

CAFE is proud to have had a strong presence at recent rallies in Brantford and elsewhere across this Dominion.

Democracy is dead in Canada by Patriot Gus

Democracy is dead in Canada by Patriot Gus

Democracy is dead in Canada as proven by the Canadian Nationalist Party (CNP). When I first learned of CNP with its “Canada First” and “Traditional version of Canada” policies and directions, I immediately wanted to support it and joined as a member.

In 2019 the members were seeking Party registration with Elections Canada and once eligible, a group known as antihate.ca which is government funded and seeks to profit by squelching political opposition to the current government, threatened to release publicly the names and addresses of CNP registrars as is their right to do so for those names and addresses were public record and made available to anyone who asked for them.

As reported by CBC news, even former Winnipeg Police Chief warned that trying to publicly shame CNP members could incite violence not only for CNP members but for their families and children by those who don’t agree with CNPs political opinions. Despite the consequences of Elections Canada and antihate.ca actions, they did not heed the Police Chiefs warning.

The news report can be seen here:

Canadian Nationalist Party concerned about release of members’ identities https://www.youtube.com/embed/cNefy58KJzY
Furthermore shortly after Party registration, CNP sought to rent publicly funded spaces such is in local Legions, libraries and University campuses for meetings but were denied without reason.

Now ask yourself do you still think we’re living in a Democracy?

Saskatchewan Realtor Under Threat for Questioning Theresa Tam’s Gender

Saskatchewan Realtor Under Threat for Questioning Theresa Tam’s Gender

More cancel culture, with termination likely soon to follow. Why must the expression of a controversial opinion mean that some bigots want the mans job? Whatever happened to freedom of thought and expression.


Ontario Police Harassment Couldn’t Stop Him: Chris Sky Gave A Fiery Speech ion Vancouver May 23, 2021

Ontario Police Harassment Couldn’t Stop Him: Chris Sky Gave A Fiery Speech ion Vancouver May 23, 2021

Chris gave a fiery speech tonight in Vancouver!!! He mentioned Dr. Hoffe’s experience and the American Red Cross!!! Ontario cops failed to sabotage his trip.


Are anti-lockdown protests “white supremacist” rallies? Judge for yourself

Are anti-lockdown protests “white supremacist” rallies? Judge for yourself

Protesters have been gathering at Queen’s Park in Toronto in front of the legislature for well over a year, and the protest on Saturday, May 15, was the largest showing since the demonstrations began in 2020.

Thousands, maybe even as many as 50,000, took to the park and streets to rally against the continuing lockdowns in Ontario. Neither the demonstrators, nor the residents in Toronto seem to be adhering to the recently-extended ‘Stay-at-Home’ order issued by Premier Doug Ford, as protesters gathered over the weekend for all types of events.

Whether it was pro-Palestine, pro-Israel or anti-lockdown demonstrations, no tickets appeared to be given in Toronto over the weekend for violating the government order. Simply looking around, the average person wasn’t adhering to the ‘rules’ either.

On May 16, 2021 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (when talking about Israel/Palestine protests) mentioned that all have the right to protest; something that provincial orders have contradicted for many months: https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-

However, Canadian politicians have recently been chiming in on pro-freedom demonstrations, with Calgary’s Mayor Nenshi claiming they are “thinly veiled” in “white supremacy.” https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets


NDP leader Jagmeet Singh also believes this is part of “extreme right-wing ideology,” connecting such viewpoints due to protesters “brazenly not follow[ing] public-health guidelines,” as he recently told reporters.

The overwhelming response from protesters was that this is likely an attempt to divide while diminishing the true meaning behind the protest.

None of the demonstrators interviewed mentioned they had ever heard any race-related discussions at the events, nor did they believe that to be the thesis of anyone or anything they experienced since attending the get-togethers.

RAW: Maxime Bernier gives powerful speech at Worldwide Freedom Rally in Toronto

RAW: Maxime Bernier gives powerful speech at Worldwide Freedom Rally in Toronto

  • By Rebel News
  • |
  • May 18, 2021

The Toronto Fake News media all but ignored a huge freedom rally at Queen’s Park, Saturday, May 15, featuring People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier. Here is The Rebel’s report. — Paul Fromm

News was downtown Toronto again this past weekend to cover the weekly Freedom Rally. 

The crowd seems to be getting bigger and bigger every weekend with thousands of people filling the streets. This past weekend, as part of the Worldwide Freedom Rally, People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier joined Torontonians and delivered a powerful speech discussing the rights of Canadians. https://www.rebelnews.com/raw_footage_maxime_bernier_speaks_at_weekly_toronto_freedom_rally


Maxime talked about how “freedom is nothing less than the basics of our civilization.” He went on to talk about the destruction that lockdowns have caused on our children and what this means for our society. 

Bernier’s speech ended on a hopeful note, concluding that “in the end, freedom will win!”

To see more of our lockdown coverage and to support our journalism, please visit www.LockdownReports.com.

Penticton CLEAR Rally Sunday, May 23rd

Penticton CLEAR Rally Sunday, May 23rd
We have 4 Guest Speakers coming to the Penticton Rally this Sunday! David Lindsay, Ted Kuntz, Beatrice Weir, and Priscille Belisle will be sharing their knowledge and expertise and experiences with you, so tell all your friends and make sure you come to hear what they will have to say! Penticton, your Freedom Fighting days have just begun. See you there!
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Noon – 2:00 PM Weekly Rally in front of Cherry Lane Mall.
Then join us at 3 – 4:30 pm in Gyro Park in Penticton to enjoy music and speakers, and a march along the lakeshore to spread the word.
photo 2021-05-16 22-36-40 photo 2021-05-05 23-08-30
We excited to see you there, CLEAR
(Common Law Education And Rights)

The Christian-hating Calgary Cops Arrest Another Christian Preacher for Holding a Service

The Christian-hating Calgary Cops Arrest Another Christian Preacher for Holding a Service

Churches are currently limited to a maximum occupancy of 15 people, in order to slow the spread of COVID-19

Sarah Rieger · CBC News, May 16, 2021)

Pastor Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church in southeast Calgary was arrested on Saturday, after months of breaking pandemic health restrictions. (Fairview Baptist Church/YouTube)

Calgary Pastor Tim Stephens has been arrested, after months of encouraging church congregants to break public health rules. 

Police said Stephens was arrested for organizing a church service on Sunday at Fairview Baptist Church in southeast Calgary, in violation of a Court of Queen’s Bench Order that requires organizers of events to comply with public health restrictions.

Stephens was proactively served a copy of the court order, which was obtained by Alberta Health Services, last week.

“The pastor acknowledged the injunction, but chose to move forward with today’s service, ignoring requirements for social distancing, mask wearing and reduced capacity limits for attendees,” police said in an emailed release. …

Congregants are seen gathered outside of the Fairview Baptist Church in southeast Calgary on Sunday, shortly before the arrest of Pastor Tim Stephens. (Helen Pike/CBC)

“We continue to ask those who may be considering organizing or participating in any outdoor events to ensure they are familiar with public health order requirements and to do their part to prevent further spread of the virus,” police said.

The church leader has previously been fined and ticketed for defying public health regulations by holding over-capacity gatherings and not enforcing mask use.

Churches are currently limited to a maximum occupancy of 15 people, in order to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Alberta. The province has the highest active case rate in the country, with more than 22,000 active cases.

“Restricting the church to 15 people — which essentially restricts the church from gathering — is against the will of Christ and against the conscience of many who desire to worship the Lord of glory according to his word,” Stephens wrote in a blog post following the updated restrictions earlier this month, added that he planned to continue to not follow safety precautions. …

Stephens said in the blog post that his church has seen no coronavirus transmission. CBC News has reached out to AHS to ask if any cases have been tied to the church.

Police are seen outside of Fairview Baptist Church on Sunday. (Helen Pike/CBC)

A January inspection by Alberta Health Services at the church found only two of approximately 75 attendees were wearing masks, the pastor and church staff were unmasked and rows in the auditorium were full, with people sitting side-by-side in rows less than two metres apart. 

The inspection also found that there was no cleaning or disinfecting of high-touch surfaces between services.

Alberta has seen increased enforcement against COVID-19 rule-breakers this month, after bringing in a new protocol to allow for a more coordinated response between police and health agencies for targeting those repeatedly not complying with health orders.
