Quesnel, British Columbia, October 31, 2015. Week one of the Arthur Topham trial ended yesterday in this Cariboo country town of 15,000, with fireworks predicted for next week.

This trial makes frequent reference to symbols especially Jewish symbols. Thus, the symbols in the courtroom have caught the eye of the defence team. At the front, above the judge’s dias is the coat of arms of the Queen — a gold crown, a gold lion, a white unicorn. red roses. So far so good. However. on the ceiling dominating everything in this 1967 building are four large wooden Stars of David and from each six hanging lamps that light the court. Of course, the constipated court rules do not allow us to take a picture of this holy of holies even when the court in not in session, the sheriffs told me.

This trial is special. When I attended the preliminary hearing in the spring of 2014, there was no security at the courtroom. Now, one must pass through a metal detector and be wanded. Freedom activist Dave Lindsay confronted the security brigade on Monday and demanded to know what “reasonable and probable grounds” they had to a search him. After some strutting and attitude, he was finally told: “We can do what we want.”


Up until Thursday, cellphones were allowed as long as they were turned off in court. Thursday, however, no cellphones were allowed. “Why”? I asked. “Orders,” I was told. More likely it was the arrival of an “important” personality, Len Rudner, formerly an official with the Canadian Jewish Congress and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, and the Crown’s “expert witness.” Of course, in keeping with the manufactured drama, he was accompanied by police bodyguards. Arthur Topham who has been much vilified in the press never has such cop shadows at his preliminary hearing.

Monday morning, of over 900 people summoned for jury duty about 120 showed up. It took over an hour to select the jury of eight women and four men.

For the prosecution is Jennifer Johnston, a raven haired woman in her 40s who favours black skirts and boots. She has a powerful though not unpleasant voice and has a flair for the dramatic as she prances around the court. She has trouble pronouncing many key words; for instance, referring to Eustace Mullins, author of one of the impugned books on Arthur Topham’s website www.radicalpress.com, as “Eustache” — to rhyme with moustache.


For the defence is Victoria lawyer and former Doug Christie associate Barclay Johnson. A man who enjoys a good cigar, Mr. Johnson is solid and distinguished looking and is an experienced criminal defence lawyer. On the bench from Vancouver is B.C. Supreme Court Judge Butler.


The rest of Monday and the next two days were devoted to the testimony of Mr. (formerly Detective Constable) Terry Wilson of the B.C. “Hate Squad.” From him we learned that the source of Mr. Topham’s ordeal is Ottawa lawyer and champion complaint filer Richard Warman who sent his old friend Wilson — they had worked on Internet “hate|” cases together in Ontario — an e-mail on April 28, 2011 urging charges under Sec. 319 of Canada’s notorious “hate law” against Arthur Topham for postings on his website.


Mr. Wilson pronounced “85-90 per cent of the material on the website anti-Semitic in its rhetoric.” In an agreed definition, the Crown and Mr. Johsnon held that “anti-Semitic” meant opposition to or dislike of Jews but did not mean hatred.


The second complainant was Harry Abrams of B’nai Brith in Victoria.  Mr. Wilson indicated that Abrams even pointed out to him that Israel Must Perish by Arthur Topham was a satire of Germany Must Perish a blueprint for the genocide of the German people, authored by Theodore Kaufman, an American Jew, in 1941.


Mr. Wilson’s chief role was to identify books and passages on radicalpress.com that the prosecution found objectionable.

  1. Germany Must Perish! by Theodore N. Kaufmann
  2. Israel Must Perish! (erroneously labeled by Wilson and the Crown as a “book” rather than a satirical article)
  3. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
  4. The Biological Jew by Eustace Mullins
  5. The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling

Binder #2 was the complete text of Douglas Reed’s masterful historic analysis of political Zionism The Controversy of Zion.

The remaining two binders contained numerous posts and editorial comments by Topham. The majority of material being that produced by authors other than the accused.


Mr. Wilson was taken through the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which is a blueprint for establishing Jewish world dominance and world government. Among other things it : “We shall enslave the Gentiles through financial monopolies”; we shall end individual liberty; the masses will be led by lies; we shall take control of the legal and educational systems and control the press.


Another text under attack that was linked through Mr. Topham’s site was Elizabeth Dilling’s The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today. Miss Dilling quoted the Talmud, a compilation of the writings of rabbis over the centuries, which contains some hair-raising passages that seem to approve sex with girls as young as three and which assert that such a violated girl’s virginity will grow back. Other passages seem to endorse maternal incest with young boys.


On Thursday, Barclay Johnson began his cross-examination of Mr. Wilson. The court’s mood changed as Jennifer Johnston repeatedly interrupted him and the jury got their exercise by being repeatedly sent out of the room while the lawyers argued procedure before the judge.


Asked why Mr. Topham’s computers had been seized by the police who raided his home in May, 2012,  even before he was charged, Mr. Wilson said: “We were concerned to protect his victims from his hateful messages.” Thus, in the “hate squad’s” eyes Mr. Topham was guilty even before being charged or tried.


In a further act of mischief against Mr. Topham, on May 31, 2012 Mr. Wilson sent a letter to Mr. Topham’s U.S. Internet Service Provider (ISP) advising that Mr. Topham had been charged for wilfully promoting hatred against a privileged group — no such  censorship law exists in the U.S. — and that the website might contravene the ISP’s usage policies.


Mr. Johnson tried to get Mr. Wilson to admit that his goal had been to get the ISP to shut Mr. Topham down, as they subsequently did. Mr. Wilson played coy and said it was up to the ISP to decide what to do. Sending the letter “was the right thing to do,” Mr. Wilson insisted.


Mr. Topham had run some satirical cartoons about the B.C. hate squad and Terry Wilson.  “Is it police policy to write such a letter? ” Barclay Johnson demanded. “I put it to you, you wrote the letter for personal reasons. You were angry at the things Mr. Topham put on his website?”


“No, sir,” Mr. Wilson answered.


During the Warman v Marc Lemire tribunal hearings it was learned that operatives of the Canadian Human Rights Commission wrote hundreds of U.S. ISPs to try to get them to close down Canadian and even some American websites, some of which were not even the subject of Sec. 13 complaints.


Near the end of the cross-examination, Mr. Johnson got Mr. Wilson to admit that he was not an expert on so-called “hate propaganda” or on its likely effects. “No, I am not.”


He agreed that “anti-Semitism was not necessarily hate” and admitted that he did not have a copy of the Talmud and had not checked out the accuracy of Elizabeth Dilling’s many quotations of blood curdling passages of the Talmud.


On Friday, the Crown introduced its expert witness, Len Rudner, 62, an Orthodox Jew who had worked from 2000 to 2011 in various roles for the Canadian Jewish Congress and, until this August, as Director of Community Relations for the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. He admitted that he was not a Talmud scholar. He also admitted that he had not read all of Douglas Reed’s The Controversy of Zion, one of the books that he is critiquing.


He is being paid $95 an hour for preparation and his testimony and, of course, an all-expense trip to Quesnel, B.C. He noted that Schindler’s List was, in fact, a work of fiction,


Crown lawyer Jennifer Johnston asked: “CIJA is a lobby for the state of Israel?”


Rudner agreed: “We advocate to the Canadian government for a positive position” on the State of Israel.


Mr. Rudner also revealed that, while at the CJC, he had helped prepare four complaints to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.


He explained that Jews can identify as such on the basis of religion or ancestry and that some do not believe in God. “Zionism is the yearning of the Jewish people to return to the land of Israel.”


Is Len Rudner a  holocaust skeptic? He told the court: “The six million figure might be slightly high. The death count may be between 5.3-million and 6-million.” In such repressive regimes as Angela Merkel’s Germany such potential backsliding could land a skeptic in prison.


Mr. Rudner claimed that the term “World Jewry” was anti-Semitic and did not exist. “The term Jewry dehumanizes us and treats us as an anthill,” he insisted.


As to the horrific passages from the Talmud, Mr. Rudner insisted that Jews oppose adultery and child abuse and that the comments Miss Dilling quoted were speculation among rabbis over many centuries.


Although vital free speech issues are at stake here and there is a battle over many of history’s repeated accusations against Jews, the national media has studiously shunned Quesnel. Even the local paper which gave the trial a little publicity in its October 28 issue, managed to have its editor in court for less than half an hour this week.


Those with a jaundiced view of the MSM [Mainstream (or Lamestream) Media] will have had little reason to change their views after the first week of this trial.


The trial continues Monday. — Paul Fromm32222222

Calls for Acquittal & Compensation for Abuse-by-Process Victim Arthur Topham



Whatcott commentary on Arthur Topham “hate speech” trial

Postby Bill Whatcott » Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:06 pm

Arthur Topham, Publisher and Editor http://www.radicalpress.com/

Whether one agrees with Arthur or not, Canadians should be very concerned this guy could wind up in jail for promoting his conspiracy theories. Whether one agrees with his conspiracy theory or not, that should not be the litmus test to decide whether what he said is “hateful” or not. Actually the law is not even qualified to know what is “hateful.” My medical facts and theological arguments against homosexuality were found to be “hateful” and notwithstanding a handful of homosexuals have found Christ and repented of the homosexual lifestyle thanks to my ministry the courts over my own vigorous protestations decided I was “hateful” and saddled me with a $7500 fine, lifetime speech ban, and six digits worth of court costs that I couldn’t hope to pay off if I tried……

Sodomite, NDP Director of Communications Shawn Dearn on the other hand wrote: ““Memo to CBC & All media: Stop calling the misogynist, homophobic, child-molesting Catholic church a ‘moral authority.’ It’s not.” (March, 2013) he also wrote in 2010, “Dear Pope Benedict — go f— yourself.” Not only was Dearn not charged with “hate speech” for writing these things, he was allowed to keep his job as Mulcair’s Director of Communications when his nasty social media came to light. In my view Dearn is hateful, but in politically correct Canada where the media and judiciary is firmly in the grips of the left (Arthur would say the Jews) hell would freeze over before Dearn was held criminally liable for his so-called “hate speech”……

Arthur in my view isn’t “hateful.” I’ve read most of his articles on his site (http://www.radicalpress.com). Arthur is a bit of a publicity hound (most activists are) and he believes he has a calling to save the world from Jewish Bankers and Zionism and fight for free speech in Canada.

I corresponded with the guy via e-mail a little bit and without actually meeting him, I decided overall, I like the guy…..

Though Arthur should not only be acquitted, but indeed compensated for facing unjustified state harassment, thanks to the Whatcott decision I hold very little hope that Arthur will be acquitted. I predict he will be in jail and the media will portray him as a vicious Nazi…..

Few social conservatives and almost no liberals will cry foul that a harmless, perhaps eccentric, man was unjustly put in jail. The last time I spoke on the unjust jailing of a holocaust denier a lawyer and so-called “friend” of 5 + years promptly e-mailed me that he was disassociating himself from me and dropping my cases (they were practically dropped the day he took them anyways) and then after giving me a pompous lecture on “racism” blocked me from contacting him. Meh…….

Politically correct tyrants and cultural Marxist race baiters even have some alleged social conservatives trained to be their lapdogs, and hence why Canada is not so free anymore. Anyways, unless someone can actually read Arthur’s site for themselves (Canada’s media is not a reliable source of information when you are trying to find out about the Bill Whatcotts & Arthur Tophams of this world) and get back to me with an intelligent reason as to why he should be in jail, I will continue to publicize his persecution and call it unjust, even if Amnesty International and so-called conservatives who claim to support free speech in Canada decide he is expendable………

Bill Whatcott

Arthur Topham’s Free Speech Trial Opens in Quesnel, October 26

Dear Reader and Supporter of Free Speech in Canada.
There remains but three weeks before the trial begins which will determine the course of future events here in Canada with respect to a citizen’s Constitutional Right to freedom of expression.
I would ask of you that you please forward this post/notice to as many of your friends and associates as you can.
It would be great to see the courtroom filled with Canadians who believe in their right to freedom of speech.
Anyone thinking of attending the trial is welcome to contact me regarding accommodations and directions, etc. Unfortunately I won’t be able to host those planning to attend this event.
I can be reached via email at radical@radicalpress.com or via telephone at 1-250-992-3479.
Thank you for all your help and support!


Arthur Topham
••••  ••••
Please help out with my upcoming Sec. 319(2) “Hate Propaganda” trial in October by making a donation.
Donations can be made online via my GoGetFunding site located at http://gogetfunding.com/canadian-publisher-faces-jail-for-political-writings/ or else by sending cash, cheques or Money Orders to the following postal address. Please make sure that any cheques or Money Orders are made out to – Arthur Topham – and sent to:
Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C.
V2J 6T8

Shame on Tim Horton’s

Shame on Tim Horton’s

Tim Horton’s is an iconic and very successful Canadian company. Personally, I like their coffee and prefer it to the wildly overpriced and bitter swill poured out at Starbucks, which, to add insult to injury is fanatically pro-homosexual and pro-Israel.

That being said, Tim Horton’s really disappoints.

1. It is notorious for using Temporary Foreign Workers instead of Canadians. I confronted the Board of Directors about this at their May, 2014 shareholders’ meeting in Toronto. They refused to give me an assurance that, in Canada, “they’d keep employment Canadian.”

2. In February of this year, CAFE exposed and denounced Tim Hortons for having filters in many of its restaurants that filter out “White supremacist” websites, oh, yes, and porn too, as an afterthought. You cannot access Stormfront or American Renaissance. CAFE’s protest resulted in a snotty insolent reply from corporate headquarters. Jon Domanko, Senior Corporate Counsel, provided this reply to a lawyer we asked to protest this policy to Tim Hortons: “In reference to your note below, let me respectively [he may mean ‘respectfully”!] decline your request to change the Tim Hortons Acceptable Use Policy as it relates to wifi available Tim Hortons Restaurants. As a private entity providing a wifi service to guests, it is our contention that it is entirely appropriate to request that guest expressly consent to be bound by the Acceptable Use Policy prior to using the wifi service. If our guests do not agree with the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy they are free not to use the service.” Contrary to Domanko’s assertion, this is not an honour system. Tim Hortons plain and simple has a censorship filter in place.

3. Now it’s clear Tim Hortons continues to censor access to certain sites, including Arthur Topham’s Rqadicalpress.com. I have sadly come to the conclusion that many Big Businesses are heartless and hostile to White interests. They are no friends of free speech or Canadian workers, but huge fans of cheap foreign labour. And have you noticed the shameless support and promotion of the homosexual agenda by our major banks and their advertising promoting and featuring miscegenation — mixed race couples.

Tim Hortons Censors RadicalPress.com in their Coffee Outlets across Canada

Arthur Topham

Tim Hortons Censors RadicalPress.com in their Coffee Outlets across Canada by Arthur Topham

Will it ever end? Everywhere we turn these day on the Internet someone is trying to censor you. Now it appears that one of Canada’s oldest coffee outlets, Tim Hortons, has also joined the Zionist Jews in deciding who they will allow their customers to visit online while they’re having coffee and a donut.

Over the past while I’ve had a number of readers email me telling me that when they’re in Tim Hortons they can’t access my website and when they try to they get the following message pop up on their screen:

“inappropriate content”???!!! Says who? Is there someone working in this coffee venue who sits and views every website on the net and makes some subjective, arbitrary decision that they don’t like RadicalPress.com and so they simply block it to spare their thousands of customers from seeing the site?

Well I certainly don’t think there’s anything “inappropriate” on my site and so on August 11, 2015 I sent an email to Tim Hortons at the address they provide in their pop-up window TimHortonsWiFi@timhortons.com saying:

Dear Tim Hortons WiFi,

It has been brought to my attention by a number of my readership both here in British Columbia and also in Alberta that when frequenting your coffee outlets they are unable to access my website RadicalPress.com.

Being a regular visitor to one of your outlets in Quesnel, British Columbia where I live and run my publishing business I have also experienced this. Here is a screen shot of what readers and I see when we go to visit my site and read articles and news stories which I have been publishing online for the past 16 years. (see above)

I am not sure where you have received your information that there is “inappropriate content” on my site but my educated guess is that whatever software you are using for your WiFi system has erroneously and/or possibly intentionally included my website for purely political reasons.

I have ran a publishing business here in British Columbia since June of 1998 and have been online since 1999. While Radical Press is known to be a part of the Alternative News media rather than the Mainstream media this does not imply that the content on my website is somehow “inappropriate”. It may be contrary to the Mainstream media but then that is perfectly legitimate in a free and democratic society such as Canada is.

I would therefore request that you please unblock my website so that your customers can not only enjoy your fine coffee but also whatever news sites that they, of their own free will, choose to visit while they are in your restaurant.

Since realizing that you are censoring my business I have stopped visiting my local Timmy’s and now spend my money at Starbucks instead. I would like to be able to buy your coffee and donuts as I have been doing for many many years but of course I expect you to respect my right to remain in business as well.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter at your earliest convenience.


Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”

The next day, August 12, 2015 I received the following email from TimHortonsWiFi@timhortons.com:

Good day,

Thank you for your email.
We have received your request and it is in the process of being reviewed.


I immediately replied saying, “Thank you for your prompt reply. I will await your review.”

By August 16 I still had no response and so I wrote again saying:

Dear TimHortonsWiFi,

It is my understanding that you are in the coffee and food industry and not in the business of censoring websites that are legitimate business enterprises.

I feel that you’ve had more than sufficient time to come to what ought to be a very simple solution which is to unblock my site.

We in the Alternative News Media don’t take too kindly to harassment and censorship as that is the main reason why we exist because the mainstream media isn’t doing its job.

I will ask you civilly once again to unblock my site and should I not get a clear answer from you within 48 hours then you will have to bear the consequences of your irresponsible actions.

You have absolutely NO reason to be doing this and ought to be ashamed of your undemocratic, communist tactics.

The next day, August 17, I received an identical reply as I did the first time I contacted them telling me that my “request is in the process of being reviewed”.

Again I replied by stating:
It’s apparent that you either have a robot responding to my emails or else you are not serious in attending to my concerns regarding your censorship actions against my website.

As I stated I would like my site unblocked within 48 hours.

By August 19, 2015 there was still no reply forthcoming from TimHortons so I sent them one final email stating:

Dear TimHortons,

This is my final gesture of good will. You need to ask yourselves whether or not it’s worthwhile for you to be censoring other business’s websites.

I have yet to go online with my planned campaign of telling Canadians and the world at large about your illegal and unethical practises and the boycott of your business.

The following graphic is but a sample of what you will have to deal with.

Please reconsider your position and respond to me immediately or else I will take it that you are determined to block my site.
As of August 22, 2015 and numerous requests I’ve yet to hear back and so I’m taking my concerns online as I advised Tim Hortons.

Obviously whoever is in charge of dealing with blocked sites on Tim Hortons wifi is asleep at the wheel and in dire need of a Extra Large Triple Triple dark roast in order to wake them up.

This is where you, dear friends on Facebook and readers elsewhere can lend me a hand. It won’t cost you a cent. All you need to do is take a moment of your time and send Timmy a brief email asking them to unblock RadicalPress.com. When you do that please bcc me a copy of your email atradical@radicalpress.com so I can get an idea of how many requests are being sent to them.

I’m hoping that if they start to receive more requests than just from me that they will unblock the site.

Also, Tim Hortons is on Facebook as well so maybe those of you on FB might pop over to their page and post a comment regarding this matter.

Let’s see if we can help them to change their minds.

Tim Horton’s is an iconic and very successful Canadian company. Personally, I like their coffee and prefer it to the wildly overpriced and bitter swill poured out at Starbucks, which, to add insult to injury is fanatically pro-homosexual and pro-Israel.

That being said, Tim Horton’s really disappoints.

1. It is notorious for using Temporary Foreign Workers instead of Canadians. I confronted the Board of Directors about this at their May, 2014 shareholders’ meeting in Toronto. They refused to give me an assurance that, in Canada, “they’d keep employment Canadian.”

2. In February of this year, CAFE exposed and denounced Tim Hortons for having filters in many of its restaurants that filter out “White supremacist” websites, oh, yes, and porn too, as an afterthought. You cannot access Stormfront or American Renaissance. CAFE’s protest resulted in a snotty insolent reply from corporate headquarters. Jon Domanko, Senior Corporate Counsel, provided this reply to a lawyer we asked to protest this policy to Tim Hortons: “In reference to your note below, let me respectively [he may mean ‘respectfully”!] decline your request to change the Tim Hortons Acceptable Use Policy as it relates to wifi available Tim Hortons Restaurants. As a private entity providing a wifi service to guests, it is our contention that it is entirely appropriate to request that guest expressly consent to be bound by the Acceptable Use Policy prior to using the wifi service. If our guests do not agree with the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy they are free not to use the service.” Contrary to Domanko’s assertion, this is not an honour system. Tim Hortons plain and simple has a censorship filter in place.

3. Now it’s clear Tim Hortons continues to censor access to certain sites, including Arthur Topham’s Rqadicalpress.com. I have sadly come to the conclusion that many Big Businesses are heartless and hostile to White interests. They are no friends of free speech or Canadian workers, but huge fans of cheap foreign labour. And have you noticed the shameless support and promotion of the homosexual agenda by our major banks and their advertising promoting and featuring miscegenation — mixed race couples.

Paul Fromm

Tim Hortons Censors RadicalPress.com in their Coffee Outlets across Canada

Arthur Topham

Tim Hortons Censors RadicalPress.com in their Coffee Outlets across Canada by Arthur Topham

Will it ever end? Everywhere we turn these day on the Internet someone is trying to censor you. Now it appears that one of Canada’s oldest coffee outlets, Tim Hortons, has also joined the Zionist Jews in deciding who they will allow their customers to visit online while they’re having coffee and a donut.

Over the past while I’ve had a number of readers email me telling me that when they’re in Tim Hortons they can’t access my website and when they try to they get the following message pop up on their screen:

“inappropriate content”???!!! Says who? Is there someone working in this coffee venue who sits and views every website on the net and makes some subjective, arbitrary decision that they don’t like RadicalPress.com and so they simply block it to spare their thousands of customers from seeing the site?

Well I certainly don’t think there’s anything “inappropriate” on my site and so on August 11, 2015 I sent an email to Tim Hortons at the address they provide in their pop-up window TimHortonsWiFi@timhortons.com saying:

Dear Tim Hortons WiFi,

It has been brought to my attention by a number of my readership both here in British Columbia and also in Alberta that when frequenting your coffee outlets they are unable to access my website RadicalPress.com.

Being a regular visitor to one of your outlets in Quesnel, British Columbia where I live and run my publishing business I have also experienced this. Here is a screen shot of what readers and I see when we go to visit my site and read articles and news stories which I have been publishing online for the past 16 years. (see above)

I am not sure where you have received your information that there is “inappropriate content” on my site but my educated guess is that whatever software you are using for your WiFi system has erroneously and/or possibly intentionally included my website for purely political reasons.

I have ran a publishing business here in British Columbia since June of 1998 and have been online since 1999. While Radical Press is known to be a part of the Alternative News media rather than the Mainstream media this does not imply that the content on my website is somehow “inappropriate”. It may be contrary to the Mainstream media but then that is perfectly legitimate in a free and democratic society such as Canada is.

I would therefore request that you please unblock my website so that your customers can not only enjoy your fine coffee but also whatever news sites that they, of their own free will, choose to visit while they are in your restaurant.

Since realizing that you are censoring my business I have stopped visiting my local Timmy’s and now spend my money at Starbucks instead. I would like to be able to buy your coffee and donuts as I have been doing for many many years but of course I expect you to respect my right to remain in business as well.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter at your earliest convenience.


Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”

The next day, August 12, 2015 I received the following email from TimHortonsWiFi@timhortons.com:

Good day,

Thank you for your email.
We have received your request and it is in the process of being reviewed.


I immediately replied saying, “Thank you for your prompt reply. I will await your review.”

By August 16 I still had no response and so I wrote again saying:

Dear TimHortonsWiFi,

It is my understanding that you are in the coffee and food industry and not in the business of censoring websites that are legitimate business enterprises.

I feel that you’ve had more than sufficient time to come to what ought to be a very simple solution which is to unblock my site.

We in the Alternative News Media don’t take too kindly to harassment and censorship as that is the main reason why we exist because the mainstream media isn’t doing its job.

I will ask you civilly once again to unblock my site and should I not get a clear answer from you within 48 hours then you will have to bear the consequences of your irresponsible actions.

You have absolutely NO reason to be doing this and ought to be ashamed of your undemocratic, communist tactics.

The next day, August 17, I received an identical reply as I did the first time I contacted them telling me that my “request is in the process of being reviewed”.

Again I replied by stating:
It’s apparent that you either have a robot responding to my emails or else you are not serious in attending to my concerns regarding your censorship actions against my website.

As I stated I would like my site unblocked within 48 hours.

By August 19, 2015 there was still no reply forthcoming from TimHortons so I sent them one final email stating:

Dear TimHortons,

This is my final gesture of good will. You need to ask yourselves whether or not it’s worthwhile for you to be censoring other business’s websites.

I have yet to go online with my planned campaign of telling Canadians and the world at large about your illegal and unethical practises and the boycott of your business.

The following graphic is but a sample of what you will have to deal with.

Please reconsider your position and respond to me immediately or else I will take it that you are determined to block my site.
As of August 22, 2015 and numerous requests I’ve yet to hear back and so I’m taking my concerns online as I advised Tim Hortons.

Obviously whoever is in charge of dealing with blocked sites on Tim Hortons wifi is asleep at the wheel and in dire need of a Extra Large Triple Triple dark roast in order to wake them up.

This is where you, dear friends on Facebook and readers elsewhere can lend me a hand. It won’t cost you a cent. All you need to do is take a moment of your time and send Timmy a brief email asking them to unblock RadicalPress.com. When you do that please bcc me a copy of your email atradical@radicalpress.com so I can get an idea of how many requests are being sent to them.

I’m hoping that if they start to receive more requests than just from me that they will unblock the site.

Also, Tim Hortons is on Facebook as well so maybe those of you on FB might pop over to their page and post a comment regarding this matter.

Let’s see if we can help them to change their minds.

RCAF Veteran and Former Canadian Diplomat Ian Macdonald Blasts Tim Hortons & Backs Free Speech on WiFi for Arthur Topham & Radicalpress.com

RCAF Veteran and Former Canadian Diplomat Ian Macdonald Blasts Tim Hortons & Backs Free Speech on WiFi for Arthur Topham & Radicalpress.com

August 24, 2015
Manager, Public Relations
Tim Horton’s Inc
Dear Sir or Madame
Re:  censorship of WiFi content in Tim Horton’s outlets
Your company is well-known around the world as a genuine Canadian symbol and as such carries the responsibility of reflecting and supporting Canadian values.

One of the most important – if not the most important value – is freedom of speech.  Successive Governmentshave dedicated the country to its preservation and over one hundred thousand patriots have given their lives in its defence, including comrades and relatives of the writer.  For this hard fought freedom to be trashed by dubiously-motivated individuals who in all likelihood have sacrificed little or nothing in building a democratic society in Canada, is both a betrayal and an insult to your clients as well as your esteemed company and the country, especially Veterans.
I recommend strongly, therefore that you reconsider your censorship of Arthur Topham’s Radical Press. I know Arthur to be 100% patriotic, a conscientious freedom-fighter and righteous in all his endeavours.  He deserves acclaim, not abuse.
Yours truly,
Ian V. Macdonald
Canadian Foreign Service rtd
Member, Dominion Command, Royal Canadian Legion
Author “OTTAWA – the Golden Years” etc

Topham “Hate Trial” to Proceed Oct. 26; Charter Argument Postponed

Topham “Hate Trial” to Proceed Oct. 26; Charter Argument Postponed
Dear Radical Press Reader,
It has been close to a month now since I last posted an article. This is a rather long time given the usual amount of information regularly furnished to the site and it requires further explanation.
Since the end of April I have been caring for an older brother of mine who came down with a serious case of melanoma (skin cancer). Being on his own and handicapped and living in North Vancouver I had little choice but to spend a great deal of time away from my home in Cottonwood, B.C. (approximately 700 km NE of Vancouver).
My dear brother David passed away on July 1st and since that time I’ve been dealing with all the legal matters associated with his death. All of this has taken a heavy toll on my time and energy and prevented me from carrying on with my normal line of work, i.e. exposing the Zionist New World Order agenda and defending myself against the spurious, politically-motivated Sec. 319(2) CCC “hate crime” criminal charges that were brought against me back in May of 2012 thanks to the machinations of B’nai Brith Canada and its agents working for the Jewish lobby.
It was during one of my trips to the coast that I attended the hearing being held in the B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver in June. That event and the outcome of it will be the subject of my next Legal Update. Suffice it to say here that the judge hearing the case, Justice Butler, declined to allow the Charter challenge to proceed prior to the pending trial set for October 26th, 2015.
What this means is that the case will proceed to trial although it is still uncertain as to whether or not the actual date set will remain fixed. This is due to the fact that now that the Charterapplication has been refused and the majority of the funds raised in order to pay counsel to represent me at the hearing are exhausted I am faced with having to raise another substantial amount of money in order to retain counsel for the actual trial in the fall. What that amount will be is not determined at this point. My current counsel was acting on my behalf on what in legalese is called a “limited retainer” which means that he was hired only to deal with the Charter application. The trial itself, which could run for ten days, will require additional funding upwards of possibly $40,000.00. The exact amount is still undetermined at this stage but it means that I will have to re-apply for another Rowbotham application in order to assist me in paying the cost of hiring counsel.
The procedure for doing a Rowbotham was initiated back in June when I approached the local Legal Aid office here in Quesnel and, as per their unreasonable policies, was refused based upon the amount of donations that I was receiving at the time. I then wrote to the provincial office in Vancouver requesting that they reconsider their decision and I am currently awaiting word from the head office. When they reply and refuse me a second time (which they inevitably do) then I can proceed with the Rowbotham application. Time of course is running out and it does take time to jump through all the legal hoops involved in applying for funding in this manner for the Attorney General’s office is not about to assist me in hiring counsel when, at the same time, they are hell-bent on convicting me of this spurious, politically-motivated “hate” charge. So the outcome of this next stage of developments is still very tentative and uncertain. If I cannot come up with the funds then I will be left with only one recourse and that will be to represent myself.
My GoGetFunding account is still active for those who may wish to assist in helping me to defray the cost of retaining their constitutional right to freedom of speech here in Canada. It will be a tough row to hoe to raise another $35 to $40 thousand dollars to fight this Zionist-created creature in the courtroom but one way or another the challenge must be met if Canadians wish to retain their most valued and fundamental right.
One final word on the planned Legal Update. I’m still not sure of my schedule over the next month or so as I am awaiting word from the lawyer who is dealing with my brother’s estate. I am currently at home but could be forced to return to North Vancouver any day and then my ability to focus on the update will undoubtedly be delayed.
My apologies to readers for all of this extra hindrance and the lack of posts. Hopefully this will return to normal in the next while.


Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998″

FREE SPEECH ON TRIAL: Brian Ruhe interview with Arthur Topham, Publisher of RadicalPress.com

FREE SPEECH ON TRIAL: Brian Ruhe interview with Arthur Topham, Publisher of RadicalPress.com
May 17th, 2015


The 7 – Part Brian Ruhe Youtube Interview with Arthur Topham Publisher of RadicalPress.com is now presented here in chronological order for viewers.
Please do try to share the url to this post with as many folks as you can.
I would like to thank Brian Ruhe for taking the opportunity and time to discuss my court case and related issues. I hope viewers will enjoy these discussions.

Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 1 of 7


Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 2 of 7


Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 3 of 7


Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 4 of 7


Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 5 of 7


Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 6 of 7


Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 7 of 7


My PayPal account has been suspended thanks to some unknown entity who apparently was posting it on a website that was not kosher enough and I was blamed for breaking their policies!

I have been away from my home since April 30th looking after a very sick brother who is down with a bad case of cancer and requires my help and so I’ve been unable to send materials out to my list.

Anyone who wishes to help out and donate to the cause can find my contact information on the Home Page of my website www.RadicalPress.com

Thanks. Please pass these important videos around to others.

For Peace & Justice for All,

Arthur Topham





“Hate speech laws – Repeal them,” St. Mary’s Prof. Says


“Hate speech laws – Repeal them,” St. Mary’s Prof. Says

One thing we should do to increase our physical safety is repeal our remaining laws against hate speech.

Isn’t that claim outlandish? It might seem obvious that if we want to protect ourselves, we should instead police expression even more vigorously than we do now, so that violent people will be less likely to see or hear something that sets them off.

Well, of course, we know that by giving in to the heckler’s veto, we simply create more hecklers, and more raucous hecklers, at that. So maybe stricter laws against expression isn’t the answer. But how could having no anti-hate laws help us?

I don’t mean to argue here for repealing our laws against the expression of hate on the grounds that they are anti-democratic, or that they deform public discourse, or that they are contrary to the ideal of the moral autonomy of the individual, though I think each of those arguments is sound. I mean to explain how the laws we currently live under, mild though some think them (though Arthur Topham or David Ahenakew would disagree), encourage the offended to take up violence.

Those who lash out physically against people who (they feel) have ridiculed or offended them are lashing out because they believe they have suffered an injustice. My argument is that laws against the expression of hate endanger us because they affirm and encourage that belief.

That is to say, countries that have laws against hate speech proclaim through their laws that some targets of expression are, indeed, victims of injustice. As victims of injustice, they are entitled to restitution through the punishment of their assailants.

The police and the courts don’t always get things right, of course. Someone has defamed you by attacking your religion, and so you complain to the officials, but the officials decide that the speech that offended you didn’t cross the line. But it did, you think; or the line wasn’t properly placed. You believe that you are a victim of injustice, an injustice, moreover, that the state refuses to rectify.

How many times was Charlie Hebdo investigated for violating France’s laws against the expression of hate? At least twice, and both times acquitted. What’s left to do but attack it yourself?

If, on the other hand, Canadians were truly to embrace freedom of expression, and get rid of our laws that censor or suppress expression, we would thereby say to the world that being mocked or ridiculed or subjected to expressions of hate is not to suffer an injustice. That you have been insulted, offended, or upset by something someone said does not make you a victim, and you are not entitled to restitution or compensation.

Repealing our laws against the expression of hate would make us safer by removing from our culture official affirmation of the thought that a person’s hurt feelings merit official concern. Removing that thought would weaken the desire to take the law into one’s own hands when the state refuses to come to one’s aid.

My argument is speculative in that it contains a premise about cause and effect for which I cannot cite adequate evidence. According to that premise, removing laws that imply that one who has been offended or demeaned can thereby be a victim of injustice will result in fewer people thinking they are victims of injustice. If that premise is true, then that the attack on Charlie Hebdo was committed in France by Frenchmen isn’t entirely a coincidence, for France has stronger laws against the expression of hate than most other European countries and enforces them regularly.

But why think that that premise is true? Empirical evidence would be needed to settle the question. All I can say in defence of it right now is that, generally, legal culture affects the mores and attitudes of the individuals who make up a society.

For reasons of safety, then (along with all the other reasons), let us not accommodate even in the slightest demands that people be silenced, no matter what they say or how hurt people are by what they say. That would take offence out of the realm of law and politics, and that would (probably, maybe) lessen the chance that the aggrieved will style themselves victims and their violence justice.

Mark Mercer is Professor of philosophy at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax. He can be reached by e-mail: mark.mercer@smu.ca

OCLA Petition: Congratulations and Thank You to all who have signed it


OCLA Petition: Congratulations and Thank You to all who have signed it

October 20, 2014

Please do your best to share this email and petition with friends and family and associates. We need to build the support for the OCLA initiative by increasing the signatures into the thousands. See additional information on the OCLA petition below:

Dear Supporters of Freedom of Expression, 

Please take a moment to read and consider signing OCLA’s petition in defence of the civil rights of Arthur Topham, a BC man who is currently being prosecuted under a “Hate Propaganda” section of Canada’s Criminal Code. The petition is online at the following link: http://www.change.org/p/hon-suzanne-anton-attorney-general-of-bc-jag-minister-gov-bc-ca-hon-suzanne-anton-retract-your-consent-for-the-criminal-proceedings-against-mr-arthur-topham?utm_source=guides&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=petition_created
OCLA has the position that sections 318 to 320 of the Criminal Code should be repealed. These sections allow egregious violations of the civil rights of liberty, just process, and freedom of expression. Under these provisions, a person can be jailed without the Crown being required to prove any actual harm to a single identified individual.
Mr. Topham was arrested in front of his spouse, detained, subjected to a home-invasive seizure, and faces jail time if convicted, for expressing his highly unpopular views.
OCLA’s public statement on this matter is available at: http://ocla.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/OCLA-statement-re-Arthur-Topham.pdf
Please read OCLA’s letter to the BC Attorney General asking her to withdraw her consent for this prosecution, which is available at: http://ocla.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014-09-24-Letter-OCLA-to-AG-of-BC.pdf
Yours truly, 
Joseph Hickey
Executive Director
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) http://ocla.ca
“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” – Voltaire


Topham “Hate” Case Committed to Trial; Crown Demands Total Internet Gag on Radicalpress

Topham “Hate” Case Committed to Trial; Crown Demands Total Internet Gag on Radicalpress

QUESNEL, British Columbia. March 13, 2014. Anti-Zionist critic and Internet blogger Arthur Topham’s preliminary hearing ended here today with Judge Morgan committing he case to trial in Superior Court, A date to set a date or trial has been set for March 31, On January 14, the Crown ambushed Mr. Topham with a further charge under Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code, Canada’s notorious “hate law” for more recent posting and commentary on his Radicalpress.com website. After the preliminary hearing, Crown Jennifer Johnston sought a total gag order as a bail condition on this charge.
Mr. Topham had been advised that new bail conditions would be dealt with on April 2. However, the Crown sought new Soviet-style silencing provisions forthwith. Her new proposed conditions were presented to Mr. Topham after the noon lunch break. They are:

 Frederick Fromm's photo.


Thought criminal Arthur Topham heading to Provincial Court in Quesnel, BC 


Requested terms:


1) You shall not post any information on any Internet site that can be read by members of the general public.


2) You shall not operate, post to, manage or allow anyone to operate, post to or manage any Internet site owned by you that can be accessed by the general public.


3) You shall make RadicalPress.com unavailable to the general public. You shall not be in breach of this condition if you place a default page on RadicalPress.com, if the wording of the default page has been previously approved by this Court.

In short, Mr. Topham is not to post anything on the  Internet and is to shut down Radicalpress.com — the entire site — even though only a tiny portion of its eclectic contents is the subject of this complaint.


The bail conditions, if granted, would have the effect of totally gagging this dissident until his trial which could be a year or more in the future. He would be unable to post legal updates to his support base and would be cut off from reporting to those who financially support him.


Mr. Topham also runs a small placer (surface, as opposed to hard rock) gold mining business. He runs a non-political website CaribooPlacer.com in pursuit of this business. Posting there too would be denied to him under condition 1.


Arthur Topham & CAFE Director Paul Fromm

These conditions utterly violate the underlying concept of Anglo-Saxon law, that a person is INNOCENT until proven guilty and should not be punished unless and until tried and proven guilty.


Seeking the silencing of a victim charged under the “hate law” seems now to be standard practice in the increasingly politicized Canadian legal system. Terry Tremaine endured a gag period of 55 months when charged under Sec. 13. Political prisoner Brad Love has faced similar parole conditions that have now extended 10 years after the original conviction in 2003.


Judge Morgan was reluctant to go order this gagging. When Mr. Topham indicated that he had only just been advised of the Crown’s draconian demands, the judge ordered another hearing, March 18, to set a date for argument on these proposed bail conditions.


Indicating his uneasiness with the Crown’s proposals to silence Mr. Topham, Judge Morgan said: “Bail conditions are usually a way to prevent future offences before trial in a normal case, like break and enter, which is clearly against the law. However, Sec. 319 is different and no offence has been proven. Mr. Topham believes in free speech and believes what he has written is legal. The Crown, on the other hand, says it’s hate. If there is a concern on the part of the Crown about harm to the public caused by Mr. Topham’s website, the Crown should seek an early trial date.”


Judge Morgan added: “The sledgehammer the Crown is talking of is to close you down entirely.” He wondered why Mr. Topham continued to leave up books like The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which are already available elsewhere on the Internet.


Perhaps realizing the brutality of what seemed to be her marching orders, Crown Jennifer Johnston, who favours tall black leather boots and navy blue skirts and jackets,  phoned Vancouver to see whether Mr.Topham’s strictly business-oriented site might be excluded. Whom did she call? Det. Const. Terry Wilson, head of the B.C. Hate Squad. Does that mean that the political police are essentially calling the shots as to bail conditions demanded of political dissidents? Fascinating!


The outcome of the preliminary hearing was never really in doubt. It is sometimes said that a U.S. grand jury could indict a ham sandwich. Similarly, Canadian preliminary hearings also require a very low threshold of proof. The Shephard decision by the Supreme Court held that a case must be sent on for trial if the evidence, if believed by a properly instructed jury, could lead to a finding of guilt.


Judge Morgan focused on the book Israel Must Perish, a satire published by Arthur Topham on the 1941 Kaufman book, Germany Must Perish, a blueprint for the genocide of Germany and Germans that was very influential in the U.S. during the war. Despite the fact that the Topham posting is a satire, the judge chose to rule that “it would be open for a jury to find Mr. Topham’s writings could stir up anti-Jewish hatred in Canada.”


The morning was taken up with Mr. Topham cross-examining RCMP Constable Normandie Levas [pronounced “leave-us”] who is the junior member of the B.C. “Hate Squad.” She explained that she’s been a Mountie for 11 years and was formerly with the Organized Crime Squad.


Constable Levas looks like a younger Suzanne Pleshette. Mr. Topham, dapper in a grey suit, spoke with a gentle and lilting voice as he worked his way through carefully prepared questions. Though just recently having joined the “Hate Squad” Miss Levas swore out a 54-page ITO [Information to Obtain a search warrant.] Both Mr. Topham’s former lawyer, the late Doug Christie and Mr. Topham  challenge the scope and contents of this warrant.


Mr. Topham, asked: “Are you aware that Sec. 319.2 includes ‘intent’ as a requirement to prove the charge of ‘promoting hatred’” against a privileged group?


She indicated she knew that. He then asked what caused her to believe  his writings had intended to promote hatred.


“Books posted on-line. I believe these promote hatred against an identifiable group – the Jewish population,” she replied,


“Do you have any expertise in psychology to know my intent?” he asked.


“I don’t have any expertise in psychology. I am a police officer,” Miss Levas replied.


“Your evidence would not be expert testimony?” Mr. Topham pursued.


She agreed: “I have not been deemed an expert.”


“I put it to you,” the anti-Zionist critic pounced, “all the evidence you gave in your information was unqualified opinion.”


“I would not agree,” she replied.


“Do you have a university degree?” he asked, trying to determine her qualification to judge the intent of his writing.


“I was a certified dental assistant,” she replied. It was not clear whether she had a university degree of any sort as dental assistants usually get their training from a community college.


Not to belittle anyone’s occupation, but there’s the B.C. Hate Squad: Det. Constable Terry Wilson, a committed dirt-bike rider who has twice been struck by lightning, and a former dental assistant. They sit in judgement as the thought police over their fellow citizens.


It will be an interesting trial. – Paul Fromm