Free Max!

Free Max!

O sick Canada—sick country just plain SICK

People’s Party of Canada Leader, Maxime Bernier was arrested in Manitoba Friday!

After the first stop on his “Mad Max Manitoba Tour” in the small town of Niverville, he had been fined and threatened with arrest.

Just an hour later, RCMP officers arrested him outside the village of St-Pierre-Jolys, where he had just spoken to a crowd of supporters.

Maxime knew that by going to Manitoba he was going up against the provincial despot Brian Pallister, and that arrest was a real possibility.

He still did it, because Maxime deeply believes in freedom.

He has shown he has the courage and bravery to do what’s right.

Maxime Bernier, a political leader, was wrongfully arrested on charges that violate his constitutional rights as a Canadian citizen.

Section 2(c) of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the right to peaceful assembly.

This isn’t about COVID-19 anymore. It’s political oppression.

He was arrested for opposing the unjustified, unscientific, and disastrous lockdown measures that have been imposed on Canadians for over 15 months.

That’s the kind of stuff countries like China and Russia do.

Did you ever think Canada would turn into a place where there are political prisoners?

This is not the Canada we know and love.

Ted, we’re the only political party in Canada fighting for your freedom!

Will you help our cause with a donation of $20 today, or whatever you can afford, for the sake of this country?

Thank you for your continued support!
-PPC Team

P.S.: It’s possible that Maxime will be in jail for several days. Check our social media accounts for regular updates on Maxime’s situation in the coming hours and days.


Party Leader & Former MP Maxime Bernier, Handcuffed & Arrested for Attending an END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in China? — NO! IN MANITOBA!

People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier arrested by RCMP in Manitoba

Social Sharing

Bernier attended rally against COVID-19 restrictions held in southern Manitoba village

[Pyongyang on the Prairies. Human rights — freedom of speech, freedom of assembly — brutalized and trampled. A former Member of Parliament arrested and handcuffed for attending a non-violent rally. Hope Pol Pot Pallister is proud. — Paul Fromm]

Caitlyn Gowriluk · CBC News · Posted: Jun 11, 2021 2:49 PM CT | Last Updated: 24 minutes ago

Maxime Bernier was taken into custody by Manitoba RCMP after attending a rally protesting COVID-19 restrictions on Friday in St-Pierre-Jolys, Man. (Laïssa Pamou/SRC)

People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier was arrested after appearing at a sparsely attended rally against COVID-19 restrictions in a southern Manitoba village on Friday afternoon.

Radio-Canada’s Laïssa Pamou who was covering the event said the rally in St-Pierre-Jolys, which is about 57 kilometres south of Winnipeg, saw no more than 15 people in attendance. After the event ended, Bernier got into a vehicle to head to a rally in nearby St. Malo, another small, rural community.

That’s when he was pulled out of the vehicle by Mounties who handcuffed him and put him in the back seat of an RCMP vehicle. 

Bernier spoke to Radio-Canada shortly before he was detained and said he got a ticket for violating public health orders at a rally in the nearby town of Niverville earlier Friday. He did not say how much he was fined — just that he planned to fight it.

An RCMP spokesperson confirmed Bernier was ticketed earlier in the day.

“It is the duty of the RCMP to enforce the laws of Manitoba, and those include public health orders. Mr. Bernier knew of the health orders and has already received a ticket. The continuation of the offence of violating the current public health orders in Manitoba has resulted in his arrest,” Tara Seel said in an email.

WATCH | Bernier arrested in Manitoba:

People’s Party Leader Maxime Bernier taken into custody by RCMP in Manitoba

8 hours ago0:25People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier was handcuffed and put in the back of an RCMP vehicle after attending a rally against COVID-19 restrictions in St-Pierre-Jolys, Man., on Friday afternoon. 0:25

Bernier was charged under the Public Health Act for assembling in a gathering at an outdoor public place and for failing to self-isolate once he got to Manitoba, and he will appear before a magistrate, Seel said.

Manitoba Justice said it would not comment on how long Bernier might be held and also would not say when he might appear before the magistrate, as his case is now before the courts.

The penalties section of Manitoba’s Public Health Act states the maximum sanction is a $100,000 fine, one year in jail or both.  

Bernier had announced a tour of southern Manitoba this weekend that was set to include several stops at anti-lockdown rallies in spite of pandemic restrictions banning large events and requiring people to self-isolate when entering the province if they’re not fully vaccinated. 

Bernier’s appearances in Niverville and St-Pierre-Jolys were the first two rallies listed on an itinerary posted on Facebook that was supposed to see him stop in the rural cities of Morden and Winkler later Friday.

He was also scheduled to appear in the communities of La Salle and Lorette, as well as in Winnipeg on Saturday, then in the cities of Steinbach and Selkirk on Sunday, according to the itinerary.

Rights violated, party claims

People’s Party of Canada spokesperson Martin Masse said in a statement Bernier was “wrongfully arrested” on charges that violate his charter rights. 

“This isn’t about COVID anymore. It’s political repression. This is the kind of stuff countries like China and Russia do,” Masse said. 

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms said in a news release that it will appear in court on Bernier’s behalf. 

The Calgary-based organization has also been involved in challenges of lockdown measures across the country, including one in Manitoba that saw seven churches take the province to court over its pandemic powers. No decision has been issued yet in that challenge.

A provincial spokesperson previously told CBC News that the province was aware of Bernier’s planned rallies and would be conducting surveillance to gather video and other evidence.

At a news conference on Thursday morning, Premier Brian Pallister said Bernier would be “light in the pocket book” if he planned on violating Manitoba’s public health orders.

RAW: Maxime Bernier gives powerful speech at Worldwide Freedom Rally in Toronto

RAW: Maxime Bernier gives powerful speech at Worldwide Freedom Rally in Toronto

  • By Rebel News
  • |
  • May 18, 2021

The Toronto Fake News media all but ignored a huge freedom rally at Queen’s Park, Saturday, May 15, featuring People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier. Here is The Rebel’s report. — Paul Fromm

News was downtown Toronto again this past weekend to cover the weekly Freedom Rally. 

The crowd seems to be getting bigger and bigger every weekend with thousands of people filling the streets. This past weekend, as part of the Worldwide Freedom Rally, People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier joined Torontonians and delivered a powerful speech discussing the rights of Canadians.

Maxime talked about how “freedom is nothing less than the basics of our civilization.” He went on to talk about the destruction that lockdowns have caused on our children and what this means for our society. 

Bernier’s speech ended on a hopeful note, concluding that “in the end, freedom will win!”

To see more of our lockdown coverage and to support our journalism, please visit

End the Lockdown Caucus: Group of Canadian politicians Calls for End of COVID-19 Lockdowns

End the Lockdown Caucus: Group of Canadian politicians Calls for End of COVID-19 Lockdowns

April 15, 2021

Duration of video is 50 minutes

Derek Sloan Randy Hillier at the 8 minute mark: Excellent on freedom Pastor Michael Thiessen at the 12 minute mark: Science has no moral authority Maxime Bernier at the 22 minute mark (he speaks in French from 18 to 22 minutes): Covid normal flu Questions at the 27 minute mark   At a press conference on Parliament Hill, independent MP Derek Sloan, People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier, Ontario independent MPP Randy Hillier and Pastor Michael Thiessen discuss the impact of lockdowns that are in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Their group, known as the End the Lockdown caucus, has been vocal in raising concerns about the effects of pandemic-related public-health measures.

Huge Crowds Are In Barrie Protesting The Government’s Latest COVID-19 Measures (PHOTOS)

Huge Crowds Are In Barrie Protesting The Government’s Latest COVID-19 Measures (PHOTOS)

Elizabeth KeithPublished April 17 2021Updated April 17 2021 at 03:16 PM0:44EnableMaximeBernier | Twitter MaximeBernier | Twitter

A Barrie anti-lockdown protest has attracted “hundreds of people” according to Maxime Bernier, who spoke at the rally. 

The People’s Party of Canada leader and former Conservative MP shared photos from the event, where large crowds can be seen in the Ontario city. 

Editor’s Choice: 8 Ontario Police Forces Say They Won’t Be Doing Random Stops With The New COVID-19 Rules

Bernier tweeted about the protest, saying “Whatever the mayor, the police, the public health fanatics, or the despot @fordnation say, WE’RE NOT GOING TO SURRENDER OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!”  widgetsVersion=ff2e7cf%3A1618526400629&width=550px

Photos also showed Bernier posing with an anti-lockdown sign. 

CLEAR Kelowna and Penticton Rallies – Maxime Bernier tours the Okanagan!

CLEAR Kelowna and Penticton Rallies – Maxime Bernier tours the Okanagan!

Hi everyone.  In addition to the weekly Saturday Kelowna and Sunday Penticton Rallies set out below, I’d like to remind everyone that the “Let’s Get Growin’” rally in Salmon Arm this coming Saturday, April 10, 2021 as well, from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 
Kyle has put tremendous work into this unique event and the trip and speakers will be worth the investment.

As an additional surprise, CLEAR is letting everyone know of the surprise visit to Penticton this coming Thursday, April 8, 2021, by PPC Party Leader Maxime Bernier!
The event will be from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. and Maxime will be personally speaking to the crowd and taking questions from those in attendance.

Maxime Bernier will also be appearing in Vernon, on Friday, April 9, 2021  at 1:00 p.m. at Polson Park, as well as from 2:30 – 3:30 in Salmon Arm, and 5:00 in Kamloops, with locations for these last two locations to be announced.

Maxime will be discussing a logical approach to the COVID-19 situation, as well as provincial autonomy and radical decentralization issues and their importance. 

Sean Taylor will be present to help welcome Maxime Bernier into the BC Okanagan, and I will be speaking very briefly to promote CLEAR and the importance of our Penticton and Kelowna rallies. 
If you can make it out, we urge everyone to help support the only Federal MP who is actively opposing the COVID-19 lockdown and Federal Government deceptions that no one else dares touch. 

This will be a rare opportunity to see and meet Maxime Bernier and we urge everyone to come out and take advantage of this rare opportunity. 

Maxime Bernier

Thursday, April 8, 2021    Gyro Park, Bandshell   Penticton, B.C.   2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Friday, April 9, 2021         Polson, Park, Bandshell    Vernon, B.C.  1:00 p.m.

CLEAR and Salmon Arm Rallies
Saturday April 10, 2021     Kelowna   Stuart Park   12:00 Noon
Saturday, April 10, 2021    Salmon Arm    Let’s Get Growin’, with special guests   11:00 — 3:00 p.m.   Blackburn Park,  Salmon Arm

Sunday, April 11, 2021       Penticton     Warren St. across from Cherry Lane Mall    12:00 Noon

In freedom I remain

David Lindsay

The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative

Randy Hillier, Maxime Bernier & Derek Sloan form END THE LOCKDOWN CAUCUS

I’m happy to announce that I have joined other representatives from all three levels of government to form the End the Lockdowns Caucus. This national caucus is a non-partisan effort to bring forward and represent the views of Canadians who know that lockdowns cause more harm than the virus. 

Together, we will be giving a voice to the millions of people on the other side of the COVID debate in an organized fashion. There will be more to share in the near future as we begin this new journey, and we invite you to build a powerful voice and opposition.

If you are in elected office, join our caucus and have a voice; if not, contact your local representatives at all levels of government and of all political stripes to encourage them to speak for you by joining together. You can also sign our petition to support and endorse this great initiative here. Be sure to share this with your friends and family and encourage them to sign and share it as well.

I’d like to welcome our four newest members Paul Hinman, Mayor of West Lincoln Dave Bylsma, and Alberta councillors Glen Carritt and Jason Alderson. Already in a day we have doubled our caucus.

Within days of our announcement, the Ford government has now said that they will be easing restrictions in the coming days. They know we are organizing and they’re afraid. They don’t want to defend this in the courts, they don’t want to defend this in the legislature because they know they will lose.

Together we will speak loudly, clearly and end the lockdowns. 

Randy Hillier

Several former and current politicians have banded together to form a non-partisan organization calling for an end to lockdowns, which they claim violate Canadians’ fundamental Charter rights. 

The End the Lockdown Caucus was first announced on Thursday in association with the Liberty Coalition Canada. 

So far, the group includes Ontario MPP Randy Hillier, former Conservative MP Derek Sloan, former MP and People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier, Perth East Councillor Darryl Herlick and Centre Wellington Councillor Steve VanLeeuwen. 

“After careful examination and scrutiny of mitigation measures undertaken by all levels of government, it is now evident that the lockdowns cause more harm than the virus and must be brought to an end,” claimed a statement signed by the group. 

“We devote our energy and efforts to the just and compassionate objective of reopening our businesses, schools, places of worship, recreational facilities, along with the full resumption and expansion of efficient medical services. We desire to restore dignity and respect for all Canadians by safeguarding our representative democracy and its institutions, defending our Constitution, personal freedoms and responsibilities, whilst implementing focused protection for the most vulnerable.”

Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier at A Gathering Defying Lockdown Limits at Queen’s Park (also People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier & lawyer Rocco Galati)

Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier at A Gathering Defying Lockdown Limits at Queen’s Park (also People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier & lawyer Rocco Galati)

(Video) Randy Hillier’s Social Gathering Intro Speech

(Video) Randy Hillier’s Social Gathering Intro Speech

I tested the law and the Premier’s resolve yesterday, to see whether or not he would stand behind his unconstitutional COVID laws that restrict our freedom of assembly. He proved to me and everyone who attended my “unmonitored social gathering” that his COVID laws are unenforceable and nothing more than a scare tactic. His government knows that their COVID laws are unjust, and when challenged, they cowered. Let that be a message to every free person in Ontario, that you must not fear the undemocratic decrees of this government and it’s COVID Command Table.

After our successful social gathering, the Premier went so far as to claim there was violence. Well I was there, it was energetic, it was large, and most importantly it was peaceful. Whomever claims that these supporters of freedom were violent is a liar, be that the Premier, or the mainstream media. Here is my introduction speech, more videos to come. You tell me if we were violent.

I encourage everyone to continue challenging these unlawful COVID rules. We must do all we can to test the laws and stand up for our rights. Thank you to everyone who came out.covid