Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


Prosecutor Appeals: Asking More Jail-time for Alfred Schaefer for Speaking in Court!

Prosecutor Appeals: Asking More Jail-time for Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer for Speaking in Court!  The new Iron Curtain of thought control in Germany


If you think it is bizarre that a person can be jailed for the things they say in their defence in court for an alleged speech crime, hold on tight, this will blow your socks off. The Muppet Show continues. Alfred will be back in court on November 12, 2019, to face his inquisitors. Why? The 18 month prison sentence (which is in addition to the 38 months he is already serving) is not enough – according to the prosecution.

Almost one year ago on the 26th of October 2018, the final day of the Schaefer Sibling Trial in Germany, the judge sentenced me (Monika) to 10 months – time served – prison, and my brother Alfred Schaefer to 38 months prison. This was not for theft, vandalism, murder or rape, no, this was for having “wrong-think” about our history. It was for making videos, educating the public about what is really going on in the world, and in my case for an apology to my mother in my “Sorry mom, I was wrong about the holocaust” video. Transcript here.

During the 20 day trial, there were several instances when the judge interrupted Alfred to warn him that the things he was saying could lead to additional charges. Alfred waved those warnings off and said,

You want to lock me up for 6 million years anyway, so I will continue because I am simply speaking truth.

On 8.8. 2019 those additional charges led to the added sentence of 18 months (article here). Both sides are appealing. The prosecutor had asked for 24 months at the time, and is not satisfied with 18 months. If they get their 24 months, the total sentence would be over 5 years. All for speaking peacefully.

Meanwhile there are countless examples of rape and/or assault by “new Germans” which garner far lighter sentences than that, because “they don’t understand our culture” in the words of the judges.

When history comes to you enforced by law, you can count on one thing being for certain: it is a lie. Why else would they legislate a story into existence? Can it get any more brazen than when they make it impossible to make a defence in court, to explain how you have reached your conclusions, or to bring forth evidence which support your conclusions?! How can any thinking person not see the Orwellian tyranny in this? Words elude me.

Through all this, Alfred remains in good spirits. His letters radiate triumph. I know from experience that when you have truth on your side, it is easy to keep your spirits up, and to feel free in heart and mind and soul, even when physically in prison. It also helps immensely to know that we are not alone. Our enemies try their best through their psychological warfare to make us think we are “lone nut-cases”, when nothing is further from the truth.

Just a reminder: letters and postcards are immensely appreciated not only by the political prisoner but also for the authorities to see that the prisoner is not forgotten. Alfred Schaefer’s address: Stadelheimer Str. 12, 81549 Munich, Germany.

Alfred Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Forbidden Speech during the 2018 Trial Update by Monika

Alfred Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Forbidden Speech during the 2018 Trial Update by Monika Schaefer

Alfred Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Forbidden Speech during the 2018 Trial

by Monika

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On August 8th, 2019, Alfred Schaefer was hauled from his prison cell into the courthouse to face the Inquisition once again. What were his charges? Speech crimes which he committed during the 2018 Schaefer Siblings Trial for previous speech crimes. Another Muppet Show, as Alfred had called our trial, this one for things he said and did right in the courtroom in 2018.

How can that be, you might reasonably ask. Is it not normal for both sides, the prosecution and the defense, to present their evidence and argument to the judges for them to weigh the evidence and make a “judgement” based on what they have heard and seen? Can a person not defend himself while in court? Can you not explain how you reached your conclusions – the ones they deem illegal to speak out loud? Can you not provide evidence to the court of law to support your conclusions?

Not without committing “New Crime”! When you speak in court in the occupied Federal Republic of Germany, you are supposedly speaking in public. (Even that is questionable, given the intimidation tactics in the courthouse and the non-existence of a court transcript.) Since you are prohibited from publicly speaking the truth about certain subjects in Germany, in particular the fake jewish holocaust, it is impossible to defend yourself with evidence and argument even whilst facing charges for speaking about these forbidden subjects. A completely circular situation – a Catch 22. Can this still be called justice? Can it be a fair court? Can there ever be a verdict other than the predetermined one?

To be fair, Alfred was also being charged with a certain gesture which he dared do in court on Day 1 on July 2nd, 2018. After I had been brought into the courtroom in handcuffs, Alfred jumped out of his chair and gave quite the spirited speech to the media, the public gallery and the whole court. He spoke of how we are winning, and that the Truth is coming out. He also jubilantly gave the Roman Salute, while saying,

Look how high my dog Pavlov can jump!

Prozess gegen die Geschwister Monica und Alfred Schaefer u.a. wegen Volksverhetzung

Not sure why my eyes have been blocked out in this image which I found on-line. The Jasper newspaper “The Fitzhugh” published that picture and an article entitled “Racist Filth: Schaefers sentenced in Germany” just in time for my return home, to remind the local population what a “hater” I am.

This makes him a particularly “dangerous man”, the fact that he could brazenly and fearlessly make this salute. One has to wonder why a simple body motion – non-violent and non-threatening – can be so frightening to the PTSNB (powers-that-should-not-be). They call it an evil crime and the person doing it is deemed highly dangerous.

Compare that to the background of rapists and murderers getting off with the lightest of sentences, particularly if they come from a culture where “they just didn’t understand our culture”, as some judges are reputed to have said.

The 18 month verdict is not what the prosecution asked for. They wanted 24 months. They are appealing the sentence as it is “too light”! Remember, this is on top of the 38 months which Alfred was already sentenced with, simply for speaking.

Alfred’s lawyer is also appealing this new verdict. The original sentence is under appeal as well. No verdict is legally binding yet. By their own rules, Alfred should not even be in jail at all, except that he has been deemed a “flight risk” because of the severity of his alleged criminality. He never has been a flight risk, he has been married to a German woman for decades, and has expressed his keen desire to stay and fight this injustice that is befalling Germany. They simply did not like that he continued to talk to the world.

On August 10th, the day I learned of this latest blow, I had a conversation with Brian Ruhe to talk about it. Here is the 8 minute video of that interview.

On 21 August 2019 I was on the Realist Report with John Friend. We not only spoke about Alfred’s situation, but covered other topics such as the music industry influences, psychological warfare, and the holohoax being the lynch-pin of deceptions holding up the house of cards. Podcast here.

Another show I would like to tell you about is one that I had the privilege of being a guest host on. The Sonny Thomas Show of August 1, 2019. This was a two hour show during which I gave some background to my story about our “speech crimes”, the Schaefer sibling trial, jail, the verdict etc. I also spoke about how Ritual Defamation is such a key element in keeping the deceptive narratives going. In the second hour I was joined by special guest Frank Frost, who spoke of corruption at the very highest levels of government, police and the so-called justice system. It was a very powerful conversation.

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Monika Schaefer on the Brian Ruhe Show: 18 Months More in Prisoner for Dissident Alfred Schaefer for Defending Himself in Court
Just received this bad news tonight from Alfred’s sister Monika. This is the brief video we just released:

Alfred Schaefer Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Defending Himself!

Please write to Alfred, a Canadian in prison in Germany.


Alfred Schaefer
JVA Stadelheim
Stadelheimer Str 12
81549, Munich (München)

Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer Gets 18-More Months in a German Jail for Defending Himself in Court

Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer Gets 18-More Months in a German Jail for Defending Himself in Court

On Thursday Alfred was in court to face new charges for the crime of speaking in his defense during our trial last year. The prosecutor wanted 24 months, he received 18 months. The prosecutor says that is too light and is appealing. To be clear, these 18 months are in addition to the 38 months that he is already sentenced with.

The law says you cannot say XYZ, then in court you cannot explain how you reached your conclusions of XYZ, nor are you allowed to bring forth evidence to support your conclusions, because when you do, you do new crime because your words can be heard by the public in the gallery. That is what Alfred did. New crime committed in the public courtroom, while defending himself.

When history comes to you enforced by law, only one thing is for certain: it is a lie. Or perhaps you can explain things differently to me.



Here is the letter I sent to Ottawa.
         Monika Schaefer

         P.O. Box 116
         Jasper, Alberta  T0E 1E0
2019 May 3
Canada Border Services Agency
171 Slater Street, 7th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0L8
RE: Seizure of personal books at Calgary YYC Airport on 2019/04/24
I was detained for three hours on the evening of April 24, while three border guards searched my possessions. They were allegedly looking for “hate propaganda”. Five books were taken from my possession. I consider this to be theft of personal property. The search and seizure was nothing short of personal harassment and an attempt at intimidation. I did not consent, and I do not consent. Consider the following:
• These books are available and/or for sale and are NOT banned.
• I did not write the books.
• My books were not in commercial quantities, and I was not selling them. I was carrying single books (one each) for my personal consumption.
• It is nobody’s business except mine what books I choose to read. Or do we now have thought laws?
• Is there a list of forbidden books in Canada? If so, are these books on this list? Where is this list? Why could the three border guards harassing me for three hours not find my books on any such “list”?
• By their actions in seizing these books, the border guards demonstrated an utter contempt for our most basic human right: the freedom to think.
The five books seized are the following:
⁃ Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust”  by Germar Rudolf
⁃ The Commission  by Richard Barrett
⁃ The Great Impersonation – The Mask of Edom  by Pastor Eli James
⁃ Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled Vol 1  by Eli James & Clay Douglas
⁃ Government by Deception  by Jan Lamprecht
The 3 guards were 12452: Masi; 30482: Nigh; and 35394: Lahaie
I insist that you send me back my books immediately, at your expense. I also insist on receiving a copy of your entire report in this file.

Monika Schaefer

Detained for “Wrong-Think”: Canadian Border Guards Seize Books from Monika Schaefer

Detained for “Wrong-Think”: Canadian Border Guards Seize Books from Monika Schaefer

Upon returning from the United States of America on 24 April 2019, I was detained by the Canadian Border Guards in the Calgary airport for three hours. 

Three Border Guards spent those hours perusing through my possessions, especially the books that I was carrying in my small suitcase. They were looking for “hate propaganda”. 

The five books which they seized from me for further inspection are the following:

  • Government by Deception  by Jan Lamprecht
  • Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled Vol 1  by Eli James & Clay Douglas
  • The Great Inpersonation – The Mask of Edom  by Pastor Eli James
  • The Commission  by Richard Barrett
  • Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust”  by Germar Rudolf

Jan Lamprecht’s book was published in 2002 and has never had any complaints against it nor any bans on sales, whether in South Africa or America or any other place where it has been sold. Government by Deception is a critique of the black South African government, yet no black person, nor anybody else, has ever complained to the author. It was sold in several branches of the Exclusive Books chain in S. Africa, as well as through the online book distributor Amazon for a number of years. It was not taken down by any distributors.

The Commission I know very little about, it was given to me by acquaintances, and I was intending to do my own research by reading it.

Germar Rudolf’s Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust” is a book I had taken with me from home to read on the airplane. I had read 2/3 by the time of seizure. It is a scholarly analysis and critique of Debra Lipstadt’s book “Denying the Holocaust”, nothing more, nothing less. Rudolf points out statements made by Lipstadt and discusses her sources or lack thereof.

The two books by Pastor Eli James are about religion and religious views. Will the Bible be next on a “danger” list?

I happened to be carrying the Quran in my suitcase – it was given to me by a street preacher in Union Square New York City a few days earlier. I intended to check for myself some of the allegations about the Quran and learn first hand what all the fuss was about. This book they did not touch, though it clearly does have sections which incite hatred and preach violence. Many examples can be found online, and now that I have the physical book in hand, I can verify. Here is just one example:

5:33 Those that make war against God and His Messenger and spread disorder in the land shall be put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the country. They shall be disgraced in this world, and then severely punished in the Hereafter..

These Border Guards were looking for “hate propaganda”. Setting aside for the moment the meaninglessness of that term, how is it that single copies of books in my personal possession are deemed harmful or dangerous to anyone? What I choose to read is my business and no one else’s. It is not as though I were importing commercial quantities of books. We seem to have reached the stage where we are being dictated what to think, let alone what to say. This is Wrong-Think in George Orwell’s world of 1984

Contrast this harassment of those of us who question the “politically correct” version of history to the mainstream teaching about Karl Marx (birth-name Moses Mordecai Marx Levy). Considered to be the “father of Communism”, Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto in 1848. I do not recall having learnt at school or university that Communism was an evil system which resulted in the murder of countless millions of people, nor did I learn that it was a Jewish endeavour. I recall having been left with a generally benign impression of Communism from my mainstream education. Would these Border Guards have passed over the Communist Manifesto, were it to be found in my suitcase?

Is there a list of forbidden books that has been issued by the Canadian Government? It is doubtful. These three guards were having a terribly difficult time determining whether my books met their “hate propaganda” threshold. They leafed through them over and over, hummed and hawed uselessly. They decided to send them to Ottawa for someone else to make the determination. I suggested to them that they would receive a good education by reading the books themselves. However I also informed them that I did not consent to their actions.

imagesThe authorities seem to be in a panic about Truth being revealed and the general Awakening that is coming. The fact that they are so afraid of a few books that Monika Schaefer carries in her suitcase, shows how far down the road of total tyranny we have gone. Communism seems to be upon us. In Bolshevik Russia people were shot for having the wrong books. Let us pray that our present trajectory change course quickly, or we could end up at that point in the not-too-distant future.

I could not have imagined this when I was growing up in a seemingly utopian world in which they told us we had total freedom of speech and freedom of the press in our perfect democracy. 

Canada’s Border Thought Police Seize (Steal) Books From Former Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer

Canada’s Border Thought Police Seize (Steal) Books From Former Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer


Just a heads up. On returning to Canada Monika Schaefer was detained by Canada Border Services (the border thought police) in Calgary for three hours. They seized five of her books including  Government by Deception. They said the books would be examined for hate speech. [No, she didn’t land in North Korea, she landed in Canada. You know, with Trudeau’s lying Charter of Minority Rights & Lack of Freedoms.]

She had a Koran on her I think but they did not touch that, despite its obvious and open hate.

Canada is scary indeed.

Hear Recently Released Political Prisoner, Monika Schaefer — MY STORY: MY TRIAL, MY  “CRIME” & 10 MONTHS IN A GERMAN JAIL  

Hear Recently Released Political Prisoner, Monika Schaefer — MY STORY: MY TRIAL, MY  “CRIME” & 10 MONTHS IN A GERMAN JAIL  

The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents  

Monika Schaefer  “Unbowed & Proud”

* Violinist, environmentalist, former Green Party candidate

* Free Speech activist; holocaust & 9/11 skeptic

* Videographer; former political prisoner in Germany (10 months for her video, Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong About the holocaust)


My Story: My Trial, My “Crime” & 10 Months in a German Jail 

Released Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer Concludes Successful 11-City, 13-Talk Tour of Canada

Released Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer Concludes Successful 11-City, 13-Talk Tour of Canada


On February 10, the 11-city, 13-talk, cross Canada speaking tour by recently released political prisoner Monika Schaefer concluded before an enthusiastic audience in Calgary, Alberta. Sponsored by the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Monika’s tour took her to London, Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Regina, Victoria, Vancouver, Penticton, Edmonton and Calgary.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and indoor
Image may contain: 1 person

Despite A Meeting Venue Being Cancelled, Monika Schaefer Addresses A Packed Meeting in a New Vancouver Location. Here is Monika’s talk.

Despite A Meeting Venue Being Cancelled, Monika Schaefer Addresses A Packed Meeting in a New Vancouver Location. Here is Monika’s talk.

On Friday, January 25, the cowardly management at the Best Western Capilano [here’s their number —  (604) 987-8185 ]  got a few critical phone calls and cancelled our meeting without notice.  We secured a new venue and had a standing room only meeting Sunday afternoon.

Hear Recently Released Political Prisoner, Monika Schaefer — MY STORY: MY TRIAL, MY  “CRIME” & 10 MONTHS IN A GERMAN JAIL — Vancouver, Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents  

Monika Schaefer  “Unbowed & Proud

* Violinist, environmentalist, former Green Party candidate

* Free Speech activist; holocaust & 9/11 skeptic

* Videographer; former political prisoner in Germany (10 months for her video, Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong About the holocaust)


My Story: My Trial, My “Crime” & 10 Months in a German Jail

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