Derek Sloan incident as told by Paul Fromm the Godfather of free speech for Canadians. Refuting the censorship minority lobby lies [especially the Canadian Anti-Hate Network] spread by the FAKE News media of being a “neo-Nazi”. Thanks to Rebellion Radio,
Tag Archives: Derek Sloan
Warning to Social Conservatives from Derek Sloan, MP About PC HQ Tricks
Warning to Social Conservatives from Derek Sloan, MP About PC HQ Tricks
Paul, It has been brought to my attention that CPC HQ may be calling social conservatives and blue conservatives to ask them if they would like to cancel their membership in the aftermath of my caucus ejection. It is of utmost importance that you REJECT any such offer. DO NOT cancel your CPC membership. DO NOT give up your delegate spot. DO NOT accept any refund from CPC HQ. You are needed – more than ever – right alongside other good Conservative Party members. Please stand with me and stay the course. Even if the party should happen to write or call, DO NOT cancel your CPC membership. DO NOT give up your delegate spot. I will be in touch again very soon with next steps. Be encouraged, this is only the beginning… Sincerely, Derek Sloan Member of Parliament P.S: I will not give up fighting for conservative values and policy. I need your help and I hope I can count on you to stand with me, starting today and running through the March 2021 CPC convention. |
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“This is ridiculous,” Derek Sloan refuses to leave CPC without a fight
“This is ridiculous,” Derek Sloan refuses to leave CPC without a fight
By True North Wire – January 19, 2021 Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin ReddIt
Conservative MP Derek Sloan says he will fight efforts by Erin O’Toole to kick him out of caucus.
“If I am guilty of something, they are guilty of something. This is ridiculous,” Sloan said in a Facebook video on Monday.
“I’m not going to go down without a fight.”
On Monday, O’Toole said he has begun the process of removing Sloan from caucus after it was revealed that Sloan’s leadership campaign received a donation from known white supremacist Paul Fromm.
“Racism is a disease of the soul, repugnant to our core values. It has no place in our country. It has no place in the Conservative Party of Canada. I won’t tolerate it,” O’Toole said in his statement.
However, the MP for Hastings – Lennox and Addington is accusing the party of hypocrisy.
According to Sloan, Fromm was a party member and voted in the party’s recent leadership contest — something that would have been known to all leadership candidates, including O’Toole, and party headquarters as well.
In a statement on Twitter, Sloan says he was unaware of this donation and that nobody made any effort to contact him.
“His donation was processed without either my campaign or the CPC realizing who had made the donation,” said Sloan.
“The Party must check each donor to ensure they have not exceeded the maximum, I did not hear from them, ever, on this matter.”
Sloan said it’s absurd to expect that any politician to be familiar with the names of every single one of their donors. Fromm’s donation of $131 was one of 13,000 donations to Sloan’s leadership campaign.
Leadership campaign donations are processed by both the campaign staff and the Party.
Under the Reform Act, O’Toole can initiate a vote within the party to remove a member of caucus should they lose the confidence of the party.
FROMM GATE: Conservative Party Accepted Fromm’s Membership Application, Mailed Him Leadership Race Ballot, Accepted Returned Ballot Says Sloan
Conservative Party Accepted Fromm’s Membership Application, Mailed Him Leadership Race Ballot, Accepted Returned Ballot Says Sloan
NewsSpencerFernandoJanuary 18, 20210
How can they justify booting Sloan when it appears responsibility actually rests with the central party.
With Conservative leader Erin O’Toole pushing to remove Derek Sloan on a weak pretext, Sloan is pushing back.
In a letter shared online, Sloan went through the chain of events.
He also made some quite interesting points, including saying that the Conservative Party of Canada approved Paul Fromm’s (going under the name Frederick P Fromm) application to be a party member, mailed him a leadership race ballot, and accepted his ballot when it was returned.
As Sloan notes, “Therefore the Party, and the O’Toole campaign, failed to uphold the same standards to which they are now applying to me.”
He also points out that even after O’Toole said he would investigate what happened, he never even contacted Sloan.
You can read Sloan’s full letter below:
Fromm Gate: Quebecois de Souche/Old Stock Quebecker’s Publication Le Harfang Comes to Derek Sloan’s Defence After Erin O’Toole Seeks to Purge Him from Party After Paul Fromm Donation
Fromm Gate: Quebecois de Souche/Old Stock Quebecker’s Publication Le Harfang Comes to Derek Sloan’s Defence After Erin O’Toole Seeks to Purge Him from Party After Paul Fromm Donation
Le FrommGate
La culture woke – nous en parlons souvent– est la version « à la mode »
de la rectitude politique à la sauce stalinienne. Comme il est considéré
comme passéiste de réclamer le goulag pour les opposants, on impose
plutôt la « cancel culture », terme « globish » à la mode cachant une
réalité nettement plus sombre. Que cette vision séduise la gauche au
sens large, on le comprend. Rare sont ceux qui veulent réellement
protéger la liberté d’expression de leurs ennemis; alors on approuve
plus ou moins tacitement, on dénonce ici et là les excès quand ils
frappent un des nôtres sans raison, mais au final, la gauche aime bien
ce pouvoir débordé qui lui permet en jetant une fatwah d’effacer ni plus
ni moins l’ennemi potentiel.
Ce qui est plus difficile à comprendre, c’est pourquoi la droite
commence à adhérer à la culture woke.
Le 18 janvier, le Canada apprenait avec stupeur que l’un des candidats à
la chefferie conservatrice, Derek Sloan, avait reçu un chèque de 131$ du
« suprématiste blanc » Paul Fromm. Dans les heures qui suivaient, Sloan
était éjecté manu militari de Parti conservateur, sans pouvoir répondre
de ces accusations (mais au fait de quoi l’accuse-t-on vraiment?).
Pour comprendre l’affaire, il faut d’abord savoir qui est Derek Sloan,
qui est Paul Fromm, et en quoi 131$ représente un enjeu.
D’abord, Derek Sloan fut le candidat le plus à droite de la campagne
conservatrice, le seul à être ouvertement opposé à l’avortement, le seul
à être pour une droite morale et le seul à être en faveur de la liberté
d’expression. Et justement, Paul Fromm est le directeur du Canadian
Association for Free Expression, une organisation basée sur la défense
de la liberté d’expression. On peut aisément comprendre pourquoi ce
dernier a jugé bon de faire un don à la campagne de Sloan.
Seulement, on reproche à Fromm, qui est aussi un farouche opposant à
l’immigration de masse, de défendre la liberté d’expression de tous, ce
qui n’est pas convenable dans notre société très « Charlie », pas ni «
Soral », ni « Ryssen ».
Bref, on assiste à une double association douteuse : Fromm défend la
liberté de ceux qui sont bafoués; il donne de l’argent à Sloan, donc
Sloan est un nazi. Bingo! Il a fallu quelques heures, voire quelques
minutes au Conservateur Erin O’Toole pour conclure sur cette affaire.
Mais la somme aussi représente un certain intérêt. En acceptant une
somme d’un homme, on estime que le politicien est lié à ce dernier.
Peut-être même qu’il lui doit quelque chose. C’est ce que les
journalistes et O’Toole semble croire du moins. Et, conscients de ce que
valent les politiciens à l’heure actuelle, ils semblent enclins à croire
que la somme de 131$ est suffisante pour acheter un député à Ottawa!
Il faut croire que la famille Rizzuto qui a « investi » des milliers de
dollars dans le Parti libéral du Québec depuis des années aurait dû
investir à Ottawa et profiter des aubaines ontariennes.
Au-delà de ces réflexions sur l’éthique et la corruption que soulèvent
inévitablement cette histoire de 131$, il reste que cela nous prouve une
énième fois le manque de clairvoyance et d’épine dorsale du clan
conservateur. Les stratèges conservateurs semblent passer trop de temps
à écouter la CBC : ils ne réalisent pas que les délires woke sont
minoritaires et qu’il n’y a rien à gagner à jouer contre son propre
camp. Que CBC fasse du 131$ l’affaire du siècle, c’est normal, et c’est
même une preuve qu’on dérange un peu. Un candidat conservateur, un parti conservateur, un homme de droite, ne doit pas chercher à obtenir
l’assentiment du principal organe de gauche au pays. En cela, les
conservateurs devraient regarder ce qui se passe à gauche. Personne à
l’UQAM ne recherche le sceau d’approbation de l’Institut économique de
Montréal et Manon Massé n’a jamais expulsé personne de son parti pour
plaire à Richard Martineau ou Joseph Facal. Ça, tout le monde le
comprend et l’accepte. Alors pourquoi l’opposé n’est-il pas vrai?
Ceux qui connaissent l’expression « cuckservatives » ou « cocuservateurs
» pour les besoins de la francisation, savent pertinemment pourquoi
O’Toole agit ainsi. Pourquoi avant sa démission « choc » Andrew Scheer
refusait de parler de ses idées. Pourquoi l’ancien homme fort de la
droite Stockwell Day décida de dévouer sa vie à la lutte contre le
racisme, démissionnant de toutes ses fonctions pour avoir « nié » le
racisme systémique. Pourquoi le Parti conservateur a éjecté Richard
Descarie de la dernière course à la chefferie.
La véritable question n’est pas pourquoi cette fausse droite agit ainsi
– elle n’a pas le courage de ses convictions et la vision nécessaire
pour les défendre efficacement. La véritable question est : pourquoi y
a-t-il encore des gens pour voter pour elle?
Quebecois de Souche/Old Stock Quebecker's Publication Le Harfang Comes to Derek Sloan's Defence After Erin O'Toole Seeks to Purge Him from Party After Paul Fromm Donation FrommGate Woke culture - we often talk about it - is the “trendy” version political correctness with Stalinist sauce. As it is considered as backward-looking to demand the gulag for the opponents, we impose rather “cancel culture”, a fashionable “globish” term hiding a much darker reality. May this vision seduce the left to broad sense, we understand. Rare are those who really want protect the freedom of expression of their enemies; so we approve more or less tacitly, we denounce here and there excesses when they hit one of ours for no reason, but in the end, the left likes this overwhelmed power which allows him by throwing a fatwah to erase nothing more no less the potential enemy. What is more difficult to understand is why the right begins to adhere to the woke culture. On January 18, Canada was shocked to learn that one of the candidates for Conservative chiefdom Derek Sloan received a check for $ 131 from "White supremacist" Paul Fromm. In the hours that followed, Sloan was ejected manu militari from the Conservative Party, without being able to answer of these accusations (but what are we really accusing him of?). To understand the case, you first need to know who Derek Sloan is, Who is Paul Fromm, and how $ 131 is at stake. people to vote for her? First, Derek Sloan was the campaign's most right-wing candidate conservative, the only one to be openly opposed to abortion, the only to be for a moral right and the only one to be in favor of freedom expression. And precisely, Paul Fromm is the director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, a defense-based organization freedom of expression. We can easily understand why this last saw fit to donate to Sloan's campaign. Only, we reproach Fromm, who is also a fierce opponent of mass immigration, to defend the freedom of expression of all, this which is not suitable in our society very "Charlie", not nor " Soral ”nor“ Ryssen ”. In short, we are witnessing a dubious double association: Fromm defends the freedom of those who are scorned; he gives Sloan money, so Sloan is a Nazi. Bingo! It took a few hours or even a few minutes to Curator Erin O’Toole to conclude on this matter. But the sum also represents a certain interest. By accepting a sum of a man, the politician is considered to be related to him. Maybe he even owes her something. This is what reporters and O’Toole seems to believe at least. And, aware of what are worth the politicians nowadays, they seem inclined to believe that the sum of $ 131 is enough to buy an MP in Ottawa! We have to believe that the Rizzuto family who "invested" thousands of dollars in the Liberal Party of Quebec for years should have invest in Ottawa and take advantage of Ontario deals. Beyond these reflections on ethics and corruption raised by inevitably this story of $ 131, it remains that it proves a umpteenth time the lack of clairvoyance and backbone of the clan conservative. Conservative strategists seem to spend too much time listening to the CBC: they don't realize that woke delusions are minority and there is nothing to be gained by playing against one's own camp. That CBC is making $ 131 the deal of the century is okay, and it is even a bit of a disturbing proof. A conservative candidate, a party conservative, a man of the right, should not seek to obtain the approval of the main left body in the country. In this, the conservatives should watch what is happening on the left. Nobody at UQAM does not seek the seal of approval of the Economic Institute of Montreal and Manon Massé never expelled anyone from her party for please Richard Martineau or Joseph Facal. That, everyone understands and accepts it. So why is the opposite not true? Those who know the expression "cuckservatives" or "cocuservateurs »For the purposes of francization, know very well why O’Toole does this. Why before his resignation "shock" Andrew Scheer refused to talk about his ideas. Why the former strongman of Right Stockwell Day decided to devote his life to fighting the racism, resigning from all his functions for having "denied" the systemic racism. Why the Conservative Party kicked out Richard Descarie of the last leadership race. The real question is not why this false right is acting like this - she does not have the courage of her convictions and the necessary vision to defend them effectively. The real question is: why is there do there still people vote for her?
Conservative Leadership Candidate Derek Sloan Says Compulsory Masks Are An Affront to Our Freedoms
Wed., Aug. 12 at 6:55 a.m.
During these unprecedented times, politicians at every level of government, and of every political stripe, have allowed their “inner autocrat” to emerge. Basic liberties, such as our right to come together to work, worship, or see our friends and relatives have been limited or completely eliminated. An entire society of healthy people has been locked down, bringing the economy to a standstill, and millions have been forced into unemployment. The autocrats have had a taste of unprecedented control, and now they want more. These same people who brought us the lockdowns are now making mask-wearing compulsory. In Canadian law, the onus is on politicians to justify laws that diminish the realm of personal choice. Enforcing mask wearing based on the fearful projections of illness and death made in March, rather than on the realities of August, is unjustifiable. Forecasts made in March predicting the numbers of dead and sick people caused by the virus have turned out to be wild over-estimates. We now know that COVID-19 has posed almost no threat to children. We know that four fifths of COVID deaths have occurred in nursing homes, and the victims were the elderly and those already sick. Statistically, healthy adults are under greater threat from car accidents than they are from COVID-19. The realities of August do not justify the overreach of mask mandates. They are justified by power-hungry autocrats in the name of control and compliance. If we fail to guard our rights with extreme vigilance in a time of crisis like this, we can lose them forever. These mandatory mask mandates have no end date on them. Just last week Dr. Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer said that the coronavirus pandemic may continue for years, along with measures like mandatory masking and physical distancing, even if researchers manage to discover a vaccine. She needs to be fired. We need to take these threats to our liberties seriously. Canadians who want to wear a mask should wear one, wherever they want to, but I remain 100% against making masks mandatory. Shockingly, in a CONSERVATIVE leadership race, I am the only candidate that has spoken out against this infringement on our civil liberties. I also remain 100% opposed to ever making a COVID-19 vaccine mandatory. If freedom matters to you, please donate today to help my team “Get Out The Vote” in this critical stage of the campaign. Sincerely, Derek Sloan Member of Parliament PS: Standing for the freedom of Canadians, without apology, is what sets me apart from my leadership rivals. To help me win this leadership race, please chip in today. |
Conservative candid Derek Sloan victim of watching & besetting by Antifa goons.
Conservative candid Derek Sloan victim of watching & besetting by Antifa goons
Derek Sloan Pledges to Repeal the Compelled Speech Bill C-16 — “Zee” and “Zir” Gender Identity Law
Derek Sloan Pledges to Repeal the Compelled Speech Bill C-16 — “Zee” and “Zir” Gender Identity Law
The one way to beat Justin Trudeau is to offer Canadians a real, clear alternative to Liberal policy in the next election. Not just a “Liberal Lite” version of what Trudeau already offers, but a genuine difference.
I am the one CPC leadership candidate who offers a real difference, and one example of this is the fact that I am the only candidate actively campaigning to repeal Bill C-16. I am the only candidate who has pledged to make repealing this atrocious piece of compelled speech legislation part of our election platform.
In 2017, the Canadian Parliament passed C-16, the Liberal government’s legislation that added “gender identity or expression” to grounds of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act.
The concept of human rights, when first conceived, was intended to liberate people and safeguard them from arrest, censorship, and harassment by government overreach.
Unfortunately, we are in the midst of a culture war, and “human rights” have been weaponized to champion leftist “social justice” values and punish all those who dare to disagree with their view of the world.
C-16 is a prime example of this phenomenon. It gives those who call themselves transgendered and non-gendered the ability to dictate what others can and cannot say.
Forced speech is the most extreme infringement of free speech. It puts words in the mouths of Canadians and threatens to punish them if they don’t comply. Forced speech will force Canadians to say things they disagree with.
Protection from discrimination is not the same thing as wanting not to be offended. If we allow it to, this chronic political correctness will strangle free speech in Canada.
I’ll repeal C-16 because it restricts free speech, enshrines radical gender ideology into Canadian law, and severely infringes on women’s sex-based rights to private spaces.
The Liberals will attack me for this. Justin Trudeau will spew words like “transphobia” and “bigotry”, which are designed to shut down the debate. When he does, we’ll push back. Compelled speech is the opposite of the elemental Canadian right of free speech. Further, Canadian women shouldn’t have their safety threatened by any man who demands access to sex-segregated spaces just because he claims to “feel like he is a woman”.
I’ll keep telling the truth about C-16, and I won’t back down.
My fellow candidates don’t share my views. Peter MacKay and Erin O’Toole are fine with C-16 – they boast about their support for it. Leslyn Lewis claims to oppose it, and I believe her, but she has not made her opposition to C-16 a campaign issue the way that I have.
Sadly, the “Liberal Lite” element in our party will never recognize this threat to the freedom that Canada was built on, and they will never fight for the repeal of C-16.
They will never be able to appeal to Canadian voters who are tired of Liberal assaults on freedom because they don’t offer anything different.
By actively campaigning to repealing Bill C-16, I offer a clear difference.
That difference makes me the only candidate who can defeat Justin Trudeau.
If you want to beat Trudeau, I am the only candidate who you should choose as #1 choice on your leadership ballot.
Tory CandidateDerek Sloan Asks “Which Canadian big-city mayor has gone totally W-H-O?”
9:02 PM (2 hours ago) |
Toronto Mayor John Tory is really excited about Ontario entering Stage 3 of reopening and bars and restaurants opening up again.
Actually, what he’s really excited about is slapping a whole lot of regulatory restrictions on them.
On Sunday, Tory sent a letter to Premier Doug Ford containing six recommended rules to be imposed on these establishments, which have absorbed a catastrophic financial hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tory is calling for mandatory masks for all staff and patrons, earlier closing hours, occupancy restrictions, and for all patrons to provide contact information that is to be kept for 30 days, to allow for tracing as needed.
Wow! Where to begin?
Asking everyone for their contact information is not going to go over well. That’s a bit of a safety issue. They might get a lot of false information.
Again, as with the mandatory facemask rules, you have to wonder whether recommendations like these are really about protection—as is claimed—or politics.
Tory says that “experts” believe that masks keep people safer and that restaurants and bars pose a higher level of risk for the spread of the coronavirus.
Are these the same experts who were saying back in March that masks weren’t necessary outside of hospitals, and that anyone who suggested that the borders should be closed was a racist?
We all want to stop the spread of COVID-19. We’ve all made extraordinary sacrifices toward that end. No businesses have been hit harder than the hospitality industry. Many of them have closed and are never coming back.
In some cases, establishments built by generations of hard work and dedication are gone forever.
A recent Leger poll shows that a national average of 22% of Canadians will avoid bars and restaurants for as long as masks are mandatory there.
We all need our country’s economy to rebound from this setback, and bars and restaurants must be part of the resurgence. We don’t need politicians like John Tory making the hard road back even more difficult for them.
Mayor Tory’s recommendations are evidence of state overreach, which has reared its ugly head during this crisis. Using the pandemic as a cover, it imposes draconian limitations on our freedoms in the name of the common good.
Those who voice opposition are shouted down as selfish and reckless, and the statists consolidate their power.
Once given up, these freedoms will be difficult to regain.
John Tory is also calling for mandatory masks in
residential apartment buildings.
Canadians who feel more comfortable wearing a facemask should be by all means do so, but masks should not be made mandatory.
Re-openings of businesses should be done responsibly and safely, but without being hamstrung by statists who, having had a taste of authoritarianism, are hungry for more.
I remain 100% opposed to making any eventual COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for Canadians.
I will continue to guard against any unjust limitations of our rights introduced in the name of public safety or other invocations of the “common good”.
Derek Slan Says NO to “cancel culture” & NO to “affirmative action”
According to a story in The Globe and Mail yesterday (“Ontario Liberals to change rules, lower fees to ensure more female candidates”), the Ontario Liberal Party has set a goal to become “the most open and equitable party in Canada”, and they have a plan to achieve that end.
Their plan is to increase the percentage of female candidates they field in the next Ontario provincial election to at least 50% of the party total by launching an aggressive search campaign, lowering registration fees for women only, and—if necessary—having only women run in the nominations.
I believe there’s a lesson in this for the Conservative Party of Canada: this is NOT how to do things.
Merit, and merit alone, should be the primary criteria when considering someone for a job, including the job of running for political office.
We should judge people on the quality of their talents and on the soundness of their ideas, not on their sex, colour, age, religion, or anything else.
And who should evaluate the merit? The local party members, in a democratic vote! Not the bureaucrats at CPC HQ!
Ontario Liberal Kate Graham has said that having more women in elected politics “leads to better decisions”. She’s wrong.
Electing better decision-makers will lead to better decisions, and we can’t assume someone’s ability to make decisions is based on their sex or race or religion, etc.
Letting identity politics trump actual ideas will lead to a stagnant culture and stifling lack of innovation. Eventually, it will destroy our democratic institutions.
Related to this, I was disappointed to hear Leslyn Lewis speak of a desire for “equality of outcomes” during the leadership debate. This sounds like Leslyn Lewis might actually support affirmative action, which I hope is not the case.
The idea that we can ensure equality of outcomes necessarily involves rigging the game—like the Ontario Liberal Party is doing—and letting merit take a back seat. At its heart, the very idea of “equality of outcome” is a socialist concept.
That’s why, in the debate, I corrected Dr. Lewis in asserting the non-socialist idea we must pursue, which is to provide equality of opportunity for all. Is Leslyn Lewis for any form of affirmative action either in government or in CPC candidate recruitment? You should ask her—and Peter MacKay and Erin O’Toole as well, for that matter.
But there is more to it than simply banning the practice of “affirmative action”. We also need to “cancel” the “cancel culture” in our party.
The CPC has, in the recent past, “cancelled” the nominations of candidates because of their ideas. In this leadership contest, for example, Richard Décarie and Jim Karahalios were both disqualified from the current leadership race because of positions they expressed.
There are numerous other examples of conservative-minded and other freedom-loving party members being denied the opportunity to seek local CPC nominations in the 2019 Federal election. No wonder thousands of CPC members have already defected to Maxime Bernier’s PPC.
In allowing the “cancel culture” to spread, our Party has not acted any better than the Ontario Liberal Party is planning to act by enforcing a candidate quota based on sex. The Conservative Party of Canada, if the name means anything, should set a perfect example in promoting free expression.
“Diversity” doesn’t consist of people of different sexes, religions, and races bound to express one narrow set of acceptable beliefs. True diversity entails a real variety of ideas expressed and debated in political parties and in the public square.
As Leader of the CPC, I will promote true diversity of ideas, both in Canadian society and in our Party.
Principled conservatives will no longer be “cancelled” at any level of the CPC, even if their ideas fall outside of the increasingly narrow scope of those tolerated by the “Red Tory” faction of our Party.
The triumph of identity politics has no place in the truly diverse CPC and Canada that we should all strive to promote. Under my leadership, there will be no “affirmative action” for local nominations, and no “cancel culture” either.
If you support merit over identity politics, please donate today to help our campaign continue to advance truly conservative ideas.
Derek Sloan Member of Parliament
PS: I’m running for leadership of the CPC to stand up, without apology, for true freedom of sp