CAFE Protests Peel Board’s Censorship Bylaw

CAFE Protests Peel Board’s Censorship Bylaw

The following article appeared in The Mississauga News (August 31, 2017). The Board has turned itself into something close to a national security institution. So fearful is it of the voice of the often angry people.. Security officers patrol the parking lot. Beefy security guards patrol the lobby.Visitor taxpayers or delegations have to sign in and show government ID,  to an institution THEY OWN. The peasants are advised they’ll be videotaped.

In my comments to the Board I pointed out the ancient right, under British Common Law, of her Majesty’s subjects to petition the Queen/King with their concerns of grievances. The Peel District School  Board would silence delegations or toss them off taxpayers’ property for  “offensive” comments.
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In the letter advising me that my request to appear as a delegation had been granted, I was warned by Janice Mueller, Executive Assistant to the Director of Education: “Discourteous and offensive behaviour will not be tolerated and will result in ejection from the building.” Public SERVANTS have become hooped up Tyrants over the taxpayers who involuntarily are bled to support this institution.

Here is an outline of some of my remarks.
RE: “Bylaw addition would give chairman more power over delegates”  (Mississauga News, July 20, 2017)
Dear Sir:
I fear that, like the ancien regime, the Peel District School has grown out of touch and arrogant.
Recently, they arbitrarily cut off delegations wishing to discuss special treatment of Muslim students.
Now, a new bylaw proposal seems even more ham-handed in stifling opinions they don’t like. It says, in part: “Delegations who use offensive language, make any disorderly noise or disturbance … or behave in a manner that is not consistent with … the Ontario Human Rights Code, may by ordered to discontinue the presence and/or leave the board room … or premises.”
In other words, parents and taxpayers, shut up but don’t forget to send in your August property tax installment that pays for the Board, and make sure it reaches us on time.
“Offensive language” is utterly subjective and, in an increasingly diverse and divided society, someone is likely to take offence at almost any remark.
Even more preposterous is the decision to turf people whose comments, presumably, are not consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code. And the Board chairman is to make a snap decision to cut off a speaker? Nothing is contrary to the OHRC until a complaint has been launched, a hearing held where evidence pro and con and submissions pro and con are made and a finding of forbidden discrimination made.
Chairman Barbara McDougald, ironically, in your report clarifies the sinister censorship aims of this proposed bylaw. “An example of a delegate who could be asked to leave the property would be in individual who publicly describes another person in a ‘hateful way'”. Really? “Hateful” is entirely in the eyes of the beholder. Our community encompasses strong and antagonistic views which will clash.
We’re the taxpayers. It’s the Board who spends our money hugely who should shut up and listen to the taxpayers. And, no we shouldn’t have to doff our caps and bleat, “May I?”
Paul Fromm
Port Credit


Controversial ex-teacher protests to Peel board over meeting bylaw

Paul Fromm’s teaching licence was pulled because of his political activities

NEWS 11:25 AM by Jason Spencer  Mississauga News

Former high school teacher Paul Fromm made a delegation to the Peel Board of Education regarding a recent bylaw change regarding public attendance at meetings. Aug 29, 2017. – Rob Beintema/Metroland

A former Peel District School Board employee whose teaching licence was pulled because of his political activities is questioning a bylaw change that gives the chair more power at school board meetings.

Paul Fromm, who previously taught at Applewood Heights Secondary School and the Britannia Adult Education Centre, spoke out to trustees at the headquarters of his past employer during the Aug. 29 regular meeting over an addition to section G-3 of the board’s bylaws that passed last June.

“You are the elected managers of the this board of education, but we, the taxpayers, are the owners, and we have a right to come before you and to speak,” said Fromm.

The section in question reads: “Delegations who use offensive language, make any disorderly noise or disturbance, resist the rules of the board, disobey the decision of the chair or of the board, or behave in a manner that is not consistent with board policies and the Ontario Human Rights Code, may be ordered by the chair to discontinue the prevention and/or leave the board room or meeting room or premises.”

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So if the chair thinks a delegate violates the human rights’ code, they can have that individual booted from the property.

Fromm, who was fired from the Peel board in 1997 after he wouldn’t cut ties with known racists, wants the bylaw addition done away with. He was unaware at the time of this delegation that the change had already gone through.

Arguing that what is deemed “offensive language” can be broad and subjective, he said, “I don’t think anybody has a right not to be offended over contentious issues.”

The former Mississauga mayoral candidate also questioned how the board would interpret the human rights code.

The bylaw addition came about after months of tense board meetings last school year around opposition to Muslim prayer in Peel schools. Attendees are still required to provide photo ID and sign in before entering board meetings, a security measure that was implemented last spring to quell disruptions.

Though a response will be provided to Fromm at the next board meeting, chair Janet McDougald shared her thoughts on the ex-teacher’s delegation.

“I would disagree with Mr. Fromm – I think the board has proven itself in that we are more than willing to listen to people’s issues, complaints, criticism as long as it’s done in a respectful way,” said McDougald.

“And for him to suggest that we cannot determine, or the chair of the board cannot determine, what is respectful, I think is misguided. We all understand what respect means.”

She’s confident that the board will be able to detect when language or actions at meetings are “discriminatory.”

McDougald is familiar with Fromm, whose teaching certificate was revoked by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) in 2007.

According to his OCT decision notice, Fromm previously attended events run by white supremacist groups such as a Heritage Front celebration for Adolf Hitler’s birthday in 1991 as well as a National Alliance event in 1994, where he shared the stage with former Ku Klux Klan head David Duke.

The OCT decision also states that Fromm co-founded the Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform and the Canadian Association for Free Expression – two organizations that support “beliefs and values contrary to the principals of multiculturalism and tolerance.”

McDougald noted that the board was open to Fromm’s comments, despite his controversial history.

“The very fact that we didn’t shut him down because of past practice or activities shows that we are open to that (listening to his delegation),” she said. “He was very respectful and he will get a respectful response.”



ERNST ZUNDEL MEMORIAL, TORONTO, August 16, 2017. Friends of the late publisher and holocaust skeptic, Ernst Zundel, and supporters of free speech gather to celebrate a remarkable man.




Jim Rizoli interviews Paul Fromm, Aug 18, 2017, discussing the Tribute to Ernst Zundel and the manufactured crisis that is called CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, violence compliments of the Alt-Left.

Paul Fromm Reports on YOUR WARD NEWS Postal hearings, August 9 & 10.

Paul Fromm Reports on YOUR WARD NEWS Postal hearings, August 9 & 10.

Coverage of the Board of Review hearings into the Canada Post interim order against YOUR WARD NEWS, held on August 9 & 10 2017, at federal government offices…

Check Out These Weird Tweets by Warren Kinsella, Latest Columnist for Canadian Jewish News

I sat in on the hearing today and was shocked when I got home and read the twitter account of Warren Kinsella and his related tweets from the hearing today. There’s good reason why my editor Dr. James Sears has referred to Mr. Kinsella as a pathological liar.

In his tweets from the hearing room today Kinsella referred to the Board members as “Cranky” and the lawyers who presented briefs today as “Neo-Nazi lawyers” and of course he referred to us as “Neo Nazi’s” and Mr. Paul Fromm as a “white supremacist” as part of his on going campaign to slander and libel the paper and anyone involved with it.


I consider Mr. Kinsella’s berating and mocking attitude toward the review process as detrimental and so have decided to send you links to the tweets he sent out today so you can be aware of what he is doing to derail this process.


===Lawrence McCurry===




July 8, 2017


(Barbara left, with Doug Christie & Marc Lemire)
Barbara Kulazska RIP  
Canadian free speech lawyer and close associate of Doug Christie, Barbara Kulaszka, passed away at age 64 from lung cancer on June 15. 
Barbara played a key role in research and drafting legal facta in the second Zundel “false news” trial in 1988. She was a huge help in Doug Christie’s attack on Canada’s war crimes law in the Finta case in 1990. The appeal to the Supreme Court virtually destroyed the law’s usefulness to the vengeance lobby as the following of reasonable orders was accepted as a defence.
In later years, Barbara was a vigorous defender of free speechers charged with libel by Richard Warman, people like Marc and Connie Fournier (a long and complicated case) and myself.
She was Marc Lemire’s lawyer in his heroic confrontation with the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. He was prosecuted — another Richard Warman complaint — under the notorious Sec . 13 (Internet censorship) which was repealed by Parliament in 2012. Marc’s was the first victory — even if partial — under Sec. 13. She continued to represent him as the  question of the constitutionality of Sec. 13 moved to the Federal Court and then the Federal Court of Appeal in 2013. She also represented Henry Makow in a complaint from the Canadian Jewish Congress to the CHRC. 
Barbara had been in delicate health for many years.
She was first trained as a librarian and then switched to law.
She died in her hometown of Brighton, Ontario, surrounded by family.
Memorial Event
* Music by Christian Klein and Dieter Kahl.
* Tributes by Marc Lemire,  Christian Klein, Lynda Mortl, Paul Fromm and others.
* Tributes read from people across the world.
TORONTO. Wednesday,  July 12, 2017. Richview Library, Auditorium (1806 Islington Ave, Etobicoke, ON.  — two blocks north of Eglinton (6:15 p.m). **** NEW LOCATION & TIME****Admission $10.00


Come join us Friday June 2nd at the Calgary club house for our “Thought Criminal Convention” as we host guest speakers Paul Fromm and a special guest speaker that will be traveling a fair distance to speak to us whom we have decided to keep as a surprise to limit their trouble entering the country and because surprises are awesome. We will be continuing the evening after the talks with a social gathering.
We hope to see lots of people out for this one.
Doors open at 7:30pm with a $10 admission at the door


for more information on how to attend please contact us at:

CAFE Backs Freedom of the Press & Free Speech As YOUR WARD NEWS Hearing Opens in Toronto

CAFE Backs Freedom of the Press & Free Speech As YOUR WARD NEWS Hearing Opens in Toronto

Temporary ban on delivery of controversial newspaper under review


POSTED APR 25, 2017 4:48 PM EDT


Procedures have begun for Board of Review hearings over a controversial newspaper that began appearing in mailboxes across Toronto last year.

In June 2016, Canada Post was ordered by the federal government to prohibit delivery of Your Ward News, a publication that sparked allegations of racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism and hate. Judy Foote, the minister responsible for Canada Post, issued the interim prohibitory order under the Canada Post Corporation Act.

James Sears, the publication’s editor-in-chief appealed that order and, as procedure under the Act dictates, Foote appointed a Board of Review consisting of three members to consider whether Canada Post should legally distribute the paper.

Over the last few months, members of the public had the opportunity to make submissions in the hopes of participating in the review.

It has been a divided issue encompassing a debate between proponents of freedom of speech and opponents of alleged hate speech. Here’s what some players on both sides had to say as the proceedings began Tuesday.



Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression:

Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, on April 25, 2017. CITYNEWS

“This is an incredibly arbitrary and ruthless power all because some politically-correct people didn’t like what’s in Your Ward News. Tough. People should have the right to publish what they want. If people don’t want to read, there’s a garbage can. There’s a blue box. There’s the bottom of the birdcage. What we are seeing is an effort by people who don’t like the content for whatever reason to say, ‘I don’t like it and you can’t read it and you can’t send it out.’ And that’s what this battle is all about…..We used to be a country where we said, ‘Look, I don’t agree with you. But you’ve got a right to your opinion. You’ve got a right to say it. That’s what Your Ward News is.”



Sara Lefton, vice president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

Sara Lefton, vice president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, in Toronto on April 25, 2017. CITYNEWS

“This is pure and simple hate. When people are getting Your Ward News in the mail and they’re getting it at their doorstep, they feel unsafe, they feel targeted in their homes. There’s no place for hate like this in Canada, and we need the decision to stand so hate like this will not continue … When there are pieces of clear discrimination and hate speech that are being disseminated en masse to people’s doorsteps there should be no place for that, and that shouldn’t be allowed.”



Raychyl Whyte, Board of Review applicant


“Someone should still have the right to freedom of speech. I myself know what it is like to have public humiliation, public shame due to libelous comments and presumptions made about me. I know all too well what that is like. However, I still support people’s rights to have their own independent free speech.”



Warren Kinsella, founding member, Standing Together Against Mailing Prejudice

Warren Kinsella talks to CityNews in Toronto on April 25, 2017. CITYNEWS

“For the people that have been victimized by this so-called newspaper, that’s a problem. There’s Holocaust denial, there’s propagation of rape, there’s use of the N-word. There’s racism on every single page. It is the most disgusting thing. I’ve been doing this stuff for 30 years. I’ve never seen a publication like this distributed in Canada as widely as this one is and certainly not one distributed by Canada Post … We need to say Canada Post should not be distributing hatred.”



Emilie Taman, co-counsel for James Sears

Emilie Taman, co-counsel for James Sears, is seen during an interview in Toronto on April 25, 2017. CITYNEWS

“It’s not something that I’m necessarily per se excited to be reading about, but I do believe in the constitutional right to free speech, and it’s one that I think is very important to be defended at every opportunity.”



Derek Richmond, Canadian Union of Postal Workers

Derek Richmond, of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, is seen during an interview in Toronto on April 25, 2017. CITYNEWS

“Me, personally, I didn’t deliver [Your Ward News] but many of our letter carriers did. A lot of them are very diverse and had to go through the whole day viewing swastikas, viewing hate, viewing sexist material, rape culture. It really affected a lot of our letter carriers.”