Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-289-674-4455; FAX: 289-674-4820;


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director



July 22, 2019


The Editor,



Dear Sir:


Your editorial “What is the Greater Good?” (July 18, 2019) deals with the dilemma of what Council should do or can do to curb protests on public property.


Actually, there should be no dilemma. The right to protest or to present grievances to the monarch or ruler goes back to Magna Carta. As well, the Charter guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of association or assembly and freedom of religion. A variety of groups, some of whose views some citizens find offensive, have protested recently. That’s their absolute right. Council has busainess even to consider restrictions


Despite the views of some snowflakes, we enjoy no right not to be offended. Critics frequently denounce those they dislike with  terms  like” hate speech” and “hate groups” . These weaponized words are a lot of noise without substance. “Wilfully promoting hate” against certain groups is a criminal offence in Canada. It is narrowly construed. To my knowledge, none of the participants on various sides of these protests has ever been charged with or convicted of hate. The accusation of “hate” usually tells us more about the accuser’s emotions than the words criticized. “Hate speech”  means speech the accuser hates.


The city does have a legitimate role in ensuring that the protests are peaceful. Police should continue to observe these protests and, where rival factions show up, make certain that the two sides are kept apart — say on opposite sides of the street — so that both can exercize their right to wave their signs or flags and make their views known.



Council should go back to dealing with important issues like fixing our deplorable roads and leave free speech alone.


Sincerely yours,


Paul Fromm




“It’s great to see YWN graphics make Now Magazine .” Dr. James Sears, NCP Leader
One of my favourites is down at the bottom of this page …
[As you can see from the zany cartoon, this isn’t “hate”, it’s spirited rollicking satire. Before Canada became so feminized and rotten with Minorityitis, we used to be able to laugh at each other and ourselves without needing a safe space or special mental trauma counsellors. — Paul Fromm]

Rewriting Reality: Canada’s Cultural Marxist Elite Loses Its Grip

Rewriting Reality: Canada’s Cultural Marxist Elite Loses Its Grip
[Great Toronto meeting tonight. An honour to meet one of the courageous pastors who [prayerfully confronted the Hamilton LGBTQ sexually confused in Gage Park. He recounted the vicious assaults by the pink bandanna clad Antifa.. I brought the house down with laughter about the criminal antics of transgendered
Cedar Hopperton. I don’t make this crazy shit up.]
HEAR PAUL FROMM — “REWRITING REALITY” — Toronto, Thursday, July 11, 2019
The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents
Paul Fromm
Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression
Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994
Rewriting Reality: Canada’s Cultural Marxist Elite Loses Its Grip
*Humour is “hate” — YOUR WARD NEWS case
* Yellow vests & anti-carbon tax protests mean “assassinations”
* Jewish lobby presses for more and more silencing of dissent
* Silencing MPs — the Michael Cooper case
* Schemes to re-introduce Sec. 13 (Internet censorship)
* The Kevin Goudreau case

Conservative Activist and Thinker, Paul Fromm, is scheduled to be on Kynan’s Soapbox TODAY at 9pm ET. You can listen on the internet

Conservative Activist and Thinker, Paul Fromm, is scheduled to be on Kynan’s Soapbox TODAY at 9pm ET. You can listen on the internet via:…/…/kynans-soapbox …, or you can call in at 213-943-3765!

Kynan’s Soapbox is a production of

Kynan’s Soapbox

Hear William Johnson, Paul Fromm & Kenn Gividen on the ETHNOSTATE – Featuring Richard Warman’s Vendetta Against Activist Kevin Goudreau

 Hear William Johnson, Paul Fromm & Kenn Gividen on the ETHNOSTATE – Featuring Richard Warman’s Vendetta Against Activist Kevin Goudreau
paul and kevin goudreau.jpg
Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression with Richard Warman Victim Kevin Goudreau outside Ottawa Court, June 25, 2019

* Canadian free speech haters target WN activist
* William Johnson speculates on what drives free speech haters like Richard Warman
* Self hating Whites pose a threat to racial health



Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-289-674-4455; FAX: 289-674-4820;


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director


June 21, 2019


Hon. David Lametti,

Minister of Justice,

House of Commons,

Ottawa, ON.,

K1A 0A6


Dear Minister Lametti:


RE: Please Don’t Reintroduce Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Code


I read in the National Post (June 20, 2019) that  you are considering “very carefully” a recommendation by the Commons Justice Committee to reintroduce the discredited Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act which was repealed by Parliament in 2013. Please don’t do it.


Sec. 13 made it a discriminatory practice to repeatedly communicate over the Internet material that is “likely to expose to hatred or contempt” a long list of privileged groups.


I represented a number of the victims of this section at Tribunals. Our organization the Canadian Association for Free Expression participated in a number of other Tribunals including the very complex Warman v Lemire.


In practice, Sec. 13 meant certain groups  were virtually immune from criticism. While hatred is a very strong emotion, contempt is merely the result of  negative commentary. To take  a neutral example, were I to say smokers had bad breath, discoloured teeth, stained fingers, smelled and ran added risks of cancer or strokes, I would not be exposing smokers to hatred. I wouldn’t be asking anyone to hate smokers but I would certainly be creating an unfavourable impression of them, and, thus, exposing them to contempt. Thus, were smokers a privileged groups, I’d risk a conviction under Sec. 13.


As time went on, Tribunal rulings held that it was not necessary to prove that anyone actually felt or expressed hatred or contempt as a result of the impugned posting. In the Lemire case, logs showed that only five people had ever even read one impugned post. Surely a case of de minimis! It also emerged that truth was not a defence, sincerely held religious belief was not a defence nor was opinion or commentary.


Indeed, there actually were no defences, except, perhaps, that the accused person had not posted the controversial material in question. Thus, until the Lemire case, Sec. 13 had a one hundred per cent conviction rate. This would rival the vile legal system of North Korea!


After 2001, when Sec. 13 was amended to specifically include material on the Internet, one individual, Richard Warman, a driven “anti-Nazi” campaigner and sometime employee of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, made the bulk of the complaints, turning it into an industry and, at times a profitable one too for, should the victim post criticisms of Mr. Warman after he filed a complaint, he would then allege retaliation, which exposed the victim to a punitive fine.


Sec. 13 was only used against people seen to be on the “right” of the political spectrum. No person expressing strident opinions against Christians or Europeans was ever prosecuted.


Much is made of so-called “hate speech” on the Internet. The Internet is not a free for all. Postings expressing extreme hatred can and have been prosecuted under Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Those who denounce “hate speech” are using a loaded term to demonize views they don’t like. The accusation of “hate speech” tells you little about the content of the impugned material but does tell you that it is material the accuser hates!


The Internet allows a much greater range of views and commentary and a more free wheeling debate, especially on such volatile issues as immigration, than usually appears in Canada’s fairly controlled press that tends to limit the range of acceptable opinions. Such freedom and the divergent voices being heard are upsetting to people who would like a much more controlled public discourse.


I have seen lives ruined by Sec. 13 — huge fines and life-long “cease and desist orders” that have the force of a Federal Court order. I have seen individuals jailed for nothing more than the non-violent expression of their political views.


I urge you to choose freedom. Reject calls for the reintroduction of Sec. 13. Yes, there is some extreme, foolish and insulting material on the Internet. Open discussion and debate tend to isolate and  expose such postings. Canada needs more speech and debate not less. Do not bring back Sec. 13.


Sincerely yours,



Paul Fromm






Audio: “THE FIGHTING SIDE OF ME”  –Jan Lamprecht & Paul Fromm in Canada – 50 Years of Race War in Southern Africa

Audio: “THE FIGHTING SIDE OF ME”  –Jan Lamprecht & Paul Fromm in Canada – 50 Years of Race War in Southern Africa

Audio: Jan & Paul Fromm in Canada – 50 Years of Race War in Southern Africa

Jan Lamprecht and Paul Fromm recorded this in Vancouver, Canada on 11th May 2019. This is a discussion about the white race, and especially the experiences of the Portuguese in Africa, the South African and Rhodesians in the communist engineered race war known as “the Liberation wars of Africa” and much more.

We also discuss the only full attempt of genocide on whites in Southern Africa, in Angola in 1961.

We discuss the amazing Canadian genius, Gerald Bull, who designed artillery for South Africa, and was killed by the MOSSAD. He was a genius who wanted to launch satellites at a fraction of the cost using artillery.

We also talk about the need for white male unity globally.