Freedom News in the Okanagan: Freedom Rallies in Vernon, Kelowna, OK Falls, Kamloops, Oliver, Osoyoos & Penticton

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Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over”


Sept. 27, 2022

Recommended Kelowna Candidates:

Brian Rogers Councilor

Glendon Charles Smedley Mayor

Ron Cannan Councilor

School Dist. #23 Trustee

Chris Fieber (ParentsVoice BC)

B.C. Doctors continue to courageously trailblaze! Don’t miss out!

Kelowna will be part of the 2nd leg of this tour. More info will be forthcoming in the near future. Stay tuned!

Years in the making…

Next Webinar is on Sept. 29, 5:00 pm PST – an awesome start to a Webinar series!

Many myths and much disinformation have circulated for

years about our common law, our Constitution, our rights and freedoms, and other important topics.

This incredible Webinar series will finally provide irrefutable documentation confirming the true source of our property rights and the supremacy of God in our Constitution – and why we should be thankful they are NOT in the Charter!!

  • If you want answers to what your common law and Constitutional rights and freedoms are
  • Definitions and applications of the most important words in our law
  • Where your Constitutional right and power of civil disobedience to all unlawful statutes and orders originates
  • How Gov’ts and judges use “legal fictions” to steal your fundamental rights and freedoms from you
  • What limited rights, powers, and duties Gov’ts truly have

And much, much more….this is the Webinar series you have been waiting for!

We provide all sources of our research for verification purposes!!

By registering to this Webinar series, you will have

downloadable access to each presentation you have registered to watch!

Never forget important information again!

For more information, go to:

For registration information, email us at:

Freedom Lover or Freedom Activist?

Paper Deliveries

Freedom Lovers appreciate freedom. Freedom Activists fight for it. If you’re not a Freedom Activist, you will loose the freedom you love. The days of watching the brave people stand up for freedom are over. It’s time to become one of those brave people because if you’re not actively exercising your rights every day in every way, your loss of freedom will be your burden to bear.

What does a Freedom Activist do when government breaks the law and tells you they are taking your rights away? Exercise them! Because they can’t actually take anything away from you. They use fear tactics to get you to GIVE them away. And once you do that, good luck getting them back in this lifetime.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll discuss what types of things you can do as a Freedom Activist. Today, we’ll talk about the power of sharing truth, facts and information.

Knowledge and education are the key to informing people who are still living under media’s spell. These people will never come to our rallies, and many probably never even heard of us. So, we have to reach out to them! A small group of die-hards have been distributing Truth-based papers like Druthers, Pandemic Papers and Common Ground since the middle of August. Each paper is stuffed with 2- 3 flyers including a Rally Card (with a link to last spring’s Grand Jury discussions), a Mask &/or PCR Flyer and an Informed Consent brochure. Different inserts are used depending on what stock is available at the time.

We have received encouraging feedback from some recipients who felt alone until they saw the paper in their mailbox. Although we may occasionally run into an unappreciative individual, the potential benefits to thousands of people as a result of us planting these “seeds” makes it worthwhile.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! It takes about 1 1/2 hrs. for two people to cover an area provided on a map. With 4 – 6 people each Sunday, we’ve been delivering an average of 500 papers per week. Even if you have mobility issues, you can do rural areas by driving from place to place and have a passenger who can drop off the paper in each mailbox. The more volunteers that help, the more people we can reach before the snow flies. We are not planning to do this forever. This is not about becoming newspaper boys and girls. Once people see the paper and the flyers, they are provided with enough info and resources to take action and learn more if they wish.

What’s great about this endeavour is there is almost zero confrontation. You don’t need to have conversations with anyone. People don’t feel pressured to accept or read something new. The media has conditioned their captive audience to have a knee-jerk reaction against anything that questions the narrative. So, this makes it very difficult to have intelligent and logical conversations with people. But in the privacy of their own homes, away from prying eyes and peer pressure, there is a greater chance that they will read and consider the information. Especially since the mandates have not returned yet, there is less pressure to conform. That is why it is SO CRITICAL to get the information out there NOW!

So please sign-up on the flyer distribution sheet at our CLEAR booth at our Sat. rallies, to get the emailed location and be there for 11:30 am on Sundays. If you arrive on time, we can divide the papers and get the deliveries done quick so we can still have time to enjoy the rest of our day. Remember, many hands make for light work!

Here are just three of the inserts we distribute every week, in each Druthers and/or Pandemic Papers:


Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!

Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.




Thank you Ted for this inspiring pix!!



If you want the criminals out of power – we need to run for office – NOT RUN AWAY!!!

37 B.C. mayors win by acclamation after standing unopposed

These Mayors, many of whom are likely corrupt to the core, have been returned to office simply because no one ran against them. How can we complain if we don’t oppose them?

Vote only for people who value freedom!

Municipal Elections



From Vaccine Choice Canada

Please obtain a copy from Tom on Saturdays and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!

Or watch here:


Is it OVER????? No.

Everyone is aware that the previous lockdown restriction in relation to traveling were set to expire on Sept. 30. But what was then to happen? Recently the Federal Government has publicly announced that it is dropping quarantine and isolation requirements, as well as the mask requirement for flying or riding on trains. From MSM:

But as we have said, the danger is not over. These gov’t officials continue to state that it is their God-given right/power to bring these restrictions back at any time they “deem” it necessary or even just advantageous to so do. Put another way, your rights and freedoms are simply toys for the gov’t to play with as it wills. It stops when it gets tiresome, and they will start again when they desire to play with you again.

We need to make sure that these govt’s know that they can never do this again…ever.

Rumours are already circulating as to why this is happening now. Trudeau has already publicly stated that he will be running for the Liberals again in the next Federal election. Why would these comments be made at this time? Clearly, he is priming people for the inevitable, knowing that he cannot rely upon the NDP support for too much longer.

Another reason for dropping these restrictions is that the Feds know that almost all deaths due to COVID-19 (putting aside for the moment the falsified PCR test results and manipulation of actual co-morbidity causation), have been among the triple vaccinated, not the unvaccinated. They know that masks and vaccinations, with or without quarantine, are simply not working – and cannot work.

I submit that a further reason is to bolster the Gov’ts defence in the Pickford Constitutional Challenge, alleging that the challenge is moot because these restrictions are no longer are in place. I suspect that they will not get far with that defence, while simultaneously admitting that they can put these restrictions back in place at anytime and are prepared to so do.

View the information on this link below for some of the best analysis on the Federal Gov’t’s corrupt manipulation of COVID-19 statistics.


Hands-on Help!!!

Each Sunday, for as long as we can, we are delivering Druthers/Pandemic Papers Publications, including CLEAR rally cards and other important inserts such as our Masks/PCR brochure, and the recently released UNITY Health & Sciences brochure, for door-to-door delivery to all the mail boxes in Kelowna

Though labour intensive, the outings are enjoyable and productive

But we need YOUR help!

There is simply no other way we can reach so many people who have believed the Gov’t/MSM narrative/lies

Join us each Sunday by signing the CLEAR Newspaper Delivery Sign Up Sheet at the CLEAR table & providing your EMAIL address to Linda & Nikki.

We need about 8-10 people to deliver about 100 flyers each – only about 90 min.

Each Sunday we will meet at a specified location to be announced by email on Saturday night. Start times will be 11:30 a.m.

On a recent Sunday, a recipient of our flyer delivery was so inspired, he immediately assisted to deliver flyers for the rest of the day!! Thank you!


Public Emergencies Act Hearings

NOTE:Allegedly due to an unexpected surgery for the Commissioner Paul Rouleau, these hearings, if you wish to make submissions, have been delayed one month and are not set to start on Oct. 13 and to end in November.

Date: Sept. 19 – Oct. 28 (Oct. 13 start now)

Location: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa

Live streaming

Commissioner Paul Rouleau said in a statement that he intends to hold the government to account and wants the inquiry to be as “open and transparent” as possible.

Hearings will be livestreamed online and members of the public will have opportunities to share their views, with a final report expected early next year.

NOTE: See if you can contact Paul Rouleau and determine how you can make submissions to this inquiry, especially if you have new or important information to share that has been kept from Canadians by our corrupt Gov’ts and media.



Did the COVID Unvaccinated Fare Better or Worse Than the Vaccinated? The Results Are In

To no surprise – in OUR favour!


Europe suffers horrifying 755% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA approved COVID Vaccine for Kids


Pfizer accidentally proves original COVID Vaccine destroys the Immune System after publishing Study for new Omicron Jab


Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

October 1, 2022

+25° – Sunny  (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


October 1, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


October 1, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


October 1, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


October 1, 2022 11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

October 1, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


October 2, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Where do we go from here? That’s our theme for October, starting this coming Sunday. Freedom Issues in Penticton in a new tab

Pablo Jones has been researching what’s going on with Canada’s Banks for many years. On Sunday, he will share some of his findings with us. Don’t miss it! Right after the rally, you are invited to meet at Skaha Lake Park by the Gazebo for a potluck and to share your ideas on “Where do we go from here?” The lifting of travel restrictions is another twist in the Global Reset plans intended to make us lose momentum. It’s time to explore how to stay ahead of that demonic scheme, and collaboration is a key to any future successes for regaining our birthright of freedoms. A good first step? Come with your ideas and a friend or two, to this Sunday’s rally (1 to 3 at Main & Warren) and to a Potluck at Skaha Lake Park by the Gazebo (as soon as we can after the rally).

PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY    This Sunday, October 2nd – 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton.    “Where do we go from here?” Picnic at Skaha Lake Park by the Gazebo immediately following the rally.    This Sunday, Oct. 2: Pablo Jones with insights into the banking system, Q&A, local election updates, open mic, other speakersimage.png

Important updates, open mic, cold drinks, home-baked treats, bumper stickers, buttons, Druthers, Pandemic Papers, Common Ground, lots of other information and free hugs.  Miss a week and you miss a lot. Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. October 9th – Thanksgiving weekend. Final before the local elections. Other speakers TBC October 16th Emergency Kit planning – Gina Albanese (DYI Basic Kit and Survival Kit samples, plus where you can buy the kits) Coming up when we know their dates: Sean Taylor, Joseph Roberts (publisher of Common Ground and the Pandemic Papers), Sibille Beyer, co-founder of Vernon’s Tots and Teens Club, and a special guest speaker from the independent First Nations Society. Stayed tuned! ——————————- o0o————————————- Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them).   1.     Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at 2.     Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at 3.     Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions 4.     Rallies at Richard Cannings’ office – Tuesdays at noon. Meet at his office at 301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square). 5.     Local candidates Wayne Llewellynn and Lindsey Hall holding another “town hall” session at the corner of Government Street & Eckhardt Avenue from 3 to 5 p.m. this Friday, September 30. Signs will be provided.  

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Emails and thanks from P4F supporters

Thank you, Vlado for the pictures from the last rally

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If you missed the information from Steve about prep and storage last Sunday, here are a few resources he mentioned.

There are many pioneer cooking and recipes sites here are a few pinole is a good energy food This is a 3 part story but an interesting read

dining on a dime has become very popular this is the Facebook group

this is a site for cooked and canned meals in a jar it would be the same as buying a can of stew, only your ingredients

meals in a jar dry food.

the latter day saints food distribution centre in BC

this site food storage made easy is a great resource.

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For Information about Gina, who spoke on trauma and sustained emotional stress, or to get in touch, visit her website

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Reminder from Lisa, a Canadian flight attendant who also spoke at our rally last Sunday: Help support travellers and airline employees by signing our petition and learning more about our project at

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Going on elsewhere in the beautiful Okanagan…

Saturday Rallies

            Osoyoos 10:30 am

Oliver 12 noon

            Kelowna 12 noon – Stuart Park

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  The Democracy Fund discusses how trust in public health has been eroded through the telling of noble lies, the creation of outgroups and the use of coercive measures. As other countries are gradually conceding to their errors, Canadians face a hardening of positions and a push for more of the same. VIDEO 1 hour 1 minute  image.png

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‘Tip Toe to Tyranny’
A New Canadian Documentary

  By Chris Harrigan – Chris Harrigan has produced an explosive documentary detailing our tiptoe to tyranny in Canada and globally. The film features the efforts of VCC and parents in New Brunswick challenging the government’s efforts to mandate vaccines for children to attend school. Premiere screening is October 8th on the social media platform. Mark your calendars. Promo Trailer – Watch HERE. ——————————- o0o————————————-

Don’t forget Step # 1 to – handout cards available at Penticton4Freedom rallies

Reignite Freedom – Step #4 – SUPPORTING SMALLER BANKS

The fourth step of the global walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank. Use these new accounts for your savings and transactions. If you run a business, move your business accounts as well and start paying wages from there. If you have debts with larger banks, look into transferring your debt as well.

We understand that this step is a hard one and might be impossible for some people to achieve this right away. You might have loans with big banks which you can’t move. 

The GLOBAL WALKOUT is always voluntary…just do what you can to the limit you are comfortable with.

Even if you have debts with large banks, you might be able to open a savings or transaction account with a smaller bank and transfer money into your loans from there.

Even if you can’t participate fully in this step, it will raise awareness of the financial control that we are currently under. We can work towards disconnecting from the larger banks over time.


How do I move my accounts?

  • This is a global movement. We are unable to research local banks in every country. You will have to research it yourself. Feel free to go to our Facebook page or telegram channel and offer suggestions so other people in your country can see them.
  • It’s important to research if the small bank is associated with a larger one. Try to find one that is as independent as possible.
  • We understand that this is a big ask and will take hours of appointments and planning. The only way to effectively push back against financial tyranny is to walk the walk J Try to open your new accounts in person so you can explain the global walkout and WHY you are putting in the effort to change your accounts.
  • Once you choose a new bank, open the new accounts and simply transfer your funds across. Be sure to CLOSE your old accounts. It would be ideal that you book an appointment so you can tell them WHY you are leaving. It will be a great way to start the conversation.
  • As mentioned above, we do not have the resources to give specific suggestions for each country, it is your choice and responsibility.

Why bother moving your bank accounts to a smaller bank?

  • Smaller banks support local family-run businesses more. If you invest your money in them, you are helping your local economy overall.
  • If enough people take their money away from the big banks, they will have less control.
  • Sometimes, smaller banks are less controlled by big corporations and the government.
  • We are unsure what the future holds. We know that the globalists are trying to bring in a digital ID and a cashless society. This step alone will not prevent this, but it’s a start.


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  FREEDOM RISING Newsletter #15
  Freedom Rising invites you to share events and action items with our community.  You can read their latest newsletter HERE 

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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Where do we go from here? That’s our theme for October, starting this coming Sunday.

Pablo Jones has been researching what’s going on with Canada’s Banks for many years. On Sunday, he will share some of his findings with us. Don’t miss it! Right after the rally, you are invited to meet at Skaha Lake Park by the Gazebo for a potluck and to share your ideas on “Where do we go from here?” The lifting of travel restrictions is another twist in the Global Reset plans intended to make us lose momentum. It’s time to explore how to stay ahead of that demonic scheme, and collaboration is a key to any future successes for regaining our birthright of freedoms. A good first step? Come with your ideas and a friend or two, to this Sunday’s rally (1 to 3 at Main & Warren) and to a Potluck at Skaha Lake Park by the Gazebo (as soon as we can after the rally). PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY    This Sunday, October 2nd – 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton.    “Where do we go from here?” Picnic at Skaha Lake Park by the Gazebo immediately following the rally.    This Sunday, Oct. 2: Pablo Jones with insights into the banking system, Q&A, local election updates, open mic, other speakersimage.png

Important updates, open mic, cold drinks, home-baked treats, bumper stickers, buttons, Druthers, Pandemic Papers, Common Ground, lots of other information and free hugs.  Miss a week and you miss a lot. Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. October 9th – Thanksgiving weekend. Final before the local elections. Other speakers TBC October 16th Emergency Kit planning – Gina Albanese (DYI Basic Kit and Survival Kit samples, plus where you can buy the kits) Coming up when we know their dates: Sean Taylor, Joseph Roberts (publisher of Common Ground and the Pandemic Papers), Sibille Beyer, co-founder of Vernon’s Tots and Teens Club, and a special guest speaker from the independent First Nations Society. Stayed tuned! ——————————- o0o————————————- Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them).   1.     Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at 2.     Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at 3.     Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions 4.     Rallies at Richard Cannings’ office – Tuesdays at noon. Meet at his office at 301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square). 5.     Local candidates Wayne Llewellynn and Lindsey Hall holding another “town hall” session at the corner of Government Street & Eckhardt Avenue from 3 to 5 p.m. this Friday, September 30. Signs will be provided.  

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Emails and thanks from P4F supporters

Thank you, Vlado for the pictures from the last rally

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If you missed the information from Steve about prep and storage last Sunday, here are a few resources he mentioned.

There are many pioneer cooking and recipes sites here are a few pinole is a good energy food This is a 3 part story but an interesting read

dining on a dime has become very popular this is the Facebook group

this is a site for cooked and canned meals in a jar it would be the same as buying a can of stew, only your ingredients

meals in a jar dry food.

the latter day saints food distribution centre in BC

this site food storage made easy is a great resource.

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For Information about Gina, who spoke on trauma and sustained emotional stress, or to get in touch, visit her website

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Reminder from Lisa, a Canadian flight attendant who also spoke at our rally last Sunday: Help support travellers and airline employees by signing our petition and learning more about our project at

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Going on elsewhere in the beautiful Okanagan…

Saturday Rallies

            Osoyoos 10:30 am

Oliver 12 noon

            Kelowna 12 noon – Stuart Park

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  The Democracy Fund discusses how trust in public health has been eroded through the telling of noble lies, the creation of outgroups and the use of coercive measures. As other countries are gradually conceding to their errors, Canadians face a hardening of positions and a push for more of the same. VIDEO 1 hour 1 minute  image.png

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‘Tip Toe to Tyranny’
A New Canadian Documentary

  By Chris Harrigan – Chris Harrigan has produced an explosive documentary detailing our tiptoe to tyranny in Canada and globally. The film features the efforts of VCC and parents in New Brunswick challenging the government’s efforts to mandate vaccines for children to attend school. Premiere screening is October 8th on the social media platform. Mark your calendars. Promo Trailer – Watch HERE. ——————————- o0o————————————-

Don’t forget Step # 1 to – handout cards available at Penticton4Freedom rallies

Reignite Freedom – Step #4 – SUPPORTING SMALLER BANKS

The fourth step of the global walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank. Use these new accounts for your savings and transactions. If you run a business, move your business accounts as well and start paying wages from there. If you have debts with larger banks, look into transferring your debt as well.

We understand that this step is a hard one and might be impossible for some people to achieve this right away. You might have loans with big banks which you can’t move. 

The GLOBAL WALKOUT is always voluntary…just do what you can to the limit you are comfortable with.

Even if you have debts with large banks, you might be able to open a savings or transaction account with a smaller bank and transfer money into your loans from there.

Even if you can’t participate fully in this step, it will raise awareness of the financial control that we are currently under. We can work towards disconnecting from the larger banks over time.


How do I move my accounts?

  • This is a global movement. We are unable to research local banks in every country. You will have to research it yourself. Feel free to go to our Facebook page or telegram channel and offer suggestions so other people in your country can see them.
  • It’s important to research if the small bank is associated with a larger one. Try to find one that is as independent as possible.
  • We understand that this is a big ask and will take hours of appointments and planning. The only way to effectively push back against financial tyranny is to walk the walk J Try to open your new accounts in person so you can explain the global walkout and WHY you are putting in the effort to change your accounts.
  • Once you choose a new bank, open the new accounts and simply transfer your funds across. Be sure to CLOSE your old accounts. It would be ideal that you book an appointment so you can tell them WHY you are leaving. It will be a great way to start the conversation.
  • As mentioned above, we do not have the resources to give specific suggestions for each country, it is your choice and responsibility.

Why bother moving your bank accounts to a smaller bank?

  • Smaller banks support local family-run businesses more. If you invest your money in them, you are helping your local economy overall.
  • If enough people take their money away from the big banks, they will have less control.
  • Sometimes, smaller banks are less controlled by big corporations and the government.
  • We are unsure what the future holds. We know that the globalists are trying to bring in a digital ID and a cashless society. This step alone will not prevent this, but it’s a start.


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  FREEDOM RISING Newsletter #15
  Freedom Rising invites you to share events and action items with our community.  You can read their latest newsletter HERE 

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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


More F.B.I. Thuggery: FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch

FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch

The following comment has nothing to do with the abortion issue. It is just a statement of the facts of the law. Here is what I have uncovered that is kept hidden from the general public:  According to the highest courts, there are citizens of the states in each state and citizens of the United States [ fed gov ] in the states. The current federal courts that issue these warrants and also the FBI are constitutionally forbidden to in any way interfere with the lives of the people that are only citizens of a state while not in a federal area. This man is in fact, only a citizen of this state, which makes the FBI’s actions a crime against him. Only the country sheriff has any lawful authority to arrest him and even then, the matter is a state one in which it can only be tried in a judicial court – one that is specifically created by his state’s constitution.. You cannot trust attorneys because most are completely ignorant of this and the rest are corrupt.  

Featured Image

BUCKS COUNTY, Pennsylvania – A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest — for supposed “FACE Act” violations — at his rural home as his children looked on “screaming.”

Mark Houck is the founder and president of The King’s Men, which promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe.

According to his wife Ryan-Marie, who spoke with LifeSiteNews, he also drives two hours south to Philadelphia every Wednesday to sidewalk council for six to eight hours at two different abortion centers.

Ryan-Marie, who is a homeschool mother, explained the SWAT team of 25 to 30 FBI agents swarmed their property with around 15 vehicles at 7:05 a.m. this morning. Having quickly surrounded the house with rifles in firing position, “they started pounding on the door and yelling for us to open it.”

Before opening the door, she explained, her husband tried to calm them, saying, “‘Please, I’m going to open the door, but, please, my children are in the home. I have seven babies in the house.’ But they just kept pounding and screaming,” she said.

When he opened the door, “they had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” Ryan-Marie described.

When they came in, they ordered the kids to stay upstairs. “Our staircase is open, so [the kids] were all at the top of the stairs which faces the front door, and I was on the stairs as well, coming down.”

“The kids were all just screaming. It was all just very scary and traumatic,” she explained.

After asking them why they were at the house, the agents said they were there to arrest Mark. When Ryan-Marie asked for their warrant, “they said that they were going to take him whether they had a warrant or not.”

When Ryan-Marie protested, saying that is kidnapping, “you can’t just come to a person’s house and kidnap them at gunpoint,” they agreed to get the warrant for her from one of their vehicles.

At this point, Mark asked her to get him a sweatshirt and his rosaries, but when she returned, they already had loaded him into a vehicle.

They provided the first page of the warrant and said they were taking him to “the federal building in downtown Philadelphia.”

“After they had taken Mark, and the kids were all screaming that he was their best friend, the [FBI agents on her porch] kind of softened a bit. I think they realized what was happening. Or maybe they actually looked at the warrant,” Ryan-Marie explained. “They looked pretty ashamed at what had just happened.”

As a result, the homeschool mother said her kids were “really sad and stressed. So, I’ve already reached out to some psychiatrists or psychologists to try and help us through this. I don’t really know what’s going to come of it when you see guns pointed at your dad and your mom in your house when you first wake up in the morning,” she lamented.

The warrant charged Mark with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, due to a claimed “ATTACK OF A PATIENT ESCORT.”

Ryan-Marie stated this charge comes from an incident that had already been thrown out of the District Court in Philadelphia but was somehow picked up by Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice.

On several occasions when Mark went to sidewalk counsel last year, he took his eldest son, who was only 12 at the time, she explained. For “weeks and weeks,” a “pro-abortion protester” would speak to the boy saying “crude … inappropriate and disgusting things,” such as “you’re dad’s a fag,” and other statements that were too vulgar for her to convey.

Repeatedly, Mark would tell this pro-abortion man that he did not have permission to speak to his son and please refrain from doing so. And “he kept doing it and kind of came into [the son’s] personal space” obscenely ridiculing his father. At this point, “Mark shoved him away from his child, and the guy fell back.”

“He didn’t have any injuries or anything, but he tried to sue Mark,” and the case was thrown out of court in the early summer.

Since the Biden administration has taken power in January 2021, Garland’s Department of Justice and the FBI have committed dozens of SWAT team raids that have been characterized as a political “weaponization” of the federal agencies against pro-lifers, Trump supporters, conservative Christians, and medical freedom advocates.

For example, in contrast to left-wing rioters who caused enormous damage in cities across the nation in 2020, and the vandals who have attacked dozens of pro-life centers this year with little or no legal ramifications, the Department of Justice implemented the harshest of consequences for those they identified as having anything to do with the disturbance at the Capital on January 6, 2021. These actions have included early morning SWAT team arrests, ransacked homes, confiscation of property, indefinite pre-trial solitary confinement without bail in a dedicated D.C. prison, significant physical abuse, and the violation of the Constitutional right to a speedy trial.

In March, the FBI rounded up 10 pro-life activists, including Joan Andrews Bell, with SWAT team raids that serve to intimidate and humiliate the accused through an exercise of excessive force.

A surfaced video of one of these raids shows armed agents holding pro-lifers at gunpoint and ordering them to put their hands up, drop to their knees and scoot backward out their front door in the middle of the night. The pro-lifers are respectful and compliant throughout.

After the FBI’s unprecedented August 8 raid on President Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis called it “another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents.”

Soon after Joe Biden’s September 1 speech where he declared war on conservative Christians, dozens of Trump allies had their homes raided by the FBI, which Steve Bannon referred to as “a Gestapo tactic,” and said it was “all about intimidation.”

In response to the raid on the Houck residence this morning, however, local pro-life advocates don’t seem to be intimidated, but energized. In addition to sponsoring a fundraiser for this family, they will be holding a prayer rally at the “Philadelphia Women’s Center” abortion facility at 777 Appletree St. from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, September 24. All are invited to come and pray peacefully

Freedom Fighters in Penticton

Freedom Fighters in Penticton

I was asked to speak at a a recent freedom rally in Penticton. I urged people to submit their views o the Rouleau Commission investigating Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act to smash the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy. It was great to meet the very personable Wayne Llewellyn who is seeking a seat on Penticton City Council, along with several other candidates dedicated to freedom.

Report on the Worldwide Freedom Rally in Victoria, September 17

Report on the Worldwide Freedom Rally in Victoria, September 17

Handing out the Free Press on the street  … standing on an overpass over a highway,  challenging the public as to the virus HOAX …  yields important info. re the mood of the herd.   The general population is telling us they realize they were lied to. After which,  they need validation.  Every GATHERING of us who are farther-along on that continuum,  is an emotional support group.   A good example, being, the EVENT at Elk Lake on the 17th..   Even though the crowd that showed up was 1/10th as big as previous World Wide Freedom Rallies,  the spirit continues, getting stronger.  – 120 warm bodies ; average age 50 ans.  Half men half women.  It was a joy to see about a dozen children having a great time. –   Numbers would have been larger at the Legislature where it had been scheduled.   But the permit to use the grounds was rescinded due to official mourning for  Q E II.    Nevertheless,  ~30 dissident voices were at the usual spot.  

In the hour on the sidewalk on Belleville st.  on Saturday I handed out dozens of copies of the latest editions of  COMMON GROUND  and Druthers.   One moment was particularly rich ;  an East Indian family strolled by,  obviously tourists,  bemused at my pitch  “would you like a free souvenir of Victoria?”,  not taking a paper.  They paused to read our signs.  The daughter  – about 8 years old  – came back to me,  her little brother tagging along, holding hands.  She asked me “do you think the virus is real?”  I gave her both papers and said “get your parents to read this with you, and make up your own mind”.  Such interaction is precious …  why we do what we do

As I was leaving the Leg. to whiz out to Elk Lake I noticed 3 chemtrails overhead downtown Victoria.  More and more we’re seeing several at a time, like that. A few weeks ago, it was 5 parallel lines in the sky.  A dead give-away ( to any thinking person)  that they aren’t  “jet contrails”.    

The rally got underway shortly after 1 pm.  Eugene K graced us with a beautiful performance of his original songs, “thinking for yourself” and “No control”. The man has star quality!  I recommend checking out his website   >

 “Conspiring” means = ‘breathing together”.   When human beings sing together, their heartbeats and brainwaves synchronize. At Freedom Movement rallies,  the singing of Oh Canada reminds what we’re about.  I get a laugh out of letters to the Editor from peeps entrained in the Central Party Line … fuming resentment at us singing the national anthem like we own it.  The EVENT lifted off as … In-spired ! Marcella led us,  belting it out a capella … “in the key of free”       

The speakers were excellent.   Unfortunately,  we didn’t have it together,  to record them.  So I urge all-concerned  >  if you’re putting on an EVENT of any size, to do with repudiating the Scamdemic,   by all means record it. Then post it somehow on social media.

The theme of this rally, was : promoting the concept that local elections for mayor, councillors and school trustees,  matter.  Candidates from the Vancouver Island Voters Association spoke for a few minutes each.  Front page story today on the Timely Colonic, is ; Minister of Public Safety Farnworth,  getting cranky about “too much crime on Victoria Streets”.  A bit late, Mike !  What that tells me, is =  the NDP farm team senses it’s in trouble.  VIVA candidates are ‘making political hay’ as they calmly play the Law + Order card.  I am optimistic that some of them will get in on October 15th

David Whitehead spoke of his family lineage  =  men who went to war for Canada.  Reference to the military resonates with the Freedom movement. The man is deep in to the Big Picture. His podcast website, is “TruthWarrior” 

MC Kam Brar nailed it,  saying : “the prophets call out the kings”.  Personified by Chia van der Zalm as the final speaker, exhorting us ‘pulling out all the stops”.  Her presence at the rally signals that her Dad,  former Premier Bill van der Zalm, is on board this authentic populist movement. Sure would be something special, if he were to show up at the Thanksgiving dinner October 8th, with Brian Peckford and Maxime Bernier.

By definition, the Biblical Remnant is small in number.  What happened on September 17th  at Elk Lake, was : the Resistance co-alescing > prophetic types operating in the Gift of the Holy Spirit known as  “encouragement”.   

Gordon S Watson

Metchosin    British Columbia

September 21st  2022 A. D.

Elk Lake Rally Sept 17th 004.jpg
Elk Lake Rally Sept 17th 005.jpg

Attachments area

Freedom News, Penticton

PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY    This Sunday, Sept 25th – 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton. Special Guest Speakers: Steve Jopson – Food storage and preparation                                              Gina Albanese – Dealing with Trauma and Sustained Stress      image.png

Important updates, open mike, cold drinks, bumper stickers, buttons, September druthers, lots of information and free hugs.  Miss a week and you miss a lot. Bring friends. October 2nd – Local election updates, open mike – other speakers TBA October 9th – Thanksgiving weekend. Final before the local elections. Other speakers TBC October 16th Emergency Kit planning – Gina Albanese (DYI Basic Kit and Survival Kit samples, plus where you can buy the kits) Coming up when we know their dates: Sean Taylor, Joseph Roberts (publisher of Common Ground and the Pandemic Papers), Sibille Beyer, co-founder of Vernon’s Tots and Teens Club. Stayed tuned! ——————————- o0o————————————- Don’t Forget!!   Municipal candidates Wayne Llewellynn and Lindsey Hall “town hall meeting” at the corner of Duncan and Main (corn truck location)  –    Friday, September 23 from 3 to 5 p.m. – A supply of appropriate signs will be provided by Wayne.  

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Reignite Freedom – Step #3 – REIGNITE MSM

The third step of the global walkout is to unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Delete the apps from your phone, laptop and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. Try to avoid mainstream media for at least one week, even if the headline is intriguing.


Regardless of which side of politics you’re on, we all deserve access to unbiased news so we can make informed decisions based on facts. Some countries have tax-paid media outlets who seem to only broadcast one side of a story. If enough people stop consuming their content, they will be forced to consider changing their tactics and start doing legitimate investigative journalism again.

  • What’s wrong with the way mainstream media is right now?
  • How to spot a mainstream media outlet?
  • What is the impact of consuming too much mainstream media?
  • Did you know several journalists either quit or got fired recently for speaking out against the deterioration of their industry and the absence of the journalistic oath?

We answer ALL these questions in THIS ARTICLE 


How to disconnect from mainstream media?

  1. Delete all mainstream media apps from your phone, tablet, laptop and computer. Unsubscribe from monthly payments if you are signed up for any.
  2. Be sure to also delete or hide the generic news app that come pre-installed on your phone and devices.
  3. Avoid clickbait as much as you can. We all know they create headings that are misleading. Don’t click on them.

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Excluded from Two More “All Candidates” Debates in Hamilton

I ran into fellow Mayoralty candidate Ejaz Butt today. He told me there’s been two All Candidates Meetings this week, one at the YMCA, the other at the Hamilton Club this week. My invitations must have been eaten by COVID. This is the Hamilton establishment’s policy of exclusion & isolation. I was warned about the dirty politics of Hamilton several weeks ago by a longtime Conservative Party activist.

Ejaz Butt was a major in the Pakistani Army. He headed the local taxi drivers’ union in Hamilton

Hamilton Mayoralty Candidate Paul Fromm Excluded By  Cable 14 From Candidates’ Debate Will File Discrimination Complaint With CRTC

Hamilton Mayoralty Candidate Paul Fromm Excluded By  Cable 14 From Candidates’ Debate Will File Discrimination Complaint With CRTC
HAMILTON, September 20, 2022
. Hamilton Mayoralty candidate Paul Fromm announced today that he is filing a formal complaint of discrimination with the CRTC against local cable station Cable 14. “Excluding nominated candidates from the mayoralty debate is discriminatory and wrong/ In 2018, there were 14 mayoral candidates and the debate went off well. This year, there are only nine,” says Fromm.

Cable 14 seems to want to make or control the news, rather than report it, he adds. “All candidates should be included. The give and take of a debate lets voters know the candidates better. The criteria Cable 14 is using to exclude candidates are hopelessly vague and ill-defined.They want only candidates “having a reasonable chance of obtaining enough votes to be competitive on Election Night.” It’s a month before election day. The campaign is young. “Cable 14 is standing in the way of some candidates to be ‘competitive’,” says Fromm/
Cable 14’s exclusionary policy seems to violate the station’s own mission statement, Fromm charges. The station says:” Cable 14 is a local specialty channel serving the Hamilton and Haldimand communities. …Cable 14 showcases the Greater Hamilton area …, by  providing an avenue for diverse voices and alternative choices.” Excluding some candidates is the opposite of providing a forum for diverse voices, says Fromm._______________________________________________________________________________

Here is further background.

It appears the deplatforming and thought control freaks in the media are hard at work at Cable 14 in Hamilton. This is the community cable station in Hamilton. In the 2018 federal election, all 14 candidates were invited to participate in a live debate.
Not this year. Only select candidates will be invited. Apparently, I am not among the hand picked crew.
Well, then, how do the deplatformers decide?
Here are their criteria: ” In the same approach as the recent provincial and federal election campaigns, criteria has been established to determine which candidates will be invited to participate on-stage in the live debate. The participation criteria has been created by the debate producers, in collaboration with our media colleagues. Candidates invited to appear live have demonstrated the ability to generate significant city-wide, issues-based conversation in the media and public sphere. Additional criteria considered included candidate performance during previous election campaigns (where applicable), consideration of public polling results ahead of the debate, and other available evidence of candidates having a reasonable chance of obtaining enough votes to be competitive on Election Night.”Exclusion from the debate lessens a candidate’s chances of being ‘competitive,’ says Fromm.

Are you any wiser?
I sought clarification from station employee James McMillan He did not explain but merely repeated the criteria to me.
So, let’s go through them one by one:

1. ” Candidates invited to appear live have demonstrated the ability to generate significant city-wide, issues-based conversation in the media and public sphere.” What does that mean? I have seen articles on Andrea Horwath, former Ontario NDP leader, who is running and on former Mayor Bob Bratina. Two mainstream articles have been done on me — a hit piece by CBC, September 3, and a relatively objective Global News story, August 12. My candidacy has even caused Bernie Farber in Ottawa to raise concerns I might misuse the voters’ list. That would seem to mean I have generated “an issues based conversation.” A Google search of my name will show that I have more entries than any candidate except Andrea Horwath and Bob Bratina.

2. ” Additional criteria considered included candidate performance during previous election campaigns (where applicable)” This is unfair. If a candidate has not run previously, is he/she excluded. If they have run, are they only included if they one. None of that is clear. I ran for Mayor of Hamilton in 2014 and placed 6thof 14. Does that put me in the winners’ circle at Cable 14.?Bob Bratina, jaz Butt, Andrea Horwath and Michael Pattison have all run in previous elections. Why am I excluded?

3. “Consideration of polling results ahead of the debate.” Has there, in fact, been any polling? Candidates aren’t even allowed to put up signs until September 26, according to Hamilton By-law FC0211a. Interest only begins to pick up after Labour Day.

Cable 14 is owned by Cogeco and Rogers. Jonathan Freedman is the General Manager: 905-523-1414, ext. 222;; 150 Dundurn St., South, Hamilton, ON, L8P 4K3

Getting DRUTHERS Into Your Neighbourhood

It doesn’t get any easier… So many of you have expressed a desire to have Druthers delivered to specific areas, like in your own neighbourhoods, to help wake up your local community more quickly.

Well, we are thrilled to announce that it’s now super easy to have Druthers stuffed into mailboxes in your very neighbourhood using our new Neighbourhood Mail service. The newspapers will be delivered to your neighbourhood anonymously through Canada Post, similar to how flyers are distributed, to a postal code area of your choosing. Your area perhaps? Or the area of a loved one who is still refusing to see the bigger picture? It’s your choice.

This month’s Druthers is an extra powerful one. Let’s get it into your neighbours mailboxes asap.— Read this month’s paper here — Set up delivery for your area here:
Donate to print more papers for our vounteers to give out:
Get Druthers delivered to your own door: If you have any questions, hit reply and let us know. Much love. Shawn Jason