The Convoy and Captain Airhead

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Convoy and Captain Airhead

For those in the Dominion of Canada who still actually believe, as opposed to paying mere empty lip service to the idea, that freedom is a basic human good the legal protections of which must not be jettisoned in a state of emergency, the events of the preceding week have been most encouraging.   Indeed, as can be seen in the Monday column “We Are All Canadian Truckers Now”, by Dr. Ron Paul, the long-time Congressman from Texas who throughout my life time so far has been by far the most consistent advocate of personal freedom against the encroachments of government to have served as an elected representative in the federal government of our southern neighbour, they have inspired freedom lovers outside of our borders as well as within.

As you are undoubtedly aware, for the past two years most governments around the world have been trampling all over the basic freedoms of the people they govern.   The justification offered for all of this was the pandemic declared by the World Health Organization in March of 2020.     A new flu-like virus, related to the SARS virus of twenty years earlier, had passed from bats to humans, either through a wet market or experimentation in a laboratory, and had caused an epidemic in Wuhan in China late in 2019.   Early in 2020 it had begun rapidly spreading throughout the rest of the world.   Even then, the information necessary to respond rationally without panicking was available.  We knew that the people most at risk were the same people who are most at risk from any circulating disease – the really old and the really sick, although the danger to them was a bit more severe with this one.   We knew that while it could produce an intensively painful form of pneumonia, most people who contracted the virus would survive it, with many experiencing only mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.   Our governments, however, told us that because the virus was spreading so rapidly, our hospitals, emergency rooms, and intensive care units were in danger of been swamped, and so they were going to order us all to stay home for two weeks, to go out only for “essential” purposes like buying groceries or medicine, to close our businesses if they were not “essential” as the governments defined “essential”, and to worship and carry out all social interaction online.   We were told that we would need to do all of this to slow the spread of the disease – to “flatten the curve” – in order to prevent the swamping of the health care system.   Very few seemed to notice the obvious problem with this – that if the health care system were swamped it would recover, that if hospitals, emergency rooms, and ICUs were burdened beyond their capacity this would not mean their ultimate irrecoverable failure and destruction, and that it made absolutely no sense whatsoever to treat everything else as expendable and sacrifice it all to prevent a temporary flooding of the health care system.

Since our governments were allowed to get away with this unprecedented and tyrannical experiment at containing a respiratory disease – previous generations of mankind knew better than to arrogantly think they could do any such thing – they kept on doing it for the last two years, imposing restrictions and lockdowns every time there was a spike in the number of people testing positive for the virus.   When vaccines were invented for the bat flu virus in less than a year and given emergency authorization for use things got worse rather than better.   Our governments had been telling us that the strategy of restrictions and lockdowns would need to continue until vaccines were available.   Since the lockdown strategy was itself new and experimental, and was clearly causing more harm than the virus itself – as even our public health officers would admit in moments when they were relaxing restrictions rather than tightening them – and no one had been able to develop a vaccine for this kind of virus in the past this was highly dubious, to say the least.    When the vaccines were available, instead of saying “you should all return to your lives now, because we have vaccines to protect you from the virus if you want them” our governments began taking measures to coerce into being vaccinated those whom they could not persuade to be vaccinated voluntarily.

This took the tyranny to a whole new level.   While their telling us we could only “worship” online, could only meet with members of our own household, etc. made mockeries out of our freedoms of religion, assembly, and association, these attempts to coerce us rather than convince us to accept an inoculation, were an outright assault on our basic right to the security of our persons.   Our governments do not want to pass laws telling women they cannot have abortions on the grounds that such laws would violate a woman’s right to bodily autonomy even though abortion involves the deliberate taking of the life of another human being.   Euphemistically, those who support this status quo refer to this supposed right to have an abortion as a woman’s “reproductive rights” or her “right to make choices about her own reproductive health”.   Yet these same people seem to have no problem with telling everybody – men, women, whatever – that he must have a newly invented substance that has not yet completed its clinical trials injected into his body.   They claim to respect that whether a person does so or not is his choice.   Then they turn around and tell him that if he does not choose the way they want him to choose they will take away his right to participate in society until he makes what they say is the “right” choice.    This mobster-like bullying, of course, is itself a reason why refusing these demands is the morally right decision and complying with them is the morally wrong decision.

While we have not experienced this tyranny in its worst possible form here in the Dominion of Canada – our sister Commonwealth Realms of Australia and New Zealand have had it much worse – we have had to take it in combination with the insufferable arrogance of our Prime Minister, Captain Airhead.     This is rather the opposite of Mary Poppins’ old line about how “a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.”   Captain Airhead has outdone himself in the realm of arrogance – a truly spectacular feat – when it comes to the vaccine coercion, for he has turned it into a form of scapegoating that makes it look like he was sitting around reading Mein Kampf and thinking something to the effect of “hey, you know, this guy gained tremendous public support by talking this way about the Jews, a disliked minority, maybe I should try the same with the unvaccinated.”   Except that the thought as it formed in his own mind would have been much less coherent.  Captain Airhead does not have the capacity for extended rational thought even of such a perverse type.   Captain Airhead began telling Canadians in the last couple of waves of the bat flu that these waves are all the fault of the unvaccinated.   Since the vast majority of Canadians were vaccinated – the vaccination campaign had been a record-breaking success – he was in effect telling Canadians “your vaccines won’t work unless everyone is vaccinated.”   Rather than admit that his pandemic and vaccination policies had been a failure from beginning to end, he opted to taking an utterly stupid position in order to blame his failure on people he thought he could get away with abusing, in the hopes of turning the hostility of Canadians fed up with all this pandemic nonsense onto them.    For weeks, he and his sycophants in the media, have been telling us that Canadians are increasingly frustrated with the unvaccinated, and trotting out polls ostensibly saying that most Canadians would support even more draconian measures being taken against the unvaccinated.

While behaving in the aforementioned disgusting manner, this increasingly petty tyrant turned on the very people he had held up to us as heroes – to the extent he was capable of holding anyone other than himself up as a hero – at the beginning of the pandemic.  On top of vaccine passports – those vile “show me your papers”, Mark of the Beast-style cards/QR codes that limited access to pretty much everything except grocery stores and pharmacies to the vaccinated – he began adding vaccine mandates where he could, and pressuring the provinces to add them where he had no jurisdiction.   One of the very first vaccine mandates to be widely brought in across Canada restricted work in the field of health care to the fully vaccinated.   Thus, those “front-line” nurses and other health-care providers, lauded as heroes two years ago, were told that unless they took a shot that they were not persuaded was in their own best interests to take, they would be out of work.   When many opted to lose their jobs rather than submit to this bullying and tyranny, the effect of the vaccine mandate was obviously to increase the pressure on the health care system rather than decrease it.    Now Captain Airhead has imposed a vaccine mandate on long-haul truckers crossing the border with the United States, either in collusion with the Biden administration or prompting the latter to do the same in retaliation.   His government has also dropped hints that it is looking at a similar mandate for inter-provincial transportation.      Two years ago Captain Airhead was telling Canadians to thank truckers who did not have the option of staying at home and were “working day and night to make sure our shelves are stocked”.   Now he was telling them their services were not wanted unless they allowed him to dictate their medical choices.  This is what has prompted the long-overdue backlash we have been seeing over the last week.

Early last week, or the last day of the week prior to last if you wish to be precise, convoys of trucks set out from British Columbia heading towards Ottawa.   By the end of the week, similar convoys from every province of the Dominion were joining them.   As this armada of trucks descended upon the capital, everywhere they went supporters turned out in droves to cheer them on.   It was dubbed the “Freedom Convoy” and its purpose was quite straightforward.   It was a protest demanding the repeal, first, of the cross-border vaccine mandate for long haul truckers specifically, second, of vaccine mandates in general.   Many of the truckers, like all salt-of-the-earth type decent Canadians, also want Captain Airhead to step down.

About the middle of the week Captain Airhead dismissed the convoy with the sort of language we have come to expect from him.   He said “The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa are holding unacceptable views that they’re expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other who know that following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms, rights, and values as a country”.    The best way to answer that is to quote Luke Skywalker from the movie The Last Jedi (2017) as saying “Amazing.  Every word you just said was wrong.”    To briefly parse the latter part of Captain Airhead’s remarks, obeying government orders to stay apart for two years is the opposite of being there for each other, there is no such thing as “the science”, science, sans definite article, is a tool to be used and not a leader to be followed which real scientists would be the first to tell you, and agreeing to government measures that limit to the point of eliminating your and your neighbour’s freedoms of assembly, association, and religion and bodily autonomy helps destroy rather than ensure our rights, freedoms, and values.   It is the first part of the remarks, however, that are of most interest to us here.   It was apparent already on Wednesday when Captain Airhead said this and is unavoidable now that the convoy of truckers is a sizeable representation of a much larger segment of society and anything but “small” and “fringe”.   As for their “unacceptable views”, the only views that the truckers espouse as a group are that it is wrong and unacceptable for the government to be telling people they need to take a foreign substance into their bloodstream and punishing them if they don’t do it.    Prior to the pandemic, this was the consensus viewpoint in the free world.   As recently as last year Captain Airhead espoused those same views himself.   He opposed vaccine passports and mandates into the spring of 2021 calling them “divisive” and saying that this is not how we do things in Canada.   His complete flip-flop on the matter occurred at the time that Canada was emerging from the particularly harsh lockdown of winter-spring 2021, provinces were introducing vaccine passports, and they were polling well as they seemed to offer, to the vaccinated at least, a return to something resembling the normal.   It was around this time that Captain Airhead, faced with a Parliamentary order to hand over un-redacted documents regarding the dismissal of a couple of scientists from the virology lab in Winnipeg, documents he was so desperate to keep out of the hands of Parliament that he sued the Speaker showing his total contempt for Parliament and unfitness to serve as Prime Minister, was contemplating asking for a dissolution of Parliament and a new election.   When he ultimately went the latter route, arrogantly thinking he would be handed a majority government – the election, which nobody else but him wanted, restored the status quo ante – he tied his future political prospects to mandatory vaccination.    What arrogance, what hubris, what chutzpah to declare that his having abandoned his opposition to mandatory vaccination less than a year previously made that opposition into “unacceptable views”!

The Freedom Convoy arrived in Ottawa on Friday and Captain Airhead fled the city saying that he had come into contact with the bat flu and needed to self-isolate.   Then on Monday, after a weekend in which the truckers and their supporters had expressed their opposition to the vaccine mandates and other tyrannical pandemic measures without burning buildings down, looting stores, toppling monuments, or otherwise behaving like the kind of protestors Captain Airhead embraces and supports, Captain Airhead announced that he – triple vaccinated as of earlier that month – had tested positive for the bat flu, and that he would be speaking to the nation about the trucker protest.   When he gave his address, did he say “boy, I was wrong, I got all my shots and I still came down with the virus, maybe I should humble myself and talk to these truckers, who represent a lot more Canadians than I thought”?  

Hardly.   He doubled down on his insults, his arrogance, and his claims, obviously debunked by the fact that the most recent wave of the bat flu driven by a variant that infected more people in just over a month than previous variants had in a year producing a situation where, by contrast with previous variants, almost everyone has either had the bat flu or knows someone who had it, came after a record-breaking supermajority of the populace had been fully vaccinated, that vaccination is our only way out of the pandemic.   He said that “Canadians at home” were “watching in disgust and disbelief at this behaviour, wondering how this could have happened in our nation’s capital after everything we’ve been through together”.   He said this even as the results of the Angus Reid poll conducted over the weekend, results that showed that majority opinion in Canada had switched away from support for his policies to wanting all Covid restrictions lifted – the position of the truckers – were being released.  He spoke of those who “hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless”.  This was hardly typical of the behaviour of the demonstrators – were it otherwise the evidence would be all over the media – and is mighty rich coming from someone whose policies have ruined small businesses across the country while benefiting large multinationals, driven people into homelessness and destitution, and made life exponentially harder for the homeless (strict capacity limitations on homeless shelters and the closing of public spaces have, throughout the pandemic, corresponded with the winter months).   Wearing his “Mr. Tough Guy” mask, he declared that “we” – he should have used the singular, as that is what he meant, but he is not smart enough to recognize that holding the office of Her Majesty’s Prime Minister does not give him the right to use the royal “we” and that having lost his majority government in 2019, failing both then and in 2021 to win even a plurality in the popular vote, and now having lost majority support for his policies he should not presume to speak for Canadians in general – “would not be intimidated”.   His conveniently timed need to self-isolate in a non-disclosed secure location speaks rather loudly to the contrary.  “We won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonour the memory of our veterans” he said.   Whereas protestors whose causes he has embraced over the past couple of years have toppled and beheaded statues, burned down churches, and committed real acts of vandalism, what he refers to here is the placing of a removable sign on the Terry Fox memorial.   As for the dishonouring of the memory of our veterans, I would say that the last two years of him trampling all over the freedoms those veterans fought for is far more dishonouring to their memory than a few protestors dancing on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

His focus, however, was on smearing the protestors with accusations of racism.  A few weeks ago, a clip of him giving an interview prior to last year’s Dominion election re-surfaced, in which he accused the unvaccinated of being “racists” and “misogynists” and asked whether Canadians should “tolerate these people”.   This dehumanizing language brought upon him vehement condemnation, at home and abroad, nor did the hypocrisy of the person of whom photographic – and video – evidence of his having worn blackface – and on one occasion full body brown skin makeup – on at least three separate occasions surfaced in the 2019 Dominion election calling other people “racists” go without notice.   Whereas accusing opponents of “racism” and “sexism” is a standard progressive tactic in Captain Airhead’s case there appears to be a personal element to it.   Knowing that he is guilty of not living up to his own progressive ideals – and, indeed, falling short of them in ways that are truly spectacular, as you can see by asking yourself how many people you know who have worn blackface even once – he projects his guilt onto others, in this case onto the unvaccinated he was trying to scapegoat and otherize in a manner reminiscent of Hitler, more often onto the country of Canada prior to his “enlightened” premiership.  

In his speech, he concentrated on such things as the single person at the rally carrying a flag bearing the symbol that his own father reportedly wore on his jacket while dodging the draft to fight in the war against the regime whose emblem that symbol was.   Since nobody has been able as of yet to locate the person who brought this flag to the protest nobody knows whether he did so as an expression of agreement with the ideology the flag represents or, perhaps more likely, to make the statement that the Prime Minister’s actions resemble those of the regime that flew that flag.   Either way, it is obvious to everyone – and I suspect this includes Captain Airhead and his sycophants, as much as they claim otherwise – that the person with this flag represented nobody at the rally but himself.   Another person at the rally carried the flag of the states that attempted to secede from the United States seven years before Confederation.   Progressives maintain that this flag is as objectionable as the first mentioned through a tortured reductionism that reduces all the differences that had been driving the two regions of the United States apart for a century prior to that to a single racially sensitive issue.   Within living memory – indeed, quite recent living memory – that flag was a universal symbol, not of racism, but of rebellion, employed as such even in countries with no discernable connection to the history, culture, and issues pertaining to the conflict that produced it.   This notwithstanding, the fact that the other protestors were filmed objecting to its presence clearly demonstrates that this person too, whatever his intent, did not speak for anyone but himself.  

What many people may not realize is that in any large size protest against progressive policies there will always be one or two people with symbols of this type.   Progressives themselves make sure of this.   While in some cases it is a matter of outright infiltration – a progressive activist, or a government agent provocateur will join the protest and do or say something to bring opprobrium upon the protest as a whole – it also has to do with the way progressives a) introduce policies that are unjust to certain whites – working class whites, middle class whites, prairie farmers and other rural whites – but not to others such as journalists, academics, and technocrats where their own white supporters can be found, b) proclaim any backlash against such injustice to be “racist”, “white supremacist”, “white nationalist” etc., in the hopes of radicalizing the backlash so that c) they can point to the symbols of such radicalism, when they inevitably appear in larger protests against progressive policies that have nothing to do with racial issues whatsoever as a means of smearing the entire protest.

In this case, Captain Airhead’s efforts and those of his controlled media have failed on a truly grand scale.   The protest was too large and too obviously racially and ethnically diverse – predictably so, considering that what the media dubbed “vaccine hesitancy” is more prevalent among racial and ethnic minority groups – for Airhead’s remarks to be taken seriously by anyone with an iota of intelligence.

Captain Airhead, his fellow progressives, and their media spokesmen have spoken of the trucker protest as a threat to Canadian democracy.   Many supporters of the convoy have said, by contrast, that it is democracy in action.   In a way both are right and both are wrong.   What we have actually been seeing is two different understandings of democracy come to a clash.   There are many different ways of understanding democracy.   In ancient Athens, the birthplace of democracy, there was a form of direct democracy, in which the democratic assembly, consisting of all corporate members – citizens – of the city, voted on every public matter.   In most societies with a form of democracy – and all complex societies with a form of democracy – that democracy has been representative democracy, where the citizens vote for representatives, who then form the government.   Republican governments such as that of our neighbour to the south are a representative form of democracy.   The House of Commons in our parliamentary form of democracy is also a representative form.   Populism, in which a grass-roots movement forms – often behind a charismatic leader – to make demands of the government is another form of democracy.

Captain Airhead’s understanding of democracy is an extremely corrupt perversion of representative democracy.   It is basically that every few years there is an election and whoever wins the election, at least if it is a Liberal, can then do whatever he wants until the next election, constitutional limits on his powers be hanged, because he is the choice and voice of the people. The truckers protest is populism in its best possible form.   The popular movement is not demanding that anything be taken away from anybody else, merely that what was stolen from them – and from every Canadian – their basic freedoms of peaceful assembly, association, and religion and above all their right to reject with impunity the demand that they take a foreign substance into their body – be returned immediately.

Note the perspective of this writer.   I am not positively inclined towards democracy as an ideal.   I love and support my country’s traditional governing institutions, including our reigning monarchy and our democratic parliament, but with parliament I insist upon this distinction – I love and support it because it is a traditional governing institution and thus one that has proven itself over the ages and not because it is democratic.   Indeed, I belong to that “small fringe minority” of people with “unacceptable views” who agree with the consensus of the pre-modern tradition, classical and Christian, that democracy is the worst of all forms of government not the best, reject completely the modern liberal idea that legitimate government authority is that which is given to the government by the people (John Locke’s attempt to argue this against Sir Robert Filmer in his Two Treatises failed – even his fellow utilitarian liberal Jeremy Bentham could see that Filmer had the better of the arguments – and was thoroughly rebutted by the Rev. Charles Leslie, who demonstrated in his The Rehearsal that the legitimate authority of Parliament came through the Magna Carta from royal charter, not popular consent) along with the liberal idea that the individual person’s basic rights of life, liberty, and property come with the individual person into society from a pre-social state of nature (because there is no such thing as pre-social state of nature – society is part of man’s created nature – the rights of life, liberty, and property are real and bestowed by God, not the deistic God of Locke, but the True and Living God of Christianity), and hold in utter derision and scorn the modern equation of democracy with freedom (except when democracy is defined as self-government, and explained not in terms of the constitution of the state but the concept of subsidiarity – that the every decision should be left to those most locally competent to handle it rather than centralized in the state) because history clearly demonstrates that the size and intrusiveness of government grew exponentially after the modern heresy of popular sovereignty caught on and that governments that see themselves as the “voice of the people” have far less respect for those people’s basic rights of life, liberty, and property than kings who hold their authority by hereditary right and sacred oath.   (1) Recognizing these neglected truths does not incline one to much sympathy with populism.

These are exceptional times however.   Modern liberalism, in rejecting the ancient consensus that democracy was the mother of tyranny, believed that legal and constitutional recognition and protection of the rights of minorities was sufficient to guard against the problems the ancients had seen in democracy, which Alexis de Tocqueville summed up in his concept of the “tyranny of the majority”.   They failed to foresee the day when a professed liberal – the leader of the Liberal Party, as a matter of fact – would loudly espouse the rights and protections of “minorities”, but understand by that term “people of certain skin colours”, “women” (over 50% of the population), “people of certain ethnic and national backgrounds”, “people of certain religions”, “people of certain sexual orientations” and “people of certain gender identities”, while despising completely minorities in the sense the original liberals intended, the dictionary sense, of numeric minorities.   For all of his empty talk about protecting “vulnerable minorities”, Captain Airhead has felt completely free to dehumanize, otherize, scapegoat, and stir up hatred against those whom he has been unable to convince to voluntarily take a bat flu vaccine, because they are a numerically tiny fragment of the population.   The “unvaccinated” are the true “vulnerable minority”.   Mercifully, what we are seeing in this populist truckers protest, is not the kind of demagogue-driven mob action that has been the historical norm for populism, but Canadians, vaccinated and unvaccinated, coming together to send Captain Airhead the message, loud and clear, that he does not speak for them, and to demand that government start respecting the basic freedoms of all Canadians once again.   This is a cause most worthy of our support. — Gerry T. Neal

God save the Queen!

God bless the truckers!

(1)   This week began with Royal Martyr Day, the anniversary of the death of a godly king who was murdered by religious fanatics who, having gained control of Parliament, believed that they had the right to do whatever they want.   King Charles warned that those who in their fanatical belief that they were the voice of a popular sovereignty went to war against his rights as sovereign king, would not hesitate to trample over the rights of anyone else.  Those who deposed him proved him right on this during the mercifully short-lived Cromwellian Interregnum, as did those who followed their example – the Jacobins in France in the 1790s, and the Communists, beginning with Russia in 1917 and spreading from there to about a third of the world in the last century before their collapse.

Even black men can be fired for not being “woke” enough

Even black men can be fired for not being “woke” enough

[Jamil Jivani exposes how as a “diversity” hire as a radio host for 1010 Talk Radio, an operation of Bell Media, he ran into censorship. He wasn’t the expected White-hating, professional victim Black. He was politically conservative, an advocate for free speech and a man not afraid to call out minority faults. For instance, he exposed the violent underworld of Toronto rap music, revealing that being a rap musician, in 2021, was the riskiest line of work in Toronto — 8 rappers were killed that year. This was not the political line, Cultural Marxist victimology that Bell expected.  Eventually, Jivani was fired. Once again, we see how vile and opposed to our basic freedoms, like freedom of speech, are so many Canadian corporations. — Paul Fromm]

Part one

One of a five-part series on my departure from Bell Media and iHeartRadio

Jamil JivaniFeb 1

French President Emmanuel Macron made international headlines when he expressed concerns that American cultural influence is creating division in France. As a Canadian, I have made similar observations in my country, too. 

Wokeness—a political agenda with a superficial commitment to diversity and inclusion—has become a global ideological movement. And, more than government policy, it’s big corporations pushing this agenda and punishing those who refuse to comply.

Weeks after George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis in 2020, Bell Media hired me to be part of the iHeartRadio talk network as a radio host. From my perspective, Bell Media/iHeartRadio recognized that despite its publicized commitment to valuing people from different backgrounds, they had yet to ever hire a fulltime black talk radio host in their Canadian market. What my experience made clear is that the company failed to consider what it would mean to sincerely engage someone from a black community, without expectations that we conform to the pressures of tokenism.

Elite institutions often make assumptions about a person’s political views based on what he looks like or where his parents are from. Soon after being hired, I could see that Bell Media/iHeartRadio erred in making the same assumptions. I felt that they were hoping to have hired a liberal stereotype of a black man who espouses their expected political talking points. Bell Media/iHeartRadio was not prepared for a black man who loves his country, rejects victimhood politics, maintains strong ties to his faith community, and shares heterodox views on a wide range of issues.

In June 2021, executives encouraged on-air talent to decry our country as racist in the lead up to our independence day. On the day before Canada Day, our radio shows were made to air multiple audio clips per hour that defined our country by the worst, most racist parts of its colonial history. My show was exempt from this mandatory content because of its time slot, and I decided to counter this divisive narrative. That day, I celebrated my country by interviewing immigrants, veterans, and others who love Canada.

Months later, corporate executives shared by email a vision for diversity and inclusion that involved dividing employees up by race, gender, and sexuality for “equity consultations.” I refused to participate, and suggested that the company ought to demonstrate a commitment to true diversity: diversity of thought.

Bell Media/iHeartRadio failed to acknowledge that the radio shows I hosted were uniquely diverse and inclusive, even though I didn’t conform to the company’s political agenda. We welcomed more black journalists, professors, and business leaders than any other show in our markets. Guests included Toronto Raptors’ Fred VanVleet, Brown University’s Glenn Loury, rapper and writer Coleman Hughes, social entrepreneur Tanya Lee, sports journalist Jason Whitlock, and Canada’s first black Minister of Justice, Alberta’s Kaycee Madu. The shows I hosted featured regular commentary from Jeff Charles of, The Blaze’s Delano Squires, Kentucky State professor Wilfred Reilly, and Samuel Sey of

By December 2021, Bell Media/iHeartRadio attempted to pressure me into being a liberal stereotype. In spite of my efforts to engage a wide range of guests and ideas, one executive in particular began to question my commitment to “Diversity and Inclusion” (I assume she capitalized the letters D and I to show how serious she was). Her attempts came across to me as actually questioning my willingness to parrot her preferred ideological talking points on identity politics.

I took their pressure as an opportunity to stand up for myself and my community. I detailed to senior management that the radio shows I hosted were indeed diverse and inclusive by embracing heterodox perspectives on important issues. I explained that the views expressed on the show reflect different strands of political and cultural thought in black communities, including black Christian traditions. I also asked for, but never received, specific examples of how exactly my black guests and I weren’t aligned with the company’s values. 

To make a long story short, I was lied to. Bell Media/iHeartRadio took me off the air, with a promise that we would discuss all of my concerns in the new year. In January 2022, during a phone call where I expected to speak with senior management and iron out our differences, I was informed that due to a “corporate restructuring,” I was being let go. That would be the end of our conversation about “Diversity and Inclusion” with a capital D and I.

Needless to say, the firing appeared to be a mix of retaliation and cowardice. It felt like they wanted to punish me for standing up for myself and also bury my substantive concerns about the company’s ethics. I personally believe Bell Media/iHeartRadio fabricated a restructuring narrative to avoid confronting the reality that their vision for diversity and inclusion does not welcome black men who think for themselves.

I am a black man. I am also a conservative, a proud Canadian, a son to a wonderful mother, a Christian, and a lawyer. None of these elements of my identity contradict each other. But too many big corporations have decided to push a political agenda that suggests people like me either don’t exist, or should hide our authentic selves for the sake of careerism. 

My experience shows exactly why it’s critical for politicians and business leaders to challenge the power of woke capital. What these companies are doing is not just business; it’s politics.

Look out for part two of this five-part series on Monday, February 7.

If you can relate to my experience, please consider contacting We’d love to hear your story and help you share it with others. Visit

CAFE Joins Hamilton Rally to Support the Truckers

CAFE Joins Hamilton Rally to Support the Truckers

CAFE Director Paul Fromm at today’s rally to support the truckers & an end to all mandates

Over 100 freedom fighters joined by CAFE, which supports the truckers convoy & the call for an end to all repressive mandates, rallied outside Hamilton City Hall today. It was cold but the coffee brought by volunteers was warm..

Trucker Freedom Convoy victim of psyop disinformation campaign

Trucker Freedom Convoy victim of psyop disinformation campaign.

Remember, 2003, when George Bush wanted to invade Iraq. An elaborate disinformation campaign was set in motion — eagerly picked up by the press and many “experts.” It was claimed that the int3nded victim, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction — chemical, biological and nuclear. It was a lie. His creaky army had only aging 1960s era Soviet weaponry. It was all an orchestrated spyop campaign.

This week the CBC, Erin O’Toole, various “experts”, cops & ex-CSIS types claimed violent extremists and haters had infiltrated the truckers and might cause violence. It was all a lie to smear, create fear and change the conversation!

A Moving Report on the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy & Supportive Canadians Across the Country Demanding Their Freedom Back

A Moving Report on the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy & Supportive Canadians Across the Country Demanding Their Freedom Back

Neither Facebook nor Twittter would let me post this report. The rotten SILICON VALLEY CENSORS

If you’re a Patriot or a Freedom Fighter, it’s hard not to feel emotional & proud as you watch this moving film of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy & the outpouring of support from decent men, women & children from coast to coast demanding their freedom back!

[This message was from Facebook.]
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Freedom Rallies in Penticton, Kelowna & Oliver, January 26 to February 5, 2022

Don’t miss these important dates! And Remember to bring two friends with you!   PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES  

Gooooo Truckers!!!! Amazing convoy of HOPE!         Sunday, January 30th Penticton at 1:00 PM start and we will hit the streets with our signs after the speaker  We had 300 join us last week, let’s Hold the line!!! Keep showing up!   To view the speakers from the World Wide Rally, go to You can also follow The Mad Watcher TV on many platforms.    
  BRING FRIENDS!!. They will leave inspired!  Other things available at this rally:
– Come visit our literature table and get ideas on ways to defend yourself and hold the perpetrators accountable! Meet your local Action4Canada reps. Pick up the most recent editions of Druthers, Common Ground, and the special edition of Pandemic Papers.


Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall.
 Sign Making Event Thursday, February 3rd – 4 p.m. Come down, make a sign or two. We are so thankful we have signs for everyone at the Rally’s However we are GROWING, and we need more signs. Join us before the planning meeting, bring a dish to share and get creative.    image.png

Planning Meeting Thursday, February 3rd – For those who already know the location, please carpool directly there. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Meeting start at 7:15. For those who do not know the location, please call 780-908-0309 before 5 p.m. on Thursday for directions.  Finger food potluck. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASE! Water, coffee, and tea will all be available.    Agenda To be announced- If you wish to be on the agenda, please contact Mary Lou directly.  

KELOWNA EVENTS Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- Every Week! Show up  

January 26/22 at 11 am Media Rally in front of Castanet
455 Lawrence Ave Kelowna
Please mark this on your calendars and BE THERE!
OTHER INITIATIVES   Prayer Day for Freedom –   

Feel the Freedom! Mask Off Day.  

Wednesday, February 2


OLIVER Takes OFF with their 1st Rally!!!

Saturday, February 5 from 1 – 2 PM. Bring friends and signs, let’s support OLIVER


Location: In front of City Hall in Oliver  If you are in a neighbouring community, join them, support them, WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!  

Mary Lou Gutscher


Even one of the nation’s most successful TV chefs doesn’t feel safe in the woke minefield we’re now forced to navigate every day

Even one of the nation’s most successful TV chefs doesn’t feel safe in the woke minefield we’re now forced to navigate every day

CELIA WALDEN24 January 2022 • 7:00pmCelia WaldenJamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver doesn’t just have the one ‘offence adviser’ but ‘teams of cultural appropriation specialists’ who go through his recipes with a fine tooth comb CREDIT: Jamie Oliver Enterprises Ltd, photographer Steve RyanHave you got yourself an “offence adviser” yet? This new breed of professionals are trained like sniffer dogs to detect even the faintest whiff of explosively un-woke material in anything that might be publicly shared, from company reports and social media posts to university lectures, early drafts of books, songs, screenplays and art works.Not that offence advisers should be limited to the professional domain – their expertise doesn’t stop there. No, like bomb disposal experts, these guys (and gals, and agender, bigender and cisgender identifiers, I’ve been advised to add) will zoom in and short-circuit any “problematic material” before it detonates. So those with Generation-Z age kids (born between 1997 and 2012) would do well to have their own personal OEs perched upon their shoulders at family get-togethers, there to step in with the red wire snippers before any casual “denial of lived experience”, “misgendering” or airing of a Churchill quote (racist, imperialist brute that he is) sparks a domestic blast.Jamie Oliver doesn’t just have the one “offence adviser”, he revealed on Sunday, but “teams of cultural appropriation specialists” who go through his recipes with a fine tooth comb. The 46-year-old TV chef is all too aware of the woke minefield we’re now forced to navigate daily, after having stepped on one back in 2018 when he started peddling Punchy Jerk Rice in supermarkets. This prompted Labour MP Dawn Butler – the daughter of Jamaican immigrants – to tweet: “I’m just wondering do you know what #Jamaican #jerk actually is? It’s not just a word you put before stuff to sell products. Your jerk rice is not ok.”
Jamie Oliver accused of cultural ‘appropriation’ by minister after he la…When Jamie Oliver launched his new “punchy” jerk rice in supermarkets, he hoped consumers would fall head over h…

And although both Oliver and his £2.30 microwavable rice survived the ensuing furore – one that largely confined itself to the digital universe specialising in “fauxffence” – the country’s best-selling non-fiction writer is no longer taking any chances. Especially not with his new Channel 4 series, The Great Cookbook Challenge, starting in less than a week’s time.Oliver has learnt a lot about inanimate foodstuffs’ powers of offence over the past four years. He knows, for example, that his 2012 “empire roast chicken” – seasoned with turmeric, cumin, coriander and garam masala – would be unacceptable, if not career-ending today. And as for cultural appropriation, he says in an interview at the weekend: “Your immediate reaction is to be defensive and say, ‘For the love of God, really?’ Then you go: ‘Well, we don’t want to offend anyone…’”Oliver is not the only food writer to launch an anti-offence offensive. Nigella Lawson has been on her best behaviour ever since she upset Italians in 2017 by suggesting that cream be added to carbonara instead of the traditional raw eggs, and two of the world’s leading food publications – the BBC Good Food magazine and Bon Appétit in the US – were forced to make “linguistic changes” to some of the tens of thousands of recipes in their archive, after accusations of “stealing” dishes from ethnic minorities.“No one is suggesting that it is wrong to cook food from another culture,” one newspaper recently pointed out. Yet isn’t that the loud and clear message? Indeed, crediting those other cultures only seems to make matters worse. Had Oliver named his punchy rice “Jamaican Jerk”, his jovial little head would have been served up on a platter (using only traditional British seasonings).As it was, his defence only inflamed things further. “I’ve worked with flavours and spices from all over the world my whole career,” he protested at the time, “learning and drawing inspiration from different countries and cultures to give a fresh twist to the food we eat every day.” Just as Gordon Ramsay’s defence of his Lucky Cat restaurant did back in 2019, after the central London “Asian eating house” opened to a slew of derogatory comments on social media.Ramsay’s crime was to call Lucky Cat’s cuisine “authentic” – which was, granted, inadvisable, in a pedantic and pedestrian climate where authenticity could only be guaranteed by an 100 per cent Asian-staffed kitchen. Certainly, the word would now have any “offence adviser” whipping out his snippers.But if “inspiration” had been a problematic concept throughout history, then the OEs would have shut down Thomas Gainsborough (for being inspired by Rubens), and Rubens (for being inspired by Caravaggio), along with Charles Dickens (for being inspired by Victor Hugo). Most importantly, chicken tikka masala would not exist. Because, according to many culinary sources, the nation’s favourite dish only became what it is now after migrant Bangladeshi chefs here played around with their traditional “butter chicken” recipe. And in an ironic inversion of history, British companies now export that dish to Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.Does this mean everyone should be offended – or no one? I’m losing track. But one thing I am sure of: whatever the origins, whatever the recipe, there is no greater insult to any chef than calling a dish “inoffensive”.     

Acas acting like East Germany, says employee accused of racism for sharing equality posts

Sean Corby is currently being investigated by his bosses after staff complained over critiques of woke culture that he posted on a forumByEwan Somerville22 January 2022 • 8:30pm

Sean Corby and his wife Tracy

Sean Corby with Tracy, his wife. One of the posts he shared explored the impact of anti-racist activism on interracial couples CREDIT: Lorne Campbell/Guzelian for The TelegraphA mediator at the official body for workplace conduct has accused his employer of acting “like East Germany” after he was put under investigation for racism for sharing articles about equality.Sean Corby, a senior conciliator at Acas, has been under investigation since last August after colleagues complained that messages he posted on an equality and diversity forum with more than 100 members were “discriminatory” and “racist”.One post quoted writer Ayishat Akanbi’s video The Problem with Wokeness, while in another Mr Corby shared an article on the impact of anti-racist activism on interracial couples, of which he and his wife, Tracy Corby, are one. He wrote that he had “experienced abuse and bigotry from both ‘sides’” but that “worryingly divisive” current ideologies ignore this.Another post quoted defences of free speech from figures including Howard Thurman, the civil rights leader who influenced Martin Luther King. One described how Thurman had “railed against separatism and segregation” in his social justice activism. Another quoted the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s critique of cancel culture, with “young people terrified to tweet anything” and emotive language used “like tarnished pitchforks”.Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Sean Corby shared, among other things, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s critique of cancel culture CREDIT: Bertrand Rindoff Petroff/Getty ImagesAnother linked to an article by Inaya Folarin Iman, a free speech campaigner and GB News host, which argued that “currently fashionable conceptions of marginalised identities” are incompatible with “the fearless exchange of ideas”.The complaint, from four colleagues unknown to Mr Corby, alleged that he “demonstrates a deep-rooted hatred towards black and minority ethnic people who challenge racism, organise in black structures and safe spaces and mobilise against racism”.They accused him of “trying to force his view on us” and went on: “Having read all Sean’s posts, I would not feel safe to be in contact with him in person… I don’t know where Sean works, in terms of office, but I fear for any black and minority ethnic people working there if there are any.”Mr Corby said there was “nothing that anybody could remotely construe as being racist” in his posts, drawn from his experience living in an interracial family with his wife and socialising in black communities. “A cabal of extremists are either influencing Acas leadership, or they are themselves going along with this ideology. It is bullying and harassment based on me sharing absolutely valid opinions in an appropriate way,” he told The Telegraph.He claimed that staff are “bombarded with ideological initiatives” and criticised “snake oil” unconscious bias training that Acas runs for workplaces, despite the Government’s Race Commission and Liz Truss, the Foreign Secretary who is also the Equalities Minister, saying it is ineffective and must end.Toby Young

Toby Young said that the case was ‘shocking’ CREDIT: Dominic Lipinski/PA WireFollowing an investigation, the complaint was not upheld in late October after Acas ruled there was “no substantial evidence” that Mr Corby posed a risk to ethnic minority staff. But last week, he was informed that an appeal had been lodged, further prolonging the process.Mr Corby, who helps to resolve pay disputes, claims he has been “left in limbo” for six months in a workplace culture “like east Germany if you don’t toe the line”.He is now formally complaining to Acas, which received almost £57 million in taxpayer funds last year, over how it has conducted the racism probe, claiming it goes against “everything they charge employers to be trained on”.Toby Young, the general secretary of the Free Speech Union, said that the case was “shocking”.“Across the civil service, no one is allowed to dissent from the dogma of equity, diversity and inclusion, including people of colour,” he said. “Indeed, woke activists treat black intellectuals who challenge this orthodoxy with particular contempt because they regard them as race traitors.”An Acas spokesman said: “Creating fair and inclusive workplaces is at the heart of everything we do and we do not recognise the picture presented by Mr Corby. Our regular staff surveys continue to show that Acas is an inclusive place to work and our training services receive positive feedback from our customers.“We cannot give a running commentary on individual disciplinary and grievance cases that we deal with as we have to respect the confidentiality of all the staff members involved.” college alumni take row over slavery-linked donor to court, in UK firstJesus College faces a revolt over plan to strip memorial of Tobias Rustat, a courtier to Charles II, from chapelByCamilla Turner, EDUCATION EDITOR23 January 2022 • 9:00pmThe Rustat memorial (L) of Tobias Rustat (R)

The Rustat memorial (L) of Tobias Rustat (R)A university cancel culture row is to be heard in court for the first time, as a Cambridge college attempts to remove a memorial to a benefactor linked to slavery. Jesus College, Cambridge wrote to the Church of England to propose that the memorial of Tobias Rustat should be stripped out of its chapel following research which revealed he was a “major investor” in a seventeenth century slave trading company.When the college submitted its petition to the Diocese of Ely it may have been waved through – were it not for the staunch and organised opposition it faced from its own alumni.

Historians will look back on ‘significant’ moment 

Now the question of whether the Rustat memorial can stay or go will be subject to a full consistory court hearing, which will take place next month.“Hitherto colleges have decided themselves about this sort of thing, but here you actually have a judicial proceeding,” a source familiar with the process said.“Historians in the future will probably look back on this moment and say ‘ah, this is significant’ – there will be court papers, a judgement and official records.”Rustat donated £2,000 to Jesus College – his father’s alma mater – in 1671 for scholarships for orphan sons of Anglican clergymen.

Jesus College Chapel and Cloister, University of Cambridge CREDIT: Neil Grant / Alamy Stock PhotoWhile much of his wealth was derived from his career as a courtier to King Charles II, he was also an investor in The Royal African Company and also took a role in running the organisation.The historian William Pettigrew said that the Royal African Company “shipped more enslaved African women, men and children to the Americas than any other single institution during the entire period of the transatlantic slave trade.”Jesus College said that investors were “fully aware of the Company’s activities and intended to profit from this exploitation”.Some 65 alumni lodge formal objection When the college’s alumni first heard about the desire to remove Rustat’s memorial from the chapel, and install it in a permanent exhibition space elsewhere in the College, some of them started writing to the Master to raise their concerns.However, when the College served notice of their petition to the Diocese of Ely in December 2020, they realised they had to move more quickly.“The registry of the court said we had to reply to this within three weeks,” one of the group’s members explained. “We suddenly realised we had to do something rather more formal than just write letters.”Some 65 alumni – who call themselves the Rustat Memorial Group – lodged a formal objection to the petition, and then raised funds to instruct an ecclesiastical barrister to represent them at the hearing.“We felt that it was going slightly under the radar, the college didn’t expect any resistance,” a spokesman for the group said.“We are beating the drum making sure Rustat gets a fair hearing. We feel this is over the top. “He gave away £10,000 during his lifetime which is worth millions now. He did all this good stuff – and yet he is being pulled apart for something that wasn’t illegal or even disapproved of at the time .“Obviously slavery is abhorrent, no one diasagrees with that now. He wasn’t running a slave company, he was a courtier to Charles II sitting in London. Do we really drag him through the mire for this?”The alumni group – who are listed by the court as a “party opponent” to Jesus College – will call on a number of expert witnesses including Oxford University’s Prof Nigel Biggar, an expert in moral and pastoral theology and Dr Roger Bowdler, who specialises in architectural history.Meanwhile the College will call on the Bishop of Ely, the dean of the chapel and the Master of Jesus to give evidence in support of their petition.’Stripping away at the history’ of church buildings is a ‘risky business’ Prof David Abulafia, an emeritus professor of history at Cambridge, said there is a “virtue signalling side to all this”. He added that removing memorials and “stripping away at the history” or church buildings is a “risky business”.“This is a potentially very rich source of material for those who want to demolish monuments,” he said.“There is no end to it. It takes us back to the sixteenth and seventeenth century puritan demolition of church buildings.”The hearing will take place in Jesus Chapel itself, and will be heard before His Honour Judge David Hodge QC.In addition to his donations to Jesus College, Rustat also donated to Cambridge University’s library its first endowment of £1,000 to spend on books.The university has made “preliminary enquiries” about whether Rustat’s statue, which is erected at the library’s original site, can be removed.Referring to the Rustat memorial, a Jesus College spokesman said: “It comes down to whether it’s in the best interests of our current and future students and fellows for this celebratory memorial to be in our Chapel, a place of worship at the heart of our diverse community.”Latest in a string of institutions embroiled in culture rows Jesus College is the latest institution to become embroiled in a row over an early benefactor and their links to the slave trade.At Oxford, students have been campaigning for the removal of Cecil Rhodes’ statue from Oriel College’s main facade since 2015.

Rhodes, a British imperialist who founded Rhodesia and served as prime minister of the Cape Colony in the 1890s, donated a huge sum to Oriel in his will. He was not a slave trader but supported apartheid-style measures in southern Africa.

In summer 2020, when protests were reignited in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, Oriel’s governing body said it was their “wish” to remove the statue. But they decided last year that it should stay for the time being on the basis that it would take too long and cost too much to remove it.Meanwhile Bristol University has been under pressure from students over its links to Edward Colston, a 17th-century slave merchant and philanthropist.The university has already removed his name from one of its accommodation blocks, changing it from “Colston Street” to “Accommodation at Thirty-Three” and it has launched a review of its logo which features his crest.University College London has “denamed” buildings which honour eugenicists after coming under criticism for its historic links with the movement.Lecture theatres and a building named after prominent eugenicists Francis Galton and Karl Pearson were renamed in June 2020.Imperial College London is considering whether to rename a building and remove a bust of slavery abolitionist Thomas Henry Huxley after a review it commissioned concluded that he “might now be called racist” owing to his views on a hierarchy of racial intelligence.
Imperial College told to remove bust of slavery abolitionist because he …University could also rename buildings as it seeks to ‘confront, not cover up, uncomfortable or awkward aspects …

Finally, feminists are asking: what do men want?                                                                        Finally, feminists are asking: what do men want?
Finally, feminists are asking: what do men want?Two new books wrestling with the masculinity crisis – one by a woman, one by a man – are put to the test. The re…

Two new books wrestling with the masculinity crisis – one by a woman, one by a man – are put to the test. The result is surprisingTIM STANLEY

22 January 2022 • 12:00pmTim Stanley

Thoroughly modern man: singer Harry Styles at the Grammys in March 2021

Thoroughly modern man: singer Harry Styles at the Grammys in March 2021 CREDIT: Anthony Pham

In front of me are two books about men, and, curiously, it’s the one by a woman that is ­sympathetic and the one by a man that would consign my sex to the dustbin of history. It borders on a hate crime.

Patriarchy, according to Ivan Jablonka, a French historian, is immoral and artificial – something we’ve invented over the centuries to keep men on top. The problem with that thesis, he acknowledges, is that in primitive societies, too, male dominated female. To explain why something invented is perennial and universal, Jablonka tries to distinguish between biological sex (i.e. cavemen were more “robust” than women, so they took the lead in hunting) versus the cultural norms of gender, which he sees as an evolved effort to institutionalise the differences between men and women.

“Patriarchy proceeds from an interpretation of bodies: it transforms female biology into destiny, subjecting women to one function”, namely reproduction, and while women are expected to pop out babies or care for them, “men are at leisure to take over other spheres: the economy, war, power, and so on”. This order was threatened by the French Revolution, which by opening the door to universal rights allowed female equality to follow behind.Advertisement : 15 sec

Jablonka is obsessed with patriarchy the way others are with critical race theory or ancient UFOs – it explains almost everything – and in his reduction of all human experience to the battle between the sexes, the individual becomes depressingly powerless. Jane Austen’s clever female characters might know what they want, but they still want a man – “struggling within stifling gender norms” – and women who claw their way up the corporate ladder in the 21st century, by exhibiting “masculine norms” such as “leadership, competition, toughness”, become “accomplices of the patriarchy that reserves a place for them”. Women might think they’re winning, but they’re not. 

And when men think they’re being moral, they’re actually doubling down on the system. Jablonka divides up male strategies for dominance into four categories: we lead by “ostentation”, a display of virility; by “control” or self-denial; by “sacrifice”, offering one’s life for a higher cause; and through the game of “ambiguity”, by integrating the feminine.

A drawing of early men learning to create fire

A drawing of early men learning to create fire CREDIT: Alamy

Sacrifice is “horrifying”, argues Jablonka, because it validates war and suicide. Yet critics will counter that it also encourages charity, modesty and martyrdom – just as virility can sometimes protect the weak. Indeed, if our natural state really is men clubbing each other over the head, perhaps patriarchal civilisation is a step up. 

It also contains a space for joyous gender-bending (trans, drag, queer, etc.), though Jablonka believes men who soften their masculinity with eyeliner are often reasserting that while women are “tied to their sex”, men are free to be “armed or bejewelled, tearful or insensitive”. Again, it’s imposs­ible to win. Even Harry Styles is a tool of the system. This book is so pessimistic that it’s hard to see on what basis men and women can ever progress peacefully; for one to advance, the other must retreat.

Far more hopeful, and better written, is philosopher Nina Power’s What Do Men Want? If you ­proceed on the assumption that masculinity is inherently toxic, she argues, you risk implying that most men are bad – and they’re not. “Far from possessing great power, men are frequently trapped in systems of other men’s making.” To be a man nowadays is “in great part, and at the risk of sounding dramatic, to suffer” – from comparatively high rates of suicide, homelessness and murder, and stereotyping.

Patriarchy might be part of the problem, as Jablonka also argues, by compelling men to live according to masculine codes that are as repressive to them as they are unfair to women, but declaring war on masculinity will only add to men’s sense of alienation, at a moment when aspects of culture and economics have moved in women’s favour. The new economy rewards brain; brawn is out of style. “It’s more fashionable to be a woman,” Fay Weldon is quoted as saying. “Women appear to be more powerful, at least among young men.”

Author, essayist and playwright Fay Weldon

Author, essayist and playwright Fay Weldon CREDIT: Heathcliff O’Malley

Nina Power suggests that, rather than dismissing the whole notion of masculinity, it might be better to recognise the reality of sex differences rooted in nature; encourage men to identify as part of a class, one that has severe problems and could do with more solidarity; and investigate those aspects of masculinity that are useful to us all, “to revisit old values and virtues” such as “honour, loyalty and courage… in the name of reconciliation”.

If Jablonka favours a Year Zero approach, Power is almost conservative, building a future upon the best of the past. The family “came to be seen by those on the left as traditional or oppressive. [But] the family can also be understood as a bastion of resistance against the outside world.” When life goes mad, mum and dad “bring you back down to earth with love and understanding”. Power deserves credit for trying to get into the heads of the men she quotes, even if boorish or chauvinist. She displays female empathy. Jablonka, more of a man than he might admit, does not.

An alternative view, alien to both writers yet held deeply by billions across the planet, is that sex is not an evolutionary accident, but designed for a purpose, and that our characteristics flow from a divine order. Male and female, according to the Bible, were meant for each other. Adam was incomplete, so God created Eve. And, yes, Eve then tempted man to eat the forbidden fruit, destroying our collective innocence, but, as the 18th-century monk Benito Feijóo argued, the fact that Adam fell for this scam only confirms man’s intellectual and moral weaknesses. I’d wager more men have enthusiastically replied to emails from Niger­ian princes than women have.

Men are flawed, often in a very funny way. By peppering her book with humour, Power rehumanises the gender debate. Jablonka, deadly serious in his academic gobbledygook, descends into a woke self-parody that sounds suspiciously like mansplaining. At the end, he writes: “While I am a man in my body, heterosexual in my choices, a professor in my career, I feel uncomfortable in the masculine. I am not inclined to become a woman, but I gladly switch genders.” This is the kind of nonsense a man typically spouts in a misguided attempt to talk a feminist into bed.

A history of masculinity by Ivan Jablonka, tr Nathan Bracher (★ ) and What do men want? by Nina Power (★ ★ ★ ★ ) are published by Allen Lane at £25 and £18.99 respectively. To order these books from the Telegraph for £19.99 and £16.99, visit or call 0844 871 1514

BBC makes ‘woke cuts’ to archives, including Dad’s Army

BBC makes ‘woke cuts’ to archives, including Dad’s Army

The broadcaster has purged a number of racist and misogynistic jokes as well as mentions of disgraced stars Jimmy Savile and Rolf HarrisByMax Stephens22 January 2022 • 1:32pm

Television Dad’s Army

The BBC has purged mentions of disgraced stars Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris along with a number of racist and misogynistic jokes used in several of its classic radio comedies.

An anonymous Radio 4 Extra listener discovered the BBC had been quietly editing repeats of shows over the past few years to be more in keeping with social mores, the Times reported.

Labelling them as “woke cuts,” the listener found edits had been made to old episodes of Dad’s Army, Steptoe and Son and I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again.

In some cases entire sketches had been removed.

For example, a repeat of a 1970 episode of I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again, starring John Cleese and Bill Oddie, had a joke about a scantily clad woman removed.

In the original broadcast, Cleese, impersonating a BBC spokesman, said: “We have noticed that it is possible to see right up to the girls’ knickers, owing to the shortness of their miniskirts, so we’ve asked the girls to drop them.”

The BBC also stripped a mention of the n-word from a 1972 episode of the Ronnie Barker sketch show Lines From My Grandfather’s Forehead.

A reference to African people being “cannibals” was also removed from a 1950 episode of Much Binding in the Marsh, a comedy set in a RAF station.

In a sketch from 1970, David Hatch adopted an Indian accent and was described as being “browned off”. The skit was removed.

Other deleted sketches included a spoof of Harris’s songs, titled Rolf Harris’s Dirty Songbook.

A spokesman for the BBC said: “Listeners enjoy a huge number of old comedies from the archives on 4 Extra and on occasion we edit some episodes so they’re suitable for broadcast today, including removing racially offensive language and stereotypes from decades ago, as the vast majority of our audience would expect.”

  As with Jussie Smollett, the most powerful hoaxes are those we want to believe

It is no surprise that American politicians and celebrities were taken in by a fake ‘racist and homo-phobic’ attackBORIS STARLING11 December 2021 • 10:00am

It was the perfect story for these atomised and fractious times. The victim was a gay black actor on a successful television show: his attackers were two white men who shouted racist and homophobic abuse referencing Donald Trump slogans, poured bleach on him and tied a noose around his neck. If ever you wanted an example of America’s ugly side, one both legitimised and enabled by Trump’s presidency, this was too good to be true.

Which, of course, is just what it turned out to be. That actor, Empire’s Jussie Smollett, was 

Finland’s Top Prosecutor Described Biblical Quotations as “Hate Speech”

Finland’s Top Prosecutor Described Biblical Quotations as “Hate Speech”

January 25, 2022

George Orwell’s 1984 isn’t the only book that woke, European censors are coming for out of concern for the weak of heart and easily offended. No, in an even worse and darker move, the Finnish government’s top prosecutor just labeled Biblical quotations as “hate speech.

The comment came on January 24th, during the trial of two Christian Finns that are currently on trial for teaching the Biblical view on sex and marriage. Apparently, they have real faith, unlike the woke Catholics running Viterbo University.

As background, the trial is taking place because of a tweet;  former Finnish interior minister Paivi Rasanen tweeted out a picture of a Biblical passage that describes homosexuality as a sin. As a result, she’s being prosecuted for “hate speech.

The Federalist reports this about the trial and the prosecutor’s comment that the Bible is hate speech:

In the trial’s opening arguments, which will resume on Feb. 14, Finnish prosecutors described quotations from the Bible as “hate speech.” Finland’s top prosecutor’s office essentially put the Bible on trial, an unprecedented move for a secular court, said Paul Coleman, a human rights lawyer with Alliance Defending Freedom International who is assisting in the Finns’ legal defense and was present during Monday’s trial.

“The prosecutor began the day by trying to explain that this case was not about beliefs and the Bible. She then, and I’m not kidding, she then proceeded to quote Old Testament Bible verses,” Coleman said in a phone interview with The Federalist after the trial concluded for the day. “Trial attorneys, Finnish trial attorneys who have been in and out of court every day for years, said they didn’t think the Bible had ever been read out like that in a prosecution.”

Never before has a Finnish court had to decide whether quoting the Bible is a crime. Human rights observers consider this case an important marker for whether Western governments’ persecution of citizens for their speech and beliefs increases.

Meanwhile, Coleman’s organization, the ADF, had this to say on Twitter about the defense’s argument:Christianity is the national religion in Finland, says Räsänen’s lawyer. The Bible verses in question are widely distributed in Finland. If Räsänen is found guilty for sharing them, it would appear to be a de facto criminalization of these verses.

The defence stresses that Räsänen has always emphasised the equal dignity of every human being.

The pamphlet which the Bishop and the parliamentarian are being tried for is a Christian text, published for a Church audience, with the aim is in the teaching of Christianity, the defence team

Similarly, Paivi Rasanen herself showed up at her trial carrying a Bible and proclaiming that she is  “honored to be defending freedom of speech and religion“. She also said, “I hope that today it can become clear that I have no wish to offend any group of people, but this is a question of saving people for eternal life.

As the trial will not resume until February 14th, it remains to be seen if the Bible and Christianity or woke ideology will win in Finland.