On February 3, former political prisoner Dr. James Sears was arrested at gunpoint in the parking lot having just seen his parole officer for his regular visit. He is charged with “breach of probation”. On February 17, in a telephone hearing, he was found guilty of “not being of good conduct”. Why?  Because he accepted the George Orwell Free Speech Award from the CAFE and the presenter, Paul Fromm, “is a known White Supremacist”. [Not true.] Also, the Orwell Award was created by the late Doug Christie, “a far right lawyer.”

Thus, it’s clear Dr. Sears is in prison for his political views!!!

As part of our mission to support freedom of speech and the victims of tyrannical censorship laws, the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE)  held a protest outside the Toronto South Detention Centre located at 160 Horner Ave, Toronto, ON M8Z 0C2,  Sunday afternoon, March 6.

Whew, it was windy, in fact, so windy — gale force winds — that one regular of advancing years was unable to struggle across the four-lane Horner Ave to join us.

Thanks to J.L. for bringing a boom box and some Johnny Cash prison songs. Thanks, also, to E.H. for the photos of the protest.

The website of the poisonous taxpayer-funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network suggests that the issue may also be comments he made in jest about Teresa Tam in his talk after CAFE gave him the George Orwell Free Speech award soon after he got out of jail. We have a strong suspicion we know which liberty-hating individual in Ottawa made the complaint.

Those of us who cherish freedom owe it to our values  to demonstrate and support Dr. Sears. These protests matter. Guards told him last fall that they knew for a fact that CAFE’s protests — six in all last year — were a factor in his being granted early parole.

* Amnesty International defines a  “prisoner of conscience” or political prisoner as  a person punished solely for the non-violent expression of their political, religious or cultural views. Both Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine are political prisoners — jailed because they criticized politically powerful minority groups. Free speech activist Raychyl Whyte has continued her  lobbying of Amnesty to adopt Dr. Sears as a “prisoner of conscience”

* A lasting disgrace is that only one mainstream media writer has  criticized this attack on freedom of the press, which they regularly condemn if it occurs in Hong Kong or the Philippines.


Dr. James Sears, Political Prisoner,
Toronto South Detention Center,
160 Horner Ave,
Toronto, ON
M8Z 0C2
_______________________CAFE (The Canadian Association for Free Expression)P.O. Box 332,Rexdale, ON.,M9W 5L3

Fantastic Freedom Convoy & Rally, Hamilton to Burlington

Fantastic Freedom Convoy & Rally, Hamilton to Burlington

Today saw a fantastic Freedom Slow Roll Convoy from Dundurn Castle, Hamilton, to Burlington City Hall. The event was organized by People’s Party of Canada Burlington candidate, Mike Bator. There was a strong CAFE presence. We heard the Oakville and Burlington several candidates and several New Blue Party provincial candidates.

Afterwards, we converged on Kelly’s Bake Shoppe. She didn’t enforce mask mandates or vaxx passports. A $5.00 off coupon was distributed at the rally. The tea and coffee and huge homemade cookies were delicious and most welcome.

James Topp to Speak in Penticton Sunday, March 6

See James Topp speaking out for Freedom.   PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES
  RALLY Sunday, March 6 Penticton at 1:00 PM– Let’s Hold the line!!! Keep showing up! 

Speakers      Alex – One of the Convoy for Freedom Ottawa coordinators.   
   Milla Cook – Managing restrictions, a brave 14-year old’s perspective.     
James Topp – Marching for Freedom Speaking at our rally Sunday! James Topp is marching for all our Freedoms and invites you to join him for a few kilometres as he marches through the Okanagan on his way to Ottawa. He is in the Okanagan now and could use some support. 

Visit where there is a live tracker and a blog. They are needing gas cards, cheering stations and other support. Jump on the website and see what you can do. LET’ S CHEER HIM ON!   Come visit our literature table. You’ll be delighted with the selection of items. Druthers and Pandemic Papers are already running low.  Make sure you get your copy. Books, key chains (Proud Member of the Fringe Minority), postcards, FREEDOM4CANADA BUMPER STICKERS (Just in!) and other cool items. BRING FRIENDS!!. They will leave inspired!  

 RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall.  

Community-Wide Prayer Location: Penticton War Memorial (beside the courthouse) When: Every Sunday 7 pm   Who: anyone who would like to pray towards a peaceful resolution to the current state of Canada, our freedoms, our leaders and our legal system (everyone is invited). Please bring a candle in a jar. If you play an instrument, please come prepared with appropriate songs for reflection and

‘Freedom convoys’ taking to Hwy. 401, 402 for large-scale protest Saturday

‘Freedom convoys’ taking to Hwy. 401, 402 for large-scale protest Saturday

Author of the article: Free Press staff Publishing date: Mar 04, 2022  •  10 hours ago  •  2 minute read  •  233 Comments

Supporters line the Wellington Road overpass on Highway 401 to cheer on vehicles heading to January's "Freedom Convoy" protest in Ottawa. Protesters will take to the 401 and 402 Saturday as part of a Canada-wide protest. (Dale Carruthers/The London Free Press)
Supporters line the Wellington Road overpass on Highway 401 to cheer on vehicles heading to January’s “Freedom Convoy” protest in Ottawa. Protesters will take to the 401 and 402 Saturday as part of a Canada-wide protest. (Dale Carruthers/The London Free Press)

Convoys protesting COVID-19 measures plan to take to 400-series highways in Southwestern Ontario Saturday as part of a Canada-wide protest.

Multiple social media pages are promoting the weekend protests on highways 401 and 402 as part of a cross-Canada “freedom chain.”

London participants are meeting at the Flying J truck stop on Highbury Avenue at 1:30 p.m. and driving to Woodstock and Waterloo, for a march at Waterloo Town Square, according to a Facebook page promoting the event.

“Bring them flags, decorate them vehicles, don’t forget to honk them horns. Let’s roll,” a protest poster says.

OPP and Waterloo regional police said Friday they will monitor the planned protests.

Other convoys plan to leave Sarnia, Windsor and London Saturday morning, according to social media posts. Some will continue north through Toronto and Barrie to Brock, a township south of Lake Simcoe about 30 kilometres west of Lindsay.

Protests against COVID restrictions and mandates have rolled through Southwestern Ontario centres on recent weekends. They began in late January to support the so-called Freedom Convoy that occupied downtown Ottawa for three weeks and closed Windsor’s Ambassador Bridge for a week before being broken up by police.

An Ottawa-bound convoy passed through Southwestern Ontario Jan. 27, when supporters along the 401 cheered passing vehicles, many carrying Canadian flags and signs disparaging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Another convoy is set for London Saturday afternoon, marking the fifth straight weekend that a protest has passed through the city.

“We are monitoring for any potential events . . . and will share on social media if we are aware of anything that will impact the community,” London police Const. Sandasha Bough said by email.

This week, London police urged demonstrators to follow the rules of the road and respect local businesses. During past convoys, officers have been stationed at hospital entrances to ensure protests don’t disrupt patients and staff access.

Report on No More Mandates Rally at the B.C. Legislature, February 12, 2022

Report on No More Mandates Rally at the B.C. Legislature, February 12, 2022

Dateline Feb 12, 2022 Victoria British Columbia

Today’s “love in” for Bunnie Henny at the Legislature was simply stellar.

I had the second stanza of, You Can’t Always Get What You Want, by the Rolling Stones, playing in the back of my mind. It goes like this: I went down to the demonstration / To get my fair share of abuse.

Wifey, Nephew and I rode our bikes there. When we arrived it was full-on beautiful pandemonium.
Truckers and assorted vehicles were driving around and around the Ledge with horns blaring. People lined both sides of Belleville with signs and flags waving as they cheered them on. The only ones being abused were the usual cast of characters whose names were prominently displayed on the placards and signs. It was a love-in for the ages.

A group of musicians was beating out their message on an assortment of drums and other instruments.

A handful of older sisters were sitting at the base of Queen Victoria’s statue while they smoked a fattie together. A woman with an Australian flag around her knees told me she was married to a Canadian. I met a young man who was leaving the armed forces because he was told that he had to be jabbed.

I tried to give a policeman a hug but he politely declined. Canadians are indeed a polite lot. There were no-jab nurses, and many others who had refused to bow to the demon gods.

I went straight to work handing out The Pandemic Papers to everyone. They were flying out of my hands as fast as I could peel them apart. I handed out about 500 in the two hours that undertook to do this.

The positive energy from this love in was indescribable. If you were there you know what I mean. If you weren’t there don’t miss the next one, people.

I finally left that beautiful scene to go home. As I was unlocking my bike I struck up a conversation with a man standing nearby. He told me that he was a scientist who had done thousands of PCR tests. He told me that he was fully convinced that the pandemic was real, and that thousands had died as a result. We had a very polite conversation. That conversation with someone who was just as convinced of his narrative as I was of mine was for me the highlight of the day.
Esquimalt BC

at the Leg. Feb 12 2022 002.jpg
at the Leg. Feb 12 2022 010.jpg

Richard Warman of the Gov’t Funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network Seeks to Ruin Another Dissident’s Life

Richard Warman of the Gov’t Funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network Seeks to Ruin Another Dissident’s Life

Law Society Initiates Proceedings Against Neo-Nazi Paralegal “Red Serge”

After our investigation revealed the identity of the man behind “Red Serge,” Everett Ross Field is facing a tribunal that could determine the future of his career in law. Posted on February 24, 2022

Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Source: Facebook

The Law Society of Ontario has officially initiated a Law Society Tribunal proceeding against neo-Nazi and licensed paralegal, Everett Ross Field, alleging he failed to act with integrity during while being investigated last year for his fascist history.

In December 2020, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network identified Field as “Red Serge,” a member of some of the country’s most prolific groups of hate mongers. 

up for updates


Make a one-ti

In January of last year, the LSO launched an investigation into Field’s conduct, specifically for:

  • engaging in conduct that was otherwise dishonourable.

The current tribunal proceeding against Field, however, does not deal with the aforementioned engagement racism, misogyny, incivility, or otherwise dishonourable conduct. 

Rather, the LSO’s allegation is that Field failed to act with integrity during the initial investigation into his identity as Red Serge, by denying he was the man behind the screen name. 

“Between February and August of 2021, the Respondent misled the Law Society during its investigation into his identity as ‘Red Serge,’ the LSO wrote, “by falsely denying this identity and any awareness of the fora or activities in which ‘Red Serge’ engaged, and thereby failed to act with integrity.”

A year after the LSO’s initial investigation, Field’s profile on the LSO directory now indicates there are ongoing regulatory proceedings against him. 

If found by adjudicators to have engaged in misconduct, he faces a series of potential consequences including a reprimand, a fine, limits or conditions on the type of paralegal work Field will be allowed to conduct, and/or a suspension or revocation of his licence.

As CAHN has previously reported, Field incorporated his legal education into his fascism. As a guest on the now-defunct neo-Nazi podcast, This Hour Has 88 Minutes, Field used his legal expertise to “red pill” the hosts on hate speech laws, and lay out the boundaries of “what you can and cannot say.” 

Later in the episode, Field boasted about using his knowledge of the law to his advantage when confronted about his use of hateful language. 

“When you work in the legal field like I am, and you want to be as offensive as I am, you can very easily hold people over the fire. I’ve got a few guys I can basically blackmail with assault charges. Because I said the n-word at a bar and they decided to try and punch me… Well now I get to basically bend them over a barrel, fist them up the ass, legally speaking of course, and all of it translates to money. It’s hilarious that I’m doing the opposite of the Jew move. Normally it’s like ‘oh my god you said n—–,’ but I get to say it and then bend them over because of it. Most of these guys have heeb [an insult against Jewish people] last names too. So it’s just beautiful, the way I’m twisting the legal system. I anglo’d them…When you out-Jew a Jew.”

As a former president of both the Mohawk College Conservative Club and the McMaster Conservatives campus association, Field used his connections at both schools to help organize the Hamilton Conservative Christmas Formal in 2017, to which he repeatedly invited his friends in the fascist Canadian Super Players Discord server, provided they not behave in an “overtly fash” way.

As a student in both the “pre-law” program at McMaster University, and then in the paralegal program at Mohawk College, Field bragged in the CSP server about his on-campus “activism” and expressions of fascism. 

On one occasion, he gleefully posted in the CSP chat about his professor while sitting in her class: “She’s bitching about one of our postering campaigns. We did it, boys. I have to contain my glee. So hard not to have a shit eating grin [right now].” 

In November 2021, CAHN reported on the discourse of Canadian neo-Nazis during the deadly white supremacist “Unite The Right” attack on Charlottesville in 2018. For his part, Field told members of CSP who were attending that he hoped they “bashed some antifa skulls.”

Based on our investigations, human rights lawyer and CAHN board member Richard Warman has submitted a formal complaint that Everett Field did not at the time of his licensing, and does not now as a fully licensed paralegal, meet the “good character” requirement to remain licensed as a paralegal member of the Law Society of Ontario.

  • engaging in discriminatory/racist/misogynist conduct
  • engaging in incivility

Burlington Convoy Rally for Freedom of Choice, Saturday, March 5, 2022, noon


Seems we have the Mamma Bears, Milton, Hamilton, Oakville and some New Blue News brewing.  This is getting bigger and I really hope you all can make it go from big to Epic, spread the word.  We now locked in Shaunalee Durkson PPC Niagara West, Roselaine, Amber, JD PPC Oakville, Doru Gordan New Blue Oakville North Burlington, Mr Spina New Blue Milton and Mamma Bear leader as well as Artist Cassius Juilius (CJ) singing his new song Deep Breath.
Come for 2pm to Burlington City Hall or join the convoy or march or both.  Details below.
Last Weeks Rally in Hamilton
ConvoyConvoy starts to gather at 12pm at Dundurn Castle.


Slow Ride Convoy RouteDeparture is 1pm Sharp.


Convoy Endpoint and March Starting PointSpenser Smith Park is where the slow ride parks.  From there the convoy will march to Burlington City Hall for 2pm.


Donate PPC BurlingtonJoin the PPC


Michael Bator

Okanagan Freedom Events & Rallies, March 3-7 — Penticton, Kelowna, Osoyoos, Oliver, Keremeos


Come out to the meeting!!! We need your input. TONIGHT     NEW TIME!!!!! Planning Meeting Thursday, March 3rd – 5:30 pm Potluck dinner. 6:30 pm to 8 pm Meeting – Plan to be there!  Agenda: Focus on “What’s Next?” There have been dramatic changes in Canada over the past weeks and months. Are we prepared for the future? This meeting will be devoted to ideas and initiatives to recreate a society based on a clear vision of equal rights for all, a sense of community, a healthier future, individual freedom with individual responsibility. How will decisions be made, what resources are needed? In other words, what’s next for Penticton4Freedom and its community of freedom guardians. Please contact Mary Lou at 780-908-0309 if you want a spot on the agenda. Book Clubimage.png
March 3, 3:30 pm (same place as our planning meeting) Let us know if you want to get on the Book Club email list. We are continuing with the book The Law by Frederic Bastiat.. There is much more wisdom in that book than we’ve had time to discuss at our first Book Club meeting. So many parallels to today’s world in Canada although written during the decades surrounding the French Revolution in the mid 1800’s. Please join us regardless of whether you attended our initial session. You’ll be gratified that you did. We encourage you to bring a potluck item and stay after for fellowship with food, followed by our Penticton4Freedom Planning Meeting.  

RALLY Sunday, March 6 Penticton at 1:00 PM– Let’s Hold the line!!! Keep showing up!  Music. Speakers and a guest appearance from Alex – One of the Convoy for Freedom Ottawa coordinators.   – Come visit our literature table. You’ll be delighted with the selection of items there. Druthers and Pandemic Papers are already running low.  Make sure you get your copy. Books, key chains, postcards, and other cool items. BRING FRIENDS!!. They will leave inspired!    RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall.   Community-Wide Prayer

Location: Penticton War Memorial (beside the courthouse) When: Every Sunday 7 pm   Who: anyone who would like to pray towards a peaceful resolve to the current state of Canada, our freedoms, our leaders and our legal system (everyone is invited). Please bring a candle in a jar. If you play an instrument, please come prepared with appropriate songs for reflection and worship.        Slow Roll-On hold while we Roll out a few more fun Ideas – watch for updates in next week’s email.    

OLIVER EVENTS   Saturday, March 5th at 1 PM in front of Town Hall. Still going strong.  Bring friends, your enthusiasm, and signs!!!   

  OSOYOOS EVENTS- No major rally this weekend. To participate in the convoy to Salmon Arm and the Canada-Wide Human Chain for Freedom initiative, show up at the Penticton gathering place by 7 a.m.   “March to the Border” walk is every day at noon except Sunday – from the Baptist church parking lot.    This is a great opportunity to create visibility and intention so please bring any signs and/or flags along for the walk! There has been a great turnout daily so please feel free to invite others along with you!

Monday Osoyoos Meets   Osoyoos Baptist Church from 7:00 to 9:00. There will be guest speakers, strategy planning, and general discussions about current and future plans.

Let’s do this Osoyoos/Oliver!!    KELOWNA EVENTS Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- Every Week! Longest running B.C. rallies – with David Lindsay. Visit for Kelowna and other city updates.




Osoyoos, Oliver and Penticton Supporters who wish to carpool Saturday, March 5th

Convoy leaves for Salmon Arm at 7 a.m. Meet early so we don’t miss linking up with others as we convoy north on Hwy 97. Muster point: the end of the Penticton Parkway Channel. 

There is lots of parking there immediately west of the bridge. If you have ever tubed the channel, you’ll recognize that this is where you get off the rafts. We’ll park there and jump into cars to continue to Kelowna, then Vernon, and on to Salmon Arm.

Freedom Chain 2022 Convoy (Approximate Schedule)

Penticton- 7:00am Departure (Channel Parkway)

West Kelowna 7:40 (Gorman Mill Overpass)

Kelowna 8:00am McCurdy Corner

Lake Country 8:20am (Tim Hortons)

Vernon 8:45 (Vernon Scales)

Armstrong 9:00 (Petro Can)

Enderby 9:20 (Tim Hortons)

Salmon Arm 9:45 (Locations below)

(Sicamous-Malakwa-Sorrento join in )


Muster Points (park and walk) once in Salmon Arm.

Location #1: CO-OP & Shaw Center: Use the frontage road – 10th Ave and 30th st (frontage road turns off 97b) ** Kelowna Convoy **

Location #2: Hilltop Inn ** Vernon Convoy **

Location #3: Remax Office

Location #4: Husky

Location #5: Centanoka Mall

Location #6: Shell

Location #7: Buckerfields

Location #8: Fischers Funeral Home (frontage rd access turn left on Silver Creek rd)

🚨🚨PLEASE ARRIVE AT EACH LOCATION at least 15 minutes prior to departure time to assure we stay on schedule. Goal is to be joining hands in unison at 10am. 🚨🚨

We will join hands for at least 20 minutes (longer if you would like) so we are able to make sure we have enough footage (Pic & Video) and then we are invited to join Salmon Arm for festivities at Blackburn Park.…#

⚠️BYOV = Bring your own vest ⚠️

Safety is key🔑

We have ZELLO channels in place for communication between Muster spots and the Okanagan Convoy coming in.

Check out the KELOWNA Freedom Chain 2022 channel on Zello.

Please use 4-way flashers and keep young children in cars or strollers ad well away from roads.

Pets should also be kept on leash or in your vehicle.

If you have safety pylons, please bring and use accordingly.

Please make sure we are not blocking any roads or highways (driveways included)

No blocking or shutting down traffic

Wear bright clothing

Carpool If possible

Please No littering 🚯

I look forward to seeing you all there! 🇨🇦💜🇨🇦

WALK TO OTTAWA with James Topp


Coming to a city near you!!!! James Topp is marching for all our Freedom’s. He is in the Okanagan and could use some support. Please visit where there is a live tracker and a blog. They are needing gas cards, cheering stations and other support. Jump on the website and see what you can do.


Anyone reading this, please let us know what times and places you are planning to cheer James Topp on. As of this writing, he was somewhere between Hedley and Keremeos, pausing for a day or two.

We’ll see you later this week!

Mary Lou Gutscher

780-908-0309 p4f logo.jpgsignature.png

Okanagan Freedom Events, March 1-6 — Kelowna, Penticton , Oliver, Osoyoos

Don’t miss these important dates!
And Remember to bring two friends with you!    PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES   Thank you, Vlado for the Photos in Penticton on February 27th. Oh, it was a cold one!!  
Rally at Richard Cannings’ office

Tuesday, March 1, 12:00 Noon – meet at his office   301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square).
Let’s show Mr. Cannings that his public comments denying us a voice are unacceptable and his accusations are not fact-based.  He is NOT representing the individual rights of his electors, according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but violating them with his public announcements. Bring signs with appropriate messages. No foul language.     NEW TIME!!!!! Planning Meeting Thursday, March 3rd – 5:30 pm Potluck dinner. 6:30 pm to 8 pm Meeting  Agenda: Convoys, rallies, literature tables, volunteer opportunities, weekly actions, Common Law report, updates on current initiatives, and new initiatives. Please contact Mary Lou at 780-908-0309 if you want a spot on the agenda.   Book Club b6c1ff7b-feed-4214-91e4-b71fafa3fe1e.png
March 3, 3:30 pm (same place as our planning meeting) Let us know if you want to get on the Book Club email list. We are continuing the Law book, there is more to chat about. If you want to join us regardless of if you have been before, let us know. If staying for the strategy meeting later, please bring a potluck item.   RALLY Sunday, March 6 Penticton at 1:00 PM Let’s Hold the line!!! Keep showing up!  Music. Speakers and a guest appearance from Alex – Ottawa Convoy participant – Come visit our literature table. Our supply of the latest Druthers and Pandemic Papers are already running low.  Make sure you get your copy. Books, key chains, other literature, too. BRING FRIENDS!!. They will leave inspired!    RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall.   Community Wide Prayerimage.png
Location: Penticton War Memorial (beside the courthouse) When: Every Sunday 7pm   Who: anyone who would like to pray towards a peaceful resolve to the current state of Canada, our freedoms, our leaders and our legal system (everyone is invited). Please bring a candle in a jar. If you play an instrument, please come prepared with appropriate songs for reflection and worship.    image.png

Sunday, March 20, 1:00 pm

More information to follow 😊

Ted Kuntz – Vaccine Choice Canada

The Red Pill Rapper

Other speakers TBA

 Slow Roll – On hold while we Roll out a few more fun Ideas   Thank you to Marcel for the great coverage, both video, and photos. Click the links provided below.         OLIVER EVENTS   Saturday, March 5th at 1 PM in front of Town Hall.  Bring friends, your enthusiasm, and signs!!!

  OSOYOOS EVENTS- Information to be announced. Stay tuned   “March to the Border” walk is every day at noon except Sunday – from the Baptist church parking lot.    This is a great opportunity to create visibility and intention so please bring any signs and/or flags along for the walk! There has been a great turnout daily so please feel free  to invite others along with you!

Monday Osoyoos Meets   Osoyoos Baptist Church from 7:00 to 9:00. There will be guest speakers, strategy planning, and general discussions about current and future plans.

Let’s do this Osoyoos/Oliver!!    KELOWNA EVENTS Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- Every Week! Longest running B.C. rallies – with David Lindsay. Visit for Kelowna and other city updates.




Penticton Supporters that wish to carpool Saturday, March 5th – Meet at 7:00 am at the end of the Parkway Channel.  There is lots of parking there immediately west of the bridge. If you have ever tubed the channel, you’ll recognize that this is where you get off the rafts. We’ll park there and jump into cars to continue to Kelowna, then Vernon, and on to Salmon Arm.


Ethics over Fear

They have spent the last year creating this legal package, it has solid teeth and is based on criminal law solely as there are no immunities granted for criminal lawsuits, furthermore, the public officials to be charged cannot use tax dollars to cover the fees and/or costs associated or granted by the courts, the funds come from their own pockets. 

They are currently accepting plaintiff applications and looking to expand our legal team of litigators across Canada. We made sure we were ready to rock before pulling the trigger with the press release. It was released to independent media earlier this month so the lead-in is referring to the truckers in Ottawa. Times are changing fast, but the intent has no deadline, just progress toward justice.

Please share this with your community!

We’ll see you later this week!

Mary Lou Gutscher
