If You Missed Paul Fromm on the Don Black Show Brad Love Persecuting Free Speech, Check Out the Archives

If You Missed Paul Fromm on the Don Black Show  Brad Love Persecuting Free Speech, Check Out the Archives

Arthur Topham Heads to “Preliminary Hearing” on “Hate” Charges; New Count Laid at Last Minute

Arthur Topham Heads to “Preliminary Hearing” on “Hate” Charges; New Count Laid at Last Minute
Dear Free Speech Advocates and Radical Press Supporters,

My last update of November 20th, 2013 focused mainly on the Rowbotham application that I had applied for in order to have Regina pay for a lawyer to defend me against her spurious sec. 319(2) “hate crime” charge that resulted in my arrest and incarceration back on May 16th, 2012. That application was refused by Judge Morgan after a hearing held in the Quesnel court house on November 18th.
Since that date I’ve been back in court a few more times on related matters the most recent being Tuesday, January 14th.

 During the November 18th, 2013 Rowbotham hearing Judge Morgan brought up the matter of the particularization of the disclosure (the massive amount of purported “evidence” which the Crown intends to rely upon to justify their having charged and arrested me and stole all of my computers and firearms back in May of 2012). I had made an application to the court back on April 10th of 2013 asking for further particulars and that the Crown to be more specific as to just what articles, posts, etc. were the ones on the website which Regina felt were willfully promoting hatred against “people of the Jewish religion or ethnic group.” After the Rowbotham application was refused I refiled the original April 10th, 2013 application asking the Judge to order Crown to further particularize the case.
 That hearing took place on December 16th, 2013. Judge Morgan reserved his decision until I appeared again January 3rd, 2014 on another related matter. It was then that he handed down his Judgment in which he dismissed my application on the grounds that I was “seeking” “particulars relating to the Crown’s theory.” In the Judge’s estimation, “An order – as set out in his application – for the Crown to particularize the date and time and the exact statement or statements by which the alleged hatred was promoted would have the effect of limiting the Crown’s theory of the case; something that Krindle J. in Pangman (above) at paragraph 3, found there was no authority for and would amount to an extension of the existing law.” It all sounds good in “theory” doesn’t it?
Following the November 18th, 2013 Rowbotham hearing I contacted Crown Counsel Johnston regarding the matter of witnesses that the Crown was planning to call for the Preliminary Inquiry set for January 22nd, 2014. Counsel informed me that she would only be calling one witness, Barry Salt, a forensic computer technician. More taxpayer money to be spent bringing someone up to Quesnel in order to “prove” that I was the Publisher and Editor of RadicalPress.com a fact which I have never denied.
On December 2nd, 2013 I wrote another letter to CC Johnston regarding the matter of witnesses (or lack thereof) and that Crown was not planning to call either of the complainants (Richard Warman and Harry Abrams) nor the investigating officers (Terry Wilson and Normandie Levas). In that letter I wrote:
As I’m sure you are well aware the preliminary inquiry is an important opportunity for me to cross-examine witnesses and gather relevant evidence for pre-trial Charter applications in Supreme Court. Much of the necessary evidence for the Charter applications will be put on the record at that time and therefore I feel it behooves the Crown, in the interest of justice, to call those persons specified above for cross-examination by myself, or, in the event I am able to procure counsel in advance of the January 22nd date, my legal representative.

I never heard back from CC Johnston on this matter and so I filed another application on December 30th, 2013 stating the reasons as:

“The complainants (Richard Warman and Harry Abrams) and the police investigators (Terry Wilson and Normandie Levas) are relevant and necessary witnesses for the purpose of the preliminary inquiry. The Crown is refusing to to call these witnesses. I respectfully request that the Crown be compelled to produce these witnesses.”

As a result a hearing date was set for January 3rd, 2014. During the hearing Crown argued that they didn’t have to produce any witnesses that they chose not to and downplayed the whole notion of the importance of the Preliminary Hearing process. I was given a fourteen page document indexed as: United States of America v. Shephard [1977] 2 S.C.R. 1067. This document, according to both Judge Morgan and Crown Counsel Johnston, clearing showed that the threshold to be met in order to justify ordering a trial to be held was so low as to be practically impossible to refute.

Prior to the January 3rd date the Judge had set another date of January 7th, 2014 for what is called a “focus hearing” which, translated into English, means a time to go over the ins and outs of what would be transpiring during the upcoming Preliminary Hearing on Jan. 22nd. He then decided to deal with that matter too on the 3rd and skip the Jan. 7th date. It was during this hearing that Judge Morgan addressed the issue of the thousands of emails which were still on my stolen computers and had not been returned to me. I told the judge that they were relevant to my defence and that they should be returned as part of the disclosure package which had already been returned some months ago. The judge concurred with my argument and after some discussion with Crown directed CC Johnston to contact Det. Cst. Wilson and have him return all of my email correspondence to me. He gave the Crown until January 14th to prepare a response to his recommendation and it was on that date that I was to return to court to find out the results. When I appeared on January 14th I learned that the emails had been downloaded to a file that was supposedly being sent up to the Crown’s office and that I would be notified as soon as it arrived. Judge Morgan told me to contact Crown Counsel’s office if I didn’t hear anything after a couple of days.

It was also on Jan. 14th that I first learned that Crown was also calling Det. Cst. Terry Wilson of the BC Hate Crime Unit to appear at the Preliminary Inquiry. Then, to top things off, came the sudden announcement by Crown Counsel Johnston that the Crown had filed a third count against me! It was a repeat of the original May 16th, 2012 sec. 319(2) CCC charge. This new indictment, known as “Count 3”, had received the consent of the Attorney General of British Columbia on the 31st of December, 2013 and was signed by Peter A. Juk, QC Acting Assistant Deputy Attorney General. The reasons stated were that I, “Roy Arthur Topham, between the 29th of January, 2013 and the 11th day of December, 2013, inclusive, at or near Quesnel, in the Province of British Columbia, did by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promoting hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code.”

Having made this announcement to Judge Morgan and myself CC Johnston then added that nothing more would be forthcoming as a result of it until after the upcoming Preliminary Inquiry when an application would then be made to the court in order that Crown might attempt to impose new restrictions on me to prevent me from publishing any more truthful articles and opinions on RadicalPress.com.

One further thing needs to be added to this update prior to closing off. This morning, January 16th, 2014 I sent a letter to Crown Counsel Johnston informing her that I had subpoenaed two witnesses to appear in my defence for the Preliminary Inquiry slated for January 22nd, 2013. In that letter I wrote:

Please take notice that I have subpoenaed and will be calling two witnesses for the Preliminary Inquiry to be held on January 22nd, 2014.

Mr. Frank Frost will be appearing to testify on the urgency to maintain an alternative news media here in British Columbia in order to ensure that criminal activities on the part of the RCMP, the Judiciary and the Attorney General’s office (Crown) are exposed to the general public. Mr. Frost is a strong, knowledgable advocate and expert witness in the areas of children and family advocacy and pedophelia within B.C.’s judiciary.

Mr. Lonny Landrud will also be appearing to testify on the importance of maintaining an alternative new media. Mr. Landrud is an expert, knowledgeable witness in the area of judicial misfeasance as it pertains to his own case. Mr. Landrud was witness to a murder of a young woman in Quesnel by RCMP officers and subsequent to reporting this heinous crime to the RCMP has been the subject of numerous attempts on his life by the RCMP. In one instance Mr. Landrud was forced to shoot, in self-defence, an RCMP officer who was attempting to murder him in his home. Since the advent of these events Mr. Landrud has been unable to have his case investigated at any level of government after years of sincere effort and the mainstream news media has refused to investigate or cover his plight. Mr. Landrud will be speaking to the court on the pressing need for an alternative news media that will and does cover his untold story.”

The next few days will be spent preparing for the Preliminary Inquiry. I will send out another update sometime after the 22nd and let readers know what transpired on that day.

For Peace, Freedom of Speech and Justice for All,

Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network

“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”


My court battle to retain the right to publish the truth about any and all injustices is a serious and costly effort and one critical to the future of all Canadians who wish to have the same rights and freedoms. Please consider a donation to the Radical Press Free Speech Defence Fund

AFP Radio: Paul Fromm Discusses the Bizarre Case of Canadian Political Prisoner Brad Love

CENSOREDAFP Radio: Paul Fromm Discusses the Bizarre Case of Canadian Political Prisoner Brad Love

Dave Gahary
AFP Radio
January 18, 2014


Dave Gahary interviews Paul Fromm, the director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, who discusses the bizarre case of Canadian Brad Love, who is imprisoned for, believe it or not, writing letters.





Brad Love Back in Court, January 20, Charged For Writing to His Lawyer


Lindsay, ON. January 2, 2014. Brad Love warned his supporters: “Because I am self-represented, they’ll put me last.” And today, they did. The Lindsay Provincial Court parking lot was all but empty on this frigid January afternoon, when the Love case was finally dealt with just before 5:00. The result? Because the Crown, who had two weeks to do so, had failed to obtain the transcript of a July 11 hearing in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Brad Love was sent back to the cells until January 20 by Provincial Judge Lisa Cameron.

Mr. Love has been in jail since late July pending his appeal of an 18-month sentence,, imposed in July, 2012, for “breach of probation” for having sent information packages to several Toronto Jewish groups. He testified he had received permission. He was under a North Korean-style gag order imposed by a Judge Hogg (no joke) in 2006 forbidding him to write to ANYBODY, without their consent.

In May, 2013, while working in Fort McMurray, Mr. Love was charged with sending “scurrilous material” through the mail and harassment of several local media people and politicians. His initial bail conditions forbad him to “communicate by post, e-mail or text” with anybody. [Yes, such tyranny was imposed in Canada!] With CAFE’s help and legal research, Mr. Love appeared in Court in Fort McMurray, July 11, 2013 and had the bail conditions amended so that he was forbidden to communicate only with the parties involved in the complaint against him — a significant victory.

Then, suddenly, On November 28, he was visited in the Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay and charged by the Ontario Provincial Police with “breach of undertaking” (breach of bail conditions) for having written a letter to his own lawyer, Toronto attorney Peter Lindsay!

In his first Court appearance, December 19, he presented his amended bail conditions and argued that he had, in fact, not broken the law. The Crown — and the Crowns in charge are constantly changing, the Love file passed from one to another — wanted the July 11 transcript from the Alberta Court. So, the case was adjourned to January 2.

When Mr. Love was first called late this morning, the Crown, a Miss Repka, admitted, “we have been unable to locate the brief.” When challenged on this, she said: ‘I don’t have the brief with me, Unfortunately, the time fell over the holidays.”

A frustrated Mr. Love, who is not allowed to keep his legal papers in his cell, argued: “Two weeks ago, the Crown said it would order the transcript from Alberta. They don’t have it. I ask that the charge be withdrawn. This charge is holding up both my appeal and my parole. I think it’s unfair. I do have the recognisance order and this charge should be dropped.”

Court officials were overheard to say: “The Crown in Alberta said they didn’t have the time to check right now, but if they do find the time, they’ll get back to us.”

The judge refused to dismiss the charges but ordered staff to call the Alberta Court’s clerk’s office over the lunch hour.

Late in the afternoon, despite efforts by the Crown and Brad Love’s appointed duty counsel, the Crown told the Court: “We spoke with the Court in Fort McMurray and we still have not been able to find if the variation was made.”

So, the slow, incompetent legal system, unable to get the transcript to confirm the bail conditions in Mr. Love’s pocket, blithely remanded the case until January 20.

In the meantime. Peter Lindsay,. Mr. Love’s lawyer in the “breach of parole” appeal, has ordered and obtained the transcript and sent it to the Crown in Lindsay.

Breach of bail is not usually taken very seriously by Ontario Courts. In one of the numerous cases that preceded Mr. Love, a man who was out on bail for a fight with his common law partner (she too had been charged in the fight) was sentenced to a $250 fine. He had been ordered not to have any contact with her. Police had visited his house and found her there visiting! That was “breach of undertaking.” He was also charged with possession of marijuana, a marijuana plant having been found growing in the man’s abode when he foolishly let the police in. That was good for another $250 fine.

But for Brad Love, it was back to the cells. As in the old Soviet Union, political dissidents are treated far more harshly than common criminals or dopers.

Photo: Brad Love Back in Court, January 20, Charged For Writing to His Lawyer Lindsay, ON. January 2, 2014. Brad Love warned his supporters: “Because I am self-represented, they’ll put me last.” And today, they did. The Lindsay Provincial Court parking lot was all but empty on this frigid January afternoon, when the Love case was finally dealt with just before 5:00. The result? Because the Crown, who had two weeks to do so, had failed to obtain the transcript of a July 11 hearing in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Brad Love was sent back to the cells until January 20 by Provincial Judge Lisa Cameron. Mr. Love has been in jail since late July pending his appeal of an 18-month sentence,, imposed in July, 2012, for “breach of probation” for having sent information packages to several Toronto Jewish groups. He testified he had received permission. He was under a North Korean-style gag order imposed by a Judge Hogg (no joke) in 2006 forbidding him to write to ANYBODY, without their consent. In May, 2013, while working in Fort McMurray, Mr. Love was charged with sending “scurrilous material” through the mail and harassment of several local media people and politicians. His initial bail conditions forbad him to “communicate by post, e-mail or text” with anybody. [Yes, such tyranny was imposed in Canada!] With CAFE’s help and legal research, Mr. Love appeared in Court in Fort McMurray, July 11, 2013 and had the bail conditions amended so that he was forbidden to communicate only with the parties involved in the complaint against him — a significant victory. Then, suddenly, On November 28, he was visited in the Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay and charged by the Ontario Provincial Police with “breach of undertaking” (breach of bail conditions) for having written a letter to his own lawyer, Toronto attorney Peter Lindsay! In his first Court appearance, December 19, he presented his amended bail conditions and argued that he had, in fact, not broken the law. The Crown — and the Crowns in charge are constantly changing, the Love file passed from one to another — wanted the July 11 transcript from the Alberta Court. So, the case was adjourned to January 2. When Mr. Love was first called late this morning, the Crown, a Miss Repka, admitted, “we have been unable to locate the brief.” When challenged on this, she said: ‘I don’t have the brief with me, Unfortunately, the time fell over the holidays.” A frustrated Mr. Love, who is not allowed to keep his legal papers in his cell, argued: “Two weeks ago, the Crown said it would order the transcript from Alberta. They don’t have it. I ask that the charge be withdrawn. This charge is holding up both my appeal and my parole. I think it’s unfair. I do have the recognisance order and this charge should be dropped.” Court officials were overheard to say: “The Crown in Alberta said they didn’t have the time to check right now, but if they do find the time, they’ll get back to us.” The judge refused to dismiss the charges but ordered staff to call the Alberta Court’s clerk’s office over the lunch hour. Late in the afternoon, despite efforts by the Crown and Brad Love’s appointed duty counsel, the Crown told the Court: “We spoke with the Court in Fort McMurray and we still have not been able to find if the variation was made.” So, the slow, incompetent legal system, unable to get the transcript to confirm the bail conditions in Mr. Love’s pocket, blithely remanded the case until January 20. In the meantime. Peter Lindsay,. Mr. Love’s lawyer in the “breach of parole” appeal, has ordered and obtained the transcript and sent it to the Crown in Lindsay. Breach of bail is not usually taken very seriously by Ontario Courts. In one of the numerous cases that preceded Mr. Love, a man who was out on bail for a fight with his common law partner (she too had been charged in the fight) was sentenced to a $250 fine. He had been ordered not to have any contact with her. Police had visited his house and found her there visiting! That was “breach of undertaking.” He was also charged with possession of marijuana, a marijuana plant having been found growing in the man’s abode when he foolishly let the police in. That was good for another $250 fine. But for Brad Love, it was back to the cells. As in the old Soviet Union, political dissidents are treated far more harshly than common criminals or dopers. On the way out of Court, I asked Crown Attorney Repka how I might explain to an American audience (I have covered this case for the American Free Press) how a man can be charged with writing a letter to his own lawyer. She looked scared and said quickly, “I am not seized with this case. Another Crown is prosecuting it.” Apparently knowing nothing about the file, she felt unable to explain how it was possible to charge a man for writing a letter to his own lawyer, who was willing to receive such communication. — Paul Fromm

On the way out of Court, I asked Crown Attorney Repka how I might explain to an American audience (I have covered this case for the American Free Press) how a man can be charged with writing a letter to his own lawyer. She looked scared and said quickly, “I am not seized with this case. Another Crown is prosecuting it.” Apparently knowing nothing about the file, she felt unable to explain how it was possible to charge a man for writing a letter to his own lawyer, who was willing to receive such communication. — Paul Fromm

Back to Court Monday to Try to Get Isabelle McCorkell on the Witness Stand

Back to Court Monday to Try to Get Isabelle McCorkell on the Witness Stand

Fredericton, NB. On Monday, John Hughes, lawyer for Fred Streed, executor of the Estate of Robert McCorkill, will appear before the New Brunswick Court of Appeal here to seek Leave to Appeal from a December 17, 2013 decision by Court of Queen’s Bench Justice William T. Grant denying him the right to cross-examine Isabelle McCorkell (yes, different spelling), the sister of the late Robert McCorkell.

Mr. McCorkell who died in St. John in 2004, left a substantial collection of ancient coins and artefacts to the U.S.-based National Alliance. The will received probate in May, 2013. Almost immediately the Southern Poverty Law Center of Montgomery, Alabama denounced the bequest and said it should be stopped. he was echoed by Richard Warman in Ottawa. Soon, after, Isabelle McCorkell who lives in Ottawa and is the long estranged sister of Professor McCorkill, announced she was seeking an injunction to freeze the estate until she could bring an application to have the bequest reversed as it was contrary to the public interest. Miss McCorkell had shown no interest in the estate through the nine long years it too to probate.

The Attorney General of New Brunswick, the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs piled in as interveners all singing from the same hymnal: that the bequest should be nullified as the National Alliance was “racist” and “White supremacist” and, therefore, contrary, to the public policy of Canada.

This shocking effort to hijack a testator’s property brought the Canadian Association for Free Expression into the fray in opposition to the effort to erase Professor McCorkill’s clear intent.

Early on, another judge had denied Mr. Hughes and the Estate the chance to cross-examine Miss McCorkell on her affidavit and the apparent contradictions in her position. For instance, she claims to be of very modest means and is unable to put down security for costs, as is customary in New Brunswick with out of-of-province litigants. Yet, she is able to afford one of Moncton’s biggest and priciest law firms that has been very active on her behalf.

The Motion for Leave argues: “It is apparent from these interventions (the NB Attorney General, B’nai Brith and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs) supporting the Application (of Isabelle McCorkell) that a degree of co-operation of unknown proportions made possible the Application, and somehow protects the Intended Respondent (Isabelle McCorkell) from the usual costs of litigation.”

The Application was scheduled to be argued in St. John, January 27-28, but Mr. Hughes will be seeking a postponement of the hearing date should he get Leave to Appeal from the Order denying him the right to cross-examine the litigant instigator of this Application. Mr. Hughes is also seeking the quashing of Judge Grant’s Order directing Mr. Streed personally (not the Estate) to pay $3,000 in costs to Miss McCorkell and the three parties supporting her.

Please Help CAFE Defend Free Speech from Those Who Would Submit Beneficiaries to Some Politically Correct Litmus Test

Robert McCorkill died in 2004 and left a substantial collection of ancient coins and artifacts to the White Nationalist National Alliance. The ant-free speech U.S. partisan group called the Southern Poverty Law Centre has vowed to kibosh the bequest. Joining the hitherto silent — for nine years! — sister (who, though claiming straitened circumstances is represented by a pricey Moncton law firm) is the Attorney General of New Brunswick, the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, all seeking to overturn the will.

CAFE has joined the fray to support the Estate and the principles of free speech and private property. “Subjecting beneficiaries to a politically correct litmus test is a frightening assault on freedom of speech and the right of a person to bequeath his property to whom he pleases. It is a shocking step down the road the state tyranny and the triumph of restrictive cultural Marxism,” warns CAFE Director Paul Fromm.

Time is of the essence. The case is scheduled to go to Court January 27.. WE NEED YOUR HELP!
CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
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Paul Fromm Celebrates Alternative Forum’s 35th Anniversary & Warns of the Planned Replacement of Canada’s European Founding/Settler People by Mass Third World Immigration


REXDALE, January 15, 2014. Tonight, forum founder Paul Fromm celebrated the 36th anniversary of the founding of the Toronto-based Alternative Forum, featuring monthly speakers and films for free thinkers. The first Alternative Forum was held in the Etobicoke Public Library in January, 1979 and featured Dr. W. Harding LeRiche, professor of epidemiology at the University of Toronto and an author of a C-FAR Booklet Why Africa is Poor.

Over the years, the Alternative Forum has sponsored speakers like politicians John Gamble, MP; Don Blenkarn, MP; Alvin Hamilton (the founder of John Diefenbaker’s “Northern Vision”), MP, Jake Hoeppner, Reform Party MP; and Liberal maverick Roseanne Skoke MP, Mr. Fromm recalled.

It has sponsored authors like Peter Brimelow, James Bacque, Peter Worthington, James Barros, journalist and WW II war hero Doug Collins, Australian Eric Butler, American Free Press columnist Michael Collins Piper, and Ron Gostick.

It has sponsored academics like the late J. Philippe Rushton, Heinz Klatt, Tony Martin, Mark Weber, Tom Sunic, and Kenneth Hilborn, author of many titles in C-FAR’s Canadian Issues Series of booklets.

It has sponsored lawyers like the late Doug Christie, Peter Lindsay, Barclay Johnson, and Ron Leitch.

The Alternative Forum has sponsored talks by victims of Canada’s political correctness; including, Malcolm Ross, Ian V. Macdonald, Terry Tremaine, Tony McAleer, Mark and Connie Fournier, Wolfgang Droege, Marc Lemire, Eileen Pressler, and Brad Love.

“And,” Mr. Fromm concluded, “the Alternative Forum has provided a platform over the years for rebels of many sorts like Dr. Lorraine Day, Stephen McNallen (expert on the importance of Kennewick Man), James Alcock, transportation visionary and expert on the Red Ensign, monetary critic Murray Gauvreau, and Dave “the Unlicensed Man” Lindsay.
Photo: Paul Fromm Celebrates Alternative Forum’s 35th Anniversary & Warns of the Planned Replacement of Canada’s European Founding/Settler People by Mass Third World Immigration REXDALE, January 15, 2014. Tonight, forum founder Paul Fromm celebrated the 36th anniversary of the founding of the Toronto-based Alternative Forum, featuring monthly speakers and films for free thinkers. The first Alternative Forum was held in the Etobicoke Public Library in January, 1979 and featured Dr. W. Harding LeRiche, professor of epidemiology at the University of Toronto and an author of a C-FAR Booklet Why Africa is Poor. Over the years, the Alternative Forum has sponsored speakers like politicians John Gamble, MP; Don Blenkarn, MP; Alvin Hamilton (the founder of John Diefenbaker’s “Northern Vision”), MP, Jake Hoeppner, Reform Party MP; and Liberal maverick Roseanne Skoke MP, Mr. Fromm recalled. It has sponsored authors like Peter Brimelow, James Bacque, Peter Worthington, James Barros, journalist and WW II war hero Doug Collins, Australian Eric Butler, American Free Press columnist Michael Collins Piper, and Ron Gostick. It has sponsored academics like the late J. Philippe Rushton, Heinz Klatt, Tony Martin, Mark Weber, Tom Sunic, and Kenneth Hilborn, author of many titles in C-FAR’s Canadian Issues Series of booklets. It has sponsored lawyers like the late Doug Christie, Peter Lindsay, Barclay Johnson, and Ron Leitch. The Alternative Forum has sponsored talks by victims of Canada’s political correctness; including, Malcolm Ross, Ian V. Macdonald, Terry Tremaine, Tony McAleer, Mark and Connie Fournier, Wolfgang Droege, Marc Lemire, Eileen Pressler, and Brad Love. “And,” Mr. Fromm concluded, “the Alternative Forum has provided a platform over the years for rebels of many sorts like Dr. Lorraine Day, Stephen McNallen (expert on the importance of Kennewick Man), James Alcock, transportation visionary and expert on the Red Ensign, monetary critic Murray Gauvreau, and Dave “the Unlicensed Man” Lindsay. Mr. Fromm’s main topic, however, was the impending swamping of Canada’s European founding/settler people by surging Third World immigration. “This is ethnic cleansing on the installment plan,” he warned. “This cold blooded replacement of European Canadians is not the result of losing a war or foreign invasion. It is a policy engineered by Canada’s political class. It is deliberate. It is not a matter of good intentions gone wrong. Canada’s political class, regardless of party, wants massive non-traditional immigration with the goal of replacing Whites as a majority by 2050.” This “D-Day — D for our destruction — is not pulled out of a hat. Canada’s European founding/settler people will become a minority by 2050, given current immigration levels, 85 per cent from the Third World, and our own low White birthrate (about 1.5 children per woman of child bearing age, with 2.1 being needed for replacement. Mr. Fromm stressed that we must inform and activate a critical mass of Canadians to agitate against these suicidal policies. “How do we reach people?” he asked. He pointed out that many Canadians are uneasy about the changes in our population, the endless accommodations of imported weirdness. “We need to give people the facts and help them see through the lies and slogans that constitute the political elite’s case for immigration,” he added. If you ask, “Why do we need immigration?” you’ll be told: “Immigration helps us grow our economy.” “This is an outright lie,” Mr. Fromm charged. “With 7.2% unemployment — and it rose again in December — how will importing newcomers ‘grow the economy’?” he asked. “It can’t! An immigrant, if he gets a job, will take a job that should go to a Canadian. The end result, is one more Canadian who has a blighted present and damaged future. We must support him. Should the immigrant, not get a job, we must support him with welfare and, very likely public housing. Either way Canada loses!” Mr. Fromm cited a recent study by the Fraser Institute’s Dr. Herb Grubel, a former Reform MP, which found that immigrants since the early 1980s (overwhelmingly from the Third World), far from “growing our economy” have been and continue to be a massive net drain, costing taxpayers $25-billion annually. That figure represents the taxes these immigrants pay, less the social services they use. “Canada loses,” Mr. Fromm concluded. ____________________________ An audiotape of Mr. Fromm’s speech in available by sending $6.00 to C-FAR Books, P.O. Box 332, rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA.

Mr. Fromm’s main topic, however, was the impending swamping of Canada’s European founding/settler people by surging Third World immigration. “This is ethnic cleansing on the installment plan,” he warned. “This cold blooded replacement of European Canadians is not the result of losing a war or foreign invasion. It is a policy engineered by Canada’s political class. It is deliberate. It is not a matter of good intentions gone wrong. Canada’s political class, regardless of party, wants massive non-traditional immigration with the goal of replacing Whites as a majority by 2050.”

This “D-Day — D for our destruction — is not pulled out of a hat. Canada’s European founding/settler people will become a minority by 2050, given current immigration levels, 85 per cent from the Third World, and our own low White birthrate (about 1.5 children per woman of child bearing age, with 2.1 being needed for replacement.

Mr. Fromm stressed that we must inform and activate a critical mass of Canadians to agitate against these suicidal policies. “How do we reach people?” he asked. He pointed out that many Canadians are uneasy about the changes in our population, the endless accommodations of imported weirdness. “We need to give people the facts and help them see through the lies and slogans that constitute the political elite’s case for immigration,” he added.

If you ask, “Why do we need immigration?” you’ll be told: “Immigration helps us grow our economy.”

“This is an outright lie,” Mr. Fromm charged. “With 7.2% unemployment — and it rose again in December — how will importing newcomers ‘grow the economy’?” he asked. “It can’t! An immigrant, if he gets a job, will take a job that should go to a Canadian. The end result, is one more Canadian who has a blighted present and damaged future. We must support him. Should the immigrant, not get a job, we must support him with welfare and, very likely public housing. Either way Canada loses!”

Mr. Fromm cited a recent study by the Fraser Institute’s Dr. Herb Grubel, a former Reform MP, which found that immigrants since the early 1980s (overwhelmingly from the Third World), far from “growing our economy” have been and continue to be a massive net drain, costing taxpayers $25-billion annually. That figure represents the taxes these immigrants pay, less the social services they use. “Canada loses,” Mr. Fromm concluded.


An audiotape of Mr. Fromm’s speech in available by sending $6.00 to C-FAR Books, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA.

Not Much of a Happy New Year, Political Prisoner Brad Loves Heads Back to Court, January 2 on Bogus Breach Charge

Not Much of a Happy New Year, Political Prisoner Brad Loves Heads Back to Court, January 2 on Bogus Breach Charge

Lindsay, Ontario, January 1, 2014. Not much of a Happy New Year for Canadian political prisoner Brad Love who heads back to Court tomorrow. Mr. Love will be appearing in Ontario Provincial Court on what he says is “a phony charge.”

Political Prisoner Brad Love at Work in Fort McMurray

On November 28, he was charged by the Ontario Provincial Police with “breach of undertaking” (breach of bail conditions) for having written a letter to his own lawyer, Toronto attorney Peter Lindsay. The charge stemmed from bail conditions imposed in May, 2013 after Brad was charged with “harassment” for sending non-threatening letters or making phone calls to several Fort Mcmurray politicians and media personalities.

His initial bail conditions forbad him to write, e-mail or text “any person” — yes, that was imposed by a Canadian, not a North Korean court. Using material prepared by CAFE, Mr. Love returned to court in Fort Mcmurray on July 11. A judge, agreeing these conditions were excessive, substantially amended the bail conditions so that Mr. Love was only forbidden to contact the persons who were part of the complaint.

Photo: http://downwithjugears.blogspot.com/2005/04/brad-love-case.html

Appearing in provincial court in Lindsay, December 19, Mr. Love, argued that the charges were bogus; that he was entirely permitted to write to his lawyer or any other peson, except those mentioned in the complaint. He had a copy of the Alberta judge’s July 11 order.”I got the paperwork from Fort McMurray,” he explained.

However, the Crown who had weeks to prepare this case,rejected Mr. Love’s copy and insisted on obtaining their own transcripts — so another three weeks in jail for Mr. Love. [Mr. Love is currently in prison appealing an 18-month sentence for breach of probation stemming from his 2003 conviction under Canada’s notorious “hate law” — Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. The alleged breach was sending information packages to four Jewish groups in 2009 in connection with the End Israeli Apartheid campaign.

Mr. Love commented: “What did the Crown think: that I’d forged the Alberta Court order in my cell?”

Mr. Love, who will be representing himself, will move for the dismissal of these charges, the latest in a 12-year campaign of state harassment to silence this outspoken populist dissident and inveterate letter writer — over 10,000 letters over a 20 year period.

Elderly Blogger Arrested for Opposing Zionist Genocides

Elderly Blogger Arrested for Opposing Zionist Genocides


by Joshua Blakeney


“To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” – Voltaire

Recently Prof. James Fetzer invited me to contribute to The Real Deal radio platform on a regular basis. The Real Deal has been one of the most distinguished venues for discussions about all the censored subjects that have been of import in recent years. Canada's Prime Minister Harper is surrounded by members of the Canadian Federation of Chabad Lubavitch in Ottawa<img alt=”Canada’s Prime Minister Harper is surrounded by members of the Canadian Federation of Chabad Lubavitch in Ottawa” src=”http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/HARPER-RABBI-RITUAL.jpg” width=”366″ height=”244″ />From 9/11 to 7/7 to Fukushima to JFK to the deleterious role of Zionist-neocons, Prof. Fetzer’s shows have offered the public invaluable analyses of the kind that are all too often lacking in the mainstream media and the foundation-funded alternative venues such as Democracy Now, which typically censor discussions of topics such as false-flag terrorism and Zionist power.

This week I interviewed a man who is potentially going to have to spend two years in prison in Canada due to the content of political statements he made on his website. Arthur Topham is an anti-Zionist blogger and critic of Canada’s subservience to Israel who was arrested for authoring a satirical article which brought Israel’s existence into question.

The Topham Interview:


According to Israel’s puppet regime in Ottawa questioning Israel’s right to exist is “inciting genocide” which is a crime in Canada. So if you support a one-state solution to the Israel-Palestine debacle rather than an ethnocentric two-state solution you are “willfully promoting genocide” according to John Baird, Israel’s man in the Canadian parliament. You don’t support a multi-cultural democracy if you promote the one-state solution, you want to “drive every Jew into the sea” according to the logic of Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister.
YouTube – Veterans Today –

Press TV report: “Canadians Search for Explanations for Foreign Minister’s Radicalism”

Double Standards and Injustice


To illustrate the double-standards applied with Israel, Topham penned a very clever parody indeed. He took the genocidal tract “Germany Must Perish!”, written in 1941 by Theodore Kaufman, and replaced the word “Germany” with “Israel” to see how the Zionists would like a taste of their own medicine. Opposing anti-German racism, Zionist genocides and Israeli criminality however is a criminal act in Canada. Just as kings and dictators have enshrined laws throughout history to prevent their subjects criticizing them, so Canada’s influential Zionists have successfully established legislation which allows for the criminalization of those who zealously criticize the power and influence of the Jewish “state” and its sayanim in the West.Unknown<img alt=”Unknown” src=”http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Unknown.jpeg” width=”189″ height=”267″ />

Opposer of anti-German racism, Ernst Zundle, was kidnapped from the USA and imprisoned in Toronto, Canada for two years in solitary confinement (with the lights on 24-7) for the “crime” of drawing politically incorrect historical conclusions in 2003. Esteemed British historian David Irving found himself on the floor of an Air-Canada plane in handcuffs after the Canadian government deported him to prevent the Canadian public hearing the truth about history. Similarly Mr. Topham has been criminalized for espousing viewpoints which are distasteful to those who rule Canada.

In my interview with Mr. Topham, he explains how he was driving down the highway in his home province of British Columbia with his wife when the police “swooped” down upon their car as if he was a bank-robber, tearing this internet-blogger away from his beloved spouse and dragging him off to jail. This all because he wrote a piece of satire which irritated Zionist anti-free speech groups in Canada. As Dr. Kevin Barrett recently observed in an interview with Topham, writing through the prism of satire usually gives one a great deal of latitude to say things which one would not normally opine. Indeed when I read Mr. Topham’s parody I immediately thought “this is the kind of thing Kevin or perhaps Gilad Atzmon would have written.” But in Canada it seems universally accepted literary standards are to be subordinated to the censorious whims of pro-Israel lobbyists.

Interestingly, there is a schism within the Zionist community currently between those who support anti-free-speech legislation and those who support unfettered free-speech (albeit so they can freely bash Muslims). Since Israel’s 9/11 false-flag was pinned on Muslims Zionist journalists have been authoring genocidal, Hate-Speech against Muslims with the goal of paving the way for the enactment of the Oded Yinon Plan. Whereas Topham was arrested for the hypothetical promotion of a hypothetical genocide against the most invunerable people in the world, Zionist journalists have actually succeeded in creating an environment conducive to pitting different ethnic and confessional groups against each other in the Middle East as per the Oded Yinon Plan. So it is notable that a segment of the Zionist population has begun to oppose Canada’s anti-free speech legislation, presumably realizing that it could be used to prosecute them for anti-Islamic Hate Speech, as has been attempted already. On the other hand there are still those such as the B’nai B’rith who support so called “Hate-Speech” legislation.

Truth Is No Defence


Canada’s Supreme Court, 44% of which consists of Jewish judges, recently upheld a segment of Canada’s anti-free speech, thought-crime legislation. On behalf of the Supreme Court Judge Marshall Rothstein wrote that “not all truthful statements must be free from restriction”. In other words a truthful statement uttered about Canada’s influential Zionist community could land you in prison in Canada.

There is great selectivity displayed when it comes to criminalizing people for their speech in Canada. In almost every instance Canada’s Orwellian Human Rights Commissions (which seemingly exist to deny and negate the Human Rights of free-speech, freedom of expression and freedom of the press) target poor, vulnerable white, Christian men such as Mr. Topham. The recent Whatcott ruling, critically analyzed here, effectively makes the bible criminal. Although Zionist Ezra Levant holds opposite viewpoints to me on 99% of issues, when it comes to opposing thought-crime laws his analyses are valuable. I highly recommend watching this video.

Mr. Topham is currently in need of support in many forms. He was to be represented by Doug Christie, the inimitable and indefatigable lawyer who defended free-speech thoughout his career until his untimely death earlier this year. Christie’s death means that Arthur Topham and other victims of thought-crime legislation are without the kind of legal support necessary to defend themselves against persecution. In addition to losing his lawyer Mr. Topham has been denied legal aide which underscores the need for lovers of free-speech to contribute in some capacity to his struggle, be it financial or otherwise.


YouTube – Veterans Today –

The late Doug Christie defends free speech against establishment censors