Crown Drops Four Charges Against Political Prisoner Brad Love

FORT MCMURRAY, July 13, 2015. A letter from the Crown prosecutor received by Brad Love today announced that four charges pf breach of probation have been dropped.

The charges related to Mr. Love having contacted four different Edmonton  journalists by phone or letter. All write for papers who invite reader comment. The charges were based on a reading of Judge Kelly Wright’s incredible probation conditions
The charges were four counts of  breach of probation [Sec. 733.1] involving communication in Edmonton, November 13, November 24, 2014 and January 7 and 8, 2015, with unnamed media in Edmonton. “Being bound by a probation order dated the 13 day of July, 2012, [Mr. Love] did without reasonable excuse, fail or refuse to comply with the order in that he failed top abstain from any political speech, correspondence, communication or commentary with any media outlet.” Yes, that bail condition was actually imposed by Ontario Judge Kelly Wright, not by some judge in Cuba or North Korea.
What’s quoted in the charge is not exactly what Judge Wright said. I was there. She ordered: “Mr.  Love is to refrain from any political speech or commentary to any media  outlet, political, cultural or religious group or organization, or  police organization.”
Mr. Love has been battling for 13 years to secure his right to write to the press and public officials and has served over 32 months in prison in that time for nothing more than the non-violent expression, through letters to public officials or the press, of his political opinions.
Frederick Fromm's photo.
He still faces charges in Fort McMurray, October 26, for having breached his probation.  These accusations of “breach of probation” stem from his having a discussion with a journalist at a winter fair,and calling the RCMP to find out if there’d been any developments in the case of a Pakistani woman who flew back to Alberta with illegal insecticide and ended up killing two of her children inadvertently.
As well, he faces one count for allegedly uttering threats in a casual conversation with other workers. The alleged threat was not directed at any of the workers. Fort Mac, Brad reports, is rife with police informers and envious people, most of them White sadly enough, eager to do each other harm.– Paul Fromm

Free Speech in Canada? Don’t Believe It — Open your mouth and you Lose Your Job?

  • Free Speech in Canada? Don’t Believe It — Open your mouth and you Lose Your Job?

    Guest speaker Paul Fromm Returns: Free Speech in Canada?

    • Thursday, July 23, 2015

      7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Price: CAD8.00/per person

      Refund policy


      Paul Fromm gave us a dynamic and entertaining lecture on May 3rd! Paul will return to tell us how political correctness for the past 30 years has threatened poverty to people who express controversial opinions on their own time, off the job. This topic is very relevant to our Organizer, Brian Ruhe who was just fired on July 3rd from his teaching job at Capilano University because of his free speech in his YouTube videos.

      Paul has a long history going back to the 1960’s in political activism and free speech issues.

      Paul Fromm heads the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee and the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Canada’s leading defender of free speech. He has battled Canada’s Internet censors and supported political prisoners Brad Love, Terry Tremaine, Arthur Topham and David Irving.

      His free speech work has made him the object of arson and death threats from the ARA, who staged a protest outside his Port Credit home in 2006. As part of state pay-back for his free speech work, he has been  routinely hassled by Canada Customs, and had books, including Irish Fairy Tales, seized as possible “hate propaganda.”.  Customs also seized his laptop on suspicion of containing “hate.”

      An author and former English instructor, Mr. Fromm was fired from his position by the Peel Board of Education in 1997, after years of pressure from Jewish lobby groups who hated his support for victims of censorship and his opposition to the Third World invasion of Canada. In 2014, Mr. Fromm ran for mayor of the city of Mississauga, population 720,000, on a campaign of opposition to immigration, the undisputed cause of traffic gridlock, the number one issue for voters in the city.

      Suggested donation $8

      I’m looking forward to hosting Paul again. The YouTube video from hisMay 3 talk to our Meetup group is at:

      -Brian Ruhe

Court of Appeals Reserves in Crucial McCorkill Appeal: Key Free Speech & Property Rights on the Line

Court of Appeals Reserves in Crucial McCorkill Appeal: Key Free Speech & Property Rights on the Line
Fredericton, New Brunswick. June 18, 2015. A three judge panel of the New Brunswick Court of Appeals reserved its decision in the McCorkill Will appeal. Panel chairman Judge Kathleen Quigg said: “We are going to try to do it as quickly as possible but it also must be translated (into French). It will take a couple of months.” Experienced court observers predicted a six month wait for the decision.
“This case is crucial for freedom of speech and freedom of beliefs and for property rights in Canada,” said Paul Fromm Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression in a statement before the appeal began.
The late chemistry professor William McCorkill left the bulk of his estate consisting of old artifacts and rare coins, variously estimated at between $150,000 and a million dollars, to the U.S.-based White nationalist National Alliance. The will was probated in 2013. When the information became public, a Montgomery based censorship group called the Southern Poverty Law Center complained that the bequest would revive Nazism. The SPLC had no standing in Canada, but Ottawa lawyer, copious human rights complainant and loud anti-racist Richard Warman took up the cry and announced the will should be nullified as the bequest was “contrary to public policy.” Isabelle McCorkell *yes, different spelling), the long estranged sister of Robert McCorkill, who had taken no part in the nine year probate proceedings emerged and made an application to nullify the will on the grounds, get this, that it was “contrary to public policy.” Quickly the Attorney General of New Brunswick, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs and the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith intervened in support of this brazen attack on property rights. The Canadian Association for Free Expression intervened to support the lawyer for the trustee, John Hughes of Moncton, and to support freedom of belief, freedom of speech and property rights, specifically, the right of a testator to direct his estate as he sees fit.
The application was heard in January, 2014. In June, 2014, in a surprise decision, Mr. Justice William Grant nullified the bequest on the grounds that it was “contrary to public policy.”
The bulk of the work of an appeal is in the written submissions presented to the Court. The actual appeal hearing allows each party to highlight their best arguments and the judges to question and challenge these arguments.
CAFE’s lawyer Andy Lodge explained: “We are here today because the Court of First Instance found the National Alliance, the beneficiary of the the gift to be unworthy. This is a ground breaking precedent. There are no conditions in the bequest. Some of the evidence in the affidavits [there was no viva voce testimony] was double hearsay. There was no previous case law to rely on. The goals and objectives of the National Alliance should not be in question.
Mr. Lodge was repeatedly interrupted by questions from Judge Alexandre Deschenes.
Mr. Lodge continued: “The public policy grounds have generally been a last resort in an effort to invalidate a bequest. There has been much discussion about the activities, communications and character of the National Alliance. the test should be McCorkill.” He gave this bequest with no strings or directions attached. “Giving a bequest to a group some find objectionable is not contrary to public policy. It is difficult to evaluate the character of a beneficiary. This could be a very, very slippery slope, It will shift estate litigation to evaluating beneficiaries. You step away from the conditions, if any, imposed by the testator. How is a court to evaluate how an organization might spend the money. This decision opens that door.”
Chairman Justice Quigg wondered: “:Just because it’s new law, just because we have no jurisprudence to rely on doesn’t mean we can’t go forth. There’s legislation against the dissemination of hate propaganda. There could be a link here between the National Alliance and dissemination.”
Then joining the battle of behalf of CAFE was Mr. Lodge’s associate Jean-Yves Bernard. “Is it to be against public policy to give a bequest to a group or person of bad character?” he asked. Mr. Justice Grant is creating new law.” The ruling, he added, “creates a problem for estate law, as we must now look at the character of the beneficiaries, their worthiness. It brings ambiguity into estate law.”
“These cases would be very rare,” Judge Quigg suggested.
The Grant ruling  has created “a sliding scale. It makes estate matters very unpredictable,” Mr. Bernard added. “Untiol now a testator could dispose of property as he saw fit, unless he imposed a codicil that was illegal” — like a New Brunswick will, frequently cited in this case,  where the testator wanted his four horses shot.. The Charter supports freedom of belief and the right to support a belief with a bequest.  Already this case has inspired Spence v BMO using ‘public policy’ to state we should write someone into a will because the testator wrote someone out of the will on racial grounds.”
Next, John Hughes of Moncton, lawyer for the Trustee or Executor of the Estate, weighed in to support CAFE. “The International Boundary separates the U.S. from Canada,” he explained. The McCorkill will makes a bequest in New Brunswick but the proceeds go to a beneficiary in the United States.”
Frederick Fromm's photo.
CAFE Director Paul Fromm with John Hughes, lawyer for the
Trustee of the McCorkill Estate, Provincial Court of Appeal,
Fredericton, NB., June 18, 2015.
“I labour under a restriction because of a lack of funds due to a Court injunction  freezing the funds of the estate. “This injunction has crippled the ability of the estate to defend itself and has caused the abandonment of one of the Estate’s appeals.”
 “The beneficiaries are in the U.S. and this raises the question of ‘public policy.’ Whose public policy? There is no evidence that the National Alliance was ever cjarged or convicted in either Canada or the U.S. The National Alliance in the U.S. is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.” And, he added, former N.A. Chairman Erick Gleibe stated in his affidavit that the organization has no activities in Canada. “How can a Canadian Court deny a bequest to a U.S. citizen or group?” he demanded. “This is extraterritoriality.”
He then turned his guns on the mischievous organization behind this raid on the estate. “The outrage of minorities to this bequest is irrelevant. this estate is being sent to the United States. The Southern Poverty Law Centre is the puppet master behind this case. The League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith [which has since withdrawn from the appeal] in its submissions made clear references to SPLC’s website.”
One of the interveners, he added, “went into a rant against Mr. Fromm and CAFE which I objected to as irrelevant.”  He observed that the SPLC separates its contributors from tens of millions of dollars to enrich itself. The Attorney General has been led down the garden path. The SPLC has enlisted law enforcement agencies and seems to have sold a bill of goods to the new Brunswick Attorney General,” he charged. “And the puppet master role of the SPLC seeks to manipulate the Court of New Brunswick. The Wills Act, Sec. 24(2) of New Brunswick holds that a testator may will his bequest as he sees fit. His failure to note this was an error on Judge Grant’s part,” he argued. “the will, therefore, has legal protection in New Brunswick.”
In his decision, Judge Grant “characterized the National Alliance as unreservedly criminal,” Mr. Hughes said. “However, we have a special obligation to our own race, to improve its prospects. It is not racism. There was  no evidence of the National Alliance operating in New Brunswick. Yet, Judge Grant points to the participation of the Attorney General of New Brunswick as an intervener to protect the people of New Brunswick.”
Further, Mr. Hughes argued, “there is no evidence of National Alliance Internet dissemination in Canada. Therefore, Judge Grant had to jurisdiction to make the findings he did. Groups that don’t value White survival have criticized the National Alliance.”
In response to criticisms of National Alliance founder William Pierce’s fictional writings — The Turner Diaries and Hunter — and ther violence associated with race war in those pages, Mr. Hughes argued: “Where would Hollywood or pulp fiction be without fictional violence. Dr. Pierce’s goal in writing was the preservation of the White Race.”
“To render a judgement against a group from another country because of its character is an insult to the U.S.,” he added.
“Where do we get the authority our own public policy” to a U.S. group?”  Mr. Justice Deschenes asked.
Continuing, Mr. Hughes said: “The Executor has asked me to express the point that. Justice Grant may have been biased” in freezing the assets of the Estate and money due the National Alliance and my accounts. He could have entertained a review of the passing (or unfreezing of the assets) of my accounts, but he postponed it until after this appeal.” The lack of funds had restricted Mr. Hughes ability to act.
Next came those arguing against the appeal. Mr. Justice Deschenes observed: “Promoting the White Race is not necessarily detrimental.”
Arguing for the Applicant Isabelle McCorkell, Marc-Antoine Chiasson insisted: “Promoting the White Race if it is the majority, is detrimental to minorities.” Admitting that such brazen court intervention to nullify a will as contrary to public policy had little precedent, he said: “To suggest that because it’s a novel idea doesn’t mean the courts shouldn’t intervene. This Court is absolutely able and should intervene. There is evidence that the National Alliance is a White supremacist organization. Public policy is that hate propaganda and hate groups offend public policy. So, therefore a gift to the National Alliance offends public policy. Mr. Chiasson then contended that advocating for “White living space flies fully in the face of  public policy.’
“Why can’t Mr. McCorkill make a gift to an organization that is functioning legally in the United States without impediment?” Mr. Justice Deschenes queried,
“International boundaries shouldn’t be an impediment to voiding the will,” Mr. Chiasson responded. Also, “I don’t believe fear of opening the floodgates [to more litigation] is sufficient grounds not to act.”
“But there is no precedent on this issue,” Mr. Justice Deschenes interjected.
Mr. Chiasson admitted: “There is not.” Then, he persisted: “The impact of this gift flies against public policy. The fact that this gift would help fund a hate group flies against public policy. I ask the Court to dismiss the appeal and we seek costs from CAFE.”
Arguing for the Attorney General of New Brunswick, Richard Williams admitted: “None of us has been able to find a similar case iin our extensive research, as Mr. Lodge has indicated.. This seems to be the first case of its kind in Canada where a beneficiary’s character is at issue. This is a rare instance. The National Alliance has no redeeming qualities. Even a drug addict is someone’s son.”
Almost the last word was left to Mr. Justice Deschenes: “If the National Alliance had been performing illegal acts in the United States, the judge [Grant] and parties would have known about it.”
Please consider making a contribution to help CAFE pay its bills in this crucial appeal defending free speech and property rights.

CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3


__   Here’s my special donation of _____  to help  CAFE pay off its legal bills in the McCorkill Will Appeal to be heard in New Brunswick this month.

__   Here’s my donation of ____to help CAFÉ’s support the victims of state censorship, especially Arthur Topham.

__  Please renew my subscription for 2015 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15).

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Thursday Will Be A Crucial Day for Property Rights & Freedom of Belief

Thursday Will Be A Crucial Day for Property Rights & Freedom of Belief

Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-566-4455; FAX: 905-566-4820


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

On Thursday, June 18, the New Brunswick Court of Appeal gets a chance to reverse a lower court decision that seriously infringes on property rights and freedom of belief. Last year, a Court of Queen’s Bench  judge found a U.S. group guilty of thought crimes in Canada, even though they had never been charged, evidence presented, defences mounted or arguments heard. He, then, overturned a will and cancelled a bequest to this group.

CAFÉ is carrying the burden in the battle to reverse a particularly dangerous court decision. Last June, Judge Grant of the New Brunswick Court of Queen’s Bench delivered a breathtaking decision overturning a will with a bequest to a U.S. White Nationalist group on the amazing grounds that it was “contrary to public policy.” The appeal, already delayed once, will be heard in Fredericton on June 18 and CAFÉ, which has fought this battle alone,  owes a pot of money in legal fees.

CAFÉ intervened in the McCorkill will case, beginning  in the summer of 2013. Robert McCorkill, a Canadian  chemistry professor who died in 2004, bequeathed his estate to the National Alliance. The will was probated in May, 2013. Then, the mischief-making, free speech hating Southern Poverty Law Centre in Montgomery, Alabama raised a hue and cry. Ottawa lawyer and frequent human rights and hate law complaint filer Richard Warman proclaimed the bequest “contrary to public policy.” Isabelle McCorkell [yes, different spellings], the long estranged sister of Robert McCorkill, suddenly appeared. Like Warman, she lives in Ottawa. And, although saying she had few resources and lived on $1,000 a month, she retained one of Moncton’s priciest law firms. She obtained an injunction and then filed an application to overturn the will. She was joined by the Attorney General of New Brunswick, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Studies and the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith. CAFÉ intervened on behalf of the executor of the estate.


The application was heard in January, 2014 in St. John. The decision came down the same week three Mounties were gunned down in Moncton. Mr. Justice Grant put a shotgun blast through freedom of belief and property rights and overturned the will. All parties, except CAFÉ and the lawyer for the executor, insisted that this was a one-off case. It was not a precedent. Not so. As we reported in the Free Speech Monitor (March, 2015), a Negro preacher who objected to one of his daughters having a child by a White man cut her out of his will. That will was recently overturned because the preacher was deemed to be “racist” and to have discriminated and that such discrimination (with his OWN money) was “contrary to public policy.” The sky is now the limit!

CAFÉ has appealed this appalling precedent. This case is vital to free speech in Canada. We desperately need your help NOW! The appeal has thus far cost us over $30,000 and the bills are not all in. We’ve gone way out on a limb because this case is so very important.

I’ve been in this free speech battle for four decades. We have had some important victories but there have also been defeats. On an ongoing basis, we face efforts by the enemies of free speech to impose their beliefs and throttle dissent, usually using the might of Big Governments and the Court. You and I are dedicated to this precious right of freedom of speech. We’ve taken to heart the late Doug Christie frequent warning: “You only have the rights you’re prepared to fight for.”

Please  send CAFÉ your most generous contribution for the McCorkill Will Appeal.

Sincerely yours,


Paul Fromm

CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3


__   Here’s my special donation of _____  to help  CAFE pay off its legal bills in the McCorkill Will Appeal to be heard in New Brunswick this month.

__   Here’s my donation of ____to help CAFÉ’s support the victims of state censorship, especially Arthur Topham.

__  Please renew my subscription for 2015 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15).

Please charge______ my VISA/Mastercard#_________________________________________

Expiry date: ______ Signature:_______________________________________________



Address:________________________________________________       _______________________________________________________Email___________________________________

Lady Michele Renouf – Identitarianism – What it Means – Our Heroes & Our Strengths

Lady Michele Renouf – Identitarianism – What it Means – Our Heroes & Our Strengths

The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Present Lady Michele Renouf’s speech in Vancouver,…
[Click on the photo and click on the url link.]

The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Present Lady Michele Renouf’s speech in Vancouver, Canada, Thursday, June 11, 2015.

Open Letter to the Canadian Senate: Vote “No” on Bill C-51

Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-566-4455; FAX: 905-566-4820


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

June 3, 3015

Re: Bill C-51: Please Vote No

To the Senate of Canada:

I am writing on behalf of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Canada’s most active free speech group, incorporated as a non-profit educational organization in the Province of Ontario.

I write to urge you, no beg you, to protect civil liberties and freedom of belief by voting against Bill C-51 on Third Reading

Under the Canadian system, the Senate is the chamber of “sober second thought.” Bill C-51 has been rushed through the House of Commons with unseemly haste. Many important people who wished to be witnesses, including the Privacy Commissioner, were denied a hearing.

On March 4, I wrote to Daryl Kramp, Chairman of the House Committee on Public Safety and National Security, requesting permission to appear before the Committee in the matter of C-51. I  didn’t even receive the courtesy of a reply. I called his office and was assured I’d be contacted. i never was. Arrogance and high handedness seem the order of the day,.

Bill C-51 is billed as “anti-terrorist” legislation. It is nothing of the sort. It is a blatant power grab that could make mere dissent on immigration the equivalent of “terrorism” and CSIS agents, with a court order, could disrupt your activities with false information, break-ins, computer hacking, anything except rape, murder of physical harm. If this sounds hyperbolic or alarmist, it isn’t. Four former Prime Ministers,  Joe Clark, John Turner, Brian Mulroney and Jean Chretien have called on the government to withdraw this legislation. So, have more than a hundred law professors and senior academics.

Globe and Mail editorial (February 6, 2016) explained:  “Why does the bill do so much more than fight terrorism? One part of Bill C-51 creates a new definition of an ‘activity that undermines the sovereignty, security or territorial integrity of Canada’ that includes ‘terrorism,’ ‘interference with critical infrastructure’ and ‘interference with the capability of the Government in relation to … the economic or financial stability of Canada.’

But wait. If a person blew up critical infrastructure – a pipeline, for instance – wouldn’t that be terrorism and that is already clearly covered under the CSIS Act? So, what is this other class of security-underminer the bill refers to? A political party that advocates Quebec independence (there goes our ‘territorial integrity’)? Indian activists who disrupt a train line? Environmental activists denounced as radicals by a cabinet minister? These things are on a par with terrorism now?”

The government’s party line, agreed to by all the other parties, is that we need “immigration to grow our economy.” I, for one, have lobbied for 15 years for a five-year moratorium on immigration. Could this be seen as “interference with the capability of the Government in relation to … the economic … stability of Canada?”  Who knows?

The important thing is that C-51 is not needed. The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, since 1982, has had a clear mandate to investigate potential terrorists. Already two Moslems have been apprehended and charged with trying to derail a New York City to Toronto VIA train; a Canadian couple of Moslem converts are now on trial in Victoria for attempts to plant kettle bombs outside the BC Legislature and become “el-Qaeda Canada.” Arrests of three Ottawa radical Moslems have followed efforts by the trio to join the jihadis in Syria. The present system seems to be working relatively well.

After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the Liberal Government of the day introduced Bill  C-36. It did little to fight terrorism but gagged the Internet. It turned over censorship of the Internet through the notorious Sec. 13 to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Richard Warman went on a rampage of complaining. Many free thinkers, immigration critics, WW II skeptics were put through hell. Not a single Moslem extremist or terrorist was ever charged. Fortunately, after years of lobbying and with your help, Sec. 13 was repealed.

Then, there was the totalitarian “national security certificate” which allowed a non-citizen to be deemed a “threat to national security” and, accused with secret evidence and witnesses, deported. Most of these provisions have since been ruled unconstitutional, but not before they were used to incarcerate publisher Ernst Zundel for two years (2003-2005) and deport him to face five years in prison in Germany for doubting the copnventional version of WW II. A lifelong pacifist and a man who scrupulously paid his taxes and obeyed the law to the letter, Mr. Zundel was deemed to be a “terrorist”. The preposterous reasoning by a tainted Federal judge who three times refused to recuse himself for a “reasonable apprehension of bias” (he was the former political boss of CSIS, the source of most of the secret evidence against Mr. Zundel) was this: Ernst Zundel had attended several lectures three decades before by Dr. William Pierce; Pierce wrote The Turner Diaries; Timothy McVeigh read The Turner Diaries; Timothy McVeigh blew up the Murragh Building (allegedly); therefore, Ernst Zundel is a terrorist,

We stand 100 per cent against terrorism. Much more careful immigration screening, including a requirement for “cultural compatibility” would help reduce the numbers of terrorists in our midst. Bill C-51 will do nothing  but bring more police state intrusion into the lives of dissidents who peacefully disagree with government policy. It happened under Bill C-36 and there’s no reason to believe Bill C-51 will be anything different.

I urge you to vote “no” to C-51.

Sincerely yours,

Paul Fromm




Under the guise of “national security” and fighting terrorism, Bill C-51 is a police state power grab. It vastly expands the definition of “threat to national security” way beyond the practice of serious acts of violence. CSIS will be able to disrupt by ANY means short of rape, murder or physical harm.
Oppose immigration or a pipeline or support the separation of a province from Canada and you might be labelled a “threat to national security” and CSIS can break into your home, sabotage your computer, defame you to your boss.
You must ACT now! Many Canadians right, left and centre are speaking up on this issue.
Paul Fromm
Frederick Fromm's photo.


I’m writing to urge you to vote against the government’s irresponsible Bill C-51. This spying bill will recklessly endanger our rights and our privacy, while making us less safe.
Experts, high-profile public figures, and the Canadian public agree: this bill is reckless, dangerous and ineffective. It must be stopped. And yet, this dangerous legislation has been rammed through Parliament against the wishes of Canadians.
The Senate was envisioned as a chamber of “sober second thought” for Canada. Now is your chance to put this into practice, and stop this extreme legislation before it’s too late.
I’m joining over 225,000 people who have already spoken out at As a representative of my province, I expect you to stand with Canadians and vote against Bill C-51.
Bill C-51 is not simply reckless.  It is clearly an abrogation of our historic hard-won rights and freedoms going back to the Magna Carta and beyond.  This Bill is plainly seditious and those responsible for its design and promotion should be investigated for criminal conspiracy designed to sabotage our Constitution, almost certainly in conspiratorial collaboration with foreign interests, which has foundations in precedent going far beyond the specious Charter of Rights and Freedoms which was never subject to proper citizen approval and by being “conditional” places our rights and freedoms at the mercy of arbitrary political ukase.  Its ideological  origins are unmistakably to be found in Bolshevism.
Do your sacred duty to Canada and its incomparable British heritage by protecting the nation  against foreign and domestic intrigue by rejecting Bill C-51 in it entirety.  By so doing you will demonstrate to the citizens of this nation that the Senate does have a vital role in our political process.

FREE SPEECH ON TRIAL: Brian Ruhe interview with Arthur Topham, Publisher of

FREE SPEECH ON TRIAL: Brian Ruhe interview with Arthur Topham, Publisher of
May 17th, 2015


The 7 – Part Brian Ruhe Youtube Interview with Arthur Topham Publisher of is now presented here in chronological order for viewers.
Please do try to share the url to this post with as many folks as you can.
I would like to thank Brian Ruhe for taking the opportunity and time to discuss my court case and related issues. I hope viewers will enjoy these discussions.

Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 1 of 7

Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 2 of 7

Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 3 of 7

Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 4 of 7

Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 5 of 7

Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 6 of 7

Arthur Topham’s Free Speech on Trial – 7 of 7

My PayPal account has been suspended thanks to some unknown entity who apparently was posting it on a website that was not kosher enough and I was blamed for breaking their policies!

I have been away from my home since April 30th looking after a very sick brother who is down with a bad case of cancer and requires my help and so I’ve been unable to send materials out to my list.

Anyone who wishes to help out and donate to the cause can find my contact information on the Home Page of my website

Thanks. Please pass these important videos around to others.

For Peace & Justice for All,

Arthur Topham




Lady Michele Renouf — The Fraud of Feminism

Lady Michele Renouf — The Fraud of Feminism…

Lady Michele Renouf is a philanthropist, charity fundraiser, socialite, landscape gardener, lecturer in the Fine Arts, Wagnerite, film producer, author, model, actress, ballet dancer & choregographer, public speaker, publicist for the Jewish independent homeland of Birobidzhan, popular guest on current affairs talk shows, anti-Zionist and campaigner on behalf of those persecuted for telling the truth. In short, she is a Renaissance woman who has no truck with Feminism – and in this talk she explains why.

Lady Michele Renouf (Audio) – ‘The Fraud of Feminism’
Lady Michele Renouf is a philanthropist, charity fundraiser, socialite, landscape gardener, lecturer in the Fine Arts, Wagnerite, film producer, author, mode…