Canadians Could Face Jail Time for Criticizing ‘Gender Fluid’ Ideology

Canadians Could Face Jail Time for Criticizing ‘Gender Fluid’ Ideology

Oh Canada!

A new bill in Canada would redefine “hate speech” to include criticism of “gender fluid” ideology, which could be punishable for up to two years in jail. 

Spearheaded by left-of-left Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and Parliament’s Liberal Party, “the bill would redefine “hate speech” under the Canadian Criminal Code as well as the Canada Human Rights act, to include any speech that “promotes hatred towards a gender identity or expression,” reports Breitbart. 

Commemorating “International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia,” Trudeau declared that Canada has a responsibility to defend LGBTQ people of speech that may harm their fragile egos.

As a society, we have taken many important steps toward recognising and protecting the legal rights for the LGBTQ2 community – from enshrining equality rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the passage of the Civil Marriage Act.

There remains much to be done, though. Far too many people still face harassment, discrimination, and violence for being who they are. This is unacceptable.

To do its part, the Government of Canada today will introduce legislation that will help ensure transgender and other gender-diverse people can live according to their gender identity, free from discrimination, and protected from hate propaganda and hate crimes.

The bill states: “This enactment amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination, which seeks to “extend the protection against hate propaganda set out in that Act to any section of the public that is distinguished by gender identity or expression and to clearly set out that evidence that an offence was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on gender identity.”

Canadian law already prohibits anti-gay “hate propaganda,” which would make the addition of transgenders an upgrade to laws already on the books banning free speech.

First It’s Gambling Websites Blocked — Politically Incorrect Sites Next?

First It’s Gambling Websites Blocked — Politically Incorrect Sites Next?

This creates a precedent and we know what’s coming next.

They will block politically incorrect sites and revisionist sites or any sites mentioning the people you can’t talk about critically … and we all know who they are. Well.

If you don’t care to act, no need to worry. You will die stupid anyway and your life will have been worthless for the future of the survival of our people.

“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” ― Jim Morrison

Pas de problème … Quebec just passed a website blocking law

ISPs legally obliged to prevent access to servers political masters don’t want you to see

26 May 2016 at 21:29, Kieren McCarthy

Kieren McCarthy

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Canada’s second largest province, Quebec, has passed a law that obliges ISPs to block gambling websites.

Bill 74 has passed almost without notice (the casino industry being the notable exception) and will see the government agency in charge of lotteries in the province, Loto-Québec, draw up a list of online gambling sites that they will then send to ISPs.

ISPs will be required to block access to those sites within 30 days or face a $100,000 fine. The legislation doesn’t go into how ISPs should block the sites and although it is now law, it is extremely likely that they will put forward a legal challenge to it.

Incredibly, the ban does not apply to all gambling sites – just those that Loto-Québec doesn’t like – and legislators were quite open about the fact that a goal of the law is to increase revenue to the local, officially approved gambling service Espacejeux.

According to its own documents, the law “would increase the dividend that Loto-Québec pays to the government by $13.5 million in 2016-17 and $27 million a year thereafter.”

Officially the idea behind the law is to protect the citizens of Quebec – “especially young people” – from sites that do not promote “responsible gaming rules.”

Unsurprisingly, it is expected to face a fierce legal challenge. A law allowing a government agency to restrict access to specific websites in order to cause direct financial benefit to another website is not the sort of thing that courts look positively on. Another legal argument to be put forward is that the law attempts to usurp federal telecommunications law.

The passage of the law was recently raised in the House of Commons of Canada, with one minister pointing out that such a law would violate the country’s net neutrality position.

Despite Quebec’s size and importance, its government is not the most Net-savvy or even consistent. In 2014, it backed away from registering government websites under “.quebec” names despite having previously given formal government support to the plan. ®

Obscene Vandalism of YOUR WARD NEWS Office: The Diversity Red Guards in Action

Obscene Vandalism of YOUR WARD NEWS Office: The Diversity Red Guards in Action

See attached pic for a laugh. Some Marxist spray-painted that image on our office facade last night, most likely in response to me announcing that I’ve formed a “Hitler Fan Club”. The windows were already all replaced by plywood because of bricks thrown through them by SJW’s.

And, we get graffiti about once a month. But this most recent creation shows some artistic merit. The attention to detail is quite impressive: the scrotum has hair and the ejaculate is almost li…ke tears falling … perhaps representing the melancholy a Marxist experiences when he realizes that his efforts to shut us down are futile? I was going to leave the graffiti up and just get a banner that reads “MEIN KOCK Nazi Gay Club”, but the city will fine us if we do not remove it.



Dr. James Sears
Founder and Leader
New Constitution Party of Canada

Frederick Fromm's photo.

The CBC Matrix

The CBC Matrix

by Tim Murray

The CBC Matrix

News item: The CBC won’t name a swimming pool sex assault suspect because he’s a Muslim migrant.

Effective propaganda consists not so much in spinning the news, but choosing it. Choosing what is newsworthy, and what to exclude — the Lückenpresse, “Gaps Press”, as the sorely afflicted Germans have recently come to call it. At best consumers are fed a half-truth, with the other half left out. Thus the credulous dupes who rely on state broadcasters like the CBC, the BBC and the ABC subsist on a meager diet of lies and omissions — pseudo-intellectual junk food that leaves their brains chronically malnourished. As such, they cannot comprehend reality because they have never been introduced to it, while lacking the ambition, diligence and skepticism required to search for alternative information sources. They wear their misconceptions like a comfortable shoe, and are disinclined to get out of it. They are the “Friends of the CBC”.

If you live in the CBC matrix, you will not know what is happening in the real world. In the CBC matrix there is

If you live in the CBC matrix, you live in a make-believe world,

CBC health warning logo
CBC health warning logo. Myriads of Canadian blue pillers are trapped in the CBC matrix.

If you live in the CBC matrix, you are living in a bubble that will soon be pricked by reality. A reality that even the CBC cannot hold at bay. Your trusted information gatekeepers will not be able to stop the truth from busting through and overwhelming you. The shock will render you bewildered and paralytic. You will not be able to make sense of what has befallen you, much in the way that the establishment media pundits are dumbfounded by Trump’s success. How could this happen?

If you live in the CBC matrix, you are going to get a rude awakening. You have been living in a hot house environment that is about to be breeched, and leaving you to stand helpless before the cold draft of politically incorrect facts. Leftist Group-Think will die of exposure.

It is at that point that you will realize that the “Lückenpresse” has let you down. CBC Pravda did not tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Panic will set in. You will suddenly understand that you are alone, left to your own devices. You will have to start thinking for yourself. God forbid.

Related posts:

Liberals Invite Donors to Join Justin in Gay Pride Parade

Liberals Invite Donors to Join Justin in Gay Pride Parade

Dear Braedan:
May I call you Braeden? I don’t know you from a hole in the ground but you call me “Paul”. Such is our age of phony informality.
So,the prize for a donation to the Liberal Party is a chance  to join Justin in prancing in the Gay Pride Parade. I, for one, am sick and tired of minority privilege.
No way! Those who have to parade their sexuality — some buck naked — are neurotic and a disgrace. Justin Trudeau demeans his office by joining such a parade.
The apology to the Sikhs for the Komagata Maru incident –a ship of mostly illegals and revolutionaries, quite rightly expelled by the Dominion Government in 1914 — shows that Trudeau has made his choice. He favours Sikhs, Moslems, the transgendered and the sexually diverse. OK, he’s the prime minister of the privileged minorities. He is not mine.
We need a Prime Minister to represent the dispossessed Canadian Majority.
Be warned, Traditional Canadians won’t take this pandering much more.
Now, Mr. Trudeau wants to trample on free speech. He wants to define criticism of the transgendered as “hate speech” which could earn the victim up to two years in jail.
In politically correct speak it’s just not “appropriate”.
Paul Fromm,
Win a trip to Toronto Pride to march with the Liberal team.

Paul —

Can you believe that no sitting Canadian Prime Minister has ever marched in a Pride Parade? Until July 3, 2016 that is — when Justin Trudeau will make history and become the first.

When hundreds of thousands of Canadians join the PM that day to show support for LGBTQ2 rights and equality in the Toronto Pride Parade, the Liberal Team will be marching right alongside them.

But we are also going one step further, and giving you the chance to make history with us!

We’ll be flying one lucky supporter and their guest to Toronto, airfare and hotel on us, giving you each VIP passes to the Toronto Pride Festival — and inviting you to march with the Liberal Team in Sunday’s parade. Already want to be there? Donate now and then follow the link to enter the promotion.

It’s going to be an extraordinary experience and an unforgettable moment for Canada’s LGBTQ2 community, and you’ll be a part of it!

The promotion is free to enter and anyone can sign up on But we’re also up against a steep fundraising target this month with $200,000 to raise to stay on track with our second quarter fundraising goal.

The Conservatives — without a permanent leader — raised over $1-million more than we did in the first quarter. We can’t let that happen again, which is why it’s so important you chip in to help us close the gap this month.

While the Conservatives are still debating whether or not to even support equal marriage (note: it’s 2016), Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government have announced bold new steps to protect the rights, safety, and inclusion of transgender Canadians – and that crucial progress must continue.

Join the over 700 Canadians who have already donated $25,192 this month — donate now and then follow the link for the chance to come march with us in Toronto.

If you’ve saved your payment information, your donation will be processed immediately.

Give $5 ➜
Give $25 ➜
Give $50 ➜
Give $100 ➜

Or give another amount:

There has never been a better time to make your first gift to the Liberal Party of Canada. A gift of any amount makes an incredible difference in our work to help build a stronger, more inclusive country.

Thanks for everything you do,

Braeden Caley
Senior Director, Communications
Liberal Party of Canada

“Evalion” — Latest Canadian Victim of You Tube Censorship

“Evalion” — Latest Canadian Victim of You Tube Censorship
 Her screen name is “Evalion” Some Internet sources say she is 18, others 26. However, she’s talented, attractive and enthusiastic. Some of her views may be a bit over the top but the key issue here is freedom of speech. No one is forced to watch her videos.
 We note the Ziocensors at You Tube accuse her of “hate speech”> This vague term really means speech a powerful minority hates, rather than speech that promotes “hate”. CAFE, Canada’s most active free speech organization, has reached out to Evalion and offered support and assistance in her battle for free speech. Luckily, Internet censorship is a little like trying hold back a flooding river with a single sandbag: The waters find a way around. Many of her films are up on other sites. 
Note that, if she were a Stalin groupie or an active fan of Pol Pot as was one of Canada’s major party leaders — former Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe, who was a longtime activist in the Maoist, pro-Pol Pot Workers’ Communist Party,  there’s be no problem.

Angel-faced Youtuber, 18, is kicked off the site after sharing racist views and singing Happy Birthday to Hitler – with swastika CUPCAKES

  • Girl, known as ‘Evalion’, condemned Jews and called black people ‘n******’
  • Said she denied Holocaust and dubbed Hitler ‘brilliant and compassionate’
  • Another Youtuber called her ‘The most racist girl on the entire Internet’
  • Disturbingly, she boasted 40,000 followers before she was kicked off 


An 18-year-old woman, known as Evalion (pictured) was banned from Youtube for posting videos where she praised Hitler and condemned Jews

An 18-year-old woman, known as Evalion (pictured) was banned from Youtube for posting videos where she praised Hitler and condemned Jews

A racist vlogger has been booted off YouTube after she sang happy birthday to Hitler and called black people ”n*****’ in her videos

The woman, known as Evalion, caused outrage by calling Hitler a ‘brilliant’ and ‘compassionate man and condemning Jewish people.

Her true identity isn’t known but she is believed to be 18, living in Canada and well spoken.

Evalion’s channel was suspended after a profilic YouTuber, called Leafyishere uploaded a video about her entitled ‘The Most Racist Girl On The Entire internet’.

In Evalion’s videos called Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil and How Feminists Supported Rape by Causing the Migrant Crisis, she shared her support for Hitler.

There was shock when she made swastika cupcakes with birthday candles and sang happy birthday to a picture of the Fuhrer – who was behind the execution of six million Jewish people during the Second World War.

Evalion insists that the leader of the Nazis was a good man whilst also admitting to being a Holocaust denier.

The baby-faced blogger is openly anti-Semitic by opening her videos with lines such as ‘Do you despise the Jews as much as I do’ and ‘Do you want to know how to spot a Jew.’

She also went on to use racist language by saying: ‘Don’t you hate those lazy n***** who are never satisfied even after they are given reparations.’

Scroll down for video 



Evalion caused outrage after she made Swastika cup cakes with birthday candles and sang happy birthday to a picture of Hitler 


Evalion caused outrage after she made Swastika cup cakes with birthday candles and sang happy birthday to a picture of Hitler

She also holds contempt for feminists blaming them for the migrant crisis and singling out criticism for Labour MP Jess Phillips.

The banning of Evalion has sparked intense debate on social-media with some people outraged at YouTube’s decision to censor her.

Disturbingly Evalion had over 40,000 subscribers before she was exiled.

One Twitter user called Spanky the Monkey said: ‘If you love free speech, then you have to allow ALL people to speak!’

And @Polite-Critical said: ‘I don’t support what Evalion says, but I defend her right to say it.’

The blogger, believed to be Canadian, also used racist language by saying: 'Don't you hate those lazy n***** who are never satisfied even after they are given reparations'


She also holds contempt for feminists blaming them for the migrant crisis and singling out criticism for Labour MP Jess Phillips


The blogger, believed to be Canadian, also used racist language by saying: ‘Don’t you hate those lazy n***** who are never satisfied even after they are given reparations’

The baby-faced blogger is openly anti-Semitic by opening her videos with lines such as 'Do you despise the Jews as much as I do' and 'Do you want to know how to spot a Jew'


The baby-faced blogger is openly anti-Semitic by opening her videos with lines such as ‘Do you despise the Jews as much as I do’ and ‘Do you want to know how to spot a Jew’

Teen YouTuber sings happy birthday to Hitler in shock video

However other people agreed with the Google owned video platform’s decision.

@HeroticTV said: ‘YouTube has every reason to ban Evalion from YouTube.’

And Craig Ewen added: ‘I think Evalion deserved it. At the end of the day YouTube is a place kids 5+ can go to.’

An official YouTube spokesperson said: ‘That channel was terminated by us because it violated policies against hate speech.’

In Evalion's videos called 'Why Hitler Wasn't Evil' and 'How Feminists Supported Rape by Causing the Migrant Crisis' she describes Adolf Hitler as a 'brilliant' and 'compassionate man'


In Evalion’s videos called ‘Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil’ and ‘How Feminists Supported Rape by Causing the Migrant Crisis’ she describes Adolf Hitler as a ‘brilliant’ and ‘compassionate man’

Sikhs In; Euro-Canadians Out: Immigration Reformer’s Press Conference Cancelled for “Security Concerns”

Sikhs In; Euro-Canadians Out: Immigration Reformer’s Press Conference Cancelled for “Security Concerns”
OTTAWA, May 18, 2016. An explanation offered for the last minute cancellation of an announced press conference suggests that Parliamentary staff chose the rights of Sikhs over the rights of Euro-Canadians today. 
Paul Fromm, Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, had duly booked the Charles Lynch Room run by the National Press Gallery for a 1:30 press conference to criticize Justin Trudeau’s plan to, later this afternoon, offer a second apology to Sikhs for the Komagata Maru incident in 1914.
Arrivingat the National Press Gallery on Wellington St.  shortly before 1:30, Mr. Fromm and associates were told the press conference had been cancelled. A notice on the National Press Gallery wall confirmed that the press had been told the press conference was cancelled.
“But I didn’t cancel it!” said Mr. Fromm who had driven five hours from Toronto. He was referred to one Pat McDonnell, Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms.
McDonnell told Mr. Fromm by phone that he had cancelled the press conference “for security concerns” because there would be a celebration one floor up of Sikhs rejoicing because a second Prime Minister  — Stephen Harper apologized in 2008 — was apologizing because the Dominion Government, in 1914, enforced the law and expelled most of the passengers on the Komagata Maru who were illegally seeking to enter the country.
 “Before the first Sikhs came to Canada, my ancestors going back to 1650 — paid taxes and helped build this Parliament. It belongs to all of us,”says Mr. Fromm.
“‘Security concerns’, I am told. I was here to conduct a half hour press conference. I had no intention of confronting anyone, especially people one floor above me in a secured building,” said Mr. Fromm.
“So, I ask, whose security was being protected? The Sikhs? Is a guy in his 60s really such a threat? Much as I’ve  tried to practise my Jackie Chan fists of fury moves, I hardly think I am likely to be doing back flips up the Parliamentary stairs to kick turbans off surprised Sikhs’ heads.”
“So, was it my security being protected? Did they really have knowledge of some Sikh plot to attack? I know these privileged people get to pack daggers (kirpans) but was there really such a plot? Surely, with all the men and guns at their disposal the ‘security’ staff should have been able to keep order,” Mr. Fromm fumed.
“The Supreme Court has talked about ‘reasonable accommodation’ in terms of balancing rights. Surely, the Sikhs could have gathered and celebrated one floor up and I could have held my press conference, as planned. The Sikhs’ right to freedom of assembly and mine to freedom of speech and the press’s right to have access to a dissenting point of view could all have been preserved,” he explained.
Mr. Fromm was to have given an interview to CPAC reporter Holly Doan, after the press conference. Ms Doan tried to get him into the Parliament Buildings as her guest on her pass to go to a television studio for the interview. More “security” was hastily summoned. Finally, a grizzled officer told Mr. Fromm: “You are not allowed into the building at all.”
Ms Doan tried to point out her interview had nothing to do with the Komagata Maru issue.
Smirking and laughing, the growing security detail sent the two on their way. The grizzled one said: “I am only following orders.”
Tongue-in-cheek Mr. Fromm reminded him: “That didn’t get them off at Nuremburg.”
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Not to be deterred, Mr. Fromm and associates held a protest up from the Eternal Flame (for liberty, one hopes) unfurling a banner that read: “STOP APOLOGIZING. Komagata Maru, illegal in 1914;  No apology needed today, Justin.”
Similar protests occurred in both Toronto and Vancouver today

Controversial speaker denied access to Parliament for a second time

Controversial speaker denied access to Parliament for a second time


Just over an hour before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was to rise in the House of Commons Wednesday and deliver an apology to Canada’s Sikh population for the 1914 Komagata Maru incident, Paul Fromm — anti-immigration activist previously banned from entering Parliament — was scheduled to hold a press conference opposing it.

Though his press conference was ultimately cancelled and Fromm was denied access to the Parliamentary precinct late Wednesday morning, that only came after some eleventh hour scrambling.

“Prime Minister Trudeau’s apology to Sikhs for the Dominion Government’s decision 102 years ago to turn back the ‘Komagata Maru’, a ship carrying 376 Indians, mostly Sikhs, is humiliating and wrong,” Fromm, who heads up something called the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, was quoted in a media advisory.

Fromm was previously connected to Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel and has been criticized by human rights groups for his racist views.

His press conference was supposed to take place at 1:30, but just before 11 a notification was sent to the press gallery advising that it had been cancelled, without an explanation.

The office of the speaker of the house of commons confirmed to iPolitics that, “further to a recommendation from the Deputy Sergeant at Arms, and based on past practice”, Fromm had been denied access to the precinct.

That past practice referred to a motion brought by Conservative MP Jason Kenney in 2007, which ordered Paul Fromm and an individual named Alexan Kulbashian “be denied admittance to the precincts of the House of Commons during the present session to preserve the dignity and integrity of the House.”

It was unanimously adopted by the House and applauded by Bernie Farber, head of the Canadian Jewish Congress.

“It’s a good day for Canadian politics when all three parties can come together and recognize that Paul Fromm doesn’t deserve to be on Parliament Hill,” Farber said at the time.

Kenney couldn’t be reached Wednesday, but in 2007 he said Fromm and Kulbashian were free to express their views outside of Parliament, but had no right to do so inside.

“If they want to get a soapbox and go out in front of the Parliament Buildings in this free country, they’re welcome to do so, but this House isn’t going to let them use public, taxpayer-funded resources,” he said then.

Fromm responded by calling it “preemptive censorship” in a blog post.

The whole episode got quite a bit of attention and drew comparisons to when Zundel himself was prevented from giving a press conference in Parliament 1998 after a MPs adopted a motion presented by then Liberal House leader Don Boudria.

In contrast, several MPs told iPolitics following question period Wednesday they were unaware Fromm was even supposed to hold a press conference earlier in the day.

Montreal Comics Censored at Awards Gala The arts need freedom to thrive. The prune faced Puritans who impose politically correct censorship on us are a humourless lot. Last week, noisy elements of the Jewish lobby persuaded the government, Canada Border Services to be precise, to keep French comedian Dieudonne out of Canada, causing him to miss 10 concerts planned for the Province of Quebec. His crime — sarcastic remarks about Jews and the new secular religion of holocaust. The mixed-race heretic (French mother, Cameroonian father) ironically still partially triumphed. Tonight in Montreal a sellout crowd, heavily composed of French nationalists, saw Dieudonne by Internet hookup. This past weekend, sensitivity to the feelings of Jews and lesbians caused the organizers of an awards evening for comedians to cancel a skit by two of those being honoured. Humour fans and free speech supporters in Quebec are up in arms. CTV (May 16, 2016) reported: ” Dozens of Quebec comedians protested against censorship Sunday night at the Gala des Oliviers. The annual award show honours the best of Quebec comedic talent, but comedians were not happy with a decision to censor a piece by comedians Mike Ward and Guy Nantel. Comics arriving at the show walked the red carpet wearing masks emblazoned with a red ‘X’. CTV Montreal: Oliviers: freedom of expression They later wore those masks when an award was given to Quebec’s funniest comedian. The two comics were supposed to have a skit on Sunday while they presented an award, but the Association of Professionals in the Humour Industry, which hosts the show, refused to let them perform it, because of legal concerns. Nantel and Ward said they made multiple changes to the skit but it never passed legal muster, and it was never clear exactly what was so objectionable. Ward decided to boycott the gala, and on Friday he and Nantel performed the skit at a comedy club, then released it online. Ward ended up winning the ‘comedian of the year’ award as selected by the public, so when his name was called the mask-wearing comedians went onstage in his place. Andy Nulman, founder of Montreal’s Just For Laughs festival, says censorship has no place in modern comedy. “The nature of the beast is to provoke, is to open up people’s minds, to let them see things they normally wouldn’t see,” said Nulman.” Writing in the Montreal Gazette (May 16, 2016), Brendan Kelly elaborated but only slightly on what the jokes were, apparently at the expense of two mightily privileged groups — Jews and lesbians. Here is his explanation, at least as much as the public is privileged to know: “The organizers of the gala look pretty silly. The Association of Professionals Actually humor industry put out a news release before the gala Sunday to apologize to Ward and Nantel for censoring them … The routine that was yanked from the gala is pretty uninteresting, with gusts to downright unfunny. One of the gags is how from the back, nude, Ward looks like Moffatt. It’s a ‘joke’ about the fact she’s gay, that Ward supposedly looks like a lesbian and that she and Ward aren’t super thin. It’s not really offensive so much as it is puerile. And the original version of the skit contained an anti-Semitic joke. We know this because someone sent the transcript of the number to a francophone newspaper last week. I’m not going to repeat the offensive gag, but I will mention that it involves a gold IUD birth-control device and a play on words that manages to refer to the Jewish man penetrating his wife and comparing it to getting a return on his money.”

Montreal Comics Censored at Awards Gala

The arts need freedom to thrive. The prune faced Puritans who impose politically correct censorship on us are a humourless lot. Last week, noisy elements of the Jewish lobby persuaded the government, Canada Border Services to be precise, to keep French comedian Dieudonne out of Canada, causing him to miss 10 concerts planned for the Province of Quebec. His crime — sarcastic remarks about Jews and the new secular religion of holocaust. The mixed-race heretic (French mother, Cameroonian father) ironically still partially triumphed. Tonight in Montreal a sellout crowd, heavily composed of French  nationalists, saw Dieudonne by Internet hookup.
This past weekend, sensitivity to the feelings of Jews and lesbians caused the organizers of an awards evening for comedians to cancel a skit by two of those being honoured. Humour fans and free speech supporters in Quebec are up in arms.
CTV (May 16, 2016) reported: ” Dozens of Quebec comedians protested against censorship Sunday night at the Gala des Oliviers. The annual award show honours the best of Quebec comedic talent, but comedians were not happy with a decision to censor a piece by comedians Mike Ward and Guy Nantel. Comics arriving at the show walked the red carpet wearing masks emblazoned with a red ‘X’.

CTV Montreal: Oliviers: freedom of expression

They later wore those masks when an award was given to Quebec’s funniest comedian. The two comics were supposed to have a skit on Sunday while they presented an award, but the Association of Professionals in the Humour Industry, which hosts the show, refused to let them perform it, because of legal concerns.

Nantel and Ward said they made multiple changes to the skit but it never passed legal muster, and it was never clear exactly what was so objectionable. Ward decided to boycott the gala, and on Friday he and Nantel performed the skit at a comedy club, then released it online. Ward ended up winning the ‘comedian of the year’ award as selected by the public, so when his name was called the mask-wearing comedians went onstage in his place.

     Andy Nulman, founder of Montreal’s Just For Laughs festival, says censorship has no place in modern comedy. “The nature of the beast is to provoke, is to open up people’s minds, to let them see things they normally wouldn’t see,” said Nulman.”

Writing in the Montreal Gazette (May 16, 2016), Brendan Kelly elaborated but only slightly on what the jokes were, apparently at the expense of two mightily privileged groups — Jews and lesbians. Here is his explanation, at least as much as the public is privileged to know: “The organizers of the gala look pretty silly. The Association of Professionals Actually humor industry put out a news release before the gala Sunday to apologize to Ward and Nantel for censoring them … The routine that was yanked from the gala is pretty uninteresting, with gusts to downright unfunny. One of the gags is how from the back, nude, Ward looks like Moffatt. It’s a ‘joke’ about the fact she’s gay, that Ward supposedly looks like a lesbian and that she and Ward aren’t super thin. It’s not really offensive so much as it is puerile. And the original version of the skit contained an anti-Semitic joke. We know this because someone sent the transcript of the number to a francophone newspaper last week. I’m not going to repeat the offensive gag, but I will mention that it involves a gold IUD birth-control device and a play on words that manages to refer to the Jewish man penetrating his wife and comparing it to getting a return on his money.”