Anti-Racist Terrorists Repelled in Attack on South Western Forum in Bristol, UK

Nationalists’ meeting raided by balaclava gang ‘dressed like special forces’ with guns


A meeting of 'far right nationalists' at Almondsbury Sports and Social Centre was raided by a suspected anti-fascist group

A meeting of ‘far right nationalists’ at Almondsbury Sports and Social Centre was raided by a suspected anti-fascist group

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A gathering of ‘far right nationalists’ in a village social centre was raided by suspected anti-fascists who allegedly fired air guns, threw chairs and swung fire extinguishers.

Terrified onlookers were forced to barricade themselves inside as the balaclava-clad gang, dressed like a ‘special forces unit’, smashed the windows of Almondsbury Sports and Social Centre and attacked members of the meeting.

Three people were left injured after the raid against the group, said to be called the ‘Bristol Forum’, which one person said was formed of nationalists.

Read more: Bristol teen bike thief gang are bragging about their exploits with pictures and video online

Attendee Adrian Romilly said it is suspected the raiders were an anti-fascist group and likened the scenes to a ‘special forces’-style attack.

He described the event as a meeting of ‘far right nationalists’.


Photos of the raid show balaclava-clad attackers in a confrontations with members of the meeting

“By the way [the attackers] acted they gave the impression they’d done this sort of thing before and their silence, dress and general ‘professionalism’ added to the sense of menace’,” said Mr Romilly, who lives in Plymouth but attended the meeting with a friend.

He said the meeting was made up of people who ‘discriminate in favour of [their] own people’.

Read more: 50 Shades of Red – Man captures footage of foxes in his garden but gets more than he bargained for

Mr Romilly described how the chaos unfolded at about 3pm on Saturday, January 7, one hour after the meeting started.

“I was asking one of the speakers a question, then there was a sound like a rifle shot and the first window glass splintered, shards of glass scattering over the place where the speaker had been sitting moments before,” he said.

“This was followed by a series of sharp cracks as a succession of windows were broken by a fire extinguisher and by chairs brought up from a lower floor.


Three people were injured in the fracas, before police were called and the attackers fled

“While the windows were being broken several of the attackers were trying to force the entrance doors to the room in which the meeting was taking place.

“The doors were bulging and appeared to be about to give way but, fortunately, some of the audience counter-pushed and kept them out.”

Read more: Does this video show Banksy creating a piece of art?

Detectives investigating the raid said CCTV is now being reviewed in a bid to identify the raiders.

Mr Romilly said a ‘scuffle’ broke out in the landing area of the meeting room as police were called, before the attackers fled.

He urged anybody with information about the raid to give details to police.

The attackers ‘left no visiting card and carried out their work in silence’, he said.


The drama unfolded at Almondsbury Sports and Social Club, off the A38 Gloucester Road

A police spokesman said: “We’re investigating linked offences of criminal damage and assault following an incident at Almondsbury Sports and Social Club on Saturday 7 January.

“Several people tried to disrupt a private meeting being held at the venue and caused damage to windows.

“Three people suffered minor injuries after being assaulted after the damage was caused.

“Our investigation into these offences continues and we’re reviewing CCTV footage and carrying out forensic enquiries.

“If anyone has information on who was responsible, we’d encourage them to call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5217004475.”

Other news….


Hear Paul Fromm Interview Dara Graham — Children Stolen by Family Services Because of Her Political Views

Hear Paul Fromm Interview Dara Graham — Children Stolen by Family Services Because of Her Political Views
Monday. January 23, 2017, 10:00 a.m. EST.

She tells an unbelievable account of how Canadian authorities took her children away from her because of her pro-White views! This is an example of Canadian political correctness harming defenseless children… and the state tearing a family apart. Please speak out about this — a woman punished for her political views.


Sault Cops Have Nothng Else to Do But Investigate A Swastika in A Snowbank

Sault Cops Have Nothng Else to Do But Investigate A Swastika in A Snowbank

Canada is becoming a cultural Marxist police state. Metro Toronto cops in uniform proudly prance about in the annual Gay Pride parade. Yet, from coast to coast, let there be the slightest peep of politically incorrect postering and, suddenly, the cops are called to “investigate” — not violence, but people’s thoughts and ideas. That’s a police state.

Things must be awfully quiet up in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario — no drug deals in back alleys, not burglaries. Or so it seems,
The Canadian Press (January 17, 2017) reports: “Police are investigating after a swastika was drawn in the snow on a woman’s front yard in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.

Const. Sonny Spina says it is not clear if the incident was directed at a particular person or group in the community.

Spina says a criminal investigator is following up with the complainant and people in the area. 

Police have not identified the homeowner, but B’nai Brith Canada columnist Sara McCleary says the swastika and a word, which she believes to be a sexist slur, were drawn in the snow on her front yard last Saturday evening.

Spina says investigators have no suspects, but are asking anyone with information to come forward.

McCleary says she took a photo to show her husband, then brushed it away. Spina says the swastika was gone when police went to investigate, but says a photo was supplied by the complainant..”

So, let’s get this straight: Someone drew a swastika and the mysterious word “cloop” in a snowdrfit on a woman’s lawn. She took a photo of the artwork with her cellphone and then brushed out  the evidence. So, where’s the crime? Nothing was damaged. So, it wasn’t even vandalism.

It seems that the police in the Sault have too much time on their hands. Maybe it’s time to save some money and cut staff.

Police investigating after swastika drawn in snow on front yard in northern Ontario

Police say they're investigating after a swastika was found in front of a woman's home in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.

Police say they’re investigating after a swastika was found in front of a woman’s home in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.

University of Lethbridge Rats Out Prof. Hall to Alberta Human Rights Commission & Suspends Him With Pay On January 11

University of Lethbridge Rats Out Prof. Hall to Alberta Human Rights Commission & Suspends Him With Pay


On January 11, dissident University of Lethbridge professor, Tony Hall, who had been suspended without pay since early October, for his views critical of Israel widely circulated on the Internet, has now been suspended with pay, but his own university is filing a complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission — a mortal enemy of free speech. If found guilty by a body with loosey-goosey rules of evidence or threshholds for guilt, Prof. Hall could then, in the university’s view be legitimately fired, thus doing an end-run around academic freedom.

s: “Inline image 2
Professor Hall reports: “”This new communication is dated Dec. 19 but it was delivered to my door yesterday[ Is the mail really THAT slow? PF]
One of the agendas of Dr. Mahon and those behind them is to overthrow the authority of the collective agreement between faculty and administration (Handbook) by seeming to leave it to the Alberta Human Rights Board to justify my suspension outside the Handbook provisions. A quick way to describe the plan would be to identify it with the objective of union busting.
Here’s the provision at issue from the Alberta Post-Secondary Learning Act, 2003
(3) Subject to any existing agreement, a president may, in the president’s discretion, suspend from duty and privileges any member of the academic staff at the university and shall forthwith report the president’s action and the reasons for it 2003 Section 23 Chapter P-19.5 POST-SECONDARY LEARNING ACT 21 (a) to the board, and (b) to the executive committee of the general faculties council. 2003 cP-19.5 s22;2008 c25 
To some it seems obvious that the “existing agreements” that the Handbook and tenure are “existing agreements” that limit presidential powers to “suspend from duty and privileges any member of the academic staff at the university.” 

The Canadian Press (January 16, 2017) reported: “The University of Lethbridge says it is lodging a complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission about a

longtime professor accused of espousing anti-Semitic views.

Anthony Hall was suspended without pay in October following comments he made in online articles and videos suggesting there was a Zionist connection to the 9/11 attacks and that the events of the Holocaust should be up for debate.”

Thus, it’s quite clear that Prof. Hall’s crime is suggesting an Israeli connection to 9/11 and saying that the so-called holocaust should be debatable. And shouldn’t it?

The Canadian Press report continues: “From the findings of that assessment, the board has decided to proceed with a complaint to the Alberta Human Rights Commission against Dr. Hall for publishing statements, alone and in collaboration with others, that could be considered hateful, contemptuous and discriminatory,’ it said in a statement Monday.” Shockingly, the university assails academic freedom and seeks to get a kangaroo court to do its dirty work.

Prof. Hall is receiving some academic support: “Hall said the complaint is a way for administration to manoeuvre around its collective agreement with faculty.

‘It represents an enormous effort to change the landscape of higher education in Canada,’ he said. ‘I was ripped form the classroom mid-term in October and my students were deprived of the course they chose and the professor they chose.’

Both the University of Lethbridge Faculty Association and the Canadian Association of University Teachers criticized Hall’s suspension before any official finding of wrongdoing.”

Not surprisingly, the League for Human Rights (but not free speech) of B’nai Brith, Professor Hall’s chief tormenter, whose complaints led to his present persecution, is delighted: “Amanda Hohmann with B’nai Brith Canada said she’s pleased with how the university has handled the situation and says the reinstatement of Hall’s pay isn’t a vindication. Hohmann said Hall’s appearance earlier this month on a radio show posted on Stormfront — a white nationalist website that describes itself as a “community of racial realists and idealists” — shows the complaint is not an assault on the institution of tenure, as Hall argues, but a defence of human rights.

‘Instead of being repentant or apologizing for his behaviour, he’s doubled down and he’s gone even further down the rabbit hole of anti-Semitism,’ said Hohmann.”

So, silencing Professor Hall is “defending human rights”?

the censors have gone mad!

One wonders whether the Knights of Columbus could get a university to fire a professor who took issue with Catholic doctrine? Didn’t think so!

Paul Fromm







Anthony Hall, a University of Lethbridge professor, co-hosts a weekly YouTube show called False Flag Weekly News.

Anthony Hall, a University of Lethbridge professor, co-hosts a weekly YouTube show called False Flag Weekly News. (B’nai Brith/YouTube)

Horror Story Mother’s Two Children Seized by the State Because of Her political Views: Brian Ruhe & Paul Fromm Interview Dara Graham.

Horror Story Mother’s Two Children Seized by the State Because of Her political Views: Brian Ruhe & Paul Fromm Interview Dara Graham.

Paul Fromm in Toronto and Brian Ruhe in Vancouver interview Dara Graham in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She tells an unbelievable account of how Canadian authorities took her children away from her because of her pro-White views! This is an example of Canadian political correctness harming defenseless children… and the state tearing a family

 apart. Please speak out about this! A woman punished for her political views.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Readers’ Comments — But Only If We like Them

Readers’ Comments — But Only If We like Them

To gauge the pulse of public opinion, look at the comments after news stories in the online editions of newspapers or radio/television news. The level of anger at Canada’s Europeans-replacing immigration policy, the endless coddling of minorities and other issues hardly ever appears in news stories or commentary. As in the U.S., there is a huge gap between approved opinion preached in most of the media and what a huge section of the population is thinking.


The dissident ideas have some of the guardians of approved opinion worried. They seek to cut off or strictly limit this venue for public opinion. Even the normally pro-free speech Globe and Mail is worried. Sylvia Stead its Public Editor. In an article “Online comments — is there a fix?” (Globe and Mail, July 30, 2016), she  supported a crackdown: “But too many [comments] do go too far — becoming personal, racist and bordering on hate speech. The end result can be so toxic that several news outlets, including The Toronto Star, have simply dispensed with comments altogether.” The fear of “racist” comments invites the response, “So what?” “Racism” is such an open-ended term that it is used to silence criticism of immigration or minority pretensions. Donald Trump was roundly denounced by his opponent and the compliant press on both sides of the border as a “racist” and he’s now President of the United States.SYLVIA STEAD

Stead continues: “Editors around the world will tell you they have problems with the same subjects: immigration, the Middle East, Moslems, indigenous people, women’s rights and the LGBTQ community. … As part of its crackdown on dissent, the Globe “will exclude certain stories from comments — usually ones about legal matters, criminal trials and potential criminal charges. Also, comments on stories about a specific basket of topics that are known to attract hate must be approved by a moderator before the can appear. I would advocate tighter rules for certain topics such as race, immigration, religion, sexual identity, women’s rights, indigenous people — and that extra effort be made to protect minority groups (and women) from abuse. That would mean more screening and, as necessary, closing comments more often.”

Presumably, it’s still okay to abuse and criticize Christians and White people and you may still be allowed to have intemperate opinions about the weather!


Hear Paul Fromm on the Deanna Spingola Show: The Trump Phenomenon — A Ray of Hope & Free Speech Struggles in Canada

Hear Paul Fromm on the Deanna Spingola Show: The Trump Phenomenon — A Ray of Hope & Free Speech Struggles in Canada
Saturday, January 7, 2017 4:00-7:00 EST. [The show is archived]

Call in: 1-800-213-9443
Inline image 1

Beautiful Polish Girl Speaks out Against Muslim Immigration | “Here Jesus Christ is King!”


Beautiful Polish Girl Speaks out Against Muslim Immigration | “Here Jesus Christ is King!
“Here Jesus Christ is King!” She proclaims! – Polish girl speaks up against Muslim Immigration in Europe! The Polish King Sobieski saved all of Europe from Islam in the 1600’s, now Europe needs Poland again! Rise up precious Poles!

At last we see OUR woman rising up to defend OUR folk and OUR King…our true King.
She understands it is a simple fact…it is them or us…and those of our people who do
not understand this will be on the leftist and thus the WRONG SIDE of history.
The tables are turning…
The times are changing…
The earthquakes of history are happening…
Those who will bring forth the fruit of the kingdom are rising and standing up despite the intimidation
of the brainwashed useful idiots of the Beast-of-the-Sea and Beast-of-the-Earth
religious and political systems. Politics and religion are finished and the WAY of true
Christendom is being made ready. When OUR women begin to wake up, it means OUR
men are ready to be men for the King

“Here Jesus Christ is King!” She proclaims! – Polish girl speaks up against Muslim Immigration in Europe! The…
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Merkel Plans Massive Fines for Social Media Hosting ‘False News” Stories

Latest, News, Sections

Angela Merkel prepares law that will fine social media sites $522,000 a day for leaving “fake news” stories online

Of course, the rub is just what constitutes ‘fake news”. In the latest round of persecution of Vancouver dissident videographer Brian Ruhe, the management of the Meet Up site has decided that any reference to or link to ‘holocaust denial” is forbidden. So, you can question the existence of God or UFOs, but not a single tenet of the new secular religion of ‘Holocaust”.


Europeans will have to fight hard for their much diminished freedoms of speech and assembly.


Angela Merkel, the old former (?) communist is holding true to the authoritarian repressiion she learned in her youth.


Paul Fromm



Germany is considering imposing a legal regime that would allow fining social networks such as Facebook up to 500,000 euros ($522,000).

Germany is coming completely undone.

In a move that will most certainly lead the way to other EU vassal states adopting similar measures, Angela Merkel is considering imposing a 500,000 euros ($522,000) fine on Facebook, and other social media platforms, for each day they leave a “fake news” story up without deleting it.

The German government will consider the bill in the new year. The initiative has bipartisan support, allowing both official and private complainants to flag content that is considered “fake news”.

The law forces social networks to create in-country offices focused on responding to takedown demands, and makes social networks legally responsible for compensation, if a post by individual users were found to slander someone…and we are confident that no private individuals will abuse such laws for financial gain.

With George Soros financing the “third-party fact checking” organization retained to flag, and censor “fake news” on Facebook, we are positive that any publication not of the neo-liberal, globalist kind, will be properly removed from social media platforms, so as to avoid Merkel’s book burning fine.

Germany’s parliamentary chief of the Social Democrat party, Thomas Oppermann in an interview with Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine said…

“If after the relevant checks Facebook does not immediately, within 24 hours, delete the offending post then [it] must reckon with severe penalties of up to 500,000 euros.”

After such laws are passed in Germany, if Facebook were truly an open communication platform, they should pull out of Germany and see how the populace reacts to Merkel’s brutal attack on free speech.

Do not be fooled, this is a move that clamps down on free speech, and is something a dictator in a banana republic would do.

Merkel, for her part will brush such claims aside, and resort to the standard EU/US excuse of blaming Russia for their home grown sinister agenda to rule their nations with an iron fist.

Heat Street reports that the legislation is being push to combat Russian election hacking in Germany, before such elections take place, and with no evidence of such hacking having been proven by German of US officials.

German lawmakers believe this bill will help tackle the possibility of Russia meddling in Parliamentary elections scheduled for next year. This follows the allegations that the Kremlin was behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee that led to the leak of thousands of emails by key aides to Hillary Clinton.

The German intelligence agency has warned that Russia could try to undermine the elections next year by employing automated bots on social media to spread fake news articles.

Some members of the government have advocated criminalizing the spread of so-called “fake news”. Patrick Sensburg, a senior MP in Merkel’s party said recently: “Targeting disinformation to destabilize a state should be a criminal offence.”

Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, told Bild am Sonntag: “Facebook is earning an awful lot of money with fake news.” He added: “A company that earns billions from the internet also has a social responsibility.”




THE BEST ATTENDED PAUL FROMM TOO-LATE-FOR-CHRISTMAS-TOO-EARLY-FOR-NEW-YEARS (and pf birthday)PARTY in a decade. Special guest — YOU TUBE sensation Evalion. German Christmas music by Dieter. People came from Hamilton, Caledon, Pickering and all around the GTA. The cowboy hat was filled with generous donations for the Canadian Association for Free Expression..

Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses and indoor
Image may contain: 1 person, playing a musical instrument, beard and indoor
