Today, several others and I received the same nothing burger of a response to our letters urging the government to take actions to secure Monika Schaefer’s freedom. She was arrested January 3 in Munich while attending the trial of dissident free speech lawyer Sylvia Stolz. She has still not been charged with anything. It took Miss Freeland’s department a mere two months to provide this empty answer.

The letter uses the bureaucratic subterfuge of “right to privacy” to evade answering questions. Our letters were not seeking details of Monika’s’ love life!

We already knew she’d been visited by the Canadian consulate in Munich.

I urge you to continue writing to Chrystia Freeland and your MP. Ask specifically that the Canadian Government intervene and seek her immediate release and, if the government of Germany has issues with her, her speedy return to Canada.

* Write to Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and urge her to protest Monika’s arrest to the German Government and urge her to press for Monika’s immediate release.


Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-992-5234
Fax: 613-996-9607


Paul Fromm



Mr. Paul Fromm

Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression

Dear Mr. Fromm:

I am writing in response to your correspondence of January 7 and 17, 2018, addressed to the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, regarding the detention of Ms. Monika Schaefer in Germany.

Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.

While the Privacy Act prevents me from sharing details about Ms. Schaefer’s case, we can advise that consular assistance is being provided to her. For more information on the type of consular assistance that can be provided to Canadian citizens detained abroad, I encourage you to consult the following publication:


Kirill Kagner

Director, Consular Case Management

Consular Operations Bureau

A revisionist heroine does a great job defending the truth in court – Carolyn Yaeger’s Report on Free Speech Trial of Alison Chabloz

A revisionist heroine does a great job defending the truth in court

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2018-03-08 19:33

Singer-Songwriter Alison Chabloz arrives at court carrying flowers given to her by her admirers who followed her into the courtroom and sat in the public gallery. (Daily Mail Online)

ALISON CHABLOZ ARRIVED AT WESTMINSTER COURT YESTERDAY,  March 7, for the second leg of her trial for expressing views that are called “grossly offensive” because they mock revered Jewish figures like Elie Wiesel and Anne Frank. These views are embedded in songs she wrote and sang, that were uploaded onto the Internet.

Miss Chabloz made several excellent statements under questioning by Prosecutor Karen Robinson. When asked by Robinson whether she denied the holocaust, Chabloz said:

‘Deny the holocaust? I am sorry I do not understand this term. Who can deny the holocaust? It is a term that is meaningless in itself.’

Ms Robinson said: ‘In your police interview you made a distinction between holocaust denial and revisionism.’

Chabloz said: ‘You can call it holocaust denial but I prefer holocaust revisionism.

‘I think there should be an official scientific and forensic investigation. I doubt very much that a murder case would be brought to these courts without forensic investigation.

‘It is impossible to assess that the gas chambers actually existed to kill human beings without evidence. it is impossible to affirm that the supposed murder took place.

‘As the war years continued and got harder for everybody and we see the allied bombing of the German infrastructure – why would they not bomb the concentration camps?

‘A disproportionate amount of blame was put on the Germans by the victors. The victors got to write history.

It’s about furthering the globalist agenda

‘I would say that the so-called holocaust has been used to sustain the criminal state of Israel – it is used as a foundation myth.

‘By sending school children on trips to Auschwitz and inculcating them into believing in the gas chambers, the so-called holocaust is used as a weapon to prevent nationalistic feeling amongst European people.

‘It’s about furthering the globalist agenda.

‘It is certainly a topic worthy of investigation and of intelligent debate and discussion.’

Prosecutor Robinson questioned Chabloz on her police interview where she said, ‘My grandfather certainly didn’t fight for our towns and cities to be taken over by non-whites and non-Christians.’

Chabloz told her, ‘It’s my right to express those views.’

Ms Robinson said: ‘This is not an unqualified right – one cannot send material or matter on the internet which is grossly offensive.’

Chabloz retorted, ‘But it depends for whom doesn’t it, because there are plenty of parodies of Christian music that say Jesus was gay or that he must have been born by a donkey.

‘It is concerning that where I live, my people I love, my race, that we will become an ethnic minority.’

Ms Robinson told her, ‘The views you have expressed are anti-Semitic and racist. You said of the white race, “It breaks my heart to see that disappearing.” That is nothing more than racism.’

Really?! A UK representative of the Court and the legal system says it is racist (wrong) to not want your race to disappear!! Things are worse than I thought.

Loud booing at this remark

At this point there was loud booing from the public gallery and Chabloz’s barrister, Adrian Davies, rose to speak.

‘Now the witness is being treated much as a heretic during the inquisition, she is entitled to any political view that she wishes,’ Mr Davies said.

He believes that the statute is poorly set out (worded). The charges centre on whether embedding the hyperlink to the footage constitutes as sending, and if her songs were grossly offensive.

Chabloz was given bail again until the final submissions on 14 May and a verdict will be given on 25 May. 




British Man & Woman Jailed for Protesting Moslem Paedophiles

OUTRAGE AS BRITAIN FIRST LEADERS JAILED FOR A TOTAL 72 WEEKS!  Muslims gang rape a 16 year old but those who complain get JAILED!


Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen have been convicted for harassing convicted paedophiles. Paul has been unjustly sentenced to 16 weeks in prison and Jayda will be incarcerated for 36 weeks.

Today, our justice system lies in the gutter. When Christians are JAILD for DARING to complain about a gang of Muslims GANG RAPING a young vulnerable girl we really are in a libtard police state!

Christian, patriots are being jailed whilst members of grooming-gangs walk the streets of our once great country.

This is becoming common both in the UK and America but will NOT lie down to these rapist invaders even if the state backs them up. Of this please be assured !

To show your disgust please sign our petition and demand the immediate release of these Patriots locked up for defending our nation.


The key is unity, No Surrender!


Will you sign?



Deus Vult!

S. McBride

Grand Commander






Anti-Semitic songwriter, 53, who ‘mocked Anne Frank’ tells court the Holocaust is ‘meaningless’ and insists she’s a ‘revisionist’ not a ‘denier’

  • Alison Chabloz, 53, labelled the Holocaust as the ‘Holohoax’ in one song
  • The blogger arrived at court with fans who supported her from the gallery 
  • She mocks prominent Jewish figures, including Elie Wiesel and Anne Frank
  • Chabloz, from Derbyshire, faces five charges relating at Westminster court 

Alison Chabloz, 53, arrived at court holding flowers and was supported from the public gallery by her followers

Alison Chabloz, 53, arrived at court holding flowers and was supported from the public gallery by her followers

An anti-Semitic song writer told a court today that the holocaust is ‘meaningless’ and the Germans were unfairly blamed for the Second World War.

Alison Chabloz, 53, laughed as she was read lyrics to her songs mocked Jews being fashioned into lampshades, having their heads shrunk and being turned into bars of soap.

The songs, ‘(((Survivors)))’, ‘Nemo’s Anti-Semetic Universe’ and ‘I Like It How It Is’ are said to go beyond the right to free speech in that they caused gross offence.

Some were performed live at the London Forum, while others were played for the camera, but all were uploaded to the internet.

In one number she mocks prominent Jewish figures including Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel and Anne and Otto Frank to the tune of a traditional Jewish song.

Chabloz was asked by prosecutor, Karen Robinson, whether she denied the holocaust.

‘Deny the holocaust? I am sorry I do not understand this term.

‘Who can deny the holocaust? It is a term that is meaningless in itself.’

Chabloz, seen arriving at court, describes herself as a Holocaust 'revisionist' and raises questions about the validity of the Holocaust

Chabloz, seen arriving at court, describes herself as a Holocaust ‘revisionist’ and raises questions about the validity of the Holocaust

Ms Robinson said: ‘In your police interview you made a distinction between holocaust denial and revisionism.’

Chabloz said: ‘You can call it holocaust denial but I prefer holocaust revisionism.

‘I think there should be an official scientific and forensic investigation.

‘I doubt very much that a murder case would be brought to these courts without forensic investigation.

‘It is very unlikely to have been more than a million killed – that is my understanding of having researched the information available.

‘Certainly a million – perhaps more – but until there is an official forensics investigation…

‘It is impossible to assess that the gas chambers actually existed to kill human beings without evidence it is impossible to affirm that the supposed murder took place.

‘There is absolutely no doubt that those taken to concentration camps suffered great tragedy, taken away from family and home.

‘As the war years continued and got harder for everybody and we see the allied bombing of the German infrastructure – why would they not bomb the concentration camps?

‘A disproportionate amount of blame was put on the Germans by the victors. The victors got to write history. It was a war – everybody suffered.

She arrived at court holding onto flowers and was followed into court by some of her supporters

She arrived at court holding onto flowers and was followed into court by some of her supporters

‘I would say that the so-called holocaust has been used to sustain the criminal state of Israel – it is used as a foundation myth.

‘By sending school children on trips to Auschwitz and inculcating them into believing in the gas chambers, the so-called holocaust is used as a weapon to prevent nationalistic feeling amongst European people.

‘It’s about furthering the globalist agenda.

‘It is certainly a topic worthy of investigation and of intelligent debate and discussion.’

Much of the questioning revolved around historical rather than legal argument as Ms Robinson tried to pin down Chabloz on her anti-semitism.

In one of her songs Chabloz jokes that if six million Jews had been killed that would not have been a bad thing.

Ms Robinson questioned Chabloz on her police interview where she said, ‘My grandfather certainly didn’t fight for our towns and cities to be taken over by non-whites and non-Christians.’

Chabloz told her, ‘It’s my right to express those views.’

Ms Robinson said: ‘This is not an unqualified right – one cannot send material or matter on the internet which is grossly offensive.’

Chabloz retorted, ‘But it depends for whom doesn’t it, because there are plenty of parodies of Christian music that say Jesus was gay or that he must have been born by a donkey.

‘It is concerning that where I live, my people I love, my race, that we will become an ethnic minority.’

Ms Robinson told her, ‘The views you have expressed are anti-Semitic and racist.

‘You said of the white race, “It breaks my heart to see that disappearing.”

‘That is nothing more than racism.’

At which point there was loud booing from the public gallery and Chabloz’s barrister, Adrian Davies, rose to speak.

‘Now the witness is being treated much as a heretic during the inquisition, she is entitled to any political view that she wishes,’ Mr Davies said.

‘The example of the well known case of the street preachers who preach in the street that homosexuality is wrong – they are perfectly entitled to express that view so long as they are not being grossly offensive.

Chabloz, seen arriving at court today, denied the charges in October, claiming she was being silenced by the 'UK Jewish lobby'

Chabloz, seen arriving at court today, denied the charges in October, claiming she was being silenced by the 'UK Jewish lobby'

Chabloz, seen arriving at court today, denied the charges in October, claiming she was being silenced by the ‘UK Jewish lobby’

‘It is not a crime in England to say that no Jews died at the hands of the Germans – it is a perfectly lawful position – it is therefore, not relevant to interrogate the witness about her opinions.’

The Crown must prove that Chabloz has caused ‘gross’ offence, Mr Davies believes that the statute is poorly set out.

Chabloz says that her songs provoke a ‘range of reactions’ and although some are ‘close to the bone,’ it is no fault of hers if someone chooses to be offended.

She cited a recent music video on YouTube by the black rapper Xxxtencion where he is seen to lynch a white child and the disparity in public outrage.

Chabloz is represented by Adrian Davies, who defended infamous historian and holocaust denier David Irving in 2001 at the Court of Appeal following his failed libel case against Deborah Lipstadt.

Chabloz, of Moss Croft, Town Lane, Glossop, Derbyshire, denies five counts of sending obscene material by public communication networks at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.

The charges centre on whether embedding the hyperlink to the footage constitutes as sending, and if her songs were grossly offensive.

She was bailed ahead of final submissions on 14 May and a verdict will be given on 25 May.

Another Cultural Marxist Witch hunt Against a Dissident Prof.

Another Cultural Marxist Witch hunt Against a Dissident Prof.

Make no mistake: Cultural Marxism, with all its intolerance and witch hunting nastiness has deeply infected many social science departments in universities across Canada. Cowardly administrators too often seem to want to shelter student snowflakes from any ideas that might upset them, Intellectual challenge and debate must give way to dreary indoctrination. The latest victim is Professor Rick Mehta of Acadia University in Nova Scotia. And be very clear: It’s the professor’s views — many expressed on his own time on social media –that has sparked the investigation,
The Canadian Press (February 26, 2018) explains: “Acadia University has launched a formal investigation into complaints against a professor over controversial comments he made on social media and in the classroom. Heather Hemming, vice-president academic at the Wolfville, N.S., school, said in a letter to professor Rick Mehta that the university has received complaints from students, faculty and others with concerns about his views.’These concerns relate to the manner in which you are expressing views that you are alleged to be advancing or supporting and, in some instances, time that you are spending on these issues in the classroom,’ she said in a letter on Feb. 13. ‘The university has a legal responsibility to provide an environment free from discrimination, sexual harassment and personal harassment’” Since when did expression of opinions become ” discrimination, sexual harassment and personal harassment’?
Well, what are those views that have Cultural Marxist snowflakes melting? ” Mehta has been outspoken both on campus and on social media about a range of contentious issues including decolonization, immigration, and gender politics, garnering both supporters and opposition. He has come under fire for saying multiculturalism is a scam, there’s no wage gap between men and women, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has created a victim narrative to prompt ‘endless apologies and compensation.’ Mehta bills himself as a free-speech advocate trying to build bridges across political divides.” In other words, Prof. Mehta holds views that many people would see as just plain common sense.
Already a sneaky bureaucratic form of retribution has been used to punish the freethinking prof. “Meanwhile, Mehta said he is worried the investigation into his commentary may not lead to a fair outcome given the university has already taken steps to reduce his course load. After several years of teaching the large sections of the required introductory psychology courses, he said Acadia has changed his teaching allocation so that he’s teaching smaller courses.”
The controversy has sparked a furious debate.
The Canadian Press (March 4, 2018) explained: “A group of Canadian professors dedicated to the defence of academic freedom have condemned the Acadia probe, while Mehta’s designated department head says some students at the Wolfville school say they have stopped attending his class because of his comments. … Mark Mercer, president of the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship, said in a letter Friday that Mehta’s views may be unpopular but they do not constitute an attack on anyone.

For those of you following my story, let me be clear: I loathe both racism & violence in all its forms. What I DO stand with is the right of ANYONE to free speech, regardless of how reprehensible I may find it. It’s really that simple. See my attached Free Speech talk for more. 

“Mercer, professor and chair of the philosophy department at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, added in an email that the investigation is a ‘frontal assault on academic freedom’ and warned that investigating a professor for the content of his opinions would cast a chill over campus debates.

Other professors have also spoken out against the investigation, as well as changes to Mehta’s teaching allocation assigning him smaller courses. …

In a Feb. 26 letter, Mehta’s designated department head, Rob Raeside, detailed some of the complaints against him, indicating that the level of anxiety in the class is high and some students have stopped attending.’The students have not expressed in writing the precise details of the racist and transphobic comments, but it is clear from their interactions with me that they are extremely disturbed by your comments, some to the point of not going to class,’ said Raeside, an Earth and environmental science professor. Mehta shared the letter on social media.” So, a few student snowflakes are so inarticulate that they can’t even explain their concerns coherently or specifically!


“When asked whether he made racist or transphobic remarks, Mehta said ‘perception is very subjective.’ ‘I take those issues very seriously, given my own background as first generation Canadian and having grown up with racism, I’m not going to do that in the classroom,’ he said.  ..,. Yet Mehta has ignited outrage for saying multiculturalism is a scam and the decolonization movement aims to create a victim narrative, spur endless apologies and bolster compensation to Indigenous Peoples.

On Twitter, he has retweeted a post that said it is ‘statistically impossible for all Native children to have had a negative experience with residential schools.’

I’m not exaggerating when I state that the entire education system in Canada is corrupt and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. I’m willing to submit all of my course evaluations and the recordings of my Intro Psych 2 class as evidence that I’m open to diverse perspectives. 

Meanwhile, Mehta has also said on Twitter that he stands with Michael Thurlow, leader of the National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party. The group posted what were described as racist posters on the University of New Brunswick campus last month.

In an interview and on Twitter, Mehta clarified that while he doesn’t necessarily agree with Thurlow’s point of view, he stands with his right to express his ideas.

“For those of you following my story, let me be clear: I loathe both racism and violence in all its forms. What I DO stand with is the right of ANYONE to free speech, regardless of how reprehensible I may find it,” he tweeted.


‘or those of you following my story, let me be clear: I loathe both racism and violence in all its forms. What I DO stand with is the right of ANYONE to free speech, regardless of how reprehensible I may find it,” he tweeted.

Mehta, whose faculty web page notes that he’s recently become interested in studying the lack of viewpoint diversity within universities, said the reason he strays from the textbook is because he doesn’t want to “present information that I know and believe to be biased.’

“Many professors and students … seek to limit criticism against certain minority groups by conflating hate speech with any speech that offends the sensibilities of those minority groups,” he said in an email. ‘Rather than engage in debate, they are able to simply shut down opponents with a cry of ‘That’s hate speech.” …

Yet Concordia University professor Gad Saad said nothing should be considered off-limits in the pursuit of truth.

“The idea that hurt feelings should in any way constitute a relevant concern is utter nonsense,” Saad, research chair in Evolutionary Behavioural Sciences and Darwinian Consumption, said in an interview from Montreal. “You don’t have the flexibility to insult people when you’re a professor. You should be respectful, you should be polite. But hurt feelings don’t supersede the honest pursuit of truth.”

University of Saskatchewan professor Ken Coates said post-secondary campuses should be places of rigorous debate.’ I hope that any student that goes to any university is made to feel uncomfortable many times. Universities are not places to go to be comfortable,’ said Coates, Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation. ‘They’re places to go to be uncomfortable, to have your views challenged.’”


The Big Match: Alison Chabloz versus George Soros

DISCLAIMER: This is a private communication. If you would prefer not to receive messages from me please respond with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line.
If you received this post from a 3rd party and would like to be on this list please send an email to me at the above address.
Today is DAY 61 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom. 
Write to Monika at the following NEW address:
Monika Schaefer
Stadelheim Prison
Stadelheimer Straße
81549 Munich

The Big Match: Alison Chabloz versus George Soros

Dear Reader & Supporter of Free Speech,
Alison Chabloz, musician, singer and song writer, will be appearing in court this coming Wednesday, March 7th, 2018 to fight for our freedom of speech. Please try to post and share this public notice asap. Much thanks.
Mehr Licht!
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the issues since 1998”

Today is DAY 58 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom: Updates on Monika Schaefer & Alison Chabloz

Today is DAY 58 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom: Updates on Monika Schaefer & Alison Chabloz
Write to Monika at the following NEW address:
Monika Schaefer
Stadelheim Prison
Stadelheimer Straße
81549 Munich


Dear Reader & Supporter of Free Speech,
Alison Chabloz, musician, singer and song writer, is fighting for her freedom and the freedom of all Truth Revealers who are being hunted and harassed by the Jewish juggernaut out to enslave us all. She needs our support, both morally and financially, as she battles these psychopaths. Do what you can to help her out.
Mehr Licht!
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the issues since 1998”

How I managed to recruit the enemy and claim victory

March 2, 2018
By Alison Chabloz

My YouTube channel is now no longer available in the UK –  presumably the same applies in other European ‘free, democratic’ states. I’m told that a well-meaning message appears when trying to access my videos: ‘This channel is no longer available, you can unsubscribe here’.

Ah well. I guess I should consider myself lucky that my channel does at least still exist everywhere else – unlike Richie Allen’s.

My critics are certainly spending vast amounts of time, energy and money trying to silence me.

But not all of them!

180302 tower

I am reliably informed that one of my most tenacious and dedicated detractors, fishwife Ambrosine aka Amanda from Finchley, has been promoting my work on Twitter and is even considering a trip next month to Blackpool (renamed Schwarzbad for the occasion) to hear me sing accompanied by one of her überjüdin pals. Well, hardly überjüdin – more like halbwenigejüdin. It seems both their mothers were Roman Catholics. Zwei Halbwenigerjüden fahren nach Schwarzbad. For book/movie rights please contact DizzyHazbara in East Finchley.

Questions arise as to whether Ambro will turn up wearing a hijab. Probably unwise, considering the political nationalist leaning of the Schwarzbad event. Ambro’s halbwenigejüdin pal is aptly named ‘Never Again’. Here, further questions arise as to whether their respective mothers similarly regretted les liaisons judeuses juteuses from which sprang forth des métisses malheureuses? Never again without a condom? In Schwarzbad, both luscious lasses might want to join ranks with the lone activist from Preston Antifa who, last time, managed to post one sticker on the wall outside the venue? Nick Lowles would appreciate any help he can get.

Schwarzbad’s very own beefy northern lads security team will make sure there’s no bullshit. But if Ambro and her fellow métisse halbwenigejüdin pal fancy some real northern hospitality, served up with fish, chips, onion rings, a Tower burger and lashings of vodka – all at prices that instantly make Londoners cry out in pain (the Shoah was NOTHING in comparison to the suffering inflicted by London prices) – then they are most welcome.

Not wishing to blow my own trumpet – although on second thoughts why not? – it’s quite a feat to have managed to recruit one’s worst enemy. Much to her chagrin and despite her urge to see me play live, Ambro reckons my Schwarzbad gigs are proof I shall not be ‘going down’. No doubt more to come on this rather fabulous development in future blogs.

Speaking of which, next Wednesday March 7th I am once again back in court – for singing satirical songs which must be censored at all costs – except when tweeted by Ambro.

‘Chabloz mouthed the words to her songs from inside the dock,’ lied the press in unison. The press now labels me a ‘self-proclaimed revisionist’! The list goes on: ‘Holocaust denier’ (hark the squelching of (((editors))) and other (((lobbyists))) pleasuring themselves in anticipation of being able to add ‘convicted’ as an adjective before the improper noun); the labelling of yours truly continues – ‘anti-Semite’, ‘blogger’, – ANYTHING GOES!  Except of course ‘musician’ or ‘artist’.

Describing me by my actual profession as confirmed by a HEM (Haute Ecole de Musique) diploma from Lausanne Conservatoire (2004), 12 years secondary music teaching, countless years in local rep, ditto as a solo performer, member of various bands and three cruise ship seasons would be far too truthful a term for journos trained in the art of lies and dissimulation. The only mainstream article to ever describe me as an ‘artist’ was published by The Times of Israel in 2015!  This fact alone, in my opinion, tells us everything we need to know about the (((British press))).

So, how should alleged gross offence caused by my songs be judged in comparison to, say, Progressive Christmas Carols by the ‘group’ Paint ? Jesus was gay..? If I am found guilty on Wednesday, then grossly offended Christians surely would be equally entitled to cite Section 127 of the UK Communications Act? I see it all now: Archbishop Welby using his unelected position in the House of Lords to vociferously condemn the denigration of true, Christian values…? Oh no wait. Instead, Welby speaks at a ‘Holocaust’ memorial event, urging his peers to condemn my songs for heresy.

‘But she uses Jewish tunes in her songs!’ they wail. And Paint use Christian tunes. My accusers have lost all grip on reality with this prosecution. Rather than pulling the plug on my music, they’ve helped to create an ever wider audience. Hence, the draconian censorship of my songs and YouTube channel over the past few months.

Locking me in a cell made no difference. Now, they must use unlawful, fraudulent methods to reverse a process which they themselves instigated the day I published (((Survivors))) – June 8 2016. ‘Though I say it myself, it is a brilliant song. Just three weeks after publication on YouTube (now over 40k views!), Elie Wiesel dropped dead. OK, he already had one foot in the grave. Nevertheless, my song is the accomplishment of a lifetime. Few others could boast as much.

If a precedent is set in my case, then it will be a free-for-all. It will be enough for snowflakes to simply stamp their feet and summon the sirens. Handcuffs obligent along with prolonged custodial detention for alleged do re mi terrorism offences (- so do mi in the case of ‘Lord’ Janner’s associates)

Happily, for now, areas of the Internet still provide welcome relief from Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. One such safe space is Jan Lamprecht’s HistoryReviewed.Com. Some may argue that Jan is an ‘extremist’. Having listened to Jan more than I’ve listened to any other YouTuber (now banned like Richie), I can say that he’s no more of an extremist than Jeremy Clarkson, although to my knowledge, Clarkson is the only one of the two who’s actually thrown punches.

A couple of weeks ago, Jan and I had a marathon two-hour Skype conversation which he’s now uploaded to as a three-part video series. The same evening, I was a guest on the Daily Kenn livestream which you can find on YouTube. My bail conditions prevent me from sharing the actual links. You’ll have to use a search engine.

This coming Saturday i.e. tomorrow, I will again be a guest on Dennis ‘the Fetch’ Fetcho’s Inside The Eye Live! from 4 pm UK time. The last time Dennis and I spoke was in November 2016, the day before I was arrested when my legal troubles began.

Next Monday 5.30 pm UK time, you’ll be able to hear all about the upcoming second day of my trial during my chat with Sven Longshanks on Radio Aryan’s The Daily Nationalist.

See you Wednesday if not before. Same time and place as usual: Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone Road, London, 9.30 am. Nearest tube/train Edgware Road / Marylebone. If you’re unable to make it but would like to leave a small donation, you can find links on the right hand side bar to my PayPal account and BitCoin wallet.

Thanks to all have donated and helped me over the past year and a half. Onwards to victory!


Prof. Rick Mehta Latest Victim of Politically Correct Witch Hunt 

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Texas students launch ‘No Whites Allowed’ magazine

Texas students launch ‘No Whites Allowed’ magazine

Mitchell Gunter

Mitchell GunterSouth Carolina Campus Correspondent
  • A group of students at the University of Texas, San Antonio plans to start publishing a “No Whites Allowed” (NWA) magazine.
  • White people are welcome to attend the launch party Thursday night, but while their support is “appreciated,” the founders insist that “it’s a zine for QPOC and by QPOC [queer persons of color].”

A group of students at the University of Texas, San Antonio plans to start publishing a “No Whites Allowed” (NWA) magazine.

According to a Facebook event titled “Zine Release,” the magazine will be revealed on March 1 at La Botanica, which describes itself as “Texas’ first vegan restaurant with a full bar and performance and event venue.”

“So you’re saying that because segregation happened, it’s fine to be racist against Whites?”    

[RELATED: Claremont students refuse to live with whites]

“Thursday at La Botanica from 8-11pm there will be the NWA Zine release party! This zine specifically features and promotes black and brown lgbtqa creatives,” the description states. “We hope to showcase our talent and create an open space for our voices to be heard.”

The description goes on to explain that “for a very long time, black and brown people, especially those who are queer, have been told that they don’t have a space. That they don’t have a voice or a say. With this we would like to create a space.”

Student Kayla Ramey further elaborated on the event’s purpose in a comment.

“I keep having to make this post but I’ll try it one last time so everyone clearly understands. The name of the zine is No Whites Allowed. It’s a zine for QPOC and by QPOC,” Ramey wrote, noting that while “white people are welcome to come to the event,” the “main goal is to celebrate and empower people that society routinely ignores and rejects.”

“Support from white people and heterosexual people is appreciated but is not necessary for the success of this event,” she continued, stating in a second comment that “inclusion is not inherently good, and exclusion is not inherently bad.”

[RELATED: Prof claims ‘there is no such thing as black racism’]

An individual named Thor Menslage questioned whether the event would constitute “racism” by excluding “whites,” but he was rebuffed by defenders of the event who stated that “there have literally been whites-only establishments that were government sanctioned and approved.”

“So you’re saying that because segregation happened, it’s fine to be racist against Whites?” Menslage countered, to which another student, Katie Gee scoffed that “equality is just more cishet [cisgender heterosexual] white supremacist patriarchy trying to write the narrative.”

“We have a host of liberal organizations who regularly pass around anti-white propaganda,” one anonymous student told Campus Reform. “Our campus does nothing about this, doesn’t label it hate speech, won’t remove it, etc.”

[RELATED: Berkeley students barricade bridge, force whites to cross creek]

UTSA Chief Communications Officer Joe Izbrand, however, told Campus Reform that the flyer had, in fact, been removed by university officials upon its discovery.

“This flyer showed up on Feb. 15,” he said. “It was not approved or authorized by the university and was not affiliated with any campus organization or event. It was immediately removed.”

Campus Reform also reached out to Ramey, but did not receive a response in time for publication.

Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @rMitchellGunter

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I Supported & Probably Still Do Support Tanya Granic Allen for PC Leader of Ontario

I Supported & Probably Still Do Support Tanya Granic Allen for PC Leader of Ontario
On Friday, February 23, I received this invitation from Tanya Granic Allen, a Grey County-based social conservative who has denounced the Red Tory policies of ex-leader Patrick Brown: specifically, his support for an offensive sex-ed curriculum at least partially designed by a man since convicted of possessing kiddie porn (and once a close advisor to then-Education Minister Kathleen Wynn); his support for a punishing carbon tax based on junk science; his support for  the police state anti-free speech bubble zones around abortion clinics and abortion practitioners., She was aggressive and articulate and did well on the February 15, TVOntario debate.
So, when I received this request, I tweeted my endorsement and mailed her off a cheque for $100!


Frederick                                                                                                 UNSUBSCRIBE



“PC” stands for “politically correct” and is suggestive of a sort of censorship that currently afflicts the western world.


By coincidence, P.C. are also the initials for Progressive Conservative, the name of the largest “conservative” political party in Ontario.


One of my main reasons for running to be the PC Party leader is my opposition to “PC” as political correctness. And my inspiration for the fight against “PC” politically correct censorship is Ontario’s very own Jordan Peterson.


Although he is a tenured professor at the University of Toronto, Jordan Peterson knows about grassroots Canadians. He grew up in a farming community. And he hasn’t abandoned his commitments to common sense and plain-speaking.


Thank goodness.


And thank goodness for Lindsay Shepherd, a 24-year-old Wilfrid Laurier University grad student. Lindsay Shepherd was taken to task by the university administration for playing a recording of Jordan Peterson’s talking good, common sense about culture, families and human nature.


But on our university campuses and too often in the broader culture, good common sense about culture, families, and human nature is all too UNCOMMON.


Our universities – once bastions of free speech in Western society – have become dens of political correctness. Dens in which anyone who speaks principled, common sense is thrown to the lions!


Jordan Peterson and Lindsay Shepherd are bona fide, Ontario free speech heroes. They inspire me to speak plainly on behalf of families, children, and seniors, against the flood of warped cultural madness.


That is why in the TVO debate I spoke very plainly without dancing around the truth.


That is why as PC Leader I will tell you the unvarnished truth, and hold to common sense commitments about human nature, families and culture.


I want to be the PC Party leader who will oppose “PC” (politically correct) censorship.


That is why as a PC Party Premier I will bring implement policies in support of these commitments.


And that is why I need your support and your vote in this leadership election.


Conservative. For a Change,


Tanya Granic Allen

Candidate for Ontario PC Leader


To SUPPORT Tanya, click HERE


Then, this misleading blast appeared and the Toronto Star (February 25, 2018) did a story and got no comment from the Granic Allen campaign. That was the right approach. Candidates aer in the business of trying to win over support and voters. It hardly makes sense to turn away a supporter. As to campaign policy, that’s for Mrs. Granic-Allen to speak to. I never pretended to suggest I spoke for her campaign.

Just to set the record straight, the Klan hasn’t existed in Canada for over a decade. In its ups and downs in the late 70’s, 80s, and 90s, I never joined the Klan, was asked to join the Klan or wanted to join the Klan in Canada. As for Representative Dr. David Duke, who is a dear and longtime friend of mine, he hasn’t been in the Klan since he was 23 — well over 40 years ago!

Not surprisingly, that reddest of Red Tories, establishment parachute candidate Caroline Mulroney weighed in:

Inline image 1

So, White nationalism — putting the European founding/settler people of Canada first — is racist and wrong. What does that make Zionism — putting Israel first? Anti-racist actually means putting OTHERS first. Her father Brian Mulroney was a big Zionist. He played a big role in continuing the massive Third World demography-changing immigration policies followed by his Liberal predecessor Pierre Trudeau. I’m not surprised she opposes White nationalism. What a constipated view! Mulroney doesn’t even want me to vote or be a member of the party.
Here one might have hoped for some of the leadership Tanya had promised — standing up against political correctness and censorship.
But, no! On Sunday, her campaign veered into full panic mode. She did not call me to inquire if the smear from a rabid anti-free speech, far leftist group which would NEVER support her was correct. Instead, she tweeted out a near hysterical denunciation:

Actually, as already explained. I’m not a “KKK guy” and she was panicked into denouncing someone her campaign had approached for support and who had never been given a chance to refute the lies of the anti-White left. Her behaviour was disturbingly “politically correct”.
Well, I still have a soft spot for her and hope she can learn from Donald Trump who never succuumbed during the campaign to the mugs game of denouncing his own supporters.