Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


Corporate Cowards at Pattison Signs Interfere With Election Advertising — Pull Immigration Reform Billboards

Corporate Cowards at Pattison Signs Interfere With Election Advertising — Pull Immigration Reform Billboards

Anti-immigration billboards promoting Bernier’s party will be taken down, advertising company says

[What snivelling corporate cowards! Pattison did the same to me when I ran in Calgary Southeast in 2011. We must keep a careful record and, when times change, the corporate collaborators and enemies of free speech, including the Silicon Valley censors, will be made to pay.


Toronto Star’s report suppresses the rather salient fact that Paula Fletcher, the one tossing around smears like “racist” and “hate” is a longtime member of the Communist Party of Canada!

Wikipedia reports: “In Winnipeg, Fletcher worked as an educator in third world development, and became a community activist. In 1980, she ran for the Winnipeg School Board for Ward 2, in the city’s north end. In 1981, she was elected leader of the Communist Party of Canada (Manitoba) and served as leader for five years.[4] She ran in the 1981 and 1986 provincial elections in the Winnipeg riding of Burrows. She garnered 144 and 131 votes respectively, less than 2% of the popular vote. In the early 1980s, she sang with a group called Rank and File.

In 1986, Fletcher left the Communist Party and moved back to Toronto. In the 1990s, Fletcher worked at Toronto City Hall as executive assistant to [far leftist] city councillor Dan Leckie.”

Leckie’s smear, using the weaponized words “hate” and “racism” are the desperate flailings of a lying and discredited order. Nowhere does the poster even mention race — Paul Fromm, Director, CANADA FIRST IMMIGRATION REFORM COMMITTEE]


Controversial billboard advertisements promoting the People’s Party of Canada and its anti-immigration policies will be removed following “overwhelming” criticism, says the ad company that owns the billboards.

“I regret that the decision we made to allow the ad has been construed to suggest that I or anyone at Pattison Outdoor endorses the message of the advertiser,” reads a statement attributed to Randy Otto, president of Pattison Outdoor Advertising, that was posted to the company’s social media accounts Sunday afternoon.

The ads, which started popping up on billboards in cities across Canada late last week, feature a photo of party Leader Maxime Bernier, the slogan “Say NO to mass immigration” and a call to vote for Bernier’s party. They were immediately criticized as promoting anti-immigrant rhetoric. At least one of the billboards is in Toronto, at Lake Shore Blvd. E and Carlaw Ave.

An online petition calling on Pattison to take down the “racist” ads had garnered more than 11,000 signatures as of Sunday afternoon.

The billboards were paid for by a third-party advertiser called True North Strong & Free Advertising Corp., which is run by Toronto mining executive Frank Smeenk, according to Elections Canada filings. Smeenk is the president and CEO of KWG Resources Inc.

Calls to Smeenk’s office on Sunday afternoon were not returned. Neither were emailed interview requests sent to KWG Resources.

The phone number and business address associated with True North Strong & Free Advertising are the same as those of KWG Resources. The address and phone number are included in small print at the bottom of the billboards, as required by Pattison’s policy on “advocacy” ads.

True North Strong & Free Advertising Inc. filed interim financial returns with Elections Canada that show it spent $59,890 on billboards in “select cities in Canada” and received $60,000 from Bassett & Walker International Inc., a company that specializes in the international trade of protein products.

Last week, Smeenk declined to comment to The Canadian Press on the billboard beyond what appeared in the Elections Canada filing. Messages left at Bassett & Walker by The Canadian Press were not returned.

KWG Resources hosted a fundraiser for Bernier’s Conservative party leadership campaign at its Toronto offices in June 2018, before Bernier launched his new party. In a press release announcing the event, Smeenk is quoted as saying: “Maxime Bernier supports our vision that the development of the Ring of Fire (in northern Ontario) can be expedited by the needed transportation infrastructure being built and owned by a transportation authority.”

Toronto city Councillor Paula Fletcher, who represents the Toronto-Danforth ward where the billboard was recently erected, called the ad an example of “dog-whistle politics” and said Pattison should not have allowed it to go up in the first place.

“These are really bordering on hate and racism and I don’t think there’s a place for that in outdoor advertising,” she said in a phone interview.

Gordon Watson on the Delusions of the Transgendered Mindset

Gordon Watson on the Delusions of the Transgendered Mindset
I watched the video of Jenn Ricky Smith debriefing after his last presentation, in Abbotsford a week ago.

He has some insightful things to say, particularly  that Oger and his ilk are engaged in attempting to make the word define reality. Whereas in fact, reality informs the word

I really like that turn of phrase, because that’s a description of Hindu-ism and magical thinking … ‘wishing makes it so”. Also : the cult known as “Est” = erhart seminar training” . A guy who called himself Werner Erhardt made million$ leading the babyboomers down the garden path with a modern presentation of the concept that “you are a little god  at the centre of the universe and you speak everything in to being”. It turned out to be a very bad news psychodrama.

I went to a Word of Faith Church for a while in the 1980 —  the “name it and claim it crowd”. They started off with some genuine Scriptural truths, but it soon got taken over by the religious racketeers.  iand you were taught to “have faith in your faith” rather than “have faith in God”

Oger and his ilk are basically just a bunch of fools worshipping their own will  — a power trip  which he has to impose on everyone else. Not going to work. No doubt in my mind he’ll go down into some twisted gruesome wreckage of a human being …  but his trip is hurting a lot of children, meanwhile

Alfred Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Forbidden Speech during the 2018 Trial Update by Monika

Alfred Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Forbidden Speech during the 2018 Trial Update by Monika Schaefer

Alfred Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Forbidden Speech during the 2018 Trial

by Monika

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On August 8th, 2019, Alfred Schaefer was hauled from his prison cell into the courthouse to face the Inquisition once again. What were his charges? Speech crimes which he committed during the 2018 Schaefer Siblings Trial for previous speech crimes. Another Muppet Show, as Alfred had called our trial, this one for things he said and did right in the courtroom in 2018.

How can that be, you might reasonably ask. Is it not normal for both sides, the prosecution and the defense, to present their evidence and argument to the judges for them to weigh the evidence and make a “judgement” based on what they have heard and seen? Can a person not defend himself while in court? Can you not explain how you reached your conclusions – the ones they deem illegal to speak out loud? Can you not provide evidence to the court of law to support your conclusions?

Not without committing “New Crime”! When you speak in court in the occupied Federal Republic of Germany, you are supposedly speaking in public. (Even that is questionable, given the intimidation tactics in the courthouse and the non-existence of a court transcript.) Since you are prohibited from publicly speaking the truth about certain subjects in Germany, in particular the fake jewish holocaust, it is impossible to defend yourself with evidence and argument even whilst facing charges for speaking about these forbidden subjects. A completely circular situation – a Catch 22. Can this still be called justice? Can it be a fair court? Can there ever be a verdict other than the predetermined one?

To be fair, Alfred was also being charged with a certain gesture which he dared do in court on Day 1 on July 2nd, 2018. After I had been brought into the courtroom in handcuffs, Alfred jumped out of his chair and gave quite the spirited speech to the media, the public gallery and the whole court. He spoke of how we are winning, and that the Truth is coming out. He also jubilantly gave the Roman Salute, while saying,

Look how high my dog Pavlov can jump!

Prozess gegen die Geschwister Monica und Alfred Schaefer u.a. wegen Volksverhetzung

Not sure why my eyes have been blocked out in this image which I found on-line. The Jasper newspaper “The Fitzhugh” published that picture and an article entitled “Racist Filth: Schaefers sentenced in Germany” just in time for my return home, to remind the local population what a “hater” I am.

This makes him a particularly “dangerous man”, the fact that he could brazenly and fearlessly make this salute. One has to wonder why a simple body motion – non-violent and non-threatening – can be so frightening to the PTSNB (powers-that-should-not-be). They call it an evil crime and the person doing it is deemed highly dangerous.

Compare that to the background of rapists and murderers getting off with the lightest of sentences, particularly if they come from a culture where “they just didn’t understand our culture”, as some judges are reputed to have said.

The 18 month verdict is not what the prosecution asked for. They wanted 24 months. They are appealing the sentence as it is “too light”! Remember, this is on top of the 38 months which Alfred was already sentenced with, simply for speaking.

Alfred’s lawyer is also appealing this new verdict. The original sentence is under appeal as well. No verdict is legally binding yet. By their own rules, Alfred should not even be in jail at all, except that he has been deemed a “flight risk” because of the severity of his alleged criminality. He never has been a flight risk, he has been married to a German woman for decades, and has expressed his keen desire to stay and fight this injustice that is befalling Germany. They simply did not like that he continued to talk to the world.

On August 10th, the day I learned of this latest blow, I had a conversation with Brian Ruhe to talk about it. Here is the 8 minute video of that interview.

On 21 August 2019 I was on the Realist Report with John Friend. We not only spoke about Alfred’s situation, but covered other topics such as the music industry influences, psychological warfare, and the holohoax being the lynch-pin of deceptions holding up the house of cards. Podcast here.

Another show I would like to tell you about is one that I had the privilege of being a guest host on. The Sonny Thomas Show of August 1, 2019. This was a two hour show during which I gave some background to my story about our “speech crimes”, the Schaefer sibling trial, jail, the verdict etc. I also spoke about how Ritual Defamation is such a key element in keeping the deceptive narratives going. In the second hour I was joined by special guest Frank Frost, who spoke of corruption at the very highest levels of government, police and the so-called justice system. It was a very powerful conversation.

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Climate Change Common Sense Wins a Defamation Victory

Lost in the news yesterday, or perhaps more accurately, not covered in the news by the mainstream media yesterday, was the successful victory by Dr. Tim Ball, a retired University of Winnipeg professor, in a defamation lawsuit brought against him by the notoriously thin-skinned Michael Mann of the infamous and thoroughly debunked ‘hockey stick’ theory related to global warming.

This is the second lawsuit successfully defended by Dr. Ball. The first was dismissed last year in which B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver sued for defamation and lost. Apparently, in the courts, the truth is still an absolute defence.

And so it proved in the lawsuit brought by Penn State prof Michael Mann as decided by B.C. Courts this week.

Dr. Ball is called a cynic or a denier deemed so by the worshipers of the religion of climate change. All he has done is merely point out the holes in their arguments and apparently they get all snitty about that.

If you don’t believe as they do you’re the devil.

A denier. 

A word correlated to those who deny the Holocaust as though if you don’t accept the religion of climate change you’re the same as the racists who deny the Holocaust.

Dr. Mann was exposed for manipulating the data he used to create the so-called hockey stick graph. And no amount of protesting he may do will change that.

Why he is still employed at Penn State is a mystery. There’s a significant credibility issue surrounding his work as upheld by the courts. Dr. Ball, tongue in cheek, said he should be in the state pen as opposed to Penn State.

The problem is that things like the hockey stick graph, no matter that it has been debunked, is at the heart of our political policy and legislation like the carbon tax.

And the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, won’t brook any dissension. Neither will the recently rescued from career oblivion after his resignation in the SNC-Lavalin scandal, Gerald Butts, who calls anyone who disagrees a nazi.

I am not a scientist. I am but an old ex-cop and investigator who looks for evidence before coming to a conclusion in matters. And that evidence does not support the position of McKenna or the government. Nor does it support any reason to impose a carbon tax on the economy which is punitive at a time our economy should be flourishing along with that of our largest trading partner.

But the Prime Minister and the rest of the Liberal government are true believers despite the evidence to the contrary.

I’m sure that the fact that Butts is a former executive leading the eco-loons at the World Wildlife Foundation plays a role. He believes what he believes and no amount of evidence will sway his opinions. Unfortunately, his opinions, however wrong, have dire consequences on the country as a whole.

Good on Dr. Ball for standing up to the eco-loons. Pity the media would rather spout the government nonsense rather than cover the result of an actual court case.


Political Prisoner James Sears is now in the South Toronto Detention Centre on Horner Avenue in Etobicoke,. He goes for a bail hearing Tuesday.
Amnesty International. defines a political prisoner as a person jailed or punished solely for the non-violent expression of his political views.

A Bit of Irony for You

A Bit of Irony for You



Hometown men marching away to war in New Westminster, British Columbia. The Anvil Centre is now at that corner. Lately, the City refused to allow a church to rent there for a presentation on the harmful LGBTQ school program.


As Doug Christie always said “Free Speech IS the issue”

Savage Sentence Handed Out to Dr. James Sears for Satire

Savage Sentence Handed Out to Dr. James Sears for Satire
TORONTO. August 22, 2019. Today Provincial Court Judge Richard Blouin blew it. He had the chance to declare a mistrial for outrageously ineffective representation but instead chose to sentence Dr. James Sears, editor of the satirical YOUR WARD NEWS to the maximum — a year in prison, six months each consecutive on two counts of wilfully promoting hate against privileged minorities — Jews and Women.
 Despite evidence in e-mail exchanges that lawyer Dean Embry had refused Dr. Sears instruction to call expert witnesses and to make certain submissions, the judge, sticking by a fellow lawyer declared:   ” “Mr. Embry approached the case tactically and professionally. This was not incompetence or worse. This was a lawyer doing his job. It just didn’t work.”
The judge then got down to sentencing. He declared that Dr. Sears deserved at least 18 months. A conviction attracts only a maximum of six months. Agreeing to the Crown’s demands for the maximum sentence of six months on each count to be served concurrently, the judge gave Dr. Sears a year.
The judge faithfully echoed a line spread by Canada’s Jewish lobby that criticism of Jews leads to violence:  ” “Mr. Sears  promoted hate to a vast audience in an era where online exposure to this material inexorably leads to extremism and the potential of mass casualties.” Oddly, in press reports, Noah Shack of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs said much the same thing:  “Those who promote hatred must be held accountable. What starts with words can often lead to violence.” At an earlier sentencing hearing, Dr. Sears had submitted evidence that YOUR WARD NEWS‘s satire serves as a safety valve and offers a voice to many people marginalized by political correctness. he cited two examples of people who had threatened violence but who had calmed down once their stories appeared in YOUR WARD NEWS.
Dr, Sears wife Colette and his four year old son attended the sentencing. The boy saw his father handcuffed and led away. Dr. Sears gave his wife his car keys and cellphone and insisted on keeping his chain and crucifix as he headed to the cells.
A woman supported called out: “This is not right.” The judge threatened to have her removed. The woman, who grew up in communist Eastern Europe, left the court in tears with memories of exactly the same things in her homeland.
In a press scrum afterwards, Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, warned an extremely hostile reporter: “This is a sad day for freedom of speech and freedom of the press. This is North Korea lite. CAFE has supported YOUR WARD NEWS all along in its fight for freedom. Neither the Crown nor the judge could see that this paper was satirical. My parents if alive today would have wondered what they risked their youth for. My father served three and a half years in the Royal Canadian Navy; my mother six years as a nurse in the Canadian Army. They thought they were fighting for freedom and against people who jailed writers and threw people in prison for the non-violent expression of their religious or political views.”
“Dr. Sears is a Christian martyr,” another supporter said.
james sears campaigning in Ottawa.JPG
Publisher Leroy St. Germaine will be sentenced August 29. A proud Metis, he was entitled to the Aboriginal discount, or special reduction of sentences in view of his ethnicity. At a previous hearing the judge urged him to accept mediation — a sitdown with Jews and women who had complained against YOUR WARD NEWS. “Fuck that,” he told his lawyer.
So, August 29 will show whether our cultural Marxist courts will send a proud, ailing 77-year old Metis to prison for the non-violent publication of his political and religious views.
A notice of appeal against the conviction was filed earlier this week. Another lawyer will appear in Provincial Court on Friday to seek Dr. Sears release on bail pending appeal.

Jenn Smith debriefing after Abbotsford Antifa Attack

Jenn Smith debriefing after Abbotsford Antifa Attack
At 27 minutes in to the video de-briefing by Jenn R Smith after his Abbotsford presentation,   Smith says that he has hints from friends that Oger is a plant from some intelligence agency

Smith talks about “the Glo Mar response” loop = say anything … look like they’re answering when they are not

Videographer Brian Ruhe Comments on Ferocious One Year Sentence Handed Down to YOUR WARD NEWS Editor

Videographer Brian Ruhe Comments on Ferocious One Year Sentence Handed Down to YOUR WARD NEWS Editor
Vancouver Truther Brian Ruhe writes: just got the bad News about this. I’ve met Dr. James Sears in Toronto and he’s been a guest on my show. Paul will be telling us…
Editor of Your Ward News gets 1 year in jail for promoting hatred | CBC News
The editor of a hate-filled, Toronto-based publication has been jailed for one year. A judge sentenced James Sears after denying his bid to reopen the trial.


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