The Theft of Monika Schaefer’s Books By Canada’s Customs Thought Police Continues

The Theft of Monika Schaefer’s Books By Canada’s Customs Thought Police Continues

CBSA Book Theft Saga continues…

14Saturday Sep 2019

Posted by Monika

It took nine days for their letter to reach me on July 25, 2019, and in that letter they said I could “submit evidence, in writing, regarding the admissibility of the material”, and it had to be received by them “within 14 days of the date of this letter”.

The background: The Canadian Border Services Agency stole 5 books from me at the Calgary airport on April 24, 2019 upon my return from New York. My first article describing what happened is here. My first letter, then their response, and my second letter to them can be found in those links.

My third letter to the Canadian Border Services Agency follows.

Monika Schaefer

2019 August 12

Canada Border Services Agency


This is my third letter to the CBSA regarding your seizure of my books.

The level of absurdity has reached astronomical proportions. It leaves me speechless. Let me try to find words to describe the paradox.

First, the deadline for rebuttal is impossible to meet. Your letter, sent by ordinary mail, was dated July 16, 2019, and I received it at the Jasper post office 9 days later on July 25th. Keep in mind it is the height of summer. Your letter stipulated that you must receive, by mail, my evidence and arguments within 14 days of the date on your letter, which would have put the deadline at July 30th. If my letter took just as long to reach you as yours to reach me, it would already have been too late, and would have allowed a negative amount of time for me – in your words – “…to submit evidence, in writing, regarding the admissibility of the material. Such evidence should include any arguments that you might choose to make with respect to artistic, literary, or other similar merit (e.g. educational, scientific, etc) of the material in question…”

The more serious matter is that the onus of proof is reversed. You say I should provide evidence that these books do not constitute “hate propaganda”. If something does not exist, it is a moot point to prove it does not exist. If it does exist, then the person alleging that it exists should prove that it exists. The onus MUST be on the accuser to prove their accusation. Your logic is false.

The next flaw in your case against me is that you have stolen the evidence! You have taken away my personal possessions, the books that you deemed offensive. How am I supposed to gather and submit evidence regarding the “admissibility of the material” when you have taken the allegedly-offensive books away from me???

I have not read the books. I do not have copies of these books in my possession. You seized them. Explain to me how I am to gather evidence about an object that you have stolen from me. Would these books not be the very source of “evidence” with which I am supposed to prove that they are NOT something that you allege that they are?

I would like to underline the utter duplicity and outright criminality of your agency and the master that you serve, with an example of something truly hateful and offensive, which is not only available (still to this day), but was also lauded in the mass media as a “sensational idea” (Time magazine) when this book was published in 1941. Theodore Kaufmann, a Jew, called for the complete genocide of the German people in his book Germany Must Perish. The term “hate propaganda” would be far too mild a descriptor for this blueprint for genocide.

Neither Kaufmann, nor his descendants, nor any of the beneficiaries of this “hate propaganda” have ever been taken to court or charged with any “hate crime”. Why not?

By your actions you are showing utter contempt for civilized society. What an insult to our intelligence, that you expect us to respect “Canadian laws and regulations”, when the so-called authorities exhibit this type of behavior. You have already been judge and jury on the books, and you follow your theft of my books with this charade of justice. It is a joke!

Monika Schaefer



Just after dropping this letter in the mail box on August 13, I received another letter from the Traveller Compliance Unit, on behalf of the CBSA in my P.O. box. I guess I was not quick enough with the “gathering of evidence” and their decision was made. The 3 books that they still have in their possession were deemed “hate propaganda”. I have 90 days from the date of that letter (August 7, 2019) to file an appeal to the court.

Some excerpts from their letter:

Ms. Schaefer,

[…] it has been determined that the one (1) book entitled The Commission; one (1) book entitled The Great Impersonation; and one (1) book entitled Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled! Volume 1, fall within the provisions of Customs Tariff item 9899.00.00. Their importation into Canada therefore remains prohibited.

The book entitled “The Commission” was reviewed in full and was found to contain descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is to blame for serious economic or social problems; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is inferior; and descriptions alleging that an identifiable group weakens or threatens society.

The book entitled “The Great Impersonation” was also reviewed in full and was found to contain [same as above with one addition, bold mine] descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is to blame for serious economic or social problems; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group manipulates media/trade/politics/ government to the detriment of society; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is inferior; and descriptions alleging that an identifiable group weakens or threatens society.

The book entitled “Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled! Volume 1” was also reviewed in full and was found to contain [same as above] descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is to blame for serious economic or social problems; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group manipulates media/trade/politics/ government to the detriment of society; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is inferior; and descriptions alleging that an identifiable group weakens or threatens society.

As a result, these materials have been determined to constitute hate propaganda under our current guidelines. […]

… please note that the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the prohibition of hate propaganda is a justifiable infringement upon the right to freedom of expression guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, in accordance with Section 1 of said legislation. The court stated that Parliament’s objective of preventing the harm caused by hate propaganda is of sufficient importance to warrant overriding the constitutional freedom. […]

Traveller Compliance Unit

Canada Border Services Agency

Section 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms simultaneously gives us rights and limitations to those rights:

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Simple question:

What if those

descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is to blame for serious economic or social problems; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group manipulates media/trade/politics/government to the detriment of society; etc. etc.,

are true? Is that what they hate? Do they hate that we point out the truth? It seems to me that …

Truth is Hate to those who Hate the Truth!


My Letter to CBSA – and a Cartoon In “Canada”

CBSA Notice of Determination: Some Books Good, Some Books Bad In “America”

Update – Books still under CBSA Review for Hate Propaganda In “Canada”


20190915 IV→Monika Schæfer

“Utter contempt for civilized society” indeed.

One couldn’t have formulated it better.

Such a remark would bring any decent human being to blush out of shame and the average Japanese to commit “Seppuku” (I believe that Japanese civil servants still have a sense of honour on par with their commitment to actually serve their own people and anyone happening to be on Japanese territory – but then again, Japan is a god and any Japanese citizen is part of this god).

Quite clearly not so in Canada… but then again it looks as if “civil servants” prefer to be referred to as “public officers”… which explains a lot… even if both terms actually refer to the same obligation towards the people who are paying their wages… Clearly, Monika, you are dealing with cold snakes.

Now for proper remarks:

1. The info regarding this letter should have been made available ASAP – why the delay?

2. Still I believe that this “King Ubu” case should be given maximum publicity all around the Planet… just to inform other peoples about how despicable the ‘troudeau’ ‘Canadian’(?!) system has now become in terms of crawling submissiveness. For anybody with but an ounce of common sense, it defies imagination. Canadians are tops… let it be known! The Russians, the Chinese and (what’s left of) the true Americans shall thoroughly enjoy this farce.

CAFE Protests Trudeau’s Poisonous Immigration Policy & Hamilton City Council’s Refusal to Hear Free Speech Delegations

CAFE Protests Trudeau’s Poisonous Immigration Policy & Hamilton City Council’s Refusal to Hear Free Speech Delegations



Supporters of the Canadian Association for Free Expression & the Canadian Nationalist Party rallied outside Hamilton City Hall Today.

We were there to protests Trudeau’s demography wrecking open door immigration, his fanatical pushing of the LGBTQ agenda & Hamilton City Hall’s anti-free speech policies, including their refusal to hear a delegation by CAFE Director Paul Fromm on just such anti-free speech policies.

One elderly Christian lady had her signed ripped up.

Lady Michele Renouf Reports Repressive German State Won’t Allow Bishop Williamson to Visit Political Prisoner Frau Ursula Haverbeck

Lady Michele Renouf Reports Repressive German State Won’t Allow Bishop Williamson to Visit Political Prisoner Frau Ursula Haverbeck


I have just learned that Mrs. Ursula Haverbeck wants to make confession in prison and has asked a priest of her trust, Bishop Williamson, to do so.

The woman is 92 years old and may feel her end coming.

If you didn’t know it yet, Ursula Haverbeck is in a closed prison in Bielefeld because of the so-called “Holocaust denial”.

The requested visit of Bishop Williamson to Ursula Haverbeck was rejected by the prison management out of hand, just as the open execution for an over 90 year old had been rejected before.

People, that didn’t even exist in the eastern zone.

The lump of shit, which is still in the hands of us in justice and execution, seems to be ashamed of nothing anymore.

Please spread this information on your contacts. So what should also cause disgust and disgust with non-believers like me.

Even Some Free Speech Supporters Don’t Get It

Even Some Free Speech Supporters Don’t Get It


Vancouver vidoegrapher Brian Ruhe reports: “Today [September 10, 2019]  Dave and I went to video the UBC demonstration in favour of the people in Hong Kong and they posted the below post about it! Brian Ruhe’s mere presence triggered the leader. His silly denunciation of Nazism is almost comical. The tyrannical state beating the protesters in Hong Kong is communist, not National Socialist.


It also seems a tad ironic that a free speech group would denounce another person, Brian Ruhe’s, alleged support for his ideology.

A rabbi came and spoke with the organizer who was a young Jew holding the Hong Kong flag. This caused Tim to find me and support my free speech and send me the post below.








A BRAVE Pastor planned an event to educate his congregants and the community on the threats of Islam.  The event was a 2 day with 2 excellent speakers on the subject.

The event was finalized and planned until the media and CAIR got involved.  We all know what happens next.  The church froze, the Elders submitted and demanded the event be cancelled out of fear.  Out of fear of safety for the church, it’s attendees and speakers.  FEAR cancelled the event, instead of digging in and connecting every law enforcement agency to protect them!  Once again, a church caved to worldly reason and did not take a Godly stand against the attack!

What was the event? 

It included 2 very strong Truth-Tellers in the counter-jihad fight!  Pastor Shahram Hadian and Jim Simpson.

What were they presenting?  

How the Interfaith Movement is Sabotaging America and the Church  ** and **  How Islam is Destroying America from Within, respectively.

Both speakers were banned from speaking the truth and banned from the church.  Why?  Because the Socialist/Marxist/Islamists gathered together to shut it down!  And the church submitted to the pressure, submitted to Islam, and submitted to the totalitarian System of Sharia!  They denied Christian principles, denied Christ-like strength, denied Freedom of Speech, denied our Founding Fathers liberties provided us!

WELL… the presentations are NOT DEAD!







WHEN:    Wednesday, 9/11/2019, 7:00 pm Eastern time
WHERE:   From your own home, work, or place of business… pre-registration required

Register below for this important national webinar

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VOTE INTELLIGENTLY, November 3, 2020

Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson — Incremental Shoving Back Against the ‘Trans’ Insanity


Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson — Incremental Shoving Back Against the ‘Trans’ Insanity


I had a mind to drive for Pearson College, which is just around the corner from me in Metchosin.  It would have been a good gig … but their policy on GENDER DIVERSITY is so bad it’s laughable … insanity writ large.

>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
September 10 2019

Pearson College UWCAttention :
Tyrone Pile ; Deana Cuthbert ;  Shelley Seysener ; Susan Duffel-Warthe ; Reese Harrison

from : Gordon Watson
This is my notice that I hereby withdraw my application to be an on-call driver for the College.Having read the documents delivered by surface mail,  it is clear that my own position within the so-called “trans” controversy is antithetical to your  GENDER DIVERSITY POLICY    to the extent that I am not able to co-operate with such insanity.
I am a long-time political activist, lately on the front line of court actions to do with the “transgender” nonsense being pretext for outlawing freedom of expression.   I could submit a few hundred pages explaining why the whole “trans”  thing is a textbook example of mass hysteria, but one quick overview will suffice :   following by regular surface mail will be the essay   “Transgender is a fad worth rejecting”

I recommend that the College make  “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” by Charles Mackay,  required reading for all-concerned … it’s the classic work explaining how human beings go crazy in herds, then regain common sense one person at a time.

As King Solomon said “this too shall pass”.  Meanwhile,  the College better pay attention to the lawsuits now underway in which parents of children who suffered at the hands of quacks in the ‘transgender’ racket,  are suing those practitioners and also the institutions which enabled medical malpractice.    As I write this, a lawsuit is being prepared by parents of children who were in care of the BC Children’s Hospital with that cause of action.  Being in the place of a parent for its students,  Pearson College has the duty to inform thy-self as to ALL of the readily available information on this topic before presuming the science is settled ; it most certainly is not.  In light of expert opinion on the harms done to individuals who once did present as “transgender”, then regained their sanity,   the College ought to get professional legal advice re    counselling an indictable offence /  ‘criminal negligence’

Yours truly
Gordon Watson

I Have A Friend in Pennsylvania Who Has My Back

I Have A Friend in Pennsylvania Who Has My Back


Some years ago I bought a fancy “Dx” AM radio for my bride to use as she is an avid listener on AM radio. Our new location in Central Pennsylvania, up on a plateau, has provided an unexpected phenomenon for us – at night we experience amazing atmospheric “ducting” which leads to impressively long-range AM radio reception. And it’s consistent all year round. We can pick up Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, Rochester, New York City, Boston, DC and Baltimore, Charlotte NC, West Virginia, and even occasionally, Las Vegas NV!


Several Canadian stations roar in loud-and-clear, some in English and others in French. Sure enough, we had a strong signal last night from good old 900-AM, CHML in Hamilton.


Last night [actually FRI 6 Sept 2019] she was treated to a lengthy telecast, a monologue from one reporter, talking about your efforts to address the Hamilton City Council and their efforts to prevent you from speaking. The coverage in the discussion was, of course, highly Leftist and in opposition to you. However, from listening closely my wife insists that the story, if followed carefully, would lead an enlightened listener to support your point-of-view, namely that you should be able to address that governance body, no matter how hostile they might be to your message.


After about ten minutes of this discussion the station signal faded away. But BRAVO to you for taking on the Pinkos-that-Be in the Ontario Bolshevik power structure, and for sticking to your guns. You now receive serious radio media coverage that can be heard in the Lower 48 States! We certainly support you. If we hear any further radio media coverage of your Free Speech efforts in Hamilton (or anywhere), we will share details. Well Done, Mr. Paul!


I also note the gushing satisfaction the Hamilton City Council has after denying both you and Yellow Vest spokesmen from having any say in their “inclusive” government. —

More People Outraged at Hamilton City Council Refusing to Hear Paul Fromm on Free Speech

More People Outraged at Hamilton City Council Refusing to Hear Paul Fromm on Free Speech
To Chad Collins (Councillor):
Hi. I read about this today and am very disappointed by council. Paul Fromm is an advocate for freedom of expression and such freedom is ours granted by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and as such is the supreme law of the land. Further spelling out what this means is the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which Canada is a signatory. Especially pertinent is article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Also relevant is article 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. 

The city and council have acted appallingly of late. The considerable outlay of time and effort to craft by-laws that are clearly designed to block individuals from exercising their Charter rights is inexcusable. The dismissal of a city employee who performed his duties faithfully at the behest of demands for his removal by Marxist hatemongers is no less objectionable. Because of activities the employee may have engaged in on his own time, although entirely within the law, may indicate that he holds or held political views that are not currently fashionable merits his dismissal or coerced resignation makes the city of Hamilton look like a grim Marxist satrapy in the old Soviet Union – only missing a show trial with pro forma confessions of the purged apparatchik.
From these two episodes I was interested in asking just who is driving this Marxist anti-constitutional agenda the city has chosen to pursue and just what is it about these hate-driven steerers of city governance that makes council feel compelled to follow their dictates but today I read of the motion you and councillor Merulla put forward that was unanimously backed by council. I am unimpressed by your virtue signalling although it was predictably favourably painted in the Spec. That is because it is merely doubling down on the same pattern of dismissing the Charter rights of some citizens simply because they hold differing political opinions. In other coverage, the Marxist saturated Spectator lies outright or is deliberately deceptive in their reporting and it seems like many on Council take the narrative as presented by Spec writers as accurate. It is not. Just as an example, the often mentioned clash that happened in Gage Park between Christians and masked Antifa terrorists only descended into violence after the LGBT militant side assaulted the Christians. The Spec first reported the opposite and I wrote to them to correct them referring to the best video recording of the event. I don’t believe my words alone were persuasive to them but in the mentions since then, the Spec doesn’t claim that the Christians started the violence but their phrasing is slick and gives this impression to a reader who does not know better, and so is still deliberately deceptive. You should go and speak to people in the city to get a better idea of the prevailing street level opinions people have towards masked Antifa criminals as well as the rapid influx of 3rd world populations into our communities for which we have not been asked for our consent. If you and council see fit to turn away a citizen who advocates for the founding stock of white Europeans who created a nation, Canada out of the wilderness that was here before them, then in fairness you should also turn away all special interest groups including black lives matter movements, LGBTQ+ groups, and every ethnic group present here. To reserve this shabby treatment for only a backer of rights for whites and no one else is evidence of the racism prevalent in the current Marxist orientation. In fact, Marxism is inherently racist – against whites. Quit it immediately and move to push overt Marxists out of city governance for the reason that their calls to violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of this country are incongruous to any role serving city residents. 


Rob Janosevic

Iconoclast Roy Albrecht Defends Paul Fromm & Free Speech

Iconoclast Roy Albrecht Defends Paul Fromm & Free Speech


An Open Letter to Hamilton City Council, the Hamilton Spectator and the Citizens of Hamilton:

1)  The Hamilton Spectator is the Worm Hole Central Plexus of disinformation in the Region of Hamilton Wentworth that is overwhelmingly controlled by Zionist Jews.

2)  According to many peer reviewed sources…,
not the least of which is Prof. Emeritus, Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s authoritative best seller, The Culture of Critique…,
Zionist Jews have been documented as instrumental in the World Wide push to eliminate Indigenous European Rights in their own nations since the early 1960’s.

3)  Paul Fromm, has been Canada’s leading voice for the indigenous White European peoples of Canada for nearly HALF A CENTURY!

4)  Hamilton City Council is under EVERY OBLIGATION to allow Mr. Fromm to express views that Jewish Lobby Groups are keen to censor because they fear that Mr. Fromm’s Truth Telling may derail their hidden agenda of White Christian Hatred and their goal to replace Canada’s founding settlers of European Heritage with low skilled imports from Third World Nations.
5)  The fact that the Spectator frames their argument, against allowing Mr. Fromm a voice due to “…White Supremacy…” is proof positive of the underhanded and insidious tactics that Jewish Lobby Groups will go to in order to increase and maintain their present overwhelming control of Canada’s economic climate.

6)  I have personally known Paul for over twenty years. He is professional, honest, unbiased, and on the side of the little guy time and time again.  Paul has even supported the rights of Natives and Metis to exercise their right to speak freely on whatever topic they choose, even if he personally disagrees.

Paul trusts that the people of Canada are smart enough to decide for themselves whom they will or will not believe.

