Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


Salim Mansur Answers CAHN Free Speech Hater Evan Balgord

Salim Mansur Answers CAHN Free Speech Hater Evan Balgord


Opinion: I am a PPC candidate and I am not a racist
I am a member of the People’s Party. In fact, I am likely more “evil” than most. You see, I worked on the PPC immigration policy and I am a PPC candidate in London, Ont.
OPINION Sep 27, 2019 by Salim Mansur Hamilton Spectator

On Wednesday an op-ed appeared in the Spectator’s opinion section. Written by Evan Balgord, Executive Director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, it called for Mohawk College to cancel an event at which Maxime Bernier, the leader of the People’s Party of Canada, and YouTube talk-show host, David Rubin, were to discuss the erosion of freedom of expression in Canada.


Reacting to Balgord’s call to arms, a local group of Antifa activists has vowed to cause mayhem should the event at Mohawk College go ahead as planned. Their name, incidentally, is short for anti-fascist; a paradox given their totalitarian behaviour.

Of course, Balgord’s insistence that the free expression rights of a federal party leader be quashed underscores the importance of this topic and the scheduled talk. I’ll return to that in a moment.

But first I want to examine the justification Balgord gives for employing the methods of totalitarian regimes.

He makes the claim that freedom of speech and freedom of assembly must be quashed because Maxime Bernier and the People’s Party promotes racism.

By that kind of fractured logic, I must be a racist too.

I am a member of the People’s Party. In fact, I am likely more “evil” than most. You see, I worked on the PPC immigration policy and I am a PPC candidate in London, Ont.

Does this make me a racist? In Balgord’s logic it does.

But the Senate of Canada considered my years of effort in reconciling people of different faiths, especially Jews, Christians and Muslims, and together promote peace, as worthy to award me in 2017 with the Senate Sesquicentennial Medal celebrating the 150th anniversary of the founding of our Dominion.

I am professor emeritus, political science, at Western University where some of my work was dedicated to defending Canada’s liberal democratic values of rights and freedoms against those seeking to erode them.


Editorial Cartoon for Sept. 28.

Editorial: Climate change deserves an election…

Scott Radley: Weird rules, Auston Matthews and…
I am a survivor of genocidal war in Bangladesh, former East Pakistan, waged by the Pakistani army and Islamist collaborators, who have weaponized my faith-tradition for political purpose, causing havoc across the world.

I came to Canada as refugee. I am Muslim. And now I see the ideology and people that wrecked my homeland ensconced in my adopted country. They have become embedded in our mainstream political parties, pushing their anti-modern values into the bloodstream of Canadian culture and politics.

Yet, Balgord insinuates members and supporters of PPC, including me, are racists.

It is far-left ideology that motivates Balgord’s totalitarian behaviour and it’s now promoted in our universities and condoned by many in the media. Under this worldview, one must worship at the altar of identity politics. Heretics will be “burned at the stake” (increasingly, the threats and violence are becoming more than just figurative).

They want to stifle free speech in the name of fighting racism.

The irony is the activity of Balgord and his Antifa supporters are vulgar, un-Canadian and, plainly stated, racist.

It was the Chinese dissident and prisoner of conscience, Liu Xiaobo, who stated in his 2010 Nobel Peace Prize address that he could not deliver in person: “Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights, the source of humanity, and the mother of truth. To strangle freedom of speech is to trample on human rights, stifle humanity, and suppress truth.”

Liu Xiaobo died in hospital in 2017 after spending years in Chinese Communist prisons and just being released from his latest sentence.

If we allow Balgord and his people to stifle our free speech, we are then heading down fast on a slippery slope toward a state of affairs against which individuals like Liu Xiaobo, Vaclav Havel, Solzhenitsyn and others struggled at the risk of their lives.

I found freedom in Canada. Balgord wants to take away that freedom from me on the false argument that allowing PPC to hold a free speech gathering in Hamilton will stoke racism.

I will speak on Sunday night at the event in Hamilton. I will talk about freedom and that without free speech there is no freedom.

Canadians fought and sacrificed twice in the last century defending freedom and saving Europe from totalitarian serfdom. Children of those Canadians who died in Dieppe and Normandy will not be bulldozed into silence by Balgord and his Antifa thugs.

Salim Mansur is the PPC Candidate for London North Centre


Brian Ruhe’s Report on Today’s Assault by Antifa & Smashing of His Camera

Brian Ruhe’s Report on Today’s Assault by Antifa & Smashing of His Camera


At the Youth Climate Strike with 15,000 people today, two guys attacked me and tore up my signs. A half hour later they returned with a masked guy. One shoved me and knocked my camera to the pavement on the Cambie Street bridge. Then the masked guy grabbed the camera and threw it over the bridge onto the exit lane. Then, one of them got it and threw it down 50′ to the concrete ground and smashed it. They took out the memory card so that was lost too. I have the smashed camera and two friends filmed the whole thing so we have close up video with the dialogue and will post it on my Bitchute channel when it is ready. I made a police report and I’m waiting for them to call me back. I wasn’t hurt but I lost a $300 video camera and some dynamic footage.


My signs included: ”

Global Warming HOAX

by Globalists to

tax, impoverish

& enslave us

Don’t be fooled!


Junk Science

Scam & Lies!

Climate Change


Don’t be a Sucker!



This is another day on the job at The Brian Ruhe Show. The masked guy who took the camera looked like the same age and build of the masked guy who stole my camera a year ago.


Brian Ruhe Assaulted & Camera Stolen and Smashed by Masked Antifa

Brian Ruhe Assaulted & Camera Stolen and Smashed by Masked Antifa

Videographer Brian Ruhe was interviewing people at the climate change demo today in Vancouver. He was assaulted, his sign (Climate Change Hoax) stolen and one of his video cameras stolen, tossed over the Cambie Street bridge and smashed by masked Antifa terrorists. Video to follow

Antifa Terrorists threaten to shut down Dave Rubin and Maxime Bernier event at Canadian college 

Antifa Terrorists threaten to shut down Dave Rubin and Maxime Bernier event at Canadian college  


Cowardly administrations & and the anti-free speech terrorists. Antifa Terrorists threaten to shut down Dave Rubin and Maxime Bernier event at Canadian college .

As a publicly funded institution, Mohawk should provide space and security for such an event. If the threat is beyond them, call the police. Let the cops get out from behind their revenuing photo raadar and do their real job of ensuring law and order!


Evan Balgord of the wildly anti-free speech Canadian Anti-Hate (anti-free speech) Network says Mohawk College shouldn’t have rented space for the event. Au contraire, as a publicly funded institution if must not and should not discriminate. We are all taxpayers.



BREAKING: Activists threaten to shut down Dave Rubin and Maxime Bernier event at Canadian college

BREAKING: Activists threaten to shut down Dave Rubin and Maxime Bernier event at Canadian college

It appears that Dave Rubin’s event with Canadian candidate for Prime Minister Maxime Bernier may have its venue cancelled. This development occurred after local threats against the venue by Antifa, as well as the publication of a bizarre and defamatory op-ed in The Hamilton Spectator.

“It appears that my event with [Maxime Bernier] on September 29th has been cancelled due to threats from Antifa and this insane piece in the local paper. The school is now demanding 10 times the original security costs and could demand more before showtime,” Rubin tweeted this evening.

Dave Rubin


It appears that my event with @MaximeBernier on September 29th has been cancelled due to threats from Antifa and this insane piece in the local paper. The school is now demanding 10 times the original security costs and could demand more before showtime: 

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2,223 people are talking about this

The op-ed, written by Evan Balgord, states that Rubin is a “far-right YouTube personality and a significant part of a radicalization process ushering people into the neo-Nazi movement.”

Rubin has recently interviewed three Democratic presidential candidates on his popular YouTube show, The Rubin Report. The notion that a moderate, classical liberal talk show host who advocates for ideological diversity and free speech is “ushering people into the neo-Nazi movement” is beyond insane. One has to wonder how this opinion piece got past the editors at The Spec.

The Post Millennial reached out to Rubin who said, “I don’t know where these threats came from, nor who the ‘journalist’ who wrote this ridiculous piece of fiction is. I was looking forward to talking to Maxime about freedom and liberty in front of hundreds of good people. I intend to be at the event as expected.”

That journalist’s bio lists him as the Executive Director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. This is a group that also convinced a Winnipeg gallery to cancel a People’s Party of Canada event, in coordination with Winnipeg anti-fascist groups and the arts community.

Rubin says that at this point they are unsure if they will need to seek out a new venue or if the matter can be settled, but he has already committed to waiving his speaking fee to put toward the security costs that the venue is now attempting to enforce. Rubin has made a career of open dialogue and debate.

Dave Rubin


Hi @ebalgord, can you point out my far right cred? Or how I’ve led anyone to the neo-Nazi movement? I lost family in the Holocaust and grew up around survivors you sniveling, pathetic, weasel of a human…

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Dave Rubin


I have just offered to cover the 10x security fee myself. cc: @BarrettWilson6 @GadSaad @MaximeBernier

722 people are talking about this

The fact that a popular talk show host and a legitimate candidate for Canadian Prime Minister could be labelled as hateful figures is preposterous enough. But now they have now been targeted by far-left ideologues to the point where their speech is in danger of being silenced. This is unacceptable and Canadians must not stand by and let it happen.

Replying to a Lying, Libellous Smear Piece in the Hamilton Spectator Demonizing Immigration Reform Protesters & Paul Fromm

Replying to a Lying, Libellous Smear Piece in the Hamilton Spectator Demonizing Immigration Reform Protesters & Paul Fromm 


Dear Jeff Mahoney:

Your smear piece (Choir raises mighty voice against hate at Hamilton city hall, from groups like Soldiers of Odin)
n today’s SPECTATOR, as regards me is fake news and a lie.


I have corrected the EXPECTORATOR on several occasions: I am a White Nationalist NOT a White Supremacist. There’s a difference.
In your puff piece about Anna Wilson, with utterly shoddy journalism, you didn’t interview the people she defames with labels like “haters’ and “fascists”. In one sentence you proclaim: “Not as long as there are “hate” buses climbing the curb, white supremacists like Paul Fromm spewing garbage on the forecourt.” I doubt the bus called itself a “hate” bus. I have never spoken on the forecourt and thus haven’t “spewed garbage” or anything else.
It’s not even clear whether the torrent of abuse are your words or Anna Wilson’s.
Opposition to our country’s immigration policies is NOT “hate”.
Calling the Yellow Vests and Soldiers of Odin “hate groups” is a lie and a libel. To the best of my knowledge, neither has ever been charged under Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code (“wilful promotion of hate”), let alone convicted. They are not “hate” groups. Some people, like Anna Wilson or you,  may hate their political views but that doesn’t make these people, myself included, “hate groups”.
Your article demonizes good concerned citizens. I have no problem with Anna Wilson and her friends singing to promote their vision of society. Certainly the same respect should be accorded to those with other perspectives. I, for instance, exposed the injustice of precious spaces in our homeless shelters being given to illegals, while Canadian born citizens huddled in lean-tos and tents last year along Hamilton’s railway tracks. This is love, not hate, love for our own people.
Your article is inflammatory. In my few visits to the weekly Saturday protests, the only hate I’ve seen is masked cowards of Antifa shoving and elderly protester and ripping her sign and several Antifa smashing at the back of my car. [This was captured on video.]
Paul Fromm

Choir raises mighty voice against hate at Hamilton city hall, from groups like Soldiers of Odin

Anna Wilson was becoming increasingly alarmed at the threatening and abusive ways, of hate groups at city hall gatherings. She turned to the collective power of song and music. So was born the Love In The Hammer choir.

OPINION 05:42 PM by Jeff Mahoney  The Hamilton Spectator


How does that saying go? All it takes for hatred to triumph is for good people to … not show up at Hamilton city hall on Saturdays and oppose bigotry, by singing out their love; love louder than loathing.

Fortunately for this city, there’s no chance of people like Anna Wilson and Nicole Smith not showing up. Not as long as there are “hate” buses climbing the curb, white supremacists like Paul Fromm spewing garbage on the forecourt, Yellow Vesters blocking light, or the Soldiers of Odin generally trying to intimidate.

And not as long as Maxime Bernier gets scheduled to appear at Mohawk College. The Love In The Hammer choir will be there too, at Mohawk College, singing in counter measure.

They will be singing — as they do — songs of acceptance, affirmation and protest. Songs like “Lead With Love and Resilience”, from the Justice Choir songbook. They will be singing to expose, by contrast to their music and informed voices, the utter noise, nonsense and disgusting drivel that passes for free speech among the far right and hate groups; expose it for what it is.

It was Anna Wilson’s experience of that viciousness, in word and behaviour, by the “haters” who appear at city hall, that inspired her to start the Love in the Hammer choir in the first place. The “hate” bus was the trip wire.

“Not a hundred feet from me this school bus, driven by a Yellow Vest supporter wearing military fatigues, was driven up onto the city hall forecourt toward a crowd of residents celebrating diversity,” she recalls. “It was like it was happening in slow motion.”

Frustrated at the challenge of channeling the feelings and anxieties produced by the confrontational nature of what was happening at the rallies, Wilson hit on the idea. Collective song.

And so started the Love In The Hammer choir. They’ve been meeting and singing at the rallies every Saturday since late August. And their popularity is growing, a way to sing back at the fear.

And the fear is there. After the hate bus, there were the Soldiers of Odin. And Fromm. People who aren’t at city hall at the Saturday anti-hate rallies often don’t see how bad the fascists are, says Wilson.

“No one feels safe,” agrees choir member and community advocate Nicole Smith. “They (the haters) use dogwhistle tactics, outward shows of patriotism,” like wearing seemingly innocent I Am Canadian T-shirts to create a semblance of normalcy but then sew conflict, hatred and aggressiveness at the gatherings. Smith adds she’s patriotic herself but would never use patriotism as a code for hating others.

And so people who are there protesting, rallying or simply celebrating diversity have been joining in the singing, adding their voices to the swell. Some are too shy or uncomfortable to join the chorus but nonetheless express their support and thumbs up for the positive feeling the singing brings to the weekly gatherings.

“How do we respond to the meat grinder of horrible ideas (and behaviours of the hate groups)?” asks Wilson. “Is there another vision (aside from direct confrontation)?”

Yes, they decided, and that vision is song, music and choral togetherness. “We wanted a space for something positive, something against the negativity,” says choir member Rachel Cuthill.

“Some people are asking why they don’t see as many children at the rallies as there used to be. The children were asking, ‘Why are those people yelling? Why are they (the hate groups) so mean?” There were also reports of one of the fascists spitting on the heads of one of the anti-hate rallier’s children. Cuthill herself says she heard a hate group threaten to “break the necks” of an LBGTQ+ woman and her child.

The choir members say they hope the music will help create a climate more hospitable not only to children, who can learn important values at such events, but others concerned about safety. Says Cuthill, “singing is something different from chanting. It implies caring.”

But, aside from that, the choir, with its many voices and instruments, can also create volume, against megaphones and hate speech.

“So we literally ‘deploy’ the choir,” says Jason Allen. He sings and plays guitar and mandolin with the group. And “deployed” they will be on Sept. 29 at Mohawk College, responding to Bernier’s controversial presence there.

The singing can also be exhausting, says Wilson, for they’re singing loudly, joyously and also for a long time. Often, they say, the offensive groups try to wait out the ralliers and show up at 12:30 or 1.

“It feels good to counter toxic messaging with songs of love. Our voices are stronger together. We will not let the hate go unopposed,” says Wilson.

And what about you?


Christians Fight Back Against SPLC Christian-Hating, Smear Mongering for Profit

Christians Fight Back Against SPLC Christian-Hating, Smear Mongering for Profit

International Christian Ministry Fights Back After Liberal Non-Profit Labels Them ‘Hate Group’


Worldwide Christian organization D. James Kennedy Ministries is fighting back against the Southern Poverty Law Center after the far-left advocacy group labeled them a hate group.

FAITHWIRE: ‘Nothing More Than a Weapon of the Radical Left’: SPLC Given an ‘F’ by Charity Watch

Reverend D. James Kennedy founded the ministry alongside the Coral Ridge Presbyterian mega-church in the 1960s. Rev. Kennedy, who was close friends with Rev. Billy Graham, was known for his sermons on television, in which he addressed his opposition to things like abortion, pornography, same-sex marriage, and fetal stem cell research.

Due to their opinions on traditional marriage, D. James Kennedy Ministries found itself on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) hate map, which includes 1,020 groups in the United States.

According to the Sun-Sentinel, “the map includes neo-Nazis, white nationalists, the Ku Klux Klan, black nationalists, followers of the Nation of Islam, New Black Panther Party members, opponents of immigration and Muslims, and Holocaust deniers.”

In retaliation to the “hate group” label, the ministry organization had sued the SPLC, saying that the label was damaging to their name.

This past Thursday the case appeared before a U.S. District Judge, Myron H. Thompson. Thompson ruled against the lawsuit, siding with the SPLC, and citing first amendment rights.

Thompson did not address whether or not D. James Kennedy Ministries was considered a hate group, only that the SPLC has a right to categorize groups how they desire.

“Any organization we list as a hate group is free to disagree with us about our designation, but this ruling underscores that the designation is constitutionally protected speech and not defamatory,” said Karen Baynes-Dunning, who is the interim president of the SPLC.

SPLC’s Anti-Christian Background

The SPLC is notorious for labeling Christian organizations “hate groups” for their views on things like traditional marriage and LGBTQ relations.

FAITHWIRE: Here are Chick-fil-A’s Staggering Sales Numbers Since LGBTQ Boycotts Began in 2012

This past April, 25 Christian and conservative leaders wrote and signed a letter urging CEO’s of major companies to cut ties with the SPLC, including Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Amazon.

“It is now clear that the SPLC has proven to be a hate-filled, anti-Christian, anti-conservative organization and nothing more than a weapon of the radical Left, whose goal is to bully people into compliance with their ideology,” the letter states. “Fail to comply with their demands, and you will be labeled as a hate group or an extremist.”

The SPLC has targeted groups like Alliance Defending Freedom, The Family Research Council, and Prager University in the past, labeling them hate groups for their conservative and/or Christian ideology.

Not only did Christian and conservative leaders rally together against the SPLC, but legislators have also called upon government officials to examine their tax-exempt status.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK) has been vocal about his disdain for the group and their biased labeling.

They’ve really become kind of a hate group themselves,” Cotton told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. “Serial repeated defamation against what you see as a political opponent is not a tax-exempt purpose.”

“I don’t know many charitable advisors say it’s best practice to send your endowment to overseas accounts in the Caribbean,” said Cotton. “That’s why Charity Watch gives them an ‘F’ rating.”

Last fall, the SPLC was reported to have more than half a billion dollars in assets, “putting tens of millions in tax havens,” according to the Center for Immigration Studies.

The group has also faced serious and disturbing sexual harassment allegations, as well as racist discrimination in the workplace, which surfaced this past spring.

Amid the turmoil, the group’s co-founder Morris Dees was fired and the SPLC President, Richard Cohen, stepped down.

Thought Police Punish Slovakia, Romania, and Hungary for “Racist” Fans

Thought Police Punish Slovakia, Romania, and Hungary for “Racist” Fans 

Free speech and a bit of ethnic chauvinism are forbidden in the grim world of nationalist hating Coudenhove Kalergi European Union Europe/

UEFA punishes Slovakia, Hungary and Romania with stadium closures

UEFA punishes Slovakia, Hungary and Romania with stadium closures
UEFA has handed out a number of sanctions to Slovakia, Hungary and Romania after bringing charges including racist behaviour.

Slovakia, Hungary and Romania have been hit with UEFA sanctions, including stadium closures, after being charged with racist behaviour by the governing body.

The trio of nations landed in hot water after the recent rounds of Euro 2020 qualifying matches, with incidents of racism among the charges levelled at all three.

Slovakia and Hungary, who met on September 9 in Budapest, must each play their next UEFA competition match behind closed doors, as ordered by the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body.

Both were accused of racist behaviour among their fans, with Hungary supporters also found to have thrown objects and set off fireworks, while an additional charge was brought relating to the conduct of the team.

Slovakia fans were also deemed to have engaged in racist chanting, with the same offence committed by Romania’s followers as their team took on Spain and Malta earlier this month.

Additionally, Romania supporters invaded the field of play, set off fireworks and threw objects, according to UEFA.

The Romanian Football Federation was ordered to ensure the next UEFA competition match was played behind closed doors, with a second game subject to a one-year probationary suspension.

Financial penalties were also dished out, with fines of €83,000 for the Romanian Football Federation, €67,125 for the Hungarian Football Federation, and €20,000 for the Slovakian Football Association.

Slovakia’s next home game is against Wales on October 10, while Hungary host Azerbaijan three days later, and Romania welcome Norway two days on from that.

Songstress Alison Chabloz Jailed for Two Months Under Pressure from the Jewish Lobby

Songstress Alison Chabloz Jailed for Two Months Under Pressure from the Jewish Lobby 

The very powerful Jewish anti-free speech lobby and complicit courts have just sent Alison Chabloz to prison for two months for using the social media to update her supporters. Internet silence was one of the conditions for her suspended sentence last year for singing satirical songs about Jewish claims about WW II. In a ruling reminiscent of the RFed Chinese billing the family for the cost of the bullet to shoot dissidents, Miss Chabloz has also been assessed 175 pounds (about $230) “court costs.”

The Jewish lobby has a particular terms for criticism of Jews — “anti-Semitic tropes.” It is not a fantasy or our imagination. Here is the crowing self-congratulatory statement put out by Miss Chabloz’ Jewish tormenters revelling in their role in silencing her and in directing the courts to act against her.


Poor little Britain.

Moments ago, notorious antisemite and Holocaust denier Alison Chabloz was jailed for eight weeks, of which she will serve at least four. She was also ordered to pay court costs of £175 within 10 weeks.

District Judge Jonathan Taaffe found Ms Chabloz guilty of breaching the conditions of her suspended sentence after blog posts that she published since June 2018 were found to constitute a breach of a social media ban. Ms Chabloz was handcuffed in court to begin her sentence as her parents, who were in attendance, looked on. The trial in Chesterfield today follows contact between Campaign Against Antisemitism’s lawyers and the National Probation Service.

Last year, Ms Chabloz was convicted on three charges of sending grossly offensive communications via a public communications network. That case began as a private prosecution by Campaign Against Antisemitism, which was then taken over and continued by the Crown Prosecution Service. The charges related to three self-penned songs in which she denounced a supposed Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world and attacked the Holocaust as a fraud perpetrated by Jews for financial gain.

The conviction set a new precedent in British law, effectively delivering a landmark precedent verdict on incitement on social media and on whether the law considers Holocaust denial to be “grossly offensive” and therefore illegal when used as a means by which to hound Jews.

Ms Chabloz was sentenced to a twenty-week prison sentence suspended for two years, 180 hours of unpaid community service, an indefinite order against contacting two leaders of Campaign Against Antisemitism, as well as an order banning her from social media for twelve months. She was also ordered to pay a £115 victim surcharge, and costs of £600. Earlier this year, the conviction and sentence were upheld at Southwark Crown Court,. … Ms Chabloz has also been banned from entering France, where Holocaust denial is illegal, for forty years until 2059.

Stephen Silverman, Director of Investigations and Enforcement at Campaign Against Antisemitism, said: “We are delighted that justice has taken its proper course. Today’s trial follows contact between Campaign Against Antisemitism’s lawyers and the National Probation Service, and we are grateful for their cooperation. We hope that this sentence will send a message that antisemitism is unacceptable and that the courts will not hesitate to use the powers at their disposal to bring offenders to justice.”

“Students Against Bigotry” Threaten “Bold Response” to Lecture by Nationalist Author Prof. Ricardo Duchesne

“Students Against Bigotry” Threaten “Bold Response” to Lecture by Nationalist Author Prof. Ricardo Duchesne 


The anti-free speech communists’ and Cultural Marxists’ only response to intelligent discussion of immigration is a chorus of “fascist” and “neo-Nazi” and efforts to shut the offending writer of speaker’s meeting down.





Header image

The so-called “Students for Freedom of Expression” (not to be confused with the equally repugnant “Free Speech Club”) are at it again.

After hosting radical atheist and friend of the far right Armin Navabi last week, the Students for Freedom of Expression (SFE) have announced they plan to bring Ricardo Duchesne and Mark Hecht to UBC on Wednesday, October 9.

Duchesne, who joined the SFE at UBC last November, is the neo-Nazi University of New Brunswick professor forced to retire in June after more than 100 of his colleagues signed an open letter condemning his extremism. He regularly talks about the racial superiority of Europeans and his 2017 book, published by a fascist publishing house, is called “Canada in Decay: Mass Immigration, Diversity, and the Ethnocide of Euro-Canadians.”

Meanwhile, Hecht is the author of that white nationalist opinion piece in the Vancouver Sun arguing that “Canada should say goodbye to diversity, tolerance, and inclusion.” He’s a sessional instructor of geography at Calgary’s Mount Royal University, and his self-published 2016 book is titled “Why Europeans Naturally Invaded the New World.”

If this event goes ahead as planned, Students Against Bigotry will have to prepare a bold response. Will you join us in standing up to white nationalism and xenophobia at UBC?

Ricardo Duchesne taught sociology at UNB while moonlighting on white nationalist podcasts and spouting racist conspiracy theories

This exposé of the neo-Nazi professor in the US-based Huffington Post is what prompted his colleagues to start an open letter condemning him. “It’s a case that shows how, when white supremacists are left to fester, they can co-opt legitimate institutions and public discourse.”



Mark Hecht saw that the Vancouver Sun and Postmedia were sympathetic to white nationalist views, and he took advantage

Following the publication of his vile anti-immigrant op-ed and the backlash that ensued, there was no shortage of articles criticizing Postmediadiscussing how it happened, and linking it to the much bigger problem of the media’s shift to the (far) right.

The Hellenic Community of Vancouver hasn’t learned from its mistakes

In March, it was Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern. This time, it’s Maxime Bernier and the far-right People’s Party of Canada. A demonstration is being planned for Wednesday.

Have you told your friends and classmates about our Amazon petition?

We’re now at over 100 signatures, but that won’t be enough to draw the admin’s attention to this vital issue. Please share it widely and help us get our next 100 signatures! #NeverAgainIsNow

SAB supports the climate strike!

Climate catastrophe isn’t just an environmental issue — it’s also a social, political, and economic one. In short, it’s an everything issue. And to change everything, we need everyone. With this in mind, we hope to see you on Friday!

Satirical English Chanteuse Alison Chabloz Back in Court Monday: The Relentless Zionist Censorship Lobby Want Her Jailed

Satirical English Chanteuse Alison Chabloz Back in Court Monday: The Relentless Zionist Censorship Lobby Want Her Jailed


I am back in court on Monday September 23rd, Chesterfield again, for a retroactive breach trial brought against me by the National Probation Service NPS.

The NPS claims that I breached my Suspended Sentence Prohibited Activity Order – not to post on social media for a year. The ban ended in June.

The NPS will try to persuade District Judge Jonathan Taaffe that my personal website is ‘social media’. During the 12-month ban, I published 50 articles and videos on my website, but disabled all comments, likes, shares, etc. I received no written warning from the NPS during that time, insisting that my website is not ‘social media’ as ‘social media’ requires some form of publicly available interaction, i.e. at least a two-way conversation, which was not the case during the entire period of the ban.

I understand that I was placed retroactively in breach of the PAO because my accusers, militant Zionist NGO and anti free speech ‘charity’, Campaign Against Antisemitism CAA, threatened the NPS with Judicial Review AND that the then Minister of Justice, David Gauke, also applied pressure for me to be retroactively tried.

If I am sentenced to a further prolongation of the PAO, then I will no longer be able to post on Gab, Facebook or even on my own personal website, which is my sole source of income via donations. If I am found guilty, then the conditions of my original sentence would now be even harsher than they were when my suspended sentence was originally imposed.


If you’re in the area, do pop by. It will be an interesting trial during which the authoritarian aims of our puppet government to restrict Internet freedoms will be on full display. Starts 2 p

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