New State Religion of Holocaust Means No Free Speech in Germany

German court rejects ‘Nazi grandma’ appeal, as it rules Holocaust denial is not covered by free speech


Haverbeck, known as the 'Nazi-Grandma', insisted that the Holocaust and murder of Jews at Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland are not "historically proven"
Haverbeck, known as the ‘Nazi-Grandma’, insisted that the Holocaust and murder of Jews at Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland are not “historically proven” Credit:  Paul Zinken/AFP

4 August 2018 • 8:42pm

German holocaust denier  Ursula Haverbeck has been sentenced to two and a half years in prison after the country’s highest court ruled that denying the mass murder of Jews during Nazi Germany is not covered by the right to free speech and “threatens public peace”.

Haverbeck, who is known as the ‘Nazi-Grandma’, was convicted last May for publishing a series of articles in which she insisted that the Holocaust and murder of Jews at Auschwitz concentration camp in German occupied Poland are not “historically proven”.

In Germany, denying the Holocaust constitutes a crime of incitement to hatred and carries a prison sentence of up to five years.

The 89-year old went to Germany’s constitutional court to appeal her sentence, claiming that her statements fall under the country’s right to free speech, which is protected by law.

But in their ruling, the high court judges found that the right to free speech does not protect the denial of the Holocaust.

“The dissemination of untrue and deliberately false statements of fact can not contribute to the development of public opinion and thus do not fall in the remits of protection for free speech”, the judges wrote in a statement.

“The denial of the Nazi genocide goes beyond the limits of the peacefulness of public debate and threatens public peace,” they added.

Ursula Haverbeck, in court accused of hate speech in 2017
Ursula Haverbeck, in court accused of hate speech in 2017 Credit: Bernd Thissen/AP

Haverbeck has a long history of support for the former Nazi regime and co-founded a now-banned right wing ‘education center’ called Collegium Humanum with her late husband Werner Georg Haverbeck, a former Nazi party member.

Her articles denying the Holocaust were published in right-wing magazine Stimme des Reiches (Voice of the Empire).

Haverbeck has received several convictions from a range of German courts for her claims that the systematic mass murder of millions of Jews and other persecuted groups during Germany’s Nazi regime did not take place.

On one occasion she was convicted for calling the Holocaust “the biggest and longest-lasting lie in history.”

United Nations now targeting free speech on a global scale, under the banner of fighting “hate speech”

United Nations now targeting free speech on a global scale, under the banner of fighting “hate speech”

Thursday, October 10, 2019 by: JD Heyes
Tags: author

Image: United Nations now targeting free speech on a global scale, under the banner of fighting “hate speech”

(Natural News) To most Americans, the United Nations is an innocuous organization that serves as a global forum for countries to work out their differences while providing services like disaster relief, peacekeeping, health care, and others.

In reality, the U.N. is primarily staffed by representatives from authoritarian regimes and elitists who seek to transform the organization into the central hub of a “New World Order” and global government.

Part of that effort involves limiting the right of free speech in as many countries as possible — especially in the United States, whose Constitution still serves as a model for empowering the individual over government.

And like the Left in America, U.N. officials are seeking to curb expression and the free exchange of ideas by claiming to fight “hate speech.”

As reported by WND in July, the U.N. began a ‘crackdown’ of sorts on “hate speech,” but in doing so defined that term so broadly that literally any speech could be considered to be in violation depending on who was doing the evaluating, a political analyst noted.

The crackdown came in response to mostly Muslim countries that were demanding anyone who is critical of Islam be punished, according to Judith Bergman, a lawyer and senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute.

While the U.N. attempted to assure everyone that “addressing hate speech does not mean limiting or prohibiting freedom of speech,” the fact is, Bergman notes, the organization’s actions betrayed its words.

“This was evident with regard to the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, in which it was explicitly stated that public funding to ‘media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants’ should be stopped,” she wrote. 

In fact, the U.N.’s action plan against hate speech does contain a definition of what the organization considers to be “hate speech.” 

The U.N. has failed miserably at its founding mission — preventing war

“Any kind of communication in speech, writing or behavior, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color, descent, gender or other identity factor,” the U.N. says — again, which is broad enough that any speech critical of any protected class of persons or religions could be considered hateful.

In a February speech to the U.N. Human Rights Council, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres provided more clues as to what his organization would consider to be ‘hate speech.’

He said the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights “belong to everyone, everywhere. They are independent of nationality, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, belief, or any other status.” It should be noted, however, that member states have never agreed that “sexual orientation” is a protected category of nondiscrimination, HNewswire noted

He added that he is alarmed by “a groundswell of xenophobia, racism, and intolerance — including rising anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred,” and that “hate speech is a menace to democratic values, social stability, and peace.” He also said hate speech “spreads like wildfire through social media, the internet, and conspiracy theories.”

As usual, not a single one of the U.N.’s authoritarian Leftists speaks out about hateful speech directed at Christians, Jews, Asians, or members of other religions — always just Muslims.

This comes as Muslim followers continue to commit acts of terrorism and violence against non-Muslims but also against some of their own followers — though we’re not allowed to point that fact out because it’s hateful.

The U.N. is not a global government. It was never intended as such. It wasn’t even originally intended to become a global charity organization or peacekeeping entity. It was only supposed to be a forum where countries could air — and hopefully solve — their grievances without resorting to war.

By that measure, of course, the U.N. has been a miserable failure. 

Sources include:

Don Cherry Is Right

Don Cherry Is Right

By Dan Murray and Tim Murray

​​​​​Just days before Remembrance Day, Canada’s Department of Veterans’ Affairs broadcast a video which presented the views of six Canadians. These people told other Canadians why they should be grateful for the sacrifices that our deceased soldiers and living veterans had made on our behalf. The view of one of the Canadians was priceless:
“I am free…. to stand up for what I believe in… I am free to say what needs to be said.”
The test of that freedom came quickly. Two days before Remembrance Day, Don Cherry, 85-year-old Former NHL coach and legendary supporter of Canada’s war veterans, said what has to be said over and over : He spoke of newcomers who have come here to take Canada’s “milk and honey” and then refused to respect their new country. Specifically, they refused to spend two dollars on a poppy and wear it on Remembrance Day. According to Cherry, they should wear a poppy out of respect for one of Canada’s traditions. Yet they do not.     

Immediately, Canada’s media disgracefully and shamelessly attacked him! Needless to repeat, our media consists of a delusional collection of hacks who have arrogantly appointed themselves to be Canada’s Supreme Court (Canada’s arbiter of what is right and wrong.) In fact, the media have actually convinced themselves that they have the right to judge everyone according to the media’s cowardly and quisling standards. Let us repeat : Our media are cowards and quislings. Specifically and importantly, according to our media, no one should be allowed to criticize Canada’s mass immigration intake.

So, to pay the media back, let us now judge the media : Let’s start with the worst, the CBC. It is Canada’s relentlessly-overflowing toilet bowl. It reeks of the betrayal of Canada. Every day, at taxpayer expense, it broadcasts its effluent everywhere in the country. Other large media such as CTV, Global (and their equivalents in paper) are much the same. On the immigration issue, they suppress all material that is critical of Canada’s high and unnecessary immigration intake. In contrast, they all love to provide unending time or space to ethnics who want to play the role of victims. And there seems to be no end to the list of so-called victimized ethnics.
Don Cherry is right. Millions of other Canadians have to join him in speaking up. Canada has to do some major flushing at the CBC and elsewhere. Here is how to start the process :

Immigration Watch Canada sends you its latest bulletin : “Don Cherry Is Right”
Please add your signature to the following petitions :

Recordings reveal details of campaign to attack Maxime Bernier, PPC as racists before election

Social Sharing

Strategist Warren Kinsella told his Daisy Group employees ‘Hamish and Walsh’ would be asking about results

Andrea BellemareKaleigh Rogers · CBC News · Posted: Nov 26, 2019 2:00 PM ET | Last Updated: 8 hours ago

New details have emerged about the campaign by Warren Kinsella’s Daisy Group to attack Maxime Bernier and the People’s Party of Canada in the lead-up to the federal election campaign. Kinsella, pictured here with his then-wife, Lisa Kirbie Kinsella, wanted to target Bernier as ‘racist’ and ‘a white supremacist.’ (Spencer Gallichan-Lowe / CBC News)

Audio recordings shared with CBC News reveal political strategist Warren Kinsella told employees working on a campaign against the People’s Party of Canada that leader Maxime Bernier was a “racist” and a “white supremacist” who would be “easy” to expose in the lead-up to the federal election campaign.

Dubbed “Project Cactus,” the campaign against Bernier and the PPC was run by Kinsella’s political consulting firm, Daisy Group. Kinsella made the comments during a staff meeting about the campaign in May.

“I want the hatred you have for Maxime Bernier to wash over you as a purifying force,” Kinsella tells his staff in one recording, made during a meeting on May 16. “There’s nobody in the country doing what we’re doing to Max Bernier.”

The recordings were provided to CBC News by a source who was present for the meetings and asked not to be named, due to concerns about retaliation.

In that same May 16 recording, Kinsella is heard telling staff that “Hamish and Walsh” will start to ask what Daisy Group is delivering on Project Cactus if they don’t start “spilling some blood.” Kinsella again refers to both “Hamish and Walsh” in a separate meeting discussing Project Cactus on May 30.’A purifying force’0:49″I want the hatred you have for Maxime Bernier to wash over you as a purifying force,” Warren Kinsella tells his staff in this recording. 0:49

In response to questions from CBC News, Kinsella would not say who he was talking about in those recordings. A source previously said the campaign was conducted on behalf of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Hamish Marshall was the Conservatives’ 2019 federal election campaign manager, while John Walsh is the former president of the Conservative Party and was a co-chair of the election campaign.

In a recording, Warren Kinsella is heard telling staff “Hamish and Walsh” will start to ask what Daisy Group is delivering if they don’t start “spilling some blood.” Hamish Marshall, pictured here left of Conservative leader Andrew Scheer, was the federal election campaign director for the Conservatives but says he had no role in overseeing any project with Daisy. (CBC)

Marshall denied having had any oversight role in Daisy Group’s campaign.

“I have never monitored (or overseen or any other synonym) any project or anything with Daisy or any Kinsella person or entity,” said Marshall in an email to CBC News when asked about the recordings.

John Walsh declined to comment on Daisy’s work. 

“I was happy to serve as the volunteer chair of the 2019 Conservative party nation(al) campaign. My duties in that capacity ended on election night when I, sadly, did not deliver a victory for my leader, Andrew Scheer,” said Walsh in an email to CBC News.

He added, in response to questions about Daisy’s campaign: “I’m not sure what is being referred to in your email and will have no comment.”‘Hamish and Walsh’0:25In a recording, Warren Kinsella is heard telling staff ‘Hamish and Walsh’ will start to ask what Daisy Group is delivering if they don’t start “spilling some blood.” 0:25

A spokesman for the Conservative Party said the party doesn’t comment on election strategy, but follows all rules and election laws.

In October, the Globe and Mail first reported — and CBC News subsequently confirmed — that Daisy Group was behind the social media campaign to highlight xenophobic statements made on social media by PPC candidates and their supporters. Since then, Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer has refused to state whether his party had enlisted Daisy’s services for the campaign.

When contacted by CBC News on Monday and told about the recordings, Kinsella issued a statement, which he also published on his personal website.

“We do not discuss client matters publicly. It is up to the client to make public the relationship,” Kinsella wrote. 

“The extremism found in the People’s Party of Canada is far worse, and far more pervasive, than anything I experienced before,” he wrote. “We were, and are, very proud to shine a light on the many extremists found in the People’s Party of Canada.”

‘Walsh is watching’

In the same recording of the May 16 meeting, Kinsella’s wife (from whom Kinsella says he is now separated) and former partner at Daisy, Lisa Kirbie Kinsella, tells the room that “Walsh” texts her when he approves of their work. 

“Walsh is watching on Cactus,” she says. “He texts to me and will be like, ‘That was awesome.’ Like on the Rempel stuff? So he’s watching.”

Maxime Bernier publicly criticized Michelle Rempel in multiple tweets in May, accusing her of being “aligned with Far Left transgender activism” and criticizing the fact that she had blocked users on Twitter.

Maxime Bernier@MaximeBernier

I wonder what @MichelleRempel thinks of the story about the BC father who could be arrested for family violence if he refers to his daughter as a girl.

Does she support free speech and parental rights?

She seems to be pretty aligned with Far Left transgender activism.

View image on Twitter

9259:35 AM – May 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy742 people are talking about this

Kirbie Kinsella responded several times on Twitter to Bernier’s criticism of Rempel, accusing him at one point of “hostility toward women.”

“I do not discuss business matters with the media. This includes commenting on staff or clients, or confirmation or denial of rumours,” wrote Kirbie Kinsella in an email to CBC News. “Further, I am no longer a member of Daisy’s management and cannot speak on Daisy’s behalf.”

During the recording of that May 16 meeting, Kinsella can be heard telling staff to cast Bernier as a racist and refers to his past experience working on federal election campaigns.

“We actually have a white supremacist trying to become prime minister of Canada,” Kinsella says. “I’ve run campaigns depicting Preston Manning, Stockwell Day, Kim Campbell, depicting them as racists.

“None of them were. But I was successful at depicting them as racists. This guy actually is a racist. Okay? So it’s low-hanging fruit.”

In his statement to CBC News, Kinsella clarified this comment.

“I have proudly been exposing and opposing racism for more than 30 years,” Kinsella wrote. “As a political assistant, in 1990, I documented known white supremacists joining Preston Manning’s Reform Party. In 1993, I documented Kim Campbell’s inadequate response to the presence of actual neo-Nazis in the Canadian Airborne Regiment.”

“In 2000, as a political advisor, I documented the presence of known racists in Stockwell Day’s Canadian Alliance,” Kinsella continues. “After lots of research, I concluded none of those leaders were in any way racist. However, their parties had a problem in those days, which was well-known.”

A spokesperson for the People’s Party of Canada told CBC News that “Kinsella wrote similar things on his website and Twitter” and that Bernier “believes these statements are clearly defamatory and is keeping all his legal options open.”

Lisa Kirbie Kinsella and Warren Kinsella. In his most recent statement, and in previous statements about the campaign, Kinsella has said that the work ended on June 29, one day before the pre-writ period and spending limits came into force and that the details were always going to be disclosed. (Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press)

Kinsella: Scheer just ‘needs to maintain a pulse’

In the same recording of that meeting, Kinsella says he expects Scheer’s popularity to grow during the campaign and the Liberals to keep sinking, based on ballot tracking data released that week — which had the Liberals under Justin Trudeau slipping under 30 per cent of the vote in a projection.

“They (the Liberals) are heading towards winter. He’s going to start saying all kinds of stuff to save his ass,” Kinsella says of Trudeau, adding that Scheer “just needs to maintain a pulse” to win the election.

Kinsella was a frequent critic of Trudeau during the election and shared or retweeted critical stories about him online.

Elsewhere in the recording, Kinsella exhorts his staff to be vigilant in their efforts.

“All of you are capable of doing it but I need somebody who doesn’t sleep, basically. I had one kid who did it. His name’s Ahmed Hussen. He’s now the minister of immigration,” says Kinsella. Hussen was named minister of families, children and social development following the election.

“I would walk in and he’d have been up listening to 1010 at 4:30 in the morning and say to me, ‘Here’s what they said’ and I’m like, ‘F–k, let’s go,’ right?'”

Workers discussed continuing into pre-writ period

Tweets attacking Bernier specifically on a Twitter account called STAMPtogether run by Daisy stopped on June 29, one day before the pre-writ period and spending limits came into force. Under new election rules, any group that spent at least $500 on election advertising during the pre-writ period was required to register with Elections Canada as a third party advertiser.

In the recording from May 30, Daisy staffers discuss registering as a third party with Kinsella. They talk about buying Facebook ads for another client and then discuss whether they might have to register if they “do a spend” for Cactus.

“I don’t think Hamish wants us to, I think,” says Kinsella, adding, “Walsh is in Saudi Arabia.”

“It might not be a bad idea to do some paid tweets for STAMP before June 30 just to get our followers up, so then when we get to June 30 we have more followers,” says a staffer in response.

In his most recent statement, and in previous statements about the campaign, Kinsella has said that the work ended on June 29 and that the details were always going to be disclosed. He added that “we have proactively reached out to Elections Canada and disclosed everything we did up until June 29, 2019, when our work ended – as the law requires.”

A separate body, the Commissioner of Canada Elections, investigates any complaints related to elections.

“The Commissioner of Canada Elections does not comment on whether or not the office is carrying out an investigation into a particular matter. This is in keeping with the confidentiality provisions of the Canada Elections Act,” wrote spokesperson Michelle Laliberté in an email to CBC News.

Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer being Moved to Another Prison

Alfred Moving…

22 Friday Nov 2019

….  out of jail?

Unfortunately no, not out of jail. But he is being moved to a different jail – Landsberg am Lech. I will confirm this in a few days (with address), but this is the word from yesterday, his third and last court date for the latest trial – the trial for speaking forbidden words in his defence in the courtroom, and for making forbidden gestures in the courtroom.

Related articles – the August sentencing, and the update last week.

The 18 month additional sentence for speaking in court turned into an 8 month sentencenot what the prosecutor asked for (24 months!!)! Are the winds changing?

Here is a link to a 10 minute video by Spiegel TV in Germany entitled “The bizarre World of Holocaust Deniers”. It is from 20 November 2019, one day before Alfred’s verdict, and makes no mention of his current trial. That would have raised too many questions for ordinary thinking people – the fact that someone can be jailed simply for speaking in court, let alone for speaking at all.

Last month, left-wing bullies — including a university professor and an NDP politician — pressured a theatre into cancelling my book-signing event.

I had a contract with the theatre, I paid them in advance, everything was set to go. But then an online mob harassed the theatre owner until he breached his contract with me, cancelled the event and literally locked the doors.

So last week I sued him for breach of contract. (He still hasn’t even given me the money back for the theatre rental.)

But I did something new: I sued all of the bullies, too. At least the ones I could identify — the ones who were leading the mob on social media.

We’re suing them for inducing the breach of contract.

They knew we had a contract with the theatre; they helped cause the breach of the contract, and we lost thousands of dollars because of it. So that’s what’s new here. We’re not letting the mob go. We’ve identified members of the mob. And we’re suing them. 

Read the lawsuit for yourself — it’s written in plain English. You can read it below. It was written by our great free speech law firm in Edmonton, as a way to preserve our freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and freedom of association. Those rights were trampled by the bullies — so we’re fighting back.

Right before he ripped up the contract with me, the theatre owner told me the threats against him were so bad, he was literally losing sleep over it. I still don’t think he should have cancelled it. But don’t you think someone has to tell those bullies they’re wrong?

If they don’t see it, maybe they need a judge to tell them. So we filed the lawsuit last week, and we’ve begun serving it on the bullies — who include a university professor and a former NDP politician.

I’ve just received our first bill from the law firm — it’s for $4,700. Obviously this trial will cost much more than that, probably more than $100,000 by the time it’s all done. We’re suing at least 12 people.

Obviously we’re not doing this to make money. We’re doing it to stop deplatforming in Canada — against us, against anyone, against you. 

If you think this is a good idea, and want to help, please give us a hand to pay our lawyers. You can chip in right here on this page — ten dollars, a hundred dollars, whatever you can. We need the help, and I’d be very grateful. 

If you’d prefer to contribute by cheque, please make cheques payable to Rebel News and send to:

Rebel News
PO Box 61056 Eglinton/Dufferin RO
Toronto, ON M6E 5B2


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Update on Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer

Update on Alfred

17SundayNov 2019

Posted by Monika in Free SpeechGermanyHolohoaxjewsSchaefer – AlfredSchaefer – MonikaStadelheim PrisonUncategorizedWW II Revisionism



The Prosecutor’s appeal for MORE jail time for Alfred speaking in court and showing how high his dog Pavlov can jump has not yet reached its conclusion. There were two days of court this past week, 2019 November 12 and 14. Alfred had begun his Last Word, but was not finished speaking. The Last Word is the one remaining “right” that the accused has in the German court. The accused may speak as long as he likes, unless it is deemed irrelevant.

Highlights (or Lowlights):

(Very brief notes, taken by memory at the end of the day by a member of the public and passed on to Henry Hafenmayer, posted in German here.)

  • Alfred’s appeal – of the guilty verdict (38 month jail sentence plus court costs) for “speech crimes”, handed down 26 October 2018 culminating the Schaefer Sibling trial –  has been dismissed.
  • All paper and pens / pencils were confiscated from the public before entering the courtroom. This happened during our trial of 2018, but after a day or so this had been overruled. Not so this time. The prohibition on writing materials lasted both days. The public was NOT permitted to take any notes. 
  • Alfred started out facetiously stating that he would not open his mouth in court, because every word he spoke was turned upside down on him.
  • Alfred asked questions of the witnesses: a bureaucrat, one of the judges, and the prosecutor from the 2018 trial. The bureaucrat was asked if she had an indoctrinated fear causing shock with regards to the “Hitler salute”. Alfred asked the prosecutor if she was familiar with the game Musical Chairs. She has been in the prosecutor’s chair, now she is in the witness chair. Could she imagine one day being in the accused chair?
  • Addressing the court: Alfred asked what or whom specifically did he incite.

I am an engineer, and engineers need to name, define, work things very concretely otherwise you are thrown out onto the street.

  • The prosecutor asked Alfred if murderers called him when they want to do a murder. A gasp went through the gallery. Prosecutor continued, are your followers leftists or rightwing?
  • Prosecutor’s Plaedoyer: Alfred is a very dangerous anti-semite and jew-hater, and he should receive 5 years jail time (put together for the various “crimes”).

Alfred’s Last Word

  • The presiding judge interrupted and warned that Alfred was doing new “speech crime” by denying the holocaust, and that new charges could be laid. This could be the perpetual “merry-go-round” – do a speech crime, go to jail, go to court, new speech crime in court, more jail, appeal, new speech crime in court, more jail, appeal again and on and on and on.
  • Within the first two hours of Day 2, three different people took the prosecutor’s chair. Musical chairs. Ho hum just another day on the job.
  • After the judge warned Alfred he was getting off topic (bringing up other lies such as moon landing and the global warming scam) and that his Last Word could be withdrawn, Alfred spoke about a burning house. If you see that a house is on fire and you are aware of the presence of children inside, you have two choices. You could walk away and pretend not to notice, or you could rescue the children, with the full knowledge that your life could be at risk in so doing. His job is to rescue the children, just as it is his job to rescue the people from the dangers of the Lies.
  • In jail, many prisoners are having fun raising their right arm. Some boast how high their dogs can jump, others indicate how high the snow drifts are in front of their doors.
  • Alfred read some letters, including one from this author, and another from a jewish man who thanked Alfred for having protected him from being mobbed. This negates the prosecutor’s allegation that Alfred is a dangerous jew-hater. 

Court will resume 2019 November 21.

A reminder to the reader: Letters or cards are always appreciated. Alfred’s address is Stadelheimer Str 12, 81549 Munich, Germany. More information on writing to political prisoners in Germany in this article.

13th Update from Glen Allen re Allen v. SPLC Litigation

Friends, Donors, and Interested Persons,

Earlier this afternoon, Judge Katherine Blake of the US District Court for the District of Maryland dismissed all my claims against the SPLC, Heidi Beirich, and Marc Potok.  Judge Blake’s memorandum opinion is attached below.

Although Judge Blake’s opinion is 17 pages long, only a few pages provide substantive legal analysis.  The essence of that analysis is this:  1)  all my state law claims are disguised defamation claims and are therefore subject to defamation claim defenses such as the opinion doctrine, i.e., the SPLC, Beirich, and Potok merely made statements about me that cannot be verified as true or false or merely expressed their opinion and are protected;  and 2) I failed plausibly to allege that the SPLC defendants committed illegal or unethical acts.

I find both propositions flagrantly flawed.  I alleged numerous claims that cannot properly be characterized as defamation claims, including, for example, a negligent supervision claim that the court hardly addressed at all.  And to say I did not plausibly allege illegal and unethical conduct by the SPLC in accordance with federal “plausibility” pleading standards for a motion to dismiss distorts that standard beyond recognition.  The court states, for example, that I did not plausibly allege that the SPLC defendants bribed or otherwise improperly induced a National Alliance employee to turn over confidential documents.  But my complaint describes in detail who was bribed or induced and when, the circumstances surrounding those events, and why they were illegal and / or unethical.  The court essentially is requiring me to plead full and detailed evidentiary facts, but I cannot do that without discovery, i.e., document requests and depositions.  This is not the proper pleading standard.

We live in an upside down world, so I had steeled myself for an unfavorable result.  I am nonetheless disappointed in the manifest infirmity of Judge Blake’s opinion.  I do not feel my claims got a fair shake.

I will appeal to the Fourth Circuit.  My co-counsel, Fred Kelly, is just as defiant as I am.  I will of course keep you apprised as the appeal progresses. For your continued support I am continually grateful.  Here again is my website for donation purposes:

Thank you for staying with me on this endeavor.  Our choices, it seems to me, are either to lie supinely on our backs or to stand on our feet and fight.  You have taken the second option with me and I’m grateful for that.

Best to you all,
