British Political Prisoner Alison Chabloz Silenced Again

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Alison Chabloz and the conspiracy to silence her

Yesterday’s (10 January 2020) hearing at Derby Crown Court was presided over by HH Judge Egbuna, who remarked that it was “vital” to ascertain whether the decision of the National Probation Service to press for prosecution of Alison Chabloz on the ground of breach of condition had been taken “professionally” or whether the decision had been a result of “political motivation”.

The judge was informed by Prosecution Counsel that the decision to proceed with a prosecution (and so trial for breach) was not taken or initiated by Alison Chabloz’s probation officer, as would be the normal situation; neither was that decision taken by his supervisor. It was the decision of someone above those levels.

Sounds as though the judge is seriously worried by possible interference in the judicial and quasi-judicial processes by someone or some organization…

The judge declared that Alison’s trial could not proceed until it had been established on what basis or bases the decision to prosecute had been taken, and by whom. The matter has now been adjourned until 25 June 2020.

That, however was not the end of their manipulations for the day. Alison Chabloz was arrested at court and taken to Derby Police Station, where she was “interviewed” (interrogated) by detectives about a complaint made by someone. At length, late in the evening, she was given police bail until a date in mid-February, but only on the condition that she not post on her blog. That disgraceful “police-state” prohibition will, I apprehend, be challenged in court before very long.

Well, there we have it. A contrived “complaint” with the sole (main) aim of preventing Alison Chabloz from exercizing her right to free speech (which right “they” have almost destroyed in the UK, aided by “me too” rabbits on Twitter and elsewhere). What other objective? Well, I suppose that it also inconvenienced Alison Chabloz, and their little minds love to do things like that, as witness the false and malicious complaint the same “people” made about me three years ago:

It is about time that the police and CPS woke up to the fact that they are being manipulated and used by the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” fake charity.

England has now become a country in which a police desk sergeant in deepest darkest Derbyshire can decide (was it really his decision?) not to allow a British citizen the right to post on the Internet! “They” have destroyed our freedom for their own tribal ends. — Ian Millard



A criminal offense to affirm actual gender?

A criminal offense to affirm actual gender?

Friday, December 27, 2019  |  Charlie If Canada passes recently proposed legislation, a young person who is uncomfortable with his or her gender will have limited choices, and so will the parents.

The Senate in Canada will soon be voting on Bill 202, a measure that criminalizes so-called conversion therapy for young people to accept their born gender. It would make doctors, psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists, and pastors, as well as the person who schedules the appointment, in violation of the criminal code.

“That psychologist, if they counsel that child that this is something that child will grow out of, or if they counsel the child that biologically that child is either male or female; they are in the correct body — that would be an offense under the act,” explains Jay Cameron, litigation manager at the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.

And parents would not be able to seek help for their children.


“It deprives parents of the statistically most successful means of treating gender dysphoria; it’s the most successful way to treat gender dysphoria because gradually a person becomes comfortable in the body they are in,” Cameron submits. “They come to recognize I am a girl or I am a boy, and they stop being uncomfortable, and they go on and they live the rest of their life.”

But under Bill 202, there is only one choice left for parents and counselors, and that is to affirm the young person’s gender confusion, provide hormone treatments and surgery to transition to the opposite gender — which is impossible, even with hormone and surgery treatment.

Why Would Anyone Want to Serve A Censorship State That Denies You Freedom of Fun or Expression?

All the West Virginia cadets pictured giving a Nazi salute will be fired, governor says

 By Scottie Andrew and Carma Hassan, CNN 19 hrs agoFirings at Trump property cap year of purging undocumented workersTrump vows Iraq ‘will not be a Benghazi’ after embassy raid

a group of people posing for the camera: A number of employees of the West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation have been suspended surrounding the investigation of a photograph showing a correctional officer training class performing the Nazi salute.

© WV Division of Corrections A number of employees of the West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation have been suspended surrounding the investigation of a photograph showing a correctional officer training class performing the Nazi salute.

All of the West Virginia correctional cadets seen apparently giving a Nazi salute will be fired, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice announced. 

The image, discovered in early December, shows the members of the West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation Basic Training Class 18 with one arm raised. The text above reads “HAIL BYRD!” in a reference to a training instructor for the class, according to the state Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety.Advertisement


The governor condemned the training group’s behavior in a statement on Monday.

“We have a lot of good people in the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety,” Justice said. “But this incident was completely unacceptable. Now, we must continue to move forward and work diligently to make sure nothing like this happens ever again.”

Three staff members at the training academy will also be fired. Four other instructors who failed to report the photograph will be suspended without pay, he said.

Some of the cadets did it because they ‘feared they would not graduate’

The Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety released the image, with the faces of the trainees and employees blurred, earlier in December. A number of employees were suspended amid an investigation into why the group picture was taken.

Jeff Sandy, cabinet secretary for the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety, recommended the cadets’ firing to Justice.

He noted in his letter to the governor that some of the cadets “were aware of the connotations associated with the gesture, that they were uncomfortable with the practice … and/or that they only followed what they perceived to be an order” because they feared they wouldn’t graduate.

“Nonetheless,” Sandy wrote, “their conduct, without question, has also resulted in the far-reaching and harmful perceptions that are the antithesis of the values we strain to attain.”



Elise Hategan was a one-time, short-time member of the White Nationalist Heritage front. She flipped sides, ratted out some of her former associates and became an anti-racist writer, lesbian and now a Jew, in no particular order. She has launched a lawsuit against fellow Heritage Front recruit turned anti-racist Elizabeth Moore, her one-time friend, and Bernie Farber. Hategan and Moore have shopped around their Heritage Front experiences and conversions for a quarter of a century to receptive media and Jewish audiences. Hategan now believes Moore, with the assistance of former Canadian Jewish Congress CEO Bernie Farber, has wrongfully appropriated some of her experiences for Moore’s benefit.
Along the way, there are some important secrets revealed.
Most important is the identity of “Nosferatu 200” the persona behind the online smear sheet Anti-Racist Canada Blogspot. It turns out the smear meister, who has “outed” many people and damaged many people’s lives and reputations in an Alberta grade school teacher, Kurt Phillips.


An affidavit is a sworn statement. It has not been tested in court.
Here’s a quick guide to the Hategan affidavit.
1. Who is Nosferatu 200 who runs Anti-Racist Canada Blogspot? — Kurt Phillips. At Paragraph 320, Hategan explains: “. In my 4 years of friendship with Kurt Phillips and as part of the ARC Collective, I supplied information (such as names and photos of Heritage Front members), took photos and wrote several blog pieces that were posted on the ARC blog. I supported the website and Kurt’s sleuthing activities by providing opinions and verbal/written support whenever necessary. We advised and confided in each other on numerous occasions, both via email, telephone and in person, and had conversations that reached far beyond the topic of racism and white supremacy. Kurt also sent me gifts and care packages on multiple occasions, I sent him one package in return, and he contributed financially to my book fundraising efforts.”2. Close ties between Bernie Farber and CSIS agent provocateur Grant Bristow , at para 300-305
3. Warren Kinsella’s machination & Elise Hategan, Bernie Farber and Elizabeth Moore, at para. 306-318.
4. ARC’s Kurt Phillips joins Canadian Anti-Hate Network. CAHN helps fund ARC. Richard Warman of CAHN pressures Elise Hategan to remove Twitter references to Phillips’ identity. at para. 326-332.
Journalist Keane Bexte who works for Rebel Media identified Phillips as a social studies at St. Anthony Middle School in Drumheller, Alberta.

Now, that we finally have this sleazy coward’s identity, his dozens of victims — people who, over the years, he’s smeared, mocked, doxed and exposed, people whose lives he’s damaged — should carefully consider their legal options. Phillips likes to say he opposes violence, but the Antifa who gain much of their information from ARC actively practise violence. And, until very recently, both were masked, that is, their identity was disguised and, for very good reason, because, as mother used to say, “they were up to no good.”Oddly enough, I am not demanding that Phillips be fired from his job as a school teacher. I’ve been down that route. In the early 1990s, I was the target of a persistent campaign to have me fired from my position as an English instructor with the Peel Board of Education. There was never any question that I was a competent and effective teacher. Indeed, my Director of Education at the start of the six year ordeal called me “an exemplary teacher.” I did not bring my political views into the classroom. Even an NDP Minister of Education refused to lift my teaching certificate because he KNEW I kept my political and teaching lives separate. In the end, the lobbying pressure became too strong and, in February 1997, I was fired for the non-violent expression on my own time of my support for free speech and my opposition to this country’s catastrophic immigration policies. I was fired because, in the words of my district union leader, “the day after you are fired, the phone calls will stop.” This put a man with a wife and young family in a very difficult financial position.
My firing followed closely on the firing of a fellow teacher, a devout Christian gentleman and writer, Malcolm Ross of New Brunswick. After a similar campaign of media demonization and intense lobbying by Jewish groups, he was dismissed for writings critical of Zionism. Needless to say, to, too, never brought his views into the classroom. He’d been hailed as an effective and compassionate teacher of difficult students and Native kids.
Thus, I believe a teacher is entitled to a private life and to the expression on his own time of his political views, however reprehensible. Phillips activities on ARC are evil and a disgrace. He was part of the mob that eventually took down (at least temporarily) a satirical and vibrant Christian newspaper YOUR WARD NEWS.So, does he deserve to keep his job. Reluctantly, I say “yes”, if, and this is a big IF, after a through investigation the Catholic school board determines:1. He did not bring his views into the classroom and indoctrinate his young charges;2. He did not use school equipment or his work hours for his work on the ARC website;3. His presence did not create a “poisoned environment” for children from families with less leftist views than his. Drumheller is an intensely conservative area — a stronghold of the old Social Credit Party, years ago, and more recently of the Reform Party and the socially conservative wing of the Conservative Party. Did the children of such parents feel safe and welcome in his classroom. Only a thorough investigation will tell.

She May Be Rude, but She’s No Criminal

She May Be Rude, but She’s No Criminal
Since when did losing one’s temper over a parking space dispute land you before the court? Canadian police forces are becoming political thought police. At a crowded outlet mall between Niagara-on-the-Lake and St. Catharines, on Boxing Day, a 51-year old Hamilton woman, Patricia Sammit, objected when a Chinese lady took what she felt was her parking space. The Chinese lady,  “who does not want to be identified for fear of retaliation, [anonymity is key to political persecution] said she pulled into a spot at the mall and was immediately approached by a woman who claimed she had been waiting for the parking space.” (CHCH TV, December 30, 2019)

patricia sammit.jpg

The Chinese woman recorded part of the incident in a 66-second video on her cellphone. Patricia Sammit accuses the Chinese woman of trying to kick her and notes: “You don’t know what a signal is? Guess what? Even in China they have signal lights.” (CBC News, December 30, 2019)  Miss Sammit even threatens to call 9-11. She clearly believes she’s in the right. Apparently, she used what the media denounces as a “racial slur” .

The video went viral. The poodle press, as if reading from the same script (Toronto Star, CBC-TV, CHCH-TV, Global-TV) all called Miss Sammit’s comments a “racist rant”. Media talking heads, especially on CFRB 1010 talk radio denounced the woman. No one seemed to sympathize with the tension and frustration of overcrowded mall parking lots and foreigners who might not be following standard Canadian motoring courtesies. According to the Toronto Star (December 30, 2019) the woman “said she emigrated from China seven years ago.” Apparently, she spoke to Miss Sammit in Chinese and the angry motorist mocked her speech,
We may agree that people should try to be polite and courteous. However, an outburst of anger and frustration should not lead to criminal charges. The CBC reports: “Const. Philip Gavin of Niagara Regional Police Service says officers responded to a number of parking disputes that day, but didn’t experience any other situations like this one. ‘It’s safe to say racism played a role in this incident,’ Const. Gavin said in a phone interview. ” It’s clear Patricia Zammit’s crime is the wrong political view. Accordingly, she has been charged with assault and uttering threats and will appear in court, February 3. Niagara Region is awash in illegal drugs but the local cops move like lightning to swat politically incorrect opinions.
A lawyer advising CAFE sees the charges as pure police state intimidation. The lawyer observes: ” Charging this woman based solely on this video is completely asinine. You cannot film someone to this extent without consent and it appears to me she strikes the phone, not the woman complainant. These charges, based on a subjective filming by an aggrieved party often implode.” 
“This is unfolding as a major free speech case,” says Paul Fromm Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression.
The lamestream media villifies frustrated Canadians for speaking out against the colossal demographic changes being imposed on this country, without any full public discussion or debate.. Several years ago, a Mississauga woman was demonized for demanding a White doctor at a public clinic. Trudeau  Liberalism insists a woman should have absolute control over her body in terms of abortion, but, apparently, no right to choose who will examine her. 

Canadians are the victims of almost 50 years of deceit. They see our population being changed by government policy. The European founding/settler people are being replaced by a deceitful policy of mass immigration, 85 per cent from the Third  World. They are being fobbed off with empty slogans like “Diversity if our greatest strength.”?
The two largest cities in English Canada, Toronto and Vancouver, now see Third World majorities. The European founding/settler people are being replaced. Honest discussion or debate is silenced with a torrent of media weaponized words like “racism”, “xenophobe” “White supremacist.” Of course, people are frustrated. The doctrine of multiculturalism says all cultures are equal. Newcomers are not required to adopt our ways. Even a famous established sportscaster like Don Cherry lost his job of 37 years instantly when he reminded immigrants to spend a few bucks to support the Poppy Campaign and the soldiers whose sacrifices had created the country these people wanted to come to.

When free and open discussion are squelched, we can expect more angry outbursts from frustrated Canadians.

Trudeau Liberals Seek Vengeance Against Ezra Levant for his book “The Libranos”

Justin Trudeau is sending his lawyers after Rebel News for publishing “The Libranos”

By Ezra Levant
December 31, 2019

Just before Christmas, Justin Trudeau’s lawyers made a shocking decision — a decision that must have been approved right from the top.

They decided to investigate me and Rebel News for publishing and promoting my book, “The Libranos: What the Media isn’t telling you about Justin Trudeau’s Corruption”.

I’m being investigated by the government for criticizing the government.

I received the threat letter just hours ago — sent by registered mail, designed to hit me right between the eyes over the Christmas holidays.

I really can’t believe it. Here, you can read Trudeau’s full threat letter for yourself!

The election has been over for more than two months. So why now?

I think Trudeau is still angry that we beat his lawyers in court back in October — you’ll remember, Trudeau’s hand-picked debates commission banned our reporters from covering the debates. But after an emergency hearing, the Federal Court of Canada ordered Trudeau’s commission to let us in.

It was an amazing David versus Goliath victory — our two young lawyers beat five senior government lawyers sent by Trudeau.

This latest threat letter was obviously a kind of revenge — and it was timed to land right now, while Trudeau is on a private jet holiday in Costa Rica, far from any reporters who might ask him about prosecuting authors.

The letter was signed by Mylène Gigou, director of investigations for Elections Canada. Her letter suggests there is a whole team of investigators who have been assigned to my case. She’s threatening me with an investigation, prosecution and huge fines.

Here’s my attempt to explain it all in video:

Read the letter above; Gigou offers me a kind of plea bargain. She says that if I cooperate with her, she’ll go easy on me — the fine will be lower than if I choose to fight for my freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

What do you think I should do?

  • Should I take the deal?
  • Should I apologize to Trudeau for writing a book critical of him during an election?
  • Should I promise to be more like Aaron Wherry — who actually wrote news reports for the CBC about Trudeau’s fancy socks?
  • Should I sign up for the media bail-out like John Ivison?
  • Should I just pay the $5,000 and promise not to call Trudeau corrupt anymore? 

I’m kidding — you know me better than that. I’ll never bow down to Trudeau, ever. 

We beat them in court when they tried to ban us from the debates. And we’re going to beat them in court now.

Trudeau obviously needs a reminder that just because 33% of Canadians voted for him — the lowest ever for a majority government in Canada — doesn’t mean he gets to take away our freedom of the press.

In fact, scrutiny of him is more important than ever.

So I’ve spoken to the two lawyers who beat Trudeau last time, and they’ve agreed to help us fight back. Obviously it’s going to cost a lot more than the $5,000 to apologize to Trudeau and settle with the prosecutors. When Alberta’s disgraced elections commissioner went after our reporter Sheila Gunn Reid for the exact same thing — publishing a book criticizing Rachel Notley —  they eventually dropped the charges, but not before it cost us $70,000-plus. 

I think that’s what Trudeau is doing — trying to wear us down, both financially and psychologically.

Well, there’s no denying it will cost us money. But, as God is my witness, I swear to you that we will never stop speaking freely, and criticizing Trudeau and any other politicians we like. They will literally have to throw us in jail — and even then, you can better believe we won’t shut up.

We know how Trudeau thinks.

He believes that if he can shut me up —  and Rebel News, his biggest critic — then he can shut anybody up. He’s already got 99% of the Media Party in the palm of his hand. We’re one of the few hold-outs.

And if he can break us, he thinks he can break anyone.

Well, we won’t break.

Please make a donation below to help us cover the legal fees. I promise I’ll fight and fight and fight till we win.

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

P.S. Fighting against the government feels like David versus Goliath. And it is. But we won last time — and we’re using the same excellent young lawyers. And Trudeau is clearly breaking the law — I mean, really: censoring a book? I really think we can win. Please click below to help chip in if you can.

P.P.S. If you prefer, please contribute by cheque. Please make it payable to “Rebel News” and mail it to PO Box 61056 Eglinton/Dufferin RO, Toronto, ON M6E 5B2.

Thank you very much!


Social Justice Warriors Seek the Total Ruin of Dissidents

Social Justice Warriors Seek the Total Ruin of Dissidents

Discussing writer  Douglas Murray’s new book the Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity, Barbara Kay (National Post, November 20, 2019) writes: “The interpretation of the world through the lens of ‘social justice,’ ‘identity group politics’ and ‘intersectionalism’ is probably the most audacious and comprehensive effort since the Cold War at creating a new ideology.” Christianity has been spurned, but the religious impulse is inherent and abhors a vacuum. The ‘religion’ of social justice, Murray observes, poured itself into the handy campus vessel of Marxism with remarkable speed.  One of the hallmarks of Marxism – not a bug, but a feature – is its ruthlessness. I was particularly struck by Murray’s quite poignant chapter, “On Forgiveness.” Normal religions offer redemption to sinners. But there is no forgiveness or statute of limitations for thought crimes in the religion of social justice. A mural of Rudyard Kipling’s “If” – voted Britain’s favourite poem – was painted over at the University of Manchester in retroactive punishment for Kipling’s now politically incorrect views on empire. The past, Murray says, is “hostage — like everything else — to any archeologist with a vendetta.

This new religion gives permission to those of ‘oppressed’ status — women, people of colour, indigenous peoples, LGBTQ — to hate their oppressors: heterosexual white men, racists, transphobics. (Gay himself, Murray refuses to play the LGBTQ card as the sole, or even most important marker of his humanity.) For many unlucky people, a silly joke tweeted, an incorrect opinion on Facebook or an inadvertently touched knee can be the kiss of death to career and reputation. Murray provides plenty of examples of good people cut down without mercy — indeed with unseemly relish — by relentlessly vigilant activists. Toby Young, for example, once divided his time between journalism and the New Schools Network, where he worked to help disadvantaged children get a better education. Long story short, a few naughty references to ‘boobs’ on Twitter, excavated by the usual suspects, lost him a government appointment and all his writing gigs in a fusillade of opprobrium.”

YOUR WARD NEWS Appeals “Hate” Conviction & Sentence

YOUR WARD NEWS Appeals “Hate” Conviction & Sentence

Dr. James Sears is spending the Christmas time  poring over the transcripts of his conviction and sentencing to a year in jail for telling jokes about Jews and women in the satirical YOUR WARD NEWS which he edited from 2016 to 2019. He is working hard to perfect arguments against this blow to a free press. The publisher Leroy St. Germaine is also appealing his conviction and sentencing to a year’s house arrest. The factum or argument is due January 20. The date set for the appeal is March 23 in Toronto. Among other things, Dr. Sears will be arguing that the judge gave insufficient reasons and explanation in convicting him. He is seeking a new trial.

OCLA’s 2019 Year in Review

OCLA’s 2019 Year in Review

Dear OCLA Supporter,

This email is to give you an update on the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA)’s work and activities in 2019.

2019 OCLA Civil Liberties Award – Kelly Donovan

Kelly Donovan, a police whistleblower and public-protection advocate, was this year’s recipient of the OCLA Civil Liberties Award.

Ms. Donovan is a former police constable and use-of-force instructor with the Waterloo Regional Police Service. Her efforts to report bias or arbitrariness of disciplinary measures against police officers who sought improvement or redress were met with gagging measures, further discipline, and publicly-funded tribunal litigation against her person. But she never gave up, and in 2019 as a self-represented litigant, she won a matter at the Court of Appeal for Ontario, reinstating her right to sue both the Board and the Police Chief.

Kelly was also recently awarded her litigation costs in both the appeal and the case in the lower court, a rare and important accomplishment for a self-represented litigant.

Full details about the award, including Kelly’s acceptance video, are posted on the OCLA’s website here, and an excellent media report in Brant.One is available here.

Research report “Geo-Economics and Geo-Politics Drive Successive Eras of Predatory Globalization and Social Engineering”

OCLA researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt authored a 78-page research report about the influence that two large-scale, post-WW2 geopolitical transformations had on individual rights, democracy, and societal organization in Western countries.

The report seeks to demonstrate how geopolitical and global economic conditions are at the root of many of the erosions of civil liberties that have been underway in Western societies during the past several decades.

The report can be read here, and a media summary published in CounterPunch is available here.

OCLA opposes the international campaign to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition of anti-semitism

In June 2019, the OCLA endorsed the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA)’s expressed opposition to the international campaign to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, and we issued our own public statement opposing the campaign.

The OCLA’s position, which can be read at the link here, repeats our previously expressed argument (detailed in our July 2018 letter to the Attorney General of Ontario) in opposition to the “hate speech” provisions of the Criminal Code.

OCLA interviews Tony Heller on social media censorship

One current area of severe censorship is any questioning of the “climate emergency” or of the dominant mediascape view of “climate change”.

OCLA researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt recently interviewed climate activist Tony Heller about the need for freedom of expression amid censorship by mainstream and social media corporations. The video interview is available here.

OCLA Executive Director earns PhD

OCLA Executive Director Joseph Hickey completed his PhD in Physics in 2019. His thesis, “A Complex Systems Study of Social Hierarchies and Jurisprudence”, studied simple models of the formation and evolution of social hierarchies, with implications for the role of individual freedoms in maintaining the stability of societies. The thesis also contains a statistical analysis of the citations between Canadian judicial decisions, which explores possible reasons for the explosion of family litigation that occurred in Canada in the 1990s.

Joseph’s thesis is available online here.

Media coverage

2019-07-04: “In Canada and elsewhere, freedom of speech is on the endangered list”, LawNow

2019-07-16: “Patients flagged as potentially violent wait months for appeal” London Free Press

2019-09-07: “Man under deportation order due to terrorist links to speak at University of Toronto” Canadian Jewish News

2019-09-25: “‘Nasty’ digital warnings from authorities putting chill on FoCo bashes”, London Free Press

2019-12-01: “Debate on the ‘Take Back the Toronto Public Library’ Protests”, Stranger Tides Podcast

How to stay connected and donate to the OCLA
Twitter: @oncivlib

North Korea has nothing on The People’s Republic of Formerly England

North Korea has nothing on The People’s Republic of Formerly England

Colin Todd (left) with his Rhodesian flag.

[Colin Todd is a British writer, who, in 1996 formed the Chesterton Trust to republish and keep alive the works of the late British Patriot A.K. Chesterton who exposed the subversive and anti-nationalist machinations of international finance. For years Chesterton led the League of Empire Loyalists.]

—–Original Message—–
From: Rob Black <>

Colin has asked me to circulate this message on his behalf:

“Dear All,

Political punishment for non-political offence

I am going to be released from prison on 1st January. I will have severe bail restrictions including travel, living in a bail hostel, curfews, signing on each day, etc.

I will be taken from prison to the bail hostel by the police.

I can have no contract with Nationalists, Candour or anyone in the movement while the restrictions last. Obviously this includes my presence on marches, demonstrations and meetings.

“Voluntary” tagging and other restrictions may be lifted much more slowly, and no doubt other restrictions will be added. I will have to sign a license upon my release and if I break the conditions I will return to prison for the rest of my sentence until the end of 2020.

I am releasing these details before signing the licenses, and before I know full details of my restrictions.

Candour will clearly be delayed further and I would like to thank subscribers for their patience.

Happy New Year to all.

Colin Todd

29 December 2019″