The Exception to Tolerance and Diversity

by Lawrence Blanchard, ND, M.Div.
Did you see the two stories that appeared recently about a law student and law professor who challenged the tolerance and diversity program in America? The challenge exposed the glaring hypocritical exception of the high and mighty advocates pushing tolerance and diversity down our collective throats. “Truth be damned” should be their motto. The first story was about a law student at the Oklahoma City University of Law who “left some flyers”1 around the school with the phrase, “It’s Okay to Be White.”

The law school dean went ballistic, promising an “intentional and relentless” promotion of diversity to counter such a notion.  Police were called to investigate to see if “the flyers” and this “person’s actions amounted to a hate crime. They wanted to make sure this student was “not a threat to other students.”

“The OCU police department reportedly partnered with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force to locate and interrogate the student activist.” 1

Free speech victory as Court rules against University of Alberta $17,500 security fee

Free speech victory as Court rules against University of Alberta $17,500 security fee

Posted on Jan 6, 2020 in Featured, Justice Update, Latest Updates, News Releases

EDMONTON:  The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms ( is pleased with the January 6, 2020 decision of the Alberta Court of Appeal, which rejects the University of Alberta’s imposition of a $17,500 security fee on UAlberta Pro-Life. Demanded by the University in 2016, this security fee had prevented the small student club from hosting educational displays on campus. Analysis of the decision is ongoing.

The case arose in March of 2015, when the University of Alberta condoned the behaviour of a mob that physically obstructed a peaceful, stationary pro-life display on campus, which had been authorized and approved by the University. The mob used sheets, towels, banners, and mega-phones, making it impossible for passers-by to view the signs. The mob effectively silenced intellectual discussion and inquiry, in violation of the Code of Student Behaviour. Prior to this physical obstruction and disruption of a university-approved campus event, the University’s president had stated publicly that the pro-life group was entitled to express its opinions on campus. Then-president Indira Samarasekera stated the University must facilitate and protect the peaceful expression of all views, regardless of popularity.

Dr. Samarasekera’s statement was not taken seriously by campus security or by the students who violated the Code of Student Behaviour. The University’s campus security repeatedly told members of the obstructing mob that they were violating the Code of Student Behaviour, which expressly prohibits interrupting and obstructing university-related activities and events. Yet campus security took no action to stop the obstruction, or to discipline the students who identified themselves publicly and boasted on social media about their success in silencing a message they disagreed with.

In 2016, UAlberta Pro-Life applied again for a two-day campus event with a stationary display. The University then demanded a $17,500 security fee as a condition for going ahead with this campus event.

In an email, the University demanded that pro-life students pay for the wages of security guards and police, and costs of barricading the venue, and pay for the potential misconduct of people violating the University’s Code of Student Behaviour by obstructing and disrupting the display. Rather than render an invoice to the self-identified and self-confessed rule-breakers, the University instead told the small pro-life club that it could no longer set up a display on campus unless it first paid $17,500 in security fees. Unable to pay $17,500, UAlberta Pro-Life was forced to cancel the event that was planned for February 2016.

“In issuing this demand, the University of Alberta ignored the fact that any threat to safety and security that may have existed on campus came uniquely from those who physically obstructed and loudly interrupted a university-approved event,” stated lawyer John Carpay, president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, which represents the students in their court action.

In its court application, filed in April of 2016, UAlberta Pro-Life sought a declaration that the University’s imposition of the $17,500 security fee on the club was illegal and unjustifiably violated the fundamental Canadian value of freedom of expression, protected by section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The court application asked for an order prohibiting the University from imposing such financial burdens on law-abiding students in future.

The court application also sought a ruling that the University made an unreasonable and therefore illegal decision in March of 2015 to condone the conduct of students who disrupted and blockaded the University-authorized UAlberta Pro-Life campus event, in violation of the Code of Student Behaviour. Although the University had advance notice that a mob was being organized to obstruct the display, and although Dr. Samarasekera had warned that any misbehaviour would be investigated and prosecuted, the University of Alberta Protective Services (UAPS) did nothing to stop the blockading and physical obstruction. UAPS also did not photograph or seek to identify any blockading student, even though the Code clearly prohibits students from disrupting or obstructing University-related functions.

Before taking court action, UAlberta Pro-Life first filed a formal complaint in March 2015 with UAPS against the disruptive students who had violated the Code of Student Behaviour. It took UAPS over eight months to release a decision. On November 30, 2015 UAPS confirmed that the University would not charge or prosecute students who had disrupted, blocked and obstructed the March 2015 display on campus. This decision came in spite of UAPS possessing ample photographic and video evidence as to which students had violated the Code of Student Behaviour, in addition to social media posts in which these blockading students publicly boasted about their own behaviour.

The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench ruled in favour of the University in October 2017. The British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) intervened before the Alberta Court of Appeal, in support of freedom of expression. The students appealed, and now have a decision from the Alberta Court of Appeal.

UBC instructor says it’s “casual racism” to lay wreaths on Remembrance Day!

An economics instructor at the University of British Columbia thinks it’s “casual racism” for fraternity members to be allowed to lay wreaths at the school’s Remembrance Day ceremony.

CTV News broke the news with the headline,

“Economics instructor Maria Adshade took to Twitter to ask UBC president Santa Ono why fraternity members were allowed to lay wreaths at the school’s Remembrance Day ceremony.”

At 11:22 am, during the University’s Remembrance Day ceremonies, she tweeted at the President “wondering why frat boys are laying wreaths at the Remembrance (sic) Day Ceremony at UBC. Surely there are other more representative groups on campus to play this role?”

Adshade followed up her thoughtless and poorly timed tirade with accusations of bigotry, tweeting:

“Regardless of how any of you feel about me, you should not be supporting this casual racism.”

Racism? For allowing young men to honour the young men who died for their freedom?

CTV News reached out to her for comment and Adshade doubled down, saying:

“I stand by what I said. UBC prides itself on being an inclusive and diverse campus. That was not reflected today by the student representation at the ceremony today.”

Adshade, apparently not one to quit when she is behind, then made herself the victim of mean sexist frat boys and not her own bigoted public remarks, tweeting:

“The UBC Fraternity members who are commenting here are entirely free to voice their opinions. But know that your members who are emailing me threatening me with sexual violence are doing nothing to help your cause.”

However, she never produced any of these emailed “threats.”

UBC’s own website affirms the high cost their student body paid for freedom during World War 2, noting that 1,600 UBC trainees enlisted to serve in the war and 10% of those would not make it back home alive. UBC also became a school of choice for returning veterans.

Professor Woke-Scold doesn’t know the history of her own university.

Lieutenant Colonel Dr. John McCrae wrote his poem In Flanders Field during World War 1, the very same war that claimed his life. If he were alive today, Adshade would want him banned from laying a wreath too.

He was a Theta Xi member at the University of Toronto.

How the heck did “Grapes” — a Canadian icon and national treasure — lose his job when this scold gets to keep hers?

Jim and Diane Present Alison Chabloz’ Second Arrest and Update, Jan 15, 2020 (Text, Not a Video)

Jim and Diane Present
Alison Chabloz’
Second Arrest and Update, Jan 15, 2020
(Text, Not a Video)
Dear All,

Apologies for the lack of recent updates. First of all, some positive news. Last Friday, January 10th (full moon), I was again in the dock for my appeal against the National Probation Service (NPS), this time at Derby Crown Court. To recap, the NPS had brought a retroactive breach trial against me for publishing on my personal website during the year-long Prohibited Activity Order which required me not to post or participate on “social media outlets”. Once again, there were slight procedural errors: the Crown’s barrister, Mr. Christopher Jeyes, had not received the appropriate skeleton argument in good time, apparently preventing the Crown and NPS from providing disclosure on how the decision to breach me had been reached. The main issue here is Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) applying political pressure and meddling in my case – a fact they have freely admitted on several occasions. Sitting with two magistrates, HHJ Egbuna told the court that it would be wrong to listen to the evidence and submissions without first establishing whether or not the decision to breach me constituted abuse of process. I agreed to an adjournment. A two-day re-trial has been scheduled for June 26th and 27th.

The most interesting revelation was the admission by the opposition that the decision to breach me had not been taken by my probation officer’s superior, but by someone “from the level above”. And now for the not-so-good news. As I walked out of court, I was arrested under Section 127 of the 2003 Communications Act by one of four plainclothes policemen – two of whom had been sitting in court. I had half-expected it, having ignored another request for an interview under caution. Still, I was annoyed. Ex-Britain First Intel Officer, half-Jewish Paul Besser, was there to represent Joe Glasman’s Maccabees, Third Division. As we reached the station, the officer who was driving (who I later discovered was local and just helping out with a colleague) radioed the desk. He announced that they were bringing in a woman “under the Public Order Act”. Police lie to each other, as well as to the general public: a nest of vipers. Of course, in hindsight, if I had resisted and these officers had been caught on film using violence against me to drag me into an unmarked car… I was interviewed about an Internet podcast, the link to which had been shared on my GAB account. Replying mostly no comment to their questions, it lasted an hour and a half and was utterly Orwellian. No surprises for guessing the name of the “victim” – Stephen Silverman, CAA Director of Investigations and Enforcement. Most questions came directly from Silverman’s own witness statement. Others were no doubt the result of police (combined with the intelligence services?) seeking information, as well as a deliberate attempt to have me incriminate myself. Apparently, because “most people” believe in the gas chamber narrative, anyone who doesn’t believe is not “the norm”. I couldn’t help laughing at the irony of being interrogated by police detectives who unquestioningly believe every aspect of the mainstream “Holocaust” narrative – and more: there were, according to DC E. of Lincolnshire Police, homicidal gas chambers at Belsen. The entire two-hour-long Internet podcast had been transcribed, and the offending passages highlighted in yellow. At one point, when my solicitor was absent from the room and the recording was halted with the tape still running, I asked the detectives if they had any actual crime to investigate, for example, child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell, still free to travel the world at leisure. They told me they were unable to answer… I wondered why both of these men were “good cops” and where the “bad cop” might be. I soon found out. When the interview was over and I was taken back to the lobby, I noticed sitting behind the desk sergeant a dark-skinned, uniformed man with large brown eyes, long hair and a black bandanna. His expression was not friendly. I was led back to the custody cell and, twenty minutes or so later, this same man unlocked my door. Standing behind him were both interviewing officers. He was introduced as Detective Sergeant B… This man then proceeded to verbally abuse me, stating he didn’t like my attitude and if he was going to let me out of “his station”, then I would be forced to live and sleep at a declared address. By the time they released me, it was already too late to return home. I noted drily that police were releasing me – a single woman – without any means of transport to the address I was supposed to sleep at. That wasn’t all. My other police bail condition is “not to post on line anything” – an unwarranted restriction of my right to free speech and probably unlawful. The Crown will now have to make a decision whether or not to charge me for “grossly offending” a man who has a restraining order against me but who nevertheless sees fit to stalk my every move in the hope of seeing me once again clamped in irons for my views. Despite the presence of one journalist in court – who refused to disclose who she works for (my educated guess would be Isabella Nikolic For Mailonline) – and Besser’s silly tweets, there has been no media coverage whatsoever. Likewise, silence from CAA. Other usual stasi suspects, permanently ensconced in the Twitter echo chamber, are unable to hide their glee that “a vile anti-Semitic Holocaust denier” is once again being punished for peacefully expressing her own opinions. CAA, a registered “charity”, faces further embarrassment following Friday’s publication of Joe Glasman’s “Christmukah” video by The Electronic Intifada, (see also December, in my recent Review of 2019). Glasman’s copyright claims were a case of closing the stable doors after the horse had bolted.

Thank you to all who sent supportive messages and especially to my barrister, Adrian Davies, my solicitor, Kevin Lowry-Mullins, the solicitor who represented me on Friday, Mr Raja, and to all four loyal friends who made the effort to be beside me in court. Thanks also to Sargon of Akkad who finally, after all this time, has spoken out about my case and called for S. 127 to be repealed. Sargon is (wilfully?) ignorant about the controversy surrounding the official narrative, but he is nevertheless correct in stating that S. 127 is being abused in order to criminalise opinions. My case is exposing the extent to which this bad law is being used by the System to stifle peaceful protest, historical debate and, most sinister of all, silence a musician for her satirical songs and for her beliefs. Alison Chabloz. January 13th, 2020.

The Legal Establishment is Just Not Serious About Prosecuting Antifa Violence

Activist acquitted because Quebec City prosecutors were incapable of holding trial in English

Basem Boshra Supervising Producer, CTV News Montreal

@BasemBoshra Contact Published Wednesday, January 15, 2020 2:55PM EST Last Updated Wednesday, January 15, 2020 5:59PM EST

Jaggi Singh

Activist Jaggi Singh is arrested during an anti-racism demonstration, in Quebec City on Sunday, August 20, 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jacques Boissinot



MONTREAL — Activist Jaggi Singh, who has been facing charges stemming from his arrest at an anti-fascist protest held in 2017, walked out of Quebec City court a free man on Wednesday after prosecutors announced they were incapable of proceeding with Singh’s trial in English.

According to Le Journal du Quebec, Steve Marquis, the chief Crown prosecutor for Quebec City, told Judge Pierre Bordeleau that neither he nor any of his available colleagues were capable of presenting the prosecution’s arguments in English. (Singh, who is fluently bilingual, had requested a trial in English.)

Marquis – who told the judge that the original prosecutor in the case, who could proceed in English, was on maternity leave – asked for a delay in the proceedings, which Bordeleau denied. The judge then acquitted Singh on the two charges, obstruction of justice and impersonation, that he was facing.

Related Stories

Singh, 49, a veteran activist, was arrested Aug. 20, 2017, at an anti-fascist counter-protest to an alt-right gathering. When arrested, Singh told police his name was Michel Goulet (the name of an old Quebec Nordiques player) and said he resided in La Colisee (the Nordiques’ old arena).

Singh told Le Journal du Quebec on his way out of court that he felt the prosecution sabotaged its own case rather than lose the trial, which had been scheduled to run today through Friday.

A Serial Pedophile Got 2 Years Less A Day; Yet, a Judge Wanted to Give a Satirist 36 Months for “Hate” — Telling Jokes About Women & Jews

A Serial Pedophile Got 2 Years Less A Day; Yet, a Judge Wanted to Give a Satirist 36 Months for “Hate” — Telling Jokes About Women & Jews

In 1997, pedophile Gordon Stuckless pleaded guilty to 27 counts of molesting boys some as young as 10. He worked as an equipment manager at Toronto’s Maple Leaf Gardens. He got two years less a day. Last year, a judge wanted to sentence satirical writer Dr. James Sears to 36 months for National Lampoon style jokes about women and Jews. In cultural Marxist Canada, it’s worse to screw politically correct ideas than to bugger little boys.

Oh, yes, he’s now in a halfway house in my new home city of Hamilton.1Marcie RobinsLikeCommentShare

Jonathan Yaniv PUNCHED ME in the head for reporting on his court case — WATCH IT HERE!

Jonathan Yaniv PUNCHED ME in the head for reporting on his court case — WATCH IT HERE!

Jonathan Yaniv PUNCHED ME in the head for reporting on his court case — WATCH IT HERE! 

Being punched by Jessica Yaniv is a weird kind of mark of credibility.

      Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv punched me in the head for reporting on his court appearance over two counts of possessing a prohibited weapon! Yaniv waited inside the courthouse until the moment it closed — and as he left, I gently approached him to ask him about it. But instead of answering my questions, Yaniv charged into a vicious, testosterone-fuelled rage — check out my exclusive footage at Do you agree that this man is a danger to society?  Not only has he tried to extort several aestheticians after they refused to wax his testicles, but he has also been responsible for a number of violent assaults and has been charged with two counts of possessing a prohibited weapon — and yet, he is still free to roam the streets of British Columbia! (To see all of our exclusive reporting on Yaniv — including our documentary on him — please visit It takes a lot to expose Yaniv’s abuse of the system — hours of court research, dozens of interactions with lawyers, thousands of dollars in travel expenses, and today, a savage beating. So, if you believe in our efforts to expose this menace with our original, full-contact journalism, please pitch in to help me keep reporting on this story — click here, or visit to help us out. Yours truly, Keean Bexte P.S. This isn’t the first beating we’ve taken at the man mitts of Yaniv. My Rebel News colleague David Menzies was struck — several times (!) — on the head with a cane by Yaniv last year. (You can see that assault at And yet, as I mentioned earlier, he remains at large and free to live without consequences.

Do you think this is fair? If not, can you help us stay on this story? Please click here, or visit to pitch in to help us out.

Secret Hitler board game pulled from Montreal stores after complaint from B’nai Brith

Soon you may have to check with the pushy censors at B’nai Brith before you can buy a board game. The latest victim of this thought control group’s efforts is a fast selling board game which pits liberals against National Socialists in 1933 Germany as they vie for power. It’s a game! Yet, in joyless, politically correct Canada, B’nai Brith has leaned on three Montreal merchants and got them to stop selling it. Why not let gaming customers decide what they’d like to buy? — Paul Fromm

Secret Hitler board game pulled from Montreal stores after complaint from B’nai Brith

The stores began selling the game over the holidays after receiving requests from customers and ‘many copies were sold,’ a manager said

Katherine Wilton, Montreal Gazette

Katherine Wilton, Montreal Gazette

January 13, 2020
5:09 PM EST Filed under


A controversial board game called Secret Hitler was removed from the shelves of three Montreal stores on Sunday after a complaint from B’nai Brith Canada.

A member of the Jewish human rights group, which combats racism and anti-Semitism, contacted the Tour de Jeux outlet at the Fairview Shopping Centre in Pointe-Claire after reading posts on Facebook and receiving complaints from members of Montreal’s Jewish community.

The game was developed in 2017 and is set in Germany in 1933 when Adolf Hitler came to power as chancellor.

Players are secretly divided into two teams, liberals and fascists. The fascists sow distrust and try to install their leader. The liberals must find and stop the Secret Hitler before it’s too late.

“Anything that depicts anything regarding Hitler is a very sensitive issue, especially with growing anti-Semitism throughout Canada, the U.S. and around the world,” said Harvey Levine, B’nai Brith’s regional director in Quebec.

“When we receive complaints from the community, we have to respond. This is a sensitive issue with the Jewish population and with families of those involved in the Holocaust.”

After talking to Levine, the store manager on the West Island contacted the owner, who decided the game would no longer be sold at its three Montreal locations.

“(Levine) expressed his and the community’s shock concerning the fact that the game exists and that we would carry it,” said the store manager, who didn’t want his name published. “I’m glad that he spoke to us directly.”

The stores began selling the board game over the holidays after receiving requests from customers, the manager said.

“Between our three stores, many copies were sold,” he said.

The board game has been distributed worldwide through Amazon and there have been complaints from other Jewish groups in the U.S. and Australia, Levine said.

B’nai Brith officials are assessing the situation before deciding whether to issue a formal statement, he added.

Sales of board games have increased over the past five years. Games such as Settlers of Catan, which emphasize strategy and co-operation, are increasingly popular.

Prof calls college a ‘racket,’ blasts diversity hires

Prof calls college a ‘racket,’ blasts diversity hires

Katie Everett

Katie EverettTexas Campus Correspondent @_EverettKatie on Jan 09, 2020 at 3:40 PM EDT 362 Shares

  • A George Mason University professor recently slammed Amrican universities for wasting students’ tuition on “diversity people.”
  • The professor was referring to the seemingly endless need colleges claim for adding countless “diversity and inclusion” staff and offices, which he says rack up insane costs for universities.

An economics professor at George Mason University is speaking out about the “racket” that he says is college, and blaming it on the “diversity people” who he says have flooded the university system with unnecessary and perpetually increasing expenses tied to a seemingly endless need for more and more diversity initiatives and faculty.

In his op-ed for The National Interest, George Mason University professor Walter E. Williams explains that institutions of higher education have started budgeting for “diversity and equity personnel” to accommodate the modern-day college student. The idea, Williams says, is to protect “vulnerable” groups of students from “hate speech” and “microaggressions,” noting that they have even gone as far as creating speech codes and bias-response teams to investigate complaints. “‘Diversity’ is the highest goal of students and professors who openly detest those with whom they disagree”    Tweet This

But Williams also takes issue with the fact that it doesn’t stop there. As each of these programs is created, colleges and universities find a “need” for more programs and faculty and therefore more money to fund these initiatives.

[RELATED:  School gets nearly $1 million from NY state university budget for ‘diversity’ hires]

Diversity programs and staff come at a high price. Williams cites a study by a group called “Minding the Campus,” which found that Penn State University’s Office of the Vice Provost for Educational Equity employs a total of 66 individual staff members. “The University of Michigan currently employs a diversity staff of 93 full-time diversity administrators, officers, directors, vice provosts, deans, consultants, specialists, investigators, managers, executive assistants, administrative assistants, analysts, and coordinators. Amherst College, with a student body of 1,800 students employs 19 diversity people,” writes Williams. 

According to Williams, the salaries of the staff match the scale of these new programs, with top diversity staff earning six-figure salaries. This is especially true with schools like the University of Michigan where a quarter of their diversity officers make more than $100,000 annually. 

[Related: Cornell thrusts $60 million at faculty diversity plan.]

Williams cites an article by “diversity” skeptic and lawyer Mark Pulliam, a contributing editor at Law and Liberty, in which he discusses “the campus Diversity Swarm.”

The radical left will stop at nothing to intimidate conservative students on college campuses. You can help expose them. Find out more »

Williams claims that “diversity people” have created an entire subsect of academia, having “developed their own professional organization, the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education,” with annual conferences during which they develop “standards for professional practice and a political agenda. He also points to the fact that they have created their own academic journal, published by the American Psychological Association.

[Related: UMich defends multi-million dollar diversity investment. Outspoken prof doesn’t buy it.]

In the article, Pulliam describes “Diversity and inclusion” as “the latest obsession in higher education, and elite schools compete with one another to see who can field the largest and best-paid team of diversity bureaucrats (diversocrats).”

“It’s an article of faith that ‘diversity’ originally a euphemism for affirmative action, somehow enhances the educational environment, but data supporting the mismatch theory—which holds that affirmative action hurts minority students by placing them in academic programs for which they are unqualified—refute this claim,” writes Pulliam.

Williams sees this as a vicious cycle, saying “‘Diversity’ is the highest goal of students and professors who openly detest those with whom they disagree. These people support the very antithesis of higher education with their withering attacks on free speech.”

Follow the author of this article on Twiter:@_EverettKatie

Antifa informant exposed: Schoolteacher Kurt Phillips of Drumheller

Antifa informant exposed: Schoolteacher Kurt Phillips of Drumheller

  Posted by Keean Bexte on January 11, 2020

In a show of incompetence, the CBC’s 5th Estate has accidentally released the identity of a longtime Antifa informant. This is someone who works with, employs, and shares information with the members and supporters of the violent Antifa movement: Schoolteacher Kurt Phillips.

The CBC was intending to cooperate with Phillips to conceal his identity, however when facial images were matched up, none other than Kurt Phillips, a Catholic School teacher in Drumheller Alberta was exposed as the mastermind behind ARC Collective.

ARC is a blog that was curated by Phillips until he recently resigned after his mask was removed. Phillips’ blog has shared the personal information, addresses, photos of homes, names, and faces of people who Phillips unilaterally determines are “fascists”.

Rebel News sent Phillips a list of questions with hopes to get his side of the story, however they were ignored. The school was quick to stand by Phillips – Principal JoAnne Akerboom insists Phillips is politically neutral and doesn’t bring his personal activism to the classroom. Tweets posted by an account bearing his name and photo appear to contradict the assertion he is neutral.

As for personal activism in to the classroom, that also seems to be untrue, as Phillips’ blog routinely posts defamatory content, during hours he is supposed to be teaching students. One might wonder how much taxpayer funded time Phillips is using to research, write, edit, and publish information that is fed to Antifa, an organization the President has considered labeling a terrorist group.