2 Issues on the agenda this week: MLA Rally & 2 speakers on 5G on Sat. ————————————– MLA Norm Letnick Rally Thursday, June 18, 2020 9:30 a.m. 101-330 Hwy 33, Kelowna Just past Hollywood Road We need YOU!!!

2 Issues on the agenda this week: MLA Rally & 2 speakers on 5G on Sat. ————————————–

MLA Norm Letnick Rally Thursday, June 18, 2020 9:30 a.m. 101-330 Hwy 33, Kelowna Just past Hollywood Road We need YOU!!!

Mr. Letnick is the MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country District. He is also the Official Health Critic for the Liberal Party of British Columbia.

Mr. Letnick is working closely with the Health Minister Mr. Dix in relation to the COVID-19Scamdemic, and has, or should have, intimate knowledge of what exactly the Gov’t is doing.

Mr. Letnick is in town this week, but leaves Sunday, June 21, for Victoria.  It is uncertain if he will be in the office or not, as attempts to determine this have been met with generalized and uncertain answers. As with most elected officials, their staff are trained to ignore any and all opposition or information that they don’t wish to see. But he is here in town and we hope his staff will contact to let him know of our presence and see if he will then come down.  If so, be prepared to give him 6’ distancing, though among ourselves, this is not at all required!  Yup – hugs allowed!

Recent conversations with Mr. Letnick have revealed that he has minimal understanding of the true facts and statistics that are available. Despite being Official Opposition Health Critic, he is not a doctor and has very little knowledge on health issues.  He is towing the Liberal Party line by supporting Ms. Bonnie Henry, the Public Health Officer, and Health Minister Dix – simply for political expediency.  

We need to convince him that the facts require him to do otherwise – immediately.

We need a HUGE turnout at his office on Thursday, June 18 at 9:30 a.m.

Bring your friends!

This is important and our next step to increase the pressure on elected officials to end this nonsense.

I will present his staff (or Mr. Letnick) with our FACTS to support our position and express our concerns over the continuing and ongoing social re-engineering of our society, and rights/liberties deprivations with no end in sight. All over a virus that is no more dangerous than the common flu.   

I will further present our demands upon him as Official Opposition Health Critic to raise our concerns and demands to end this lockdown and social re-engineering to the Government and Legislature. He needs to present all our facts to every other MLA.      

The Government’s doctors and the WHO that it relies upon, do not have a monopoly over medical knowledge.  Much of it is and has been in the public on this issue for months.  The WHO is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet.

It is important that we bring to his attention, to raise in the Legislature when they begin to sit again next week, the true facts on the COVID-19 issue, with the demands in the Legislature to immediately end all aspects of the lockdown, and all social re-engineering of our society, to issue press releases admitting to their errors and that there is no pandemic, to remove all public fears on this issue.

We know the following to be true:

1.           The initial models our Gov’t and the Federal Gov’t relied upon, were over 20x the expected number today. This alone, should justify an end to the present situation.

2.       The PCR testing has an admitted 20-40% inaccuracy result, where this percentage of people who test negative, are actually positive.  This is critical, because the true facts greatly lower the mortality rate of COVID-19 to much less than we are being told.

3.            The antibody testing is also inaccurate. People with other virus infections but not COVID, have tested positive.  It too is not a yes or no result, but an interpretative result. Old blood samples (pre 2019) have tested positive, before COVID even existed.

4.           Pursuant to instructions from the World Health Organization (WHO), all gov’ts and doctors, including here in B.C., are recording “presumptive” or “probable” deaths as actual “confirmed” deaths from COVID.  This greatly and falsely increases the true numbers of people who have died from COVID, as opposed to dying with COVID.

5.          Gov’t doctors already admit it is impossible to know the true number of infected people.  The UK admitted that with 2 200 confirmed cases, there were likely 55 000 more, or 25x the number of confirmed cases.  Similar situations arise in BC, Canada and other countries. This again lowers the mortality rate considerably.

6.           The US CDC recently revised its mortality rate down to .26%. In Canada, the mortality rate for people under 65 years of age, is .0006%, or 1/166 000 people.  That’s it.

7.             82% of deaths are in senior’s homes, NOT the public. 94% were over 60 years of age AND with pre-existing health conditions.

8.             Over 80% of people infected have little or no symptoms at all.

9.             Mega doses of Vit C kills are viruses; hydroxychloroquine/zinc was rated the most effective remedy by 6 200 medical doctors.

10.        Doctors all over the world, including a German Ministry Report, conclude that COVID-19 is no more harmful than a regular flu virus.

11.        Masks not only do not work, they are dangerous, especially for those working with them.  They impede oxygen levels, increase CO2 levels, and if you are infected with anything, it results in re-ingesting even more of the infectious agent, causing you to be sick for a longer period of time.

12.        Thousands of people have lost their businesses and jobs, because of this “false alarm”.  We need to stop the losses now.

We want Mr. Letnick to raise the following issues in the Legislature:

1.     Why does the Gov’t continue to rely upon tests that are demonstrably proven to have a high rate of error, as a basis to continue to recommend even a partial lockdown, and social re-engineering of our society?

2.     Why does out Gov’t permit and even recommend that doctors report “probable” or “presumptive” deaths as confirmed deaths from COVID-19?  And demand that will the Gov’t end this practice and report only confirmed deaths from now on, and revise the present death statistics to reflect this error?

3.     Why does our gov’t not immediately begin giving mega doses of IV Vit C to infected persons? There is no toxicity level for Vit C and is perfectly harmless.  And it does kill viruses.

4.     Why does our gov’t not immediately begin given hydroxychloroquine/zinc to infected persons? It has been shown in studies to be effective on COVID-19.

5.     Why does the gov’t not restrict any lockdown only where those are most at risk, ie: senior’s homes?  For everyone else, this is just a mild form of the flu, according to our own governments.

6.     Will the Gov’t immediately do the Honourable thing and issue an apology for over-reacting to this virus, admit that there is no pandemic, and re-open our entire society, without masks, social distancing or any other restrictions on our rights and liberties?

7.     Letting the Gov’t know that thousands of people in this province know that the facts do not support their emergency orders.  Repeal them.

8.     How can the Gov’t enforce its emergency orders that restrict our Charter (and other) rights and liberties, where there is no provision in any legislation allowing them to so do?
      9.   Is the B.C. Gov’t bound by decrees and instructions from the WHO over and above its own legislative powers, and if so, how and why?


Speakers on 5G

Saturday, June 20, 2020   12:00 noon
More Exciting and Informative News!!

We will also be having the pleasure of two extremely knowledgeable people speaking to us on the 5G issue.  Both have

excellent knowledge and experience into the dangers of 5G and will be able to let us know of their past efforts to oppose

the attempts to bring this into our cities and towns, and their incredible knowledge of the harmful effects of 5G, plus

further information as to the dangers of what 5G can be used for in the future.  Yes, I would consider them to be experts

in their field.
Both Ross and Geoff have a great amount of credibility and will be kind enough to speak to us and relay updates on

this important issue.
Considering the widespread concern and interest on this matter, the recent actions by Kelowna to get their foot in the

door as a test case for your health and install 5G sensors this summer and fall, this is an event you will not want to miss!
Though there is no charge for these speakers, donations would be appreciated for all our costs, and theirs.

They will speak for about 45 minutes or so, then we will hand out our flyers and brochures to people as we walk

back over to Harvey St. bridge for our rally there.



The Scamdemic Event of the Century

Following on the success of our past, June 13, 2020 Kelowna “Rainy Rally”, we are again organizing our next Saturday, June 20, 2020 rally in Kelowna, B.C. at Stuart Park, 12:00–2:30 p.m. or so, and longer if you wish.      

We would also like to stress our gratitude and appreciation for all those who have recruited others, either during our rallies or online, and helped to educate others.  Without your support and efforts, we could not have grown this far.  And our objective is to grow and obtain further community support to put sufficient pressure on our Government and officials, to cancel this absurd lockdown, social distancing and masks policies that have created pure and unreasonable fear and panic in the majority of people in our province, and destroyed our social trust.
Our Fact Sheet and new Brochures are attached as well for all of use to distribute to people, businesses and the public. 

B.C. Doctors Interview?

I put feelers out on Saturday.  We need to get some B.C. doctors/nurses who are willing to speak anonymously, both visually and in audio, as to what is truly happening behind the scenes, from a medical perspective and a political perspective in the medical community.  We need to have local doctors/nurses providing accurate facts in relation to this issue.

If you know any doctors or nurses who would be willing to be interviewed anonymously, and with guaranteed power to review the interview prior to release, please contact me as soon as possible, and let’s see what we can arrange.  U.S. doctors are still medical professionals, but we need local facts to support our cause.

Doing a video of BC medical people would really strengthen our demands on Premier Horgan and allow us to attack them – instead of waiting while they attack us.  

Any other ideas on how to attack them (legally of course), are very much welcome.

If you know anyone “in the system” who can provide us anonymous tips and/or documents, we need all the help we can get.  Please let me know.


Preliminary notes:

Please post the attached Circular and Flyer here to any Facebook account or website you may have, and send out to your email list.  Increasing our rally numbers is critical for our support.  

See Youtube and/or Bitchute videos with:  

Dr. Mikovits on exposing the false pandemic, Dr. Fauci’s history of corruption, success of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 and the dangers of wearing masks.

Dr. Rashid Buttar on the true medical nature of COVID-19, patents filed years ago for coronavirus and the people behind this, and the virus getting killed by Vit C and heat.

For the success of Vit C therapy in killing all viruses, check out this site of registered doctors from around the world:


Canadian Dan Dicks and his awesome efforts and sacrifices in reporting the truth on COVID, the Vancouver rallies, and many other issues.


Also, check out:  North Patriots Free, for ongoing updates on rallies all across Canada.

And don’t forget to read:  THE LAW, by Frederick Bastiat.  If you do nothing else to learn of freedom issues, you MUST read this awe-inspiring 70 page, 200 year old book!! It will be the best investment of time you will make.


You may also wish to read: The Politics of Obedience, by Etienne de la Boetie, for an awesome read on the reasons why people not only agree to being enslaved by governments, but actually demand to be enslaved! This will provide a fascinating insight into why people still do what gov’ts tell them to do, even if the orders are morally, ethically, legally and Constitutionally, wrong.



Our fundamental law for over 1 200 years in our common

law history, is based on the supremacy of the individual,


This is the biggest threat to our way of life and standard of
living in our history.  Not the flu – but the over

reactionfrom corrupt and/or dishonest opportunist


It is a complete destruction of our common law.

Hello Everyone

See the attached, “End the Lockdown Now” flyer for details of our upcoming event.

We need YOUR participation!

CAFE Protests Bank of Montreal (BMO) funding of Anti-Free Speech Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-289-674-4455; FAX: 289-674-4820;

Website http://cafe.nfshost.com

Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

Dear Mr. Gammal:
I am a client and shareholder of BMO.

Your decision to give a million dollars to certain Black groups is a concern. Do you give money to groups that promote European pride?

Of most concern, however, is BMO funding the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. This is a militant anti-free speech and anti-democratic group.  It surveilles and smears people on the right side of the political spectrum.

Among other things,

* CAHN Board member Evan Balgorde lobbied Mohawk College in Hamilton Ontario to cancel a debate featuring People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier during last year’s federal election. Masked radicals protested the meeting trying to block attendees and, in one especially disgraceful incident, three maked thugs tried to block a feeble 81-year old woman on a walker from gaining access to the meeting.

*CAHM Board member Bernie Farber has written that far right parties should not be allowed to run in elections — an unusual take on basic democratic rights.

* Last year, CAHM tried to intimidate and interfere with the rights of Canadians to peacefully support the political party of their choice. It published the names and cities of the 250-plus people who registered as members of the  rightist Canadian Nationalist Party  in order for it to obtain certification by elections Canada. This matter is a subject of a complaint to Elections Canada.

Ensuring a client’s financial security involves shrewd and informed judgement, not merely following the fashionable trends of the moment. The decision to squander a million dollars, in part to support a nasty, anti-free speech group in Canada, shakes my confidence in the judgement of the senior management of BMO Financial.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm

Bank of Montreal (BMO) Backs Anti-Free Speech Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Helps fund Canadian opponents of free speech.

[In the war against Canada’s dispossessed European founding/settler people, the radical left and Cultural Marxists find man allies in the halls of corporations. Bank of Montreal (BMO) is a big backer of LGBTQ causes, an affront to many of its Christian and traditionalist clients. Now, it will throw a million dollars of its shareholders’ money into supporting Black causes and, more dangerously, the militantly anti-free speech Canadian Anti-Hate Network, which, among other things, tried to get a rally for People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier cancelled in Hamilton last Fall.]

BMO Financial Group Donates to Organizations in the U.S. and Canada to Support Social and Racial Justice, and Inclusion

TORONTO, CHICAGO and NEW YORK, June 3, 2020 /CNW/ – BMO Financial Group today announced a donation of $1 million to a number of organizations in North America to support social and racial justice, and inclusion. 

Aligned with BMO’s Purpose, the bank will donate funds to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the Equal Justice Initiative, and the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. The donation also includes support for Greater Twin Cities United Way.

“BMO will always stand up for a society that is more just, where all people are valued, equally,” said Darryl White, Chief Executive Officer, BMO Financial Group. “That includes raising our voice to denounce racism, every time and everywhere we see it. This is a time to not be silent.”

“We are deeply saddened by the death of George Floyd, and the anguish it has created,” said David Casper, U.S. Chief Executive Officer, BMO Financial Group. “While physical distancing separates us, this is not a time to be passive.  It’s a time to reach out and engage in a dialogue, to reinforce the fundamental belief that our diversity is one of our great strengths as a nation.” 

The donation builds on BMO’s commitment to an inclusive society with zero barriers, including a focus on internal professional development for Blacks and Latinos and support to minority-owned small businesses, including clients and vendors. BMO continues to drive inclusive behaviours among its leaders and people as well as community alliances and partnerships in areas like workforce development, healthcare, small business, affordable housing, arts and culture.

About BMO Financial Group 
Serving customers for 200 years and counting, BMO is a highly diversified financial services provider – the 8th largest bank, by assets, in North America. With total assets of $987 billion as of April 30, 2020, and a team of diverse and highly engaged employees, BMO provides a broad range of personal and commercial banking, wealth management and investment banking products and services to more than 12 million customers and conducts business through three operating groups: Personal and Commercial Banking, BMO Wealth Management and BMO Capital Markets.

SOURCE BMO Financial Group

For further information: For News Media Inquiries: Paul Gammal, Toronto, paul.gammal@bmo.com, (416) 867-3996; Chris Nardella, Chicago, Chris.Nardella@bmo.com, (312) 461-6625


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Laura-Lynn invites you to the Freedom Rally tomorrow! Now is the time!

Laura-Lynn & Friends via mailchimpapp.net 7:27 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Greetings from Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

  Important Updates!
June 13, 2020
This weekend join us to rally for the full re-opening of our country:   Location:  Art Gallery
Sunday, June 14th 

1:00 p.m.
  Hello Friends,

I hope you are well in these trying times and for those of you who want to do something to make a difference in the world it helps to get together with those of like-mind, and I have just the opportunity for you.  We are meeting at the Art Gallery in downtown Vancouver on Sunday at 1 p.m. for a peaceful rally for Canada’s freedom.  We are the True North, strong and free and we’ve found out that we’re going to have to fight for that freedom.  What we thought was a given, is now being threatened by agendas being used to dislodge our security and impose fear.  This last week we have witnessed unprecedented days, worldwide, with black and white people killed in the heat of this chaos. Our PM took a knee in order to appease those who threaten violence if there is not compliance.  Yet they will not comply with law and order.   George Floyd’s death, whether you think it was planned or a trigger event has been used to engage in a war that aims to destroy us further.  We all mourn the tragic deaths of George Floyd and retired Captain David Dorn and the others who have paid the price for this tyranny.  

If you disagree out-loud with the mainstream narrative on the social issues of the day, you will face social terrorism, bullying, death threats, discrimination and hatred.  All the while you will be called  what they are themselves, bigots. 

The truth is that if you do not comply with certain social positions you will be discriminated against.   Any one of us faces many dangers for speaking the truth in the world today.  It takes everything you’ve got.  Even JK Rowling, author of one of the most well know series of all time, Harry Potter, got into a heap load of trouble for simply talking about science as it relates to sex.  ‘If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction,’ she tweeted.  ‘If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth.’

An agenda has been unleashed that demands that you bow to the world order or you will face the tyranny of the co-called oppressed.  We are watching the call for police departments to be defunded and now truck drivers say they won’t deliver to cities with no police.  This will be fascinating to watch. 

We’re finding out that we’ve been lied to about this pandemic as more people have died in our Province from drug overdoses than covid-19.   In the USA, a nurse has come forward to say they’re killing non-covid infected people in hospitals and then saying they were covid victims after they’ve died from intubation.  It all seems to be about money.  Greed has seized the hearts of many and life is becoming less sacred.  At the Delta Hospice Society  there is someone fighting to make life more comfortable and valuable for the elderly while an entire group of “death advocates” are marching this weekend to make it easier for the elderly to die AND… for teenagers and adults to die…

Medical experts are hiding valuable life saving information and refusing to give covid-19 patients hydroxychloroquine and zinc, with studies now showing it stops the virus in its tracks, and there are those who are saying that international tribunals may need to be brought in to protect our citizens. 

Join us this weekend to talk about all of this and more…

Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Art Gallery 

Thank you for standing with us!  If you value this kind of broadcasting, would you consider becoming a monthly donor for $20, $50, or $100 or consider a one-time donation to enable us to continue this kind of unprecedented reporting. 

We will not get honest reporting from mainstream media and we believe that the Lord has commissioned us to speak the truth and to be salt and light in a very dark world. 

We are 100% viewer funded and cannot continue without the help of those who stand with us.  God bless you and may He open the windows of heaven over your life for your generosity.
Write to us at:

Sheppard Ministries 
Box 48184, Queensborough PO,
New Westminster, BC
V3M 0A7

  Donate through Patreon If you prefer to e-transfer: LauraLynnlive@gmail.com Please visit my website at: www.LauraLynn.tv May God abundantly bless you for your kindness!  Let’s Talk About the Call to Prayer Happening Across Canada  With Dr. Darrell Furgason
  May 15, 2020 There’s something fairly bold and brazen about shouting out that your god is the one true god on loudspeakers for minutes per night in Canada where we are not an Islamic country.  How will Canadians feel about this?  When is the last time you heard a church bell due to the noise restrictions?  How about we put Amazing Grace on a loudspeaker every night in honour of the One True God Jesus Christ?  Many would not think to impose such an overreach, yet here we are with mayors and politicians bowing to those who pay them great dividends to promote political Islam.  How do you fee about all of this?  Is this really a “one time exemption for Ramadan during Covid-19”? 

Great discussion with Dr. Darrell Furgason who is highly educated and articulate in these matters. Dear Friends,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kindness and generosity you have shown to support the work I do in bringing the issues to the awareness of the public.  Here are a few items to be aware as we stand on guard for Canada.   As Canadians we have felt the fear for ourselves and our loved ones during this unprecedented time of COVID-19.  We would like to declare our faith that God is with us and will guide us through this season to victory.  As Christians we missed one of our most holy and sacred traditions, Easter. We request that a one time allowance be made for the Lord’s Prayer to be broadcast at noon everyday for the month of July, 2020, from Christian churches across the country, to help in the healing of our nation.We have witnessed the one time exemption of noise by-laws in Canada’s municipalities for another faith group and would respectfully request the same allowance.We know our nation was founded on the “supremacy of God” as stated in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  It is a privilege to live in a country of freedom whereby we can honour this declaration and His “dominion from sea to sea” as written over the tower in Parliament, at this unmatched period in our history. PLEASE TAKE ONE MOMENT OF YOUR TIME TO SIGN THIS PETITION TO HAVE THE SONG OF THE LORD’S PRAYER BROADCAST AT NOON FROM CHURCHES ACROSS OUR NATION IN THE MONTH OF JULY, 2020. SIGN NOW If you see the value of this kind of honest dialogue
to engage in our culture and share the power of Jesus Christ,
please consider a much appreciated donation to:

also known as
SHEPPARD MINISTRIES.   Write to us at:

Sheppard Ministries 
Box 48184, Queensborough PO,
New Westminster, BC
V3M 0A7
$20, $50, $100
BECOME A MONTHLY SUPPORTER Donate by credit card or PayPal at:
lauralynnlive@gmail.com God bless you for your part in making this possible!

[Message clipped]  View entire message

Compose: YES! THE MEETING IS STILL ON THIS SUNDAY! Hear Juergen Neumann — “Propaganda in the Movies: Anti-German & Pro-Globalist Propaganda in the “Star Wars” Series

Displaying EVgG9MOXkAASnlX.jfif.


 Subject: Bring it Antifa…

Bring it Antifa…

Probably a bad idea to cause trouble in this town.  They know how to deal with anarchists. 


June 1, 2020


If you ventured to downtown Coeur d’Alene, Idaho last night you would think you had entered a Militia family reunion. No one has an accurate count of how many heavily armed citizens came out to support peaceful protestors and protect local businesses and citizens against shipped in ANTIFA members but it was certainly HUNDREDS, perhaps over a THOUSAND.

“We just drove downtown Coeur d’Alene. It is packed with armed citizens. I’ve never seen so many AR-15s in my life. There’s at least a thousand armed citizens walking on the sidewalks and the streets are packed with cars and trucks with guys in the back with AR-15 and American flags everywhere. We saw two protesters wearing their little black clothing and black masks and sitting on a step quietly with their little poster board sign saying “our system sucks!” Guess why they’re being so polite.”~Keith Gibson, Coeur d’Alene resident.

Word got out that ANTIFA was going to ship in rioters to mingle with peaceful protestors in our quiet little town…and indeed they did as several white Mercedes vans were seen with dozens of people that didn’t belong in our community. It was also made known that they were planning to use the local WINCO store as their staging ground. After learning this, a well organized local group of concerned citizens set up a post in the parking lot to ensure that these unwelcomed invaders clearly understood that the citizens of Coeur d’Alene would have ZERO tolerance for any type of violence or destructive behavior in our town. 

Concerned Citizen removing crowbar from ANTIFA member 

Don’t tell me you’re peaceful and bring a crowbar to a protest…. not in our town… Was happy to remove it from their possession as we escorted him to his vehicle [ and just to clarify the guy in the beard handed me the crow bar when I requested it, His name is Sam and he did get that guy to leave ] Brett Surplus, Coeur d’Alene resident 

The downtown area of Coeur d’Alene, Id was wall to wall with armed citizens, who protected the city for the entire night. Many had posts directly in front of local businesses while others walked the sidewalks making their powerful presence known. Photo’s below courtesy of Mark Addy, Coeur d’Alene resident.

Photo courtesy of Mark Addy 

Photo courtesy of Mark Addy 

Photo courtesy of Mark Addy 

Photo courtesy of Mark Addy 

Photo courtesy of Mark Addy 

Photo courtesy of Mark Addy 

Photo courtesy of Mark Addy 

Photo courtesy of Mark Addy 

Photo courtesy of Mark Addy 

What was witnessed last night, 06/01/20 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, was PROOF that Good Guys with guns keep bad guys with evil intent away. There was unity in a cause to protect the community. There were young people, old people, individuals from all walks of life out patrolling the community and believe it or not, EVERYONE, except the ANTIFA creeps felt extremely safe!

We were surrounded by people so heavily armed…there was literally thousands of guns of all types…most people had several different weapons on them and I never felt more safe in such a huge crowd in my entire life! ~Grayson Cross, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho resident

People’s Party of Canada Calls for Banning of Antifa

People’s Party of Canada Calls for Banning of Antifa,

Do you remember the PPC event on free speech with Dave Rubin in Hamilton last year?

There were clashes with a group of “Antifa” demonstrators who wanted to prevent us from entering the building.

Some of them tried to stop an 81-year-old lady who was crossing the street with a walker.

They were yelling “Nazi scum” at her.

It was absolutely disgusting.

These people are violent and uncivilized.

They throw bricks at windows. They set cars and buildings on fire. They loot stores. They physically attack peaceful citizens.

They are terrorists. Their goal is to destabilize society in order to impose a communist regime.

For many years, they’ve been hijacking legitimate protests.

They did it again this past week in the US and in Montreal.

The American government has announced that it will designate Antifa as a terrorist organization and treat them accordingly.

It’s time we do the same in Canada.

Frederick, please sign our petition if you agree that the violent Antifa movement must be banned.

And help the People’s Party spread that message with a $2 donation or any amount you can afford.

Many thanks,

PS: I thank you if you recently donated. You can still help us by following the PPC on social media (see links below) and by sharing our content with your friends. Or by inviting them to subscribe to our free newsletter.

Videographer Dan Dicks Arrested After Being Assaulted At Black Lives Matter Rally in Vancouver

Hello guys, 
Dan Dicks just got arrested while he was streaming live from the BLM “peaceful” rally. The crowd turned on him. Police showed up and said they could not guarantee his safety. Someone threw a bottle and hit Dan on the head. Then there was a scuffle and the police said to Dan “You are under arrest” and the stream went offline. It Seems like he also lost his $800 GoPro camera. 

Very disturbing. 
This is anarcho-tyranny in action. 

Here’s the link to the stream but it’s dark at the moment. Hopefully, YT will process it so that we can save it before it is deleted