Edmonton Black football Player — Latest Victim of the Cancel Culture

Edmonton Black football Player — Latest Victim of the Cancel Culture

Another victim of cancel culture, where the punishment for expressing a dissenting opinion is ruin. Edmonton Eskimos football player Christion Jones is fired for expressing a religious opinion or just traditional common sense: “Man ain’t suppose to be with a man. A women is not suppose to be with another women.” https://globalnews.ca/news/7118280/edmonton-eskimos-christion-jones-tweet-backlash/

Groaning Cultural Marxist tyranny and the LGBTQ agenda, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of thought go out the window,.

Fredrick Töben (1944-2020) R.I.P.

Fredrick Töben (1944-2020) R.I.P.

Posted by admin978 on June 30, 2020 · Leave a Comment 

Dr Fredrick Töben (above, second left) at the Newmarket Hotel, Port Adelaide, South Australia with (left to right) the late Jock Spooner (H&D patron); a visiting Cuban friend; Peter Hartung (Töben’s Adelaide Institute colleague); and Dave Astin.

H&D greatly regret to report the death of Dr Fredrick Töben, the German-Australian revisionist historian. Dr Töben died yesterday three weeks after his 76th birthday, having been seriously ill for the past two or three months.

Fredrick Töben came to Australia from his German birthplace as a ten-year-old boy when his parents emigrated. He studied at Victoria College of Wellington, New Zealand; Melbourne University; and Stuttgart University.

In the late 1970s Töben lived in Rhodesia towards the end of that country’s struggle against Black Marxist revolutionaries. After a year teaching in Nigeria, he returned to Australia teaching at various institutions in the state of Victoria during the early 1980s.

Töben’s dismissal from his teaching post in 1985 led to a five-year legal battle. He eventually won damages against the State of Victoria and relocated to Adelaide, South Australia, where he formed the Truth Mission in 1994, becoming Adelaide Institute a year later.

This produced a series of ‘Holocaust’ revisionist publications, and led to Töben being targeted by Jewish and ‘anti-fascist’ organisations worldwide, while he became part of an international network of revisionists attending conferences sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review (IHR), and later The Barnes Review, serving on the latter’s Board of Contributing Editors until his death.

Dr Fredrick Töben (above right) with then Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the Tehran Conference in 2006.

In 1998 he was arrested in Germany under that country’s notorious laws restricting free research and discussion of historical topics, spending seven months in prison.

In October 2000 the Australian Human Rights Commission ordered Töben to remove parts of the Adelaide Institute’s website, triggering years of appeals and efforts to enforce the judgment.

Eventually in 2009 Töben was jailed for three months in Adelaide for contempt of court.

Three years earlier Töben had travelled to Iran to speak at the Tehran International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust, promoted by then Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. This event attracted worldwide publicity and intensified the targeting of Töben and other participants.

In October 2008 while in transit at London’s Heathrow Airport, Töben was seized from his plane and served with an international arrest warrant issued at the request of German authorities who wanted to jail him again for articles published on the Adelaide Institute website.

Dr Fredrick Töben with Lady Michèle Renouf in London, 2008, following the legal victory against a European Arrest Warrant

This was expected to be a rapid ‘rubber-stamping’ procedure, but soon after Töben was taken into custody, Dr David Duke telephoned Lady Michèle Renouf in London to alert her to the arrest. Lady Renouf mobilised a specialist legal team of solicitor Kevin Lowry-Mullins and barrister Ben Watson, resulting in a historic legal victory against the Federal Republic and their Crown Prosecution Service allies.

After a month in Brixton prison awaiting the London court’s decision, Töben was freed and returned to Australia.

Persecution by the usual suspects continued, and a legal action for court costs resulted in Töben being declared bankrupt and having his passport confiscated in 2012.

While there was a short period in 2018-2019 when there were serious disagreements between Dr Töben and H&D, these differences were resolved long before his death. We salute Dr Fredrick Töben’s memory as a valiant fighter for historical truth and justice.

Filed under Australia, Freedom of Speech, Germany, Historical Revisionism, Iran, Movement News, Police State, Second World War, War Crimes ·

Revisionist Giant Dr. Fredrick Toben Dies at 76

Earlier today, we received this sad news.

“|Dear friends,

This is to let you know that Fredrick Töben passed away at about 6:00 am, German time, June 29. He died of a gallbladder complaint. He had been ill for two months. Fredrick´s birthday was on 2. June. He was born in 1944.  He was 76 years old. He will be cremated in  Sydney.

RIP Fredrick Gerald Töben, you tried your best but only God can win the fight against the enemies of God. “

Dr. Toben visited Canada several times and was sponsored as a speaker by the Canadian Association for Free Expression.

He founded the Adelaide Institute. He dedicated half his life to fighting the vitriol, lies and hatred against his German people.

The anti-free speech Australian Jewish lobby had him charged and jailed for his historical skepticism about the Hollywood version of World War II.

Canadian videographer Brian Ruhe comments: ” I just got the very sad news that Fredrick Toben died in Australia at age 76. He was a great revisionist of Holocaust history and went to jail for it. I did a few videos with Fredrick in 2017 and will re-release those. We e-mailed back and forth over the years and I was trying to get him back on. I am planning memorial videos with those who knew him.”

The Destruction of Stockwell Day

The Destruction of Stockwell Day

Be very clear: Canada is in the midst of an unthinking, hysterical cancel culture reminiscent of the insanity and destruction of Mao’s Red Guards. Active collaborators in this Cultural Marxist insanity are many  in businesses and government. There is a party line of approved victimhood from which no one may deviate. All that is missing is Mao’s Little Red Book. And let there be no doubt, no one, no one is safe.

From corporate director, corporate advisor and CBC commentator, former Alberta Treasurer and later Canadian Alliance Party Leader Stockwell Day, within 24 hours was out on the sidewalk — purged. Of course, no trial, no hearing, no due process.

“A former Conservative cabinet minister resigned from both the Telus board of directors and a business law firm after comments he made on TV about racism in Canada. Stockwell Day was on a CBC Power & Politics panel Tuesday discussing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response to protests over the police killing of George Floyd, a black man in the U.S. Day said systemic racism was not an issue in Canada and compared people’s experiences of racism here to him being mocked for wearing glasses as a child.

Wednesday afternoon, Telus released a statement announcing it had accepted Day’s resignation from the board. ‘The views expressed by Mr. Day during yesterday’s broadcast of Power & Politics are not reflective of the values and beliefs of our organization,’ Telus said in a statement. Day had been on the board since 2011.” And what values would those be, pray tell. Making money? Clearly not defending free speech or diversity of opinion. Mr. Day, incidentally, was elected by Telus shareholders. He must have been put under intolerable pressure to resign.

“Soon after, Teresa Dufort, partner and CEO at McMillan LLP, released a statement saying the law firm had accepted Day’s resignation as a strategic adviser. ‘At McMillan LLP, we believe that systemic racism is real and that it can only be addressed when each of us — as individuals and organizations — commits to meaningful change,’ she said. ‘Yesterday, Stockwell Day made comments during a televised interview that run counter to this view.’” (Vancouver Sun, June 4, 2020) So, Stockwell Day, who was representing his own opinions, not McMillan or Telus, had deviated from the new party line of White Guilt. Does McMillan mean it too is actually racist? Is Teresa Dufort prepared to give up her position to some worthy Negro or Indian? But Stockwell must be punished.

Later, the CBC announced that Day had stepped down from his role as a commentator on Power & Politics,


When asked about systemic racism, here’s what the former Reform Party MP actually said: “We have to recognize that our system is not perfect in Canada. Yes, there’s a few idiot racists hanging around but Canada is not a racist country and most Canadians are not racist. And our system, that always needs to be improved, is not systemically racist. … Should I have gone through school and been mocked because I had glasses and was called four-eyes and because of the occupation of my parents?” Day asked. “Should I have been mocked for all that? No, of course not. But are Canadians largely and in majority racist? No, we are not.” (CBC, June 3, 2020) These comments were, of course, considered heresy. Straight White men are not allowed to feel pain or exclusion. Only privileged minorities are allowed this narrative.

A UBC exec “liked” conservative tweets, now he has apologized and resigned


A UBC exec “liked” conservative tweets, now he has apologized and resigned

UBC board of governors chair resigned because he liked some tweets featuring basic, mainstream Republican talking points.


I just finished writing a column the other night about Michael Korenberg, the University of British Columbia (UBC) board of governors chair who was subjected to an online mobbing after the UBC Students Against Bigotry, an Antifa-affiliated campus group, disapproved of some of the tweets that Korenberg “liked.”

The UBC Students Against Bigotry (whose entire mandate is to deplatform non-leftists and get them fired) combed through Korenberg’s Twitter “likes” and found that he liked tweets by mainstream conservative pundits such as Dinesh D’Souza, Ann Coulter and Charlie Kirk. He also liked tweets that wished Donald Trump a happy birthday, and that celebrated Antifa being designated a domestic terrorist group. Most unforgivably, one of the tweets Korenberg liked was critical of Black Lives Matter, which is a group you can apparently never criticize. 

Leftist media outlets and academics also joined forces to get Korenberg fired: an article in the Tyee called his social media likes “disturbing,” and UBC education professor Annette Henry opined that Korenberg’s likes reflected a “white supremacist capitalist [hetero]patriarchy” worldview, and “It’s unfortunate that we have people in such positions of authority at UBC.”

Henry couldn’t resist but add, “we still keep hiring white people where we have the opportunity not to.”

Another UBC professor Jennifer Berdahl told the UBC student newspaper that Korenberg should resign.

At the end of the column I had written, I said that I hoped Korenberg would stand up to the mob and that this debacle didn’t end in him issuing a grovelling apology and resignation letter. 

But I had to toss out that column, as Korenberg has now released his looming resignation letter. 

“Over the past two weeks some articles/statements that I ‘liked’ on Twitter supported regressive voices and took aim at thousands of brave individuals who are standing up against racism, discrimination and hatred,” he wrote in a statement posted on Twitter.

“I accept that in liking these social media posts, I damaged what I support and that I hurt people. I wholeheartedly apologize to them, particularly to the students, faculty and staff of UBC…I have stepped down because it is the right thing to do.” 

And that really is all he is resigning for, folks: because he liked some tweets featuring basic, mainstream Republican talking points.

Korenberg was showing signs, early on, that he was the “apologize and resign” type. He told PressProgress that he regrets liking the tweets, giving the weak excuse that he liked them late at night.

But for the rest of us, if we are ever targeted by a mob of leftist campus activists and media outlets for something so minuscule as liking conservative-minded tweets, I hope we can muster up some courage and not be the type to “apologize and resign.”

OCCUPIED TORONTO: Mayor surrenders public square to VIOLENT thugs

OCCUPIED TORONTO: Mayor surrenders public square to VIOLENT thugs

When I went there to do a news report, the protesters swarmed me and my cameraman — but City Hall’s own security told me I was the one who had to leave, not the squatters.In fact, City Hall ordered my own professional security to leave the premises. And worst of all, an actual Toronto police officer threatened to arrest me!
Click here to watch my full report — it’s truly shocking:

Welcome to John Tory’s Toronto, where actual criminals control the town square, and reporters are kicked out by police. Who could have guessed that turning Toronto into a “sanctuary city” would lead to such anarchy?

But I promise you, we will do our journalism even if Antifa thugs, City Hall security or even real police don’t want us to.

I need your help though. These days Antifa attacks me on sight — they know that police have been ordered not to stop them. So, I have to travel with several bodyguards to protect me, since the police won’t.
I’m literally the only journalist in Canada who has to do this. Antifa would never attack the CBC — that’s their official mouthpiece!

If you can help me cover the cost of my security, please got to JournalistDefenceFund.com — thanks.

Yours truly,

David Menzies

P.S. We’re not easily scared off. We went back to Toronto City Hall yesterday. This time we brought our whole team, including our lawyer and SEVEN security guards. But the protesters still became violent. Seven bodyguards is an absurd price to pay, but we paid it. If you can help, please visit JournalistDefenceFund.com.

PP.S. If you prefer to use snail mail you can make cheques payable to “Rebel News” and send them to:

PO Box 61056 Eglinton/Dufferin RO
Toronto, ON, M6E 5B2

Ontario Legislature Smashes Free Speech & Thought, Gives Second Reading to Bill 168 & Makes Criticism of Jews Illegal & An Action to Be Fought

Jewish communist revolutionary, Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky) who launched the Red Terror

Ontario Legislature Smashes Free Speech & Thought,  Gives Second Reading to Bill 168 & Makes Criticism of Jews Illegal & An Action to Be Fought
If you’re nostalgic for the early days of communism’s reign of terror is Russia, move to Ontario and see such thought tyranny at work. Of course, there are not public executions, yet in Ontario. It’s still tyranny light. Early in the 1920s, the communist dictatorship in Russia enacted a law making “anti-semitism” a crime punishable by death. The regime had much to hide. Russian communism was largely created by Jewish radicals and the early elite of commissars was top heavy with Jews. Those were facts. To state them, though, was “anti-Semitism” and earned you a death sentence.

Sadly, the Progressive Conservative government of Doug Ford — don’t let the”conservative” in the name fool you — has adopted a self-serving Jewish definition of “anti-Semitism” that neatly makes almost any criticism of Jews “anti-semitic” and, therefore, something the Ontario government is dedicated to fighting.
Firstly, one may ask why a government should be fighting any ideology– anti-Semitism, flat earthism or anything else. The province is so deeply in debt that if should have a single penny to waste currying favour with a tiny minority
The Ford government just gave second reading to Bill 168 to fight “Anti-Semitism”. It’s scary awful. Firstly, the DEFINITION of Anti-Semitism they’re using is the one they used to screw  Dr. James Sears, editor, and Leroy St. Germaine, publisher of YOUR WARD NEWS, which they are fighting to overturn. It comes from the “International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance”. 
Here is what the bill says:

Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools,
the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the
overall context, include, but are not limited to:

1. Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in
the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.

2. Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical
allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such
as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish
conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other
societal institutions.

3. Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined
wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts
committed by non-Jews.

4. Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or
intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of
National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World
War II (the Holocaust).

5. Adopt the following non-legally binding working definition of
antisemitism:“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be
expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of
antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or
their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious

6. Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or
exaggerating the Holocaust.

7. Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the
alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own

8. Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by
claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.

9. Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or
demanded of any other democratic nation.

10. Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism
(e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel
or Israelis.

11. Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.

12. Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state

As you can see, there is room here to persecute people for legitimate criticism
of Israel or Jews in general. Now, here is the legislation …


The Bill requires the Government of Ontario to be guided by the working
definition of antisemitism and the list of illustrative examples of it,
adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance plenary on May
26, 2016, when it interprets Acts, regulations and policies designed to
protect Ontarians from discrimination and hate amounting to antisemitism.

The Bill also amends the Legislation Act, 2006 to adopt that working

Bill 168 2019

An Act to combat antisemitism


Antisemitism is a multi-faceted problem that requires a multi-faceted
strategy, encompassing a range of ministries and agencies. For that
reason, it is desirable to require the Government of Ontario to implement
a whole-of-government approach in combating antisemitism. As part of that
approach, it is desirable to apply a consistent interpretation of Acts,
regulations and policies designed to protect Ontarians from discrimination
and hate amounting to antisemitism.

Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:


1 In interpreting Acts, regulations and policies designed to protect
Ontarians from discrimination and hate amounting to antisemitism, the
Government of Ontario shall be guided by the working definition of
antisemitism and the list of illustrative examples of it adopted by the
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance plenary on May 26, 2016.

Legislation Act, 2006 amendment

2 Section 87 of the Legislation Act, 2006 is amended by adding the
following definition:

“antisemitism” has the meaning set out in the working definition of
antisemitism and the list of illustrative examples of it adopted by the
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance plenary on May 26, 2016;


3 This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.

Short title

4 The short title of this Act is the Combating Antisemitism Act, 2019.

This definition means, that to avoid “anti-Semitism”, one must be prepared to lie and suppress or ignore facts.For instance, example 7 reads: “7. Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to thealleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.” Consider a spy and traitor like Jonathan Pollard who stole vital U.S. military secrets  and gave them to Israel. He was clear in claiming a higher loyalty to Israe; than to the U.S. Is noting this fact now to be deemed “anti-Semitic.” Why do politicians in the U.S. and Canada trip over themselves at election time to proclaim their undying support for Israel? The answer is simple: Many Jews, not all of course, are extremely loyal to Israel. That’s a fact.And another weirdness. “Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such … Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.” is an example of anti-Semitism.  There is no denying  Jews have ownership and participation wildly out of proportion to their numbers in the North American media. Must this no longer be discussable in Ontario?

FATAH: The death of journalism as we knew it

FATAH: The death of journalism as we knew it

Tarek Fatah

Published: June 10, 2020

Updated: June 11, 2020 8:32 AM EDT

Filed Under:

CBC journalist Wendy Mesley.File photo / Toronto Sun

Wendy Mesley was sacrificed on Tuesday at the altar of political correctness.

Her 40-year career as a stellar journalist with the CBC turned into ashes as she was first backstabbed by her colleagues at work and then offered by CBC management as a human sacrifice to vultures on a diet of cancel culture.

The CBC story on its website reported: “Wendy Mesley suspended from hosting after using ‘careless’ language in discussing racial issue.”

It left the clear impression that Mesley had uttered some racist remark on air. At no place did the story elaborate what the “careless” language was or that it was used in a staff meeting and that they were not Mesley’s words.

“It was not aimed at anyone, I was quoting a journalist we were intending to interview on a panel discussion about coverage of racial inequality,” Mesley said in an apology statement posted online.

The un-authored CBC story made no effort to clarify the ‘when’ and ‘where’ of the story.

Was Wendy Mesley the sacrificial lamb for other errors in CBC reporting and judgment that were documented at the original Canadaland story breaking the news about her?

Mesley’s apology was not to the person who ratted on her, but to all of Canada. She tweeted: “I hurt people and for that, I am very sorry. I am also deeply ashamed.”

No, Wendy, you did not hurt anyone. You quoted someone and only that person, and she or he alone is responsible for those words.

I can walk in the shoes of many activists who proclaim “Black Lives Matter”, as I have done since the days of the Canadian Black Action Defence Committee. I marched in the Million Man March, having lived as a child in a climate of anti-Black racism that is ubiquitous in the Indian subcontinent and the Arab World.

But none of that history justifies the depiction of Wendy Mesley as a racist.

Some may consider it an exaggeration, but the slow strangulation of what is permitted language in newspapers and broadcast networks across North America is the death of journalism as we knew it.

Political correctness, identity politics, cancel culture and “white guilt” have combined to make the exercise of ‘objectivity’, hitherto the essential device in a reporter’s toolbox, almost a swear word.

There was a time when opinion writing was reserved for those who had a decade or more of reporting in their pockets. No more.

Today, the phenomenon of ‘activist journalism’ has been born. Free from the supervision of an editor, these ‘journalists’ leap straight to ‘opinion writing,’ never ever going through the rigours of covering the courts, crime or natural disasters unless there was an ethnic or racial twist in the story.

Truth be damned. The pressure is on to bury the facts, lest it upset the sensibilities of guilt-ridden left-wing whites. Notwithstanding the casualties they cause, political correctness is the rule of the day for them.

The CBC incident rings the memory of Winston Churchill’s speech on March 5, 1946, in Fulton, Missouri. Free from political correctness and No. 10 Downing Street, Churchill bellowed: “From Stettin in the Baltic, to Trieste in the Adriatic, an ‘iron curtain’ has descended across the continent, allowing police governments to rule Eastern Europe.”

Today, from coast to coast to coast, another iron curtain has descended on Canada, allowing ethnic vote banks to taint our politics and cut off journalism from the principle of balance and objectivity, a situation that leads to a defenceless and voiceless Wendy Mesley.

Take it from this man of colour, Wendy: You are not a racist, you are a journalist par excellence.