Forced Vaccination Law in Denmark Abandoned After Public Protests

Forced Vaccination Law in Denmark Abandoned After Public Protests

Let’s learn from the Danes. Time to revolt against the Medico-Stalinist tyranny — lockdowns, forced business closures, imposed gags (masks), travel and meetings bans. Forced Vaccination Law in Denmark Abandoned After Public Protests

Anthony Gagliardi, Organizer of Hugs Over Masks Rally in Hamilton, Victim of Police State Fine

Anthony Gagliardi, Organizer of Hugs Over Masks Rally in Hamilton, Victim of Police State Fine

Lockdown protest organizer CHARGED vows to return: “Come and fine me again”

Anthony Gagliardi, 26, organized a protest for Hugs Over Masks in Hamilton on November 8 — a demonstration that later saw the protesters march to the headquarters of the Hamilton Police Service.

Alas, police would later have something to present to Mr. Gagliardi — namely, a ticket under the Reopening Ontario Act. The amount? A minimum of $10,000, with a potential a maximum of $100,000! Their reason was that the Hugs Over Masks demonstration exceeded the COVID-19 restricted gathering limit of 25 persons.

We caught up with Anthony recently in his hometown and given that he potentially faces a financial penalty of either five- or six-figures, he was remarkably nonchalant. In fact, Anthony says he plans to stage future Hugs Over Masks rallies, feeling that it is his right to do so and he will not be deterred by the threat of potentially huge financial penalties. 

Anthony ponders why an anti-lockdown protest is verboten in the eyes of the authorities yet, say, a Black Lives Matter protest receives glowing approval from these very same politicians.

Others obviously feel the same way when it comes to the Wuhan virus double standard, given that Anthony says he already has legal representation lined up who will be working pro bono on his case. His first court appearance is slated for Feb. 22, 2021.

As well, Anthony says he has no remorse for his actions, claiming that it is his constitutional right to protest and that his human rights will trump any action under the Reopening Ontario Act. 

He’s confident the charge will be thrown out when he has his day in court — wonder if he will have to mask up that day? And rest assured Rebel News will cover this trial. Stay tuned!

C.L.E.A.R.’s END THE LOCKDOWN Activities in the Okanagan

C.L.E.A.R.’s END THE LOCKDOWN Activities in the Okanagan

—————————-Confidence is rooted in understanding–Fear is based on the unknown

Rallies, events and info

:November 29, 2020CLEAR Okanagan Grand Opening

November 21, 2020 Kelownaand VernonRallies!

November 22, 2020 1stPenticton Rally!

November 21, 2020Calgary Walk for Freedom

December 5, 2020Christmas Freedom Rally

Billboard fundraising

Telegram group set up for everyone

Updates from 1stVernon Rally and Kelowna Rally

Kelowna–Nov.29, 2020CLEAR is having our grand opening in the Okanagan, on Sunday,November 29, 2020 1:00-5:00 p.m.Location will be announced Nov. 23, 2020, in the heart of Kelowna. Our much anticipated,opening indoor meeting is set for November 29, 2020, where Memberships will also now be available.

We are urging everyone in the Okanagan and Interior regions, and anyone else able to travel here,to come to our afternoon opening. It is our opening day for freedom,oriented activists to join our group, learn about common law,and meet others throughout the region. You’ve heard about us now all year.We want to meet personally with everyone and provide you with some grounded information that we believe and have supported now for almost 18 years.

One of our group objectives beginning early in the new year,is to provide information and tools to assist people to know our Constitutional law and structure, and to empower them to learn our law and procedures to hold gov’t officials accountable for their actions, and to learn how to think of possible options, individually and with others in our organizations.We want to listen to your thoughts and feedback as well.Every group has a specific area of expertise they can provide to its members.Ours extends from interconnections with freedom oriented activists all over B.C.and Canada,to our public activities, and providing some of the most comprehensive and accurate knowledge on our foundational Constitutional and common law principles anywhere in Canada.

When the mask and social distancing issues are over, and they will be,we will still be here with information and knowledge to support everyone with respect to other fundamental rights and liberties deprivations by our gov’ts. We continue to will empower you long after this COVID corruption is over. When the lawyers petitioned the King for a monopoly over helping people in the courts in the 1600s, people had to take personal responsibility for their legal affairs or pay significant sums to monopolistic lawyers,with internal procedures, legal and Constitutional principles previously only knownto them. Let’s work to change that situation.Further objectives include gaining public recognition and respect through our rallies and factually/medically/Constitutionally supported positions that we take. To permit us to prepare, it is important for everyone wishing to come to this exciting event, to pre-register with CLEAR. You can do so by simply emailing us

This will be our inaugural CLEAR membership campaign,featuring information, books and a presentation from our CLEAR President, David Lindsay. With opportunities for participants to: meet David personally meet others from throughout the Interior learn of upcoming seminars and events participate in workshops & other activities get help with Telegram and much more!Cost:$25

See Darlene at our Rallies, or mail to:

P.O. Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall,

Penticton, B.C. V2A 8K8. We can only take cash at this time, however,other payment methods are being worked on.————


Kelowna, B.C.See everyone on Saturday, November 21, 2020, 12:00noon atStuart Park in Kelowna.

Vernon, B.C.See everyone on Saturday, November 21, 202012:00 noon at Polson Park

Danish Study Finds Wearing Masks Does Not Halt the Virus — In Other Words, USELESS!

Danish Study Finds Wearing Masks Does Not Halt the Virus — In Other Words, USELESS!

The long-awaited Danish Mask Study of 6,000 participants: “A recommendation to wear a surgical mask when outside the home among others did not reduce, . . . SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with no mask recommendation.”

German Police Use Violence Against END THE LOCKDOWN Protesters in Berlin

German Police Use Violence Against END THE LOCKDOWN Protesters in Berlin

Police break up anti-lockdown protest in Germany

Thousands of demonstrators gather near parliament in Berlin, defying social distancing, mask orders

Ayhan Şimşek   | 18.11.2020

Police break up anti-lockdown protest in Germany


Police forcibly broke up an anti-lockdown protest near German parliament on Wednesday after thousands of protestors defied the police orders to disperse.

Nearly 5,000 protestors, including right-wing extremists and anti-vaccination activists, gathered outside the landmark Brandenburg Gate, while lawmakers were discussing a new legislation for stricter coronavirus restrictions.

As protestors refused to wear masks and keep a safe distance, the police told protest leaders to end the demonstration peacefully and later used pepper spray and water cannons to disperse the demonstrators.

Berlin police said on Twitter that nearly 190 protestors were arrested on various charges, and nine police officers were injured during the protests. 

The German lower house of parliament Bundestag approved on Wednesday proposed changes to the current infection protection law, which would give the government stronger powers to impose anti-coronavirus restrictions. 

The new legislation was backed by 415 lawmakers, 236 voted against and eight abstained.

Germany has entered a month-long partial lockdown on Nov. 2 after a surge in new infections and the government is considering to extend the measures beyond the end of the month.  

On Wednesday, the country reported 17,561 new cases, and 305 more COVID-19 related deaths. The total number of virus cases now stands at 833,307 cases, with at least 13,119 deaths.

Germany has the fifth-highest tally of coronavirus infections in Europe, behind France, Spain, the UK, and Italy.

Manitoba’s “Conservative” Gov’t Hires Private Security Firm G4S to Fine Citizens & Harass Freedom Fighters: The STASI Comes to Manitoba

Manitoba’s “Conservative” Gov’t Hires Private Security Firm G4S to Fine Citizens & Harass Freedom Fighters: The STASI Comes to Manitoba

Manitoba hires private security firm to crack down on COVID-19 rule breakers starting this weekend

Social Sharing

Province also filing charges against Steinbach protesters, Manitoba premier says

Sarah Petz · CBC News · Posted: Nov 17, 2020 9:20 AM CT | Last Updated: November 17

Premier Brian Pallister says a private security firm will enforce Manitoba’s public health orders starting this weekend. (Gary Solilak/CBC)

Private security officers will crack down on rule breakers after shoppers crowded into big-box stores, where many bought non-essential goods during the first weekend of the province’s latest lockdown.

The province has hired security firm G4S Canada to boost its enforcement of COVID-19 regulations, and their personnel should be handing out tickets by this weekend, Premier Brian Pallister said Tuesday. 

The province is also filing charges in addition to levying fines against those who took part in a rally in Steinbach this past weekend where protesters flouted COVID-19 regulations, Pallister said.

“I believe Manitobans want to see deterrents to the kind of behaviour they saw on the weekend, and we’re going to make sure those deterrents exist,” he said. 

Pallister said he respects people’s right to peaceful protest, but those who took part in that protest put people in danger. 

“You don’t have to believe in COVID, COVID already believes in you,” he said. 

Personnel from G4S Canada are in orientation right now and will be working this weekend, Pallister said.

The staff at the security company are skilled at dealing with confrontation, which is part of the reason they were hired, Pallister said. 

“It’s a company that has people who are used to dealing with situations where, let’s just say, it’s not always pleasant … as opposed to a lot of our government employees that don’t have that experience personally,” he said.

WATCH | Premier Brian Pallister explains why G4S was hired: 

Private security company to support COVID-19 rule enforcement

20 hours agoVideo1:01Premier Brian Pallister says a private security firm will enforce Manitoba’s public health orders starting this weekend after protest drew more than 100 to Steinbach. 1:01

Band-Aid solution: MGEU

All of Manitoba was put into code red restrictions last Thursday, forcing most non-essential businesses and services to close, as the province’s caseload continues to soar. 

Essential products include groceries, personal hygiene items, hardware and household appliances.

A total of 32 tickets were issued for various offences over the last week, including for large gathering sizes, failure to quarantine and a northern travel violation, says a news release from the province.

Michelle Gawronsky, president of the Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union, called the hiring of G4S a Band-Aid solution, and said the province should have done more to invest in its own workforce. 

“Though civil servants are more than willing to do their part in the fight against COVID-19 and will continue to do so, simply adding unfamiliar pandemic enforcement duties to existing staff workloads is not a sustainable solution,” she said in an email.

“Having stripped the civil service to the bone and having failed to prepare for the second wave [of COVID-19], this government is scrambling to bring in temporary support for enforcement on an urgent basis.”

Manitoba NDP Leader Wab Kinew said that he thinks more enforcement is needed, but that it should have been prioritized months ago, when the province first started seeing signs of increased community spread. 

While the rally in Steinbach on the weekend was upsetting to a lot of people, what is more upsetting is what’s happening in Manitoba’s hospitals, the Opposition leader said.

“What really upsets us even more than that is a potential crisis unfolding in our hospitals and in our personal care homes,” he said. 

Restrictions for big box stores being looked at

A new daily record was set on Sunday, when 494 more COVID-19 cases were announced. Another 392 cases were announced on Monday, and 270 more on Tuesday.

The total number of deaths in the province due to the pandemic is now 179. Of those, 110 deaths have come since the start of November.

On Monday, Pallister said the government was considering imposing tighter restrictions on big-box stores, suggesting they are flouting the spirit of the lockdown orders. 

Places like Walmart, Costco and Superstore have been allowed to remain open because they are deemed essential retailers, providing groceries and pharmacies.  

Long lines of customers have been seen waiting to get inside those stores, where they are able to purchase non-essential goods like toys, books and furniture. 

Some people have also complained that stores like Ikea and Best Buy have also remained open.

Smaller independent businesses that don’t carry a wide range of products have been forced to shutter during the lockdown.

Preventing big-box stores from selling products not considered essential is clearly “one element that has to be looked at,” Pallister said on Monday.

Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi wants the Trudeau government to help with “multi-generational isolation sites, uh, concentration camps

Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi wants the Trudeau government to help with “multi-generational isolation sites, uh, concentration camps

a.k.a “COVID concentration camps”
If your stay is not voluntary, it’s a prison. Sounds like concentration camps to me.

Police State Fines Speaker $1,200 at END THE LOCKDOWN Rally of 500 in Steinbach, Manitoba

Police State Fines Speaker $1,200 at END THE LOCKDOWN Rally of 500 in Steinbach, Manitoba

Ticket handed out to speaker at Manitoba anti-mask rally


Danton Unger Editorial Producer – Digital

1:56PM CST Last Updated Saturday, November 14, 2020 5:22PM CST

anti-mask rally

An anti-mask rally in Steinbach drew a large crowd Saturday afternoon. (Source: CTV News/Danton Unger)


WINNIPEG — Hundreds of Manitobans gathered in Steinbach to protest COVID-19 restrictions implemented across the province, which led to at least one of the rally’s speakers being handed a $1,200 ticket for violating the very orders they were protesting.

On Saturday afternoon, an estimated 500 people gathered for a ‘Hugs over Masks’ car rally in Steinbach, a city that is currently experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases. According to provincial data, the Southern Manitoba city has 263 active cases, and has reported 14 deaths – the highest number of any area in the Southern Health region.

CTV News has previously reported that Steinbach has one of the highest infection rates in the country. Three kilometres away from the rally is Bethesda Regional Health Centre, which is also currently dealing with spiking cases.

Lewis Weiss, the elected Reeve for the RM of La Broquerie, was among the speakers at the rally.

“It seems very strange that our loved ones are being allowed to die when there are medicines available that very quickly and easily can cure this,” he said.

Weiss was joined at the rally by a number of speakers including a pastor, a former chiropractor, and other community members.

Minutes after the rally ended, a provincial conservation officer handed Weiss a ticket of $1,296 for violating public health orders. This is the maximum amount an individual can be fined under current orders in Manitoba. 


Conservation officers wrote Lewis Weiss, a speaker at the rally and Reeve of La Broquerie, a ticket. (Source: CTV News/Danton Unger)

Weiss told CTV News he believes he “put a target on my back” by speaking out.

Rally attendees responded by yelling, honking and berating the officer, surrounding provincial personnel and media. A person at the rally appeared to back their car into one of the responding provincial officers.

A spokesperson for the province told CTV News enforcement officials were on the scene and issued tickets, saying Manitoba Justice will provide more specific information once all the tickets have been processed.

“Our government finds it particularly disappointing to learn that excessive verbal abuse was directed at enforcement officials who were on site and issuing tickets,” they said. “These enforcement officials should be commended for doing their part to help keep Manitobans safe from the kind of irresponsible behaviour that was on display today.”

They did not say how many tickets were issued.

“Each person here in this country is so incredibly important, and I have nothing but compassion for everybody here, regardless of what side you are on, regardless of your beliefs,” said Kayla, one of the attendees at the rally.

“What we’re seeing here is people gathering from all different races, nationalities, backgrounds, careers and they all just want one thing, and that is freedom.”

Not all those in attendance at the rally were there to support the group.

Bambi Bertholet, a resident of Steinbach, was at the rally and had decorated her car with messages urging people to follow public health orders, including wearing a mask.

“Honestly, it does make me angry and it makes me really sad, and I feel like it is a huge disrespect to healthcare workers right now,” she said. “It is scary right now and I don’t know what they don’t get?”

Bertholet said she was told to leave by RCMP officers who were at the rally.

She was not the only one at the rally who was against the anti-mask movement. 

“I’m really quite alarmed, discouraged by the ability of large groups of people to act against science and against the best interest of the public all in the name of personal freedom,” said Dennis Hiebert, a professor of sociology at Providence University College and a resident of Steinbach. 

“I think it is very troubling.”

Speakers at the rally continued to call out the media for how it has covered the COVID-19 pandemic, claiming local news organizations covering the rally were spreading government “propaganda” and said, “media is the worst virus of them all.”

“The mainstream media has abandoned the people,” said former chiropractor Gerry Bohemier, who was speaking at the rally. 

Following the rally, an organizer berated the local media who were covering the gathering.