COVID POLICE STATE CRAZINESS: Aurora restaurant FINED $880 for allowing a customer to use the bathroom

COVID POLICE STATE CRAZINESS: Aurora restaurant FINED $880 for allowing a customer to use the bathroom

Chuck’s Roadhouse Bar and Grill in Aurora, Ont. was once a bustling neighbourhood restaurant. 

But all that changed once the Wuhan virus lockdowns began — forcing many businesses to close, while others, like Chuck’s, were only permitted to operate at a reduced capacity.

Although they’ve managed to survive so far, George Aivalis, Chuck’s general manager, knows that he’s on borrowed time. 

Earlier this month, when York Region was still in the Red Zone and restaurants were still permitted to host up to ten patrons indoors, George received a visit from bylaw enforcement to ensure his restaurant was complying with the health orders. 

Sure enough, the 130-seat eatery was following the rules by limiting capacity to only ten customers. 

But here’s the crazy part: while bylaw was inspecting the restaurant, a patron dining outdoors on the patio entered to use the washroom — inadvertently pushing the restaurant’s indoor headcount to eleven! 

Obviously, the bylaw officer wasn’t counting himself. Otherwise, he would have counted twelve people.

In any event, that’s when the COVID enforcer sprung into action and came down on George with an $880 fine! Seemingly, it’s far deadlier to have eleven rather than ten customers inside a restaurant that can hold 130. 

How bloody petty can a bylaw officer get? 

The whole thing was caught on the store’s security camera. You can see it right here

Restaurant charged after patio customer comes inside to use


George is now joining our growing list of “Fight the Fines” cases. It’s where we crowdfund a lawyer to help people who received one of these fines fight it in court. 

The restaurant industry has been hit especially hard during these lockdowns. Layoffs, spoiled inventory, and ongoing bills that can’t be recouped with food sales are just a fraction of the issues they’re facing. A fine like this is only rubbing salt in an already gaping wound. 

We’re hoping you can help us help George fight this ticket. The last thing he needs is to spend any more time and money trying to get out of his ludicrous fine. 

If you’d like to contribute to our legal efforts to defend George and fight for Canadian civil liberties in the process, please donate at

Yours truly, 

David Menzies 

P.S. Our Chief Reporter Sheila Gunn Reid is back on the case in Winkler, Manitoba, where singing outdoors is STILL illegal. This time, we’re helping the Friesen, Harder and Unger families fight their fines for committing the crime of socially distant Christian hymn singing. You can watch her video right here. And as always, if you want to pitch in to help us crowdfund the legal fees to fight those fines, please click here or go to

Unlimited Power, No Accountability: Unlimited Power, No Accountability: Facebook Censors Mexican Cardinal for Denouncing ‘New World Order

Unlimited Power, No Acountability: Unlimited Power, No Accountability: Facebook Censors Mexican Cardinal for Denouncing ‘New World Order

Facebook has censored a video of Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara, for suggesting that globalist leaders are exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to bring about a new world order.

In place of the cardinal’s weekly video, Facebook exhibited a greyed-out screenshot emblazoned with the banner “False information.” Underneath, Facebook added, “This publication repeats information about COVID-19 that independent fact checkers deemed false.”

On its Facebook page, Semanario Arquidiocesano Guadalajara, an information service run by the Archdiocese of Guadalajara, posted the following screenshot on January 13, along with the text “Cardinal Juan Sandoval denounced the imposition of a new world order, hours later his video was censored”:

Cardinal Juan Sandoval
Cardinal Juan Sandoval

In the nine-and-a-half-minute January 12 video, bearing the title “Plot of a new world order,” the cardinal begins by saying, “Dear friends, this will go on for a long time.”

“This pandemic won’t end in a month or two months, perhaps not this year, perhaps not in three, four, five, six years,” he said. “That’s what these men want. It will be a long haul.”

“It’s a tough, difficult situation, the likes of which has not been seen in human history,” he said:

“Bill Gates is a prophet and foretells the future,” the cardinal noted wryly, “and not only did he predict the coming of the coronavirus, but has also warned of a possible future smallpox pandemic.”

During the pandemic, Cardinal Sandoval has criticized the shuttering of businesses and services as disproportionate measures to curb the spread of the virus.

“What they’re after is a world government, a new world order,” the cardinal asserts in the video.

“They want a single world government, a single army, a single currency, a single economy, and also a single religion — that will certainly not be the Christian religion,” he said. “It will be the religion of Mother Earth, in the name of humanity and universal brotherhood.”

“To this end, pandemics serve to weaken nations; they impoverish and in debt them, bringing down their economies,” Sandoval said. “They also weaken education, closing schools and replacing them with distance learning.”

“These pandemics also impede religious practice, as we saw all last year,” he said. “They close the churches, reduce the number of people who can worship.”

“But above all, they are creating fear, a terrible fear among the people,” he warned.

POLICE STATE IN TORONTO?The scene today doesn’t look like Canada anymore.

The scene today doesn’t look like Canada anymore.

At the Anti-lockdown protest at Yonge and Dundas Square.
The Medico-Stalinist Police State

Mark Friesen Fined Against for Peaceful Anti-Lockdown Rally

Mark Friesen Fined Against for Peaceful Anti-Lockdown Rally

Saskatoon freedom fighter Mark Friesen, the grizzly patriot, & two others were fined $2,500 each (Mark AGAIN!) for their peaceful, weekly END THE LOCKDOWN rally. Mark was a People’s Party candidate in the last fed election & leads the resistance to Medico-Stalinist tyranny in SK.

Elderly woman with crucifix roughed up by the cops

Elderly woman with crucifix roughed up by the cops. This is our Budapest 1956, the Medico-Stalinist Tyrants and their enforcers trampling on free speech & religious liberty! This was a peaceful Hugs Over Masks Rally.

Surely, somewhere in Rexdale or Jane/Finch, there’s a rapper who is just turning his life around about to be shot in the never-ending gang violence. But, hey, gentle middle age people, young idealists, joyous religious folks are low hanging fruit. That’s where the cops are today.

Dictator Doug & Tyrant John Tory, you should be proud. You’ve squashed freedom of religious practice, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly!

By Legislation Silicon Valley Near Monopolies Should be Designated As Utilities & Forbidden to Discriminate Against Users for their Opinions

By Legislation Silicon Valley Near Monopolies Should be Designated As Utilities & Forbidden to Discriminate Against Users for their Opinions

In the wake of the banning of a person as important as Donald Trump, President of the United States, in the recent orgy of purges by leftist social media platforms, near monopolies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon & PayPal MUST be treated through legislation as utilities and prevented from discriminating against users on the basis of their political, religious, racial or sexual views.

Corbella: Emergency expert says we should quarantine care homes and open society

Corbella: Emergency expert says we should quarantine care homes and open society

“Governments took every emergency pandemic plan they’d ever written and threw them out the window when COVID arrived.” — Emergency management expert David Redman

Author of the article:Licia CorbellaPublishing date:Jan 15, 2021  •  1 day ago  •  9 minute read

David Redman, the president of the Brio Townhomes condo board, was on scene from the moment the fire started. He was having a coffee with his wife on his front porch when he heard screams for help on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019, in Edmonton. Fire crews are working on a lingering blaze at a north Edmonton townhome complex that razed four units. (Greg Southam-Postmedia)
David Redman — a retired Lieutenant-Colonel with 27 years of experience in the Canadian Armed Forces and the former head of Alberta’s Emergency Management Agency — says while every emergency is different the planning process should always be the same. Photo by Greg Southam /00088341A

There’s not much point staffing and funding emergency agencies and plans if when an emergency strikes neither are called upon.

But that’s pretty much what’s happened in Alberta and in every other government in Canada, says an emergency management process expert.

Pandemic housing market to stay hot in 2021, but economists expect a hangover later in…

David Redman — a retired Lieutenant-Colonel with 27 years of experience in the Canadian Armed Forces and the former head of Alberta’s Emergency Management Agency — says while every emergency is different the planning process should always be the same.

“Governments took every emergency pandemic plan they’d ever written and threw them out the window when COVID arrived,” says Redman. “No one followed the process — even though they had plenty of time and forewarning as we had the benefit of seeing what was happening in China, Italy, Spain and France before the virus hit us in March (2020). Instead, they panicked, started flying by the seat of their pants and put the doctors in charge.”

Redman was so alarmed with Canada’s pandemic response, in April he wrote a three-page letter to Premier Jason Kenney saying, “I am genuinely concerned by the GoA response to this pandemic. It appears that we have scrapped the Pandemic Influenza support plan, started from scratch and decided to ignore all principles of Emergency Management.”

To say that Redman knows what he’s talking about is putting things mildly. He has been to war and  led troops in the former Yugoslavia, he was in charge of closing down Canada’s army base in Lahr, Germany in the early 1990s. He did such a great job of closing down that small city of 18,000 troops, their families, equipment and 940 pieces of infrastructure, including the fourth longest runway in Europe,  that two years later he was deployed to Croatia and Bosnia to lead the unplanned withdrawal under the orders of Prime Minister Jean Chretien of Canada’s United Nations troops from the area, only to be charged again to establish the staging bases to bring the Canadian brigade structure back to the area this time under NATO command.

Lieutenant-Colonel David Redman (L) marches with then Calgary Mayor Al Duerr in the Freedom of the City parade in spring 1996, when 1 Service Battalion and Lord Strathcona's Horse Royal Canadians were moved from Calgary to Edmonton. One year later, the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry left the city in a controversial decision made by then Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Photo courtesy of the Canadian Armed Forces
Lieutenant-Colonel David Redman (L) marches with then Calgary Mayor Al Duerr in the Freedom of the City parade in spring 1996, when 1 Service Battalion and Lord Strathcona’s Horse Royal Canadians were moved from Calgary to Edmonton. One year later, the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry left the city in a controversial decision made by then Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Photo courtesy of the Canadian Armed Forces Photo by Photo courtesy of the Canadian A /Photo courtesy of the Canadian A

After retiring from the military, Redman was in charge of the Alberta Emergency Management Agency when everything changed on Sept. 11, 2001. On Sept. 12, along with “26 of the smartest people in Alberta” many of them government and industry leaders from the various sectors of the Alberta economy, including healthcare and critical infrastructure such as power plant, electrical lines, rail lines, etc., Redman pulled together all that information gleaned from brainstorming sessions and designed a system to protect Alberta. He was, as a result, made head of the province’s counter-terrorism strategy.Paul Cellucci, the U.S. ambassador to Canada at the time, toured Alberta’s command centre and was so impressed with what he saw, he invited Redman, who has a master’s degree in electrical engineering, to Washington, D.C. to brief both the Senate and the House committees on national security. He has been keynote speaker at conferences on emergency preparedness, including with the Conference Board of Canada and fully retired in 2013.

In his April letter to Kenney — and he has since sent similar letters to every provincial premier and the federal government receiving only automated replies — Redman says the approach to battling COVID-19 has been all wrong. It has been focused almost entirely on limiting the number of deaths and we’ve failed at that.

Instead, Alberta’s 2014 Pandemic Influenza Plan has four goals:

• Controlling the spread of influenza disease and reducing illness and death by providing access to appropriate prevention measures, care, and treatment.

• Mitigating societal disruption in Alberta through ensuring the continuity and recovery of critical services.

• Minimizing adverse economic impact.

• Supporting an efficient and effective use of resources during response and recovery.

“We’ve failed in all of those objectives clear across the country because they didn’t stick to a plan. They panicked. They were constantly surprised at the beginning with every new outbreak and every death in a long-term care home, but it was completely foreseeable.

“Pandemics happen continuously,” he points out. A pandemic — even an unknown and tricky one like COVID-19 — is not a public health emergency, Redman insists, it’s a public emergency, since all areas of society are affected: the public sector, private sector, not-for-profit sector and every citizen.

Redman says putting doctors in charge of a public emergency is the wrong approach.

He points to forest fires as an example. In Alberta, during a forest fire, like the one that burned down swathes of the city of Fort McMurray in May, 2016, the Wildfire Operations centre, was the subject matter agency, but it did not lead the provincial government’s response to the wildfire.

“Their job is to fight the fire. Their job was not to ensure that there was food and water. Their job was not to evacuate the citizens of Fort McMurray. AEMA leads the cross-government, private sector and municipal response.”

Clearly that has not happened with COVID. Most Albertans have no idea what the head of AEMA looks like, let alone his name. The names listed on its website of the executive director and managing director are both incorrect.

“We can’t keep doing this — locking down our whole society,” says Redman. “We don’t have 400 billion more dollars to tell healthy people to lock themselves in their houses and not go to work.”

Redman points out that Alberta’s 2014 Pandemic Influenza Plan should have been dusted off last January after the Chinese government finally acknowledged to the world that a new, contagious coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, had started spreading in early Dec. 2019. Then it should have been rewritten to deal with the specific challenges of COVID-19.

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Lieutenant-Colonel David Redman presides over the Change of Command ceremony in Lahr, Germany in 1992. Courtesy Lt-Col. David Redman
Lieutenant-Colonel David Redman presides over the Change of Command ceremony in Lahr, Germany in 1992. Courtesy Lt-Col. David Redman Photo by Courtesy Lt-Col. David Redman /Courtesy Lt-Col. David Redman

“In February we knew that over 95 per cent of the deaths in China and Europe were in seniors over the age of 60 with multiple co-morbidities,” says Redman, who backed uphis statements withreports.

“We should have immediately developed plans to protect our seniors over age 60 with co-morbidities, particularly those in long-term care homes. Our long-term care homes should have been placed into quarantine.”

Again, Redman points to Fort McMurray as an example, where many of its oilpatch workers do not live full time in that northern city. Many live not just outside of Fort Mac, but outside of the province of Alberta, working one month on followed by one month off of work.

Redman says LTC workers should have been asked to work one month on and one month off, living away from their families and being housed in accommodations set aside by the government.

Redman says, you wouldn’t need to force workers to do this, you would ask for volunteers.

“I never had a problem finding volunteers for really bad tasks in the armed forces,” explains Redman. “One of the things I was taught as a lieutenant is you never ask a soldier to do something that you wouldn’t do yourself. So you say, ‘I’m going? Who’s going with me?’

“For example, every day we ran convoys that left from the coast of Croatia, drove up over the mountains and into Bosnia and if you know what the 1995 war in Bosnia looked like it was particularly ugly because it was a civil war. It was neighbour versus neighbour. And they didn’t care that you were driving a white UN truck. They’d shoot at us just for fun. So the most dangerous job we had on most days was riding those convoys and protecting those convoys.”

Redman said he would “ride shotgun” armed with a C7 rifle at least once per week and as often as every four days. “I never had a shortage of people to volunteer to ride shotgun and we rotated who those people were.”

If you think care workers would never do that, Redman points to the care home near Lyon, France where for 47 days and nights 29 members of the 50 staff at the Vilanova home, brought in mattresses, sleeping bags and pillows and locked themselves in with their 106 residents in order to keep them safe from COVID. No residents died from COVID, though some passed away from other causes, and it was reportedly a joyous time.

Lieutenant-Colonel David Redman salutes during a Remembrance Day ceremony in the former Republic of Yugoslavia on Nov. 11, 1995. Photo courtesy Lt Col David Redman
Lieutenant-Colonel David Redman salutes during a Remembrance Day ceremony in the former Republic of Yugoslavia on Nov. 11, 1995. Photo courtesy Lt Col David Redman Photo by Photo courtesy Lt Col David Redm /Photo courtesy Lt Col David Redm

Providing generous compensation to care workers who would quarantine with LTC residents would ensure an appropriate number of volunteers.

That plan might have cost a couple of billion dollars, says Redman. Instead, we continually lock down the whole of society at a cost to the federal government alone of $380 billion, never mind the cost to the provinces, and of destroyed businesses, rising depression rates, increased spousal abuse, spiking overdose death rates, cancelled surgeries  leading to deaths and reduced quality of life, cancelled weddings and old people dying without families by their sides. Redman is also very concerned about what these lockdowns and on-again-off-again schooling is doing to the education and socialization of Canada’s children.

“To date, in Canada, over 96 per cent of our more than 17,500 COVID deaths have been in seniors, over the age of 60, with multiple co-morbidities,” said Redman. That is over 15,440 deaths. It is likely thousands of these deaths could have been avoided, as over 80 per cent of the deaths in the first wave occurred in long term care homes.

According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, up until May 25, Canada had the highest death rates of residents in long-term care homes of any other OECD country.

“LTC residents accounted for 81 per cent of all reported COVID-19 deaths in Canada, compared with an average of 38 per cent in other OECD countries.” And yet, no comprehensive plan for LTC homes was established. It’s shocking.

According to the National Institute on Aging at Ryerson University, by Jan. 5, 2021, long-term care and retirement homes reported just 11 per cent of the Canadian totals of COVID-19 infections and 73 per cent of total deaths.

“The largest proportion of COVID-19 cases in Canada has been in individuals aged 20-29 years. The smallest proportion has been among people aged 70-79 years. However, most deaths from the disease have been among older Canadians — 71 per cent among people 80 years and older, and almost 97 per cent among individuals 60 years and older,” says the Library of Parliament report entitled: Long-Term Care Homes in Canada – The Impact of COVID-19.

On Wednesday, when Postmedia asked Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw whether she and the government consulted the 2014 pandemic plan, Dr. Hinshaw said that she had.

“The 2014 pandemic plan was, of course, a large part of our planning in the early days. Much of that plan is relevant to COVID, some of it is less relevant to COVID. We did not create a separate plan,” she said.


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That is obvious.

She added that she “liaised very closely” with the AEMA over the initial phases of the pandemic and we continue to liaise with them. We have an emergency operation centre in the Ministry of Health.”

Redman says the province and every other government in Canada had ample time to rewrite their pandemic plans to protect our seniors, particularly those living in LTC, none of them did. He also says that Premier Kenney should be the person relaying the government’s daily messages, not Hinshaw. She should have focused on creating surge capacity in our hospitals and passing on medical information to the public.

We all know hindsight is 20-20, but Redman was making these very points back in April.

“The only plan we’re using now is to lock down healthy people and hope that COVID isn’t brought into long-term care homes. Hope isn’t a plan,” he said.

Many more elderly people will die in Canada before they are all vaccinated and the healthcare of Canadians for generations to come will be compromised as we work to pay off our ballooning debt and deficits cause by the lockdowns. All for want of a good plan.

We must learn from this failure and never let it happen again.

Licia Corbella is a Postmedia columnist in Calgary.

Twitter: @LiciaCorbella

Liberals Plan to Introduce More Internet Censorship: Note: It’s Political or Religious Opinions They’re Targetting

Canadian government to introduce online “hate speech” regulations in early 2021

Canada’s ruling Liberal Party has made tackling online “hate speech” a major priority.

If you’re tired of cancel culture and censorship subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

The Canadian government plans to introduce “comprehensive” regulations that target “hate speech” on social media platforms.

The regulations will reportedly be tabled in 2021 and are being introduced “to promote a safer and more inclusive online environment.”

A briefing note on the new regulations from Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault’s department stated:

“We are working to introduce regulations to reduce the spread of illegal content, including hate speech, in order to promote a safer and more inclusive online environment. We want to protect Canadians online.”

The briefing added that: “Social media platforms can also be used to threaten, intimidate, bully and harass people, or used to promote racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, misogynist and homophobic views that target communities, put people’s safety and risk and undermine Canada’s social cohesion or democracy.”

Before winning reelection in 2019, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party made tackling online hate speech a major priority and proposed giving social media platforms a 24-hour deadline to remove hate speech or face “significant financial penalties.”

Last September, the Canadian government doubled down on its threat to regulate online hate speech with Canada’s Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, Catherine McKenna, warning: “We don’t have to regulate everything but if you can’t regulate yourselves, governments will.” One day later, the Canadian government promised to “redouble its effort by taking action on online hate.”

Trudeau has also expressed conflicting views on free speech. In October, he compared drawing Muhammed cartoons to “yelling fire in a crowded movie theatre” and said there are “limits” to free speech after a terrorist attack in France where a teacher was beheaded after showing Charlie Hebdo cartoons that depict the Prophet Mohammed.

After facing heavy criticism, Trudeau then backtracked on these anti-free speech comments and stated: “I think it is more important to continue to defend freedom of expression and freedom of speech. Our artists help us to reflect and challenge our views, and they contribute to our society.”

Critics have warned that online hate speech laws pose a threat to free speech because they risk criminalizing and jailing people for expressing controversial views.

But these warnings have largely fallen on deaf ears with Canada being just one of several countries to propose or introduce hate speech laws and regulations over the last few months.

For example, Scotland’s controversial “hate crime” bill, which would sanction the possession of “inflammatory media” and “problematic” social media posts, is looking increasingly likely to pass. And Norway recently passed a new law under which people can be jailed for hate speech in private conversations.If you’re tired of cancel culture and censorship subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

Shocking City of Toronto Employees Surveille & Compile a Dossier on Rebel Media for Covering Lawless Occupation of City Hall Square

Shocking City of Toronto Employees Surveille & Compile a Dossier on Rebel Media for Covering Lawless Occupation of City Hall Square

Remember that delightful encounter we had with those “peaceful” protesters that occurred back in June?

In case you don’t recall, here’s an abbreviated backstory: Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square had been taken over by a collective of ne’er-do-wells known as Afro Indigenous Rising. And I do mean taken over. Think of this group as a poor man’s version of Antifa and/or Black Lives Matter.

Par for the course, they were vulgar and violent and their makeshift tent city was filthy. Oh, and they were also breaking some 11 sections of the Trespass to Property Act. (Even though it took authorities weeks to enforce it…)

When Rebel News went to the square to report, given that it was clear the mainstream media would be sitting this one out due to political correctness, our staff were physically assaulted. But even worse, City Hall security sided with the lawbreakers, actually charging us with trespassing. Yes… trespassing on the public square… a public square that had been surrendered to thugs…

We never did bend the knee. And even though the squatters didn’t want us there, nor the security guards, nor the police, we stood our ground and reported on the chaos at City Hall nevertheless.

But get a load of this: we recently issued a Freedom of Information request regarding this shameful story, and we were shocked to find out that the city had compiled an almost 300-page long dossier — not on the thugs, but on Rebel News staff, complete with bios, spy photographs, and personal information.

The emails that city employees sent back and forth regarding our reporting were astonishing. You see, it became clear that the goal from the get-go was not to remove the violent squatters (who the bureaucrats continually refer to as “peaceful protesters”), but rather to come up with schemes that would limit freedom of the press!

But that’s how they roll in John Tory’s sanctuary city — reward the takers; penalize the makers.

In the meantime, the question arises: why was the city compiling such a database on journalists who were simply practicing journalism? Who has access to this database? And what will it be used for in the future?

Looks like we’ll have to issue yet more Freedom of Information requests to find out