More Restrictions & Repression by the Medico-Stalinist COVID Tyrants in BC

More Restrictions & Repression by the Medico-Stalinist COVID Tyrants in BC

Between March 29 at 11:59 pm and April 19 at 11:59 pm the PHO is strengthening province-wide restrictions:

  • The variance allowing indoor religious gatherings and worship services between March 28 and May 13 is suspended
  • Indoor low intensity group exercise classes are cancelled
  • Restaurants, pubs and bars are closed for indoor dining. Outdoor patio seating and take-out or delivery is allowed

Thanks to Raychyl Whyte for Fundraising for CAFE On the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Walkathon

Thanks to Raychyl Whyte for Fundraising for CAFE On the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Walkathon

For the fourth year in a row, Raychyl Whyte a15-year veteran of the St. Patrick’s Day annual Toronto City Hall to Oakville Walkathon solicited pledges to help CAFE.

Big thanks, Raychyl and

you are most becoming with “the wearing of the green”

France Bans Génération Identitaire


France Bans Génération Identitaire

Dale Bennett (Editor) · 6

A SIGNIFICANT activist group within the French anti-immigration movement — the youth movement Génération Identitaire (‘Generation Identity’) — is now facing official banning orders.

This is taking place while Marine Le Pen’s multi-culti and multiracialist but anti-mass-immigration party remains a leading contender for next year’s French presidential election. (Indeed, as reported in the latest edition of H&D, recently a supporter of incumbent ‘centrist’ President Emmanuel Macron sought to outflank Mme Le Pen and her Rassemblement National by portraying her as having a more moderate line on Islam than the French government.)

Interior minister Gérard Darmanin — the same man who sought to outflank Marine Le Pen by positioning himself as even more anti-Islamic in last month’s debate — began proceedings in that very same week to ban Génération Identitaire for “incitement to discriminate against a person or group because of their origin”.

The banning order has now been confirmed.

Génération Identitaire has frequently gained media attention with stunts, beginning in 2012 when its activists occupied the roof of a mosque under construction in the city of Poitiers. In August 2019 three members were imprisoned for impersonating police officers during Génération Identitaire’s most successful stunt which involved blocking the Franco-Italian border on Alpine roads.

Whereas Marine Le Pen and her group have concentrated on winning White working class support and have toned down explicit ‘racism,’ Génération Identitaire support tends to come more from middle-class students: The organisation blatantly campaigns against a cultural and implicitly ethnic threat to French identity [though, to your editor’s knowledge, they never publicly mention Jews as the main source of said threat — Ed.].

The type of banning order being sought against Génération Identitaire was most recently used in November 2020 against the French arm of the ‘far right’ Turkish paramilitary organisation Grey Wolves, who had been involved in militant anti-Armenian and anti-Kurdish campaigns, as well as conflict with the Gülen movement, a controversial sect that was allegedly behind the 2016 coup attempt against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The type of banning order being sought against Génération Identitaire was most recently used in November 2020 against the French arm of the ‘far right’ Turkish paramilitary organisation Grey Wolves, who had been involved in militant anti-Armenian and anti-Kurdish campaigns, as well as conflict with the Gülen movement, a controversial sect that was allegedly behind the 2016 coup attempt against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Several French ‘far right’ groups have been banned in recent decades, including former paratrooper Mark Fredricksen’s national socialist FANE, eventually banned for good in 1987; the PNFE, once closely linked to the Tyndall-era BNP and banned in 1999 after years of legal persecution; and the Third Positionist group Unité Radicale, banned in 2002. To some extent Génération Identitaire grew out of this latter group.

MORE SILICON VALLEY CENSORSHIP — KEEPING THE PUBLIC IGNORANT: Facebook Scrubs Shooting Suspect Ahmad Al Issa’s Profile, Previously Revealed He’s Devout Moslem

CENSORSHIP — KEEPING THE PUBLIC IGNORANT: Facebook Scrubs Shooting Suspect Ahmad Al Issa’s Profile, Previously Revealed He’s Devout Moslem

Within a day of this mass shooting Joe Biden, CNN and MSNBC were bleating about the need for gun control. Ted Cruz said he knew they would do this the moment he heard about the shooting. The shooter is only 21 years old and in one of these photos he appears to be 21. However the other photo of a balding man with a big tummy looks much older.

Facebook Scrubs Shooting Suspect CENSORSHIP — KEEPING THE PUBLIC IGNORANT: Facebook Scrubs Shooting Suspect Ahmad Al Issa’s Profile, Previously Revealed He’s Devout MoslemProfile, Previously Revealed He’s Devout Muslim

by Tom Rappert – March 23, 2021   The Facebook profile believed to belong to Ahmad Al Issa contained pro-Islam, anti-gay, and conspiracy posts.


Facebook has removed all access to the Facebook profile believed to belong to Ahmad Al Issa, the person identified by police as the King Shoppers shooting suspect who killed 10 in the Boulder, Colorado shooting. Screen shots of the Facebook page taken by Twitter users reveal that Al Issa was a devout Muslim who believed in conspiracy theories.

Ahmad Al Issa’s profile was abruptly removed from the website, internet archive websites including the and the Wayback machine, and Google’s cache nearly simultaneously.

On March 16, 2019, Al Issa shared a conspiracy theory that there was more than one shooter involved in the horrific Christchurch Mosque Shooting that occurred in New Zealand.

Similarly, Al Issa believed he was under attack from “racist Islamophobic people” who were “hacking” his smartphone. “Yeah if these racist islamophobic people would stop hacking my phone and let me have a normal life I probably could,” wrote Al Issa on June 5, 2019.

Around the same time, on June 1, 2019, Al Issa also shared a post from PBS with the caption “Why refugees and immigrants are good for America.”

Ahmad Al Issa posted this on Facebook in 2019. Not that all refugees and immigrants are bad. It’s just something that, clearly, should be carefully conducted and tightly controlled.— Heartland Populist (@HRTLNDpopulist) March 23, 2021

While authorities did not release information about Al Issa’s country of origin, but claimed he lived “most of his life in the United States,” one user says they learned from his Facebook that he was born in Syria. (CNN initially reported his Syrian origins before 2012 or 2014 but didn’t do so March 23, 2021.)

Al Issa also disliked President Donald Trump according to screen shots taken before his Facebook page was terminated.

“Trumps [sic] such a dick,” he wrote on September 18, 2018, sharing an article from The Washington Post. Later on the same day, he shared another article, this time from The Intercept, and wrote, “[Trump] inherited a growing economy and the unemployment rate was low the economy was on an upward spiral he won because of racism.” In one homophobic post, Al Issa wrote, “If straight people go to prison straight and come out gay doesn’t that mean that being gay is a choice.”

Quesnel World Wide END THE LOCKDOWN Rally a Resounding Success!

Quesnel World Wide Rally a Resounding Success!

/ Webmin

“Silence is consent, silence is compliance and silence is submission. What we really need right now is courage and unity.  Fear has no place where freedom reigns, so let’s continue to stand for our freedoms.” ~Tami Viktil, Rally Co-organizer


Arthur Topham

Quesnel finally came of age with its conscientious, peaceful participation in the World Wide Rally for Freedom held Saturday, March 20th, 2021 in LeBourdais Park.

Following months of discussions on social media about the global crisis now facing humanity plus a fury of online activity over the past couple of weeks, the organizers of the laudable event, Tamara Morneau and Tami Viktil of Quesnel, were finally able to garner the necessary support to gather people together and drag the Gold Pan City onto the world stage.

What happened was living proof of Margaret Mead’s memorable quote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

A snowstorm in the early hours of Saturday didn’t bode well for the first day of Spring but knowing the people of the Cariboo are a tough and determined lot this writer had no doubt that folks of the calibre Margaret Mead spoke of would surely arrive…and they did. 

Not in droves but more in dribbles people began gathering around the International Friendship Stage in LeBourdais Park, a fitting spot indeed to host an International Rally for Freedom. 

Having consented to assist the Rally organizers by covering the event for the Quesnel Cariboo Sentinel and supplying them with a sound system and a source of electricity (the City unwilling to turn on the power to the stage) I arrived early to set up the speakers and amplifier and mic. 

As the relatively small but committed citizenry (they appeared to be mostly seniors) began to gather I noticed two of Quesnel’s local RCMP officers walking across the park grounds toward the stage. As I was standing directly above on stage connecting the sound system when they approached it one of the masked officers said hello and asked me what my name was. Given the nature of the event I didn’t feel the need to ask him for his badge beforehand and so I replied, “Arthur”. He stared at me for a moment and then replied, “Oh! Mr. Topham. I didn’t recognize you without your suit and tie on.”

Masked RCMP officers observing Rally from the fringes of LeBourdais Park

He asked me if I was the organizer of the event. I replied, “No, I’m just assisting the organizers by setting up the sound system.” After some brief discussion the officer then said, “I hope you’re aware that there is a $2300.00 fine for any one who organizes an open outdoor event such as this.”

Knowing all about the NDP government’s draconian, unethical, immoral and illegal efforts to control the general public and prohibit citizens from gathering (even in open areas) to discuss events I replied, “Yes, I’ve heard about those tickets.” Following his notification he never asked me who the organizers were but just said that they were there to basically make sure things didn’t get out of hand and would be hanging out in the underbrush observing the rally.

As they were leaving I said to them, “Yes, make sure keep the rowdies away.” He turned and replied, “Oh, I thought you guys were the rowdies.” I pointed to the protest sign leaning against the stage wall that had a large peace sign on it and said, “No, were the peaceful ones.”

By 12:15 PM the organizers felt it was time to begin and so Tamara Morneau approached the mic and after adjusting the sound the Rally commenced.

Tamara Morneau (centre) addresses the crowd flanked by Ann McKay (L) and Tami Viktil (R)

Tamara speaks.

“Good afternoon everyone and thank you for coming to show your support in these dire times. I’m happy to see you are willing to stand for the truth, to let it be known you are concerned for humanity as a whole. 

March marks a year since this pandemic was declared, which threw the world into a mad panic, created mass hysteria and instilled fear into the lives of many. People were glued to their tv’s waiting to hear how many deaths and cases were been reported and watched our country descend into lockdown.

When the pandemic began the military was deployed to assist in the long-term care homes and found seniors living in poor conditions and in poor health. The neglect was very apparent and continues to be an issue, as well as the suffering from not being to have proper contact with loved ones.

How many seniors died unnecessarily?

Choose to LIVE LIFE

People were forced to close their business doors putting their livelihoods at risk and unsure if they would be able to recover. Many were not able to and today are still contemplating whether they should close permanently which will inevitably cripple thousands if not millions of jobs. How many people took their lives because they didn’t know if they would survive the financial stress?

Over 200,000 elective surgeries, cancer screenings and other procedures were cancelled to free up beds for the flood of covid patients, which they eventually admitted never came to be. Some of these procedures could not be delayed as they were either lifesaving or meant for diagnosis. How many succumbed to their ailments due to the cancellations or are suffering because of the backlog?

The mental impact that the measures are having on our children is disturbing. The increase in teen suicide is alarming and needs to be addressed now, not later. This generation of children are going to be traumatized and will have to live their life with phobias and disorders and for what?

We have been waiting for the “curve” to flatten for months so we can get back to normal but the covid cases keep going up while the flu numbers suddenly fell off the face of the earth. 

Healthy individuals are getting tested when they have no signs or symptoms of illness and are coming back with positive test results. Researchers are saying the tests are so sensitive they may be indicating people are infected when they had the virus 70 days prior, which means, there are many false positives labeled as positive. 

The numbers we see today are skewed and are being used for psychological warfare on the masses through propaganda to keep people in a state of fear so they will willingly accept a highly experimental gene therapy jab. I won’t call it a vaccine as vaccines build immunity which this doesn’t.

Prior to 2019 studies had proven prolonged mask use was detrimental to people’s physical and psychological health as well as ineffective at preventing viral transmission. Social distancing presents dangers of increasing social rejection, growing impersonality, individualism and a loss of community. Social isolation increases risk of depression, anxiety, and suicide, all of which has become quite obvious throughout the world. 

Now the World Health Organization is saying they predict there will be another pandemic, that we will have to learn how to live with it because it’s not going away, even with the jab. 

We are putting our lives in the hands of governments and organizations who don’t care about us or our health. We are only profit to them. 

We need to stop blaming each other for what’s happening and start blaming the ones who created this chaos and take back our freedoms which are rightfully ours. 

Together we can do this.”

Following Tamara’s spirited address to the gathering her co-organizer Tami Viktil then approached the microphone to share her concerns.

Tami Viktil speaking to the crowd

“Good afternoon and thank you all for joining us. 

Today, across the world, people are gathering in their cities to speak out against the restrictions, also known as the “guidelines”.  We felt that it was important for the residents of Quesnel to be able to voice our concerns and I am grateful to be able to gather here today with all of you. 

Thank you for having the courage to stand up for our freedoms, our rights, and our way of life. Regardless of faith or religion we stand here today defending our sovereign rights under our Creator. 

Before I continue let me tell you a bit about myself. I am a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 5. I have been a resident of Quesnel for 18 years and have resided mostly in the Bouchie Lake area. I am raising my 2 eldest grandchildren who are 9 and 6 the youngest being recently diagnosed with autism. 

I became unemployed with the first required isolation period last April and have been homeschooling my grandchildren this last year. 

This is for a couple of reasons. The first, I was not comfortable with being locked out of the school with no immediate access to them without prior arrangements.

Second, I have been working with my grandson helping him with appropriate social interactions, and this goes against the new teachings of social distancing. 

This last year has been a challenge for all of us. As a mother and grandmother my concerns are for our future generations and what we allow to come to pass from all of this will determine our course. 

Regardless of media hype, stats show that this new variant of the coronavirus has no greater impact on our health or death rate then the flu seasons of the previous years. 

There are many theories and beliefs floating around as to the true origin of these entities that have declared war not only on humanity but on all living species and our earth’s resources, but the key point is that there is a war and it’s being waged against us.  There is a global agenda being played out and many choose not to accept or acknowledge this truth, but none the less it does affect all of us.

I want to speak a bit about the vaccine agenda. Nutrition is not taught as a means of health and prevention, but rather chemical toxins are promoted and are at the forefront of every health issue. 

The pharmaceutical industry is a billion-dollar business and depends on our disease and sickness to keep the profits flowing in. This agenda has gained momentum against our children and can be observed by the ever-increasing childhood vaccine schedule. 

Now, the agenda is extending to adults through the annual flu and covid-19 shots and of course with new variants will come new vaccines and increasing profits to those who care nothing about our health or wellbeing. 

We need to step up and take control back from the medical establishment by taking control of our health. We cannot afford to neglect the only system that provides us with health,  which is our wonderfully created immune system. Health cannot be injected, and we need to start focusing on prevention of diseases and sickness not the treatment of them.

Our children are considered by the medical establishment to be vulnerable to viruses, therefore the justification of the heavily toxic vaccine schedule. Yet through this all, the population has had a very low infection rate. The truth of the matter is, our children are not the high population group for death during any flu season, so this makes it relatively easy for the numbers to be shifted from influenza to covid-19.

A big concern of mine is the  idea and talk of health passports for those who have been vaccinated. (I do have a brochure available from VCC with information regards the passports as well as this new form of vaccine that is being administered) For those who refuse, travel restrictions would be placed upon them and their freedom of that right stripped. 

The vast majority of us have given up many of our fundamental freedoms and rights by complying with the extreme measures that have been imposed on us under the guise of protecting our health & safety and for the greater good. Measures such as public social distancing, masking, in home restrictions of family gatherings, cancelled adult and youth activities and the lockdown of our seniors in care facilities. 

This is a very difficult time for all of us. I do have to say though that the scenario that has been played out for us was well thought out. A health care crisis is the perfect opportunity to cause a financial crash, crippling businesses and causing massive unemployment. 

The threat of a deadly virus causes great fear and fear is a great controller for submission and compliance.  When people fear for their life they will resort to anger and irrational behaviour and logical thought processes become hindered. They will also do whatever or inject whatever is required of them to ensure a false sense of safety. 

I remind myself that the fear that others have about this virus is real for them and that kindness and thoughtfulness goes a long way. I also look for opportunities that hopefully will open the door for communication about this false narrative that is being played out. 

Division is the other objective goal, and we can see how this has been successful through social media and within our own friends and families that have become divided because of the differing views.  

People who are living under fear of this virus feel we are just as much as a threat to them as the virus itself. We become labelled and ridiculed but none the less we are standing up for our freedoms and rights and stand in proxy for those unable to do so at this time. 

Most people fail to understand the goals of the lockdowns and restrictions placed upon us and businesses by the governments. The first is for total break-down of the psyche, and second is for an economic and financial crash. 

This allows the rich to continually grow their wealth and the poor to descend deeper into poverty eradicating the middle class so those higher ascend to the wealthy while those on the bottom fall into poverty. 

This is to usher in Agenda 2030 where we become even more government dependent people and hand over our rights, privacy and possessions for safety and security.  A great reset of our economy and restructuring of our way of life as we know it.

We live in the age of technology where information is at our fingertips and ignorance is no longer an excuse. The agenda’s that are moving forward from our government leaders are not intended in our best interest and their motives are not for our well being. 

The election process is faulty and the political system itself needs to be replaced with one that holds our leaders accountable and represents the people and not corporations.

We are consenting to this agenda when we comply with these restrictions. We are created beings that require oxygen in the form of fresh air, social interactions within our communities and connection and affection from our family and friends.

We have done a great disservice to ourselves, our loved ones and to others by allowing fear to stop us from speaking out against these restrictions. 

It is disgraceful what our government has done to our children, those with special needs, mental health concerns, addictions, and our elderly population. 

Those who depend on us to be supportive, encouraging, and strong should not be sheltered from us.  We are to be an example. We will always be faced with some sort of threat but isolating ourselves from each other is not the solution. We all need to be participating in finding these solutions within our communities, towns, and cities.

Allowing the government to dictate to us whom we may spend time with and care for is unacceptable. These restrictions go against our human nature and against our biological makeup. 

We are to be caregivers of each other, the earth and to all its inhabitants. Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear have a divine purpose, and that purpose is a collective one – to do no harm and to love one another. 

Silence is consent, silence is compliance and silence is submission. What we really need right now is courage and unity.  Fear has no place where freedom reigns, so let’s continue to stand for our freedoms.” 

The third speaker at the Rally was Ann McKay who, like the two presenters before her, gave a passionate message to the audience.

Some attendants at the Rally brought along their Sign telling Canadians to WakeUp!

“Hello, my name is Ann McKay and I am speaking to you today as a concerned citizen.  I would like to begin by saying I am not a Covid denier, just a person who seeks truth and justice in a world full of deception and social injustice.

Covid-19 is affecting the way people relate to each other in a number of ways.

Social Phobia – Also known as social anxiety, this fear involves a broad range of situations in which people are afraid to interact with others due to fear of judgement and intolerance from others.   

Social anxiety was on the rise, particularly in young people, before Covid arrived.  This pandemic, the media and political response to it, has given social anxiety a hard shove into the red zone.  

The media has almost single-handedly managed to create a global phenomenon of “social atheism.”  Even the terminology is disturbing, “social distancing.”  The proper term is “physical distancing.” 

The human species is hard wired for connection with others.  It is not just psychological, it is biology.  For example, infants who are never picked up and held, will die.  This is how fundamental a need being held and hugged is to human development.  

The political response to the pandemic has created an atmosphere of fear and anger.  Suicides are on the rise because people are in fear leading to pain and despair.  

Covid fear has created a type of disease induced hypocrisy.  Vulnerable people are shut ins.  Family and friends are experiencing conflict, leading to a breakdown of relationships that are important to us.  Kids can play with their friends in a school yard, but not in their backyards.  We can go to a pub, unmasked but we cannot have close friends in our homes.  

By creating a state of mass fear and panic, it distracts us from the relevant facts.  When we are afraid, we do not question the information we are being exposed to.  By creating a state of emergency in our psyche, fear distracts us from the relevant facts on which we base our conscious decisions.  Again, there is biology here.  

Acute fear is a healthy thing that keeps us alive by stimulating the fight or flight response.  However, when people live in constant fear it has negative effects on our mental and physical health, and in some cases can be incapacitating.  

The main culprit here is mainstream media, and who owns media?  Corporations.  Who owns government?  The corporate robber barons.  Freedom of the press is for those who OWN it.  Control the narrative, control the masses.  Fear drives media ratings which means increased profit.  The corporate owners of such platforms (also known as the elite) know this very well and they are doing their best to capitalize on it.  

Propaganda helps feed our society’s obsession with the things that separate us, that make us different from one another, instead of what brings us together.  This is a fundamental element of “divide and conquer.”  If the elite keep the general public fighting about issues like race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, disease, and vaccines, they can easily distract us from what is really going on.  

In closing, I would like to acknowledge all the families who lost loved ones to Covid-19.  Unless we begin to seek truth for ourselves, Covid will have far reaching, devastating impacts.  The older I get, the more I realize time is a precious, non-renewable resource, thank you for giving me yours today.”

It should be noted that all of the speakers received warm rounds of applause for their speeches to the Rally and following the three main presenters Tamara then told the audience that the mic would be open if anyone else wished to address the gathering.

It wasn’t long before folks in the park started to come up and speak their minds on the many matters of concern to the group.

The first speaker was an elderly gentleman by the name of Albin Stroniarz who strode up to the mic and after surveying the audience began to speak about some of the fundamental issues that the world now faces because of the global crisis that’s been brought on by government, giant pharmaceutical companies and a media complicit in spreading all the disinformation and lies that people are hearing on the tv and radio and in the newspapers on a daily basis.

Albin told the people of his life before coming to Canada. He grew up in Communist Poland where he said life was not like it was here in Canada when he arrived as an immigrant many years ago.

Being in a position to be able to juxtapose the two political regimes that Albin had lived under he was well aware of how since the Covid Plandemic hit his new country things in Canada were rapidly deteriorating and more and more all of the draconian rules and regulations that he had left back in his former Communist homeland decades ago were now rearing their ugly heads right here in once free and democratic Canada.

He advised everyone to remain strong and true to their ideals and to speak out against all the injustices that were now becoming common place. Foremost was his message that it is WE THE PEOPLE who control Canada NOT the politicians and political lackeys and bureaucrats and that we need to STAND UP AND BE STRONG in the face of this growing totalitarian state and refuse to be intimidated by the so-called “Authorities”.

Speaking frankly and with strong emotion Albin’s message hit home a number of times and the audience responded with approving applause.

The next citizen to come up was Doug Sutton another local community member who had more to say about the nasties who’ve been responsible for all of the government restrictions and our loss of basic rights and freedoms.

He told the audience of the years that he’s spent studying those in international circles and who they are and what their hidden agenda is for ridding the planet of millions of elderly people and others who the “Elite” or “1%” would consider to be nothing but “useless eaters” as the term is so often employed for the poor and disenfranchised.

He made it clear that Bill Gates was no friend of humanity and that organizations like the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) were all in cahoots together and hell-bent on capitalizing on the suffering and death that the lockdowns and masks and fake vaccines were causing everywhere.

He touched on the our loss of Freedom of Speech and how those who know the real agenda are always being silenced and de-platformed by the social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and so on. Again, to the applause of the gathered citizens who recognized all that he was speaking about.

After Mr. Sutton spoke there were three more women who came up to the podium to relate their experiences to the audience. I must apologize to two of them as I was busy video-taping and wasn’t able to get their names. If anyone who may be reading this article should know them and could let me know I’ll edit their photos and add their identities to them.

The first to come up I refer to as the ‘Lady in Red’ for obvious reasons.

The Lady in Red, like all the other presenters, was very passionate about how she felt about everything that’s come down the track since the year 2020 descended upon the world like a dark and sinister cloud of EVIL.

She spoke about her frustrations with the general public and how trying to explain the true agenda of governments and big pharma was so difficult because the people had been brainwashed all their lives to the point where now, when danger was present everywhere, so many couldn’t understand what was going on and only wanted to comply with all the rules and regulations in the vain hope that it would all soon pass like some horrible nightmare and life would get back to normal again.

Rather than see what was going on right in front of their eyes the Lady in Red said the propaganda was instilling them with so much fear that those who were speaking the truth were now being considered as dangerous to their own health and security as the mysterious virus itself.

She definitely made her points and the audience was appreciative of her determination and forthrightness and let it be known.

Following the Lady in Red was the second to last speaker Eva Goertz who had driven up with her hubby from 100 Mile House to attend the event.

Eva thanked everybody for showing up and thanked the Organizers for making the event happen and was pleased to be attending.

She didn’t talk for long but told the audience of some of her experiences from the past when she was living in East Germany prior to coming to Canada and what it was like living under a soviet communist state regime where all your movements are watched and you don’t have the freedoms that Canadians have enjoyed all their lives. Her message of course was that if Canada doesn’t stand up and speak out and do something about all the arbitrary rules and regulations and mandates that are being imposed on them that it won’t be long before Canada will resemble that former Orwellian state.

She also told a story about a recent event that took place in Vancouver, B.C. at a home for the elderly. A family relation who was working there told her that one evening (presumably after the residents had been ‘vaccinated’) that 20 human beings died in one single night! Coincidence? A freak occurrence? Highly unlikely given all the horror stories that are now emerging around the world as the WHO and the governments are going full bore with their attempts to ‘vaccinate’ anyone they can lay their greedy, clammy hands on.

The audience was appreciative of Eva’s short talk and thanked her with their applause.

The last person to wend their way up on stage was another woman whose name, at this time, is unknown. I refer to her as the Unknown Warrior Woman as she spoke with a strong determined voice while shared her personal battles with the audience.

The speaker related to the audience her recent experience at having lost her son due to a medical condition. A part of that sad story was the whole issue of the Health Authorities and governments mandating unreasonable, insane policies that prohibit loved ones and family members from attending hospitals and private facilities where their family members are dying or living alone so long that they soon will be giving up hope of ever seeing their families and most likely will become depressed to the point where their will to live will finally give out.

She stressed the fact again and again that people must resist these types of Machiavellian measures by health authorities and that the lockdowns and social distancing MUST END!


By 1:45 PM the Rally was over and people began to slowly disperse. The event had taken place without any problems and the RCMP packed up their surveillance equipment and slipped silently away. No fines or tickets were given to the Organizers and hopefully none will be given out at a later date.

Before the crowd left Organizer Tamara Morneau told everyone that there would be another Rally in the near future likely within a month or so. The response to her declaration was positive and she received a loud applause from those in attendance.

I want to conclude this rather protracted story by stating my own thoughts on the event.

After a year of lockdowns and masks and now the increase in fake vaccines for “the people” plus thousands upon thousands of comments and stories and memes on social media regarding this massive HOAX we are still seeing strong resistance from both our local municipal government, our local media, i.e. the Quesnel Cariboo Observer and next to no resistance from our provincial MLA Coralee Oakes or our federal Member of Parliament Todd Doherty who represents the Conservative Party to openly addressing these issues and debating them both in the government houses and the media.

Denial appears to be the name of game when it comes to recognizing that the whole world is resisting all of these Orwellian measures to force upon the human race untested poisonous ‘vaccines’ and social restrictions and business inhibitors that are destroying lives and the basic foundations upon which our lives, our liberties and our freedom of speech are based.

We must unite and build the resistance movement and continue to SPEAK OUT! One good way of helping out would be to share this story with as many others as you can.

In the words of one man who resisted the Evil that now oppresses us, “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.”


More Facebook Censorship of END THE LOCKDOWN Message

More Facebook Censorship of END THE LOCKDOWN Message

Worldwide Demonstration for Freedom, Peace, and Democracy – Toronto, Canada by Kelly Anne Wolfe – March 20, 2021 Duration of video is 5 minutes

FACEBOOK BANNED THIS: This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:


Support Proportional Representation: Make Your Vote Count

Support Proportional Representation: Make Your Vote Count
URGENT ALERT: Act now to support proportional representation—and oppose ranked ballots at the provincial level!Dear Gus,

An Ontario election is just 15 months away. Doug Ford’s 40% “majority” has rammed through multiple bills over the voices of the opposition. 

The ball is rolling to put proportional representation front and centre in Ontario, but we must act now to steer this ship in the right direction!

In 2018, the Ontario Liberal Party received 20% of the vote but was almost wiped out with first-past-the-post. They are now doing an Ontario-wide survey to help decide their next election platform—and electoral reform is on the agenda. Their survey is not just for Liberal supporters. It’s open to everyone!

A grassroots group has been working tirelessly for months to advocate for a Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform to be included in the survey. Gus, that’s what I was hoping today’s email to you would be about.

Instead, the Ontario Liberals delivered a disheartening surprise:

Their survey pits proportional representation against a winner-take-all ranked ballot! We need you to weigh in now, indicating that you strongly support proportional representation and strongly oppose a winner-take-all ranked ballot for Ontario provincial elections.
Strongly support proportional representation!We probably don’t have to tell you why proportional representation (PR) is urgently needed in Ontario!
PR ends false majorities and delivers FAIR results. 30% of the vote gets 30% of the seats.PR makes almost every vote count, so you can elect an MPP aligned with your values!PR promotes collaborative government, instead of single party elected dictatorships and wild policy swings.PR been proven for decades to deliver better results on almost every measure you can think of, from health to the environment.Strongly oppose winner-take-all-ranked ballots!Winner-take-all ranked ballots at the provincial level can result in a bitterly-entrenched, ultra-adversarial two-party system ― it’s a phony reform.

It’s the same bait and switch Justin Trudeau tried to pull at the federal level.

Federally, after five months of intensive consultation and input from experts, the conclusion was clear: 

Only 4% of the experts supported winner-take-all ranked ballots.

88% supported proportional representation.Winner-take-all ranked ballots were shown to be the only system that could deliver results that were even more disproportional than first-past-the-post. 

Over 90 countries—including 80% of OECD countries—use proportional systems.

Only TWO countries in the world use winner-take-all ranked ballots at the federal level: Australia and Papua New Guinea.
The results of winner-take-all ranked ballots in Australia provide a stark lesson for Canada:Winner-take-all ranked ballots have created an entrenched, adversarial two-party-block system in Australia. We don’t want a two-party system like we see in the United States. Canada has had more than two parties since 1921!Winner-take-all ranked ballots have slammed the door on voters for smaller parties. The Australian Green Party has never won more than one seat, even though it earned 11.8% of the vote in 2010 and 10.5% of the vote in 2019.In Australia, strategic voting campaigns aren’t eliminated — they’re institutionalized. Parties push “How to Vote” cards, displayed at polling stations, telling voters how to mark their preferences. The BBC bluntly describes these cards as “a method of tactical voting decided by party leaders.”Australia has become a poster child for the kind of “policy lurch” that winner-take-all systems produce. Their policy lurch on climate, for example, has landed them at almost the bottom of the world’s rankings on the 2020 Climate Performance Index.Winner-take-all voting in Australia has produced right-wing governments in 32 of the last 50 years (64%). Three of those governments were wrong-winner outcomes, resulting in the opposite of voters’ intent (when the right-wing parties formed government despite winning less of the popular vote than the left-wing parties).We must do better in Ontario. Please take the Ontario Liberal survey now:
It’s very important to mention that high quality, proportional systems can use a ranked ballot, too! In fact, all of the proportional models considered by the federal electoral reform process could have included a ranked ballot in their design.

Unfortunately, the Ontario Liberals are referring strictly to a winner-take-all implementation of ranked ballots in this survey. The proper name for it is Alternative Vote.

Electoral reform is too important to be left in the hands of politicians and party politics. Fixing our democracy should be led by the citizens it exists to serve.

We don’t want to see politicians deciding the future of our democracy behind closed doors.

We don’t want to see anyone trying to use electoral reform as an opportunity to deliver political gains for their party. 

Fair Vote Canada is calling for a Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform!

A Citizen’s Assembly is independent and non-partisan. It’s truly inclusive and evidence-based. It’s a process that all Ontarians, voters of all parties, can get behind— a process we can trust! 

In addition to rating the choices, we urge you to make a comment in the survey, too, so comments for proportional representation or a Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform are always at the top of the comments! Please, be constructive, positive and respectful. Let’s be an example of the kind of politics we want to see.

It’s time to ditch winner-take-all voting. To restore trust in our democracy. To make every vote count. 

Please help steer this conversation in the right direction by taking the Ontario Liberal survey now.


Anita Nickerson
Executive Director, Fair Vote Canada
Fair Vote Canada
88 North Drive
Kitchener, ON N2M 1K8

Video: EXCELLENT NEWS from Canadian Doctors about COVID! — Forbidden by the Twitter Censors

Video: EXCELLENT NEWS from Canadian Doctors about COVID! Clear, concise, great advice

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

Paul Fromm

Video: EXCELLENT NEWS from Canadian Doctors about COVID! Clear, concise, great advice

Canadian Doctors Speak Out – Top Reasons Not to be Afraid of Covid | Canada Health AllianceCanadian doctors speak out, dispelling many myths about Covid. Share

Vancouver Freedom & Democracy END THE LOCKDOWN Rally A Huge Success

Vancouver Freedom & Democracy END THE LOCKDOWN Rally A Huge Success

Saturday March 20th 2021

The rally put on by the Liberty Club was a good effort.  Not quite as many folks as previously. Very important that we showed up to align ourselves with millions of other folks at rallies in cities and towns … large and small …. all around the world.

When I arrived at 11:30 am a light rain was falling, so I was pessimistic.   But the drizzle quit and the public square filled up  … there were at least 400 warm bodies by 12:30 pm..   Not more than a couple wearing the muzzle … everyone else breathing freely  … delighted to be in the company of like minds.  I left early but photos posted taken later in the day show a crowd of ~=1000

It grated on me that the mistress of ceremonies spent time + energy, talking about how the lame-stream media treat our GATHERINGS.    I strongly disagree with her pandering to them, stating that  ‘we are not anti-maskers. We are not anti-vaxxers’.     Oh, but we are.   And we ought not apologize.    This lady is going to learn the lesson we learned the hard way,  ‘way back in the anti-abortion thing;  You cannot grovel low enough to please the Adversary.    In the rough-and-tumble of politics, it is MOST important to have the measure of your enemy.    The directing mind of the conspirators who have brought about the God damned Lockdown, is wicked to its core.  Their hirelings —   so-called “legacy media”  — are only propaganda outfalls.    So, treat them accordingly

A year ago,  40 dissident voices were raised at Vancouver City Hall against the Lockdown.    If we’ve learned anything since, it’s that the SARS 2 Covid19 thing is the greatest medical malpractice in history: essentially,  statistics of the annual incidence of influenza, rebranded as a cover story while the US dollar goes off the scale and off the rails.   People like Provincial Medical Officer Henry, Premier John Horgan, cabinet Ministers Dix and Farnworth, cannot be ignorant of the evidence that the thing is a blatant HOAX.   From feedback at our bi-weekly protest in Victoria,  I guess that an honest poll would reveal the majority of British Columbians don’t believe them

My attendance at rallies in Vancouver, Victoria and Duncan has given me a sense of where the movement is heading.    The    N eeD iP pers  are venal, but they’re not stupid.   They most certainly are paying attention to this populist movement.    Premier Horgan, Ministers Dix, Farnworth et al. are getting off easy, so far.   Horgan’s come-uppance will come when the recall campaign puts the evidence of his criminality in front of voters in his riding.  

The mouthpiece of Horgan and his ilk  Professor David Suzuki,  took the lead vilifying  us with his letter denouncing the End the Lockdown  movement, as “white supremecists Klu Klu Klansmen”. Laughable,  yes, but he really did say that.  

What I saw yesterday was  focus being blurred of what originated as authentic single-issue populism   misled toward the pet project of Suzuki’s gang of un-apologetic communists : ie decolonization.    As the third speaker declared that the ground we were standing on is Indian Land, my suspicions were confirmed.   She then addressed a prayer to Gitchee Manitou,  the name of some spirit being ? who is no god at all, to me and to Christians.  After which the lady sang a religious song in her aboriginal language. I’d had my fill.   I ‘got off the bus’.   I walked away.    

A couple of weeks ago, Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson convened a Christian worship service on the steps of the Vancouver Law Courts.  All was going well with about 100 sympathizers singing and praying as  speakers exhorted the congregation.  Along came a ragtag bunch of Native Indians, drumming and hollering attempting to disrupt this religious meeting. This just happens to be a criminal offence, per section 176 of the Criminal Code. They were quite obnoxious,  loudly going on about “stolen land”.  They intimidated congregants almost pushing over the loudspeakers set up for the meeting. Fortunately, a Vancouver Police officer standing by stepped in and put  the aboriginals in their place.    Pastor Art Pawlowski grew up under communism in Poland. He is a physically intimidating man.  Story is before he was saved, he was one bad ass there.  Deeply insulted,   he bellowed in his best street preacher voice

we are lions. We will not be silenced by hyenas!”

as politically-incorrect as it gets. A word fitly-spoken, indeed !!  The hyenas left with their tails between their legs.

The genesis of the  End the Lockdown movement was   authentic spontaneous assembling of people who are righteously indignant against profound incompetence in government.    Even that much would be to give the   NDPers  more of the benefit of the doubt than they deserve.    I don’t believe Horgan et al. are that stupid.  Given half an hour, I could explain that what they’ve done is Treason;  that some of them know they are complicit in crimes against humanity.   

And for those who would dismiss that phrase,  your homework is to read the book “The Trial of the Nazi doctors” along with similar works re Judgment at Nuremberg.  After WW 2 the Allies set up an international Court with 5 judges to dispense victor’s justice. Their problem, though, was that they didn’t have a nail from which the charges could be seen to hang properly. So, they came up with the notion that the leadership of the National Socialist German Workers Party carried on a Grand Conspiracy to make war illegally.  In which war,  things done by the armed forces and institutions of the  3rd Reich were so awful that they were in a category all by themselves or “crimes against humanity”.    Such had never been part of international law.   It was ex post facto law but that didn’t matter.  No one was about to gainsay indictments brought by lead prosecutor Robert Jackson  who was then the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the U.S. of A.   I think that some of those who hold … or are close to … the reins of power,  know that what’s going on is wrong.    Fear hath torment : They are terrified that when they’re found out, the mob will turn on them. A hint of which, was   a dozen climate change fanatics / Extinction Rebellion showing up at Premier Horgan’s home a year ago February.     What made Donkey-Bonnie Henry tremble in the CBC interview, was,  NOT our band of persistent peaceful protesters.   Rather, she worries that some loner who’s  reached the very end of his patience with her wickedness, will lash out, randomly.  Like what happened two years ago. An office worker was murdered right there on  the porch of the Ministry of Health building.  Bonnie Henry and the NDP MLAs should be afraid.  But not of us. In reality, our dissident voices are a safety-valve for the resentment felt by the silent majority despising her confederation of dunces. 

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above photo is of scene of our protest on the boulevard outside the Min de Health

Doktor Bonnie better take counsel concerning legal responsibility in her personal capacity, for being part of the directing mind perpetrating this evil Covid FRAUD.   The class action lawsuit now being put together by Rainer Fulmilch is the sound of a distant army on the march.   There is no stopping an idea whose time has come.   The “hall pass” the NDP wrote for themselves last summer,  ostensibly waiving ALL right to sue for any and everything re Covid *   will come back to haunt them. It was  illegal in the first instance. What it demonstrates is  : witting connivance to evade their sworn duty.

* Except gross negligence. I look forward to discussing that with a judge when my Claim against Canadian Tire employees arising from KronaMadness   gets before Small claims court.

Last week we got the ruling of Chief Justice Hinkson  re the Petition brought by churches challenging the Order prohibiting them from congregating.    It is so bad it would be ridiculous.    But we are not laughing under the consequences of this utter perversion of Justice.     They are people whose right to get associate with each was outlawed.   Carefully and as humbly as possible, they bundled-up their complaint then put it in front of someone whose job it is to do something about it.    To his eternal discredit,  the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia shat on them.  

What astonished us courthouse hounds about that case, was  that the Legal Services Branch  representing Provincial Medical Officer Henry  didn’t bother to put in any affidavits to buttress its position ! At that level of government, you cannot be that stupid.   Out of the mouth of govt. lawyer Gareth Morley came the excuse “She was too busy”. I am not making this up.

The crux of the constitutional challenge was  to ‘reasonableness’ of the particular diktat re how many people could associate inside a church building at one time.    Rather than get at it, Hinkson J. took Judicial Notice of saint Bonnie’s opinion that ‘there is a world wide pandemic underway.’ Then, he launched into his Reasons,  tapdancing all ‘round the issue with a ream of legal-ese.      No evidence whatsoever to support that opinion. He deferred to surmise-upon-surmise-upon-computer models which proved over the year, to be dead wrong.    See how that works?  Circular reasoning right out of Alice Through the Looking Glass : “Words will mean what I say they mean”.  

What went on was one of the most obvious charades we’ve ever seen:  the fix was in and the judge was in on the fix.   But so what, eh?  The Lockdown is officially pronounced as interfering with charter rights, ‘yes,  but such interference is “reasonable’ says he.    Lewis Carroll’s cartoon Cheshire cat smirks down from its branch in the thickets of the law

The capper to the exercise, being   Head Witch Bonnie spinning her nonsense now “allowing” ! outdoor protests.  The bright lights atop the Ministry of  Health realized that thousands of people at our superspreader EVENTS all over the province were embarrassing her, anyway.  So they papered over genuine civil disobedience as though it was their idea all along!

But I am not cast down. I have great faith in our God to look after us.   The energy of true Americans will not be strangled by these antichrists who think they rule over us. 

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic

Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

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20 March 2021 Vancouver 009.jpg

Feeling the Pressure, the ACLU Quietly Begins Backtracking & Amazon Issued an Alarming Statement on Their Ban Book

Feeling the Pressure, the ACLU Quietly Begins Backtracking & Amazon Issued an Alarming Statement on Their Ban Book
Over 2,000 of you have sent messages to the ACLU telling them to apologize for the harm they did to Smith College employees by spreading false racism claims. An innocent cafeteria worker and janitor had their lives ruined, and the ACLU must do what they can to set it right! While the ACLU has yet to apologize, they are quietly backing away from their claims.

When the campaign launched, the ACLU website still had a page that shared the false racism charges uncritically. About a week into our campaign, that page disappeared. That’s certainly not enough, but it’s progress. 

We need to keep up the pressure!
 If you haven’t already, please send a message to the ACLU and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Those two innocent workers deserve better!

And thanks to you, our work is getting noticed. Check out this article for more background and a nice blurb about what you’ve helped us accomplish: “ACLU Under Fire for Helping to Destroy Lives of Smith College Workers Falsely Accused of Racism”
Amazon Issued an Alarming Statement on Their Ban Book
Amazon finally gave a public reason why they removed Ryan T. Anderson’s book When Harry Became Sally from their online store after many of you signed NTC’s petition (and a few U.S. Senators demanded answers). Amazon’s response was that they are removing all books that classify transgender identity as a mental illness. 

Anderson’s book, however, does not classify transgender identity as a mental illness, so Amazon is already violating its own standards. This is especially concerning since there is active legislation about how transgender issues will be handled under the law. The world’s largest bookseller is zealously silencing one side of the debate at the most critical moment. This can only be bad for our democracy.

If you haven’t yet, please sign the petition!

You can also read an op-ed by the book’s author, published this week: “Amazon Won’t Let You Read My Book

We have our work cut out for us. Thank you for being willing to take a stand!

– The New Tolerance Team