ALERT Conservative Party Pressured to Expel Derek Sloan from the Caucus It seems that the left-wing media and some anti-life extremist conservative MPs, such as Michelle Rempel (Calgary Nose Hill), are pressuring the Conservative Party to remove MP Derek Sloan as a Conservative leadership candidate because of his criticism of the questionable actions of Dr. Teresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer. Below is an email distributed yesterday by Campaign Life Coalition that discusses this matter. It should be read immediately and acted upon. |
The left wing in this country, consisting primarily of liberal journalists in the media but even some red tory “progressives” within the Conservative Party like MP Michelle Rempel, is trying to pressure Andrew Scheer into expelling pro-life MP Derek Sloan from the Conservative caucus. And they are succeeding. The media has been foaming at the mouth with fake outrage at their own false accusation that the socially conservative Sloan was “racist” for criticizing Justin Trudeau’s top health care bureaucrat, Dr. Theresa Tam, who happens to be of Asian descent, over her bungling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Tam gave unsound and likely, lethal medical advice that may have caused the deaths of many Canadians. She parroted the talking points of the Chinese Communist Government-controlled World Health Organization (WHO), where Tam, not so coincidentally, also works in a top leadership position. Trudeau’s “top doctor” – as the media likes to call the bureaucrat – actually:Discouraged Canadians from wearing face masks, saying that they don’t work;Advised Justin Trudeau not to shut down air travel from COVID-19 hot spots, including from Wuhan, China, were the virus originated;Repeated the false WHO claim that the virus was NOT contagious if people are not showing symptoms (it is)Covered up the Chinese state dictatorship’s lies and underreporting with respect to infections in that countryAt first, Andrew Scheer brushed off media suggestions that Sloan should be ejected from the Conservative Party caucus and blocked from continuing to run as a Leadership candidate, saying that he would not comment on Sloan’s critique of Tam. He said he’d leave it up to the party membership to decide who they wanted as the new Leader. Good for Andrew, so we thought. But after a few days of intense hounding by journalists, Scheer finally cracked, and on Monday April 27th he held a press conference in which he condemned Sloan’s perfectly appropriate criticism of Tam’s incompetence and blind adherence to scientifically unsound WHO propaganda. In the press conference, Scheer refused to say whether or not he would expel Derek Sloan. CLC has been around the block enough times to know that means that expelling the pro-life, pro-family MP is definitely in discussion by Scheer and the Party. And when one combines Scheer’s refusal to say he would not expel Sloan, together with LEOC’s shameful track record of disqualifying social conservative leadership candidates, first Richard Decarie and then Jim Karahalios, we are certain that is the direction that Scheer and the corrupt red Tory establishment is wanting to go. ACT NOW TO SAVE DEREK SLOAN! If you’re a Conservative Party member or supporter, and you happen to have a Conservative MP representing your riding, please email and call your local MP and demand that they defend Sloan against any effort to either disqualify him from the Leadership race or to expel him from caucus. Find your local MP by entering your postal code here. Or even better, contact all 35 of the federal Conservative MPs for Ontario listed below. His Ontario caucus mates are in the best position to defend him. RidingNameEmailPhoneAurora – Oak Ridges – Richmond HillMP Leona AlleslevLeona.Alleslev@parl.gc.ca905-773-8358Barrie – InnisfilMP John BrassardJohn.Brassard@parl.gc.ca705-726-5959Barrie – Springwater – Oro-MedonteMP Doug ShipleyDoug.Shipley@parl.gc.ca705-728-2596Brantford – BrantMP Phil McColemanphil.mccoleman@parl.gc.ca519-754-4300Bruce – Grey – Owen SoundMP Alex RuffAlex.Ruff@parl.gc.ca519-371-1059CarletonMP Pierre Poilievrepierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca(613) 692-3331Chatham-Kent – LeamingtonMP Dave EppDave.Epp@parl.gc.ca519-326-9655Dufferin – CaledonMP Kyle SeebackKyle.Seeback@parl.gc.ca(905) 499-3678DurhamMP Erin O’TooleErin.OToole@parl.gc.ca905-697-1699Elgin – Middlesex – LondonMP Karen VecchioKaren.Vecchio@parl.gc.ca519-637-2255EssexMP Christopher LewisChris.Lewis@parl.gc.ca519-776-4700Flamborough – GlanbrookMP David Sweetdavid.sweet@parl.gc.ca905-574-0474Haldimand – NorfolkMP Diane Finleydiane.finley@parl.gc.ca1-866-496-3400Haliburton – Kawartha Lakes – BrockMP Jamie SchmaleJamie.Schmale@parl.gc.ca705-324-2400Huron – BruceMP Ben Lobbben.lobb@parl.gc.ca519-524-6560KenoraMP Eric MelilloEric.Melillo@parl.gc.ca807-468-2170Lambton – Kent – MiddlesexMP Lianne RoodLianne.Rood@parl.gc.ca(519) 871-9773Lanark – Frontenac – KingstonMP Scott Reidscott.reid@parl.gc.ca613-257-8130Leeds – Grenville – Thousand Islands and Rideau LakesMP Michael BarrettMichael.Barrett@parl.gc.ca613-498-3096Markham – UnionvilleMP Bob SaroyaBob.Saroya@parl.gc.ca905-470-2024Niagara FallsMP Tony BaldinelliTony.Baldinelli@parl.gc.ca905-353-9590Niagara WestMP Dean Allisondean.allison@parl.gc.ca905-563-7900Northumberland – Peterborough SouthMP Philip LawrencePhilip.Lawrence@parl.gc.ca905-372-8757OshawaMP Colin Carriecolin.carrie@parl.gc.ca905-440-4868OxfordMP David Mackenziedave.mackenzie@parl.gc.ca519-421-7214Parry Sound – MuskokaMP Scott AitchisonScott.Aitchison@parl.gc.ca705-788-4406Perth – WellingtonMP John NaterJohn.Nater@parl.gc.ca519-273-1400Renfrew – Nipissing – PembrokeMP Cheryl Gallantcheryl.gallant@parl.gc.ca613-732-4404Sarnia – LambtonMP Marilyn GladuMarilyn.Gladu@parl.gc.ca519-383-6600Simcoe – GreyMP Terry DowdallTerry.Dowdall@parl.gc.ca705-435-1809Simcoe NorthMP Bruce Stantonbruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca(705) 527-7654Stormont – Dundas – South GlengarryMP Eric DuncanEric.Duncan@parl.gc.ca613-937-3331ThornhillMP Peter Kentpeter.kent@parl.gc.ca905-886-9911Wellington – Halton HillsMP Michael Chongmichael.chong@parl.gc.ca519-843-7344York – SimcoeMP Scot DavidsonScot.Davidson@parl.gc.ca905-898-1600 To be doubly-sure that you’re lobbying all the right people who may have the power to decide on Derek’s fate, please also email the Conservative Party’s National Council Committee members, and tell them you support Derek Sloan and that they must not pull another disqualification trick like they did on Decarie and Karahalios: National CouncillorEmailJurisdictionMr. Scott Lambscottlamb@conservative.caPresidentMs. Shir Barzshirbarzilay@conservative.caOntarioMr. Simon Chapellesimonchapelle@conservative.caOntarioMr. Mathijs Van Gaalenmatthijsvangaalen@conservative.caOntarioMr. Bert Chenbert@bertchen.caOntarioMr. Wayne Bensonwaynebenson@conservative.caManitobaMr. Emile Mercieremilemercier@conservative.caQuebecMs. Valerie Assoulinevalerieassouline@conservateur.caQuebecMr. Jimmy Yujimmyyu@conservative.caQuebecMs. Marilyn Elliottmarilynelliott@conservative.caAlbertaMr. Steven Dollanskystevendollansky@conservative.caAlbertaMr. Barry Firbybarryfirby@conservative.caSaskatchewanMr. Robert Bathersonrobertbatherson@conservative.caNova ScotiaMr. Kevin Pricekevinprice@conservative.caNew BrunswickMr. Don Nightingaledonnightingale@conservative.caBritish ColumbiaMs. Sylvia Poiriersylviapoirier@conservative.caPrince Edward IslandMr. Karl Sullivankarlsullivan@conservative.caNewfoundlandMr. David Connellydavidconnelly@conservative.caNorthwest TerritoriesMr. Ted Lakingtedlaking@conservative.caYukon We cannot allow the party establishment swamp to eliminate a third, socially conservative Leadership candidate! Therefore, I thank you for being pro-active in pre-empting that from happening. For life, family and freedom, Jeff Gunnarson National President Campaign Life Coalition www.campaignlifecoalition.com |