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Your Truth and My Truth Professor Frei! – Ursula Haverbeck

Your Truth and My Truth Professor Frei! – Ursula Haverbeck


Reposted from Henry Hafenmayer

July 31, 2018

The following letter from Ursula Haverbeck, unfortunately, reached me only today. However, I do not wish to keep it from the public. A contribution to this case has already been made here [in German].



Frau Ursula Haverbeck

From Prison

July 31, 2018

Yours and My Truth

An article about me [Ursula Haverbeck] was published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung under the title ‘Hitlerliebe’ (Hitler Love) on July 21/22, 2018 by a historian, teaching newer and more recent history partly in Jena, partly in Israel. [admin: The Professor is a Jew.]

Professor Norbert Frei begins with the sentence:

“Ursula was 16 years old when Hitler committed suicide.”

He should have written:

“Ursula was 16 years old” when… the war, that was already drawing to an end, caught up with the people who had so far been largely spared in the East. After the total expulsion order, thousands of banished Germans set out to save themselves before the borders of the Bolshevik Red Army. That was the end of childhood and a very happy youth.

Prussians, Pomeranians, Silesians, Sudeten Germans and many other ethnic German groups could never return again to their old ancestral homeland, something that many still expected decades after the war, due to international law.

It was a bitter-cold January in 1945, the roads were frozen with ice. Often narrowly squeezed into three lanes, [German] troops headed east, and the farm buggies headed west, and in between them there were repeated transports of wounded. For the displaced Germans on the carriages, there was only one goal, despite the approaching gunfire, to get to Breslau and across the bridges of the river Oder as soon as possible, before they would be blown up.”

That would have said more about the reality of a sixteen-year-old girl’s life in East Germany in 1945.

Of course, a historian is also free to imagine a young person from the Nazi era at his own discretion. However, this usually says more about the mental condition of him than about the person described.

With the currency reform of 1948, a hard and serious cut into life began, especially for the homeless and unemployed expellees in foreign surroundings, where the inhabitants were already overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of people bombed out of their homes. All living space was already occupied well into the 1950s.

In England and Sweden they were looking for cleaning ladies for the hospitals and in positions of domestic help. I became a guest worker in Sweden from 1949 to 1953, from where I could support my parents.

The former “BDM” girl [Frau Haverbeck was designated by Prof. Frei to be a Hitler Youth Girl] – to which I never belonged; I had stayed with the 10-14 year olds as a young girls’ leader – was neither stubborn, nor angry, nor unhappy, as Norbert Frei claims I, his study object, was. I had a particularly happy time in Sweden. We met once a week in a German-Swedish working group for more than two years to study Rudolf Steiner’s ‘Philosophy of Freedom’. We read it in German and alternately lectured and discussed it in Swedish. There I heard of Baruch de Spinoza. Three of his sentences became my guide posts:

From the ethics: “Deus sive natura, ‘the unity and wholeness of God – nature.

“Man is man’s joy” as a replacement for the old Roman quote “man is man’s wolf.”

And from the theological-political treatise: “The true goal of all politics is freedom.”

The philosopher, who was a close friend of the Dutch politician Jan de Witt, recognized this as the basic maxim for the new political design after the collapse of the Spanish foreign rule, already shortly after the Thirty Year War at that time. It was to also point the way ahead for our departure. Freedom, please, not ego-liberalism!

The ‘Holocaust’ did not exist yet, and not in Sweden nor in Scotland in 1957 either, where I was able to study for a year thanks to a scholarship.

Tales of horror at Auschwitz did not attract further attention under the terror of the bombs and the misery of the displaced people, that was still omnipresent. Furthermore, there was also a large number of opposing statements about Auschwitz by contemporary witnesses, from personal experience. What was truth – what was a lie?

And not to forget, we knew who had already ‘declared’ war on us in March of 1933, and who it was that six months later declared the ‘Holy War’ against the most “bloodthirsty, evil people in the world, the Germans.” That wasn’t a new tune. Our fathers had already heard it in World War One.

“Denying the Holocaust is not an opinion, but a crime,” concludes Norbert Frei. For us, ‘The Holocaust’ was a Hollywood feature film from the USA. So this word first came into our consciousness in 1979. It was an enormous production, in four episodes in succession, with scientific introduction, panel discussion and tearful reports by Auschwitz survivors.

Auschwitz, the Holocaust and the six million gassings were one and the same. From now on it was regarded as the singular guilt of the Germans, that was not atonable for all eternity.

All refutations from available documents and scientific views were indexed, forbidden, destroyed. It was punishable to cite them in agreement, whether submitted by Jews, French, Americans or Germans.

Those born after 1960-1965 no longer had an opportunity to compare the information. For them, the Holocaust became an incontrovertible fact. And even today, every criticism, every question that is difficult to answer is punished with prohibitions and prison sentences. May I remind you of the trials against Ernst Zündel and the chemist Germar Rudolf in Mannheim.

The Institut für Zeitgeschichte (IfZ) [Institute of Contemporary History] managed the feat of publishing the Standort- und Kommandanturbefehle Auschwitz 1940-45 ohne IfZ Bemerkungen-530S in 2000, [commander’s orders at Auschwitz] and still withheld them at the same time from the public. In none of the more than 30 lawsuits [I have attended], have I ever heard them mentioned. (2001 – 2015).

Norbert Frei is made “speechless” by the “brazenness” of Ursula Haverbeck. This is simply explained by the fact that she knows not only the time after the Holocaust film, but also the 35 years before it, as well as a number of the critics involved, personally. [The accusations] have been reviewed retrospectively.

“The real goal of politics is freedom.” But how do you get freedom? This we find in John’s Gospel:

“The truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

Ursula Haverbeck, July 31, 2018


Short version:

Nazi Commands at Auschwitz 1940 to 1945 SS Archive Data Revealed-053018-65pg

To purchase: Nazi Commands at Autschwitz

Long Version, so far in German only:

Darstellungen und Quellen zur Geschichte Auschwitz-ohne IfZ Bemerkungen (Kommandanturbefehle)-530S

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