Update on Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott’s Re-trial for “Hate” Against the LGBTQ Crowd

Update on Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott’s Re-trial for “Hate” Against the LGBTQ Crowd

Whatcott’s Judicial Pretrial Judge was truly an honest half Indian

Honourable, Superior Court Justice, Todd Ducharme

Dear Friends,

My pre-trial took place today in front of Justice Todd Ducharme. Justice Ducharme is Canada’s first Metis Justice appointed to the Superior Court under the Liberal Government of Paul Martin in 2004. I definitely did not like Paul Martin back in the day, but fiscally and even socially, Martin was downright saintly compared to the trainwreck we have in the PM’s office now. And indeed the disparity between Trudeau and Martin can even be seen in judicial appointments.

Martin, being a Liberal may have felt he needed to tick a diversity box when he appointed Ducharme to the Superior Court bench, but at the end of the day Justice Todd Ducharme strikes me as a mixed bag who tries to do an honest job as a Superior Court Justice.

Some of Justice Ducharme’s politics, I don’t like much. The guy can reasonably be perceived as anti-oilsands and given that he partook in a mock show trial that vindicated environmental hypocrite David Suzuki, I wouldn’t put Ducharme in charge of Canada’s energy security. It is regrettable that Ducharme appears to think plant food (AKA CO2) is bringing about climate armageddon and that Suzuki (a guy who travels around the country is a diesel guzzling Prevost luxury bus) is the answer. But then again the guy was appointed by a Liberal government, so what do you expect?

Justice Duscharme has a long career in criminal law. I looked at one case where Justice Ducharme sat on the Supreme Court of Yukon bench and threw out criminal charges against an obviously guilty child predator who was also found to be in illegal possession of firearms. The ruling was regrettable but understandable. The lower court judge had no authority to allow the RCMP to search the pedophile’s residence as he wasn’t charged with anything yet, and no actual evidence of crimes being committed was presented to the court before the warrant was issued. It seems from a quick perusal of the ruling if the lower court judge was a little more patient and had he ordered the cops to follow proper procedure and gather the evidence needed to get a warrant, a proper conviction could have been attained. The reasoning of Ducharme shows me the guy has a legal mind and is oriented to following the law, rather than his own biases.

In another more recent case you can see Justice Ducharme displayed some intemperance. He told some lawyers in a pre-trial conference representing a couple who starved and beat their four year old child to death that their clients were “f–ked” and further went on to say “no one likes child killers.” His comments along with some meddling in his courtroom to try to get the couple to plead guilty to second degree murder led to the Ontario Court of Appeal ordering a second trial. In this case (unlike my own), the Ontario Court of Appeal ruling actually made sense. In the end the couple were eventually convicted. Dad was convicted of second degree murder and mom of first degree murder. Maybe the judge could have done things better, but you can see from his sentiment he has some decency about him.

Which leads me to my pre-trial today. I won’t say anything about what my lawyer has been saying as she would prefer I shut my mouth when it comes to lawyer/client privilege stuff. But Justice Ducharme gave his opinion again, as he is an outspoken guy, —- deleted as per my lawyer’s request.——

Given my serious concerns about so-called hate speech prosecutions, this gives more credence to my concern that so-called “hate speech” prosecutions are highly subjective. A brief perusal of who gets prosecuted shows the victims are almost always Hitler dudes, Christians, and social conservatives. Those on the left who say unpleasant things are almost never prosecuted.

For months anti-Israel folks on Toronto’s university campuses and on major highways have been chanting “From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.” Being “free” clearly means Jews who are born and raised in Israel won’t be living there anymore and it seems no one in power and even a few in my friends circle want to explore the uncomfortable question about what happens to these Jews once Palestine is “free?” Anyways, being a free speech guy, I am not that zealous to criminally prosecute those chanting this disturbing chant; especially the far left 18 year old idiots who likely have no idea what they are actually chanting. But it is curious the Ontario Attorney General will sign off on prosecuting my Gospel flyer which has nothing remotely close to genocidal language in it, but for months has given a pass to this actual genocidal speech which is now a daily occurance on Toronto campuses and roadways.

None of those on the right who are convicted of so-called “hate speech” are ever actually violent. Some of those convicted, you may not like their opinions. From my perspective some opinions found to be criminal hate speech, I have actually agreed with the opinion expressed. One example is a French guy by the name of Eric Brazau who put a Saudi Arabian woman who became a Christian in a Niqab and mock beat her with a stick on a TTC subway train while reading verses from the Koran which explicitly sanctions this behaviour.

The woman who I met was a nominal Muslim before becoming a Christian and she experienced domestic violence when living in Saudi Arabia. She and her Frenchman friend wanted to make people aware of the Koranic verses which sanction wife beating. Anyways, someone on the train got offended at the skit as the Frenchman read from the Koran while lightly whacking the ex-Muslim woman (who was wearing a full burka) with a stick in the aisle of the train. The offended passenger pulled an alarm and at the next stop the pair were arrested. The Frenchman (who was an atheist) got 2 years in jail for his educational stunt. In my view Canadian justice is the worst for it.

As it stands now in my case, Superior Court Justice Goldstein and Justice Ducharme are clear they do not think my flyer is criminal hate speech. Ontario Court of Appeal Justices, Lorne Sossin He/Him, Harvesin-Young, and Copeland think my flyer “might be hate speech” and that a second trial is needed with evidence from a homosexual activist academic to make sure we know for sure. Conservative lawyers like Tom Schuck know for certain my flyer is not hate speech and homosexual activist lawyers like Doug Elliot know for certain my flyer is the worst kind of hate speech.

Interestingly, my former Lawyer John Rosin is ambiguous. The guy won me an acquittal for which I am forever grateful, but after multiple arguments on this topic over a period of a number of years, I don’t actually know his personal opinion on my flyer. Mr. Rosen did legal work for groups like The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which is definitely a pro-censorship lobby group. There is no doubt our world views are somewhat different.

The above diversity of opinions on what is “hate speech” and what isn’t shows we really need to get rid of our hate speech laws as they are written. Trudeau loves censorship and hates social conservatives. The needed change won’t happen under his leadership and the types of judges he appoints are unlikely to see the need to allow a greater latitude of speech in this country. Hopefully, after the next election, more freedom oriented judges can be appointed to the bench and hopefully Trudeau’s censorship bills can be repealed.

I will be a guest on Last call radio tomorrow at 11:00 am (Toronto time), which is 9:00 am (Edmonton time). You can listen or call in if you wish by following this link: https://rumble.com/c/LastCallRadio

I declined a plea agreement and my next hearing is scheduled for Toronto Superior Practice Court at 9:00 am, Monday, July 15th.

In Christ’s Service,

Bill Whatcott

Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid.” Isaiah 12:2

Fighting for Information & Transparency in Prosecution of Christians by BC Human Rights Tribunal

Kelly Ainsley

and to : those who care about good governance in British Columbia

your email to me, above, is not good enough.

Her Majesty the Queen in right of British Columbia does business, everywhere in the province, at all times.

apparently  … just dealing with my simple request for information about due process within a judicial ?   proceeding triggered a case of the heebie-jeebies … so bad that  Mr Adamson bailed-out of his  safe space there at the Seat of All Wisdom, ie.  the BCHRC HQ.   Back in my day, civil servants were made of sterner stuff.

if one of the Queen’s bureaucrats cannot take the stress of blowback from the non-sense for which he’s the flak-catcher,  he does not have the luxury of taking a time-out while the scandal dissipates.    The BC Human Rights Commission would like us to believe it’s  a Person. Thus : the Commission is obliged to co-operate with me in its functioning … not just put out ‘gone fishin’ sign. Text Mr Adamson at his hideout  that :   I’m just getting warmed up.

we have in hand a transcript of the seminar given by psychiatrist W Wong, boasting that he has “over 500 patients going through transition, all in care of the Ministry’ .  Meaning : Wong and his  pals are running a   racket in which they manipulate children to align demselves with the sexual perversions of the Apotemnophilia cult, then bill  provincial accounts for concomittant services / drugs / etcetera.  Point being : many many children are being mutilated by a bunch of quacks. BC taxpayers are being bilked out of funds by monsters – Wong and the rest, especially the proponents of the SOGI propaganda – as they ruin lives with “experimental medicine” .  I remind all concerned that war criminal Joseph Mengele was involved in much the same kind of “research’.  The excuse used by Wong et al. is not any different in principle than what the ghouls who run Red China do there … = harvest organs from living human beings.    What went on in the show-trial of Oger vs Whatcott, and now the Commission’s refusal to provide a transcript of it,  exemplify  how tyrants resort to censorship when they’re being exposed.

Gordon S Watson


On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 3:30 PM Kelly, Ainsley AG:EX <Ainsley.Kelly@gov.bc.ca> wrote:

Dear Gordon,


Thank you for your email. I am writing to advise you that the Tribunal Registrar Steven Adamson is away from the office until April 29, 2019 and will respond to your inquiry after his return.



From: Gordon S Watson <watson.gordons@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 1:19 PM
To: BC Human Rights Tribunal AG:EX <BCHumanRightsTribunal@gov.bc.ca>
Cc: watson.gordons <watson.gordons@gmail.com>
Subject: Publicity is the soul of Justice


Steven Adamson, Registrar

BC Human Rights Commission


following below is a 2-page letter which I faxed at 12:45 pm today to the HR Commission

please acknowledge receipt of my fax.
And also, acknowledge that you’re aware I have requested the Transcripts described.
If this letter does not suffice as a proper request, then I need to know what the BC Human Rights Commission wants, in order for me and others, to get the Transcript of the Oger Whatcott hearing

Gordon S Watson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

April 18th 2019
British Columbia Human Rights Commission

Attention : Steven Adamson, Registrar

This is the first page of 2 pages, total, faxed to 604 775 2020

Re : Oger versus Whatcott your file # 16408

1. When the first session of the Tribunal in this matter convened I was in the audience. 
My notes show that Chairwoman Juricivic stated 
‘this matter is being recorded. A transcript may be available if a person requests it stating his reasons’.
2. at paragraph 14 of the Reasons for the ruling in this matter, Devyn Cousineau folded-in a paraphrase of what Bill Whatcott had said while testifying. Apparently, a transcript has been made of – at the very least – his testimony. Unless told otherwise by you, I’m going to assume that the testimony of Ronan/ Morgane Oger has also been transcribed.

3. I wish to have a copy of the transcript of what witnesses Oger and Whatcott testified before the Tribunal. Please advise me of the cost of each item and how to go about getting them?
My Reasons for having a copy of the Transcripts are :

4. I stood as a candidate to be a member of the Legislature in the general election of 2001. 
I intend to do so in the next provincial election. An essential part of my platform will be ; informing electors and taxpayers as to the implications of what went on in the Oger Whatcott Tribunal. It is of utmost importance for Canadians to appreciate how the ruling in this matter effectively outlaws the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, as proclaimed by Jesus Christ and the prophets of Israel. The submission by Dr Lugosi on behalf of Bill Whatcott responding to the Attorney General’s position in this case, sums-up what’s at stake : liberty to participate in democracy during an election, at all. I require the transcripts of the witnesses in order to make them available to the public : this matter is a perfect example of the maxim “Publicity is the soul of Justice” The written record of what was said is crucial for them to make up their own minds about the fitness for office of candidates of the New Democratic Party … for deciding who to vote for, or not vote for.

5. The Bible tells us that “by two or three witnesses a thing is confirmed”. I was not in the room when Complainant Oger gave his testimony. But two of my friends were. They each told me that he related an incident which – ostensibly – demonstrated why the Whatcott flyer was “hate speech” i. e. because a man was so moved by it that he attempted to assault NDP candidate Oger. Ronan / Morgane Oger is a classic example of the fragile homosexual. His type will do and say anything for attention. Had such a thing really happened then he – masterful at using social media – would have maximized it in cyberspace for purposes of his campaign. The lack of any report in the public record, of anything like unto what he pretended, speaks volumes.

6. The Commission is no doubt aware that I have a complaint underway to the Attorney General as to Devyn Cousineau’s fitness to sit on that Tribunal. Cousineau is a longtime partisan political activist on the issue which is the centrepiece of the Oger Whatcott matter. There is hard evidence of her contributing funds to a group which advocates for still more special treatment for the ?L?G?B?T?Q?/whatever? people. It doesn’t take a degree in law or political science, to realize that Devyn Cousineau was biased in the very first instance. It is outrageous that the thing went ahead with her on the panel
7. The notion that Oger ‘was about to be attacked and was only saved by intervention of a police officer’, is a classic example of emotional blackmail / playing on the sympathy of the public conscience – one of the favourite tactics of the Marxists. Had such an incident taken place, Devyn Cousineau would certainly have known about it : she would have used it as part of her Reasons. The fact that she didn’t, tells us that ‘it never happened’.

8. I am unlearned in the law. Nevertheless, I am one of Canada’s most experienced laymen in the laying of private Informations. I have good reason to believe and I verily do believe that, while testifying under Oath, Ronan Oger aka Morgane Oger committed Perjury. I require the transcripts as evidence for substantiating charges against him of Perjury and obstruct/ pervert Justice.

9. The Commission will be aware that at the Supreme Court of British Columbia Lawcourts at 800 Smithe Street Vancouver, anyone may arrange to listen to the recording of a proceeding, for free. As well, a party to it may obtain a copy of the entire proceeding of his or her case, on CD …. called ‘the DARS disc’. Someone asking for it, must apply to a Justice, and swear an Affidavit that such a disc will be used ONLY for purposes of refreshing their memory. But not for publication. Then, if the Order is granted, they pay a fee of $25

10 Please advise me if Bill Whatcott or his lawyer may obtain a copy of the DARS disc of the entire hearing before the Tribunal of file 16408 ?. I need that information in order for me to subpoena them to the Process Hearing when I lay the private information against Oger.

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians