Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter
Index of Important Updates In this issue:
– Rallies and local events
– National Citizens’ Inquiry –
o VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR VANCOUVER HEARING MAY 2 TO 5 – work from home and/or attend in person
§ Email to volunteer
– Bill 36~ Petition and action steps – Big Thanks to Laureen & Friends
– Petition to stop the WHO’s complete takeover of our health
– PETITION to stop Volkswagen from taking your money
– Petition e-4401 — The Amendments to the IHRS
– Articles in the Herald
– Experience of a TD customer who refused TD Digital Banking Agreement
– Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 43
– Druthers call to help! The April edition is online And now available at our rallies! Donations always needed
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In case you missed the rally last Sunday…
Several campaigns are in full swing: Doctors Package Deliveries, Alternative Health Care Practitioners and Business Education packages and more.
Thanks to Laureen, Shar, Darlene, Lynn, Steve, Elsie, Gloria, Carol and so many more whose names I may have missed, but to whom we all owe our appreciation.
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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?
Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.
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RALLY – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday at 1.
Sunday, April 30th, 1 to 3 p.m. 2020 Main Street, Corner of Main & Warren, Penticton. THIS WEEK Shar and Laureen take the stage as two very enthusiastic activist emcees. Mary Lou will be attending the second Cowichan Citizens Congress and will report back the following week. ============================================= Future dates: May 14 – A former employee in the offices of the higher echelon of BC Health – TBC May 21 – looking for a host for the day – Mary Lou will be away at a Freedom Event in Calgary Surprise speakers are a common occurrence at our rallies. Miss a week and you miss a lot! |
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us. ——————————- o0o————————————- OTHERS’ REGULAR EVENTS · Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna – May 6 CLEAR rally features Vincent Gircys – retired forensic OPP investigator and Canadian leader of Police4Freedom ~There will be a convoy for the May 6 Clear Rally that day~ · Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. · Local Action4Canada – Tuesdays at noon, in front of Richard Cannings’ Office – 301 Main Street ~ Next Planning Meetings May 2 and 16 – at 4:30 p.m. – Winepress Church · First & Third Tuesdays, Penticton Council meeting at 1. City Hall, Penticton. · School District 67 School Board Meetings 6:30 PM – last Monday of the month. · The Kelowna Courts of Injustice May 23 (9:00 a.m.) May 24-26, 2023, 9:30 a.m. R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault ——————————- o0o————————————- ACTIONS OF THE WEEK Witness History in the Making – Watch the National Citizen’s Led Inquiry LIVE! Recorded sessions are also available online. \ Vancouver, BC. This event takes place starting May 2nd to the 5th 2023. Hearings will take place from 9 am – 5 pm Pacific Time Register to attend and to volunteer Hearing Location will be in Langley, BC dropdown Media tab, select from there for live and saved videos including Dr. Jordan Peterson’s testimony in Truro. Visit the rest of the site to get all the news, and see who is testifying next. IT – COULD – BE – YOU – OR SOMEONE YOU RECOGNIZE! IMPORTANT ACTIONS WHILE ON THE SITE Help educate, create awareness, and involve all Canadians! Print and share poster & postcards – find HERE (also available at P4F Rallies) Sign Petition HERE (over 63,000 signatures – target 100,000) Buy NCI SWAG HERE Hearing Schedule HERE |
———————————— o0o————————————- Hello from the National Citizens Inquiry! Canada wants to hear your story. Please send us your two-to-three-minute clip that we can post on our website telling your story. What impacts did the governments measures have on your life? What can Canada do better? What questions would you like the NCI to ask and get answered? This is your opportunity to help make a difference. Please upload your clip on or and send us the link. You can email us at with “NCI voices” in the subject line. If you’re interested in watching the Inquiry hearings in Saskatoon, you can watch them here. Make sure you bookmark that link, because a lot more content will be added in the coming weeks. Please visit our website, you can support us by signing the petition and donating. Best regards, The NCI Team ———————————— o0o————————————- Bill 36 Action~ The crucial independent and industry-specific regulation of regulated professions will be eliminated under Bill 36. Instead of bureaucrats who will operate in the best interests of the government, not the public or professionals, governance is best handled by people with the necessary skills, such as those who directly provide health solutions. Another point of contention is the government’s decision to attack and reform private health care when it is obvious that hospital and community medicine are in danger of failing. You can rapidly confirm this teetering implosion by talking to emergency personnel or hospital professionals. Under their control, politicians have systematically destroyed healthcare. Join the Local Bill 36 Action Print your own copies of the two letters and the Bill 36 petition and drop them off at alternative Health Care clinics and Businesses. Check with Laureen at our rallies for a list of locations already petitioned to avoid duplication. TAKE ACTION Thank you, Laureen, for initiating this ongoing project. And to Lynn, Shar, Darlene, Gloria, Carol and others for your hard work on this initiative. Join the team and get updates at our rallies on Sundays at our Penticton4Freedom rallies Bill 36 flyers from Unity Health Sciences and Uninformed Consent Brochures are also available at the rallies. NOTE: John Rustad, the sponsor of this petition, was an independent MLA when he first launched this petition and has already submitted 11,000 signatures to the BC Legislature. He is currently the Leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia ———————————— o0o————————————- Stop the WHO Petition We need to act NOW before this goes too far: Sign the petition urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to oppose the dangerous centralization of global governance on the WHO, which would have dire consequences for individual freedoms and the effectiveness to fight against future epidemics. ———————————— o0o————————————- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is giving your money to Volkswagen. He raised your taxes and now he’s writing Volkswagen a $13-billion cheque. That’s wrong and you need to fight back. The government shouldn’t give your tax dollars to any business. But the Volkswagen deal is especially bad. Trudeau gave Volkswagen $13 billion to build a $7-billion electric vehicle battery factory. Does giving a company $13 billion for a $7-billion factory sound like a good deal? Here are other ways taxpayers like you could use $13 billion: Canada could build more than a dozen hospitals, or hire 16,000 more nurses for ten years or cover the entire personal income tax bill of 67,000 average Canadians for a decade. You need to push back against Trudeau and big corporations taking your tax dollars. You can sign the online PETITION to stop Volkswagen from taking your money: Sign the Petition HERE ——————————- o0o————————————- Petition e-4401 — The Amendments to the IHRS We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to urgently allow Parliament the opportunity to debate and vote on the amendments to the IHRs that have already been adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly and to allow the opportunity for parliamentary scrutiny of the proposed amendments currently being negotiated by WHO delegates. Sign the Petition HERE |
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WORTH A LOOK STEP 22 – SUPPORT THE ‘WE ARE READY’ GLOBAL EVENT This is unlike any other event, it’s not a protest…it’s a DISPLAY OF COLLECTIVE STRENGTH. There are already over 30 events planned worldwide. From small towns to capital cities…multiple events are being added daily. This event is a great opportunity to connect with local like-minded people by utilizing the global promotion they’re already doing. Some organisers are hosting a rally, some are having a casual picnic or market. Some have organised swap meets…it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you bring people together and empower them with the message…”we are ready”. A great suggestion is to collect email addresses from attendees on the day. That way you can keep in touch with them and create a local community. You can organise weekly coffee catch-ups or walks and the group can be there to support each other when/if things get tough. You can also enrol them in activism activities and events when they arise. How to support the event 1. Read all about it first so you understand what it’s all about…ABOUT THE EVENT 2. If you’re interested in hosting an event…HOST AN EVENT 3. Cant host one but want to help spread awareness…SPREAD AWARENESS 4. Turn up to the event in style with a ‘we are ready’ trendy shirt or jumper OR make your own….CHECK IT OUT HERE 5. Download and share the promo video…see the video HERE We Are Ready Website ——————————- o0o————————————- Articles in the Herald. A masterpiece letter to the editor from Teri McKnight on 15-minute cities. Read it HERE Not sold on the 15-minute city plan Dear Editor: I recently picked up a brochure from Penticton City Hall’s front desk. It’s called Reimagine Northern Gateway, and is the plan to establish the city’s first 15-minute neighborhood. There are going to be more? Funny, we were told at the March open house that 15-minute cities wouldn’t happen here in our lifetime, calling it a neighbourhood doesn’t disguise the agenda. And greater Penticton is already less than a 15- minute drive to anywhere in the city. There were committees in the recent past that applied to Infrastructure Canada, apparently on behalf of the people of Penticton, to structure our city to be a SMART city, look it up, also C40. This entails using taxpayer dollars to develop our city to be a utopia where no one owns cars or travels, except by walking, biking, riding the bus. The new lake-to-lake bike lane is finished, what’s on the agenda now is to eliminate car use by installing concrete barricades to make vehicle use a lot less handy. RNG brochure details reducing traffic for “active transportation: aka walk, bike? Building more commercial space? Meanwhile the downtown is getting more and more vacant commercial space? More indoor ice surfaces, are the ones we have over-utilized? The City is acquiring land in the area, and spending over $200 million into SOEC campus, is this why taxes are going up? We have a $10 million, or more, electric reserve, which the city is “borrowing” from, for the unasked for, by the people, bike lanes. Are we being channeled into a controlled environment without our permission? Teri McKnight ——————————- o0o————————————- Check this out!! Amazing simple site with a ton of resources. |