Hear Paul Fromm on STORMFRONT RADIO, Monday, June 13 10:00 a.m. e.s.t. — North Korea Light on Your Northern Border

Hear Paul Fromm on STORMFRONT RADIO, Monday, June  13 10:00 a.m. e.s.t. — North Korea Light on Your Northern Border

Listen live to Stormfront Radio with Don Black & Roy
co-hosts Paul Fromm and Don Advo. Followed by Dr. David Duke.

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Paul Fromm will reveal recent setbacks to free speech
* Supreme Court cancels McCorkill bequest to National Alliance
*  Editor and publisher of YOUR WARD NEWS — an anti-Zionist, anti-homosexual agenda, holocaust skeptic Toronto satirical newspaper — stripped of their right tro send or receive mail
*  Trust Fund Kid’s office orders Paul Fromm banned from Parliament Hill and press conference cancelled

Canada: Your Ward News & Editor Banned from Sending or Receiving Mail https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=jUoBN86A2pw&video_referrer=watch Dear Mr. Hickey: YOUR WARD NEWS may be a case in which the OCLA may wish to intervene. The Interim Prohibitory Order makes the editor and publishers non-persons. They may neither send nor receive mail, The relevant section of the Canada Post Corporation Act states: (3) Subject to subsection (4), while an interim or final prohibitory order is in effect, the Minister may (a) detain or return to the sender any mail addressed to, or anything posted by, the person affected; This totalitarian penalty is imposed because on “reasoanble grounds” the Minister believes YOUR WARD NEWS is violating Sec. 319 (“hate law”) or the defamatory libel section 300. However, no such charges have been laid against YOUR WARD NEWS, and, needless to say, no convictions registered, Furthermore, even if there had been convictions for previous issues, each issue of the paper is different. I think Sec. 43-46 of the Act over-reach and, in this instance, deny the victims natural justice. Paul Fromm Director CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION Preview YouTube video Censorship Canada: Your Ward News & Editor Banned from Sending or Receiving Mail

Canada: Your Ward News & Editor Banned from Sending or Receiving Mail

Dear Mr. Hickey:
YOUR WARD NEWS may be a case in which the OCLA may wish to intervene.
The Interim Prohibitory Order makes the editor and publishers non-persons. They may neither send nor receive mail,
The relevant section of the Canada Post Corporation Act states: 

(3) Subject to subsection (4), while an interim or final prohibitory order is in effect, the Minister may

  • (a) detain or return to the sender any mail addressed to, or anything posted by, the person affected; 
This totalitarian penalty is imposed because on “reasoanble grounds” the Minister believes YOUR WARD NEWS is violating Sec. 319 (“hate law”) or the defamatory libel section 300.
However, no such charges have been laid against YOUR WARD NEWS, and, needless to say, no convictions registered, 
Furthermore, even if there had been convictions for previous issues,  each issue of the paper is different.
I think Sec. 43-46 of the Act over-reach and, in this instance, deny the victims natural justice.
Paul Fromm

Marcus Gee of the Globe and Mail Gives A Ringing Endorsement of Free Speech for YOUR WARD NEWS

Marcus Gee of the Globe and Mail Gives A Ringing Endorsement of Free Speech for YOUR WARD NEWS

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Postal censorship is a cure worse than the disease


The Globe and Mail

Last updated 

Canadians who value free speech – and let’s hope that is all of us – should be deeply troubled by Ottawa’s decision to tell Canada Post to stop carrying a fringe Toronto newspaper. Public Services Minister Judy Foote ordered the postal service to cease delivering Your Ward News, which has been accused of being anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi. Her “interim prohibitory order” gives its editor 10 days to appeal.

Those who have campaigned against the free paper are “ecstatic.” But consider the awful precedent this act of postal censorship sets.

If people who are offended by something that appears in their mailbox can complain and get it banned from the post, where does it stop? Can a pro-choice feminist block the graphic pro-life pamphlet that comes in the mail? Can a fierce pro-lifer ban a flier from an abortion clinic? Or consider the feelings of the victim of East European communism who gets a Marxist tract in the mail? Why should an agency of the government that her taxes support be allowed to introduce that propaganda into her home?

This is the trouble with just about all limits on free speech. Who says what is beyond the pale? Deciding to block child pornography or open incitement to violence is easy enough, because of the direct physical harm they can be shown to cause. After that, it gets tricky.

Someone must have the power to determine what is dangerous or odious speech and what is merely passionate expression. It is always a matter of opinion. The line is impossible to draw, the scope for abuse endless.

Even in democratic countries, authorities have often succumbed to the impulse to black out what they don’t like. Communist propaganda was blocked on the grounds that it threatened national security, erotica on the grounds that it undermined public morals. The postal system was once one of the main agents of censorship. A century ago, postal censors blocked mailed instalments of James Joyce’s Ulysses.

Your Ward News is not Ulysses. Its editor, James Sears, who has been known to style himself as Dimitri the Lover, told City News that Hitler is his second-biggest idol, after Jesus. He ends his e-mails “Expel the Parasite!” – all in capital letters, of course. The group that has been fighting him calls his publication a “neo-Nazi-rag” that “has been permitted to disseminate racism, homophobia, misogyny and anti-Semitism to as many as 300,000 homes in Toronto.”

If so, there are a couple of ways to fight back short of censorship. One is simply to toss Your Ward News where it belongs: in the recycling bin. Nobody is forced to read it when it comes in the mail. People like Mr. Sears thrive on the oxygen of attention. Ignoring him is the best revenge.

Another is to argue back. If his opponents feel his maunderings are too despicable to pass over, they can always denounce or refute him. It is always better to fight speech with speech than to gag the speaker.

It is a good time to remember these old lessons about how to handle troublesome speech. Free expression is always under attack to some degree, and the danger seems especially acute today. The little tussle over Your Ward News is part of a wider struggle.

Overseas, authoritarian governments from Moscow to Beijing to Cairo are cracking down on the right to speak openly without fear. Canadians got a small glimpse of their attitude when China’s foreign minister dressed down a reporter in Ottawa for daring to ask a question about human rights. At home, on university campuses and beyond, the tendency to take offence is stifling healthy debate and silencing dissenting voices.

Sometimes those voices can be obnoxious, but it won’t do to try to snuff them out. Ottawa has no business telling the postal service to censor the mail just because some people don’t like what comes through the slot.

Publisher and Editor of YOUR WARD NEWS Stripped of Mail Service

Publisher and Editor of YOUR WARD NEWS Stripped of Mail Service

TORONTO, June 6, 2016. Don’t worry if you’ve never been to North Korea or seen its comic book president Kim-Jong On. You can see the same repressive tyranny in politically correct Ottawa. Of course, there aren’t brutal work camps. Canada is more sophisticated — a soft tyranny, but a tyranny nonetheless.

The apostles of “diversity” and “inclusiveness” have no tolerance for diversity of opinion. Their latest target is a zany East End Toronto satirical paper, Your Ward News. The agitation for silencing this irreverent tabloid has been spearheaded by longtime Liberal Party backroom boy Warren Kinsella and Ottawa lawyer and champion human rights complainant Richard Warman.

The cultural Marxist elite in Ottawa have abandoned traditional procedures of English Common Law, like the quaint belief that one is INNOCENT until proven guilty and that one should not be punished in advance.

On June 6, Your Ward News Editor, Dr. James Sears was informed by Canada Post that Public Services [but not if you’re a dissident] Minister Judy Foote had slapped him with an Interim Prohibitory Order under Sec. 43.1order, essentially forbidding him or Your Ward News Metis publisher Leroy St. Germaine from using the mail for any purpose.

Dr. Sears reports: “Canada Post received a registered letter from Judy Foote, the Member of Parliament in charge of the post office, ordering them to reject delivery of our newspaper (even though they have not yet even seen a copy of it). Every level of government has tried to nail us for “hate crimes” repeatedly but their lawyers kept telling them that we are breaking no laws. Now Judy Foote says we are guilty of “criminal libel” for “publishing lies”. She did not specify which “lies”, but I am sure it is due to the “Holohoax”. We have never been charged with any crimes, let alone convicted!” The Minister, as well, said she had reason to believe Your Ward News contained material in violation of Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code (Canada’s notorious “hate law.”)

It must be emphasized that Your Ward News has never been charged much less convicted of anything.

Dr. Sears did receive his copy of the letter dated May 26 until June 6! ‘[Is this typical of Canada Post’s service?] He has 10 days to seek an appeal of this Prohibitory Order.

“The Canadian Association for Free Expression will be organizing support for Your Ward News to uphold freedom of speech, freedom of the press and full access to the monopolistic and overpriced services taxpayers pay to Canada Post,” said Paul Fromm, CAFÉ Director, from Port Credit, Ontario this afternoon.

Obscene Vandalism of YOUR WARD NEWS Office: The Diversity Red Guards in Action

Obscene Vandalism of YOUR WARD NEWS Office: The Diversity Red Guards in Action

See attached pic for a laugh. Some Marxist spray-painted that image on our office facade last night, most likely in response to me announcing that I’ve formed a “Hitler Fan Club”. The windows were already all replaced by plywood because of bricks thrown through them by SJW’s.

And, we get graffiti about once a month. But this most recent creation shows some artistic merit. The attention to detail is quite impressive: the scrotum has hair and the ejaculate is almost li…ke tears falling … perhaps representing the melancholy a Marxist experiences when he realizes that his efforts to shut us down are futile? I was going to leave the graffiti up and just get a banner that reads “MEIN KOCK Nazi Gay Club”, but the city will fine us if we do not remove it.



Dr. James Sears
Founder and Leader
New Constitution Party of Canada

Frederick Fromm's photo.

The Return of Dr. James Sears — Toronto, Thursday, May 19 — at The Musket


The Return of Dr. James Sears — Toronto, Thursday, May 19 — at The Musket

The Alternative Forum & the Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Present

The Return of Dr. James Sears

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 Dr. James Sears

Back by popular demand, our wildly popular January speaker, Dr. James Sears is the leader of the New Constitution Party of Canada.  A medical doctor by training, Dr. Sears is now Canada’s top anti-Marxist activist.  He promotes his activism by being Editor-In-Chief of the largest anti-Marxist publication in Canada, Your Ward News, which is delivered each month by Canada Post to 300,000 addresses in Toronto, and read by over 1,000,000 people.  Due to this controversial publication, he has been the subject of more hate crime investigations than any other person in Toronto history. Dr. Sears is Canada’s top medical fraud and malpractice investigator.  He lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife Colette, their 15 month old son Nicholas, and their Shih Tzu “Mountain Bear”.
Update from Dr. James Sears on Your Ward News’ battle against the ZioMarxist enemies of free speech!

TORONTO:  Thursday, May 19, 2016. Back Room, The Musket German Restaurant. (40 Advance Road, between Kipling & Islington)  8:00 p.m. Admission $10.00

* Sorry, I can’t attend. Please send me the audiotape of Dr. Sears’ talk. $6.00
* I’d also like to assist with the cost of this meeting. Here is my donation of $_______
C-FAR, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale,  ON., M9W 5L3


Warman Files Human Rights Complaint to Stop Distribution of YOUR WARD NEWS

Warman Files Human Rights Complaint to Stop Distribution of YOUR WARD NEWS


Dr. James Sears says:”I don’t believe in the Hollywood narrative of WW II”

“Political Correctness is a form of mind control,”

An Ottawa human rights lawyer has filed a human right complaint for the controversial Your Ward News newspaper.

Warman’s At It Again: Wants Canada Post to Stop Distributing Your Ward News

Warman’s At It Again: Wants Canada Post to Stop Distributing Your Ward News

Let’s see, Ontario’s eccentric courts say I can’t refer to Richard Warman as the “high priest of censorship.” So, okay, this meddling lawyer, ensconced doing something or other in the Department of National Defence, doesn’t want Torontonians to be able to receive a community tabloid entitled Your Ward News through the mail. The politically correct long ago ceased debating with those who have a problem with the homosexual agenda, multiculturalism or the self-serving Hollyweird version of WW II. Disagree with them and they want to gag you and shut you down.

Local leftists, including sometime Liberal Party backroom boy Warren Kinsella, have been gunning for Your Ward News for over a year. the Main Street offices of the tabloid have had their windows smashed numerous times by the apostles of “tolerance” and “inclusion”. Then, about a year ago, the critics flipped out and tried to pressure Canada Post not to deliver the satirical tabloid. Some posties from the notoriously leftist Postal Workers Union, which for years has has a significant contingent of Maoists, threatened they would not deliver it. The complain that it is “hate” Even under Canada’s notorious “hate” law, the accused must still be afforded a trial before his writings can be declared hate.

In a healthier society, the critics would be urged to write a letter-to-the-editor, start a paper of their own, or, if they are offended beyond all endurance when Your Ward News arrives in the mail, they can simply toss it into the Blue Box for recycling. However, we live in a mean, Puritanical society assailed by domineering followers of political correctness who want to gag all dissent from their agenda.

So, along comes Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman. Your Ward News is delivered in the eastern part of Toronto. Almost certainly Mr. Warman didn’t find an unwanted copy delivered by the mailman. So, in the normal scheme of things, what’s it to him?

Anyway, he’s taken to letter writing to try to pressure Canada Post into not delivering Your Ward Newsbecause some of its views and irreverence don’t please Warman’s Ottawa sensitivities.

National Observer (March 8, 2016), an online news commentary, reports: “A prominent Ottawa human rights lawyer is after Canada Post to drop distribution of a newsletter that he says contains misogynist, homophobic, anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish hate propaganda.

Richard Warman wrote Public Works Minister Judy Foote and Canada Post president Deepak Chopra in early March to ask for a halt to the postal distribution of a Toronto publication called Your Ward News.
Warman told National Observer that the newsletter was something he was aware of that was floating around the Toronto area.

“It had sort of a bad smell. When I finally had the chance to look at it closely, I was shocked to see the kind of bigotry that was being disseminated through Canada Post.”

In an email response to National Observer Tuesday, Foote said, “I have reviewed some of the material in question and I too find it highly offensive and well outside the norm of Canadian values. I have reached out to my colleagues to determine the best way forward in addressing this issue.

“This includes whether the material constitutes an offense under the Criminal Code.”

Your Ward News claims distribution of 300,000 and a readership of one million within Toronto. Canada Post delivers the publication unwrapped, meaning anyone is able to see the content.

The most recent issue of the quarterly publication (it was previously monthly) shows on its cover a bizarre collage of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau surrounded by women in bikinis. Beside him, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne waves a gay pride flag.

Two men are depicted on crosses, one of them clearly meant to be Christ; the other sprays blood on former advisor to Jean Chretien, Warren Kinsella, and in a word balloon says, “See you in hell, Kinsella!”

The entire spectacle is headlined “Marxist Lackeys Attack.”

Inside, the paper contains a number of racist slurs directed mostly against Jews and Muslims. The back page invites people to attend “The 1st Annual Old-Fashioned Toronto Anti-Marxist Book-Burning.”

The purported ad states that among books welcome to be burned are “FemiMarxist garbage by authors like Margaret Atwood; EnviroMarxist Agenda 21 propaganda by scientific sellouts like David Suzuki, etc.” ….

“In his letter, Warman tells Canada Post that he is concerned the Crown corporation’s distribution of the newsletter might constitute a breach of the Canadian Human Rights Act as the agency is “party to the dissemination of discriminatory material to the general public.”

Warman warns the Crown corporation that if it persists in distribution of the paper, “I will pursue the matter accordingly,” and cites, among other things, an example of defamatory libel in the newsletter against Warren and Lisa Kinsella.” …. [Actually, Your Ward News is a tabloid newspaper, not a newsletter.]

“While Warman’s letter is the most recent attempt to have Canada Post stop delivery of Your Ward News, it’s not the first time.
In May 2015, Arthur Potts, the Ontario MPP for Toronto’s Beaches-East York riding sent a letter to Canada Post’s Chopra asking the Crown corporation to reconsider its delivery of the newsletter.

In his letter, Potts noted that Toronto’s Hate Crimes Unit was probing a complaint about the then-current issue of Your Ward News, which featured “several offensive and anti-Semitic articles and caricatures.”

The Toronto Hate Crimes Unit could not be reached for comment. It’s not known whether the paper is still under investigation at this time.

Potts wrote that he was not only deeply concerned by the paper’s content and his constituents’ complaints, but added the fact that Canada Post delivered the paper, despite repeated complaints, “suggests that the Crown corporation may endorse its content.”

Canada Post did not respond to National Observer’s queries. The Crown corporation operates at arm’s-length from the government.

Megan Whitfield, the president of the Toronto Local of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, told National Observer that a number of postal workers have complained about having to deliver the publication.

However, Whitfield said Canada Post has threatened to discipline any workers who refuse to carry the newsletter.

“Both on the cover and inside they’ve had some very offensive material,” Whitfield said of the publication. At the very least the Toronto Local wants to see the publication shrink-wrapped in dark plastic so that the contents can’t be seen in the mail.
Of Canada Post, Whitfield said: “They just continue to allow it to go through.”

Ottawa human rights lawyer, Richard Warman. Photo courtesy of Richard Warman

Now Some Posties Want to Get into the Censorship Business

Now Some Posties Want to Get into the Censorship Business

Political correctness is a poison practised by meddlers. The latest effort by the pure of twisted of heart and empty of head to silence views they don’t like is a protest by some members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) against a populist local newspaper in the East End of Toronto called Your Ward News. The content that got the wannabe censors in a lather was a flyer for a new political party The New Constitution Party started by local personality James Sears.

CUPW, at its best is tied to the leftist New Democratic Party. In years gone by, it has also been home to a surprising number of communists.  Wikipedia notes: “CPC-ML members are active in several trade unions, particularly the Canadian Union of Postal Workers.” The precious dears at CUPW are worried they may be delivering “hate propaganda.”
Metro News (March 26, 2015) reports: “Canada Post workers are up in arms after they say they were forced to deliver a “hateful” flyer to some 4,500 homes in Toronto’s Beaches-East York neighbourhood. The newsletter, titled Your Ward News, features images of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne dressed up as Chairman Mao, questions the science behind vaccines and refers to former prime minister Pierre Trudeau as a ‘rabid anti-Semite who admired Hitler.’

‘We started getting calls from carriers as soon as it showed up,’ said Mark Brown with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers

A community newspaper called Your Ward News has created a conflict between the postal workers’ union and Canada Post management. ‘We believe that it could be hate mail,” said Mark Brown, national president of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. ‘Our members are very concerned about delivering this type of mail.’

Flipping through the paper’s March issue, Brown takes exception to several images. A ‘Name That Nazi’ trivia game that edits a picture of late former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to put him in a Nazi uniform is one. He also points out another image, comparing John Tory to Olivia Chow, which superimposes the Mayor’s face onto his former competitor’s body.

The paper was formerly delivered by the paper’s own carriers, but a contract took effect this month leaving it in the hands of Canada Post. The union has asked that its members not be forced to carry it if they object to it. Brown says one carrier that expressed his opposition was given fewer issues to deliver, but told he wouldn’t be allowed to stop carrying them altogether.

‘We believe that our members should not be disciplined for raising legitimate concerns as it relates to hate mail,’ says Brown. A spokesperson for Canada Post told Global News in an email the magazine doesn’t fall within the corporation’s non-mailable matter guidelines.

‘We do not have the right to refuse a mail item because we or our employees object to its content,’  the statement read. ‘The content is the sole responsibility of the publisher, who is clearly identified in the newsletter. Anyone who has concerns about the content should either contact the publisher or simply dispose of it.’ In response to that, CUPW has asked Canada Post to cover the papers in non-transparent wrap, like they do for adult magazines.

The newsletter’s editor-in-chief, Leroy St. Germain, said critics are just upset about their political stance. ‘The unions are all friends with the NDP. I’ve been going after NDP candidates…It just seems to me like they’re all out of line,’ he said.

St. Germain says Your Ward News deals with opinion, and a bit of satire, not discrimination. He compares it to Charlie Hebdo overseas and says any Toronto mail carriers that refuse to carry it should be charged. ‘A postman has no right to be judging what’s in my mail or anybody else’s mail.” The paper is produced as a community flyer by the New Constitution Party of Canada, an unregistered party, led by James Sears; a former city council candidate who has said he will run in the next federal election as an independent. …

Canada Post is paid to distribute the paper to all addresses in a specific area whether people want it or not. The union says it has received at least one complaint about it from a customer.”