Washington state restaurants openly defy COVID-19 restrictions, championed by far-right groups[Since when did support of freedom become “far right”?]

Washington state restaurants openly defy COVID-19 restrictions, championed by far-right groups

Jan. 4, 2021 at 6:43 pm Updated Jan. 4, 2021 at 9:14 pm

Protesters listen to speakers Monday in the parking lot of Farm Boy restaurant, outside of Olympia, that is defying restrictions against sit-down service. (Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times)
Joey Gibson, of Patriot Prayer, urges other businesses to join with Farm Boy, a restaurant defying COVID-19 restrictions. (Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times)
Outside Farm Boy the protest continued, while inside sit-down service went on in defiance of COVID-19 restrictions. (Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times)
Protesters outside Farm Boy rally against COVID-19 restrictions. (Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times)

1 of 4 | Protesters listen to speakers Monday in the parking lot of Farm Boy restaurant, outside of Olympia, that is defying restrictions against sit-down service. (Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times) By Hal Bernton Seattle Times staff reporter

WOODLAND, Cowlitz County — Outside the door to Brock’s Bar & Grill, people stood on the sidewalk with U.S. and Trump 2020 flags. Inside, the place was packed with people enjoying Sunday afternoon drinks in what was billed as a “Day of Defiance” to the COVID-19 restrictions that have banned such service in the state of Washington.

Owner Polly Merwin says she worked 32 years tending bar to make the money to buy the business, which she fears is now at risk.

“We the people have to take a stand. Small business can’t survive,” Merwin declared.

Patrons of Brock’s Bar & Grill in Woodland, Cowlitz County, head into a Sunday afternoon opening for bar drinks and food in defiance of state COVID-19 restrictions. (Hal Bernton / The Seattle Times)
Patrons of Brock’s Bar & Grill in Woodland, Cowlitz County, head into a Sunday afternoon opening for bar drinks and food in defiance of state COVID-19 restrictions. (Hal Bernton / The Seattle Times)

This protest on Sunday was part of a broader backlash in parts of Washington and Oregon against measures imposed in recent months by the states’ governors to try to slow the spread of the pandemic.

The movement has gained support among residents in some communities wary of government pronouncements and angry over rules that have kept big-box stores open while shutting down indoor-dining services. Advertising Skip AdSkip AdSkip Ad

And it has been championed on social media by a far-right network including Patriot Prayer, Washington Three Percenters, the Proud Boys and People’s Rights, a group formed with the help of Ammon Bundy, an organizer of the 2016 Malheur National Wildlife Refuge takeover.

These events have included statehouse rallies in Olympia and Salem that drew armed supporters, and sometimes turned violent. And some have done double duty as rallies in support of President Donald Trump as speakers echo the president’s claims — rejected dozens of times by courts — that the election was stolen from him through fraud.

Another “Stop the steal” rally is planned for Wednesday at the Olympia Capitol to coincide with a larger protest in D.C. as Congress meets to certify the Electoral College votes that will put President-elect Joe Biden in the White House.

The Washington and Oregon events are promoted on a “Patriot’s Calendar” that included a post for Sunday’s Brock’s Bar & Grill opening. It also helped spread the word about a Monday afternoon rally that attracted dozens of people to Farm Boy, a Thurston County drive-thru and sit-down restaurant facing $183,141 in state Department of Labor & Industries penalties for 19 days of indoor service that are deemed to be willful violations of state rules.

Farm Boy employees on Monday were serving people inside a modest wood-frame restaurant building, which had blinds drawn down over the windows. A sign said, “Enter at own risk.”

“I stop keeping track [of the fines] because I’m not paying them,” said Brian Robbins, Farm Boy’s owner. Robbins said that his actions were “strictly about survival,” to avoid laying off his workers. In a brief speech urged “all small businesses to open — do it today.” Advertising Skip Ad

Mike Faulk, a spokesperson for Gov. Jay Inslee, said indoor dining at restaurants creates a higher risk for COVID-19 transmission. “We are at a serious point in the pandemic where medical systems threaten to be overwhelmed,” he said. “To save lives, we made the painful decision to temporarily close indoor dining. We take no enjoyment in it, but it was the right thing to do based on the science of the virus.”

Brian Robbins, the owner of Farm Boy restaurant, is hugged by supporters after he gave an emotional speech to those gathered for a rally outside his restaurant protesting lockdowns for small businesses. (Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times)
Brian Robbins, the owner of Farm Boy restaurant, is hugged by supporters after he gave an emotional speech to those gathered for a rally outside his restaurant protesting lockdowns for small businesses. (Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times)

The movement’s tactics this fall have included singling out state L & I staff for harassment. One employee involved in an investigation of indoor service by Spiffy’s Restaurant & Bakery in Chehalis. His name and age were publicized, and protesters appeared outside his home, according to The Daily Chronicle.

The efforts to go after the investigators have prompted L & I to stop putting staff names on orders of immediate restraint, according to Tim Church, an L & I spokesman, who said that Spiffy now faces $202,419 in penalties.

“There have been protests at homes a few different times. Nasty voice mails and emails. All sorts of things,” Church said.

In Lewis County, Spiffy’s efforts to stay open have drawn support from Lewis County Sheriff Rob Snaza, who said in a December interview posted on Facebook that he had been a customer of the restaurant for more than 30 years. “ … We need to stand up as conservatives and as Republicans, we need to stand up for our constitutional rights and say enough is enough … Don’t be a sheep.”

The movement’s support from some local law enforcement and politicians is welcomed by Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, who has been active in both Oregon and Washington.

“People just need to stay open. If they want to start throwing people in jail, I mean, they can try, but that’s not going to work out to the state’s favor because that’s just going to have more people rise up,” Gibson said.

Rallies against restrictions

Gibson was one of the featured speakers at a Salem rally held on a rainy, gray New Year’s Day in Salem. This event drew several hundred people, including contingents of Proud Boys, some armed, carrying cans of bear spray and wearing ballistic vests.

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Two weeks earlier, during a rally against COVID-19 restrictions at a one-day special session of the Oregon Legislature, some protesters smashed glass doors at the Capitol building and an altercation became physical as those who entered the building were asked to leave by Oregon State Police troopers, the Salem Statesman Journal reported.

There were no efforts to force entry into the Capitol. The event was organized by Oregon Women for Trump, who combine a fierce loyalty to the president with a disdain for COVID-19 rules. At this rally, there was also antipathy toward the COVID-19 vaccines, which drew boos when mentioned by a speaker.

“I myself am not going to take one, and most of the people I know will not,” said Kathy Elgin.


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Elgin has flown back to Washington, D.C., to participate in demonstrations there in support of the president. Despite all this travel, and not wearing masks during the outdoor events, Elgin said she has not come down with COVID-19.

She said she does, however, take hydroxychloroquine, a drug that President Trump once said he took to fend off the infection but that the Food and Drug Administration has concluded is not an effective treatment.

During a roughly 2-mile march from the Salem Capitol building to Mahonia Hall, the governor’s residence, protesters occasionally broke out in chants that hurled obscenities at Oregon Gov. Kate Brown as well as antifa, anti-fascists from the left, some of whom had organized their own small event in Salem on New Year’s Day.

Oregon state police form a line to protect the Salem residence of Gov. Kate Brown — Mahonia Hall — on New Year’s Day. Protesters gathered to oppose COVID-19 restrictions.  (Hal Bernton / The Seattle Times)
Protesters lashing out against COVID-19 restrictions on New Year’s Day roll out a giant American flag in front of Mahonia Hall, Salem residence of Oregon Gov. Kate Brown. One protester holds a sign that says, “Well regulated militia sign-up !” (Hal Bernton / The Seattle Times)

1 of 2 | Oregon state police form a line to protect the Salem residence of Gov. Kate Brown — Mahonia Hall — on New Year’s Day. Protesters gathered to oppose COVID-19 restrictions. (Hal Bernton / The Seattle Times)

some of the protesters unfurled a huge American flag that they stretched in front of the Oregon State Police troopers who guarded the entryway. In front of the flag, one man held up a sign that said, “Well-regulated militia — sign up!”

One speaker denounced a fake pandemic. Another declared, “We are on the brink of civil war,” prompting someone in the crew to remark, “And we’ve got the guns.”

Packed bar, few masks

At the Sunday event in Woodland, Brock’s owner, Merwin, said in a Facebook post there would be good food, good drinks and a live band. By 2 p.m., dozens of people were inside the bar as football games and Fox News played on overhead televisions. Advertising Skip Ad

Ontario Civil Liberties Association Annual Report

Dear OCLA Supporter,

This email is to give you an update on the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA)’s work in the surreal year of 2020. We hope to stay connected with you and work together to resist and reverse the rapid degradation of civil rights currently occurring in Canada.
OCLA report “Criticism of Government Response to COVID-19 in Canada”
In April, we published a research report authored by OCLA researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt, criticizing the government’s actions during the spring lockdown. The Abstract of the report reads as follows:

We review the scientific literature about general-population lockdown and social-distancing measures, which is relevant to mitigation policy in Canada. Federal and provincial Canadian government responses to and communications about COVID-19 have been irresponsible. The latest research implies that the government interventions to “flatten the curve” risk causing significant additional cumulative COVID-19 deaths, due to seasonal driving of transmissibility and delayed societal immunity.

Denis has written several research and review articles on COVID-19, including:

OCLA’s opposition to mandatory face mask policies

OCLA continues to oppose the arbitrary and draconian imposition of face masks on the general population. Our interventions in 2020 are documented at the following links:

OCLA’s submission on new online hate speech law
In July 2020, civil liberties associations were invited by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada to participate in consultations to “inform the development of legal remedies for victims of online hate”.
OCLA has previously argued that the “hate speech” provisions of Canada’s Criminal Code are unconstitutional and in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and we reiterated this argument in our submission for the July 2020 consultations, as well as critiquing the Minister’s specific proposed additions to Canada’s hate speech laws.

Defending free speech of Ontario medical doctor Dr. Kulvinder Gill
In August, OCLA asked Dr. Brenda Copps, President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), to dismiss the CPSO’s investigations of tweets made by Ontario medical doctor Dr. Kulvinder Gill that are critical of COVID-19 policy and practices. The letter can be read here: https://ocla.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-08-11-OCLA-letter-to-CPSO-President.pdf

Internet censorship
“Blocking YouTube channels and banning books on Amazon are akin to requiring government authorisation to operate a printing press or to buy a photocopier or pen and paper. Only the technology and the administrative covering structures have changed. Establishment censorship is establishment censorship.”

The above quote is from OCLA’s statement opposing Amazon’s deplatforming of Ezra Levant’s book China Virus: How Justin Trudeau’s Pro-Communist Ideology is Putting Canadians in danger.

We, like many other organizations and individuals, have also been affected by social media censorship. In July, our Facebook group was disappeared and then reappeared 24 hours later. Many posts in the group are now being arbitrarily removed by Facebook. As a backup in the event that Facebook deletes our group, OCLA maintains an alternative group at MeWe. However, our email list remains the best and most secure way to stay connected with us.
Media coverage

What you can do
Thank you for being a valued contact for OCLA. Here are some suggestions for what you can do to help:

  • Tell your friends and family about OCLA, and the importance of freedom, and suggest that they look at our website and join our free Newsletter list.
  • Let us know about civil rights violations in Ontario, via our Contact page, here.
  • Make a donation to OCLA, if you can this year.
  • If you are a lawyer or paralegal, consider adding your name to our list of legal contacts, and tell us about your relevant interests.
  • If you have academic research skills, consider offering some volunteer involvement.
  • If you have social activist skills, and would like to get more connected with OCLA, let us know.
  • Fight for freedom any way you can, and let us know about your battles.

How to stay connected and donate to OCLA
Website: https://ocla.ca
Twitter: @oncivlib
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/110883345731728/
MeWe: https://mewe.com/group/5f282c504c45c17d75d6ace4
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKqbht2j2BPu4Wb2epM4BKw

OCLA is an independent, volunteer-run organization. Donations help cover operating costs such as booking rooms for public events, printing promotional material for campaigns and events, and paying for court filing fees and court document production costs (copies and binding) for court and tribunal interventions on civil liberties issues.

As we are an entirely volunteer-run organization with a very small budget, we do depend on donations to continue our work, and appreciate any contribution you can make.
Donations can be made in three ways:
1) Through PayPal, by clicking the “Donate” button in the top-right corner of https://ocla.ca;
2) With cryptocurrency (Bitcoin and other options) at the link here; or

3) By sending a cheque to “Ontario Civil Liberties Association” to our mailing address:

Ontario Civil Liberties Association
170 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 603
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1P 5V5
OCLA is not affiliated with the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) or the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA). All three associations are separate and distinct.
Thank you for your support!

Yours truly,

Joseph Hickey, PhD
Executive DirectorOntario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) http://ocla.ca
613-252-6148 (c)

Canada’s Medico-Stalinist Police State at Work?: WATCH: Covid police raid Canadian home, violently arrest occupants after neighbor tattles over ‘illegal’ gathering of 6 people https://www.rt.com/usa/511395-quebec-home-covid-raid/

Canada’s Medico-Stalinist Police State at Work?: WATCH: Covid police raid Canadian home, violently arrest occupants after neighbor tattles over ‘illegal’ gathering of 6 peoplehttps://www.rt.com/usa/511395-quebec-home-covid-raid/

The anti-freedom corporate collaborators. Chapter’s Indigo stores in the Lower Mainland refused indoor service to medically exempt individuals. One was a 12 year old autistic boy; the other, Paralympic swimmer Elisabeth Walker-Young, who has no hands with which to put a mask on.

The anti-freedom corporate collaborators. Chapter’s Indigo stores in the Lower Mainland refused indoor service to medically exempt individuals. One was a 12 year old autistic boy; the other, Paralympic swimmer Elisabeth Walker-Young, who has no hands with which to put a mask on.

Cops, Tools of the Medico-Stalinist Tyranny in Saskatchewan, Levy Huge Fines Against END THE LOCKDOWN Freedom Fighters

Saskatoon police announce eight more tickets after Dec. 19 ‘freedom rally’ protest

Police say they identified “key participants” in a demonstration in which more than 100 people gathered to protest public health measures.

More than 100 people gathered in Saskatoon's Kiwanis Park on Saturday, Dec. 19 for a "freedom rally" protesting against various restrictions put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19, including public health orders around wearing masks and limiting gathering sizes. (Matt Olson / Saskatoon StarPhoenix)
More than 100 people gathered in Saskatoon’s Kiwanis Park on Saturday, Dec. 19 for a “freedom rally” protesting against various restrictions put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19, including public health orders around wearing masks and limiting gathering sizes. Photo by Matt Olson / Saskatoon StarPhoen /Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Police say eight people face fines over their roles in a demonstration on Saturday in downtown Saskatoon.

The people charged with violating public health orders were identified as “key participants” in the Dec. 19 protest which saw more than 100 people gather at Kiwanis Memorial Park to protest mask wearing and other restrictions put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Four of them were not given the option to simply pay the $2,800 fine voluntarily, police said in a media release on Wednesday. Rather, police said those four will be required to make court appearances to answer to the charges, a decision that was made after consultation with prosecutors and public health officials.

The Saskatoon event was the third weekend in a row in which a large public anti-mask protest has taken place in the province. Saskatoon police previously issued a $2,800 ticket under the Public Health Act to a “key participant” in a Dec. 5 protest in Saskatoon. Regina police issued two similar fines following a rally in that city on Dec. 12.

Police said Wednesday’s announcement brings the total number of tickets written in Saskatoon for failing to comply with public health orders to 15.

A police spokeswoman said the four individuals required to come to court for their matters were scheduled to appear on March 23 in Saskatoon Traffic Court. 9 (Saskatoon Star Phoenix, December 24 , 2020)

Compulsory Masks Were A Trial Run for Compulsory Vaccines, If You Want to Work or Travel in Ontario, Health Minister Hints: Ontario health minister promises ‘immunity passport’ for COVID vaccine recipients

Ontario health minister promises ‘immunity passport’ for COVID vaccine recipients

Christine Elliott declared that she expects people to need proof of COVID immunity to travel and work. Fri Dec 18, 2020 – 9:24 pm EST

Featured Image
Christine Elliott, health minister of Ontario. The Agenda with Steve Paikin / YouTube

By Anthony Murdoch

ONTARIO, December 18, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — The health minister of Ontario reaffirmed once again that residents of Canada’s most populous province will need “for lots of reasons” a yet to be determined type of proof that they received the COVID-19 vaccine.

“People will receive a confirmation of the vaccination when they receive their first dose. They will get a receipt indicating that they’ve had their first dose. When they get the second dose, they will receive confirmation. We are just finalizing the format it’s going to take,” said Ontario’s health minister, Christine Elliott, to reporters Thursday, while taking questions after an announcement for new mental health funding.

Elliott added that after a person has received his second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, the government will issue him something “more substantive” than a simple receipt that he had the shot.

“This is something that we’ve planned for all along, and we know that many people are going to need that confirmation for a whole variety of reasons — travel, work-related, and other reasons,” said Elliott.

“People will receive a receipt when they receive the first dose, and then, upon the second dose, when it’s been completed, they will receive something more substantive, as I said, because many people are going to need it for lots of reasons.”

There are questions as to whether a vaccine “immunity passport” would violate the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, in particular Section 2, which involves one’s conscience rights; Section 6 regarding mobility rights; and Section 7, which protects one’s “right to life, liberty and security of the person.” SUBSCRIBE to LifeSite’s daily headlines U.S. Canada World Catholic

Lisa Bildy, a lawyer for the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), told LifeSiteNews that for a government to “threaten or mandate liberty restrictions” against Canadians who do not want a COVID-19 vaccine is indeed a violation of one’s charter rights.

“The government should make the Covid-19 vaccine available to all Canadians who want it, starting with those who are the most vulnerable. That should be the end of their involvement in the personal health decisions of Canadians,” Bildy told LifeSiteNews.

“To do otherwise, and particularly to threaten or mandate liberty restrictions on Canadians who make the perfectly reasonable assessment that they do not need or want such a vaccine, is a violation of the rights to freedom of conscience and belief, mobility rights, and the right to life, liberty and security of the person under the Charter. If there’s no solid data on transmission, then there is simply no rational basis for the infringement of these rights.”

Ontario premier Doug Ford said he will not make a COVID-19 vaccine mandatory in Ontario but will urge people to take it.

Enthusiastic Anti-lockdown Event Victoria BC Saturday Dec 19 2020 — A Report by Gordon Watson

Enthusiastic Anti-lockdown Event Victoria BC Saturday Dec 19 2020

About 200 folks gathered under the porch at the head office of the Ministry of Health,  encouraging each other as we dissent from the Central Party Line.   Victoria is famous for being mellow and so we were.   In high spirits in the pouring rain, exercising our right to assemble peacefully … from little papooses wrapped closely on their moms, children playing ‘mongst concerned parents / grandparents, to elders in our 80s, we hugged each other spreading good will,  dispelling KronaMadness in the most practical way.      

Among the excellent speakers, doctor Stephen Malthouse was the hero of the hour.    In 8 minutes he put the boots to the official non-sense.   
On the very doorstep of her office, calling Bonnie Henry a liar … going so far as to declare  “there is no real pandemic, This thing was pre-planned.   governments around the world are lying in lockstep”.    I urge you-all to locate the Malthouse open letter sent to BC’s Chief Health Officer.    Call Dr. Henry and demand she address the serious queries in it.   Saint Bunnie’s phone number is 250  952 2611  

For 3 hours, everyone in attendance was violating the Public health Order as well as Farnsworth’s Ministerial Order M425.    Yet –  other than a few passersby – none of us were muzzled.   Of course the mainstream media was conspicuous by its absence.   The scene of our ‘crime’ is about half a mile from the Victoria Police building, but not one of them showed up.   Days earlier, Premier Horgan had come out in petulant mode, fuming that provincial officials have been delegated to issue tickets against us bad citizens … antimaskers! antivaxxers!!  Heretics !!!  All that did, is,  confirm scuttlebutt that the RCMP are declining to issue Violation Notices in light of legal counsel that Covid regulations in British Columbia won’t stand scrutiny by a Judge.     

Linda Morken made several excellent points, quoting Sally Fallon, founder of the Weston A Price foundation: ‘Don’t grumble about a problem ‘til you can offer a solution’.  Everyone wants immediate remedy for the outrageous intrusion of Big Sister govt.  into our lives. But we’re going to have to put up with what Charles Maclean said in his classic work “Popular delusions and the madness of crowds” :   People go crazy in herds, they come to their senses one at a time.  Each speaker told us that our task is to kindly educate those entranced in the propaganda, so they can “untie the knot of fear in their mind’.  Other than bearing witness in our daily lives – particularly, by going around breathing freely and cultivating strong personal immunity   – we were pointed to Action4Canada’s big project =   taking on the validity of the Orders in Court via a constitutional challenge in Court. 

As seemingly tiny as they are, each  grassroots gathering across the continent and around the world, are having effect.  We are what George Washington called his “winter soldiers”  the men who suffered through the first winter in appalling conditions … the backbone of the first American revolution.   Those who show up at rallies, witnessing against authoritarian-ism, are every bit as important to our nation now.

We got hundreds of favourable honks / thumbs-up from motorists going by on Blanshard St.   This present administration has badly miscalculated the depth of opposition to its Covidiocy.    The  (NDP) are fat and sassy now, coasting in the glow of re-election to majority government.   That happened mostly because Dr Bonnie Henry cast her spell, daily, bewitching the electorate.   But when people realize the enormity of the damage, this authentic populism will get organized,  then this gaggle of  antichrists  will go down as the most unpopular govt. in BC history. 

The contrived jolly public face the Premier put on while electioneering brings to mind what they say in Poland : “he laughs. He has not yet heard the bad news.”   Most recently,  though, it’s the smirk peculiar to conmen, aka “duper’s delight”.   My take on Mr Horgan, is: he’s a local boy made good but that’s as far as it goes.   Capable of getting elected on his own turf, played his hand well as Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, but IN-competent at actually governing.   Stupified in the newsmedia glare,  he’s not the “brains’ of the NeeDiPpers.   No, he’s akin to the puppet clubs of “motorcycle enthusiasts” which the Hells Angels allow to operate on their territory … ie. Mr Horgan’s riding where the HA clubhouse is.   Big bluff Irishman Horgan is the mouthpiece of guys like Geoff Meggs, lifetime Trotskyite in a 3piece suit. 

Back in 1967, I made my way to Haight Street in San Francisco.  That summer, there was magic in the air… it really was peace love and good vibes, outwardly. I crashed overnight in one of the iconic Victorian skinny houses, then dropped in to the Digger house. What I encountered was the other, seamy side of the hippie culture. Local Negro petty thugs had mugged a couple of naive  white kids fresh in from rural America.    About 50 people were sitting around the front room, talking about what to do. Like something straight out of a movie, The Big Man who had been summoned from the local white gang, tossed a handful of bullets in to the middle of the circle,  saying “is it going to come to this?”  Simpleton that I was, I  gathered them up, handed them back to him. Then got-the-hell-out-of-there.   My infatuation with the hippie thing sobered-up right there and then.  Point being : we’re now at that same stage of the spiritual battle against KronaMadness.   The diplomatic Sitzkreig of the last 10 months ended with the image out of Calgary.  Two hysterical female cops embarrassing themselves in a textbook example of how  NOT  to carry out an arrest,  hints at what’s planned.      Faced with larger increasingly-confident displays repudiating the PANICdemic,  officialdumb  – comprised of individuals with the emotional plague** –  will turn the screws to enforce their delusion.  ** Wilhelm Reich defined such character as someone so emotionally-crippled they cannot abide anyone else enjoying life.   Mockery drives emotional plague types right around the bend.   Laughter is the anti-dote, so –  bring on the comic relief ! 

Thank you Brett Beckett for putting on quite the party, and!  to the guys who gave us live music. Let’s do it some more

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians