Twitter Censors Sen. Mitch McConnell’s Report of Antifa Mob Attack on his Louisville Home

 Twitter Censors Sen. Mitch McConnell’s Report of Antifa Mob Attack on his Louisville Home



Ryan Saavedra

Here are the messages that McConnell’s re-election campaign received from Twitter telling them that they could not expose the hatred coming from the Democrat Party directed at McConnell



McConnell’s re-election campaign,

, also shared the video, presumably to show the hatred and violence from the Democrats Twitter also suspended their account for sharing the video Again: Twitter suspended McConnell’s campaign for showing the hatred directed at him

Ryan Saavedra

McConnell’s re-election campaign,

, also shared the video, presumably to show the hatred and violence from the Democrats Twitter also suspended their account for sharing the video Again: Twitter suspended McConnell’s campaign for showing the hatred directed at him



Security provider drops imageboard 8chan used to distribute El Paso & Christchurch manifestos

Internet security company Cloudflare has dropped the unmoderated anonymous 8chan forum, which has become a source of hate-filled manifestos left by mass shooters, including the El Paso gunman.

In a blog post on Sunday, Cloudflare, which is based in San-Francisco, said it would discontinue its services to 8chan, an imageboard that has come under intense scrutiny for hosting several “manifestos” penned by mass shooters.

The company said it appears that the El Paso attacker posted his four-page “screed” to the site “immediately before beginning his terrifying attack on the El Paso Walmart killing 20 people.”

While 8chan’s role in the El Paso massacre was the last straw, Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince said it was a chain of events that forced the company to boot 8chan, one of which is the role the New Zealand mosque attack played in triggering the recent rampage.

\ “The El Paso shooter specifically referenced the Christchurch incident and appears to have been inspired by the largely unmoderated discussions on 8chan which glorified the previous massacre,” he wrote.

Prince argued that it does not matter whether or not 8chan violated any laws by allowing radical ideas to thrive on its platform; it was enough that they “have created an environment that revels in violating its spirit.”

“The rationale is simple: they have proven themselves to be lawless and that lawlessness has caused multiple tragic deaths.”

It was still a hard decision for the company to make as it seeks to treat all of its 19 million customers without bias, but, according to Prince, 8chan crossed the line by “directly” inspiring the tragedy.

READ MORE: American gun laws: Why the issues are not as clear-cut as they first apr

Prince said that Cloudfare seeks to shield itself from public outrage, adding that the move will not solve the bigger problem of sites propagating violence. The company’s decision to dump the white nationalist site Daily Stormer two years ago did not lead to its demise, but on the contrary, only fired up its base, he noted.

“I have little doubt we’ll see the same happen with 8chan. While removing 8chan from our network takes heat off of us, it does nothing to address why hateful sites fester online. It does nothing to address why mass shootings occur.”

He argued that it’s ultimately not up to a private company to decide “what content is good and bad” and how it should be handled, and called on the government to step up its role in internet regulation.

  Facebook bans Natural News – Health Ranger responds
Facebook bans Natural News – Health Ranger responds
Mike Adams Facebook has now permanently banned Natural News.

I’ve posted a detailed video response and a message to humanity.

We need your voice to help express the outrage against Facebook for banning one of the most important voices in the world of natural health, nutrition and personal liberty.

See the full article and video here.

P.S. Don’t miss the special today on Liyfbiotic Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes. Your gut health is crucial to your overall health. For the next 16 hours, we’ve got these on special. See the details here.

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Take action against Paypal’s blacklisting of VDARE!

Take action against Paypal’s blacklisting Of VDARE!

Click here to donate!
Back in March, I posted “PATRIOTS HAVE RIGHTS. THEY HAVE JUST NOT ORGANIZED TO DEFEND THEM—UNTIL NOW”, explaining how has been forced to enter the nightmare world of litigation because of the Totalitarian Left’s unprecedented Reign of Terror, enabled in large part by various complicit private corporations. I announced the launch of our Legal Defense Fund—many thanks to those patriots who donated (tax-deductibly!), and also to our lawyer readers who offered advice.

I recently updated readers on’s First Amendment suit against Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers for his role in the 2017 cancellation of our projected conference there. Again, our lawyers expect this to go to trial, and quite possibly to the U.S. Supreme Court.

But now I want to discuss a narrower but equally important case: our complaint against the credit card processer PayPal for suddenly and arbitrarily cutting off from receiving donations, after a business relationship of more than ten years, in August 2017. Our Notice of Dispute, required by PayPal’s User Agreement, is here. [PDF]

PayPal has still not, despite our repeated requests, explained why it cut us off. Our Notice of Dispute documents our interactions with various puzzled PayPal employees who had obviously believed they worked for a politically impartial entity in a free country.

It appears they were wrong.

However, PayPal did ban us days after the August 12, 2017 Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville VA. And PayPal CEO Dan Schulman has admitted this event provoked him to blacklist various conservative accounts. Presumably this was PayPal’s reason, although had nothing whatever to do with the UTR rally—was not invited, did not promote it, did not attend.

Nor, of course, did PayPal bother to check with about any possible alleged involvement with the UTR rally.

Whether or not private corporations have the right to discriminate on political grounds—remember, since the 1964 Civil Rights Act, they do not have the right to discriminate on racial grounds—is emerging as a major political issue, given the unprecedented and unrestrained backlash to President Trump’s 2016 election victory.

(But in California, where PayPal is based, political discrimination is banned under the Unruh Act. We welcome input from California lawyers!!!)’s case against PayPal, however, focuses on a narrower issue. When PayPal cut off without warning, it also destroyed a significant flow of recurring donations, including from many donors who had signed up for our hard-copy VDARE QUARTERLY. Because was given absolutely no chance to transfer these recurring donations to its backup processor—which it could easily have done—it has still not yet been able to restore this significant revenue flow.

In addition, incredibly, PayPal then proceeded to send false and harassing emails to our former recurring donors demanding that they “pay what they owe.” And PayPal refused to explain this demand to these donors, just as it has refused to explain to why it has cut us off.

Of course this has been immensely damaging to our relationship with these donors, most of whom have naturally not thought to contact us directly.

PayPal has not yet responded to’s Notice Of Dispute. If they do not, we will have to initiate the Arbitration process by mid August.

This is a crusade, not merely for but for all the patriots who have been cut off by PayPal and other payment processor during the current Reign Of Terror—and, ultimately, against all the Corporate Cultural Marxists who believe they have the right run America.

But it will be expensive. We need your help now.

You can give (tax-deductibly!) to VDARE’s Legal Defense Fund by clicking the button below. We will be reporting other litigation soon. You can even—a new feature— earmark your donation for our suit against PayPal, or Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers, by checking the “Earmark your Donation” box and selecting a preference.

Many thanks from all of us in the family.

(Donations go to VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. EIN 22-3691487)



Liberals attack Facebook — for not censoring enough!

Liberals attack Facebook — for not censoring enough!

The Rebel
Dear Paul,

The last piece of Trudeau’s censorship machine fell into place in Canada this week. Canada’s Minister of Democratic Institutions, Karina Gould, announced that she managed to persuade high tech companies to censor the Internet in the upcoming political election, a “declaration” in the name of “electoral integrity.”

But it has nothing to do with electoral integrity. It’s really just the latest move by Trudeau’s Liberals to crack down on what they call “disinformation” and “fake news”, which is really just news they don’t like.

All the big tech companies were paraded through Parliament. And all of them were bashed — for not censoring enough:


Not one voice for free speech today in Parliament. The Liberals want to shut people up. But so do the Conservatives.

They don’t like to talk about things that are too conservative for them, like criticism of immigration, political Islam, abortion or how trans rights have gone nuts.

If Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives won’t fight back against Trudeau’s attempt to censor your social media, who will?

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant.

New Zealand and the New World Order

Dear Des,

New Zealand has emerged as the little darling of the New World Order. That is to say, it has become a creepily authoritarian place overnight.

In the wake of the mosque shooting in Christchurch, Kiwi Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made it a crime to possess or to share the video of the attack, with two men currently facing up to 14 years in prison for this (!) and she made Facebook remove 1.5 million copies of the video within 24 hours of the attack.

In addition, Ardern announced the development of legislation to criminalize possession of semi-automatic weapons and she has also ordered armed police officers to make unannounced visits to the homes of people whose social media posts indicate they have conservative views, for example by opposing the UN Migration Pact or by supporting (gasp) Donald Trump, as told here by a mild-mannered YouTuber whose home has already been visited more than once.

These moves and more are being crowned today by the “Christchurch Call”, a summit of world leaders and Big Tech CEOs hosted by Ardern, where participants are pledging to eliminate extremist content online.

Simultaneous to this, former Rothschild banker, Emmanuel Macron is bringing 80 tech chiefs to Paris for his Tech for Good conference. Attendees of the events include the usual Globalist suspects, like Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau, British Prime Minister Theresa May and EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey will have bilateral talks with Ardern and Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi will have bilateral talks with Macron. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will not attend either event but he did meet in Paris with Macron last week.

Ardern said, “(We’re) asking both nations and private corporations to make changes to prevent the posting of terrorist content online, to ensure its efficient and fast removal and to prevent the use of live-streaming as a tool for broadcasting terrorist attacks,” she wrote in The Times.

Tech firms are being urged to develop “concrete measures”, such as enabling live-streams only on social media accounts whose owners have been identified. This implies a step closer toward the social credit dystopia unfolding in China.

Alas, “It’s a global problem that requires a global response,” said Ardern.

Running Time: 16 min

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Jon Rappoport; Another Blogger Silenced

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealedclick here.)
by Jon Rappoport

I say, “Dear Parents, All over the world they are injecting your children, from the day of their birth, with poisonous chemicals and germs, and they’re calling it a miracle.  But it isn’t.  It’s devastating.”

And then, someone somewhere behind a curtain who’s hidden his name-badge in his underpants says, “Censor that man.  Cut off his expression.  He has no right to say what he’s saying.”

The Soulless Ones are at it again.

Many of you now know that, last Saturday, WordPress took down my blog without warning or notice.  After 10 years—boom.  Gone.  We are in the process of restoring the blog through “other means.”  Meanwhile, my home page at is still up, and you can let others know to go there to sign up for the email list to receive my articles in their inbox on a regular basis.  You can also order products at that same home page.

I strongly suspect that my articles criticizing vaccines triggered the censorship move.  The justification would be: well, we must protect the health of the public and your influence could be quite negative in that regard, etc.

Information, evidence, opinion are all now subject to the preferences of “those in charge,” who of course “only have the best interests of The People at heart.”  Sure.

The reality is: when there is something called official science, then unofficial science must be trampled on and stamped out—the word “official” tells you that authorities are pushing lies down on people’s heads and those lies must be maintained and never doubted.  Unofficial science becomes dangerous.  It contains repressed truth.

I’ve learned that first-hand over the past 35 years working as a reporter.  All my major investigations have been “unofficial,” and in every one of those cases, there was someone standing in the middle of the road behind barricades shooing people away and warning that there was nothing OFFICIAL to see by going farther.

THE RIGHT TO HAVE AND EXPRESS AN OPINION OR VIEW OR FINDING are under attack.  Structures that would enable persons to express an opinion publicly are censoring certain voices.  They don’t have to give a reason.  They just do it.

They might say a writer “violated community standards.”  What community, and what standards?  Oh, the ones they make up and pretend exist.  Those communities and standards.  Or perhaps “the community” they’re talking about is some collection of goody two-shoes robotic idiots they’ve convinced to form an organization and make a so-called mission statement in line with official truth.  Blank minds, blank stares, earnest faces.

The age of rational argument and debate, if it ever existed, appears to be over.  Now it’s just FIND THE CONTRARY VIEW and silence it.

Of course, I’m not the first person to be censored recently.  And I’ve noticed that the black-listing hasn’t worked.  Those independent reporters and analysts and editorialists and activists are still talking and writing.  I’ll do the same.

You can help.  Spread my articles any way you can.  Get others on my email list.  Consider ordering my three MATRIX collections. Get in touch with WordPress and let them know how you feel and what you think.  Refuse to obey the Law of Silence.

There is a WE here.  It isn’t a collection of dumb know-nothings.  It’s many individuals who happen to have arrived, separately, at a similar place: the crossroad where a choice is made for justice and against surrender.

If you’re not already there, get there.  If you’re there, make your presence count.

CITIZENSGO Campaign Against Canada’s”Gay Loonie” Banned & Attacked

CITIZENSGO Campaign Against Canada’s”Gay Loonie” Banned & Attacked

We have been absolutely overwhelmed by all the words of encouragement from our CitizenGO members across Canada. After I sent out my e-mail last Saturday explaining how we have been attacked and banned over our “Gay Loonie” campaign, many of you wrote in to offer your support.
This was a real blessing to us here at CitizenGO Canada. It spurs us on to keep standing for the truth – and also to plan our next steps.
But first, let me share some of that encouragement with all of you…

“It is indeed a tragedy when people of faith can no longer speak the truth about God’s natural laws. We are living at a time when it appears that ‘wrong is right and right is wrong’. Our free speech is eroding if we allow radicals [to] relieve us of it. They seem to encounter no opposition in their ‘freedoms’ but they wish to limit ours. We must stand up for what we believe is right or we become part of what is wrong! We know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah!” – C.O.

“I was born in a country where free speech was a right of everyone. That would be CANADA. Free speech now seems to be slotted to those who yell out obscenities at those they disagree with as ‘it is their right’. Up is down and down is up. Pray for eyes, ears, and hearts to be opened.” – R.O.

“We, as a family, are so behind you! Keep fighting, keep strong, and keep the FAITH! May GOD work a miracle here that He may be praised!” – M.A.

“Thank you for speaking the truth, I agree we should have the right to speak.” – A.D.

“I will never accept this coin as legitimate Canadian currency, and if I find any in my possession I will take to the bank and demand that they take it back in exchange for real currency. I encourage all decent Canadians to do the same. Justin Trudeau may approve of this disgusting lifestyle, but he cannot force this filth down our throats. We must fight him in ALL ways that are available to us, and take our country back.” – B.C.

“Apparently, it is hateful to critique a pro-LGBT dollar coin, but it is NOT hateful to shut down Canadian Christians for sharing their perspective. I am also reminded of the attacks our brothers and sisters face all around the world: the bombings of churches.” – A.K.

“I will never use these coins, as it is against my beliefs – nor will my children, or grandchildren. Society is going to hell in a handbasket. Everything that is right is now deemed wrong, and everything that is wrong is deemed right…It is a slippery slope!” – K.T.

“Our monetary tools should not be politicized or used to virtue signal.” – S.H.

“[A] propaganda coin shoved in our face is a constant reminder that you will accept this way of thinking whether you like it or not. It is a way of saying the lifestyle is to be acceptable by everybody, which in truth is not. I will not be told by a government how to think.” – F.G.

“No thank you, I will take four quarters please.” – S.A.

The Crown Wants a Year in the Gulag for Satire — Dr. Sears Sentencing, Toronto, Friday, April 26


The Crown Wants a Year in the Gulag for Satire — Dr. Sears Sentencing, Toronto, Friday, April 26



The Crown is asking for a year in prison for an Aboriginal publisher of YOUR WARD NEWS Leroy St. Germaine and Dr. James Sears, Canada’s most gifted satirist. Provincial Court (College & Yonge), Friday, April 26, Good Friday in the Greek Orthodox calendar. Will Dr. Sears get crucified? There’ll be international observers watching Canada;s Cultural Marxist courts in action.

No photo description available.