Twitter Censors Tim Tebow’s Bible Message

MLBPublished 2 days ago

Tim Tebow’s Bible message triggers ‘sensitive content’ warning from Twitter

It wasn’t clear what part of the video was particularly sensitive to trigger the warning.

Ryan Gaydos

By Ryan Gaydos | Fox News

Fox News Flash top headlines for July 31

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Tim Tebow, former NFL quarterback and current New York Mets minor league outfielder, tweeted a video Monday talking about the Bible and followers noticed that the social media company marked his tweet as “sensitive content.”


Twitter alerts users to sensitive content, usually of graphic images or videos. But in this case, Tebow’s video was about educating his followers about God’s word in the Bible.


“Bible believers, when we look at the Bible, and we see a lot of the heroes, a lot of times they truly were wounded deeply before they were ever used greatly. So maybe you’re going through a time in your life where you feel like you’ve just been wounded greatly. It hasn’t been your year, hasn’t been your day — you just don’t feel like this is your time,” Tebow said in the clip.

“You never know what God is doing with your life. You never know what he is preparing you for. So many times in the Bible when we look at the heroes, there were times in their life where — if they stopped, if they quit, if they said, ‘No, God, I’ve had enough’ — then they would have missed out on the most impactful, most influential times of their life.


“Maybe that is the next step for you. Maybe that is tomorrow. Maybe that is next week, maybe that is next year. But when we quit, we will never know what we missed out on. We will never know what’s in store for us.”

Tebow said the followers of God get to trust in him blindly because “we know how much he loves us.” He reminded followers that God loves them and that they should hold onto faith “in your time of need.”

Twitter later told The Blaze that they marked the video as sensitive content as an error.

“The Tweet … was flagged as potentially sensitive media in error. It has been corrected,” the company said.


It wasn’t clear what part of the video was particularly sensitive to trigger the warning.

Trump’s Executive Order Aims to End Left-Wing Social Media Censorship of Conservatives

Trump’s Executive Order Aims to End Left-Wing Social Media Censorship of Conservatives

President Donald Trump has had it with the social media behemoths abusing the law by picking sides in the political, social, and cultural issues of our time – usually the side he’s not on.

And he’s particularly keen that the social media platforms wield great power to influence the masses ahead of the November election, so he’s preparing some executive actions to curb their ‘election meddling’ because Democrats in Congress won’t (since their party is benefitted by the censorship of conservatives).

“If Congress doesn’t bring fairness to Big Tech, which they should have done years ago, I will do it myself with Executive Orders,” Trump wrote ahead of a House hearing on big tech Wednesday. “In Washington, it has been ALL TALK and NO ACTION for years, and the people of our Country are sick and tired of it!”

Slated to appear before the House Judiciary Committee regarding potential antitrust violations: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

During an interview with the Daily Caller in June, the president expressed his frustration with the repeated examples of Left-wing social media platform censorship of right-leaning opinion.

“It’s really unfair what’s going on with the conservative voice. You’d solve the entire problem of  the various, you know, monopolists, if you ever voided Section 230.”

Trump is referring to a section of the Communications Decency Act which says, “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.”

The section gives platforms immunity for content posted, but over time the same platforms have begun censoring content — like a publisher. 

So what are they? Platforms or publishers? 

In response, Trump issued an executive order Monday aimed at making the distinction that, if they are upheld, will prohibit the kind of censorship taking place.

The Office of the Press Secretary issued this statement:

On Monday, the Department of Commerce, as directed by President Donald J. Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship, filed a petition to clarify the scope of Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. The petition requests that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) clarify that Section 230 does not permit social media companies that alter or editorialize users’ speech to escape civil liability. The petition also requests that the FCC clarify when an online platform curates content in “good faith,” and requests transparency requirements on their moderation practices, similar to requirements imposed on broadband service providers under Title I of the Communications Act.  President Trump will continue to fight back against unfair, un-American, and politically biased censorship of Americans online.

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“When it comes to issues of public safety, the government is the one who must act on behalf of society at large.  Law enforcement cannot delegate our obligations to protect the safety of the American people purely to the judgment of profit-seeking private firms.  We must shape the incentives for companies to create a safer environment, which is what Section 230 was originally intended to do,” Attorney General William Barr said last month when the Justice Department issued its recommendations for the president. 

“Taken together, these reforms will ensure that Section 230 immunity incentivizes online platforms to be responsible actors.  These reforms are targeted at platforms to make certain they are appropriately addressing illegal and exploitive content while continuing to preserve a vibrant, open, and competitive internet,” he added. 

“These twin objectives of giving online platforms the freedom to grow and innovate while encouraging them to moderate content responsibly were the core objectives of Section 230 at the outset.”

Big Corporations Wage War on Serious White Dating Site

Dear Members,

I am sitting here on a pile of diapers and could not be more proud after having climbed Mount Everest. Motherhood, including pregnancy and giving birth, is a monumental achievement and only now I know how shamelessly belittled this accomplishment has become in the West.

Years of schooling and education prepare white women to become exchangeable numbers working to increase the profits of a corporation but neither prepares them for this most difficult and exhausting task necessary to keep our people and culture alive. We all know why and how.

Therefore, you will not be surprised that Google has completely buried the search keywords leading to WhiteDate.Net or positioned us to page 7 and lower to make sure hardly anybody finds this unique white dating site by typing ‘white dating site’ or whites dating whites’. Before only keywords such as ‘dating a white man’ or ‘date white men’ or ‘looking for a white man to date’ were banned from the results which also explains why so few women who are likely to search those keyword combinations find WhiteDate and the ratio women/men has been spreading from 1:6 to 1:12!

The online war of the big corporations against whites is undeniable and especially evident when you look at Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit that banned WhiteDate from advertisement because of ‘hate speech’. I still have not understood what is hateful about white people for simply wanting to preserve themselves as there is nothing to understand and never any reasons provided. No other ethno-dating site faces hate or racist accusations as well as marketing bans but the only explicit ethno-dating site for white people globally, ours.

Now, I am not the kind of person to bemoan anything as too busy finding solutions. I urge you, male and female members of WhiteDate, to take action and invite women who are seemingly aware of the anti-white agenda on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, trad forums etc. Help get more women on-board who are likely to make good partners whilst our male members, as vanguards, are paving the way to impose white dating as the norm and make it nolens volens get accepted by the anti-whites.

Together, we will grow organically by word of mouth until the day the critical number of us have woken up and we can form our local offline cells to speak freely, fall in love, build families, enjoy white life together, and last but not least, defend white interests unapologetically.


The Latest Victim of Silicon Valley Censorship: Katie Hopkins permanently banned from Twitter

Katie Hopkins has been suspended from Twitter.

Katie Hopkins permanently banned from Twitter for hateful conduct

Katie Hopkins’ Twitter account has been taken down by the micro-blogging website for good after a petition was started to get her account removed

Katie Hopkins has been permanently removed from using Twitter.

Her Twitter profile – which she used to tweet under the handle @kthopkins – now states she has been suspended – and this time is it for good, a spokesperson from the website has confirmed.

The outspoken personality’s micro-blogging account has been taken down after a petition was started by social media user to get her booted off the site.

Katie Hopkins has been removed from Twitter (Image: Twitter)
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Over 75,000 people signed their name to the Change.Org petition to get the former Apprentice star’s account suspended.

The petition bio read: “Unbelievably, Katie Hopkins has been given a platform to insult, abuse and cause outrage for far too long. Attacking victims of Child Sex Exploitation is possibly the most disgusting act that any human can do.

“Does she have no boundaries? The scary thing is, this could happen to her own children right under her nose – being as self obsessed as she Is, how would she see the signs?

Her Twitter profile – which she used to tweet under the handle @kthopkins – now states she has been suspended

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“I think it’s about time Twitter took action and removed her from their platform, just as Facebook have done with Britain First.

“Freedom of speech is something I believe in. Freedom of hate speech isn’t, I’m sure many people feel the same way.”

A Twitter spokesperson told the Huffington Post: “Keeping Twitter safe is a top priority for us – abuse and hateful conduct have no place on our service and we will continue to take action when our rules are broken.

“In this case, the account has been permanently suspended for violations of our hateful conduct policy.” 

The far-right racist has gained a large amount of backlash and hate over the years for the messages she sends out on the social media platform.

Most recently she caused a stir by mocking the Black Lives Matter protests.

On Wednesday Hopkins tweeted:  “Today is #whiteoutwednesday. I will shortly be posting a picture of my arse. Thank you.”

It came after she took aim at footballer Marcus Rashford by posting a number of jibes regarding his free school meals campaign.

It comes after a petition was started online to get her booted off the micro-blogging site (Image: Getty Images)
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The Man Utd forward’s efforts convinced the Government to back down on their stance not to provide meals to disadvantaged children during the school holidays.

Rashford himself comes from a family of five children and explained how his experiences of his mother struggling to put food on the table was the motivation behind his efforts to help those less fortunate.

But Katie was outraged by the decision, tweeting Rashford over the issue suggesting he should pay to feed the children himself.

Hopkins contacted Rashford on Twitter, writing: “Do you think women should think about how they are going to feed a child before they decide to have it?

“I do not want to pay to feed other people’s kids. You are welcome to.”

It is not the first time Katie has been suspended from Twitter.

In January her one million follower strong Twitter account has temporarily suspended.


(Image: PA)

Rex Murphy on COVID-19: The power to censor speech and other great ideas from our Liberal overlords

Rex Murphy on COVID-19: The power to censor speech and other great ideas from our Liberal overlords

Let’s tap this serpent of an idea on its little head before its fangs emerge and it develops a real appetite

Rex Murphy

April 17, 2020
7:35 AM EDT

If there is one positive thing that can be said about this terrible plague we’re enduring, it is that now and then, it gives the Trudeau government some really, really great ideas.

Sure it was only a couple of weeks ago that the Liberals came up with the idea that they — a minority in Parliament, remember — should give themselves the power to tax and spend for the next two years, without having to get parliamentary approval. It was a truly brilliant idea, except that it ignored the fact that approving government spending is one of the most important functions of Parliament. Take away its authority over spending and the House of Commons might just as well be any old bingo hall, or with a little imaginative renovation, a one-of-a-kind Costco store.

Now, compliments of Privy Council President Dominic LeBlanc, we learned that the Liberal government is contemplating legislation to make it an offence to, as a CBC report put it, “knowingly spread misinformation that could harm people.” In plain language, this government is openly thinking of making itself the official censor of what can and cannot be said about COVID-19. Pure brilliance again, don’t you agree?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, embraces Privy Council President Dominic LeBlanc in 2019. Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press

Well, actually, no. Don’t even think of it. Better still, to borrow a phrase from Greta Thunberg: how dare you? There is already a government that has that power, and in some cases brutally exercises it. That is the government of the Communist Party of China.

And what has it done with that power? It barred telling the truth about COVID-19, and instead told lies about it. On the where it happened, when it happened, how it happened and how it spread, the Chinese government confounded, confused and lied about a plague that has now hobbled the whole planet. And China “officially reprimanded” the doctor who initially tried to warn people about the coronavirus, and who, with dread irony, actually died from it. (A postmortem apology followed from the government. That surely helped.) Admire the Chinese government if that’s your thing, but on this subject, it is not an example to be followed.

So, let’s tap this serpent of an idea on its little head before its fangs emerge and it develops a real appetite. The problem with government having control over what is said and written, completely aside from it being the utter contradiction of a liberal democracy, is that governments — especially on a matter such as this pandemic — are simply not competent enough to know what is right and what is wrong.

Legislators in the House of Commons convene to give the government power to inject billions of dollars in emergency cash to help individuals and businesses through the economic crunch caused by the coronavirus disease outbreak, on Parliament Hill, April 11, 2020. Blair Gable/Reuters

What is required for a government to pass a law against misinformation? To begin with, it presumes an infallible authority that’s able to make judgments on what is, or is not, correct information. Even worse, it presumes the government has the ability to make judgments on a matter that, incontestably, is not yet fully understood by anybody.

This virus is new. The investigation of its nature, transmission, the best policies to confront it, the extent of the response to it, even the nature of the response — all of these elements are, at best, in an incomplete and early stage of understanding.

Experts have varying degrees of skill and knowledge. If experts disagree, which happens often, will some of them be silenced? In actuality, a divergence of opinions can be seen as a path to the full truth emerging. But this cannot happen if the government gags those who may seem to be wrong at the present moment.

A man wears a mask as he walks past a mural showing a modified image of the Chinese Communist Party emblem, in Shanghai, on Jan. 28. Aly Song/Reuters

On the purely political front, there are equal objections to giving government censorship powers. Governments take to extensions of their power like bears to honey. The more power they get, the more they believe they alone should exercise it. Power swells the ego. Add more power, and if you follow the analogy, a little balloon soon thinks it’s the Hindenburg. And a government swollen with power does not like other voices.

It was only a couple of weeks ago that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau barred the leader of the Opposition from joining talks with other opposition leaders because, in Trudeau’s own memorable words, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer “disqualified himself from constructive discussions with his unacceptable speech earlier today.”

Yet it is not for Trudeau, or any other prime minister, to determine what is “acceptable speech” from his constitutionally positioned critic, the leader of the Opposition. Nor is it proper for this minority government, which has had enough struggles of its own over misinformation — on masks, on screening at airports, on our relative security from the pandemic — to decide what the rest of us can, and cannot, say or write about this unique crisis.

National Post

French Intellectual Sentenced to 2 Months in Prison For Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion”

French Intellectual Sentenced to 2 Months in Prison For Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion”

[Free speech in France? Forget about it! The “liberte”, part of the slogan of the French Revolution has been replaced by state censorship and laws promoted by anti-White and anti-free speech minorities. France’s current “hate law”, the Fabius-Gayssot Law of 1990, was named after its two sponsors, Laurent Fabius, a socialist Jew and member of the National Assembly, and Jean-Claude Gayssot, a Communist Party deputy.]

Forced to pay 1800 euros to anti-racism organizations for his crime of opinion.

Paul Joseph Watson | – January 21, 2020 76 Comments

French Intellectual Sentenced to 2 Months in Prison For Calling Mass Immigration an "Invasion"

French intellectual Renaud Camus has been given a 2 month suspended prison sentence for saying that mass immigration into Europe represents an “invasion.”

Camus will only avoid jail by paying 1800 euros to two “anti-racist” organizations, SOS Racisme and the LICRA (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism).

The writer, who is the author of Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), was charged with “public incitement to hate or violence on the basis of origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion.”

The conviction stems from a November 2017 speech in Colombey-les-deux Eglises to the National Council of European Resistance in which Camus declared, “Immigration has become an invasion.”

“The irreversible colonization is demographic colonization, by the replacement of the population,” said the author, adding, “The ethnic substitution, the great replacement, is the most important event in the history of our nation since it has existed; as with other people, if the story continues, it will not be that of France.”

Camus also called for a “national consensus of resistance” to oppose Islamization in “the struggle for the salvation of our common civilization, Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, Greek-Latin, Judeo-Christian.”

The part of Camus’ speech that specifically garnered the attention of judges was when he talked about European people being replaced.

Camus said mass immigration “is the substitution, the tendency to substitute everything with its emulator, normalized, standardized, interchangeable: The original with its copy, the authentic with its imitation, the true with the false, the mothers with surrogate mothers, the culture with free time and entertainment.”

France suffers Islamic terror attacks on such a routine basis that it’s barely even an important news story anymore. Many of those terrorists are radicalized by mosques that escape any police scrutiny, but Camus must be punished for his crime of opinion.

And there you have it. Free speech is now a crime in France.

More Silicon Valley Censorship of Dissent: PayPal Pulls the Plug on Moon Rock Books

More Silicon Valley Censorship of Dissent: PayPal Pulls the Plug on Moon Rock Books 


because our books are too “risky”

Here’s the email we received from PayPal a few days ago:

Notice of PayPal Account Limitation

Date: Wed 04:58

We have recently reviewed your usage of PayPal’s services, as reflected in our records and on your website Due to the nature of your activities, we have chosen to discontinue service to you in accordance with PayPal’s User Agreement. As a result, we have placed a permanent limitation on your account.

We ask that you please remove all references to PayPal from your website. This includes removing PayPal as a payment option, as well as the PayPal logo and/or shopping cart.

If you have a remaining balance, you may withdraw the money to your bank account. Information on how to withdraw money from your PayPal account can be found via our Help Center.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions or need our support, please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management Department at


PayPal Brand Risk Management


So, we called them, and this is what a machine told us (we weren’t allowed to speak to a human):
We appreciate you choosing PayPal as your payment partner. Unfortunately, we are unable to continue offering our services to you at this time, due to the nature of your business, or the activity in your PayPal account, and the risk it poses to PayPal. This decision can’t be overturned. If you owe refunds to any of your buyers, you can use the money in your PayPal account to refund them. The money in your PayPal account will be held for 180 days. After 180 days, we’ll email you information on how to withdraw your money.

They shut down our business for a few days and hurt us pretty good, because they gave us no warning at all, after a nearly five-year business relationship.

They inconvenienced our customers, as we were forced to only accept cash, check or money orders, until we secured a new payment processor, which took us a few days to do.

What’s the “risk,” that an alternative view might dare get exposure, to shine the light on government and media lies?

Right, only they’re allowed to tell us what’s right and what’s wrong.

Please support our right to exist in the marketplace of free ideas.

Oh, and yeah, we don’t take PayPal.

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