Phone, Write, FAX or E-mail MPs to Defeat Anti-Free Speech Motion M-103

Phone, Write, FAX or E-mail MPs to Defeat Anti-Free Speech Motion M-103

Attention Immigration Reformer:


Phone, Write, FAX or E-mail MPs to Defeat Anti-Free Speech Motion M-103

(1) PLEASE HELP US TO GET MORE SIGNATURES FOR THE FREE SPEECH PETITION. As of Monday, Feb. 20, that petition had about 22,600 signatures.  Thank you for your help. This significant figure has been noticed by the political class, particularly the Conservatives who are scrambling to recognize the indignation of Canadians, but still haven’t got the guts to deal with the root problem WHICH IS UNNECESSARY HIGH IMMIGRATION . We need more signatures to convince them. Please help to get other people to sign. Again, here is a link to the petition :

(2) PLEASE SEND IQRA KHALID an e-mail.  Here is her e-mail address  : If you want to phone her offices, here are her phone numbers :  905-820-8814 (her office in Mississauga) or 613-995-7321 (her office in Ottawa).She is the Muslim woman who wrote the motion. Like many of her fellow Muslims and other visible minorities, she is arrogant and contemptuous of Canada.  She and they deserve the contempt of Canada’s majority population and all other decent Canadians.  BE BLUNT. Don’t phone to debate with the person who answers your call. You know what they think.  She, other Muslim MP’s and Muslim organizations across Canada want to re-make Canada in the image of the failed states where they originated..
Canadian Association for Free Expression Protest at Iqra Khalid’s Office — Paul Fromm (back to the camera) slides letter of protest  into shut office door.

 (3) PLEASE CONTACT TRUDEAU’S OFFICE  Here is his e-mail address : When Khalid’s motion is voted on in April, it is probable that the Liberal MP’s will approve it.  Furthermore, Sikh Liberal MP Grewal has already hinted that other measures like Khalid’s are coming. To prevent all of this from happening, here is our suggestion : Tell Trudeau to dump her motion and to expel Khalid from the Liberal Caucus. Leave a phone message at Justin Trudeau’s office in Ottawa : 1-613-995-0253  or at his Montreal office  1-514-277-6020 His Fax number is 1-613-947-0310
(4) PLEASE SEND AN E-MAIL TO YOUR MP. Many  MP’s are cowardly and treacherous on all immigration-related issues. HELP THEM TO STAND UP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES.  When Parliament votes on Iqra’s motion in April, TELL THEM TO DEFEND CANADA AND VOTE “NO”Dan Murray
Immigration Watch Canada

Stop Motion 103 – First Step to Outlawing Criticism of Islam

Stop Motion 103 – First Step to Outlawing Criticism of Islam

Paul Fromm speaks out against Motion 103. Paul is the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee. I am Brian Ruhe. Go to my website at: http:/…

Playlist of Paul Fromm’s podcasts on immigration and free speech topics

Playlist of Paul Fromm’s podcasts on immigration and free speech topics

Paul Fromm’s political experience goes back 50 years and he has a great memory and intelligence and speaking ability. He is one of Canada’s truth treasures.
Paul Fromm is the Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) since 1983, at:
Paul is also the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee at:
Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994.
You can join Paul’s email list by contacting him at .
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The host is Brian Ruhe. Go to my website at: to see what I’m up to these days. If you love this content, love that it’s free for everyone, please consider making a donation on my website to support my work.

Revisionist Giant, Prof. Robert Faurisson Honoured on His 88th Birthday

Revisionist Giant, Prof. Robert Faurisson Honoured on His 88th Birthday
Admirers from across Europe and even two from Canada arrived in Vichy, France for a surprise birthday party for French revisionist giant Prof. Robert Faurisson on the occasion of his 88th birthday.
“On Wednesday, January 25, 100 guests gathered at the Aletti Palace, Vichy for a surprise luncheon in honour of Prof,. Robert Faurisson, complete with musical interlude in company of entertainers tenor Giuseppe Fallisi and Alison Chabloz. … Mr. Fallisi delighted the hall with his sumptuous musical compositions of poems by Baudelaire, Verlaine and Rimbaud. (Faurisson first became known to the French public because of his work on Rimbaud.) …
In France, the situation is drastic as far as freedom of speech is concerned. Professor Faurisson awaits March 4 when — upon non-payment if a fine for revisionism (his views of history and his rejection of the elite’s new religion of holocaust) — the authorities are due to cart the 88-year old academic off to prison or, at the very least, equip him with an electronic bracelet.
As well as risking a spell behind bars, Professor Faurisson will also be at the Court of Appeal to contest another conviction for his 60-word phrase, uttered at the 2006 conference on the holocaust in Tehran.
During the Professor’s birthday celebration, … he told the guests that Paris Appeal Court Judge Sophie Portier, has ruled that the professor and his barrister Damien Viguier, will each be given no more than 10 minutes to speak — contrary to the status guaranteed to citizens by French law. The ignorance of French magistrates might be pardonable, but not when this ignorance is relied upon in order to justify convictions pronounced with eyes and ears tightly shut — result of these same magistrates’ refusal to take into consideration the living, changing evolution of historical research.” (The Next Step (February, 2017)

Report to THE EVENING STANDARD of Antifa Efforts to Shut Down London Forum, Feb. 4

Report  to THE EVENING STANDARD of Antifa  Efforts to Shut Down London Forum, Feb. 4
Dear  Sir,
 Whilst in Central London on Saturday anti-Trump protesters were making full use of their liberty of expression by demonstrating  against President Trump, another set of demonstrators dressed in black and wearing balaclavas have received much less attention; they were trying to deny the liberty of expression to those they didn’t agree with, by trying to close down a legal, peaceful, orderly  meeting of British and European nationalists, identitarians and independent thinkers – often bracketed as ‘alt-right’, which was being held at The Holiday Inn.   Speakers  came to ‘The London Forum’ meeting   from across Europe and as far afield as Canada and Iran.   
 Unbeknownst to most of those at the meeting the antitfa movement, with the usual  sprinkling of ‘Hope Not Hate’ supporters,  were putting intense pressure  on the Hotel management  to close the meeting down; the pressure was applied by blockading the hotel entrance, harassing hotel staff and  prospective patrons of the hotel, letting off smoke bombs, chanting and generally disrupting  and terrorizing anyone who wasn’t wearing a balaclava.  (See Ruptly TV news clip on youtube below)  It was made clear to management that if it wanted the disruption to stop it had better break up the meeting.  
Around 2pm  the hotel manager, police and the meeting chairman met to discuss the situation and to raise concerns regarding the safety of hotel patrons and other members of the public.  After some discussion, and to the credit of the Hotel Management an agreement was reached to allow the meeting to continue and for it to finish at its scheduled time.  The police eventually issued a Dispersal Order to the demonstrators and once the meeting had finished were again on hand to provide security as the meeting attendees left.  I have nothing but the highest praise for the actions and conduct of the police and hotel staff, for without ‘safe spaces’ to hold political meetings of all persuasions of what use is democracy?
As for the masked demonstrators it will be recalled that in  early January the Home Secretary banned ‘National Action’ labelling them a terrorist group for doing nothing more than wearing balaclavas whilst carrying out public protests.  The law should be applied justly, evenly and fairly, is it therefore not time that the Government also banned the masked thugs of  ‘antifa’?
Yours truly,

Adrian   Romilly  

French revisionist and political prisoner Vincent Reynouard interviewed by Paul Fromm

French revisionist and political prisoner Vincent Reynouard interviewed by Paul Fromm

Vincent Reynouard tells Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, about his life as a revisionist. Persecutions, searches of the Police, prison, exile, grievous loss of his family (two times…). Amazing!

Vincent Reynouard tells Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, about his…

Horror Story Mother’s Two Children Seized by the State Because of Her political Views: Brian Ruhe & Paul Fromm Interview Dara Graham.

Horror Story Mother’s Two Children Seized by the State Because of Her political Views: Brian Ruhe & Paul Fromm Interview Dara Graham.

Paul Fromm in Toronto and Brian Ruhe in Vancouver interview Dara Graham in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She tells an unbelievable account of how Canadian authorities took her children away from her because of her pro-White views! This is an example of Canadian political correctness harming defenseless children… and the state tearing a family

 apart. Please speak out about this! A woman punished for her political views.

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Hear Paul Fromm on the Deanna Spingola Show: The Trump Phenomenon — A Ray of Hope & Free Speech Struggles in Canada

Hear Paul Fromm on the Deanna Spingola Show: The Trump Phenomenon — A Ray of Hope & Free Speech Struggles in Canada
Saturday, January 7, 2017 4:00-7:00 EST. [The show is archived]

Call in: 1-800-213-9443
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THE BEST ATTENDED PAUL FROMM TOO-LATE-FOR-CHRISTMAS-TOO-EARLY-FOR-NEW-YEARS (and pf birthday)PARTY in a decade. Special guest — YOU TUBE sensation Evalion. German Christmas music by Dieter. People came from Hamilton, Caledon, Pickering and all around the GTA. The cowboy hat was filled with generous donations for the Canadian Association for Free Expression..

Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses and indoor
Image may contain: 1 person, playing a musical instrument, beard and indoor


“Evalion” & CAFE Interviewed by Global TV About Thought Police Seizure of Laptop & Personal Notebooks

“Evalion” & CAFE Interviewed by Global TC About Thought Police Seizure of Laptop & Personal Notebooks


Young You Tube sensation — 2-million hits — “Evalion” being Interviewed by Global Television’s Christina Stevens about her videos and her recent 8-hour detention by Canada Border Services Agency operatives and the seizure of her laptop and personal diaries and notebooks. Also, interviewed was CAFE Director Paul Fromm. CAFE, Canada’s leading free speech advocacy group, is assisting “Evalion” who turned 19 today, in dealing with CBSA. She was denied food for 8 hours and water for 7 during her ordeal. The program airs 5:30-6:30 Monday evening. Tune in to see whether this is a fair presentation or another media hatchet job..

Frederick Fromm's photo.
Frederick Fromm's photo.