Rumble Suspends Service in France Over Censorship of Russian Sources h

Video service suspends access in France over censorship demand

The government wanted Rumble to remove Russian news sources, which it refused to do, the platform has said

Video service suspends access in France over censorship demand

©  Chesnot / Getty Images

Rumble, a Toronto-based video hosting service similar to YouTube, which touts itself as pro-freedom of speech, has announced that users in France will no longer be able to access the site. The suspension came after a demand by Paris to remove some Russian news sources, the company added.  

The video hosting service said it was committed to not moving the “goalposts” on its policy of platforming users with “unpopular views.” It has challenged the legality of the French order, but for now, access in France will be disabled, the statement on Tuesday said.

Rumble added that the decision will not impact the company materially, since less than 1% of its user base was viewing videos from France. It expressed hope that Paris will reconsider its demand and allow Rumble to operate in the country again.

CEO Chris Pavlovski shared the news on Twitter – in a reply to a tweet by Elon Musk in which he reported that he resisted pressure by some governments to ban Russian news sources on his Starlink satellite broadband service. In the post from March, Musk declared himself a “free speech absolutist” and promised not to yield “unless at gunpoint.” The billionaire purchased Twitter last month and pledged to overhaul its controversial content moderation policies.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald contrasted Rumble’s reaction to France’s demands to the close cooperation between other American tech companies and the US government. “Thankfully, Rumble told France to f**k itself,” he said. Read more US government worked with Big Tech to censor social media – Intercept

A report in The Intercept, a news outlet which Greenwald co-founded and later resigned from, revealed last week that US federal agencies and major US-based Big Tech firms have been working hand-in-glove to suppress what Washington deems to be “misinformation,” including the factually true Hunter Biden laptop story. 

Greenwald left The Intercept in October 2020 due to its refusal to print in full his analysis of Big Tech and media censorship of the laptop story. He has since partnered with Rumble and is in the process of launching a talk show on the platform, which he said “has no desire to be anything other than a content-neutral free speech platform.”

France, like other EU nations, banned Russian government-funded news outlets, including RT, after the launch of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. Major platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are enforcing the ban by blocking people in the EU from accessing content from these sources.

Musk declared last week after his acquisition of Twitter that “the bird is freed,” but the EU leadership seemed to pour cold water on the notion. “In Europe, the bird will fly by our rules,” Thierry Breton, the EU commissioner for the internal market, said.

The Glamorous Spanish Nationalist Firebrand Isabella Peralta Interrogated for Six Hours By Britain’s Political Police

The Glamorous Spanish Nationalist Firebrand Isabella Peralta Interrogated for Six Hours By Britain’s Political Police

“Peter Rushton interviews Isabel Peralta in Lancashire on 25th October following her six-hour detention at Manchester Airport under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act.

Peter and Isabel had only an hour’s sleep before attending a memorial meeting organised by Heritage & Destiny, then filming this interview.

Isabel explains the circumstances of her detention (police went on to retain her phone and computer for another four days); the extraordinary provisions of the Terrorism Act, which forces those being questioned to answer and hand over all private information (including contents of phone etc) without any reason being given and without any right to silence; the way that ‘anti-terrorist’ law is used as a method of political harassment; and her own political record in Spain, where the government is bringing in a new law to criminalise real history.Isabel is fighting on the intellectual front line of an ideological war to preserve and restore true European traditions. This interview introduces viewers to several aspects of her struggle, and the great advances that a new alliance of European nationalists is beginning to build.”

Trudeau Government Planned To Demonize Freedom Convoy As “Extremist” Before It Even Arrived In Ottawa

Trudeau Government Planned To Demonize Freedom Convoy As “Extremist” Before It Even Arrived In Ottawa

InsightSpencerFernandoOctober 31, 2022

Further confirmation the Liberals were never acting in good faith.

As we know, the Liberal government and much of the establishment media were desperate to cast the Freedom Convoy as “Canada’s January 6th.”

This stemmed in part from the fact that many in this country filter every event through the lens of the United States, and from the fact that the Liberal government clearly felt they could benefit from it politically.

Also, if Canadians perceived the Freedom Convoy as an ‘insurrection,’ the Liberals would be able to further expand government power.

We could seem the trying to will their fantasy into reality, with Trudeau using purposely divisive rhetoric and the Liberals almost goading convoy participants into more and more aggressive

When that didn’t work, the Liberals decided to use the Emergencies Act anyway, likely believing that using emergency powers would convince many Canadians that it must have been an emergency situation.

The Liberals would like you to think they were acting in good faith and only used the Act as the ‘last resort.’

But now, more evidence has emerged showing the Liberals were plotting to frame the convoy as ‘extremist’ before it even arrived in Ottawa:

In case you have trouble loading the Tweet above, a photo of the Trudeau PMO conversation is below:


This is quite demonstrative of the attitude of the Liberals.

Look at this line in particular:

“I think there could be an opportunity to get in on this growing narrative of the truckers.”

“Growing narrative.”

“Get in on.”

Even before anyone arrived, the Liberals were planning to demonize Convoy participants as extremists.

And the “LRB” referenced in the text refers to the Liberal Research Bureau:

“Power references the Liberal Research Bureau doing research into the convoy’s backers. This is the partisan operations wing under the auspices of the Liberal party, not the federal government.

The Liberals were never acting in good faith

Now, it’s not a surprise to us that the Liberals were never acting in good faith during the convoy.

And why would it be?

The policies that led to the Convoy itself were bad faith policies.

Remember, Justin Trudeau had at one point said Canada wouldn’t mandate vaccinations, and seemed to express concern about making vaccination status a wedge issue.

But then, the Liberals started to fear they were going to lose the 2021 federal election, and all of Trudeau’s ‘principles’ flew out the window.

He ran on a deeply divisive and cynical campaign of demonizing unvaccinated Canadians, and then imposed a vaccine mandate on truckers for what seemed like purely punitive reasons.

Having pushed so many Canadians into such a horrible situation, Trudeau and the Liberal government then demonized them and tried to provoke them.

This is what Canadians must understand:

The Freedom Convoy was a reaction to a government that had tried to rob people of their livelihoods and that had purposely sought to turn Canadians against each other. And instead of listening, instead of being open to the perspective of Canadians who disagreed with him, Trudeau instead tried to use the Convoy as a pretext for grabbing even more power.

Whatever our political views may be, we should have zero tolerance for our ‘leaders’ so willfully dividing Canadians in such a brazen and cynical manner.

Spencer Fernando