Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, Nov. 19-20: Kelowna, Vernon, Kamloops, Penticton, Oliver & Osoyoos: Threats to Bring Back Forced Masking; Druthers; Ocean2Ocean Freedom Rally

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Rally’s and Events

It Ain’t Over”


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Trudeau threatens a return to restrictions if vaccine uptake doesn’t increase

Oct. 17, 2022 – Western Standard


Ontario’s top doctor urges mask wearing, warns mandate could return

Oct. 13, 2022 – Global News


November 9, 2022 CFRA 580 Ottawa


The narrative is shifting now from restrictions to privacy violations – especially medical

KELOWNA BC is rising up Ocean 2 Ocean

On November 19th, 2022 we come together as one against Government Tyranny, DIGITAL ID and the planned depopulation.

Join us and we will see you at Canada’s largest wave of FREEDOM Rallies ever.

 Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


Druthers Pick Up Assistance Required

Hi everyone. Up until now, Sarah has diligently picked up the new editions of Druthers each month for people to distribute. CLEAR has been actively involved in distributing these weekly in Kelowna, with the assistance of wonderful volunteers.


Sarah needs someone to pick up the Druthers from the Diamond delivery depot at 2805 Acland Rd, Kelowna

Around the first week of each month.

We need someone to pick them up now, in November and drop them off at Sarah’s place.

Can you please help? Delivery of Druthers is critical to supporting freedom in British Columbia and provides Canadians with unprecedented information and articles that MSM simply won’t touch!

Please email us at: if you can help pick them up. There will be about 200 bundles, with 100 to a bundle.

Thank you!


PM Trudeau – is under mind control

See his response to an unscripted question. At all times, watch his eyes – he is definitely under mind control; and listen to his answers – either someone is telling him what to say via an ear piece or some form of telepathy/mind control (see MK Ultra), or he is reading from a script somewhere to a question that was not expected and thus he did not have a prepared answer.

Success??? Are people now waking up??

Facts don’t lie!

Less Than 7 Percent of Canadian Children Under 5 Have Received a COVID-19 Vaccine





We need a truly independent inquiry – not some committee where the arbitrator is appointed and the terms and conditions set out by the Prime Dictator of Canada.

Here is the Petition:


Person – The most important term in our law!

Years in the making…

Next Webinar is on Nov. 17, 5:00 pm PST

Many myths and much disinformation have circulated for

years about our common law, our Constitution, our rights and freedoms, and other important topics.

This incredible Webinar series will finally provide irrefutable documentation confirming the true source of our property rights and the supremacy of God in our Constitution – and why we should be thankful they are NOT in the Charter!!

  • If you want answers to what your common law and Constitutional rights and freedoms are
  • Definitions and applications of the most important words in our law
  • Where your Constitutional right and power of civil disobedience to all unlawful statutes and orders originates
  • How Gov’ts and judges use “legal fictions” to steal your fundamental rights and freedoms from you
  • What limited rights, powers, and duties Gov’ts truly have

And much, much more…this is the Webinar series you have been waiting for!

We provide all sources of our research for verification purposes!!

By registering to this Webinar series, you will have

downloadable access to each presentation you have registered to watch!

All webinars have a password that is provided to you to access each show you wish to receive, or if you register for the series, all webinars.

Never forget important information again!

For more information, go to:

For registration information, email us at:



Public Emergencies Act Hearings


Location: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa

Live streaming

To make submissions, go to:

You may also wish to view some further instructions at:

Commissioner Paul Rouleau said in a statement that he intends to hold the government to account and wants the inquiry to be as “open and transparent” as possible.

Hearings will be livestreamed online and members of the public will have opportunities to share their views, with a final report expected early next year. For live streaming, see:

Thank you to the Koot family for these updates!



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

Recently it has been announced that as of Oct. 6, merchants will be allowed to charge customers a fee for paying by credit cards.

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash.

Withdraw money on Sunday from the bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.




Hands-on Help!!!

Each Sunday, for as long as we can, we are delivering Druthers/Pandemic Papers Publications, including CLEAR rally cards and other important inserts such as our Masks/PCR brochure, and the recently released UNITY Health & Sciences brochure, for door-to-door delivery to all the mail boxes in Kelowna

See these inserts below

Though labour intensive, the outings are enjoyable and productive

But we need YOUR help!

There is simply no other way we can reach so many people who have believed the Gov’t/MSM narrative/lies

Join us each Sunday by signing the CLEAR Newspaper Delivery Sign Up Sheet at the CLEAR table & providing your EMAIL address to Linda & Nikki.

We need about 8-10 people to deliver about 100 flyers each – only about 90 min.

Each Sunday we will meet at a specified location to be announced by email on Saturday night. Start times will be 11:30 a.m.

Many recipients continue to thank us for delivering these to their doorsteps!

Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!

Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.




From Vaccine Choice Canada

Please obtain a copy from Tom at Saturday’s Kelowna Rallies and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!

Or watch here:


New signs???

Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions, including privacy violations.

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your own signs for upcoming threats, including Digital ID

Digital currency and no cash

Climate change fraud

Further restrictions




Cornell University Physician: I Was Wrong about COVID Vaccine Mandates

Government publishes horrific figures on COVID Vaccine Deaths: 1 in every 310 people died within 1.5 months of receiving the COVID Vaccine Booster

Thank you to VCC


RCMP member sent on unpaid leave writes this powerful letter you must read


An amazing representation – You will not mask us, or quarantine us again!


Absolute proof that masks don’t work – in its simplest form


Protester arrested in ‘Freedom Convoy’ occupation cleared in mischief cases


It Ain’t OVER!


Scientists Discover ‘Cancer-Causing Compound’ in Face Masks

Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

November 19, 2022

-8° – Partly Cloudy  (subject to change without notice!!! Lol – dress warm – NO SNOW!!!!)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Ocean2Ocean and MEGA Rally

Because It Ain’t Over!


November 19, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


November 19, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


November 19, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


November 19, 2022 11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

November 19, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


November 20, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Text of the Judgement Dismissing Richard Warman’s Defamation Action Against Journalists Jonathan & Barbara Kay for Saying Canadian Anti-Hate Network Supports Antifa & Warman Uses Lawsuits to Silence Critics

[Richard Warman, a board member of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network sued journalists Jonathan Kay & Barbara Kay, seeking $25,000 & $10,000 for tweets suggesting CAHN assisted violent Antifa and that Warman uses lawsuits to silence critics. Warman lost big time with costs to be decided. It’s fascinating to learn that a grant of $25,000 from the malodorous Southern Poverty Law Centre helped set up CAHN. CAHN has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from theCanadian taxpayer and $500,000 in 2020 from the Bank of Montreal. CAHN has been a loud proponent of censorship. In a taxpayer-funded booklet to combat “hate” in schools, it makes the ludicrous claim that the Red Ensign is a hate symbol. — Paul Fromm]


SC – 20 -156136

Richard Warman


)Andréa Baldy

Jonathan Kay and Barbara Kay

)Asher Honickman

)October 14, 2022
)November 10,



[1] This was a claim for $25,000.00 against Jonathan Kay and
$10,000.00 against Barbara Kay, for defamation and loss of
[2] The alleged defamatory communication relating to Jonathan Kay
was from a hyperlinked article he tweeted on November 12, 2019,
“Ant-hate Southern Poverty Law Center Partner Funds Violent
Canadian Antifa”
[3] On November 12, 2019, Jonathan Kay wrote and/or printed
words alleged to be defamatory including:
November 12, 2019
“really unsettling. Why wd an “anti hate” group like
@antihateca be supporting antifa thugs? Few years back, u
could make a case that many antifa members really opposed rt
wing extremism, but antifa has now just become a hate cult
engaged in street violence”.
“Anti-Hate Southern Poverty Law Center Funds Violent Antifa
It shouldn’t be a big demand for left-wing groups to disavow
Antifa violence and certainly not to partner with the movement
or its supporting organizations.
Exhibit 1, Tab 3

[4] A further communication tweeted by Jonathan Kay January 25,
2020, reads:
“great @c2cjournal piece on the race-hustling at @antihateca,
which scares its donors with exaggerated fearmongering, &
pushes censorship. Also notes CAHN’S de facto support for
antifa, a street gang & dox shop that exudes the same hate
CAHN claims to fight [sic]”.
[5] The alleged defamatory communication relating to Barbara Kay
was from a hyperlinked article she tweeted on November 12,
2019, titled:
“Ant-hate Southern Poverty Law Center Partner Funds Violent
Canadian Antifa”
[6] On November 12, 2019, Barbara Kay wrote and/or printed words
alleged to be defamatory including:
November 12, 2019
“Not a good look for @antihateca in this article.
“Anti-Hate Southern Poverty Law Center Funds Violent Antifa
It shouldn’t be a big demand for left-wing groups to disavow
Antifa violence and certainly not to partner with the movement
or its supporting organizations.

[7] The defendants raise the following defences:
a) The impugned publications are not defamatory of the plaintiff
b) Justification of lesser meanings

c) Fair Comment
d) Qualified Privilege
e) Lack of Malice
f) Lack of Damages
g) Republication
h) s.137.1 of the Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.C.43

[8] Warman is a lawyer and at the material time, a volunteer board
member of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (“CAHN”).
[9] Jonathan Kay (“Jonathan”) at the material time was a journalist
with the Twitter handle “@jonkay”, and Barbara Kay (“Barbara”)
was at the material time a columnist at the National Post and had
a Twitter handle “@BarbaraRKay”.
[10] On November 12, 2019, Jonathan communicated the content
referred to, supra, through his Twitter account and the text
included a hyper link:

[11] On January 25, 2020, Jonathan Kay published the tweet referred
to, supra.

[12] On November 12, 2019, Barbara communicated the content
referred to, supra, through her Twitter account and the text
included a hyper link:

[13] Notice of Libel was served on the defendants on November 22,

[14] A) Defamation – were the impugned tweets defamatory.
Did they contain allegations against Warman that would
lower him in the estimation of reasonable people or cause
him to be regarded with hatred, fear, or dislike?
B) Justification – were the words substantially true. What were
the tweets in their natural and ordinary meanings meant or
understood to mean?
C) Fair comment – Did the tweets consist of expressions of
opinion, on matters of public interest. Did the defendants
honestly hold those opinions?
D) Qualified privilege – were the tweets published in good
faith. Did the defendants honestly believe they were fair and
accurate and related to maters of public interest?
E) Malice – did the defendants believe what they published to
be true. Was their belief reasonably held and did they act
reasonably in expressing their views?
F) Damages – If the words were defamatory, did Warman
suffer actual injury or damage to his reputation?
G) Strategic lawsuit against public participation – Do the
Charter or the Courts of Justice Act offer a defence?

Richard Warman
[15] Warman is a lawyer, a Judge Advocate General reservist, and has
been involved with human rights issues with the Canadian Human
Rights Commission, where he was formerly employed, filing 16
successful complaints against neo-Nazis, and white supremacist
groups and individuals over the last 20 years.
[16] Warman is a well-known public speaker on human rights and
anti-racist activism. And a recipient of numerous awards and
honors for his human rights advocacy.
Exhibit 2, Tabs 4-5
[17] In 2018 the Canadian Anti Hate Network (CAHN”) was formed by
three individuals, Bernie Farber, Evan Balgord and Amira Al –
Ghawaby. Their website was active from about July of that year.
[18] The non-profit corporation started with a budget of $25,000 from
the Southern Poverty Law Center (“SPLC”), though there was no
formal alliance between them.
[19] CAHN’S mandate was to educate the public with respect to hate
groups and counter the activities of those hate groups.
[20] Warman joined CAHN’s board in 2018. He provided direction to
the executive director Balgord, the only paid member, helped
obtain funding, and dealt with legal issues as well. His role was
coordinating anti racist and anti-fascist movements.
[21] Numerous articles including ones from the Canadian Jewish News,
the CAHN website, and news articles identify Warman as a CAHN
board member from August 2, 2018, to September 2019.

[22] In 2019 a peace bond was issued under s.810 of the Criminal
Code against Kevin Goudreau, a member of the Canadian Neo –
Nazi movement, for threats against CAHN . The bond named
Warman, as part of CAHN.
Exhibit 1 – Tab 17
[23] Warman’s work was positively received and resulted in medals
for good citizenship; a sovereign volunteer medal; and a Queen’s
diamond medal, and an Ottawa Citizen article asking, “is this the
bravest man in Canada?”
[24] Warman testified that he was on a “hit list” for racists and white
supremacists; was criticized by those opposed to legal controls on
hate speech; and, generally, was opposed by those holding
“libertarian” views.
[25] Warman dealt with them by disabusing them, engaging with them,
ignoring them if possible, or issuing libel actions against them. His
reputation for integrity and honesty is crucial to his work as a
lawyer and advocate for human rights.
[26] Warman admitted he has received no serious threats in the last 5
years and that the impugned tweets haven’t exacerbated the
[27] He still is portrayed positively in mainstream media and has no
knowledge of anyone concluding that he personally funds hate
groups, which he testified he does not do, nor has he encouraged
[28] In cross examination, Warman was referred to a Maclean’s
magazine article by Charlie Gillis regarding s13 of the Canadian
Human Rights Act and Warman’s use of that section, which
required no intent; did not have truth as a defence; and
discouraged legitimate free speech. Warman brought more
complaints to the CHRC than anyone else.

[29] After a Warman sent a libel notice to a library, the British
Columbia Civil Liberties Association got involved resulting
ultimately in the repeal of s13. The National Post, Ottawa Citizen,
Globe and Mail, Law Times and the Canadian Lawyer all did
articles on Warman and his involvement with s13 of the
Canadian Human Rights Act.

2008 Libel action against Jonathan Kay and the National Post
[30] In February 2018, Jonathan published an article on the National
Post website alleging that Warman manufactured his own hate
material, and that there was a phony racism industry in Canada.
Exhibit 1, Tab 9, p 62/113
[31] Warman then commenced a libel action which was settled. The
National Post apologized and retracted the post.
November 12, 2019, Tweets
[32] Neither Warman nor CAHN had any contact with the defendants
before the November 12, 2019, tweets which Warman considered
defamatory in that he believed they conveyed the message that he
personally funded antifa.
[33] Warman admitted in cross examination that he had no knowledge
if the impugned tweets were liked, retweeted, commented on and
admitted the tweets never went “viral”.
[34] Warman did not e-mail Jonathan regarding the November 12,
2019, tweet but instead retained counsel who gave Notice of Libel
to the defendants on November 21, 2019.
Exhibit 1, Tabs 7,8, page 5/113
[35] Warman contacted The Federalist in December 2019 seeking a
retraction since their article was based on an earlier Huffington
Post article wrongly alleging the source of funding for Antifa.
Exhibit 1, Tab 4, page 38

[36] Although Warman received no response to his December 2, 2019,
e-mail, the Federalist did change the article, though not in a
manner satisfactory to Warman. Warman never sent a libel notice
nor commence an action against the Federalist.
Exhibit 8
[37] This action was then commenced in January 2020.

Steven Rogers
[38] Rogers is an expert in digital forensics, gave evidence on behalf of
Warman regarding the impugned tweets, and filed a report dated
January 25, 2020.
Exhibit 1 – Tab 18, pages 37/176
[39] Rogers gave evidence as to the number of followers the
defendants had but was unable to say how many of those
followers saw the tweets and whether those tweets went “viral”.
He gave no evidence that any of the tweets were “pinned”.
Jonathan Kay
[40] Jonathan is a journalist and has written for the Washington Post,
the Wall Street Journal, the National Post, Al Jazeera, and the
Canadian Jewish News. He also worked with the New Yorker,
Harper, and the Walrus.
[41] Kay describes himself as an activist working for social justice
causes, and a public intellectual who rejects all ideological
extremism. His first employment was in Montreal in 1995
working with Irwin Cotler, a former Minister of Justice and
Attorney General of Canada, and a well-known human rights

[42] Jonathan is Jewish, and his father fled the USSR, so he is mindful of
the dangers of extremism from both the left and right wings of the
ideological spectrum.
[43] Jonathan was not aware of Warman except for his activity
commencing litigation or using s13 of the Canadian Human
Rights Act to act against hate groups. He was aware of the 2008
Macleans magazine article entitled “Righteous Crusader or Civil
Rights Menace”
Exhibit 3 – Tab 6
2008 Libel Action
[44] In 2008 Jonathan wrote an article for the National Post describing
the admonishment received by Warman from the Human Right
Tribunal regarding his infiltrating the Northern Alliance by posing
as a neo-Nazi.
Exhibit 1, Tab 9
[45] Jonathan relied on expert testimony from Bernard Klatt, believing
him to be an expert witness, for the article, which testimony was
in part inaccurate. The article was retracted on February 20,
Exhibit 2, Tab 2
[46] Notwithstanding the retraction, Warman still sued the National
Post and Jonathan, seeking an apology which Warman described
as an antidote to defamation. The action was settled before trial.
[47] Jonathan was aware of CAHN, which was led by Bernie Farber,
who Jonathan knew for over twenty years, and who Jonathan
considered a “good egg” . Jonathan was positively disposed both
to Farber and CAHN since Farber was a leader of the Canadian
Jewish Congress and fought racism from both the left and right.

[48] Jonathan was unaware of anyone else but Farber as a part of
CAHN and did not know Warman was with CAHN until he was
served with the libel notice. He was aware of a May 8, 2018, CBC
article profiling CAHN but testified that the article made no
mention of Warman.
Exhibit 6
[49] Jonathan was aware of Antifa and its activities and described its
earlier messaging as “benign”. However, subsequent YouTube
videos taken of antifa demonstration were described by Jonathan
as violent, thuggish, destructive of property and not all about
“peace and love”.

November 12, 2019, tweets
[50] Jonathan referred to a CAHN article by the CEO Balgord dated
September 20, 2017, as an apologist tract for Antifa, describing
the need for “physical disruption” to get their message across.
Exhibit 3, Tab 9

[51] A Quillette article (Jonathan was an editor) about Columbia’s
Journalism dated June 18, 2019, described Antifa as violent and
advocating violence to effect change. The article described what
happened to Andy Ngo, a friend of Jonathan’s, who was a 5’2” gay
Vietnamese conservative journalist covering Antifa activity in
Portland Oregon when he was badly beaten by Antifa members,
described by Jonathan as “thugs”.
Exhibit 5, Tab 32; Exhibit 2, Tab 8
[52] Jonathan described numerous instances where Antifa used
intimidation, violence and generally mimicked fascist group
activities in Portland, Oregon, and Hamilton Ontario and, for
example, screamed at an elderly woman at a town hall event in
October 2019, where they tried to block a speaker, Maxime
Bernier, and called her “Nazi scum” .
Exhibit 5, Tabs 3-6, Tab 31

[53] Jonathan attributed the Federalist article to Bernie Farber and
was disappointed that Farber, whom he had great respect for,
praised “muscular resistance” (balaclavas and pipes) and felt that
CAHN only called out right wing hate mongers. He felt betrayed by
Exhibit 1, Tab 4

[54] Regarding the impugned November 12, 2019, tweet, Jonathan was
upset that instead of ratcheting down the culture war and
divisiveness, Farber was devoting his own voice and CAHN’s to
promoting Antifa, and getting government funding for his efforts,
while few Canadians knew about Antifa’s street violence.
Exhibit 1, Tab 3

[55] Jonathan testified that he “tagged” or sub tweeted CAHN, so they
had notice of the tweet. He was blocked from contacting CAHN
directly. The tweet was about CAHN’s organization and was the
institutional extension of Farber’s stature.
[56] Jonathan had no problem with any private individual supporting
Antifa but institutions like CAHN supporting Antifa give it public
approbation and signals approval – a very valuable currency.
[57] Jonathan had no interest in Warman, said nothing about Warman
in any tweet and had no interest in any issues between the
Federalist , Huffington Post and Warman. He testified that e
thought only of Bernie Farber ad Evan Balgor as being connected
with CAHN.
[58] As to the tweet itself, Jonathan testified it “dropped like a stone”,
there was no image of any likes , retweets, comments , nor was the
tweet “pinned” so it would always be on top of Jonathan’s tweets,
so there was very little dissemination. He deleted the tweet but
doesn’t know whether that was before or after receiving the
Notice of Libel.

January 25, 2020, tweet
[59] Regarding the second impugned tweet, dated Jan 25, 2020,
Jonathan was concerned with what he described as “race
hustling”, and cancel culture pushing censorship.
Exhibit 1, Tab 11
[60] Jonathan contacted a CAHN board member, Professor Perry, who
counted 300 right wing extremist groups in Canada, which
became a media story attracting the attention of the NDP leader
Jagmeet Singh, seeking the names of the groups. The disclosure
was never provided.
Exhibit 3, Tab 24, Tab 15
[61] Jonathan’s concern was that CAHN was stirring up the idea of
apocalyptic threat and calling out right wing but not left wing hate
groups. He referred to CAHN articles describing how to find local
Antifa chapters and referring to an international Antifa defence
Exhibit 4, Tab 3, Exhibit 7
[62] Jonathan testified that Warman had a reputation as a litigation
enthusiast and is now prominent on the CAHN website, so he has
suffered no diminution in reputation .
[63] Jonathan did not offer an apology regarding his tweets because
none referred to Warman; CAHN was and is still a partisan
organization; and, finally, in 2008 when Jonathan and the National
Post did retract the impugned article, Warman still sued anyway.
Barbara Kay
[64] Barbara testified that she was a journalist for over 22 years and
had a lifelong interest in writing about human rights, cancel
culture and antisemitism.

[65] Barbara is a self-described “classic liberal” championing
individual (as opposed to state’s) rights, due process, freedom of
speech, and conscience, and is most concerned with left wing as
opposed to right wing antisemitism, since right wing antisemitism
has no institutional support.
[66] Her concerns are with universities exercising “cancel culture” and
repressing free speech.
[67] Barbara had a positive impression of Bernie Farber until he got
“woke” and, as the voice of the Jewish community, was ignoring
left wing antisemitism.

Knowledge of Warman and CAHN
[68] Barbara was only aware of Warman’s impersonating fascists and
using s13 of the CHRA and suing “small potatoes” and believed he
was using libel chill to compel respect. She had no knowledge of
any connection with CAHN.
[69] Barbara read the Federalist article and sent her tweet the same
day it was published. She was concerned with Farber’s praising
“muscular resistance” and was unaware that Warman was a CAHN
board member. She thought that Farber was CAHN and CAHN was
November 12, 2019, tweet
[70] Barbara had used that expression “not a good look” many times
before the impugned tweet. Her concern was that an anti-hate
group was endorsing antifa which was not a good look for a
respectable organization.
Exhibit 1, Tab 3
[71] Her testimony was that she believed it was in the public interest
to know about that support, and that CAHN could do better. As a
journalist her duty was “see something, say something”.

[72] Barbara’s testified that she wanted CAHN to fight antisemitism
and wanted their reputation to be good. She believed a
government funded organization should do better and live up to
its name.
[73] As to Warman, Barbara testified that his reputation is flourishing,
and that his “brand” is as a human rights lawyer, not as any
representative of CAHN. She did not contact CAHN regarding the
federalist article or her tweet since she was blocked from
contacting CAHN.

Were the tweets defamatory
[74] The plaintiff submits the impugned tweets lowered Warman’s
reputation in the eyes of a reasonable person given his association
with, and as a board member of, CAHN.
[75] The Kays submit that the tweets did not refer to Warman
personally, only to CAHN, and further submit that they did not
republish the article on the Federalist website which did name
[76] The evidence was that Warman did not run CAHN; was not its
most identifiable or visible member; and was often unable to be a
part of CAHNs activities due to conflicts of interest with his work
with the Judge Advocate General, in cases involving federal parties
and politics and the armed forces.
[77] Warman’s reputation among those following human rights issues
was as a human rights lawyer, not a principal of CAHN. The
evidence was that Bernie Farber and Evan Balgord were much
more publicly seen as the alter ego of CAHN, and neither has sued
the Kays.

[78] The plaintiff has not proven, on a balance of probability, that the
impugned tweets would lead a reasonable person to believe they
referred to Warman. While they could refer to Warman, they did
not actually refer to him and, as found, supra, he was not CAHN’s
alter ego nor was he CAHN’s sole actor, or even its primary actor.
[79] Defamation of CAHN does not constitute defamation of Warman.
Warman has failed to prove, on a balance of probability, that he
was “the face” of CAHN, or it’s alter ego, and although a reference
to CAHN could refer to Warman, that is not sufficient in law to
constitute defamation of Warman.
Foulidis v Ford 2012 ONSC 7189
[80] The Kays evidence was that they both saw Bernie Farber as the
chair of CAHN; the face of CAHN and its most prolific member
because he was the CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress.
[81] They did not have Warman in mind as part of CAHN when they
published their tweets, and their evidence was that they did not
even know Warman was a CAHN board member until served with
Notice of Libel.
[82] Articles published in 2018 on CBC and TVO refer to Farber as the
founder of CAHN and refer to Evan Balgord as a co-founder.
Neither mention Warman. At the time of the impugned tweets,
November 2019, CAHN had more than 15 members. It was not a
minor organization, and its identity was not the same as any
board member.
Exhibit 3, Tab 10; Exhibit 6
[83] Farber’s Wikipedia page refers to Farber running the Canadian
Anti Hate Network with Evan Balgord. There is no mention of
Warman. Warman’s Wikipedia page does not refer to his role as a
CAHN board member.
Exhibit 3, Tab 22, page 227; Exhibit 5, Tab 24

[84] Neither CAHN , Farber, Balgord nor other CAHN board members
sued the Kays, and Warman did not sue the Federalist nor the C2C
Journal, the Canadian publication which published the article
referred to in the 2020 tweet.
[85] Warman admitted in cross exam that a person reading the
impugned tweets may not have associated them with him, and in
fact gave no evidence that anyone reading the tweets believed
they were about him.
[86] Warman did submit that the Federalist article headlined in the
tweet referred to him and was defamatory, but he also testified
that he wrote the Federalist asking them to remove the
allegations about him personally funding violent Antifa groups in
the body of the article (which they apparently did) and did not
seek to have them change the headline nor remove other
allegations referring to CAHN.
Exhibit 8
[87] The headline/sub headline of the tweets criticize CAHN policy but
do not refer to any individual, and any person would therefore
have to read the article itself to understand the tweets or
headline. The ordinary meaning of the tweets and headlines is
that CAHN provides material assistance to Antifa, not that
Warman personally funds violent groups.
[88] The Kays did not republish the Federalist article by simply linking
to it, and Warman’s name appears only in the article, not the
headline or sub headline. This does not constitute a repeat or
republication of the defamatory content.
Crookes v Newton [2011] 3 SCR 269
[89] I find therefore that the plaintiff did not discharge the burden of
proving on a balance of probability that the defendants’ words
referred to him and were defamatory of him.

[90] Even if the impugned tweets were defamatory, which I have found
has not been proven, the Kays have raised defences which would
shift the onus to Warman to prove malice on the part of the Kays,
or either of them.

Fair Comment
[91] The public has an interest in the fight against hate crime in
Canada and the parties involved in that fight, including CAHN and
[92] The Kays both gave evidence of their longstanding activism
regarding human rights and antisemitism and their tweets
comment on the fact that the Federalist and C2C Journal articles
both allege that CAHN supports or assists the Antifa movement.
[93] Warman’s evidence was that he and CAHN were part of the Antifa
movement; Farber has praised their muscular resistance; and
Balgord referred to Antifa’s use of physical disruption.
Exhibit 1, Tab 4; Exhibit 3, Tabs 8, 9
[94] The Kays evidence, which I accept, was that Warman was not the
subject of their tweets – they were unaware that he was a CAHN
board member at the relevant times – and that Farber and CAHN
were the subjects since Farber was well known, particularly
within the Jewish community, and CAHN had influence as a partly
government funded Canadian organization.
[95] I find therefore that it has not been proven, on a balance of
probability, that the opinions which were the subject of the
impugned tweets were dominantly motivated by malice.
[96] I accept the Kays’ evidence that they reasonably believed their
opinions to be accurate, and find that there was insufficient
evidence to establish, on a balance of probability, that there was a
reckless disregard for the truth.

[97] The evidence disclosed that CAHN did in fact assist Antifa and that
the movement has been violent. The Kays submission, which I
accept, is that a human rights network like CAHN arguably
(except in the most extreme circumstances) should not support a
violent movement, and to do so, to most reasonable observers,
would not be a “good look”.

Qualified privilege
[98] The defendants have not proven, on a balance of probability, that
the recipients of the impugned tweets had an interest or duty to
receive them. The test is objective – i.e., it is not whether the Kays
believed the recipients (which include, in the case of tweets, the
world at large) but whether they were necessary to discharge the
duty giving rise to the privilege.
[99] The case cited by the defendants regarding the application of
qualified privilege to tweets, which is under appeal, is not
applicable here. There was no moral nor professional duty on the
Kays as there was in the medical doctor in the Gill decision.
Gill v Maciver, 2022 ONSC 1279

[100] Although there was no evidence led as to reputational damage;
the impugned tweets were “dud” and did not go “viral”; the first
tweet was deleted prior to the Notice of Libel being served; and
there was no publication of the Federalist article which was
considered by Warman to be the most defamatory, general
damages are presumed in a defamation case.

[101] While Warman is well known as a righteous crusader against
white supremacy and right-wing racist hate and has been
recognized and appropriately lauded for his work, he is also a
controversial figure and I accept the evidence of the Kays that he
has used litigation to silence or intimidate those he sees as his
critics, or who oppose his methods of prosecuting hate groups.
[102] I also accept the Kays’ evidence as to why no apology was made
given that Jonathan Kay was still sued after the National Post
retracted its article and apologized for its inaccuracy, in 2008.
[103] Finally, I accept the evidence of the Kays that no apology was
warranted where neither of them referred to Warman in their
tweets and did not in fact even have him in mind when they
published them.
[104] Had Warman succeeded in this action against the Kays, I would
therefore have awarded nominal damages in the amount of
$5,000 against Jonathan Kay and $500 against Barbara Kay
whose tweet was far less recognizable and damaging to Warman.

[105] Having regard to all the above, and in recognizing the importance
of maintaining open debate on matters of public interest, while
being mindful that although freedom of expression is to be
protected, it is not a “get out of jail free card” for those exceeding
reasonable limits, the plaintiff’s claim is dismissed.

[106] If the parties are unable to agree on costs, each party has 10 days
from the release of these reasons to serve and file cost
submissions, not to exceed 3 typed pages excluding a Bill of Costs,
together with copies of any offers made pursuant to Rule 14 of
the Rules of the Small Claims Court, which would impact costs


Dated at Ottawa this 9th day of November 2022.
David Dwoskin
Deputy Judge D. Dwoskin

Persecuted Professor & COVID Dissident Sues Queen’s University & Dr. Stephen Archer for $600,000 For “Malicious, Aggressive, Condescending & Defamatory” Statements

Persecuted Professor & COVID Dissident Sues Queen’s University & Dr. Stephen Archer for $600,000 For “Malicious, Aggressive, Condescending & Defamatory” Statements

Haldimand-Norfolk top doc alleges ‘relentless harassment’ in lawsuit against former employer

Dr. Matt Strauss claims his public criticism of COVID-19 health measures led to a hostile work environment

J.P. Antonacci

By J.P. AntonacciLocal Journalism Initiative ReporterSat., Nov. 12, 2022timer3 min. read

Haldimand-Norfolk’s top doctor is suing his former employer.

As first reported by CBC News, acting medical officer of health Dr. Matt Strauss is seeking more than $600,000 in damages and lost wages from Queen’s University and Dr. Stephen Archer, head of the school’s department of medicine.

Archer was Strauss’s direct supervisor when he was an assistant professor of medicine at Queen’s from July 2019 to November 2021, at which time Strauss also practiced internal medicine and worked in the ICU at Kingston General Hospital.

In a statement of claim filed on Oct. 20, Strauss alleges that his time at Queen’s was marked by “consistent and relentless harassment … humiliation and belittlement” by Archer and other Queen’s employees — motivated, Strauss claims, by his public criticism of lockdowns and other health measures implemented in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Strauss claims the “malicious, aggressive, condescending and defamatory statements” levelled by Archer in emails and letters to Strauss and his colleagues damaged his reputation and forced him to resign due to the hostile work environment.

Archer’s criticisms of Strauss’s COVID-related newspaper columns and tweets caused Strauss to “become upset and anxious,” according to the claim.

None of the allegations in the claim have been tested in court. A statement of defence has not yet been filed.

“I am not sure how the CBC became aware of a recent court filing issued by my lawyer,” Strauss posted to Twitter Thursday evening.

“It is my strong preference that this matter remain between the parties involved. Therefore, I will not be providing any comment about this case.

“That said, I am a firm believer in academic freedom, particularly on matters of significant public interest. I will continue to advocate for this principle in my public commentary.”

In response to a request for comment sent to the university and Archer, the university said it was “aware of the statement of claim filed with the court.”

“The university has not been served with the claim and therefore has not filed, nor been required to file a statement of defence. As such, the claim represents only the plaintiff’s perspective,” the statement read.

“As this is a Human Resources matter, the university will not be commenting further.”

Archer did not respond directly to the request for comment.

According to the publicly available court filing, Archer accused Dr. Strauss of “grabbing headlines for the wrong reasons.”

“You were hired to be a physician not a publicist,” Archer allegedly told him in a December 2020 email included in the statement of claim, adding he was “very concerned about your maturity and professionalism and believe your professed love of freedom of expression is more self centered than in service of our patients or trainees.”

Strauss said his superior defamed him by suggesting he was “promulgating false information and not caring about the health of the public” while “seeding mistrust for public health institutions” through “dangerous and misleading” public comments.

Archer’s public censure of Strauss’s activities came despite what Strauss claims was an “entirely positive” annual performance review in March 2021.

Strauss said Archer targeted him in part because he had signed the Great Barrington Declaration, an open letter published in October 2020 calling for people at least risk of adverse affects from COVID-19 to be allowed to live with few public health restrictions in order to encourage the development of herd immunity.

Archer published a five-point refutation of the Great Barrington Declaration on the university’s website in the following month.

Strauss contends the “eight months of harassment” he allegedly experienced at Queen’s was a calculated campaign by Archer to get him to quit his job. After raising objections regarding how he was being treated, Strauss claims Archer informed him in June 2021 his contract would not be renewed after it came to an end the following year.

Strauss argues that left him with no choice but to leave the university in November 2021, with more than seven months left on his contract.

That September Strauss was hired as acting medical officer of health in Haldimand-Norfolk.

The lawsuit seeks at least $600,000 in damages — including half a million for defamation — along with wages and benefits lost due to what Strauss’ filing describes as his “constructive dismissal.”

Strauss also wants the university to delete what he considers defamatory statements made about him by Queen’s staff from any university platform and prevent their further dissemination.

Redeeming Canada: The Anti-Woke Speech That Caused An Uproar by Lt. Gen. Michel Maisonneuve

Making Canada better’: An excerpt from the anti-woke speech by a general that caused an uproar

Lt.-Gen. Michel Maisonneuve pulled no punches in describing what he thinks needs to be done to make Canada great again Author of the article: Lt.-Gen. J.O. Michel Maisonneuve,  Special to National Post Publishing date: Nov 17, 2022  •  9 hours ago  •  9 minute read 603 Comments

Retired Lt.-Gen. Michel Maisonneuve received a standing ovation from senior military personnel for a speech he made slamming cancel culture, climate change extremism and weak leadership, but he has also come under criticism for his candid remarks.
Retired Lt.-Gen. Michel Maisonneuve received a standing ovation from senior military personnel for a speech he made slamming cancel culture, climate change extremism and weak leadership, but he has also come under criticism for his candid remarks. Photo by GlobeNewswire

The following is an excerpt from a speech delivered by Lt.-Gen. Michel Maisonneuve (retired) at a Nov. 9 gala in Ottawa as he accepted the Vimy Award, a top defence award. He received a standing ovation from senior military officers in attendance.


The Vimy Award. How humbling; what a tremendous honour. With this honour comes the opportunity to accept this award with a speech that acknowledges the spirit of Vimy and shares with you my vision for Canada today and for the future.NP Platformed Banner

Article content

Canada — once we were great. We stopped the Americans in 1812, we gave the world Billy Bishop, Alexander Graham Bell and Lucy Maud Montgomery. We isolated insulin, invented the zipper and the snowblower. In World War One we mobilized 620,000 troops. We were victorious at Vimy Ridge. In World War Two we were brave enough to land at Dieppe, and we secured our beach on D-Day. The Devil’s Brigade remains the template for special forces the world over. Our small country boasted the world’s third largest navy at the end of that conflict.

We became internationally recognized peacekeepers and more than 80,000 of us served on missions during the Cold War. We beat the Russians on their ice in 1972 and a young man named Terry Fox continues to inspire us all with his unparalleled courage and determination. We gave the world the Canadarm in space; we won a world series. When the world changed again on 9/11, Canada stepped up — first to join the coalition of the willing and send in ships and JTF 2. Serving with distinction in Afghanistan — we still mourn the loss of our 159 men and women. Canada was a great nation and though we are faltering today I believe we can be great again.

I believe we can be great again

Since this is my speech, I get to share what I believe Canada needs to do to take the world stage again; to be thought of first when it comes to seeking alliances, to be seen as a serious country once again.

What will it take? Well, I believe it will take leadership and service. These two crucial foundations of greatness for any nation have somehow become secondary — lost in these days of entitlement, “me first”, “not my problem” and endless subsidies and handouts.

Let me start with leadership. Leadership applies in all pursuits and at all levels. Great leaders are distinguished by the success of those they lead and the entity they lead — be it a country, an army, a corporation or a sports team. When that entity succeeds, we recognize its leader … and when that entity fails, misses, or misses the playoffs, the leader must — should — take responsibility.

History has given us many great leaders. Ask yourself: would those leaders have been as successful in today’s world? Well, let’s see; today’s world, where social media captures every move and word spoken — taken in context or not. Where cancel culture still flourishes and there is no call for redaction or amendment even when accusations are proved false. Truth is not a requirement; once cancelled, you are done.

Once cancelled, you are done

Today’s world, where balanced journalism is difficult to find. The practice of presenting the facts — a truthful illustration of an event, a personality or issue that allowed the reader to form their own opinion — is no longer compulsory in mainstream media. The line between “news” and op-eds has blurred and too often we are subjected to sermons written not by seasoned journalists but by first-year graduates of woke journalism schools. Unbiased reporting seems to have died with Christie Blatchford and Matthew Fisher.

Today’s world, where extremism — once the almost exclusive purview of religious zealots — seems to be flourishing in all aspects of our lives, on the right … and on the left. Some of the most popular “causes” and beliefs of today are embraced by all manner of extremists with no thought of how to achieve this utopian ideal in a responsible or plausible manner. For example, Canada’s prosperity is being sacrificed at the altar of climate change as opposed to being used to help the world transition to clean energy. Throwing soup and paint at the world’s art treasures is as heinous as it is useless. The perpetrators should be punished, not celebrated.

Today’s world is also where taking personal responsibility for our own actions has disappeared from the landscape while the phenomenon of collective apologies flourishes in our country. Individuals and groups fight over who gets to wear the coveted victim’s cloak. But any role they may have played in their own fate or in injuring others is dismissed as learned behaviour, inherited flaws or generational oppression.

So I am not here to debate whether those great leaders of yesteryear would be as successful in today’s world. But nor will I judge the decisions they made in their time against the standards of today. Enough statues have been toppled; erasing our history is not the solution.

I believe that the most important leadership skills have not changed and are even more so today than ever.

Zelenskyy has rallied the world to his just cause

Secondly, cohesion, acceptance and tolerance. Today’s leaders must stop dividing those they lead! Hasn’t history shown us that success as a leader demands cohesion, unity and respect of all those they lead — not just those who agree wholeheartedly with them? Can you imagine a military leader labelling half of his command as deplorables, fringe radicals or less-thans and then expect them to fight as one? Today’s leaders must find a way to unite; not divide.

Leaders lead. There is a difference between making a good decision, based on research and consultation, and making a decision because it is popular or it polls well. The best decisions are those made for the good of the whole — not just good for friends of the leader. Today, special interests have trumped the collective good. Making decisions for the collective good requires strength of character, the communications skills to explain, and a great deal of courage.

Courage remains one of the most important qualities of a leader. The courage of ideas, courage in the face of criticism, the courage to guide and lead. The courage to create a vision for the good of all. The courage to recognize a mistake and accept responsibility — personal — for that mistake.

Courage remains one of the most important qualities

The second key to bring Canada back to prominence is service.

Just a short two months ago, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second, queen of Canada, died. It would be impossible to find a better example of service. On her coronation she promised that she would dedicate her life, whether long or short, to the service of all. Over the next 70 years, in good times and in bad, she placed the care of her realm and subjects above all else. She exemplified character and duty and provided us all with an example of dedication to service. She kept her promise. May she rest in peace.

The idea, the concept of service seems to be forgotten in our “me-first” culture. Service to others, to one’s country, to humanity must be a noble aspiration. The obligation to give back in gratitude for a life filled with blessings, peace and good fortune should not be innovative. It seems that Canadians have lost the desire to serve and the need to serve their country.

The military — being in the service of one’s country — used to be a most highly regarded profession. Today, I see a military woefully underfunded, undermanned and under-appreciated; a force where uniforms have become a means of personal expression rather than a symbol of collective pride and unity: uniforms are no longer uniform. The idea of serving in our armed forces is getting little traction. Could it be because the moral contract under which our military serve is broken?

Today, I see a military woefully underfunded and under-appreciated

Members of the Armed Forces fulfill their side of the moral contract that exists between them and Canadian society — they serve and are ready to serve in dangerous missions at home or abroad to protect our country and project Canadian values.

But Canada should also be holding up its end of the contract: providing them with the state-of-the-art tools they need, the best leadership, equipment, education and training to be safe and successful, and looking after them when they become veterans. In my opinion, we are failing. Because for Canadians generally, the Armed Forces are not important until there is a crisis, and successive governments’ support of the forces reflect that mindset. Our troops who have dedicated their lives to serve this country deserve better.

We are in Veterans’ Week, commemorating those who exemplified the concept of service by putting their life on the line for us, and honouring those who gave up their tomorrows for our todays. Let’s use them as our example to serve. If more inspiration is required one need not look far: let’s remember the words of two of the finest leaders of our time:

Margaret Thatcher believed “There’s no such thing as entitlement unless someone has first met an obligation.” And of course, JFK most famously said, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.”

In the name of service, I challenge us

Soon the festive season will arrive; a season of generosity and benevolence. In the name of service, I challenge us. Offer to volunteer, no matter where: an animal shelter, home for the homeless, seniors or veterans. The most important gift we can give is our time.

Story continues below

Article content

I challenge us all to donate — instead of selling that surplus coffee maker on Kijiji, let’s donate it to Mission Services or Goodwill or the Salvation Army. I challenge us to be compassionate: give the panhandler enough cash for a warm meal but also ask them their name, wish them well and shake their hand.

I believe we can make Canada better. To find common ground with our neighbour and to unite our country rather than divide it. To apply our leadership and service; to live with compassion, tolerance and patience — but most of all to be proud of Canada and everything we once stood for.

We Canadians live in the greatest country in the world with almost unlimited resources, a tolerant and diverse people, and an educated population who can aspire to the greatest heights. We should be prepared to serve our country and be proud to do so. And our leaders must share this vision.

“If not us, who? If not now, when?”

Because, as Satchmo has told us, in spite of it all … it is a wonderful world.

Special to National Post

Lt.-Gen. Maisonneuve spent 35 years in the CAF and 10 more as Academic Director of RMC Saint-Jean. He testified in The Hague against Slobodan Milosevic, commanded the funeral for the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa, is a huge advocate for veterans, a long-time supporter of bilingualism and served as the first Chief of Staff of NATO’s Supreme Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk, Va.

Preston Manning & the National Citizens’ Coalition Announces A Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the Gov’t’s Repressive COVID Restrictions

  You are receiving this email as one of the first 10,000 Canadians that signed the public petition to support the National Citizens’ Inquiry (NCI). Your action was the first step towards holding our federal and provincial governments accountable for their COVID-19 policies. As our public research revealed, 3-out-of-4 Canadians report having been harmed by these restrictions. Today, we took the second step together.

This morning, former Leader of the Opposition and Member of Parliament, Preston Manning formally launched the NCI. The announcement was broadcasted live from Parliament across all of Canada. Mr. Manning provided a detailed overview of the NCI, particularly the next steps for establishing a Commission of credible, competent, and impartial Commissioners. As part of today’s launch, the full NCI website is now live. We encourage you to check it out to learn more about the NCI. Share it with your family, friends, and community members of this important initiative. It will take significant effort to make the NCI successful, and we are grateful to count on your support.
Help us keep the momentum going!
The NCI is a historic and unprecedented citizen-led initiative in Canada. We need your help to make it a success. Can you help us by doing one or two of the following? Sign the petition and share it with at least 3 friends!Register to VolunteerSuggest a Commissioner

Massive Repression Coming, Warns Chris Sky

Massive Repression Coming, Warns Chris Sky

Toronto End the Lockdown leader, Chris Sky, now a political exile from COVID repression in Canada, warns of the coming tripledemic , an excuse for remasking. He warns of the global digital ID which will allow government to monitor and control you. “I’m never wearing a mask again!”

“People are not complying!” Resistance is NOT futile.

He’s the author of “Just Say Now” a book available for $25.00 from C.A.F.E., P.O. Box 332 Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, Canada.

Penticton Freedom Issues


Penticton Freedom Issues

Yesterday was the 103rd annual Remembrance Day, honouring those who have risked their lives to fight for freedom in other countries. Many died, or were wounded, and scarred forever by their experiences. These were the soldiers on the front lines, away from their families, living in fear every moment, praying for an end to the wars, while their families kept the home-fires burning.

Today, we are facing a kind of war never imagined then, except in books like 1984.   We are the ones who must fight, non-violently, with love in our hearts, using all our mental, spiritual, intellectual and emotional strength to survive and thrive and to hold accountable those responsible for our crisis of government overreach. Our rallies provide a sense of community, a source for exchanging information, with a commitment to “do something” to help others understand what’s going on, and how to protect themselves. Larger initiatives, like the planned National Citizens Inquiry, listed below, provide opportunities to participate in some small way to hold accountable those who are responsible for today’s atrocities against humankind. Please sign the petition and decide what other actions you might take to make this major inquiry a success. ——————————- o0o————————————-    

Penticton4Freedom Sunday Rally   This Sunday, November 13th – from 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton. Guest speaker – Lydia Kress – What’s going on at Pen High, and what we can do about it? –    Shawn Brown – Challenging EI for justice for those who refused to knuckle under    image.png
Miss a week and you miss a lot! Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few.    ——————————- o0o————————————-   << OTHER EVENTS OF INTEREST >>   Weekly noon hour Tuesday “Protesting with Purpose” in front of Richard Cannings’ office at 301 Main Street in Penticton. Get updates there from Wayne and Derrick. ——————————- o0o————————————- image.png

Canada’s federal, provincial, and municipal governments’ responses to COVID-19 were of an unprecedented nature. The magnitude of these interventions demands a comprehensive, transparent, and objective inquiry into the appropriateness and efficacy of the measures imposed.   National Citizen’s Inquiry Announcement by Preston Manning – VIDEO National Citizens’ Inquiry – Keep the Momentum Going – Take Action HERE Please express support for a citizen-led, citizen-funded inquiry by signing the petition posted HERE   ——————————- o0o————————————-  

 Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


WorldWide Rally Saturday, November 19, 12 noon Toronto, Queen’s Park

A quick reminder that the WorldWide Rally for Freedom is taking place this Saturday (Nov 19) at 12noon. There are two locations: see attached posters. Our team will have the table at the Queen’s Park location (come by and say “hi”!) but a few of us will be at the Christie Pits event as well.

We had a small but lively meeting the other night, more on that later. Stay tuned for a December event notice, probably something more casual like a lunch.

Still looking for a volunteer to help with finding venues and booking meetings. 
Toronto Chapter
Vaccine Choice Canada


Please note:
Neither I, nor any representatives of VCC are permitted to
give medical, nutritional, or legal advice. The
responses provided herein are for information purposes only.

Declare Your Courage — Superb Action Plan for Freedom Fighters from Free to Fly Canada

Declare Your Courage

Central pillars of our liberal democracies are eroding. We are losing free speech and bodily autonomy. Group-think and cancel culture are rising while the electronic surveillance state controls much of life. As if these weren’t enough, those in positions of authority seem committed to undermining ready access to food, travel and human contact. Most believe we’re powerless. Why?

Many who fled oppressive regimes for the once appealing democratic West can answer: We forget history. We falsely believe we can defeat authoritarianism while maintaining creature comforts, illusions of safety and our societal status. We believe ‘going along’ will bridge an inconvenient season of crazed policy, when in reality we cling to twigs of reputation, ease and illusory security while facing a tsunami of totalitarian control that risks the destruction of our freedom.

There is only one way to arrest this trend. Men and women must courageously and publicly take unrelenting positions against it. We must refuse to assent to the lies dismantling our societies, tearing away our freedoms, and removing our power as free beings.

We are not powerless when standing together, aligning ourselves on the common, fortified ground of integrity, truth, courage and self-sacrifice.

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, in a 1974 article Live Not by Lies, penned these words in a call to corporate courage: “We need not be the first to set out on this path, Ours is but to join! The more of us set out together, the thicker our ranks, the easier and shorter will this path be for us all! If we become thousands—they will not cope, they will be unable to touch us. If we will grow to tens of thousands—we will not recognize our country!”



I declare all that follows, calling out as a lie the societal claim that change is impossible. It begins with me:

  • I will not speak, sign, write, or repeat in any forum or on any platform, anything that is not, as far as I know, the truth;
  • I will, where opportunity presents, and in spite of the cost, speak out against lies;
  • I will stand alone if need be, knowing that freedom is “the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.” (Pericles)
  • I will not repeat nor support radically progressive, popularized ideological mantras. I will walk out of state, corporate or privately enforced indoctrinations on the same;
  • I will not acquiesce to the state’s violation of my God-given freedoms of speech, worship, conscience and bodily autonomy;
  • I will persevere in the face of threats to livelihood, status or reputation, in spite of the pain or my own self-doubt;
  • I will, where opportunity presents, support with my words, actions and finances, those similarly convicted of this need for a relentless commitment to truth, freedom and conscience.

All this I undertake, knowing I may suffer loss of the fragile constructs of social status, comfort and ‘safety’. I am willing to do so, in exchange for the far superior and lasting bedrock of truth upon which our futures and freedom (and that of our children) must be grounded.