It’s Been Over A week Since Kevin Was Captured As A Political Prisoner. Hopefully Monday They Will Set Him Free!

It’s Been Over A week Since Kevin Was Captured As A Political Prisoner. Hopefully Monday They Will Set Him Free!
All you need to know is out there: The paper trail is present, the oxygen deprived store clerks with their disregard for listening+rights, as well as the May 6 Rooke injunction, it’s all exposed! The evidence is a link away!These ridiculous incidents and tyrannical documents are the “basis” for Kevin J. Johnston Calgary Mayor-Elect being in the slammer: illegally; with no contact with his lawyer: in 23 HRS of confinement a day. Election interference is happening out in the open and brazenly; what about when it’s YOUR TURN to run for office with different ideas? Start polling well and this is what’ll happen!!!It happens to Kevin J. Johnston it’ll happen to ___________________.SHARE! SHARE! SHARE!
#ISTANDWITHKEVIN #freekevinjjohnston #justsayno
Derek The Noble Savage Storie And Ed Ed Ed JamnisekHave taken the show by the reins Tune In Well it’s Friday once again. We are reacing over a week without Kevin. Has the crew handled the show good without Kevin. Did the savage and Ed Ed Ed do the commercials right. Well maybe we got some questions for you!
  7PM Calgary Time – 9PM Toronto Time DONATE TODAY! – www.KevinJJohnston.caWATCH THE KEVIN J. JOHNSTON SHOW, Monday to Friday from 7PM to 9PM Calgary Time #calgary #kevinjjohnston #noblesavagesYou can now watch us on dynamic values like name, email and more.

END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in the Okanagan This Weekend — Kelowna Kamloops, Penticton, June 5 & 6

END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in the Okanagan This Weekend — Kelowna Kamloops, Penticton, June 5 & 6
Next Rally
Penticton Rally Photo 5-24 PENTICTON
Sunday, June 6 from 12-2:30 @ Main & Warren, across from Cherry Lane Mall.
Kamloops – Saturday, June 5 from 12-2 pm Riverside Park. Vernon – Saturday, June 5, from 12-2 pm Polson Park at the fountain. Join for a potluck picnic in the park after the rally!

Kelowna – Saturday, June 5 from 12-2:30 @ Stuart Park, across from City Hall.
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction test Photo DAVIDS’ CORNER:
Transcripts have been ordered and arriving this week! There was a court challenge in Manitoba to the COVID-19 lockdown.
The Manitoba Government’s own expert witness admits in evidence that the PCR test is grossly inaccurate! He admits it was never intended to be used for respiratory disease testing. He also admits there are additional fatal deficiencies to this test!!! This is the first evidence in Canada to actually get on court record and supports our position!!
KELOWNA FREEDOM MEGA RALLY June 19, 2021 Stuart Park “NO COVID JABS FOR OUR CHILDREN” Speakers: Tanya Gaw with Action4Canada. Liability form (vaccine) for parents to sign
Ted Kuntz with Vaccine Choice Canada. Vancouver’s Danielle Pistilli from The Freedom Organization, and more!!<-
Would you like to join our CLEAR Telegram group? Click on our Resistance is NOT futile logo and it will take you there!
See you soon, CLEAR

Support Derek Sloan’s Fight for Personal Freedom & Democracy

Support Derek Sloan’s Fight for Personal Freedom & Democracy
Over the past 15 months, it has sometimes been difficult to fathom whether a Public Health COVID-19 policy has come about from rank ineptitude or abject tyranny. 

In the case of COVID vaccines now being pushed on children as young as 12 who do not require parental consent to get one, it may be one, or it may be both, but it’s definitely utter madness and it must be stopped!  Canadian children who have already had their lives ruined by lockdowns and restrictions are now having their health put at risk through coercion to take an experimental vaccine for a disease that poses virtually no threat to them at all. Many adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, in both adults and children, are now being registered in Canada and around the world. 

Please sign my e-petition to suspend these injections for children under the age of 18 until adequate, peer-reviewed, published studies featuring long-term data can establish that these injections are safe.

The health of the Canadian people isn’t the only thing that’s threatened by the reaction of the political class to COVID-19.  Anyone who’s paying attention has to be concerned about the health of the country itself, as its one hundred and fifty-fourth birthday approaches. 

On Tuesday, the House of Commons voted on whether or not to adopt a Bloc motion declaring it irresponsible to hold a federal election during COVID-19. The final vote was 330 to 1, in favour of the motion. I was the only one who cast a vote against it. Click here. I was also the only one to vote against Bill C-19 put forward by the Liberals to amend the Canada Elections Act, allowing for the use of mail in ballots. They don’t call me an independent MP for nothing.

I believe that the right thing is the right thing, no matter how many or how few people are doing it.  I did the right thing in voting against that motion. Democracy is stronger than any virus, and any suspension of democracy, no matter how “temporary”, is the surest road to ensuring its permanent demise. 

As real and frightening as the authoritarian threat to Canada’s traditions of democracy and freedom have been during this crisis, the truth is prevailing.  Our U.S. neighbours, as they overcome irrational fear and return to normal life, are taking note.

Last Thursday, I appeared on ‘The Tipping Point with Kara McKinney’, on the One America News Network (OAN), reaching 35 million American homes.  The response has been huge, and in large part it consists of Americans shocked to learn of the degree to which liberties have been trampled in the name of the “common good” up here in Canada. 

It continues to be my privilege and honour to fight as hard as I can for those liberties.  On Friday, I rose in the House to question the government on the glaring double standard that exists when it comes to peaceful protests in this country. To hear the non-answer I was given, click here. While those who attend freedom rallies are vilified, and receive court summonses and harassment from the police, other types of protests, including the one attended by Justin Trudeau last summer, are allowed to proceed unmolested. 

Our Charter rights are the same for everyone. I’d like to know whether this government supports the rights of all Canadians or not. And if not, why not? Speaking of freedom rallies, I was lucky enough to have a busy Sunday full of them. 

There were 1,000 people in Aylmer, hundreds in Woodstock, and over 3,000 in Waterloo. It’s truly wonderful to be part of this movement as it grows.  This has been a harsh awakening, but more and more Canadians are waking up to the fact that we no longer live in a democracy.

Authoritarians are attempting to control every aspect of our lives through fear and coercion. More and more, Canadians are realizing how unethical it is to quarantine the healthy, to isolate children, to censor science, to shut down debate, and to destroy livelihoods.  It’s immoral to spread fear and panic and to promote experimental injections as the necessary price tag for getting our freedoms back.  Our freedoms were never theirs to take, and we must take them back, because they won’t be given.

  All along, they’ve called us selfish for fighting against lockdowns. That’s the biggest lie of all. It’s not selfish to want to be free, it’s only human. Those who would take your freedom are the only selfish ones.  The only rational and ethical thing to do now is to remove every single COVID-19 restriction and return to life and freedom again in Canada! That is what we must never stop fighting for.  Join me, and we’ll fight together, and never stop until we win! God Bless You and God Bless Canada. 

Sincerely yours,

Derek Sloan

P.S. When you donate to the Sloan Political Action Coalition, you help me fight for freedom, and you stand with me for truly Canadian values that are more important than ever!    
_____ Sloan Political Action Coalition · Canada
PO Box 57035 RPO Brittany Glen
Mississauga ON L5M 0M5

The New Book Burners: Halifax Public Library Refuses to Remove Book Critical of the Transgendered Agenda

The New Book Burners: Halifax Public Library Refuses to Remove Book Critical of the Transgendered Agenda

By Andrew Lawton – June 1, 2021 Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Linkedin


Halifax’s public library is standing firm in support of free speech as an activist group tries to get Abigail Shrier’s “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” removed from library shelves. True North’s Andrew Lawton says the library is making the right call, noting that woke activists aren’t used to anyone telling them ‘No’.

Also, lockdown double standards plus lawyer Lisa Bildy on the government’s ongoing prosecution of Aylmer’s Church of God.

My Answer to Doug Ford’s Fundraising Letter

My Answer to Doug Ford’s Fundraising Letter

Dear Mr. Cooper:
Let me get this straight: You want me to “Stand With Doug” and send some money? No way. Doug Ford has presided over the greatest destruction of citizens rights this province has ever seen.
Since March, 2020, Doug Ford has vacuumed away the Charter rights of Ontarians to freedom of assembly, freedom of worship, freedom of movement. We have gone through long periods of stay at home orders, a form of house arrest. But the victims have committed no crime, faced no charge, had no trial or an opportunity to defend themselves. They have just been punished.The Ford government has acted as if there were no Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The right to gather and worship, gone or severely restricted. The right to gather with family for meals or worship at Christmas and Easter, gone.
Doug Ford closed schools, ruled one business essential and it could stay open with shifting restrictions, but another business must close. Thousands of businesses closed and ruined; tens of thousands of Ontario workers made jobless. Mobility rights, freedom of assembly, freedom to protest stomped on.
I believed in the populism of Ford Nation. My belief began to fade when Doug Ford dismissed END THE LOCKDOWN protesters rallying at Queen’s Park, many of them ardent Ford Nation supporters, as “a bunch of yahoos”.
I watched as Ontario turned into a police state. A Christian church in Aylmer had been fined over $100,000 for the “crime” of gathering together to worship the Lord. Its Pastor Henry Hildebrandt was conducting a service. His congregation were singing hymns. In strode a sheriff backed up by local police. The congregation was ordered out. The church locks changed by court order. No, this was not North Korea; it was Ford’s Ontario. Oh, and the police had blocked all roads to the church, as if engaged in some drug takedown.
Then there was Adamson’s Barbecue in Etobicoke. Owner Adam Skelly made the mistake of thinking he could serve up barbecue to willing customers. Over 100 Metro police and the cavalry descended on the restaurant to drag Mr. Skelly off to jail. The police state goon squad might have suggested a biker’s convention.

On May 23, Hamilton was the scene of something that might have been out of a Monty Python skit. Local police stormed out of a building to slap tickets with hefty fine on peaceful protesters who opposed the lockdown. The insane piece de resistance was the double fining of a rebel reporter. He received a fine under the lying and misnamed “Re-opening Ontario Act” for being in a public gathering of more than five persons. He received a further municipal fine for shaking hands with another consenting adult. Yes, shaking hands in Doug Ford’sOntario is now illegal.

One of the darkest days for civil rights in Ontario was April 16. The government authorized police to pull over pedestrians and motorists and demand that they jusify being away from their home. It sounded like some grade  B movie from the 1940s with some surly police agent demanding: “Where are your papers?” What is sandalous is that this was a cabinet decision. Doug Ford and his cabinet had met and discussed this police state measure. Sylvia Jones, a lawyer, had seen no problem with trampling the  rights of taxpaying Ontarians and their right to be free from intrusive police checks? True, most police forces announced they would not be making such stops. Good, but it was Doug Ford and his band of freedom thieves who had sought to tighten police state rules on Ontarians. The announcement was walked back a little, but not entirely: Police can stop motorists or pedestrians if they think they’re participating in a public gathering of over five persons.

Ontarians can look with envy at states such as Florida or Texas. There businesses are open, restaurants are open, bars are open. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has FORBIDDEN local governments and school boards from imposing the hated masks on people. Oh, yes, these free states are not cesspools of disease; They have lower infection rates than Ontario, which has groaned under eight months of lockdown tyranny!

And you expect my donation to further enable this tyrant!
No way.


COVID jails legal battle: Rebel News, JCCF suing to end mandatory quarantine programme

COVID jails legal battle: Rebel News, JCCF suing to end mandatory quarantine programme

Today in federal court in Toronto, lawyers for Rebel News, alongside lawyers from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, are suing the federal government to put an end to Justin Trudeau’s illegal and unconstitutional COVID jail system.

Healthy Canadians arriving by air, who already tested negative for COVID before flying, have been required to quarantine for three days at the cost of thousands of dollars while they await a second PCR test upon landing in Canada. Upon the results of that second PCR test, these healthy COVID-free people are then required to finish out a 14-day quarantine at home.If travellers don’t submit to arbitrary COVID detention, which appears to be up to the discretion of the health agents at the border, or a second COVID test upon arrival, these law-abiding Canadians then face thousands of dollars in fines and possible jail time. Completely healthy people are being arrested, detained and — as we found out today in court — denied the knowledge that they have a right to contact a lawyer, all in the name of “two weeks to flatten the curve.”

That’s exactly what happened to former Rebel News journalist Keean Bexte, who travelled to Florida on assignment for Rebel News. Upon his arrival back in Calgary, Keean was taken to a COVID jail hotel, despite having the ability to quarantine alone, his own mode of transportation to his location of quarantine, and a negative PCR test before he got on his plane back to Canada.

Even worse, these quarantine measures don’t apply to travellers who are arriving back to Canada by land. Apparently, the federal government presumes that so-called variants of concern only travel via airplane. But in fact, the government provided no evidence of the variants of concern entering via plane in their affidavits.

Rebel News
 will be following the case over the next three days, providing video updates and live tweeting the proceedings.

Law-abiding Canadian citizens are allowed to travel in and out of our country. They shouldn’t be punished financially by being sent to an overpriced COVID hotel, and denied their liberty and security of person just for trying to come home.

The federal government has limitless resources to fight Rebel News in court, but we think freedom is worth it. We’ve got great lawyers from JSS Barristers working on the case, including Sarah Miller, who is also working on our Charter challenge to the lockdown in Saskatchewan and representing Pastor Artur Pawlowski in Calgary.