I tested the law and the Premier’s resolve yesterday, to see whether
or not he would stand behind his unconstitutional COVID laws that
restrict our freedom of assembly. He proved to me and everyone who
attended my “unmonitored social gathering” that his COVID laws are
unenforceable and nothing more than a scare tactic. His government knows
that their COVID laws are unjust, and when challenged, they cowered.
Let that be a message to every free person in Ontario, that you must not
fear the undemocratic decrees of this government and it’s COVID Command
After our successful social gathering, the Premier went so
far as to claim there was violence. Well I was there, it was energetic,
it was large, and most importantly it was peaceful. Whomever claims
that these supporters of freedom were violent is a liar, be that the
Premier, or the mainstream media. Here is my introduction speech, more
videos to come. You tell me if we were violent.
I encourage everyone to continue challenging these unlawful COVID
rules. We must do all we can to test the laws and stand up for our
rights. Thank you to everyone who came out.covid
Nineteenth century Scottish writer Robert Louis
Stevenson is remembered mostly for his novels Treasure Island, featuring the pirate Long John Silver, and Kidnapped. Almost as well-known as these, and probably
far more influential in terms of the number of imitations it has inspired and
adaptations that have been made, is a shorter work, published in 1886, the same
year as Kidnapped, entitled Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
The story is about a physician, Dr. Henry Jekyll, who
like everybody else, struggles with the inner conflict between his base
instincts and urges on the one hand and his ethical standards on the other. Unlike everybody else, he, being a scientist,
tries to find a scientific solution to the problem, which he sees more in terms
of the need to protect his reputation than to suppress his vicious
desires. He invents a serum that
transforms him into Mr. Edward Hyde so that he can indulge the latter without
damaging his reputation. The potion,
however, also produces a division in his moral character, basically separating
all the wickedness into the persona of Mr. Hyde and all of the goodness into
the persona of Dr. Jekyll. The
consequence of all of this, is that Mr. Hyde is left with no inner constraints
on his wickedness, and becomes a thoroughly depraved, sadistic, sociopathic,
murderer. Dr. Jekyll, who by contrast
becomes more upright, humane and saintly, eventually loses control over the
transformation process and starts to transform into Mr. Hyde involuntarily, at
first in his sleep, later when he is awake.
Then, running out of the serum that reverses the transformation, and
being unable to produce another batch that will work, he realizes that he is
about to become his evil alter-ego permanently, and commits suicide.
After the story was published and became widely known,
the names of the character became more or less synonymous with the kind of dual
personality in which a person can be sweet, gentile, and charming one minute
and the exact opposite of that the next.
I have been reminded of this story every time that
Doug Ford, the current premier of Upper Canada, or Ontario as those who like to
keep up with the times prefer to call it, has appeared in the news in the last
eight months and especially the last two.
Two summers ago, when the Progressive Conservatives
led by Doug Ford, won a majority of 76 out of the 124 seats in the provincial
legislature, I breathed a sigh of relief for our neighbours to the east. They had suffered under Grit misrule for
fifteen years, first under Dalton McGuinty and then under Kathleen Wynne, who
were in my opinion the two worst provincial-level Liberal leaders in the entire
history of the Dominion. The election
that put Doug Ford in the premier’s chair, also reduced the Grits to seven
seats, the worst defeat they have ever suffered in that province, which was
itself even greater cause to rejoice than the Conservative victory.
When Doug Ford became leader of Upper Canada’s
Progressive Conservatives in the lead-up to the provincial election of 2018, I
knew little about him other than that he was the brother of the late Rob Ford,
who from 2010 to 2014 had been mayor of the city which had been known as York
before political correctness prompted its being rechristened with the Indian
name of Toronto in 1834. During the
years in which Rob Ford was mayor, he was constantly under attack by the CBC
and the rest of the mainstream progressive media, which only strengthened me in
my conviction that, as I said at the time, Rob Ford, drunk and on crack, ran
his city better than any other sober mayor in Canada, including and especially
our own here in Winnipeg. That would
have been Sam Katz back then, and Mayor Duckie (2) who has since replaced him
is even worse.
The same corrupt left-wing media that had relentlessly
pursued the destruction of his brother, went after Doug Ford during the 2018
election. They shamelessly dug poor old
Rob up from his grave – he had passed away from cancer two years previously –
and began whipping and crucifying his corpse.
Since Ford was using populist rhetoric in his campaign, they naturally
compared him to Donald the Orange who through populism and nationalism had
become president of the American republic in 2016. Now,
just to be clear, since my politics happens to be the royal-monarch-as-defender-of-the-Church
kind of Toryism from which the Conservative Party has been lamentably drifting
for decades – or rather centuries – populism and nationalism are actually lower
in my own estimation than they are in that of the progressive media. Forced to choose between the former and the
latter, however, I would gladly chose the populists any day. So it was that this progressive assault on
“Ontario’s Trump” raised his stock considerably in my books.
Despite the media’s amusing attempt to use his
populist rhetoric to hang the “far right” label on him – neither populism nor
what the media considers to be “far right” is right wing at all, let alone
extremely right wing – Doug Ford was
basically a mainstream, centre-right, Progressive Conservative. His platform consisted mostly of tax
reductions, infrastructure improvement, de-regulation, and cleaning up the mess
that McGuinty and Wynne had made of the province’s school system. While there was much that was lacking in
this platform, it was a major improvement over what the former governing party
had been offering. After Ford won the
election, the first year and a half of his premiership were fairly
impressive. He stuck it to the
provincial bureaucrats with a salary-and-hiring freeze, and went to war with
the environazis who were determined to make life more miserable and
unaffordable for everybody because of their superstitious belief in a climate
apocalypse extrapolated through a computer simulation from the pseudoscientific
theory of anthropogenic global warming.
This included standing up to Captain Airhead, whom we are unfortunate
enough to have as the Prime Minister of Her Majesty’s government in Ottawa, and
who was threatening to impose a federal carbon tax on all provinces that did
not voluntarily adopt one of their own.
Shortly after the election, the new Minister of Education announced that
the province would repeal everything the outgoing government had done to turn
the schools into indoctrination camps for brainwashing young children with
sexual perversion and gender identity politics although there have been reports
that the follow-through on this was less than spectacular and that all they
really did was make a few minor adjustments.
The qualifying remarks in my last sentence
aside, Ford had gotten off to a fairly good start for a contemporary,
mainstream, Progressive Conservative premier.
Then the Chinese bat flu arrived in Upper Canada. When that happened, Doug Ford underwent an
almost-overnight metamorphosis into a despotic, bullying, COVID-monster, and
became the darling of the media that had been demonizing him for the last two
Of course, something similar could be said about every
premier in the Dominion. Our own Progressive
Conservative Premier here in the south-east corner of Prince Rupert’s Land, Brian
Pallister, declared a state of emergency and put our province into a most
draconian lockdown before there was any significant outbreak, gave that – in my
opinion – power mad goon Dr. Brent Roussin a blank cheque for imposing
restrictions, no matter how stupid, self-contradictory, and outright harmful
they were, and only the other day doubled the fines for people who violate
these arbitrary regulations. Pallister,
however, has long been known to be a jerk.
The only reason I welcomed his re-election the other year is that the
other option was the truly odious Wab Kinew.
Doug Ford, on the other hand, had given us every reason to expect much
better of him, before he turned around and started acting like a squirt bottle
used for cleaning the orifices of the nether regions of the body.
Now, some might come to Doug Ford’s defence by saying that
his province was hit particularly hard by the bat flu. Granted, out of all the provinces its number
of deaths was exceeded only by those of Lower Canada. This hardly constitutes justification of his
actions, however. It is only to be
expected that in a country-wide outbreak, the two provinces of Central Canada
would have the most deaths. They have
the most people, after all. There is
more to it, however, than just that.
The bulk of the deaths in those provinces took place in long-term care
facilities, which, again, is predictable from the fact that the only people who
are at any sort of statistically
significant risk from the Chinese bat
flu are those who are really old, with two or more complicating health
conditions. In Upper and Lower Canada,
the situation in the nursing homes got so bad that the Armed Forces had to be
sent in to take the place of the staff who had either contracted the virus
themselves or deserted in fear of doing so.
They sent back to their superiors reports of the horrendous conditions
they found there – conditions such as cockroaches, rotting food, bedding left
soiled for days on end, and worse – caused not by the bat flu but by neglect
and abuse on the part of the administration and staff. While Ford is hardly to blame for such
conditions, for in many of these places this sort of thing had been going on
for years prior to his premiership, the fact of the matter is that had he done
the common sense thing at the beginning of the “pandemic” and taken measures to
provide extra protection for the people most at risk, rather than listening uncritically
to the imbecilic advice of medical experts who, themselves regurgitating
nonsense cooked up by the World Health Organization to serve the nefarious ends
of the Chinese Communists and the pharmaceutical conglomerates, recommended a universal
quarantine on the young and healthy instead, this sort of thing could have been
dealt with much earlier, and steps could have been taken which might have prevented
the outbreaks in the nursing homes from getting so bad. Jumping on board the lockdown bandwagon,
prevented him from pursuing other, sounder, options, and made the situation
even worse.
When the World Health Organization screamed “pandemic”,
Ford traded in his tired old populism and common sense for a shiny new superstitious
belief in the infallibility of international health organizations and other
medical experts, and imposed their recommendations with a particularly heavy
hand. When people with legitimate
concerns about the erosion of their rights, freedoms, livelihoods and businesses
under public health orders and who likely largely overlapped the people who had
voted Ford into the premier’s office two years ago, began to protest against social
distancing, lockdowns, and the like, he dismissed them all as yahoos. In July, he rammed Bill 195 through the legislature,
a bill which gave him two years’ worth of emergency powers which he could
exercise without consulting the legislature.
This was a province-level equivalent of what Captain Airhead and his
Liberals had tried to sneak into an emergency spending bill in Parliament in
March, but which Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition had mercifully thwarted. Ford punished the members of his own party
who voted against this bill, such as Belinda Karahalios, the MPP representing
Cambridge, by expelling them from the caucus.
On Monday, September 28th, Ford held a
press conference in which he announced that his province was officially in the “second
wave” of the bat flu, and that it “will be worse than the first wave we faced
earlier this year.” As with all the other
claptrap about this so-called “second wave” this was a cunning form of
sleight-of-hand. That day, Upper Canada
had seen the highest number of new cases recorded in a single day since the
beginning of the pandemic. It had not
seen a commensurate spike in the number of people gravely sick, being
hospitalized, put in intensive care, and dying. Indeed, the new cases were mostly among age
groups which were not at any significant risk from the disease. This has been more or less the case
everywhere throughout this so-called “second wave”. My province, which seen the number of deaths
multiply since the beginning of September – we were at fourteen at the
beginning of September and are now at forty-seven, is not an exception. These deaths are, like those which more
populated provinces experienced in the spring, almost entirely among those who
are both extremely old and extremely sick, because this is Manitoba’s first
wave, the entire misguided and totalitarian “flatten the curve” strategy having
merely delayed it, while causing a whole lot of unnecessary other harm in the
Even before Ford made this announcement, he had
lowered the number of people allowed to meet socially in Toronto, Peel Region,
and Ottawa to ten, slapped a $10 000 fine on anyone who organized an event that
broke this rule, and a $750 fine on anyone who attended. It is difficult to decide which is more
ridiculous, the limit of social gatherings to ten in a country where assembly and
association are two of the officially recognized fundamental freedoms, or the
insanely high amounts of those fines. (4) Certainly,
the late Rob Ford, who was well known for his love of large social gatherings,
must be spinning in his grave over all this party-pooping, and the whole
general way in which his brother has turned into a piece of rotting Communist excrement.
My unsolicited advice to Ford is to find the serum
that will turn him back to his original self and to do so quickly. Nobody, except the media progressives, who
want everybody to spend the rest of their lives, hiding under their beds in
their basements, curled up in the fetal position, sucking their thumbs, afraid
to go out lest the SARS-Cov-2 Bogeyman get them, likes this new version.
(1) Stevenson
deliberately left out both the definite article and the periods after the
abbreviations for doctor and mister from his title. His original publisher followed his
whims. Most subsequent publishers have
(2) Brian Bowman looks like Jon Cryer, who, prior to his role as Alan on Three and a Half Men, was best known as
“Duckie” in John Hughes’ 1986 “Brat Pack” teen rom-com, Pretty in Pink. An
interesting bit of trivia, although as completely irrelevant as this entire
footnote, is that Charlie Sheen, Cryer’s co-star in Three and a Half Men (and earlier in Hotshots), was the original choice for the role of Blane, “Duckie”’s
ultimately successful rival for the affections of Andie (Molly Ringwald) in
this film, a role that ended up going to Andrew McCarthy.
(3) See
article from The
Interim. It is worth noting that a
serious effort to clean up the schools would have to involve more than just
repealing Kathleen Wynne’s curriculum.
I was in Toronto for a wedding almost ten years ago, while Dalton
McGuinty was still premier. On the ride
back to Pearson International, my driver, a recent immigrant from somewhere in
the Middle East, struck up a conversation.
When he found out I was from Manitoba, he told me how lucky I was to be
living in a rural, conservative, province, where I did not have to put up with
the likes of Dalton McGuinty, who was making the schools teach sexual
perversions to young children. I didn’t
have the heart to break the news to him, that the NDP which was governing
Manitoba at the time was just about as bad, although they had not taken the
schools quite that far. My point, however,
is that this conversation could not have taken place when it did, had McGuinty
not already started the schools along the path down which Wynne would take them
much further.
(4) Of
course there are those who have gone even further than Ford in this
absurdity. Dr. Brent Roussin has
limited social gatherings to five in Winnipeg and the surrounding region. Back in Ford’s own province, Patrick Brown,
his predecessor as PC leader and currently the mayor of Brampton, imposed fines
of up to $100 000 on those not practicing “physical distancing” as far back as
April. An orchard owner in neighbouring
Caledon was threatened with a fine that large by the Ontario Provincial Police in
late September for letting people pick their own apples on his farm.
Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier & Federal People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier challenge Premier Ford’s unconstitutional limits on public gatherings.
CAFE supporters protest outside German Consulate in Toronto
Lady Michele Renouf’s Thought Crimes Trial in
Germany Suddenly Adjourned, Gag Order Imposed
actress, model and longtime videographer (through her company Telling Films)
and free speech activist Lady Michele Renouf was to go on trial in
Dresden, Germany on October 16. We can’t report on the proceedings because
neither Lady Michele nor her associate and publicist Peter Rushton is
allowed to comment on the proceedings. We have been advised that they were
suddenly halted and no date set for their continuation.
reports: “On 16th October 2020 an Australian-born Briton goes on
trial in Dresden for ‘incitement’ – not for terrorism or threats, but because
of a 10-minute speech given to 300 mourners at a commemoration of the Allied
terror bombing of Dresden in 1945.The charges have been brought under Germany’s
draconian volksverhetzung law – Para 130 of the criminal code,
against Lady Michèle Renouf. … In February 2018 Lady Renouf attended a
public commemoration in central Dresden, marking the anniversary of the 1945
terror bombing by the Royal Air Force and the USAAF. Responding
to an anti-British comment by someone in the crowd, Lady Renouf was invited to
give a brief spontaneous speech in which she acknowledged Britain’s shame for
its deliberate wartime policy of targeting civilians.
During this speech she referred
to the following facts:
Many influential Britons at
the time condemned Churchill’s barbaric terror bombing policy and the
associated demand for unconditional surrender – such people included Lord
Hankey (formerly Sir Maurice Hankey, founder of the modern civil
service); the Rt. Rev. George Bell, Bishop of Chichester; Labour MP and
future minister Richard Stokes; and government scientist and future
bestselling novelist C.P. Snow.
The terror bombing of Dresden was
a literal holocaust in which tens of thousands of civilians were burned alive.
We shall never know the atrocity’s exact death toll, because the city was
packed with refugees – uncounted and undocumented – fleeing from the advancing Soviet
Red Army.
The Allied justification for this
targeting of civilians was that Britain and America were at war with Germany.
Yet, this factor is ignored when discussing what has become known as the
‘Holocaust’, an unchallengeable dogma taking the place of history.
The simple fact that Jewish
civilians were interned in camps is today regarded as a ‘war crime’ and part of
‘genocide’, regardless of what did or did not happen in the camps
themselves, a topic which Lady Renouf did not address, knowing that it is
illegal in Germany to debate such matters. It is odd to condemn internment
itself as criminal, bearing in mind that both Britain and America interned
enemy aliens. It is scarcely surprising that European Jews were placed in this
‘enemy alien’ category, given the actions of the self-styled leaders of World
Jewry who had as early as 1933 declared economic war on Germany. Moreover the
future founders of Israel such as Chaim Weizmann were actively engaged
in a campaign of covert warfare, some of it contrary to international law, in
collaboration with Britain’s Special Operations Executive. In itself it
was not unreasonable for the German authorities to intern large numbers of
European Jews as potential collaborators in this covert war.
On Friday, October 16, CAFE supporters and Truth and Justice for Germans staged a protest outside the German Consulate in Toronto urging Germany to drop all charges against Lady Michele and show respect for freedom of speech.
A woman takes part in an anti-mask rally in Montreal, on Wednesday, September 30, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson.
has deleted several of Canada’s largest anti-mask groups, including
those that organized massive protests in Vancouver and Toronto last
weekend, following a request for comment from VICE News.
Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, the social media giant deleted
The Line, which had 4,500 members in its private group and almost 30,000
followers on its publicly facing page, M.A.D. (Mothers Against
Distancing), with over 7,000 members in its private group, and a private
group based solely around organizing anti-mask Santa Claus parades,
which had over 2,600 members.
Against Distancing is the group tied to Chris Saccoccia, the wealthy
childless son of a Toronto-area property developer, who has garnered
headlines for his anti-mask stunts such as organizing anti-mask raves
and trying to create a private school system
in which all the staff are anti-maskers, and was recently arrested for
breaking quarantine when coming back to Canada from Europe. VICE News
has reached out to Saccoccia for comment but has yet to receive a
response.World News
to Facebook, the pages were removed for repeated violations of its
community standards. While the company allows anti-mask events to be
organized on its site, events must not violate government COVID-19
reached for comment, a Facebook spokesperson shared a statement made by
Guy Rosen, VP of Integrity at Facebook, saying the company has been
working to reduce misinformation on its platform.
this pandemic evolves, we’ll continue focusing on the most effective
ways to keep misinformation and dangerous hoaxes about COVID-19 off our
apps and ensure people have credible information from health experts to
stay safe and informed,” said the statement.
Facebook said it is currently reviewing other anti-mask groups in Canada—including one with more than 9,000 members.
Independent MPP Randy Hillier & Maxime Bernier Challenge Ford’s Lockdown Tyranny
No mask? No problem — not for 2019 Prime Ministerial candidate Maxime Bernier and his friend Randy Hillier, an independent MPP from Kingston who was removed from the PC caucus last year.
The dynamic duo attracted dozens of supporters to Queen’s Park on Wednesday, where they formed a maskless crowd on a lawn outside the legislature.
Members of the group listened intently and cheered as Hillier called
Ontario Premier Doug Ford a “coward” and a “yahoo.” The group had
gathered explicitly to challenge the Ford government’s COVID-19 social
gathering restrictions, which Hillier has called “unlawful.”
The MPP actually stood up in parliament yesterday to announce his
plan of going to Queen’s Park and purposefully challenging the law,
which carries with it a fine of $10,000 for people hosting outdoor
gatherings of more than 25 people and $800 for all attendees.
“Tomorrow I will host and gather with more than 25 friends, an offence under these authoritarian laws,” said Hillier on Tuesday.
True to his word, Hillier spoke alongside Bernier to what looked like far more than 25 people on Wednesday.
“Well, we live in a democracy — I’ve told people ‘you want to
protest? come down to Queens’s Park. They’re welcome to protest,” said
the premier when asked about what happened.
“What I do ask is not to be violent, and I hear there was a little bit of violence out there today, and that’s unacceptable.”
Ford went on to reiterate that he doesn’t have a problem with people protesting outside the Legislature.
“It’s about freedom of speech. If they want to go out there, do
cartwheels, jump up and down, hold signs up, shout and scream, that’s
fine,” he told reporters.
“But violence is where you cross the line and we won’t tolerate that
for a second,” Ford continued. “You’re violent with the security folks
here, our Toronto Police or OPP, it’s not gunna end well for you.”
Former Green Party candidate, political prisoner and free speech advocate, Monika Schaefer
In the Green Party, Support for Israel is Required
Former Green
Party four-time candidate Monika Schaefer says that she learned
that, at its core, the Green Party is green on the outside and red on
the inside. Well, if not red, at least stridently Zionist. Recently, the Green
Party elected a new leader to replace Elizabeth May, who, it must be
remembered, refused to even answer pleas for her to help her former colleague
political prisoner Monika Schaefer, when she was jailed for 10
months in 2016 for a video she had posted (“Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong
About the Holocaust).
Greens, like their leftist counterparts in the NDP, seem unable to
resist the lure of “diversity”. The NDP chose Turban Guy, Jagmeet
Singh, a media favourite, who promptly lost half their seats in the 2019
election. Much of the party’s base wasn’t so keen on this
“diversity”. Now, the Greens have chosen a Toronto Black Jewish
lawyer, Annamie Paul. She came first of eight candidates. Close runner
up was Dimitri Lascaris of Montreal, who describes himself as an
“eco-socialist”. However, it’s not the degree of state intervention
that can get you kicked out of the Green Party: It’s your commitment to
supporting a foreign state. Lascaris was kicked out of the party
leadership for a while because of his views on Israel and, according to
outgoing leader, Elizabeth May and incoming Zionist Annamie
Paul, Lascaris should be kicked out of the party. The National Post
(October 3, 2020) reports: “At the beginning of the race, frontrunner
Lascaris’ candidacy was rejected by the party’s vetting committee in late May
due to ‘public statements on a number of issues’.
Though the party’s Leadership
Contest Authority did not detail the issues, Lascaris was widely criticized
for an ‘anti-Semitic’ tweet in 2018 accusing two Jewish Liberal MPs of being
more loyal to Israel than their own country.” [How is that anti-Semitic,
if it happens to be true?] Though race frontrunners Paul and Lascaris agree on
many policy decisions, their views on Israel differ strongly.
During the party’s convention in 2016,
Lascaris successfully moved the resolution to support the “Boycott, Divest, and
Sanction” movement — colloquially known as BDS — against Israel.
During her time as leader, May never seemingly officially abided by that
resolution.” [So much for party grassroots democracy! Far from
“telling truth to power”, Elizabeth May was just another party leader
dictator like the Big Three.]
In separate interviews with Global
News published this week, both May and Paul said they thought Lascaris
should have disqualified him from the race. ‘There is no question that the Green
Party has work to do in addressing racism, anti-Semitism, systemic
discrimination in all its forms,’ Paul told Global News. ‘My view and
the party’s views are solid on this: to the extent that anyone who is
running for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada and who has
expressed anti-Semitic views, they shouldn’t have been allowed to run,’ May
added.” [And “anti-Semitic” is criticism of Israel!]
Brave Laval Cop Resigns After Sharing His Doubts About the Lockdown & Then His Business is Firebombed
Laval police officer resigns after posting the pandemic doesn’t exist
Maxime Ouimet, a 12-year veteran of the force, saw his Terrebonne business firebombed hours after one of his Facebook posts.Author of the article:Paul Cherry • Montreal GazettePublishing date:Oct 10, 2020 • Last Updated 5 days ago • 2 minute read
Maxime Ouimet called Premier François Legault a dictator. Facebook
Article content
Laval police officer has resigned from the force after posting comments
on social media denying the existence of the pandemic and calling
Premier François Legault a dictator.
Maxime Ouimet, a 12-year veteran, resigned on Friday, Laval police confirmed to the Montreal Gazette on Saturday.
Laval police officer resigns after posting the pandemic doesn’t exist
Earlier in the week, the Journal de Montréal revealed Ouimet had been assigned to desk duty following his controversial posts.
one, he wrote he would never “destroy” a person’s life by issuing a
ticket for not respecting public health regulations aimed at preventing
the spread of COVID-19.
“I took him off the road in an urgent
way,” Laval police Chief Pierre Brochet told the Journal de Montréal,
adding Ouimet had been assigned to desk duty and was the subject of an
internal investigation.
Among other things, Ouimet wrote he had been working “since the beginning of the crisis and there is no pandemic.”
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He claimed wearing masks was pointless, and that “emergency rooms are empty.”
have been a police officer for 12 years to help, serve and protect the
people. I will no longer be a tool of the government to satisfy and
establish its dictator,” he posted in French on Tuesday.
“I say no to Premier François Legault. What you are doing is illegal and unconstitutional.”
Facebook page — titled Policier du peuple pour le peuple (A police
officer of the people for the people) — includes a photo of Ouimet
wearing his police uniform.
On Thursday, he wrote that his badge “will leave me tomorrow.”
can swear to you that 75 per cent of police officers in Quebec have a
heart of gold like me. They are formidable colleagues who really put
their lives and mental health in peril for citizens every day.”
Article content continued
after Ouimet posted that message, a business he owns in Terrebonne —
Académie Beauté Maudite on Des Entreprises Blvd. — was firebombed.
firefighters arrived, they noticed the salon’s window had been broken.
The building’s sprinkler system had been set off and the fire was
No one has been arrested in connection with the firebombing that took place sometime after 11 p.m. on Thursday.
later confirmed, on a different Facebook page, that someone had tossed a
Molotov cocktail inside his salon. He reported his business was heavily
damaged by water, and he expressed dismay that his 12 employees would
be out of work for weeks.
Ouimet did not reply to a request for an interview.